Experimental Stress Analysis

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Chapter 2-Addendum


For the initial stress element shown, determine the principle stresses and the maximum shear stress and
show these values on properly oriented stress elements
Ref.: Mohrs Circle Construction Example-engr.bd.psu.edu
1. The normal stress on the x-face is 4 !"a. The shear stress on this face is 2 !"a and it has the
tendency to rotate the stress element cloc#wise. $This shear stress is considered to %e &positive'( )e
plot the state of stress of the x-face on the si*ma-tau space as represented %y the red circle in the
!ohr+s circle fi*ure.
2. "lot the state of stress on the positive y-face. The normal stress is -, !"a which is a compressive
stress and a shear stress that tends to rotate the stress element in a counter-cloc#wise fashion. This
point is shown as the %lue circle in the !ohr+s circle fi*ure a%ove.
,. -raw a line %etween these two points. The point where this line crosses the normal stress axis is the
center of !ohr+s circle. The normal stress at center of the circle is the avera*e stress. -raw the circle
EAS 440 ! E"#ER$ME%&A' S&RESS A%A'(S$S
) *ari+ono ,+o+odihard+o
and compute the avera*e stress.
The line from the circle ori*in to the first plotted point $red( represents the orientation of the x-axis of the
initial stress element. The line from the ori*in of the circle to the second plotted point $%lue( represents
the orientation of the y-axis of the initial stress element. .ote that on the initial stress element, these
axes are / de*rees apart. 0n !ohr+s circle, they are twice that, or 11 de*rees apart.
4. A ri*ht trian*le forms %etween the first plotted point and the avera*e stress as shown shaded %lue in
the fi*ure. Compute the len*th of the sides of the trian*le usin* the values of x, av* and xy. Compute the
radius of the circle usin* the "ytha*orean Theorem2
The ma*nitude of the radius is also the ma*nitude of the maximum shear stress.
The rotation on the part %etween the x-axis and the maximum shear and principle stress elements is in
the same direction as is shown on !ohr+s circle. The an*les on the part are 132 the an*les found on
EAS 440 ! E"#ER$ME%&A' S&RESS A%A'(S$S
) *ari+ono ,+o+odihard+o
!ohr+s circle. 4eep in mind that these are the maximum stresses found at one point on the real part.
.ote that the an*le %etween the maximum shear stress and the principle stress elements is 45 de*rees.
These values could easily %e verified usin* the stress transformation e6uations.
EAS 440 ! E"#ER$ME%&A' S&RESS A%A'(S$S
) *ari+ono ,+o+odihard+o

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