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RE: Letter from Abdulwahab Husain from Jau Prison dated: 6

of April 2014

In the name of God, the beneficent, the merciful

Sayed Muhammad Rashid Al-Husseini, Head of the Centre for Reconciliation and Rehabilitation

Peace and blessings be upon you,

The subject of this letter is the deterioration of my health, and a reminder of my request to be
transferred to the doctors of Al-Salmaniya hospital

Three months ago, whilst in prison, I met with a representative of the secretary of complaints, and
the head of the prosecution of the Southern region, in the presence of the lawyer Abduljaleel Al-
Aradi, to discuss my health, and to seek the opportunity to receive proper healthcare. Public
opinion was changing in the background, internally and externally, with the news of the
deterioration of my health. The judge and the prosecution both agreed to my transferal to Al-
Salmaniya hospital, under the care of the three doctors that my family and my lawyers
recommended, so that I may receive the proper treatment under their specialist attention. It was
also reported in the local newspaper that a formation of the Interior Ministry, the prosecution, and
the National Human Rights Organisation would come about to monitor my treatment, and ensure
that I receive it.

The recommended doctors were:
Doctor Firzanah, neurologist consultant
Doctor Abdallah Al-Ajmi, a consultant hematology specialist.
Doctor Taki Khalf, a consultant ophthalmologist

I have yet to be referred to any of them, and there has not been any improvement in my care at
the BDF hospital; in fact, it has worsened. It is worth mentioning that the treatment for my eyes is,
to my knowledge, on its correct course. However, I have not seen Doctor Ali Jaafar, the
neurologist, for approximately six months, despite my course of treatment remaining incomplete.
Nor has he reviewed my health, or examined new symptoms that are potentially dangerous, and
may be linked to the condition diagnosed. The actual course of treatment has not been shared
with me either.

As for Doctor Husham, who is an internal medicine specialist, I have not had an appointment for
three months until I arranged one on 2 April 2014 regarding the sharp decline in my blood
pressure. I happened to come accross Doctor Ali Jaafar (the nerve specialist), and enquired
regarding the reason for the six month delay in setting an appointment, despite my incomplete
treatment, lack of review, and emergence of new, potentially dangerous, symptoms. He informed
me that Doctor Husham would take over my treatment. This is a clear decline in my care. I told
him that Doctor Husham is an internist and that I need to be evaluated by specialized neurologist!
He repeated that Doctor Husham would take over my treatment, without any further response, or
acknowledgment of my concerns.

When I entered to see Doctor Husham, I asked him about his experience in treating nerve
disease, and he confirmed that I was indeed suffering from nerve disease, but that he could do
nothing to treat it due its chronic nature; he would instead only treat the symptoms, and warned
that medical setbacks could occur. He also informed me that the disease had affected some of
my organs, and that it could affect additional organs in the future. He then administered a dose of
Lyrica, and a dose of Betaserc, despite informing him that the doctor who treated me in London
between 2005 and 2007 warned against the use of any medicines, and insisted that I do not use

any unless a specialist prescribed them; Doctor Husham has yet to even be presented with a
course of treatment.

I think that it is important to mention the key symptoms that I suffer from, which are all linked to
nerve disease, and have worsened over the past few weeks:

1. A constant feeling of weakness across my body, especially in my sleep, and sometimes very
severe, causing my head to feel heavy and dizzy, and making it difficult to concentrate.
2. A feeling of weakness in my hands and feet, sometimes to the extent that my feet feel as
though they are too weak to carry me, causing me to lose my balance, tottering and
staggering whilst walking.
3. A pain in my hands and thighs, mainly on my right side, which prevents me from moving my
right hand and leg.
4. A burning sensation in my feet and legs, mainly on my left side, so severe that it sometimes
feels as though I have literally been burnt. This is accompanied by a strong prickling sensation
in my feet, and on some parts of my body. I also experience a prickling sensation on my
palms, lips and, tongue. The pain has caused me to feel desensitised on other parts of my
5. Getting spasm and involuntary twitching in both hands, fingers, facial muscles, trunk and
other muscles.
6. Intermittent poor eyesight, which occurs completely at random.
7. My doctor in Londons diagnosis was that there was an inflammation in the nerves associated
with movement, which may lead to paralysis, or an inability to speak. He warned that it could
occur at any time; I informed Doctor Husham of this.

In conclusion, I want to reiterate my request to the prison board that I be transferred to the
doctors proposed by my family and the prosecution, especially the nerve and hematology
specialists; Doctor Firzanah supervised my treatment before and after my treatment in London. I
also believe that transferal to the proposed doctors is my legal right, as was agreed by the judge
and the prosecution, and, with respect, that it is your legal obligation to conform, and that non-
conformity is indeed a criminal offence.

Yours sincerely,

The prisoner Abdulwahab Hussein Ali

Jaw Central Prison
6th of April 2014

PS: I request that a copy of this letter be passed on to the following:

1. The prosecution
2. The lawyer Hassan Radhi


In addition to the illnesses mentioned in the letter, Abdulwahab is also undergoing treatment for
diabetes; blood pressure; cholesterol; chronic inflammation on the skin surrounding his head;
white liquid in his eyes; and his retina in left eye.

The letter above has been relayed in its exact wording, but was typed up from the hand-written
note before being passed on to Maryam and Abdulwahab lawyer.
Please inform those that receive this letter that it is not to be shared, as requested by
Abdulwahab, except with the relevant authorities, in order to advance Abdulwahabs treatment.

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