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All Things Current: What you'll find in your June 11, 2014, edition

The D.C. Council has set aside $10 million for a Dupont Circle park that would coer part of the
nei!h"orhood#s Connecticut $enue underpass. %Dupont Current& 'o!!( )ottom Current*
/eor!etown Da( 0chool has purchased two commercial properties "( its Tenle(town campus 1
includin! the nei!h"orhood 0afewa( 1 as it seeks to consolidate its campuses. %all editions*
Che( Chase#s In!leside at 2ock Creek retirement communit( is moin! forward with plans to add
new "uildin!s on its 3040 .ilitar( 2oad campus& amid some communit( concern. %Northwest
Three controersial pro5ects are makin! pro!ress toward receiin! Old /eor!etown )oard
approal& "ased on feed"ack the "oard !ae their respectie deelopers on Thursda(.
%/eor!etown Current*
Cappin! seeral da(s that earned 6ilson 7i!h 0chool national reco!nition for its em"race of L/)T
pride& students at the school countered a small !roup of 6est"oro )aptist Church picketers with a
lar!e counterprotest on their campus .onda( mornin!. %all editions*
0ome actiists are callin! for the District to purchase the old 'illmore 0chool in /eor!etown to
address capacit( issues. %all editions*
$ -alisades si8th9!rader has won a /lo"al 7armon( essa( contest after reflectin! on the coura!e
to aoid a !ame of :princesses and serants.; %all edition*
'ormer at9lar!e D.C. Council mem"er Carol 0chwart< shook up the D.C. ma(oral race this week "(
announcin! her candidac( for the cit(#s top 5o". %all editions*
The Tenle(town adisor( nei!h"orhood commission plans to ote tomorrow on whether to support
permanent traffic circles at the intersection of =>nd and 6arren streets. %Northwest Current*
OT7+2 N+60
$ !roup of 0t. $nn#s $cadem( alumni !athered for their ?0
reunion as the school prepares to
close. %all editions*
$ Lo!an Circle resident with complaints a"out a now9closed restaurant located "ehind his home is
suin! his adisor( nei!h"orhood commission and the D.C. !oernment for alle!edl( den(in! a
related 'reedom of Information $ct re@uest he sent in late $pril. %Dupont Current& 'o!!( )ottom
.ore than 140 /eor!etowners raised oer $=>&000 to "eautif( and improe ,olta -ark#s !rounds&
!ardens and pla(!round at a cocktail part( and silent auction 'rida( eenin!. %/eor!etown Current*
ON T7+ .$2A+T
Two lu8ur( condo units in a new /eor!etown canalside "uildin! are aaila"le for $3&?00&000 and
$=&B40&000. %all editions*
O-INION %all editions*
+ditorialC The cit( should moe forward with the >01= attorne( !eneral election that the oters
asked for.
+ditorialC The D.C. Council should hold a hearin! to reiew issues with the school s(stem#s athletics
lea!ue& particularl( !ien the man( pro"lems pla!uin! the recent soft"all season.
0-O2T0 %Northwest Current& /eor!etown Current*
0t. Dohn#s "ase"all now "oasts another /atorade -la(er of the Eear and three more alumni who#e
"een drafted "( ma5or lea!ue teams.
$fter losin! seen starters last (ear& the 6ilson "ase"all team pulled to!ether to win its >>nd
DCI$$ title win.
+dmund )urke presents :'ools&; 0chool 6ithout 6alls seniors reflect in rh(me& and other reports
from local schools. %all editions*
$L0O IN T7+ CU22+NT
Crime report
$disor( nei!h"orhood commission reports and a!endas
2eports from local citi<ens associations
Calendar of the week#s eents
Classified ads and serice director(
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The Current comes out in print eer( 6ednesda( and is posted online on Thursda(s at
currentnewspapers.comFarchie.php and issuu.comFcurrentnewspapers. To reach The Current with a news tip&
correction& adertisin! in@uir(& or other @uestion or comment& email or
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