Hydraulic Fracturing in The Marcellus Shale: Water and Health, Facts Vs Fiction

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+(),(9-8 Copyright 201! by American Council on Science ano Health. All rights
reserveo. No part ol this book may be useo or reproouceo in any matter whatsoever
without written permission except in the case ol briel quotations embooieo in critical
articles ano reviews. Ior more inlormation, contact:
American Council on Science ano Health
199 Broaoway, Suite 202
New York, New York 10023-8o0
Tel. ,212, 3o2-70!!. Iax ,212, 3o2-!919
URL: http:www.acsh.org. Email: acshacsh.org
Fublisher Name: American Council on Science ano Health
Title: Hyoraulic Iracturing in the Marcellus Shale: Water ano Health, Iacts Vs. Iiction
Frice: S1!.9
Author: Dr. Theooore I. Them
Subject ,general,: Science ano Health
Fublication Year: 201!
Binoing Type ,i.e. perlect ,solt, or harocover,: Ferlect
ISBN: 978-0-99100-1-2
!"#$%&'( *+,(&%- +( .&%#(&# '(/ 0#'-12
#$%% '($)*'+, -./0/
Associate Director ol the Southwest
Fennsylvania Environmental Health Froject
!"!#$$%&' )*
1$2.3)% .4%%350, 10, 6321+, 6324)1,
Toxicologist at Glen Ialls Hospital
+,-. /%,,0' 12
357.45+ #/ 8($--4, 10, 1-.
Associate Fhysician, Section ol
Occupational Meoicine, Guthrie
Clinic, Lto.
3%&$-' )*
$*332 4((
Research lellow at The Heartlano Institute
456"%78' 9:
7.) 31)($235 24952$% 45 *2$)52) 350 .)3%7.
3--()2$37)* 7.) 2457($:97$45* 46 7.) 64%%4;$58
$50$<$093%* ;.4 ()<$);)0 7.$* ()-4(7
:);-9<'0#.0=0-,28 The paper relies on the work ol numerous researchers in
many nelos, ano these are relerenceo. A number ol oistinguisheo reviewers gave excel-
lent comments ano are gratelully acknowleogeo.
ConBict oI intorost. None oeclareo.
Author inIornntion. Dr. Theooore I. Them is currently the Chiel ol the Section
ol Occupational ano Environmental Meoicine with Guthrie Meoical Group in Sayre,
Fennsylvania. He got his B.A. in Chemistry lrom Gettysburg College, his M.S. in
chemistry lrom the University ol New Mexico, his Fh.D. in theoretical inorganic ano
bioinorganic chemistry lrom the University ol New Mexico ano his MFH lrom the
Meoical College ol Wisconsin. Throughout his prolessional career, Dr. Them has oone
research as an environmental analytical chemist specializing in lorensic chemistry, but
has workeo in the area ol environmental ano occupational meoicine since 1991. His
special prolessional interests incluoe environmental toxicology, workers`-compensation
law ano wellness programs.
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!"#$%&'( *+,(&%- +( .&%#(&# '(/ 0#'-12
:8 Abstract ................................................................................................................ 7
>8 The Marcellus Shale Deposit ............................................................................... 8
?8 Stuoy Design ano Techniques ............................................................................ 13
@8 Stuoy Results ...................................................................................................... 1
A8 Discussion ........................................................................................................... 23
B8 Conclusions ........................................................................................................ 29
C8 Relerences .......................................................................................................... 33
73:%) 46 2457)57*
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Increaseo awareness about using a highly technical process calleo
hyoraulic lracturing to recover natural gas trappeo oeep within the
Marcellus shale has createo questions about relateo human-health
ano environmental impacts. Associateo arguments, both pro ano
con, have olten been subjective, emotional, ano unscientinc. This
paper is aimeo at a systematic, objective review ol oocumenteo
types ano rates ol hyorolracturing-nuio- ano chemical-relateo
incioents anecting human health, to oate, in the region ol the
Marcellus Shale Flay.
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Also known as the Marcellus Shale Flay, the Marcellus Iormation, or, simply, the
Marcellus, this crescent-shapeo, organic-rich, Mioole Devonian shale oeposit spans
the ,subsurlace, oistance lrom Albany, New York, through much ol upstate New York,
more than hall ol Fennsylvania ,excluoing mainly the southeastern area,, small areas
ol northwestern New Jersey, northwestern Marylano, eastern Ohio, ano western Vir-
ginia, virtually all ol West Virginia, ano relatively inconsequential parts ol both eastern
Kentucky ano northeast Tennessee ,see +(.&$0 >, below,.
+(.&$0 >8 Thickness map ol the Marcellus Shale.
Mooineo alter: Uniteo States Geological Survey, Open-Iile Report 200o-
1237, Assessment ol Appalachian Basin Oil ano Gas Resources: Devonian
Shale-Mioole ano Upper Faleozoic Total Fetroleum System, by Robert Milici
ano Christopher Swezey ;<<<=7-8,87&="8>?%$@6",-0? >%$"-,,#0A05%,-=05@>,B.
7.) 13(2)%%9* *.3%) 0)-4*$7
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+(.&$0 > ,previous page, shows the Marcellus shale to vary lrom only 0 leet to 20
leet in total thickness throughout its course.
+(.&$0 ? ,below, shows the approximate oepth to the base ol the Marcellus Shale
throughout its course, that varying lrom 3,000-9,000 leet.
+(.&$0 ?8 Frepareo using the map by Robert Milici ano Christopher Swezey above ano aooing
oepth-to-Marcellus contours publisheo by Wallace oe Witt ano others. 1993, Uniteo States Depart-
ment ol Energy Report: The Atlas ol Major Appalachian Gas Flays ;<<<=7-8,87&="8>?%$@6",-0?
!"#$%&'() +$%),&$(-. (- ,/0 1%$)0''&2 3/%'0
The Marcellus Shale unoerlies terrain as varieo as major metropolitan areas ano
vast stretches ol rural, northeastern America. It is estimateo to harbor more than 00
trillion cubic leet ol natural gas, mainly methane, with an estimateo wellheao value ol
S1 trillion.
That accounts lor roughly one nlth ,1, ol all natural gas ,recoverable,
reserves in the entire U.S., which were estimateo at 2,38! trillion cubic leet in 2012
When compareo against global natural gas reserves estimateo at o,707 trillion cubic
in 2011, the Marcellus reserves represent an impressive 7. ol that total. At the
current rate, the U.S. annually consumes roughly 2. trillion cubic leet ol natural gas
meaning that the Marcellus alone coulo supply enough natural gas to meet U.S. neeos
lor nearly 20 years. The 2,38! trillion cubic leet ol total, U.S.-baseo natural-gas reserves,
in turn, coulo supply, at present rates, this nation`s natural-gas neeos lor roughly 93 years.
The Marcellus is characterizeo as a tight shale, with lew naturally-occurring verti-
cal lractures ,joints,, thereby currently necessitating the application ol horizontal,
subsurlace orilling techniques, with engineering proceoures that invoke subsequent,
high-pressure, high-volume hyoraulic lracturing ,HVHI, ano relateo techniques in
oroer to make gas recovery both voluminous ano nnancially leasible. Tight shales
require lracturing because, although they are very porous, those pores are not intercon-
necteo ano are also known as not permeable because ol this. The lracturing process
creates an artincial permeability by breaking these rocks apart ano therelore allowing
natural gas to now up through the well. The lack ol ,natural, vertical joints is actually a
huge benent lrom a salety perspective in that vertical lractures woulo lacilitate methane
migration upwaro, towaro the surlace.
Typical HVHI nuios ,HVHIIs, contain oinerent chemicals ol various types, manu-
lacture, ano concentration, incluoing water ,3-9M gallonswell, 9M being on the high
sioe,, sano ,a proppant, useo to shore open the thousanos ol shale cracks
resulting lrom the hyorolracturing process,, biocioes, rustscale inhibitors, acioizers
,acioiners,, other pH-aojusting agents, breakers, oxygen scavengers, crosslinkers, clay
inhibitors, clay stabilizers, gelling agents, surlactants, ano others. Some ol these
lormulations remain proprietary, some have been maoe public.
Water ano sano,
together, comprise some 99.o ol typical HVHIIs, ano the remaining chemicals just
oescribeo comprise the remaining 0.! ol these typical HVHIIs. Representative,
contributory lractions to that 0.! multichemical content ol the HVHIIs are seen in
+(.&$0 @, below.
!"#$%&'( *+,(&%- +( .&%#(&# '(/ 0#'-12
Despite the routine presence ol similar, or ioentical, chemicals in many American
looostuns, meoications, cosmetics, ano householo cleaners
in much higher concen-
trations, much has been publisheo about potential environmental ano human-health
impact lrom the latter components ol the HVHIIs.
,There are literally hunoreos ol
similar publications, easily louno on the Internet, however, the citeo source serves to
exemplily, in general, this phenomenon., However, most ol these latter types ol reler-
ences are oevoio ol critical analyses ano oiscussions ol oose-response relationships
so germane to relateo toxicity arguments. Moreover, to oate, relatively little has been
publisheo regaroing %"@#%, Marcellus-relateo HVHII-relateo incioents, their natures,
their numbers, their geographic locations, their rates, their verincations, anoor their
true ,not imagineo, hypothesizeo, or theorizeo, ultimate impact,s, along these lines.
The hyorolracturing process is associateo with both natural ano engineereo barriers
to natural-gas now, leakage, ano contamination lrom the Marcellus wells, incluoing
oistanceoepth, steel ano cementsteel well casings, blow-out preventers, pressure sen-
sors, ano many complex series ol control valves ano manilolos. A relateo oiagram ol
the overall structural setup in a typical Marcellus well is seen in +(.&$0 A, next page.
Chemical-transportation controls, specincally, involve appropriately rateo vehicles,
the routine use ol leoerally manoateo vehicle placaroing, ano controlleo volumes ol
HVHII chemicals. Wellsite surlace-salety controls require controlleo accesssecurity,
chemical isolationprotection, ano personal protective equipment ,FFE, lor nearby
workers ol many traoes. Surlace controls at the wellheao also incluoe pressure-rateo
plumbing ano haroware, pressure ano now sensorsalarms, impermeable surlace
grouno mats, mixing ano injecting controllers, holoingwaste ponos, recoveringre-
+(.&$0 @8 Sample Iracture Iluio Composition by Weight.` As seen in the oralt Supplemen-
tal Generic Environmental Impact Statement on natural gas orilling by the New York Depart-
ment ol Environmental Conservation Division ol Mineral Resources ;<<<=C$8C#D,6"%=8$7?E-%@#$-?
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Down-hole salety measures concerning HVHIIs also incluoe pressure-rateo plumb-
ing ano haroware, well casings ,typically now triple-steelcement in the area ol
grounowater aquilers ano the vertical component ol the well shalts,, blowout preven-
ters, nowpositionpressure monitors ano sensors, ano simple geologic oepth. Despite
these numerous saleguaros, there remains a great oeal ol public skepticism about their
reliability ano enectiveness in preventing HVHII contamination ol wellsite surlaces,
grounowater, air, ano surlace water.
!"#$%&' )'**+
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@4"' &<%6 R- /44&2%** /#'*71 *%#7 45& D4%* A41& &4 D4%* A41&
+(.&$0 A8 Typical wellsite engineering at a Marcellus hyorolracturing site ;<<<=%.%G%$K8="8>?
cycling, ano processing ol HVHII chemicals. In the active-orilling Marcellus zones,
nowback water is subject to processingcleanup prior to oischarge, ano as much as
90 ol that nowback water is re-useo at oinerent well sites.
!"#$%&'( *+,(&%- +( .&%#(&# '(/ 0#'-12
This is an observational stuoy whose goal is to objectively characterize ano quantily
any ano all subsurlace, HVHI-relateo incioents that, to oate, have actually aoversely al-
lecteo human health in the oistribution ol natural-gas orilling ano proouction activities
in the Marcellus. This stuoy is restricteo to the actual hyorolracturing process itsell, not
to the surlace activities ol orilling, the subsurlace activities ol orilling, the builoing ol
relateo roaos or pipelines, or the processes ol casing a well all ol which are common
to orilling ol any well lor any purpose, incluoing at least 1 million oomestic water
,2007 oata, ano at least 82,000 active oil ano gas wells
,2009 oata, orilleo in the
U.S. since 1821, ano the 2. million total wells ,incluoing both active ano inactive oil
ano gas, orilleo in the U.S. since 190.
The New York State Department ol Environ-
mental Conservation has inoepenoently enoorseo the essential equivalence ol HVHI
ano other types ol orilling, stating, in its own woros, Except lor special tools useo un-
oergrouno, horizontal orilling is perlormeo using the same equipment ano technology
as vertical orilling, with the same protocols in place lor aquiler protection, nuio contain-
ment, ano waste hanoling.
This stuoy also only concerns itsell with oocumenteo,
aoverse human-health impact to oate, not luture impact,s, ol any sort.
The nine states overlying the Marcellus Shale oeposit ,Kentucky, Marylano, New
Jersey, New York, Ohio, Fennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, ano West Virginia, were
querieo, in writing, by way ol their respective Departments ol Health ,DOH,, Depart-
ments ol Environmental FrotectionConservation ,DEF or DEC,, on March 07, 2013,
as well as via their respective U.S. Environmental Frotection Agency ,US EFA, Regional
Omces ano the US EFA heaoquarters in Washington, D.C., ,on April 18, 2013, with
respect to several key pieces ol oata. Those requests, placeo with these various agencies
unoer applicable state ano leoeral lreeoom-ol-inlormation legislation, were lor the lol-
lowing ano were relateo only to Marcellus Shale hyorolracturing activities:
*790+ 0)*$85 350 7)2.5$E9)*
!"#$%&'() +$%),&$(-. (- ,/0 1%$)0''&2 3/%'0
>8 Investigations ano relateo summaries, letters, memoranoa, reports, nnoings, ano
outcomes ol any surlace ,above-grouno, incioent,s, involving hyorolracturing nuios
anoor their constituent chemicals in which human health anoor the local envi-
ronment was, or may have been, aoversely impacteo, listeo by county, citytown
townshiplocation, oate, ano time.
?8 Investigations ano relateo summaries, letters, memoranoa, reports, nnoings, ano
outcomes ol any oown-hole ,below-grouno, incioent,s, involving hyorolracturing
nuios anoor their constituent chemicals in which human health anoor the local
environment was, or may have been, aoversely impacteo, listeo by county, city
towntownshiplocation, oate, ano time.
@8 Investigations ano relateo summaries, letters, memoranoa, reports, nnoings, ano
outcomes ol any subsurlace ,below-grouno, or grouno-water incioent,s, involving
hyorolracturing nuios anoor their constituent chemicals in which human health
anoor the local environment was, or may have been, aoversely impacteo, listeo by
county, citytowntownshiplocation, oate, ano time.
A8 Frecise number ol gas wells permitteo, as well as the actual number ol gas wells
orilleo, listeo by county, citytowntownshiplocation, ano oate.
Aooitionally, as the above-requesteo, written inlormation was receiveo, other, secono-
ary, private-, state-, ano leoeral-level sources ol germane oata were ioentineo, those
were pursueo towaro similar enos ano were incluoeo in this assessment.
!"#$%&'( *+,(&%- +( .&%#(&# '(/ 0#'-12
ano no
actual orilling
HVHI activity in
ano no actual
activity in state
NDF, with no actual
activity in state
2813 ano
NDF, with claims
that the Marcellus
Shale is not present
in KY ano no actual
activity in state
NDF ano RTO ano
no actual orilling
HVHI activity
in state
NDF ano no actual
activity in state
NDF on items 1-3
ol request ano RTO
re item ! o1213
ano NDF ano RTO
S3 PR:6
NDF, Region

Region 3:
Approx !0

incioents involving
spills into navigable
ano NDF
oirectly regaroing
HVHI activity
Region 2:
No recoros release
without paio lee, lee
waiver oenieo NA
Region 2:
No recoros release
without paio lee, lee
waiver oenieo NA
U%V'0 > summarizes the results receiveo lrom each respective state`s Department ol
Health ,DOH, ano Department ol Environmental ConservationFrotection ,DECF, ano
lrom the US EFA Regional Omce overseeing that state ,US EFA,. ,Note: All relerences
to human-health impact,s, hereinalter specincally reler to aoverse ones, not otherwise.,
*790+ ()*9%7*
*737) 38)52+, ()*-45*), 350 037) 46 ()*-45*)
!"#$%&'() +$%),&$(-. (- ,/0 1%$)0''&2 3/%'0
M! R: UK 7: 57
,last response,
ano RTO
ano no actual
activity in state
NIR, with inoirect
response lrom OH
ano RTO
NAI ano RTO,
with claims that the
Marcellus Shale is
not present in TN
NDF, with no
actual orilling
HVHI activity in
NIR ano RTO,
with inoirect
response lrom the
WV Dept. ol Env.
Health Svcs.
NDF ano RTO,
Region 3:
Approx !0
incioents involving
spills into navigable
ano NDF
oirectly regaroing
HVHI activity
NDF, Region !
Region 3:
Approx !0
incioents involving
spills into navigable
ano NDF
oirectly regaroing
HVHI activity
Region 3:
Approx !0
incioents involving
spills into navigable
ano NDF
oirectly regaroing
HVHI activity
NRM none relateo to the Marcellus Shale
NDF no oocuments pertainingresponsive to the questions poseo
RTO relerreo to other oatabase or inlormation source
NIR no nnal response receiveo to oate ,inquiry receipt, however, was acknowleogeo,
NAI not aware ol any such incioent,s,.
Verbal communication with US EFA, Region 3, April 19, 2013, renecting US EFA`s
involvement in these cases, none with oocumenteo human-health impact. The approximately !0
incioents in US EFA Region 3 renect the total number ol incioents within the lour states listeo
above, which lall into US EFA Region 3 here ,MD, FA, VA, ano WV,, without lurther specincs.
NA not applicable, no Marcellus orilling in NJ or NY
U%V'0 >8 Frimary state- ano leoeral-baseo responses to written inquiries citeo above. ,DOH
Department ol Health, DECF Department ol Environmental ConservationFrotection, US EFA
Uniteo States Environmental Frotection Agency, by region,.
!"#$%&'( *+,(&%- +( .&%#(&# '(/ 0#'-12
In short, ano as shown in U%V'0 > ,above,, nve ,, ol the nine ,9, potentially anecteo
states namely, Kentucky, Marylano, New Jersey, Tennessee, ano Virginia as ol this
writing have not experienceo any orilling activity or, therelore, any relateo HVHII
use or incioents in the Marcellus. New York ,belore the current orilling ban on HVHI
,see page 2 ,, Ohio, Fennsylvania, ano West Virginia, on the other hano, have experi-
enceo such activity, albeit with no connrmeo incioents proven to have impacteo human
health in the latter three states. US EFA Region 2, covering New York has, to oate, not
provioeo any nnal response,s, to the questions poseo, a lee-waiver appeal to US EFA
heaoquarters in Washington, D.C., regaroing associateo inlormation-release costs has
been oenieo as ol this writing. The inoivioual US EFA Regional Omces where there is
current Marcellus activity, however, oio respono to the inquiries, ano resultant oata are
listeo below.
Fursuant to receipt ano analysis ol the inlormation citeo in U%V'0 > ,above,, lormally
recommenoeo, seconoary sources ol potentially pertinent inlormation were pursueo.
Those sources are summarizeo in U%V'0 ? ,below,. Marylano, New Jersey, Tennessee,
ano Virginia have been excluoeo lrom U%V'0 ? oue to lack ol relateo orilling activity
in those states. ,When this Table was createo, it was not yet evioent that there was no
relateo orilling activity in Kentucky.,
*737) 4( 9* )-3 ()8$45 *49(2)
W-,0$-0, M,/0$ :.0-)" M,/0$ W-#(X(#&%'
None Kentucky Division ol
Oil ano Gas
KI None None None
None Ohio Department ol
Natural Resources
FA DEF eIacts
None Ms. Laura Legere, Journalist, The Scranton Times-
Tribune, 1!9 Fenn Ave., Scranton, FA 1803
Fhone: 70-3!9-9100
,No longer employeo there.,
>#$K&A@-0@6.7A>-@58G0AH=HUVHWUP ano
"8>C,%6.@0A>%CAH=HUVIVJX ano
57 None None None
S3 PR:
T0.(9- @
U%V'0 ?. Seconoary inlormation sources resulting lrom primary contacts listeo in Table 1, above.
!"#$%&'() +$%),&$(-. (- ,/0 1%$)0''&2 3/%'0
U%V'0 @ ,below, summarizes the nnoings ol the Fennsylvania Department ol Envi-
ronmental Frotection`s ,FA DEF`s, lormal nnoings in the matter ol 973 separate prop-
erties that were either sent letters or were nameo in consent oroers between the start ol
2008 ano lall 2012 ,roughly September,. Unlortunately, the letters are not necessarily
very specinc about what causeo a oisruption to the citeo water supplies. What one can
nno in the spreaosheet in U%V'0 ? ,oatabase collecteo by Laura Legere relerence,, 9o9
cases, ano lour ,!, aooitionally, recently reporteo cases oescribeo in a private commu-
nication ol August 12, 2013, with the author ol that spreaosheet, unoer the causality
establisheo nelo, is whether or not FA DEF maoe a nnal oetermination that oil ano gas
operations ol any kino were to blame lor either oiminishing the water now or polluting the
water source.
R: JPRY2 +(-#(-.2
in 973 Cnsos oI
R9''&,(9- 9$
S-)'0%$ 9$
UnBnishod nt Tino
oI Writing
K9 J$(''(-.\
T0'%,0# W=[%),
Nunbor oI Cnsos 1o2
U%V'0 @8 Fennsylvania Department ol Environmental Frotection`s ,FA DEF`s, nnoings in 9o9
cases ol interest.
Diminution is meant to oenne otherwise-inexplicable orawoown on, or reouction in, local
grounowater supplies.
Latest, single case reporteo actually preceoes the perioo ol interest ,2008-2013, by 3 years,
at which time there was no orilling or HVHI activity in the Marcellus.
Three ,3, ol these cases were reporteo alter the original publication ;5@@C0Q??
G,=G$8CD8F#0-$"8.@-.@="8>?# ?U[H[JI[\?3"$%.@8.SS]+T]OS^="0RB citeo above ano remaineo unoe-
termineo as ol this writing.
!"#$%&'( *+,(&%- +( .&%#(&# '(/ 0#'-12
U%V'0 B8 Fennsylvania Department ol Environmental Frotection`s ,FA DEF`s, lormal nnoings
in 1o cases ol what it oetermineo were water supplies contaminateo by oil ano gas activities. With
respect to column 2, above, it is not clear as to whether or not the FA DEF oinerentiateo, or even
trieo to oinerentiate, between biogenic methane or thermogenic ,lossil-sourceo, methane species.
U%V'0 B ,below, lurther elucioates oetaileo nnoings by the FA DEF regaroing cases in
which it oetermineo that a water supply was, inoeeo, contaminateo by oil or gas activi-
ties, as listeo in the spreaosheet oescribeo above.

Q9=['%(-,24 >G?
Q9=['%(-,24 E@G
:,,$(V&,0# ,9 M(' %-#
^%2 M[0$%,(9-2
o 11
K9, :,,$(V&,0# ,9 M('
%-# ^%2 M[0$%,(9-2
9o 3 o11
S-#0,0$=(-0# 1
0 o8
U%V'0 A. Fennsylvania Department ol Environmental Frotection`s ,FA DEF`s, investigative
categories, relateo numbers, ano oetaileo nnoings.
Diminution is meant to oenne otherwise-inexplicable orawoown on, or reouction in,
local grounowater supplies.
Although unoetermineo regaroing causation, the oil ano gas company in question,
accoroing to the sources citeo above, orilleo a new water well lor the resioent-complainant.
Apparently sourceo lrom a nearby, abanooneo well.
-3 0)-F* 64(13% $5<)*7$837$<) 237)84($)* 350 591:)(* $5 )32. 237)84(+
-3 0)-F* 0)73$%)0 6$50$58*
The FA DEF`s letters in these matters
almost never citeo a specinc cause ol contam-
ination, but when they oio, the causes were not typically oue to unoergrouno HVHI
activities, they were typically surlace phenomena, as shown in U%V'0 C ,below,.
PA DEP`s Fornnl Findings nnd Cntogorios Rognrding 156 Cnsos oI Wntor
3&[['(02 Q9-,%=(-%,0# V" M(' %-# ^%2 :),(X(,(02
oI Cnsos
Elevateo Methane Alone or Methane Flus Other Elevateo Farameters ,TDS |total
oissolveo solios|, barium, manganese, iron, etc.,.
Impact, Without Ioentincation ol Specinc Cause 23
Elevateo Levels or Concentrations ol TDS ,total oissolveo solios,, Chlorioe, Sooium,
Manganese, Iron, Barium, Strontium, Turbioity anoor Aluminum
Oil 1
U%V'0 A ,below, lurther oetails FA DEF`s lormal nnoings, as seen in the spreaosheet
citeo in U%V'0 ?.
!"#$%&'() +$%),&$(-. (- ,/0 1%$)0''&2 3/%'0
U%V'0 C. Fennsylvania Department ol Environmental Frotection`s ,FA DEF`s, causation categori-
zations regaroing water-supply contamination relateo to Marcellus operations.
U%V'0 D. Connrmeo numbers ano types ol HVHI-relateo incioents by state, as oeriveo lrom both
primary ano seconoary inlormation sources oescribeo in Tables 1 ano 2 ,above,, respectively.
Suggesting, per FA DEF, an innltration ol lrac water into the shallow grouno water, generally
lrom a surlace oischarge.
NIR no nnal response receiveo to oate ,inquiry receipt, however, was acknowleogeo,.
FA DEF Fennsylvania Department ol Environmental Frotection.
WV DHHRBFH West Virginia Department ol Health ano Human ResourcesBureau ol
Fublic HealthOmce ol Environmental Health Services.
Ol note, per the author ol spreaosheet citeo in Table 2, which leao to U%V'0 C
,above,, none ol the letters ano oroers I revieweo ever noteo contamination causeo by
hyoraulic lracturing oirectly
,emphasis aooeo,.
U%V'0 D ,below, summarizes the connrmeo numbers ano types ol incioents, in total,
by state, oiscovereo ouring the review ol all inquiry-relateo responses shown in U%V'0 >
,above, ano all seconoary sources ol inlormation shown in U%V'0 ? ,above,. Kentucky,
Marylano, New Jersey, Tennessee, ano Virginia have been excluoeo lrom U%V'0 D oue
to lack ol relateo orilling activity in those states.
R: JPRY2 Q%&2%,(9- Q%,0.9$(a%,(9-2
T0.%$#(-. 5%,0$\3&[['" Q9-,%=(-%,(9-
Nunbors oI Honos or
Springs A0octod
Drilling ano Drilling-Relateo Roao Construction 2 Homes
Impounoment Construction 1 Home
Fipeline Construction 2 Homes
Stray Cement or Cuttings 7 Homes
Brine Contamination
o Springs
Hyoraulic Iracturing, Directly 0 Homes, 0 Springs
P-X($9-=0-,%'6 %'' ,"[02
P-X($9-=0-,%'6 <(,/ J9)&=0-,0#
!&=%-\!0%',/ W=[%),
M! 0 0
All ol US EFA Region 3: total ol !!0 spills into
navigable waters. FA DEF
: Total ol 1o2
US EFA Region 3: 0
All ol US EFA Region 3: total ol !!0 spills into navi-
gable waters. WV DHHRBFHOEHS
: 0
US EFA Region 3: 0
*737) 591:)(* 350 7+-)* 46 $52$0)57*
!"#$%&'( *+,(&%- +( .&%#(&# '(/ 0#'-12
3,%,0 Nunbor oI Wolls
HI 0
1J 0
KL 0
lrom the NY DOH, NY DEC answereo in part, with the statement
oescribeo below ,page 2, but releaseo no nnal, conclusive oata
M! !o0
R: 8,982 to 9,8!8
UK 0
7: 0
57 approximately 1100
Regaroing the approximately !0 incioents ol spills into navigable waters citeo by
US EFA Region 3 ,see U%V'0 ?, above,, which covers Delaware, the District ol Co-
lumbia, Marylano, Fennsylvania, Virginia, ano West Virginia, this author was unable
to connrm each ano every one ol those incioents lrom the relerenceo web site. Ior
example, some ol the citations in the U.S. Coast Guaro`s relateo web site oescribeo
reports ol inoiviouals who were worrieo about local hyorolracturing activities or who
reporteo oil leaking lrom a gasnelo-amliateo truck onto a neighbor`s oriveway or into
the neighboring street incioents that may renect inoirect, but not oirect, relationships
to HVHI activities. Given this, it is clear that what iswas characterizeo as spills into
navigable waters ooes not necessarily constitute, as just stateo, activities linkeo G6$-"@,&
to the hyorolracturing process itsell ano were not lurther consioereo.
Moreover, while the US EFA Heaoquarters was unwilling to surrenoer relateo oocu-
ments without receipt ol some potentially prohibitive lees, even alter a lormal ano
relateo lee-waiver appeal, each ol the inoepenoently querieo Regional Omces ol con-
cern, except Regions 2, answereo this stuoy`s inquiries with a unilorm answer ol no
oata responsive to such inquiries. Region 2 ol the US EFA, like US EFA Heaoquar-
ters, requireo a lee lor release ol relateo recoros, however, neither NY nor NJ has active
Marcellus orilling. These collective lacts renoer the relateo inlormation kept at both US
EFA Region 2 ano US EFA Heaoquarters in Washington, D.C., moot. The inlormation
eventually gleaneo lrom US EFA Region 3 regaroing the hyorolracturing process itsell,
was, in turn, no oata responsive to the inquiry placeo through that omce. ,This au-
thor wishes to note the cooperative ano inlormative nature ol all communications, both
written ano verbal, with US EFA Region 3 in this process, assigneo personnel there
were eager to provioe accurate inlormation ano oio so in a surprisingly rapio, proles-
sional, ano comprehensive manner, with appropriate lollow up.,
U%V'0 E ,below, shows the actual number ol natural gas wells orilleo, as ol this writ-
ing, using HVHI, state by state, in the Marcellus Shale, with relateo relerences.
U%V'0 E. Number ol natural-gas wells orilleo, as ol this writing, using HVHI, state by state,
in the Marcellus Shale, with relateo relerences.
!"#$%&'() +$%),&$(-. (- ,/0 1%$)0''&2 3/%'0
U%V'0 F ,below, shows the incioence ,rate, ol environmental incioents ano environ-
mental incioents with oocumenteo human-health impact oirectly oue to HVHI activ-
ity, per 100 wells orilleo in the Marcellus Shale, using HVHI technology, in each state.
These oata oerive lrom above-citeo inlormation ano relateo calculations.
U%V'0 F. Incioence ,rate, ol environmental incioents ano environmental incioents with oocu-
menteo human-health impact, per 100 wells orilleo in the Marcellus Shale, using HVHI technology,
in each state.
NIR no nnal response receiveo to oate ,inquiry receipt, however, was acknowleogeo,.
See >%$"-,,#0G$6,,6.7="8>?JIH\?I[?,%@-0@A85A#@6"%A.#>D-$0A[HVAC-$>6@0AUXIA<-,,0AG$6,,-G?. ,Caveat: This
appears to be a combineo number lor both Marcellus ano Utica shale plays in Ohio.,
See 0@%@-6>C%"@=.C$=8$7?C-..0&,R%.6%?@%7? >%$"-,,#0A,8"%@68.0A%CC? %.G <<<=8568="8>?D,870?G$6,,6.7?8568A#@6"%A
05%,-AH=JVHJVI? C-..0&,R%.6%A5%0AVA[U[A>%$"-,,#0A05%,-A<-,,0AH=\HIJW[=
Fersonal communication, Thomas J. Aluise, West Virginia Department ol Environmental Fro-
tection, August 8, 2013.
NA - not applicable to this state, no Marcellus wells orilleo.
NIIR no nnal ngures receiveo as ol this writing.
HI 1J KL KI M! R: UK 7: 57
0 1.o!-
<(,/ J9)&=0-,0#
W=[%), J($0),'" J&0
,9 !7!+ :),(X(,"
*737) $52$0)52) 46 <3($49* 7+-)* 46 $52$0)57* G-)( CDD 13(2)%%9*H.<.6
;)%%* 0($%%)0I
!"#$%&'( *+,(&%- +( .&%#(&# '(/ 0#'-12
One might reasonably question the propriety ol contacting the US EFA ano the
respective states` Departments ol Health ano Departments ol Environmental Frotec-
tionConservation lor health inlormation relateo to this matter. That is to say, were
these the correct agencies to query with respect to human-health oata relateo to orill-
ingproouction in the Marcellus? That answer may be objectively gleaneo lrom the
respective mission statements ol these agencies.
The US EFA lists its mission as the lollowing.
S5- >60068. 8E _)* 60 @8 !"#$%&$ ()*+, (%+-$( %.G @5- -.R6$8.>-.@=
_)*`0 C#$C80- 60 @8 -.0#$- @5%@Q
oll Jori.oo or rt.tc fro ioif.oot ri/ t ()*+, (%+-$( %.G @5- -.R6$8.>-.@ <5-$-
@5-& ,6R-' ,-%$. %.G <8$Ka
ootiool prt t rco. o.iroootol ri/ or ooc o t/ ot o.oilool .iotif. iofrootio;
E-G-$%, ,%<0 C$8@-"@6.7 ()*+, (%+-$( ooc t/ o.irooot or ofr.c foirl, ooc p.ti.l,;
-.R6$8.>-.@%, C$8@-"@68. 60 %. 6.@-7$%, "8.06G-$%@68. 6. b=3= C8,6"6-0 "8."-$.6.7 .%@#$%, $-08#$"-0'
()*+, (%+-$(' -"8.8>6" 7$8<@5' -.-$7&' @$%.0C8$@%@68.' %7$6"#,@#$-' 6.G#0@$&' %.G 6.@-$.%A
@68.%, @$%G-' %.G @5-0- E%"@8$0 %$- 06>6,%$,& "8.06G-$-G 6. -0@%D,6056.7 -.R6$8.>-.@%, C8,6"&a
%,, C%$@0 8E 08"6-@& c "8>>#.6@6-0' 6.G6R6G#%,0' D#06.-00-0' %.G 0@%@-' ,8"%, %.G @$6D%, 78R-$.A
oot /o. o.. t o..orot iofrootio op.iot t p.ti.l, orti.iot io ooooio
()*+, (%+-$( %.G -.R6$8.>-.@%, $60K0a
-.R6$8.>-.@%, C$8@-"@68. "8.@$6D#@-0 @8 >%K6.7 8#$ "8>>#.6@6-0 %.G -"80&0@->0 G6R-$0-' 0#0@%6.%D,-
%.G -"8.8>6"%,,& C$8G#"@6R-a %.G
@5- b.6@-G 3@%@-0 C,%&0 % ,-%G-$056C $8,- 6. <8$K6.7 <6@5 8@5-$ .%@68.0 @8 C$8@-"@ @5- 7,8D%,
;->C5%060 %GG-GB=
!"#$%&'() +$%),&$(-. (- ,/0 1%$)0''&2 3/%'0
Ol the nine states overlying the Marcellus Shale, nve ,Kentucky, Marylano, New Jer-
sey, Tennessee, ano Virginia, have not experienceo any relateo orilling to oate. Ol the
remaining lour states, only three aomit to active orilling with HVHIIs in the Marcellus
Shale, namely Fennsylvania, Ohio, ano West Virginia. ,New York continues to permit
low-volume, but not high-volume, hyorolracturing, see page 2., Mission statements lor
the Departments ol Health ano Departments ol Environmental FrotectionConserva-
tion lor the latter, three states are as lollows.
The Fennsylvania Department ol Health`s relateo statement is:
The mission ol FA DOH is to promote healthy lilestyles, [$0X0-, (-c&$(02 %-#
#(20%20, ano to ensure the sale oelivery ol quality healthcare lor all Commonwealth
,emphasis aooeo,.
The Fennsylvania Department ol Environmental Frotection lists its mission statement as:
S5- L-C%$@>-.@ 8E _.R6$8.>-.@%, )$8@-"@68.`0 >60068. 60 @8 C$8@-"@ )-..0&,R%.6%`0 %6$' ,%.G %.G <%A
@-$ E$8> C8,,#@68. %.G @8 !"#./0% 1#" $(% (%+-$( +,0 2+1%$3 8E 6@0 "6@6d-.0 @5$8#75 % ",-%.-$
-.R6$8.>-.@= T- <6,, <8$K %0 C%$@.-$0 <6@5 6.G6R6G#%,0' 8$7%.6d%@68.0' 78R-$.>-.@0 %.G D#06.-00-0 @8
C$-R-.@ C8,,#@68. %.G $-0@8$- 8#$ .%@#$%, $-08#$"-0
;->C5%060 %GG-GB=
The Ohio Department ol Health similarly states the matter as:
S5- e568 L-C%$@>-.@ 8E f-%,@5`0 ;eLfB >60068. 60 @8 !"#$%&$ +,0 /*!"#.% $(% (%+-$(
8E %,, e568%.0 D& !"%.%,$/,4 0/2%+2%' C$8>8@6.7 788G 5-%,@5' %.G %00#$6.7 %""-00 @8 g#%,6@&
5-%,@5 "%$-= S8 %""8>C,605 @5%@ 78%,' 6@ 60 6>C8$@%.@ @5%@ <- "8.060@-.@,& $-7#,%@- e568`0 C#D,6" 5-%,@5
;->C5%060 %GG-GB=
Ano, the Ohio Environmental Frotection Agency`s relateo statement is:
e#$ >60068. 60 @8 !"#$%&$ @5- -.R6$8.>-.@ %.G !)5-/& (%+-$( D& -.0#$6.7 "8>C,6%."- <6@5
-.R6$8.>-.@%, ,%<0 %.G G->8.0@$%@6.7 ,-%G-$056C 6. -.R6$8.>-.@%, 0@-<%$G056C
;->C5%060 %GG-GB=
West Virginia`s Department ol Health ano Human Resources statement is:
S5- L-C%$@>-.@ 8E f-%,@5 %.G f#>%. O-08#$"-0` >60068. 60 @8 C$8>8@- %.G C$8R6G- +!!"#!"/6
+$% (%+-$( +,0 ()*+, 2%"./&%2 E8$ @5- C-8C,- 8E T-0@ h6$76.6% 6. 8$G-$ @8 6>C$8R- @5-6$
g#%,6@& 8E ,6E-
;->C5%060 %GG-GB=
Iinally, West Virginia`s Department ol Environmental Frotection`s statement is:
S5- T-0@ h6$76.6% L-C%$@>-.@ 8E _.R6$8.>-.@%, )$8@-"@68.`0 >60068. 60 @8 C$8>8@- % (%+-$(3
;->C5%060 %GG-GB=
These mission statements strongly suggest that these respective agencies were, inoeeo,
the proper ones to contact ano to query, as oescribeo above. While the remaining,
respective Departments ol Health ano Departments ol Environmental Frotection
Conservation in the six ,o, states ,Kentucky, Marylano, New Jersey, New York, Tennes-
see, ano Virginia, overlying the Marcellus shale post similar mission statements, which
!"#$%&'( *+,(&%- +( .&%#(&# '(/ 0#'-12
are easily louno online, these are renoereo moot with respect to relateo queries in the
current absence ol Marcellus HVHI orilling proouction activities in those states.
The State ol New York`s Department ol Health ,DOH, has not, to oate, provioeo a
nnal response to the author`s relateo inquiries oespite repeateo, monthly, oocumenteo
commitments lrom that State to oo so. Accoroingly, there are no oirect oata lrom the
New York DOH to incluoe in this stuoy. There is currently a statewioe ban on fVHI
,with emphasis on the H, in New York since 2008, imposeo by Governor Cuomo,
which is especially curious in light ol the lact that, as publisheo by the New York
Department ol Environmental Conservation itsell, Horizontal orilling has been useo
in New York since the 1980s.
The latter ,horizontal-orilling activity in New York, ap-
parently spanneo nearly three oecaoes ,or more, see below,. The author also requesteo
inlormation similar to that otherwise requesteo, as citeo above, lrom the New York
Department ol Health with respect to any oocumenteo aoverse human-health events
lrom the horizontal orilling that hao been completeo there since the 1980s, but, once
again, New York DOH laileo to provioe any nnal, lormal response whatsoever to that
request to oate. An extensive Internet search by the author has laileo to yielo any con-
nrmeo, oocumenteo impact on human health in New York lrom three or more oecaoes
ol horizontal orilling there, some ol which >#0@ have involveo hyorolracturing. ,The
author has spoken oirectly with one seasoneo well oriller lrom New York who person-
ally revealeo that he hao been hyorolracturing in New York lor over 2 years, with no
problems at all.,
A recent, repeat inquiry on this matter to the New York Department ol Environmen-
tal Conservation has generateo a rather stunning revelation, quoteo verbatim below.
@5- "#$$-.@ i5&G$8E$%"@#$6.7 D%.j 6>C80-G 6. JII[ 60 E8$ 5675 R8,#>- 5&G$%#,6" E$%"@#$6.7
;fhf/B <56"5 6.R8,R-0 0@6>#,%@68. <6@5 7$-%@-$ @5%. [I'III 7%,,8.0 8E <%@-$
,8< R8,#>- 0@6>#,%@68.0 5%R- .8@ D--. D%..-G %.G 5%R- D--. 8""#$$6.7 6. @5- 0@%@- E8$ %CC$8F6A
>%@-,& WI @8 XI &-%$0 ;C-$5%C0 @560 60 <5%@ @5- G$6,,-$ <%0 @$&6.7 @8 "8.R-& @8 &8#B
L_4 -0@6>%@-0 @5%@ VIN 8E %,, 7%0 <-,,0 G$6,,-G 6. @5- 0@%@- $-g#6$-G ,8< R8,#>- E$%"@#$- 0@6>#A
,%@68. 6. %. %@@->C@ @8 "8>>-$"6%,,& C$8G#"- @5- <-,,0
@5- PW'III <-,,0 G$6,,-G 0@%@ 6.",#G-0 >%.& <-,, @&C-0 8@5-$ @5%. 7%0 <-,,0 ;VIN @6>-0 PW'III
<8#,G &6-,G %. 6."8$$-"@ 7%0 <-,, 0@6>#,%@68. @8@%,B
J .ooot r.ic t/ ooor t ,or otio. I r.oooc t/ot ,o fl o FOIL rot if t/ oo.
6.E8$>%@68. G8-0 .8@ >--@ &8#$ .--G0=
Given this, it is evioent that oespite a so-calleo ban on hyorolracturing in New
York, both the techniques ano technologies ol hyorolracturing have remaineo ongo-
ing to oate, albeit with smaller R8,#>-0 ,not necessarily @&C-0, ol hyorolracturing nuios.
Despite this author`s attempts to secure relateo human-health oata lrom both the
New York Department ol Health ano the New York Department ol Environmental
Conservation, neither Department ultimately provioeo such oata. Given, though, that
hyorolracturing in New York has not only been ongoing there lor 0 to o0 years,

!"#$%&'() +$%),&$(-. (- ,/0 1%$)0''&2 3/%'0
ano remains ongoing to oate ,with volumes less than 80,000 gallons,, such horizontal
orilling in New York over those several oecaoes appears to have maintaineo without
any evioent anoor traceable aoverse human-health impact,s,, otherwise, one woulo
have expecteo well publicizeo epioemiologic reports ano traceable human-health oata
on such matters, with a much earlier-imposeo, comprehensive ban on anyall types ano
volumes ol hyorolracturing nuios. That is an implieo salety recoro that has apparently
been overlookeo by that State with respect to its present ban on the same @&C- ol orill-
ing, the only oinerence apparently being the volumes ol hyorolracturing nuios cur-
rently useo to accomplish the same eno result. It is apparently only the absolute R8,#>-0
ol hyorolracturing nuios in HVHI to which New York objects, not the actual @-"5.6g#-
or @-"5.8,87& ol that process. The author physically resioes in an active Marcellus-orilling
zone aojacent to several New York counties that overlie the Marcellus as well, ano it
most certainly is .8@ the author`s experience or opinion that the anti-hyorolracturing activists
in, or resioents ol, those neighboring New York counties are lully aware ol this matter.
71 $(% $("%% 2$+$%2 8/$( +&$/.% 9+"&%--)2 :;:< 0"/--/,4= $8# #1 $(%*=
numeIy Ohio und Heot Virginiu, huze not experienced uny ociuIIy docu6
mented, udzeroe humun-heuIth egecto directIy reIuted to thut uctizity, ezen
8/$( (),0"%02 #1 8%--2 +-"%+03 (+./,4 5%%, 0"/--%0 $(%"%>
Ponnsylvnnin, tho stnto with tho highost lovol oI HVHF nctivity in tho
Mnrcollus, with roughly 10,000 wolls drillod thoro Iron 2008 to dnto, hns
0d[0$(0-)0# $9&./'" AG $0'%,0# 0-X($9-=0-,%' (-)(#0-,2 ef2[(''2 (-,9
-%X(.%V'0 <%,0$2gh (- </()/ ,/0 S3 PR: V0)%=0 (-X9'X0# X(% (,2 T0.(9- @
omco, nono oI which nppnrontly roso to tho lovol oI ndvorso hunnn-honlth
0X0-,28 The US EFA has become embroileo in many cases ol suspecteo, Marcellus-
relateo environmental oisruption, incluoing the inlamous one ol allegeo, wioespreao
grounowater contamination ol oomestic wells by migrating methane in Dimock, Fenn-
, however, the US EFA closeo that investigation, with nnoings that the level
ol contamination was below leoeral salety triggers.
Similarly, the US EFA has either
terminateo anoor otherwise signincantly reviseo its investigations into several other
allegeoly HVHI-relateo incioents in many other statesshale plays.
With respect to the stuoy at hano, the EFA`s total tallies on allegeo, Marcellus-
HVHI-relateo environmental inlractions were sourceo lrom the US EFA Region 3`s
verbal representations to this author ol approximately lorty ,!0, incioents ol spills into
navigable waters that hao risen to its level ol review. US EFA Region 3 holos purview
over several states ol relateo interest, incluoing Marylano ,no Marcellus orilling,, Fenn-
sylvania ,roughly 10,000 Marcellus wells,, Virginia ,no Marcellus orilling,, ano West
Virginia ,roughly 1,100 Marcellus wells,. Ohio, where the remainoer ol the Marcellus-
orilling activity is locateo ,roughly !o0 Marcellus wells,, lalls in US EFA Region , in
which there was no report ol US EFA involvement in any relateo incioent,s,. While
this represents a total US EFA involvement incioence ol roughly !0,10,000 - 1,100
- !o0,, or !011,o0, or 0.3, in the two active US EFA Regions ,3 ano ,, US EFA
Region 3 has also connrmeo no oata responsive to the lormal inquiry. Apparently,
.8.- ol those !0 incioents ol spills into navigable waters rose to the level ol
!"#$%&'( *+,(&%- +( .&%#(&# '(/ 0#'-12
oocumenteo human-health impact lor the roughly 11,100 Marcellus wells in its jurisoic-
tion. US EFA Region 2, which oversees relateo activities in NY ano NJ, where there is
no current Marcellus activity, woulo not release relateo inlormation without potentially
prohibitive, associateo lees. In the absence ol Marcellus activity in NY ano NJ, though,
no relateo human-health impact,s, woulo be expecteo. Accoroingly, absence ol that in-
lormation oio not aoversely anect the conclusions ol this paper. The remainoer ol the
states overlying the Marcellus, incluoing Kentucky, Tennessee, ano Virginia, have not
experienceo any Marcellus-relateo orilling ano, therelore, have experienceo no HVHI-
relateo, oocumenteo environmental or ,aoverse, human-health impact,s,, as suggesteo
by their respective US EFA Regional Omces` responses ol no oata responsive to the
lormal inquiries ol this stuoy.
The Fennsylvania Department ol Environmental Frotection ,FA DEF,, accoroing
to reports publisheo in the 3"$%.@8. S6>-0AS$6D#.- ano by /$%"KS$%"K-$="8> ,see U%V'0 ?,
above,, has been very actively investigating claims ol allegeo oomestic water-well ano
surlace-spring contamination lrom HVHI-relateo orilling, as citeo herein. Ol the
973 complaints along these lines, .8.- was oetermineo to be G6$-"@,& causally relateo to
HVHI activity. Many ol the FA DEF`s citeo oata points lack precise oates ,reoacteo,,
making it impossible to analyze such oata lor seasonal anoor rainlall-inouceo enects
ol potential interest.
While the presence ol methane in oomestic water was, in some cases, oetermineo by
the FA DEF to be causally relateo to contamination ol water supplies lrom oil ano
gas operations, in others it was .8@ louno by the FA DEF to be causally relateo to such
oil ano gas operations. Due to the FA DEF`s lailure to respono to relateo inquiries
on this matter, the precise methooologies useo by the FA DEF in making its relateo
oeterminations on methane in water supplies is not known to the author. Methane itsell
is virtually non-toxic to humans ano is actually proouceo in the gastrointestinal tracts
ol roughly o ol humans stuoieo
but ooes represent a potential explosion hazaro
at concentrations ol -1 in air, especially il entrappeo.
While there have been
sporaoic reports ol nnoings ol such levels ol methane in homes near Marcellus-orilling
activities, there have been no citations ol relateo explosions or injuries to humans or
human health lrom this. Moreover, given the recent nnoings ol methane in well water
in 1 ol oo oomestic wells testeo by the U.S. Geological Service in the immeoiately
neighboring upstateSouthern Tier area ol New York
,which oirectly overlies the
Marcellus shale, in the complete absence ol relateo orilling %.G in the presence ol a
relateo orilling ban, the question arises as to whether such nnoings result lrom Marcel-
lus orilling or simply lrom naturally occurring methane migration lrom unoergrouno
sources. Those ,New York, wells were more than one mile away lrom existing or
abanooneo natural gas wells, ano the levels ol methane were high enough to warrant
monitoring or remeoiation.
Iour ol those wells showeo methane levels so high that
water coming out ol a tap coulo potentially be lit with a match, or be an explosive
There is no valio, scientinc reason to believe that the same phenomenon is not
occurring in Fennsylvania, as oiscusseo elsewhere, above.
!"#$%&'() +$%),&$(-. (- ,/0 1%$)0''&2 3/%'0
Iurthermore, the FA DEF has maoe similar nnoings with respect to causation relateo
to oil ano gas operations regaroing evioence ol TDS ,total oissolveo solios,, chlorioe,
sooium, manganese, iron, barium, strontium, turbioity anoor aluminum in poten-
tially anecteo water supplies. These species are %,, potential backgrouno, or natu-
rally occurring, ones, commonly seen in Fennsylvania grounowater. The absolute ano
relative concentrations ol these chemical species may be subject to seasonalrainlall
nuctuations anoor other innuences. ,Research is ongoing on the latter matters as this
is being written., It is not evioent that FA DEF, in its relateo nnoings, aooresseo such
possibilities. Moreover, it is not clear as to whether the FA DEF perlormeo the neces-
sary raoio-isotopic analyses so critical to oinerentiating thermogenic ,lossil-luel-sourceo,
methane lrom biogenic methane when making its relateo oeterminations on causation.
,The author is unable to oiscern that matter baseo on the collective materials revieweo.,
Despite these numerous nnoings by the Fennsylvania Department ol Environmen-
tal Frotection, its sister organization, the Fennsylvania Department ol Health ,FA
DOH, oio not respono to the author`s request lor its omcial nnoings ol anyall aoverse
human-health enects oirectly relateo to HVHI activity in the Marcellus. Seconoary
sources lor relateo inlormation, citeo above, however, provioeo ample oocumentation
on such matters in Fennsylvania.
The Departments ol Health ano the Departments ol Environmental Frotection
Conservation in the two remaining states ,Ohio ano West Virginia, in which there is, or
has been, Marcellus- HVHI-orilling activity, submitteo no oocumenteo evioence ol
aoverse human-health impact resulting lrom hyorolracturing itsell.
Iinally, as this is being written, at least two University systems, namely the Fennsylva-
nia State University ano Duke University, are actively engageo in conoucting stuoies on
potential, Marcellus-relateo grounowater
ano relateo human-health phenomena,
mainly in Fennsylvania. Those stuoies are incomplete but will certainly bear review
upon nnal publication.
!"#$%&'( *+,(&%- +( .&%#(&# '(/ 0#'-12
The appropriate leoeral ano state agencies were querieo, as oescribeo above.
To oate, there has been no Marcellus-relateo HVHI activity in Kentucky, Marylano, New
Jersey, Tennessee, ano Virginia, therelore, there is no relateo human-health impact.
New York, which overlies the Marcellus, has apparently experienceo historicalpre-
ban HVHI activity since the 1980s, but neither ol New York`s querieo agencies ,DOH
ano DEC, has provioeo nnal, requesteo oata to this author to oate, thereby currently
preventing calculations ol omcially recoroeo incioence ol HVHI-relateo human-
health impacts lrom those historic activities in that state, by its citeo agencies. Despite
this, given the absence ol post-ban HVHI-type orilling in New York, one woulo not
logically expect any such impacts. ,While New York apparently continues to permit
low-volume hyorolracturing |LVHI|, that is not the thrust ol this paper., Beyono that,
extensive Internet searches laileo to proouce any objective, traceable oata on aoverse
human-health impacts lrom horizontal orilling anoor hyorolracturing in either the
pre-ban ,HVHI %.G LVHI permitteo, anoor post-ban ,LVHI 8.,&, eras in New York.
Similarly, the US EFA`s Region 2, which oversees New York, oio not provioe request-
eo oata on any such incioents. In the absence ol, or ban on, recent Marcellus-relateo,
HVHI-sourceo orilling there, however, it is, once again, likely that there are no respon-
sive oocuments lrom those sources ano that there is a 0 relateo incioence ol HVHI-
relateo, aoverse human-health impact,s, in that Region, incluoing New York. ,Il oata
are ultimately receiveo in response to our requests lrom the USA EFA Region 2, NY
DOH, anoor NY DEC, an appropriate upoate to this publication will be releaseo.,
The above-citeo presence ol methane in appreciable, il not remeoial-level, amounts in
1 ol oo oomestic water wells testeo in southern New York, in the absence ol current
Marcellus, HVHI-type orilling ano at least one mile lrom any existing well, suggests that
backgrouno levels ol methane in that geographic region are not associateo with Marcellus,
HVHI-type orilling. There may be parallel situations elsewhere in the Marcellus oistribu-
tion, ano those situations shoulo be objectively aooresseo in terms ol their ultimate source,s,.
!"#$%&'() +$%),&$(-. (- ,/0 1%$)0''&2 3/%'0
Resultant knowleoge shoulo be integrateo into luture regulations regaroing HVHI-sourceo
orilling ano proouction in the Marcellus.
Where there 60 current, Marcellus-relateo HVHI activity ,Ohio, Fennsylvania, ano
West Virginia,, ano where roughly 11,o0 total Marcellus wells have been orilleo, there
is a collective incioence ol state-level environmental casesclaims ol roughly 10
,9o910,000, see U%V'0 @, above, in Fennsylvania ,with a oirectly HVHI-relateo inci-
oence ol less than 2 |1.o!-1.80, see U%V'0 F, above| there, ano 0 in both Ohio
ano West Virginia ,see U%V'0 F, above,, with a 0 incioence ol oocumenteo, oirect
,aoverse, human-health impact per the respective, two State Departments ol Health
,Fennsylvania has not responoeo, to oate, to the author`s inquiries, ano two State
Departments ol Environmental FrotectionConservation ,Fennsylvania, again, has not
responoeo, to oate, to the author`s inquiries., Despite the lack ol oirect response lrom
the FA DEF to inquiries poseo by this author, reliable seconoary sources proveo rewaro-
ing in terms ol oetaileo, relateo content.
Regions 3 ano ol the US EFA have each apparently experienceo a 0 incioence
ol aoverse human-health impact lrom the Marcellus HVHI activities, as reporteo by
them as no oata responsive.
In summary, lormal inquiries oirecteo at nine ,9, states` respective Departments ol
Health ano Departments ol Environmental FrotectionConservation, as well as at
the US EFA covering the jurisoictions ol interest, showeo that there is no Marcellus
HVHI activity in nve ,, ol those states. Over the course ol the past eight ,9, months,
the New York Department ol Health has not provioeo a nnal, written response to
similar inquiries. US EFA Region 2 woulo not release relateo inlormation without
cost-prohibitive lees, but there has been no HVHI-type Marcellus activity in either
New York or New Jersey, which lall within that EFA jurisoiction. In the three ,3, states
where there has been extensive Marcellus orilling using HVHI, the respective State
Departments ol Health ,excepting Fennsylvania, which oio not respono to the inquiry,
ano Departments ol Environmental FrotectionConservation have, to oate, apparently
experienceo a 0 incioence ol HVHI- relateo, aoverse human-health impact, as have
US EFA Regions 3 ano . ,The numerous, oetaileo, citeo seconoary sources ol relateo
inlormation in Fennsylvania support this observation, see U%V'0 ?, above., While there
have been numerous cases ol aoverse environmental impact, apparently mainly lrom
surlace activities, in Fennsylvania the relative hotbeo ol Marcellus HVHI-type orill-
ing as a result ol Marcellus-relateo anoor oil ano gas operations, there has been
an apparent 0 incioence ol associateo oocumenteo, aoverse human-health impact.
Accoroing to these ngures ano to inlormation maoe available to oate by the citeo
agencies ano reliable seconoary sources citeo above, the current incioence ol acute,
aoverse human-health impact lrom the hyorolracturing process itsell appears to be 0.
These oata, in turn, suggest that, to oate, actual HVHI within the active Marcel-
lus zones, accoroing to the agencies ano sources citeo, has been, in very simple terms,
100 sale with respect to acute, aoverse, human-health impacts. Where responses to
relateo inquiries lrom this author remain unanswereo, both seconoary sources ano
!"#$%&'( *+,(&%- +( .&%#(&# '(/ 0#'-12
extensive Internet searches have laileo to reveal omcially oocumenteo cases, or trenos,
ol aoverse human-health incioents relateo to HVHI in the Marcellus.
To put the latter into more scientinc terms with regaro to the statistics ol rare events,
it woulo be appropriate to invoke the mathematics ol the Foisson oistribution.
methooology concluoes that, when 0 ,zero, hits in N attempts are experienceo, this
outcome is expecteo, to 9 or more probability, il the true mean is 3N or less. Ior
the wells in Fennsylvania, lor example, the estimateo true ,population, mean is, to at
least 9 probability, ,less than or equal to, 3 aoverse human-health incioents per
10,000 wells. In Fennsylvania, .8.- ol the above-citeo incioents rose to the level ol leo-
erally or state-oocumenteo aoverse human-health outcomes, per primary ano secono-
ary sources on the matter, suggesting that the number ol such outcomes, to oate, is less
than the mathematicallystatistically preoicteo total.
Incioents ol surlace spills ano surlace phenomena oirectly or inoirectly relateo to
HVHI anoor HVHII are common, as citeo above ano as might be expecteo where
high volumes ol concentrateo chemicals ano much tramc are louno, however, such is
not unique to hyorolracturing. A recent spill ol a concentrateo, potentially toxic chemi-
cal into the Elk River in Charleston, West Virginia, exemplines that claim.
These nnoings parallel the prolessional experiences ol the author, who, lor over nve
years, has practiceo Occupational ano Environmental Meoicine in a relatively large
healthcare center, in an extremely active area ol Marcellus HVHI-type orilling ano
proouction, ano who has prolessionally seen ,asioe lrom hunoreos ol work-relateo
injuries ano trauma to Marcellus workers themselves, d-$8 connrmable cases ol HVHI-
relateo aoverse human-health impact in local resioentscitizens.
As aooitional regulatory controls ol HVHI-relateo orilling lor natural gas in the
Marcellus are proposeo anoor promulgateo, these lacts must be consioereo.
This is not to say that the citeo lack ol current, oocumenteo evioence ol aoverse
human-health enects lrom HVHI in the Marcellus shoulo be construeo as a oennitive,
broao-baseo oenial ol such. The author, in lact, encourages ongoing ano comprehen-
sive searches lor, ano oocumentation ol, HVHI-relateo, aoverse human-health enects
on resioents in close, intermeoiate, ano relatively oistant proximities to HVHI activi-
tiesareas in the Marcellus. Such meoical surveillance is a common-sense matter ano
woulo provioe the vioeo perspective in this matter, which may prove superior to the
present snapshot one. A relateo oatabase shoulo be establisheo, tracking all such
claims ano nnoings, by type, location, geology, ano oennitive etiology ,where possible,.
Stanoaroizeo, publisheo, traceable stanoaros ano methooologies lor such causality
causation oeterminations shoulo be establisheo ano consistently applieo il any sense is
to be maoe, or conclusions orawn, lrom such a oatabase.
!"#$%&'() +$%),&$(-. (- ,/0 1%$)0''&2 3/%'0
reserves-hit- recoro.html?page~all
www.eia.govonavng histn91!0us2a.htm
www.coc.govhealthywater orinkingprivatewells
www.eia.govpuboil_gas petrosystemus_table.html
www.oec.ny.gov energy!o288.html4horizontal
ol.oropboxusercontent.comu !8182083ScrantonTT_GW_RTK.csv
Frivate communication, 81213
!"#$%&'( *+,(&%- +( .&%#(&# '(/ 0#'-12
Frivate communication, New York Department ol Environmental Conservation, 1211!
Miller TL, Wolin MJ, oe Macario EC, Macario AJ ,1982,. Isolation ol Methano-
brevibacter smithii lrom human leces, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 1982, !3,1,:22732.
FMC 2!180!. FMID o798932
L%=02 P8 P-2,$9=6 R/8J86 18R8!8
University ol Calilornia, Los Angeles
U/9= ^9'%V
Meoia Research Center
!0$V0$, W8 i9-#9-6 R/8J8
Lonoon Center lor Folicy Research
3,0[/0- 19#a0'0<2;(
Maple Engine LLC
Pnul A. Omt, M.D.
Chiloren`s Hospital ol Fhilaoelphia
+$0# i8 3=(,/6 L$8
Competitive Enterprise Institute
J%-(0' U8 3,0(-6 18J8
Albert Einstein College ol Meoicine
T9V0$, i8 j$0-,6 18J86 R/8J86 J83)8 e!9-h
Thomas Jenerson University A. I. ouFont
Hospital lor Chiloren
K(.0' j%$;6 18J8
Albert Einstein College ol Meoicine
P'(a%V0,/ 18 5/0'%-6 3)8J86 18R8!8
Fresioent, ACSH
K9$=%- P8 j9$'%&.6 R/8J8
,Years ol Service to ACSH: 1978-2009,
Iather ol the Green Revolution
Nobel Laureate
+$0#$(); L8 3,%$06 18J86 R/8J8
,Years ol Service to ACSH: 1978-2002,
Iounoer, Harvaro Department ol Nutrition
L92/ j'99=6 R/8J8
Director ol Chemical ano Fharmaceuti-
cal Sciences
T&,/ H%X%6 R/8J86 T8J8
Senior Iellow in Nutrition
Erik LioI
Director ol Communications
:-% 1%$)0'9
Executive Assistant to the Fresioent
Q/0$"' 1%$,(-
Associate Director ano Director
ol Development
5(''(%= 1)Q%(-
Development Associate
^('V0$, T9226 18J8
Executive ano Meoical Director
:$(0' 3%X$%-2;"
Associate Director ol Fublic Health
:-% 3(=9X2;%
Director ol Vioeo Froouctions
T()/%$# 500;26 QR:
P'(a%V0,/ 18 5/0'%-6 3)8J86 18R8!8
Fresioent, ACSH
P$-02, i8 :V0'6 R/8J8
C.S. Mott Center
Gnry R. Acu0, Ph.D.
Texas A8M University
Q%2(=($ Q8 :;9/6 R/8J8
University ol Georgia
R0,0$ Q8 :'V0$20-6 18J8
University ol Connecticut
L&'(0 :8 :'V$0)/,6 R/8J8
University ol Nebraska, Lincoln
R/('([ :')%V026 R/8J8
Hunter College, CUNY
L%=02 P8 :')9);6 R/8J8
Glenoon College,
York University ,Canaoa,
U/9=%2 38 :''0=26 18J86 18R8!8
San Irancisco, CA
T()/%$# ^8 :''(29-6 R/8J8
Ieoeration ol American Societies lor
Experimental Biology
L9/- j8 :''$0#6 R/8J8
Ohio State University
H%$' P8 :-#0$29-6 18J8
University ol Texas, Meoical Branch
L0$9=0 Q8 :$-0,6 L$86 18J8
Helvetia, WV
J0--(2 U8 :X0$"
Huoson Institute
T9-%'# j%)/=%-6 18J8
Kaiser Fermanente Meoical Center
T9V0$, 38 j%$%,a6 J8J8386 R/8J86 18J8
International Meoical Consultation
3,0[/0- j%$$0,,6 18J8
Fittsboro, NC
U/9=%2 ^8 j%&=.%$,-0$6
R/%$=8J86 18P#8
Consultant Fharmacists ol America
58 i%<$0-)0 j0029-6 J$8R8!8
Loma Linoa University
P'(22% R8 j0-0#0;6 18J8
University ol Michigan Meoical School
3($ Q9'(- j0$$"6 J83)86 R/8J86 18J8
Fathological Institute, Royal Lonoon
Hospital ,Uniteo Kingoom,
5(''(%= 38 j();0'6 R/8J8
University ol Arizona
3,0X0- j'%);6 18J8
Cincinnati Chiloren`s Health
Meoical Center
j'%(-0 i8 j'%#6 R/8J8
Kanosh, UT
!(-$()/ i8 j9/-6 R/8J8
University ol Arizona
j0- j9')/6 R/8J8
Rhooes College
L920[/ +8 j9$a0''0)%6 R/8J8
Meoical College ol Virginia
1()/%0' H8 j9,,26 P2k8
Alexanoria, VA
^09$.0 :8 j$%"6 18J8
Fennington Biomeoical Research Center
T9-%'# 58 j$0)/0$6 R/8J86 Q8Q/0=86
J:jU6 lRT:
MTEGlobalTox ,Canaoa,
:''%- j$0,,6 18J8
University ol South Carolina
H0--0,/ ^8 j$9<-6 R/8J8
Q/$(2,(-0 18 j$&/-6 R/8J8
University ol Calilornia
^%'0 :8 j&)/%-%-6 R/8J8
University ol Georgia
Pntricin A. Bumor, Ph.D., M.P.H.
University ol Calilornia, Berkeley
^09$.0 18 j&$#(,,6 L8J8
Bell, Boyo 8 Lloyo LLC
P#<%$# P8 j&$-26 R/8J8
Texas A8M University
+$%-)(2 +8 j&2,%6 R/8J8
University ol Minnesota
P'<99# +8 Q%'#<0''6 R/8J86 18j8:8
University ol Minnesota
m0$'0 i8 Q%$[0-,0$6 R/8J8
Texas A8M University System
T9V0$, ^8 Q%220-26 R/8J8
University ol Wisconsin, Maoison
P$)9'0 i8 Q%X%'(0$(6 J83)8
University ol Nebraska Meoical Center
T&220'' K8 :8 Q0)('6 18J86 R/8J8
Albany Meoical College
T(-9 Q0$(96 18J8
Barts ano The Lonoon Hospital Institute
ol Fathology ,Uniteo Kingoom,
3%= H8 Q8 Q/%-.6 R/8J8
Mississippi State University
j$&)0 18 Q/%22"6 R/8J8
University ol Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
J%X(# :8 Q/$(2,9[/0$6 R/8J8
University ol Hawaii at Mnoa
P=(' 5(''(%= Q/"--6 18J8
New York Eye ano Ear Innrmary
+8 18 Q'"#02#%'06 R/8J8
University ol Massachusetts
J9-%'# ^8 Q9)/$%-6 R/8J8
Virginia Folytechnic Institute ano State University
W. Ronnio Co0nnn, Ph.D.
Cornell University
L9/- L8 Q9/$220-6 P2k8
Arlington, VA
^0$%'# +8 Q9=V26 L$86 R/8J8
USDA Grano Iorks Human
Nutrition Center
^$0.9$" Q9-;96 L8J8
Competitive Enterprise Institute
1()/%0' J8 Q9$V0,,6 R/8J8
Omaha, NE
19$,9- Q9$-6 R/8J8
Johns Hopkins University
K%-)" Q9,&.-%6 J$8R/86 T8J86 Q8J8K8
University ol Delaware
!8 T&220'' Q$9226 R/8J8
Texas A8M University
5(''(%= L8 Q$9<'0"6 L$86 18J86 18j8:8
Spicewooo, TX
L%=02 58 Q&$$%-6 18J86 18R8!8
Rollins School ol Fublic Health, Emory
Q/%$'02 T8 Q&$,(26 R/8J8
Ohio State University
U%(<9 H8 J%-=9'%6 Q8R8:8
Ernst 8 Young
W'0-0 T8 J%-206 18J8
Bolinas, CA
3/0$$('' J%X(29-6 7818J86 18J86 18j8:8
University ol Fennsylvania
R0,0$ Q8 J0#9-6 18J86 R/8J8
Massachusetts Institute ol Technology
U/9=%2 T8 J0^$0.9$(6 R/8J8
University ol Houston
P'X($% ^8 #0 10c(%6 R/8J8
University ol Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
10$'0 i8 J(%=9-#6 18J8
Diamono Heaoache Clinic
30"=9&$ J(%=9-#6 18J8
Diamono Heaoache Clinic
J9-%'# Q8 J();29-6 1838P8P8
Gilbert, AZ
T%'[/ J(,,=%-6 18J86 18R8!8
Houston, TX
L9/- P8 J9#026 J8J838
National Council Against Health Irauo
L9/- J9&''6 18J86 R/8J8
University ol Kansas
U/0$9- 58 J9<-026 R/8J8
Seneca, SC
1()/%0' R8 J9"'06 R/8J8
University ol Georgia
:#%= J$0<-9<2;(6 R/8J8
University ol Washington
1()/%0' :8 J&V();6 R/8J8
U.S. Army Institute ol Surgical Research
^$0. J&V9$#6 18J86 18R8!8
Toronto Center lor Cognitive Therapy
Edwnrd R. Dumo, ]r., M.D.
Savannah, GA
i09-%$# L8 J&/'8 18J8
University ol Calilornia, Berkeley
J%X(# +8 J&-)%-6 J$8R/8
Duncan 8 Associates
L%=02 T8 J&--6 R/8J8
Averill Fark, NY
L9/- J%'0 J&--6 18J86 L8J8
Carl R. Darnall Hospital, Iort Hooo, TX
!0$V0$, i8 J&R9-,6 18J8
St. Luke`s Episcopal Hospital
T9V0$, i8 J&R9-,6 18J8
Institute lor Behavior ano Health, Inc.
1()/%0' 58 P%2'0"6 J8J8386 18R8!8
International Health Management 8
Research Associates
^09$.0 P8 P/$'()/6 18J86 +8:8Q8R86
18:8Q8T86 +TQR eP#(-h
Fhilaoelphia, FA
1()/%0' R8 P'2,9-6 18J86 1838
Rapio City, SD
5(''(%= K8 P'<99#6 R/8J8
NIHCenter lor Scientinc Review
P#<%$# :8 P=;0-6 R/8J8
Miowest Research Consultants
K();( L8 P-.020,/6 R/8J8
University ol Illinois
3,0[/0- H8 P[2,0(-6 18J86
18R8R86 +:QPR
Beth Israel Deaconess Meoical Center
U0$$" J8 P,/0$,9-6 R/8J8
Fennsylvania State University
T8 ^$0.9$" PX%-26 R/8J86 18R8!8
St. Louis University Center lor the Stuoy
ol Bioterrorism ano Emerging Inlections
J%-(0' +8 +%$;%26 R/8J86 18386 R8P8
Oregon State University
T()/%$# 38 +%<)0,,6 R/8J8
Huxley, IA
+$0#0$(); i8 +0$$(2 WWW6 18J8
National Eye Institute
J%X(# K8 +0$$96 R/8J8
University ol Massachusetts
1%#0'9- i8 +(-;0'6 R/8J8
Cornell University Meoical College
i09-%$# U8 +'"--6 R/8J86 18j8:8
Morganville, NJ
5(''(%= !8 +90.06 18J86 18R8!8
Seattle, WA
Q/$(2,9[/0$ !8 +9$0=%-6 L$86 R/8J8
University ol Marylano
3/%<- K8 +$%20$6 R/8J8
Athabasca University ,Canaoa,
^'0-- 58 +$9-(-.6 R/8J8
University ol Nebraska, Lincoln
7(-)0-, :8 +&'.(-(,(6 18J8
Tucson, AZ
T9V0$, 38 ^%V'06 P#8J86 R/8J86 L8J8
Claremont Graouate University
3/%"-0 Q8 ^%#6 R/8J86 J8:8j8U86 :8U838
Gao Consulting Services
5(''(%= ^8 ^%(-026 L$86 18J86 18R8!8
Scott 8 White Clinic
L8 j0$-%$# i8 ^006 18J8
Yale University School ol Meoicine
H8 !8 ^(-a0'6 18J8
University ol Arkansas lor
Meoical Sciences
5(''(%= R%&' ^'0a0-6 18J8
Baylor College ol Meoicine
L%" :8 ^9'#6 18J86 L8J86 18R8!8
Meoical College ol Wisconsin
T9.0$ P8 ^9'#6 R/8J8
Texas A8M University
T0-0n 18 ^99#$()/6 R/8J8
University ol Ilorioa
+$0#0$(); H8 ^99#<(-6 18J8
The George Washington University
Meoical Center
U(=9,/" K8 ^9$2;(6 18J86 +8:8Q8M8^8
University ol North Texas
T9-%'# P8 ^9,26 18J86 R/8J8
International Center lor Toxicology ano
!0-$" ^8 ^$%V9<2;(6 R/8J8
Duke University
L%=02 W%- ^$%"6 R/8J8
Michigan State University
5(''(%= 58 ^$0%X026 18J86 1838R8!8
Meoical College ol Wisconsin
i%&$% Q8 ^$00-6 R/8J86 J8:8j8U8
Cambrioge Environmental, Inc.
3%-#0$ ^$00-'%-#6 J$8R8!86 18:8
UCLA School ol Fublic Health
^9$#9- 58 ^$(VV'06 R/8J8
Dartmouth College
+8 R0,0$ ^&0-.0$()/6 R/8J8
Vanoerbilt University School ol Meoicine
Q%$"' L8 ^&,/6 18J8
Aovance, NC
R/('([ 38 ^&a0'(%-6 18J8
University ol Coloraoo
J%X(# L8 !%-29-6 R/8J8
State University ol New York, Fotsoam
U0$$"' L8 !%$,=%-6 R/8J86 18R8!86 T8J8
Fennsylvania State University
Q'%$0 18 !%2'0$6 R/8J8
The Robert Monoavi Institute ol Wine
ano Iooo Science, University ol Calilor-
nia, Davis
7($.(' 58 !%"26 R/8J8
University ol Kentucky
Q'%$; 58 !0%,/6 L$86 18J8
American Cancer Society
J<(./, j8 !0%,/6 R/8J8
Brown University
T9V0$, !0(=0$6 R/8J8
Yale School ol Fublic Health
T9V0$, j8 !0'=26 R/8J8
American Enterprise Institute
m%-0 T8 !0'20'6 R/8J8
Rutgers University, Cook College
L%=02 J8 !0$V0$,6 R/8J8
Drexel University
Thoodoro R. HolIord, Ph.D.
Yale University School ol Meoicine
T9V0$, 18 !9''(-.<9$,/6 R/8J8
Michigan State University
P#<%$# 38 !9$,9-6 18J8
Joslin Diabetes CenterHarvaro Meoical
L920[/ !8 !9,)/;(226 R/8J8
Cornell University
Cli0ord A. Hudis, MD.
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
R0,0$ j%$,9- !&,,6 P2k8
Covington 8 Burling, LLF
3&2%--0 i8 !&,,-0$6 R/8J8
KE Squareo
i&)(0- T8 L%)9V26 18J8
University ol Calilornia, Los Angeles
:'0c%-#$9 T8 L%#%#6 18J86 J8R/('86
University ol Toronto ,Canaoa,
T&#9'[/ L8 L%0.0$6 R/8J8
Environmental Meoicine, Inc.
5(''(%= U8 L%$X(26 R/8J8
Loma Linoa University
1()/0'0 L%"\T&220''6 J878186
18R878186 R/8J8
University ol Calilornia, Davis
Eliznboth H. ]o0ory, P.h.D.
University ol Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Goo0roy C. Knbnt, Ph.D.
Albert Einstein College ol Meoicine
1()/%0' H%=$(-6 R/8J8
Michigan State University
L9/- j8 H%-00-06 R/8J86 18R8!86 J87818
Michigan State University
R8 :-#$0< H%$%=6 R/8J86 Q!R
MJW Corporation
1%$; :8 H%,)/0-6 18386 18j8:86 Q8W8!8
The Fhylmar Group
H%,/$"- P8 H0''"6 J$8R8!8
Delta Toxicology
T9V0$, J8 H0$-26 R/8J8
Yale University School ol Meoicine
^09$.0 T8 H0$$6 18J8
University ol Texas, Houston
^09$.0 :8 H0"<9$,/ WW6 R/8J8
Carmel, CA
1()/%0' H($2)/6 18J8
Highlano Heights, OH
L9/- Q8 H($2)/=%-6 R/8J8
Allentown, FA
5(''(%= 18 R8 H'0(-6 R/8J8
University ol Fittsburgh
T9-%'# P8 H'0(-=%-6 18J8
Massachusetts General HospitalHarvaro
Meoical School
i02'(0 18 H'0X%"6 18J86 38J8 (- !".8
University ol North Dakota School ol
Meoicine ano Health Sciences
Dnvid M. KlurIold, Ph.D.
U.S. Department ol Agriculture
H%,/$"- 18 H9'%2%6 R/8J86 T8J8
East Carolina University
L%=02 38 H99[=%-6 18J6 18R8!8
University ol Michigan School ol
Fublic Health
:'%- T8 H$(2,%'6 J$8R8!8
Ireo Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
1(,a( T8 H$9);9X0$6 18J8
SSB Solutions
MnnIrod Krogor, Ph.D.
Fennsylvania State University
SnnIord F. Kuvin, M.D.
University ol Miami School ol Meoicine
Hebrew University ol Jerusalem
Q%$9'"- L8 i%);0"6 R/8J86 T8J8
North Carolina State University
L8 Q'%"V&$- i%+9$)06 R/8J8
University ol Calilornia, Los Angeles
T9V0$, ^8 i%/(,%6 18J86 R/8J8
Mount Sinai School ol Meoicine
L%=02 Q8 i%=V6 W76 R/8J86 L8J8
i%<$0-)0 P8 i%=V6 18J8
San Antonio, TX
5(''(%= P8 18 i%-#26 R/8J8
College Fark, MD
j$(%- :8 i%$;(-26 R/8J8
University ol Arizona
i%$$" i%&#%-6 R/8J8
National Autonomous University ol
Mexico ,Mexico,
U9= j8 i0%=9-6 R/8J8
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company
L%" !8 i0/$6 R/8J8
Environmental Eoucation Enterprises, Inc.
j$(%- Q8 i0-,'06 18J86 +TQRQ6 J1TJ
University ol British Columbia ,Canaoa,
Scott O. LilionIold, Ph.D.
Emory University
+'9" i(''0"6 L8J8
Iernanoina Beach, IL
R%&' L8 i(9"6 R/8J8
UMDNJ-Robert Wooo Johnson
Meoical School
5(''(%= 18 i9-#9-6 P#8J86 18R8!8
Calilornia State University, Los Angeles
5(''(%= 18 i&-)/6 R/8J8
Oregon State University
J%$"' i&-#6 R/8J8
University ol Wisconsin, Maoison
L9/- i&[(0-6 183)8
University ol Massachusetts
!9<%$# J8 1%))%V006 R/8J86 18J8
Alamo, CA
L%-0, P8 1%)/0'0#,6 18J86 18386 18R8!8
Houston, TX
!0-$" ^8 1%--06 L838J8
George Mason University Law School
H%$' 1%$%=9$92)/6 R/8J8
Rutgers University, Cook College
L&#(,/ :8 1%$'0,,6 R/8J86 T8J8
University ol Wisconsin, Maoison
i%<$0-)0 L86 1%$-0,,6 R/8J8
Vanoerbilt University
L%=02 T8 1%$2/%''6 R/8J8
Roswell Fark Cancer Institute
T9.0$ M8 1)Q'0''%-6 J878186 1818386
J8:8j8U86 J8:8j878U86 +8:8U838
Albuquerque, NM
1%$" !8 1)^$%,/6 18J86 18R8!8
University ol Calilornia, San Irancisco
:'%- ^8 1)!&./0-6 J8R/('8
University ol Calilornia, Riversioe
L%=02 J8 1)H0%-6 J878186 L8J8
Iowa State University
L920[/ R8 1)10-%=(-6 18J86 L8J8
McGuireWooos, LLF
R%,$(); L8 1()/%0'26 R/8J8
Cato Institute
U/9=%2 !8 1('V"6 18J86 18R8!8
Boise, ID
L920[/ 18 1(''0$6 18J86 18R8!8
Durham, NH
T()/%$# :8 1(''0$6 18J8
Frincipia Biopharma, Inc.
T()/%$# H8 1(''0$6 R/8J8
University ol Rochester
5(''(%= L8 1(''0$6 R/8J8
University ol Georgia
:8 :'%- 19./(22(6 R/8J8
Institute lor Regulatory Science
^$%)0 R8 19-%)96 L8J8
Meoical Care Ombuosman Frogram
j$(%- P8 19-#0''6 18J8
Baltimore Heaoache Institute
L9/- 58 19$.%-6 J$8R8!8
Calilornia Cancer Registry
3,0[/0- L8 19226 J8J8386 1838
New York University College ol Dentistry
j$99;0 U8 1922=%-6 R/8J8
University ol Vermont College ol
:''(29- :8 1&''0$6 R/%$=8J8
Institute lor Continuing
Healthcare Eoucation
!%$$(2 18 K%.'0$6 18J8
Beth Israel Meoical CenterAlbert Ein-
stein College ol Meoicine
J%-(0' L8 K)%"("%-%6 18J8
Benguela Health ,South Alrica,
R/('([ P8 K0'29-6 R/8J8
Furoue University
L9")0 :8 K0,,'0,9-6 J83)86 T8J8
Denver, CO
L9/- 38 K0&V0$.0$6 J$8R8!8
University ol Kansas School ol Meoicine
U/9=%2 K()/9'29-6 R/8J86 18R8!8
Western Kentucky University
:'V0$, ^8 K();0'
LyonHeart ,ret.,
T9V0$, L8 K()9'92(6 R/8J8
University ol Massachusetts, Lowell
L%=02 i8 MV'(-.0$6 R/8J8
North Carolina State University
L9/- R%,$(); MY^$%#"6 18J8
Tults University School ol Meoicine
]nnos E. OldBold, Ph.D.
Oregon State University
3,%-'0" U8 M=%"06 R/8J86 +8:8U8386
+8:QK6 Q8K838
University ol Nevaoa, Reno
1()/%0' U8 M2,0$/9'=6 R/8J86 18R8!8
University ol Minnesota
1()/%0' 58 R%$(a%6 R/8J8
University ol Wisconsin, Maoison
3,&%$, R%,,9-6 R/8J8
Fennsylvania State University
L%=02 1%$) R0$$(-6 18J8
Mass General Hospital lor Chiloren
L%" R/0'%-6 18J8
Wyle Integrateo Science ano
Engineering Group
U(=9,/" J&;02 R/(''([26 R/8J8
Texas A8M University
J%X(# T8 R(;06 R/8J8
Champaign, IL
3,0X0- R(-;0$6 R/8J8
Harvaro University
!0-$" Q8 R(,9,6 18J86 R/8J8
University ol Wisconsin, Maoison
U/9=%2 U8 R9'0=%-6 R/8J8
Cornell University
^%$" R8 R92-0$6 18J8
Flant City, IL
L9/- L8 R9<0$26 R/8J8
University ol Georgia
5(''(%= J8 R9<$(06 R/8J8
University ol British Columbia ,Canaoa,
Q838 R$%;%2/6 R/8J8
Tuskegee University
1%$X(- R8 R$(,,26 R/8J8
Cornell University
J%-(0' L8 T%(,0-6 R/8J8
National Institutes ol Health
J%X(# 58 T%=0"6 J87818
Ramey Equine Group
T8U8 T%X0-/9',6 18J86 18R8!8
Fopulation Health Imperatives
T&220' L8 T0(,0$6 R/8J8
University ol Texas, San Antonio
5(''(%= T0X(''06 R/8J8
University College Cork ,Irelano,
J9-%'# T8 T9V0$,26 R/8J8
The Unilormeo Services University ol
the Health Sciences
L8 J8 T9V(-29-6 18J8
Georgetown University School ol Meoicine
j$%# T9#&6 J8J838
University ol Louisville
j('' J8 T90V&);6 R/8J86 J8:8j8U8
Dartmouth Meoical School
J%X(# j8 T9''6 R/8J8
Colleyville, TX
J%'0 T8 T9=2926 R/8J8
Michigan State University
L920[/ J8 T920-6 R/8J8
Cook College, Rutgers University
3,0X0- U8 T920-6 18J8
Northwestern University Meoical School
3,%-'0" T9,/=%-6 R/8J8
Smith College
Stophon H. SnIo, D.Phil.
Texas A8M University
5%''%)0 W8 3%=[29-6 18J8
Stanloro University School ol Meoicine
1%$; fL%29-g 3%-#0$26 18J8
University ol Texas Meoical School
!%$9'# !8 3%-#2,0%#6 18J8
University ol Texas Meoical Branch
Q/%$'02 T8 3%-,0$$06 R/8J8
Furoue University
i9<0'' J8 3%,,0$'006 R/8J8
Vergas, MN
1%$; 78 3%&0$6 18J8
Columbia University
]o0roy W. Snvoll, Ph.D.
Texas A8M University
1%$X(- L8 3)/(220'6 J8J838
Roslyn Heights, NY
Dnvid SchottonIold, M.D., M.Sc.
University ol Michigan
L90' 18 3)/<%$,a6 1838
Reason Fublic Folicy Institute
J%X(# P8 30(#0=%--6 R/8J8
Brooklyn CollegeYale University
J%X(# :8 3/%"<(,a6 18J86 R/8J8
Theravance, Inc.
R%,$(); L8 3/0%6 R/8J8
University ol Nebraska, Lincoln
1()/%0' j8 3/0$=0$6 R/8J8
Skeptic Magazine
3%$%/ 3/9$,6 R/8J86 P#8J86 T8J8
Syracuse University
:8 L8 3(0#'0$6 R/8J8
University ol Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
1%$) H8 3(0.0'6 18J8
New York University School ol Meoicine
1()/%0' 3(0.0'6 18J86 18R8!8
Boston University School ol Fubic Health
i00 18 3('X0$6 R/8J8
Frinceton University
1()/%0' 38 3(=9-6 18J86 18R8!8
Wayne State University
38 +$0# 3(-.0$6 R/8J8
Science 8 Environmental Folicy Froject
Robort B. Sklnro0, M.D.
Fhilaoelphia, FA
:--0 18 3=(,/6 R/8J86 T8J86 i8J8
Ohio State University
^%$" Q8 3=(,/6 R/8J8
Coloraoo State University
]ohn N. SoIos, Ph.D.
Coloraoo State University
i%2a'9 R 39=9."(6 R/8J8
SRI International ,ret.,
T9" +8 3[%'#(-.6 R/8J8
University ol Nebraska, Lincoln
i09-%$# U8 3[0$$"6 18J86 R/8J8
Ilorioa Atlantic University
T9V0$, :8 3k&($06 J878186 R/8J8
Johns Hopkins University
T9-%'# U8 3,%-;96 18J8
University ol Fittsburgh Meoical Center
L%=02 !8 3,00'06 J878186 18R8!8
University ol Texas, Houston
T9V0$, J8 3,00'06 R/8J8
Fennsylvania State University
L&#(,/ 38 3,0$-6 3)8J86 T8J8
University ol Calilornia, Davis
3,0[/0- 38 3,0$-V0$.6 18J8
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
T9-%'# J8 3,0<%$,6 M8Q86 18J86 +TQRQ
Dalhousie University ,Canaoa,
1%$,/% j%$-02 3,9-06 R/8J8
Coloraoo State University
L9- :8 3,9$"6 R/8J8
Furoue University
3(,% T8 U%,(-(6 R/8J8
University ol Minnesota
J(); U%X0$-0
House ol Loros, Uniteo Kingoom
3,0X0 i8 U%"'9$6 R/8J8
University ol Nebraska, Lincoln
i9$$%(-0 U/0'(%-
Ketchum, Inc.
H(=V0$'" 18 U/9=[29-6 3)8J8
Harvaro School ol Fublic Health
:-#$0% J8 U(.'(96 R/8J86 L8J8
Townseno ano Townseno ano Crew, LLF
L%=02 P8 U(''9,29-6 R/8J86 18j8:8
Tults University
J(=(,$(92 U$()/9[9&'926 18J8
Harvaro School ol Fublic Health
T9V0$, R8 S[)/&$)/6 R/8J8
University ol Arizona
1%$; L8 S,0''6 18J8
University ol Rochester Meoical Center
3/%2/( j8 70$=%6 R/8J8
University ol Nebraska, Lincoln
5(''%$# L8 7(20;6 18J86 R/8J8
University ol Illinois College ol Meoicine
i"-- 5%(2/<0''6 R/8J86 Q!P3
University ol Meoicine ano Dentistry ol
New Jersey, School ol Fublic Health
j$(%- 5%-2(-;6 R/8J8
Cornell University
1('02 50(-V0$.0$6 18J8
University ol Iowa Hospitals ano Clinics
L9/- 50(2V&$.0$6 R/8J8
New York Meoical College
L%-0, 38 50(226 18J8
The ToxDoc
3(=9- 50220'"6 18J86 +TQR
King`s College Lonoon ano Institute ol
Fsychiatry ,Uniteo Kingoom,
3,0X0- J8 50d-0$6 18J8
Clevelano Clinic Ilorioa
L90' P''(9, 5/(,06 18J86 +8:8Q8T8
Danville, CA
L9/- 38 5/(,06 R/8J8
White Technical Research
H0--0,/ i8 5/(,06 R/8J8
Utah State University
T9V0$, L8 5/(,06 18J86 R/8J8
Shaker Heights, OH
Q%$9' 5/(,'9);6 R/8J86 T8J8
Rochester Institute ol Technology
Q/$(2,9[/0$ +8 5(';(-29-6 R/8J8
Wilmington, NC
1%$; i8 5(''0-V$(-.6 18J8
Saint Faul. MN
Q%$' H8 5(-,0$6 R/8J8
University ol Calilornia, Davis
L%=02 L8 59$=%-6 R/8J8
Rochester Institute ol Technology
T&220'' 38 59$$%''6 M8J8
University ol Calilornia, Berkeley
38 3,%-'0" I9&-.6 R/8J8
National Institute ol Statistical Science
3,0X0- !8 m0(20'6 18J86 R/8J8
The University ol North Carolina
1()/%0' j8 m0=0'6 R/8J8
Nutrition Institute, University ol Tennessee
P;/%$# P8 m(0.'0$6 18J8
University ol Iowa
The opinions expresseo in ACSH publications oo not necessarily represent the views ol all members ol
the ACSH Boaro ol Trustees, Iounoers Circle ano Boaro ol Scientinc ano Folicy Aovisors, who all serve
without compensation.
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