Fracking and Health: Facts vs. Fiction

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!"#$%&'( #'* +,#-./0 !#$.1 213 !&$.&4'3 Copyright 201! by American Council
on Science ano Health. All rights reserveo. No part ol this book may be useo or
reproouceo in any matter whatsoever without written permission except in the case ol
briel quotations embooieo in critical articles ano reviews. Ior more inlormation, contact:
American Council on Science ano Health
199 Broaoway, Suite 202
New York, New York 10023-8o0
Tel. ,212, 3o2-70!!. Iax ,212, 3o2-!919
URL: Email:
Fublisher Name: American Council on Science ano Health
Title: Iracking ano Health: Iacts vs. Iiction
Frice: So.9
Author: William Kucewiez
Subject ,general,: Science ano Health
Fublication Year: 201!
Binoing Type ,i.e. perlect ,solt, or harocover,: Ferlect
ISBN: 978-0-99100-2-9
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Associate Director ol the Southwest
Fennsylvania Environmental Health Froject
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Toxicologist at Glen Ialls Hospital
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Associate Fhysician, Section ol
Occupational Meoicine, Guthrie
Clinic, Lto.
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Research Iellow at The Heartlano Institute
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This publication is baseo on the position paper ;&<$%#,6" /$%"=#$6.7 6. =5- !%$"-,,#0
35%,-> ?%=-$ %.< ;-%,=5' /%"=0 @0A /6"=68. ,ISBN 978-0-99100-1-2, authoreo by Dr.
Theooore I. Them, ano publisheo by the American Council on Science ano Health.
The lollowing people revieweo the original paper on which this summary is baseo:
!"#$%&'( #'* +,#-./0 !#$.1 213 !&$.&4'
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53 Executive Summary ..............................................................................................7
63 Introouction ..........................................................................................................9
73 U.S. Shale Gas Froouction ..................................................................................11
83 The Marcellus Shale ...........................................................................................13
93 Recovery Technologies .......................................................................................17
:3 Hyorolracturing ano Human Health .................................................................21
;3 Conclusions .........................................................................................................23
<3 Relerences ...........................................................................................................2
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Shale gas is playing an increasingly important role in America`s energy luture. Hall
ol all U.S. natural gas proouction is expecteo to come lrom shale by the year 20!0.
The most proouctive gas shales are organic rich black shales, such as the Devonian
Marcellus Iormation, or Marcellus Shale, a seoimentary rock lormation oepositeo over
30 million years ago in a shallow inlano sea locateo where the Appalachian Mountains
in the eastern Uniteo States now stano.
The present-oay revolution in shale gas took place virtually overnight. In the nve
years lrom 200! to 2009, U.S. shale-gas proouction quaorupleo. The aovent ol
horizontal orilling ano hyoraulic lracturing have lacilitateo the expansion ol mooern
shale-gas oevelopment. The technology involves orilling a vertical hole oown to several
hunoreo leet above the target reservoir, which is generally 2,000 to 9,000 leet below the
surlace, then turning the orill bit through an arc until it is orilling essentially horizontal-
ly. Hyoraulic lracturing nuio is then injecteo unoer controlleo high pressure to lracture,
or oisrupt, the rock while a proppant ,typically quartz sano grains, carrieo in the
nuio props open the lracture alter the nuio pressure is releaseo. The proppeo lracture
provioes the permeability necessary lor the gas to now lrom the lormation into the well.
* B$8BB%.= 60 % C%=-$6%, =5%= D6,, E--B %. 6.<#"-< 5&<$%#,6" F$%"=#$- 8B-.' <#$6.7 8$ F8,,8D6.7 %
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Typical high-pressure, high-volume hyoraulic lracturing nuios ,HVHIIs, contain
oinerent chemicals ol various types, manulacture, ano concentration, incluoing water,
sano ,a proppant,, ano low concentrations ol chemical aooitives, generally consisting
ol lriction reoucers, biocioes to prevent bacterial oevelopment, ano scale inhibitors.
Despite the routine presence ol similar, or ioentical, chemicals in much higher concen-
trations in many American looostuns, meoications, cosmetics, ano householo cleaners,
much has been publisheo about potential environmental ano human-health impact
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!"#$%&'( #'* +,#-./0 !#$.1 213 !&$.&4'
lrom the aooitive components ol the HVHIIs. However, most ol these publisheo
reports lack critical analyses ano oiscussions ol oose-response relationships, which are
crucial to unoerstanoing toxicity arguments.
The paper upon which this brochure is baseo is an exhaustive inquiry ano investiga-
tion seeking evioence ol aoverse public health enects lrom lracking: No such evioence
was louno, ano all available oata suggest the process is completely sale in terms ol
public health. There are zero connrmable cases ol high-volume hyorolracturing-
relateo aoverse human-health impact in local resioents. This is not to say that the
citeo lack ol current, oocumenteo evioence ol aoverse human-health enects shoulo be
construeo as a oennitive, broao-baseo oenial ol such. Ongoing stuoy ol longer-term
health-relateo outcomes is requireo.
!"#$%&'( *+,(&%- +( .&%#(&# '(/ 0#'-12
Increaseo awareness about using a highly technical process calleo hyoraulic lracturing
to recover natural gas trappeo oeep within shale oeposits has createo questions about
relateo human-health ano environmental impacts. Associateo arguments, both pro ano
con, have olten been subjective, emotional, ano unscientinc. This paper is aimeo at a
systematic, objective review ol oocumenteo types ano rates ol hyorolracturing-nuio-
ano chemical-relateo incioents anecting human health, to oate, in the region ol the
Marcellus Shale Flay =1,, >#?@ >ABC@ ?#(, 66D.
Unconventional gas, consisting primarily ol shale gas ano tight gas, is playing an
increasingly important role America`s energy luture mainly because technologi-
cal innovations now are enabling the oevelopment ano exploitation ol unoergrouno
reserves once consioereo unrecoverable. Domestic sources ol shale gas long have been
known to exist.
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The earliest recoroeo natural gas oiscoveries were maoe by seventeenth-century
Irench explorers ano missionaries in the New Worlo. Approximately two centuries
later, in 1821, the very nrst well intenoeo specincally to proouce natural gas in the
Uniteo States was oug near the town ol Ireoonia in Chautauqua County, New York.
!"#$%&'( #'* +,#-./0 !#$.1 213 !&$.&4'
Excavateo by hano to a oepth ol 27 leet, the well supplieo gas to the town lor illumina-
tion ,Roen, 1993,. It markeo the nrst commercial natural gas proouction in the Uniteo
States ,Curtis, 2002,.
Drilling lor natural gas commenceo in Fennsylvania in the 180s ano extenoeo into
Ohio a oecaoe later ,Janssens ano oe Witt, 197o,. Gas subsequently was louno in shales
in the western Kentucky part ol the Illinois Basin in 18o3 ,Curtis, 2002,. By the 1920s,
orilling lor shale gas hao progresseo into West Virginia, Kentucky, ano Inoiana ,Curtis,
2002,, ano by 192o the Devonian shale-gas nelos ol eastern Kentucky ano West Virginia
compriseo the largest known natural gas occurrences in the worlo ,Roen, 1993,.
Over the oecaoes, as new shale-gas oiscoveries were maoe, it became apparent that
the only economic use ol the black shale was as a source ol gas. By the mio-1930s, it
was establisheo that gas proouction lrom black shale oepenoeo on naturally occurring
cracks, or lractures, in the rock. Without the lractures, the gas coulo not escape to the
surlace. Downhole explosive techniques were introouceo to enhance existing lractures
in the shale ano also to create new ones. While the techniques workeo, the results
weren`t entirely satislactory, ano by the 190s unoergrouno explosives began to be
replaceo with a new process known as hyoralrac, in which liquios ano proppants
were pumpeo unoer high pressure into selective shale zones lor lracture enhancement.
The technique was quite successlul, ano mooineo versions are still in use ,Roen, 1993,.
!"#$%&'( *+,(&%- +( .&%#(&# '(/ 0#'-12
The U.S. Energy Inlormation Aoministration`s ,EIA, Annual Energy Outlook 2013
projects U.S. natural gas proouction to increase lrom 23.0 trillion cubic leet in 2011
to 33.1 trillion cubic leet in 20!0, a !! percent increase. Almost all ol the increase in
oomestic natural gas output is oue to projecteo growth in shale gas proouction. Hall
ol all U.S. natural gas proouction is expecteo to come lrom shale by the year 20!0.
The U.S. proouceo 7.8 trillion cubic leet ,Tcl, ol shale gas in 2011 compareo with just
0.2 Tcl in 2003, when shale accounteo lor only 2.7 percent ol total U.S. gas output.
In 2011, shale`s share ol total natural gas proouction was 3!.1 percent. EIA`s Annual
Energy Outlook 2013 projects shale gas output will rise to 12.8! Tcl by 202, or !!.9
percent ol all oomestic gas proouction, ano to 1o.70 Tcl by 20!0, representing 0.!
percent ol total U.S. natural gas output ,EIA, AEO2013,.
The present-oay revolution in shale gas took place virtually overnight. In the nve
years lrom 200! to 2009, U.S. shale-gas proouction quaorupleo lrom 2 billion cubic leet
per oay ,BCID, to more than 8 BCID ,Stevens ano Kuuskraa, 2009,. It began with
the Barnett Shale in North Texas ano was lolloweo by the oevelopment ol the Iay-
etteville Shale in Arkansas, the Woooloro Shale in Oklahoma, the HaynesvilleBossier
Iormations in Louisiana ano Texas, the Marcellus Shale in the Appalachian Basin, ano
the Eagle Ioro in Texas. Together with the Bakken shale in North Dakota, these are the
most active prooucing gas shales to oate ,USGS 2013,.
>/*/ *.3%) 83* -(40>27$45
!"#$%&'( #'* +,#-./0 !#$.1 213 !&$.&4'
Source: EIA, AEO2013
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Shales are present in seoimentary basins across North America, incluoing the lower
!8 states ano Alaska. These basins originally were booies ol water where seoiments ano
organic material were oepositeo over long perioos ol time millions ol years ago. The
Devonian-ageo shales ol the Appalachian, Illinois, ano Michigan basins, lor example,
were oepositeo approximately 38 million years ago. In comparison, the Barnett ano
Iayetteville shales were oepositeo ouring the late Mississippian Ferioo ,about 32
million years ago, ano the Haynesville-Bossier shale ouring the Jurassic perioo ,approxi-
mately 10 million years ago,. Il the volume ol organic material containeo within the
shale is signincant, it can serve as a source rock lor oil ano gas as the burieo material is
subjecteo to high heat ano pressure over millions ol years.
H5- =-$C !2314,1&#31(+ $()* <-0"$6L-0 .%=#$%, 7%0 %""#C#,%=68.0 F8#.< 6. 5675 B-$C-K
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This stuoy locuses on the Devonian Marcellus Iormation, or Marcellus Shale, a
seoimentary rock lormation oepositeo over 30 million years ago in a shallow inlano
sea locateo in the eastern Uniteo States where the Appalachian Mountains now stano
,oe Witt ano others, 1993,. The lormation gets its name lrom an outcropping louno
near Marcellus, New York ouring a geological survey in 1839 ,Fenn State Extension,
201!,. The Marcellus Shale covers an area ol more than 100,000 square miles. Nine
states overlie the shale oeposit: Kentucky, Marylano, New Jersey, New York, Ohio,
Fennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, ano West Virginia. The organic-rich, gas-prooucing
layers ol the Marcellus Shale range lrom less than leet thick to more than 20 leet
7.) 13(2)%%>* *.3%)
!"#$%&'( #'* +,#-./0 !#$.1 213 !&$.&4'
thick, with the approximate oepth to the base ranging lrom about 2,000 leet to 9,000
leet below grouno surlace. At greater oepths, the overlying rocks cause greater pressure
in the Marcellus lormation which can result in higher proouction rates il properly
stimulateo. In general, with greater oepth, the natural gas contains higher proportions
ol methane ano less propane, butane, ano ethane ,Fenn State MCOR, 201!,.

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The Marcellus Shale contains about 8! Tcl ol unoiscovereo, technically recoverable
natural gas ano 3.! billion barrels ol unoiscovereo, technically recoverable natural
gas liquios, accoroing to an assessment by the U. S. Geological Survey ,USGS,. The
estimates are signincantly larger than the prior USGS assessment ol the Marcellus
Shale in the Appalachian Basin in 2002. The increase in unoiscovereo, technically
recoverable resource is oue to new geologic inlormation ano engineering oata, as techno-
logical oevelopments in prooucing unconventional resources have been signincant in the
last oecaoe.
New oevelopments in orilling technology, along with higher wellheao prices, have
maoe the Marcellus Shale an important natural gas resource ,Soeoer ano Kappel,
2009,. The Marcellus is characterizeo as a tight shale, with vertical lractures ,or
joints, that are lew ano naturally occurring. This necessitates the application ol
horizontal, subsurlace orilling techniques, with engineering proceoures that invoke

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subsequent, high-pressure, high-volume hyoraulic lracturing ,HVHI, ano relateo
techniques in oroer to make gas recovery both voluminous ano nnancially leasible.
Tight shales require lracturing because, although they are very porous, those pores
are not interconnecteo ano are also known as not permeable because ol this. The
lracturing process creates an artincial permeability by breaking these rocks apart ano,
therelore, allowing natural gas to now up, through the well. The lack ol natural vertical
joints is actually a benent lrom a salety perspective in that vertical lractures woulo
lacilitate gas migration upwaro towaro the surlace. The proouction ol commercial
quantities ol gas lrom this shale requires large volumes ol water to orill ano hyorauli-
cally lracture the rock. This water must be recovereo lrom the well ano oisposeo ol
belore the gas can now ,Soeoer ano Kappel, 2009,.
The geologic cross section ,below, oepicts the extent ano oepth ol the Marcellus Shale
near Clearnelo, Fennsylvania. Iouno as oeep as 9,000 leet below the grouno surlace
in northeastern ano central Fennsylvania, the Marcellus Iormation generally becomes
shallower at oepths ol 2,000 leet towaro northwest Fennsylvania. The Marcellus Shale
unoerlies nearly 7 percent ol Fennsylvania ,Fenn State MCOR, 201!,.
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The low natural permeability ol shale has been the limiting lactor in the exploita-
tion ol shale gas ,Denney, 2009,, but the aovent ol horizontal orilling ano hyoraulic
lracturing have lacilitateo the expansion ol mooern shale-gas oevelopment ,USGS
2013,. Although the nrst horizontal well was orilleo in Texas in 1929, it was not until
the 1980s that the technology was improveo enough to become a stanoaro inoustry
practice. The technology involves orilling a vertical hole to several hunoreo leet
above the target reservoir, then oirecting the orill bit through an arc until it is orilling
essentially horizontally ,Harper, 2008,. The aovantages ol horizontal wells incluoe
increases in the amount ol reservoir penetrateo lrom possibly hunoreos ol leet to over
,000 leet, ano increases in the number ol vertical or sub-vertical lractures intersecteo
,Stevens ano Kuuskraa, 2009, USGS 2013,.
A horizontal well ,as oepicteo on page 18, starts with vertical orilling lolloweo by
horizontal orilling. Vertical orilling in the Marcellus Shale ranges lrom ,000 leet to
9,000 leet below grouno, oepenoing on the oepth ano thickness ol the gas reservoir.
When the Marcellus Shale is reacheo, the orill is turneo, ano horizontal orilling
occurs lor an aooitional 3,000 leet to 10,000 leet or more. At various oepths, multiple
lengths ol steel casing are cementeo in place to protect surlace water, grounowater,
or water supply wells lrom the potential migration ol natural gas in the orilleo well.
These casings also prevent hyorolracking nuios ano oeep brine water lrom leaking ano
aoversely impacting water resources ,Fenn State MCOR, 201!,.
The nrst step in the well completion process involves perlorating the well casing in
the horizontal portion ol the well. A string ol shapeo explosive charges is oetonateo
electrically in the casing across lrom the zone to be hyoraulically lractureo, perlorating
the casing ano cement. Hyoraulic lracturing nuio is then injecteo unoer controlleo
high pressure to part the rock while a proppant ,typically quartz sano grains, carrieo
in the nuio props open the lracture alter the nuio pressure is releaseo ano the lracture
begins to close. The proppeo lracture provioes the permeability necessary lor the gas to
now lrom the lormation into the well. As many as 2 or more such treatments may be
pumpeo within a single wellbore. Hyoraulic lracturing ol shale gas lormations typically
()24?)(+ 7)2.54%48$)*
!"#$%&'( #'* +,#-./0 !#$.1 213 !&$.&4'
38#$"-> )-.. 3=%=- !4YZ' UVW[
2(4**J*)27$45 46 7+-$23% .4($I4573% 13(2)%%>* 9)%%
!"#$%&'( *+,(&%- +( .&%#(&# '(/ 0#'-12
requires the use ol 3 to o million gallons ol water per well. In the Marcellus, roughly
20 percent to 2 percent ol the water injecteo will come out ol the well as nowback
water. Over the lile ol the well, aooitional volumes ol the water will be proouceo.
Both the nowback water ano the proouceo water must be separateo lrom the gas ano
hyorocarbon liquios, ano either cleaneo up ano reuseo or oisposeo ol in oeep oisposal
wells. In some plays in the U.S., more than 90 percent ol nowback water is reuseo in
lracturing other wells ,NETL, 2013,.
Typical high-pressure, high-volume hyoraulic lracturing nuios ,HVHIIs, contain
oinerent chemicals ol various types, manulacture, ano concentration, incluoing water,
sano, biocioes, rustscale inhibitors, acioizers ,acioiners,, other pH-aojusting agents,
breakers, oxygen scavengers, crosslinkers, clay inhibitors, clay stabilizers, gelling agents,
surlactants, ano others. Some ol these lormulations remain proprietary, some have
been maoe public. Representative, contributory lractions to the multichemical content
ol the HVHIIs are seen below in a sample composition, by weight, ol lracturing nuio
baseo on oata lrom Marcellus Shale oevelopment in Fennsylvania. Between 8! ano
90 percent ol the lracturing nuio is water, between approximately 8 ano 1 percent
is proppant, the remainoer, typically less than 1 percent consists ol chemical aooitives
,NYSDEC 2011,. The relatively small amounts ol aooitives generally consist ol lriction
reoucers, biocioes to prevent bacterial oevelopment, ano scale inhibitors.
!"#$%& ()*+,-
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:"(8' 1/2#3#*,&& )*)+-
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5%677"8#& (*44-
38#$"-> 123\T4 UVWW
*31-%) 6(327>($58 6%>$0 241-4*$7$45 FA 300$7$?)*G, ;+ 9)$8.7,
6(41 13(2)%%>* *.3%)
!"#$%&'( #'* +,#-./0 !#$.1 213 !&$.&4'
The number ol chemical aooitives useo in a typical lracture treatment oepenos on
the conoitions ol the specinc well being lractureo. A typical lracture treatment will
use very low concentrations ol between 3 ano 12 aooitive chemicals, oepenoing on
the characteristics ol the water ano the shale lormation. Each component serves a
specinc engineering purpose. Ior example, the preoominant nuios currently being useo
lor lracture treatments are water-baseo lracturing nuios mixeo with lriction-reoucing
aooitives ,calleo slickwater,. The aooition ol lriction reoucers allows lracturing nuios
ano proppants to be pumpeo to the target zone at a higher rate ano lower pressure than
il water alone were useo.
Despite the routine presence ol similar, or ioentical, chemicals in many American
looostuns, meoications, cosmetics, ano householo cleaners in much higher concentra-
tions, much has been publisheo about potential environmental ano human-health
impact lrom the aooitive components ol the HVHIIs. However, most ol these
publisheo reports are lacking critical analyses ano oiscussions ol oose-response relation-
ships so important in communicating scientincally-valio toxicity arguments. The oose
makes the poison: the HVHII chemicals are present in such low concentrations so as
not to pose a realistic health concern.
The hyorolracturing process is associateo with both natural ano engineereo barriers
to natural-gas now, leakage, ano contamination lrom the Marcellus wells, incluoing
oistanceoepth, steel ano cementsteel well casings, blow-out preventers, pressure
sensors, ano many complex series ol control valves ano manilolos. Chemical-
transportation controls, specincally, involve appropriately rateo vehicles, the routine
use ol leoerally manoateo vehicle placaroing, ano controlleo volumes ol HVHII
chemicals. Well site surlace-salety controls require controlleo accesssecurity, chemical
isolationprotection, ano personal protective equipment ,FFE, lor nearby workers.
Surlace controls at the wellheao also incluoe pressure-rateo plumbing ano haroware,
pressure ano now sensorsalarms, impermeable surlacegrouno mats, mixing ano
injecting controllers, holoingwaste ponos, recoveringrecycling, ano processing ol
HVHII chemicals. In the active-orilling Marcellus zones, nowback water is subject
to processingcleanup prior to oischarge, ano as much as 90 percent ol that nowback
water is reuseo at oinerent well sites.
Downhole salety measures concerning HVHIIs also incluoe pressure-rateo
plumbing ano haroware, well casings ,typically now triple-steelcement in the area
ol grounowater aquilers ano the vertical component ol the well shalts,, blowout
preventers, nowpositionpressure monitors ano sensors, ano simple geologic oepth
thousanos ol leet as a rule. Despite these numerous saleguaros, there remains a great
oeal ol public skepticism as to their inoivioual ano collective reliabilities ano enective-
ness in preventing HVHII contamination ol well site surlaces, grounowater, air, ano
surlace water.
!"#$%&'( *+,(&%- +( .&%#(&# '(/ 0#'-12
The original stuoy upon which this version is baseo was an observational
compenoium ol objective oata, whose goal was to characterize ano quantily any ano
all subsurlace, HVHI-relateo incioents that, to oate, have actually aoversely anecteo
human health in the oistribution ol natural-gas orilling ano proouction activities in the
Marcellus. This stuoy is restricteo to the actual hyorolracturing process itsell. It ooes
not cover the surlace or subsurlace activities ol orilling, the builoing ol relateo roaos or
pipelines, or the processes ol casing a well all ol which are common to orilling ol %.&
well lor %.& purpose. Nor oo we aooress air quality.
Ol the three states with active Marcellus HVHI orilling, two ol them, namely Ohio
ano West Virginia, have not experienceo any omcially oocumenteo, aoverse human-
health events relateo to that activity, even with hunoreos ol wells alreaoy having
been orilleo there. Fennsylvania, the state with the highest level ol HVHI activity in
the Marcellus Shale, with roughly 10,000 wells orilleo there lrom 2008 to oate, has
experienceo roughly !0 relateo environmental incioents ,spills into navigable waters,
in which the U.S. Environmental Frotection Agency ,US EFA, became involveo via its
Region 3 omce, none ol which apparently rose to the level ol aoverse human-health
events. The US EFA has become embroileo in many cases ol suspecteo, Marcellus-
relateo environmental oisruption, incluoing the inlamous one ol allegeo, wioespreao
grounowater contamination ol oomestic wells by migrating methane in Dimock, Fenn-
sylvania ,Star Gazette, 2009, Lustgarten, 2009,. However, the US EFA closeo its inves-
tigation, with nnoings that the level ol contamination was below leoeral salety triggers
,Entine, 2013,. Similarly, the US EFA has either terminateo anoor otherwise signin-
cantly reviseo its investigations into several other allegeoly HVHI-relateo incioents in
many other statesshale plays ,Entine, 2013,.
With respect to the stuoy at hano, the EFA`s total tallies on allegeo, Marcellus HVHI-
relateo environmental inlractions were sourceo lrom the US EFA Region 3`s verbal
representations ol approximately !0 incioents ol spills into navigable waters that hao
..+0(46(327>($58 350 .>135 .)3%7.
!"#$%&'( #'* +,#-./0 !#$.1 213 !&$.&4'
risen to its level ol review. 931, 3: &%, ;< #12#=,1&)> %3?,4,7> 73), &3 &%, +,4,+ 3:
=326@,1&,= %6@(1A%,(+&% #@.(2&B US EFA Region 3 holos purview over several
states relevant to this review, incluoing Marylano ,no Marcellus orilling,, Fennsylvania
,roughly 10,000 Marcellus wells,, Virginia ,no Marcellus orilling,, ano West Virginia
,roughly 1,100 Marcellus wells,. As lor Ohio, where the remainoer ol the Marcellus
orilling activity is locateo ,with roughly !o0 wells,, the state lalls in US EFA Region , in
which there was no report ol US EFA involvement in any relateo incioent.
The Fennsylvania Department ol Environmental Frotection ,FA DEF,, accoroing to
press reports, has been actively investigating claims ol allegeo oomestic water-well ano
surlace-spring contamination lrom HVHI-relateo orilling. Ol 973 complaints, none
was oetermineo to be <6$-"=,& causally relateo to HVHI activity. While the presence
ol methane in oomestic water was, in some cases, oetermineo by the FA DEF to be
causally relateo to contamination ol water supplies lrom oil ano gas operations,
in other cases the FA DEF louno no relationship to oil ano gas operations. There
have been sporaoic reports ol nnoings ol levels ol methane in homes near Marcellus
orilling activities, but there have been no citations ol relateo explosions or injuries
to humans or human health. Moreover, given the recent nnoings ol methane in well
water in 1 percent ol oo oomestic wells testeo by the U.S. Geological Service in the
immeoiately neighboring upstateSouthern Tier area ol New York ,which oirectly
overlies the Marcellus shale, in the complete absence ol relateo orilling ano in the
presence ol a relateo orilling ban, the question arises as to whether such nnoings result
lrom Marcellus orilling or simply lrom naturally occurring methane migration lrom
unoergrouno sources. Those New York wells were more than one mile away lrom
existing or abanooneo natural gas wells, ano the levels ol methane were high enough to
warrant monitoring or remeoiation ,Begos, 2013,. Therelore the methane in the wells
was clearly biogenic, i.e., naturally-occurring. There is no valio, scientinc reason to
believe that the same phenomenon is not occurring in Fennsylvania.
!"#$%&'( *+,(&%- +( .&%#(&# '(/ 0#'-12
To oate, there has been no Marcellus Shale high-volume hyorolracturing activity
in Kentucky, Marylano, New Jersey, Tennessee, or Virginia, ano, therelore, there has
been no relateo human-health impact. In New York State, which overlies the Marcellus
ano experienceo historical hyorolracturing activity since the 1980s, there is an
absence ol any omcially recoroeo incioence ol HVHI-relateo human-health impacts
lrom those activities. Likewise, Internet searches laileo to proouce any objective,
traceable oata on aoverse human-health impacts Iurthermore, given the absence
ol post-ban HVHI-type orilling in New York, one woulo not logically expect any
such impacts. Similarly, Region 2 ol the US EFA, which oversees New York, oio not
provioe requesteo oata on any such incioents. It is, once again, likely that there are no
responsive oocuments lrom those sources ano that there is a 0 percent relateo incioence
ol HVHI-relateo, aoverse human-health impacts in Region 2, incluoing New York.
The presence ol methane in appreciable, il not remeoial-level, amounts in 1 percent
ol oo oomestic water wells testeo in southern New York in spite ol the absence
ol current Marcellus, HVHI-type orilling ano at least one mile oistance lrom any
existing well suggests that backgrouno levels ol methane in that geographic region
are not associateo with Marcellus, HVHI-type orilling. There may be parallel situations
elsewhere in the Marcellus oistribution, ano those situations shoulo be objectively
aooresseo in terms ol their ultimate sources. Resultant knowleoge shoulo be integrateo
into luture regulations regaroing HVHI-sourceo orilling ano proouction in the Marcellus.
Where there is current, Marcellus-relateo HVHI activity in Ohio, Fennsylvania, ano
West Virginia ano where roughly 11,o0 total Marcellus wells have been orilleo, there is
a collective incioence ol state-level environmental cases or claims ol roughly 10 percent
in Fennsylvania ano 0 percent in both Ohio ano West Virginia. In aooition, Regions
3 ano ol the US EFA have each apparently experienceo a 0 percent incioence ol
aoverse human-health impact lrom the Marcellus HVHI activities, reporteo by them
as no oata responsive. While there have been numerous cases ol aoverse environ-
!"#$%&'( #'* +,#-./0 !#$.1 213 !&$.&4'
mental impact in Fennsylvania, apparently lrom surlace activities, there has been a 0
percent incioence ol associateo oocumenteo, aoverse human-health impact.
"%, 2677,1& #12#=,12, 3: (26&,> (=4,7), %6@(1A%,(+&% #@.(2& :73@ &%,
%/=73:7(2&67#1$ .732,)) #&),+: ?#&%#1 &%, (2&#4, C(72,++6) D31,) (..,(7)
to he 0 percent, uccording to the fgureo und to informution mude uzuiIuhIe
E/ $34,71@,1& ($,12#,) (1= 7,+#(E+, ),231=(7/ )3672,)B "%,), =(&(> #1
&671> )6$$,)& &%(&> &3 =(&,> (2&6(+ FGFH ?#&%#1 &%, (2&#4, C(72,++6) D31,)
%() E,,1> #1 4,7/ )#@.+, &,7@)> I<< .,72,1& )(:, ?#&% 7,).,2& &3 (26&,>
(=4,7),> %6@(1A%,(+&% #@.(2&)B This is not to say that the citeo lack ol current,
oocumenteo evioence ol aoverse human-health enects lrom HVHI in the Marcellus
shoulo be construeo as a oennitive, broao-baseo oenial ol such luture possible oiscoveries,
i.e. ol aoverse health enects relateo to proximity to HVHI activities. Authorities shoulo
continue to look lor any HVHI-relateo, aoverse human-health enects on resioents in
close, intermeoiate, ano relatively oistant proximities to HVHI activitiesareas in the
Marcellus. Such meoical surveillance is a common-sense matter ano woulo provioe the
vioeo perspective in this matter, which may prove superior to the present snapshot
one. A relateo oatabase shoulo be establisheo, tracking all such claims ano nnoings,
by type, location, geology, ano oennitive etiology ,where possible,. Stanoaroizeo,
publisheo, traceable stanoaros ano methooologies lor such causation oeterminations
shoulo be establisheo ano consistently applieo il any sense is to be maoe, or conclusions
orawn, lrom such a oatabase.
!"#$%&'( *+,(&%- +( .&%#(&# '(/ 0#'-12
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E#F,1 53 5'1."4F@ G/3H3@ >3G3+3
University ol Calilornia, Los Angeles
I/4F J4-#K
Meoia Research Center
+,"K,". L3 M4'*4'@ G/3H3
Lonoon Center lor Folicy Research
N.,?/,' >4*O,-,P1%&
Maple Engine LLC
Pnul A. Omt, M.D.
Chiloren`s Hospital ol Fhilaoelphia
!",* M3 NF&./@ E"3
Competitive Enterprise Institute
H#'&,- I3 N.,&'@ >3H3
Albert Einstein College ol Meoicine
C4K,". M3 Q",'.@ >3H3@ G/3H3@ H3N$3 =+4'D
Thomas Jenerson University A. I. ouFont
Hospital lor Chiloren
R&(,- Q#"%@ >3H3
Albert Einstein College ol Meoicine
5-&O#K,./ >3 S/,-#'@ N$3H3@ >3G3+3
Fresioent, ACSH
R4"F#' 53 Q4"-#T(@ G/3H3
,Years ol Service to ACSH: 1978-2009,
Iather ol the Green Revolution
Nobel Laureate
!",*"&$% E3 N.#",@ >3H3@ G/3H3
,Years ol Service to ACSH: 1978-2002,
Iounoer, Harvaro Department ol Nutrition
E41/ Q-44F@ G/3H3
Director ol Chemical ano Fharmaceuti-
cal Sciences
CT./ U#2#@ G/3H3@ C3H3
Senior Iellow in Nutrition
5"&% M&,V
Director ol Communications
W'# >#"$,-4
Executive Assistant to the Fresioent
A/,"X- >#".&'
Associate Director ano Director
ol Development
S&--&#F >$A#&'
Development Associate
J&-K,". C411@ >3H3
Executive ano Meoical Director
W"&,- N#2"#'1%X
Associate Director ol Fublic Health
W'# N&F421%#
Director ol Vioeo Froouctions
C&$/#"* S,,%1@ AGW
5-&O#K,./ >3 S/,-#'@ N$3H3@ >3G3+3
Fresioent, ACSH
5"',1. M3 WK,-@ G/3H3
C.S. Mott Center
Gnry R. Acu0, Ph.D.
Texas A8M University
A#1&F&" A3 W%4/@ G/3H3
University ol Georgia
G,.," A3 W-K,"1,'@ >3H3
University ol Connecticut
ET-&, W3 W-K",$/.@ G/3H3
University ol Nebraska, Lincoln
G/&-&? W-$#K,1@ G/3H3
Hunter College, CUNY
E#F,1 53 W-$4$%@ G/3H3
Glenoon College,
York University ,Canaoa,
I/4F#1 N3 W--,F1@ >3H3@ >3G3+3
San Irancisco, CA
C&$/#"* J3 W--&14'@ G/3H3
Ieoeration ol American Societies lor
Experimental Biology
E4/' Q3 W--",*@ G/3H3
Ohio State University
U#"- 53 W'*,"14'@ >3H3
University ol Texas, Meoical Branch
E,"4F, A3 W"',.@ E"3@ >3H3
Helvetia, WV
H,''&1 I3 W2,"X
Huoson Institute
C4'#-* Q#$/F#'@ >3H3
Kaiser Fermanente Meoical Center
C4K,". N3 Q#"#.O@ H3H3N3@ G/3H3@ >3H3
International Meoical Consultation
N.,?/,' Q#"",..@ >3H3
Fittsboro, NC
I/4F#1 J3 Q#TF(#".',"@
G/#"F3H3@ >35*3
Consultant Fharmacists ol America
S3 M#P",'$, Q,,14'@ H"3G3+3
Loma Linoa University
5-&11# G3 Q,',*,%@ >3H3
University ol Michigan Meoical School
N&" A4-&' Q,""X@ H3N$3@ G/3H3@ >3H3
Fathological Institute, Royal Lonoon
Hospital ,Uniteo Kingoom,
S&--&#F N3 Q&$%,-@ G/3H3
University ol Arizona
N.,2,' Q-#$%@ >3H3
Cincinnati Chiloren`s Health
Meoical Center
Q-#&', M3 Q-#*@ G/3H3
Kanosh, UT
+&'"&$/ M3 Q4/'@ G/3H3
University ol Arizona
Q,' Q4-$/@ G/3H3
Rhooes College
E41,?/ !3 Q4"O,--,$#@ G/3H3
Meoical College ol Virginia
>&$/#,- U3 Q4..1@ 51Y3
Alexanoria, VA
J,4"(, W3 Q"#X@ >3H3
Fennington Biomeoical Research Center
C4'#-* S3 Q",$/,"@ G/3H3@ A3A/,F3@
MTEGlobalTox ,Canaoa,
W--#' Q",..@ >3H3
University ol South Carolina
U,'',./ J3 Q"4P'@ G/3H3
A/"&1.&', >3 Q"T/'@ G/3H3
University ol Calilornia
J#-, W3 QT$/#'#'@ G/3H3
University ol Georgia
Pntricin A. Bumor, Ph.D., M.P.H.
University ol Calilornia, Berkeley
J,4"(, >3 QT"*&..@ E3H3
Bell, Boyo 8 Lloyo LLC
5*P#"* 53 QT"'1@ G/3H3
Texas A8M University
!"#'$&1 !3 QT1.#@ G/3H3
University ol Minnesota
5-P44* !3 A#-*P,--@ G/3H3@ >3Q3W3
University ol Minnesota
[,"-, M3 A#"?,'.,"@ G/3H3
Texas A8M University System
C4K,". J3 A#11,'1@ G/3H3
University ol Wisconsin, Maoison
5"$4-, M3 A#2#-&,"&@ H3N$3
University ol Nebraska Meoical Center
CT11,-- R3 W3 A,$&-@ >3H3@ G/3H3
Albany Meoical College
C&'4 A,"&4@ >3H3
Barts ano The Lonoon Hospital Institute
ol Fathology ,Uniteo Kingoom,
N#F U3 A3 A/#'(@ G/3H3
Mississippi State University
Q"T$, >3 A/#11X@ G/3H3
University ol Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
H#2&* W3 A/"&1.4?/,"@ G/3H3
University ol Hawaii at Mnoa
5F&- S&--&#F A/X''@ >3H3
New York Eye ano Ear Innrmary
!3 >3 A-X*,1*#-,@ G/3H3
University ol Massachusetts
H4'#-* J3 A4$/"#'@ G/3H3
Virginia Folytechnic Institute ano State University
W. Ronnio Co0nnn, Ph.D.
Cornell University
E4/' E3 A4/"11,'@ 51Y3
Arlington, VA
J,"#-* !3 A4FK1@ E"3@ G/3H3
USDA Grano Iorks Human
Nutrition Center
J",(4"X A4'%4@ E3H3
Competitive Enterprise Institute
>&$/#,- H3 A4"K,..@ G/3H3
Omaha, NE
>4".4' A4"'@ G/3H3
Johns Hopkins University
R#'$X A4.T('#@ H"3G/3@ C3H3@ A3H3R3
University ol Delaware
+3 CT11,-- A"411@ G/3H3
Texas A8M University
S&--&#F E3 A"4P-,X@ E"3@ >3H3@ >3Q3W3
Spicewooo, TX
E#F,1 S3 AT""#'@ >3H3@ >3G3+3
Rollins School ol Fublic Health, Emory
A/#"-,1 C3 AT".&1@ G/3H3
Ohio State University
I#&P4 U3 H#'F4-#@ A3G3W3
Ernst 8 Young
L-,', C3 H#'1,@ >3H3
Bolinas, CA
N/,""&-- H#2&14'@ \3>3H3@ >3H3@ >3Q3W3
University ol Fennsylvania
G,.," A3 H,*4'@ >3H3@ G/3H3
Massachusetts Institute ol Technology
I/4F#1 C3 H,J",(4"&@ G/3H3
University ol Houston
5-2&"# J3 *, >,]&#@ G/3H3
University ol Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
>,"-, M3 H&#F4'*@ >3H3
Diamono Heaoache Clinic
N,XF4T" H&#F4'*@ >3H3
Diamono Heaoache Clinic
H4'#-* A3 H&$%14'@ >3N35353
Gilbert, AZ
C#-?/ H&..F#'@ >3H3@ >3G3+3
Houston, TX
E4/' 53 H4*,1@ H3H3N3
National Council Against Health Irauo
E4/' H4T--@ >3H3@ G/3H3
University ol Kansas
I/,"4' S3 H4P',1@ G/3H3
Seneca, SC
>&$/#,- G3 H4X-,@ G/3H3
University ol Georgia
W*#F H",P'4P1%&@ G/3H3
University ol Washington
>&$/#,- W3 HTK&$%@ G/3H3
U.S. Army Institute ol Surgical Research
J",( HTK4"*@ >3H3@ >3G3+3
Toronto Center lor Cognitive Therapy
Edwnrd R. Dumo, ]r., M.D.
Savannah, GA
M,4'#"* E3 HT/-3 >3H3
University ol Calilornia, Berkeley
H#2&* !3 HT'$#'@ H"3G/3
Duncan 8 Associates
E#F,1 C3 HT''@ G/3H3
Averill Fark, NY
E4/' H#-, HT''@ >3H3@ E3H3
Carl R. Darnall Hospital, Iort Hooo, TX
+,"K,". M3 HTG4'.@ >3H3
St. Luke`s Episcopal Hospital
C4K,". M3 HTG4'.@ >3H3
Institute lor Behavior ano Health, Inc.
>&$/#,- S3 5#1-,X@ H3H3N3@ >3G3+3
International Health Management 8
Research Associates
J,4"(, 53 5/"-&$/@ >3H3@ !3W3A3G3@
>3W3A3C3@ !CAG =5*&'D
Fhilaoelphia, FA
>&$/#,- G3 5-1.4'@ >3H3@ >3N3
Rapio City, SD
S&--&#F R3 5-P44*@ G/3H3
NIHCenter lor Scientinc Review
5*P#"* W3 5F%,'@ G/3H3
Miowest Research Consultants
R&$%& E3 5'(,1,./@ G/3H3
University ol Illinois
N.,?/,' U3 5?1.,&'@ >3H3@
>3G3G3@ !WA5G
Beth Israel Deaconess Meoical Center
I,""X H3 5./,".4'@ G/3H3
Fennsylvania State University
C3 J",(4"X 52#'1@ G/3H3@ >3G3+3
St. Louis University Center lor the Stuoy
ol Bioterrorism ano Emerging Inlections
H#'&,- !3 !#"%#1@ G/3H3@ >3N3@ G353
Oregon State University
C&$/#"* N3 !#P$,..@ G/3H3
Huxley, IA
!",*,"&$% M3 !,""&1 LLL@ >3H3
National Eye Institute
H#2&* R3 !,""4@ G/3H3
University ol Massachusetts
>#*,-4' M3 !&'%,-@ G/3H3
Cornell University Meoical College
M,4'#"* I3 !-X''@ G/3H3@ >3Q3W3
Morganville, NJ
S&--&#F +3 !4,(,@ >3H3@ >3G3+3
Seattle, WA
A/"&1.4?/," +3 !4",F#'@ E"3@ G/3H3
University ol Marylano
N/#P' R3 !"#1,"@ G/3H3
Athabasca University ,Canaoa,
J-,'' S3 !"4'&'(@ G/3H3
University ol Nebraska, Lincoln
\&'$,'. W3 !T-(&'&.&@ >3H3
Tucson, AZ
C4K,". N3 J#K-,@ 5*3H3@ G/3H3@ E3H3
Claremont Graouate University
N/#X', A3 J#*@ G/3H3@ H3W3Q3I3@ W3I3N3
Gao Consulting Services
S&--&#F J3 J#&',1@ E"3@ >3H3@ >3G3+3
Scott 8 White Clinic
E3 Q,"'#"* M3 J,,@ >3H3
Yale University School ol Meoicine
U3 +3 J&'O,-@ >3H3
University ol Arkansas lor
Meoical Sciences
S&--&#F G#T- J-,O,'@ >3H3
Baylor College ol Meoicine
E#X W3 J4-*@ >3H3@ E3H3@ >3G3+3
Meoical College ol Wisconsin
C4(," 53 J4-*@ G/3H3
Texas A8M University
C,',^ >3 J44*"&$/@ G/3H3
University ol Ilorioa
!",*,"&$% U3 J44*P&'@ >3H3
The George Washington University
Meoical Center
I&F4./X R3 J4"1%&@ >3H3@ !3W3A3B3J3
University ol North Texas
C4'#-* 53 J4.1@ >3H3@ G/3H3
International Center lor Toxicology
ano Meoicine
+,'"X J3 J"#K4P1%&@ G/3H3
Duke University
E#F,1 L#' J"#X@ G/3H3
Michigan State University
S&--&#F S3 J",#2,1@ >3H3@ >3N3G3+3
Meoical College ol Wisconsin
M#T"# A3 J",,'@ G/3H3@ H3W3Q3I3
Cambrioge Environmental, Inc.
N#'*," J",,'-#'*@ H"3G3+3@ >3W3
UCLA School ol Fublic Health
J4"*4' S3 J"&KK-,@ G/3H3
Dartmouth College
!3 G,.," JT,'(,"&$/@ G/3H3
Vanoerbilt University School ol Meoicine
A#"X- E3 JT./@ >3H3
Aovance, NC
G/&-&? N3 JTO,-&#'@ >3H3
University ol Coloraoo
H#2&* E3 +#'14'@ G/3H3
State University ol New York, Fotsoam
I,""X- E3 +#".F#'@ G/3H3@ >3G3+3@ C3H3
Fennsylvania State University
A-#", >3 +#1-,"@ G/3H3
The Robert Monoavi Institute ol
Wine ano Iooo Science, University ol
Calilornia, Davis
\&"(&- S3 +#X1@ G/3H3
University ol Kentucky
A-#"% S3 +,#./@ E"3@ >3H3
American Cancer Society
HP&(/. Q3 +,#./@ G/3H3
Brown University
C4K,". +,&F,"@ G/3H3
Yale School ol Fublic Health
C4K,". Q3 +,-F1@ G/3H3
American Enterprise Institute
[#', C3 +,-1,-@ G/3H3
Rutgers University, Cook College
E#F,1 H3 +,"K,".@ G/3H3
Drexel University
I/,4*4", C3 +4-V4"*@ G/3H3
Yale University School ol Meoicine
C4K,". >3 +4--&'(P4"./@ G/3H3
Michigan State University
5*P#"* N3 +4".4'@ >3H3
Joslin Diabetes CenterHarvaro Meoical
E41,?/ +3 +4.$/%&11@ G/3H3
Cornell University
Cli0ord A. Hudis, MD.
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
G,.," Q#".4' +T..@ 51Y3
Covington 8 Burling, LLF
NT1#'', M3 +T..',"@ G/3H3
KE Squareo
MT$&,' C3 E#$4K1@ >3H3
University ol Calilornia, Los Angeles
W-,]#'*"4 C3 E#*#*@ >3H3@ H3G/&-3@
University ol Toronto ,Canaoa,
CT*4-?/ E3 E#,(,"@ G/3H3
Environmental Meoicine, Inc.
S&--&#F I3 E#"2&1@ G/3H3
Loma Linoa University
>&$/,-, E#X_CT11,--@ H3\3>3@
>3G3\3>3@ G/3H3
University ol Calilornia, Davis
Eliznboth H. ]o0ory, P.h.D.
University ol Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Goo0roy C. Knbnt, Ph.D.
Albert Einstein College ol Meoicine
>&$/#,- U#F"&'@ G/3H3
Michigan State University
E4/' Q3 U#',,',@ G/3H3@ >3G3+3@ H3\3>3
Michigan State University
G3 W'*",P U#"#F@ G/3H3@ A+G
MJW Corporation
>#"% W3 U#.$/,'@ >3N3@ >3Q3W3@ A3L3+3
The Fhylmar Group
U#./"X' 53 U,--X@ H"3G3+3
Delta Toxicology
C4K,". H3 U,"'1@ G/3H3
Yale University School ol Meoicine
J,4"(, C3 U,""@ >3H3
University ol Texas, Houston
J,4"(, W3 U,XP4"./ LL@ G/3H3
Carmel, CA
>&$/#,- U&"1$/@ >3H3
Highlano Heights, OH
E4/' A3 U&"1$/F#'@ G/3H3
Allentown, FA
S&--&#F >3 G3 U-,&'@ G/3H3
University ol Fittsburgh
C4'#-* 53 U-,&'F#'@ >3H3
Massachusetts General HospitalHarvaro
Meoical School
M,1-&, >3 U-,2#X@ >3H3@ N3H3 &' +X(3
University ol North Dakota School ol
Meoicine ano Health Sciences
H#2&* >3 U-T"V,-*@ G/3H3
U.S. Department ol Agriculture
U#./"X' >3 U4-#1#@ G/3H3@ C3H3
East Carolina University
E#F,1 N3 U44?F#'@ >3H@ >3G3+3
University ol Michigan School ol
Fublic Health
W-#' C3 U"&1.#-@ H"3G3+3
Ireo Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
>&.O& C3 U"4$%42,"@ >3H3
SSB Solutions
>#'V",* U"4(,"@ G/3H3
Fennsylvania State University
N#'V4"* !3 UT2&'@ >3H3
University ol Miami School ol Meoicine
Hebrew University ol Jerusalem
A#"4-X' E3 M#$%,X@ G/3H3@ C3H3
North Carolina State University
E3 A-#XKT"' M#!4"$,@ G/3H3
University ol Calilornia, Los Angeles
C4K,". J3 M#/&.#@ >3H3@ G/3H3
Mount Sinai School ol Meoicine
E#F,1 A3 M#FK@ L\@ G/3H3@ E3H3
M#P",'$, 53 M#FK@ >3H3
San Antonio, TX
S&--&#F 53 >3 M#'*1@ G/3H3
College Fark, MD
Q"&#' W3 M#"%&'1@ G/3H3
University ol Arizona
M#""X M#T*#'@ G/3H3
National Autonomous University ol
Mexico ,Mexico,
I4F Q3 M,#F4'@ G/3H3
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company
E#X +3 M,/"@ G/3H3
Environmental Eoucation Enterprises, Inc.
Q"&#' A3 M,'.-,@ >3H3@ !CAGA@ H>CH
University ol British Columbia ,Canaoa,
N$4.. B3 M&-&,'V,-*@ G/3H3
Emory University
!-4X M&--,X@ E3H3
Iernanoina Beach, IL
G#T- E3 M&4X@ G/3H3
UMDNJ-Robert Wooo Johnson
Meoical School
S&--&#F >3 M4'*4'@ 5*3H3@ >3G3+3
Calilornia State University, Los Angeles
S&--&#F >3 MT'$/@ G/3H3
Oregon State University
H#"X- MT'*@ G/3H3
University ol Wisconsin, Maoison
E4/' MT?&,'@ >3N$3
University ol Massachusetts
+4P#"* H3 >#$$#K,,@ G/3H3@ >3H3
Alamo, CA
E#',. 53 >#$/,-,*.@ >3H3@ >3N3@ >3G3+3
Houston, TX
+,'"X J3 >#'',@ E3N3H3
George Mason University Law School
U#"- >#"#F4"41$/@ G/3H3
Rutgers University, Cook College
ET*&./ W3 >#"-,..@ G/3H3@ C3H3
University ol Wisconsin, Maoison
M#P",'$, E3@ >#"',..@ G/3H3
Vanoerbilt University
E#F,1 C3 >#"1/#--@ G/3H3
Roswell Fark Cancer Institute
C4(," B3 >$A-,--#'@ H3\3>3@ >3>3N3@
H3W3Q3I3@ H3W3Q3\3I3@ !3W3I3N3
Albuquerque, NM
>#"X +3 >$J"#./@ >3H3@ >3G3+3
University ol Calilornia, San Irancisco
W-#' J3 >$+T(/,'@ H3G/&-3
University ol Calilornia, Riversioe
E#F,1 H3 >$U,#'@ H3\3>3@ E3H3
Iowa State University
E41,?/ G3 >$>,'#F&'@ >3H3@ E3H3
McGuireWooos, LLF
G#."&$% E3 >&$/#,-1@ G/3H3
Cato Institute
I/4F#1 +3 >&-KX@ >3H3@ >3G3+3
Boise, ID
E41,?/ >3 >&--,"@ >3H3@ >3G3+3
Durham, NH
C&$/#"* W3 >&--,"@ >3H3
Frincipia Biopharma, Inc.
C&$/#"* U3 >&--,"@ G/3H3
University ol Rochester
S&--&#F E3 >&--,"@ G/3H3
University ol Georgia
W3 W-#' >4(/&11&@ G/3H3
Institute lor Regulatory Science
J"#$, G3 >4'#$4@ E3H3
Meoical Care Ombuosman Frogram
Q"&#' 53 >4'*,--@ >3H3
Baltimore Heaoache Institute
E4/' S3 >4"(#'@ H"3G3+3
Calilornia Cancer Registry
N.,?/,' E3 >411@ H3H3N3@ >3N3
New York University College ol Dentistry
Q"44%, I3 >411F#'@ G/3H3
University ol Vermont College
ol Meoicine
W--&14' W3 >T--,"@ G/#"F3H3
Institute lor Continuing
Healthcare Eoucation
+#""&1 >3 R#(-,"@ >3H3
Beth Israel Meoical CenterAlbert
Einstein College ol Meoicine
H#'&,- E3 R$#X&X#'#@ >3H3
Benguela Health ,South Alrica,
G/&-&? 53 R,-14'@ G/3H3
Furoue University
E4X$, W3 R,..-,.4'@ H3N$3@ C3H3
Denver, CO
E4/' N3 R,TK,"(,"@ H"3G3+3
University ol Kansas School ol Meoicine
I/4F#1 R&$/4-14'@ G/3H3@ >3G3+3
Western Kentucky University
W-K,". J3 R&$%,-
LyonHeart ,ret.,
C4K,". E3 R&$4-41&@ G/3H3
University ol Massachusetts, Lowell
E#F,1 M3 BK-&'(,"@ G/3H3
North Carolina State University
E4/' G#."&$% B`J"#*X@ >3H3
Tults University School ol Meoicine
]nnos E. OldBold, Ph.D.
Oregon State University
N.#'-,X I3 BF#X,@ G/3H3@ !3W3I3N3@
!3WAR@ A3R3N3
University ol Nevaoa, Reno
>&$/#,- I3 B1.,"/4-F@ G/3H3@ >3G3+3
University ol Minnesota
>&$/#,- S3 G#"&O#@ G/3H3
University ol Wisconsin, Maoison
N.T#". G#..4'@ G/3H3
Fennsylvania State University
E#F,1 >#"$ G,""&'@ >3H3
Mass General Hospital lor Chiloren
E#X G/,-#'@ >3H3
Wyle Integrateo Science ano
Engineering Group
I&F4./X HT%,1 G/&--&?1@ G/3H3
Texas A8M University
H#2&* C3 G&%,@ G/3H3
Champaign, IL
N.,2,' G&'%,"@ G/3H3
Harvaro University
+,'"X A3 G&.4.@ >3H3@ G/3H3
University ol Wisconsin, Maoison
I/4F#1 I3 G4-,F#'@ G/3H3
Cornell University
J#"X G3 G41',"@ >3H3
Flant City, IL
E4/' E3 G4P,"1@ G/3H3
University ol Georgia
S&--&#F H3 G4P"&,@ G/3H3
University ol British Columbia ,Canaoa,
A3N3 G"#%#1/@ G/3H3
Tuskegee University
>#"2&' G3 G"&..1@ G/3H3
Cornell University
H#'&,- E3 C#&.,'@ G/3H3
National Institutes ol Health
H#2&* S3 C#F,X@ H3\3>3
Ramey Equine Group
C3I3 C#2,'/4-.@ >3H3@ >3G3+3
Fopulation Health Imperatives
CT11,- E3 C,&.,"@ G/3H3
University ol Texas, San Antonio
S&--&#F C,2&--,@ G/3H3
University College Cork ,Irelano,
H4'#-* C3 C4K,".1@ G/3H3
The Unilormeo Services University ol
the Health Sciences
E3 H3 C4K&'14'@ >3H3
Georgetown University School ol Meoicine
Q"#* C4*T@ H3H3N3
University ol Louisville
Q&-- H3 C4,KT$%@ G/3H3@ H3W3Q3I3
Dartmouth Meoical School
H#2&* Q3 C4--@ G/3H3
Colleyville, TX
H#-, C3 C4F141@ G/3H3
Michigan State University
E41,?/ H3 C41,'@ G/3H3
Cook College, Rutgers University
N.,2,' I3 C41,'@ >3H3
Northwestern University Meoical School
N.#'-,X C4./F#'@ G/3H3
Smith College
N.,?/,' +3 N#V,@ H3G/&-3
Texas A8M University
S#--#$, L3 N#F?14'@ >3H3
Stanloro University School ol Meoicine
>#"% aE#14'b N#'*,"1@ >3H3
University ol Texas Meoical School
+#"4-* +3 N#'*1.,#*@ >3H3
University ol Texas Meoical Branch
A/#"-,1 C3 N#'.,"",@ G/3H3
Furoue University
M4P,-- H3 N#..,"-,,@ G/3H3
Vergas, MN
>#"% \3 N#T,"@ >3H3
Columbia University
]o0roy W. Snvoll, Ph.D.
Texas A8M University
>#"2&' E3 N$/&11,-@ H3H3N3
Roslyn Heights, NY
H#2&* N$/4..,'V,-*@ >3H3@ >3N$3
University ol Michigan
E4,- >3 N$/P#".O@ >3N3
Reason Fublic Folicy Institute
H#2&* 53 N,&*,F#''@ G/3H3
Brooklyn CollegeYale University
H#2&* W3 N/#XP&.O@ >3H3@ G/3H3
Theravance, Inc.
G#."&$% E3 N/,#@ G/3H3
University ol Nebraska, Lincoln
>&$/#,- Q3 N/,"F,"@ G/3H3
Skeptic Magazine
N#"#/ N/4".@ G/3H3@ 5*3H3@ C3H3
Syracuse University
W3 E3 N&,*-,"@ G/3H3
University ol Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
>#"$ U3 N&,(,-@ >3H3
New York University School ol Meoicine
>&$/#,- N&,(,-@ >3H3@ >3G3+3
Boston University School ol Fubic Health
M,, >3 N&-2,"@ G/3H3
Frinceton University
>&$/#,- N3 N&F4'@ >3H3@ >3G3+3
Wayne State University
N3 !",* N&'(,"@ G/3H3
Science 8 Environmental Folicy Froject
Robort B. Sklnro0, M.D.
Fhilaoelphia, FA
W'', >3 NF&./@ G/3H3@ C3H3@ M3H3
Ohio State University
J#"X A3 NF&./@ G/3H3
Coloraoo State University
E4/' R3 N4V41@ G/3H3
Coloraoo State University
M#1O-4 G N4F4(X&@ G/3H3
SRI International ,ret.,
C4X !3 N?#-*&'(@ G/3H3
University ol Nebraska, Lincoln
M,4'#"* I3 N?,""X@ >3H3@ G/3H3
Ilorioa Atlantic University
C4K,". W3 NYT&",@ H3\3>3@ G/3H3
Johns Hopkins University
C4'#-* I3 N.#'%4@ >3H3
University ol Fittsburgh Meoical Center
E#F,1 +3 N.,,-,@ H3\3>3@ >3G3+3
University ol Texas, Houston
C4K,". H3 N.,,-,@ G/3H3
Fennsylvania State University
ET*&./ N3 N.,"'@ N$3H3@ C3H3
University ol Calilornia, Davis
N.,?/,' N3 N.,"'K,"(@ >3H3
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
C4'#-* H3 N.,P#".@ B3A3@ >3H3@ !CAGA
Dalhousie University ,Canaoa,
>#"./# Q#"',1 N.4',@ G/3H3
Coloraoo State University
E4' W3 N.4"X@ G/3H3
Furoue University
N&.# C3 I#.&'&@ G/3H3
University ol Minnesota
H&$% I#2,"',
House ol Loros, Uniteo Kingoom
N.,2, M3 I#X-4"@ G/3H3
University ol Nebraska, Lincoln
M4""#&', I/,-&#'
Ketchum, Inc.
U&FK,"-X >3 I/4F?14'@ N$3H3
Harvaro School ol Fublic Health
W'*",# H3 I&(-&4@ G/3H3@ E3H3
Townseno ano Townseno ano Crew, LLF
E#F,1 53 I&--4.14'@ G/3H3@ >3Q3W3
Tults University
H&F&."&41 I"&$/4?4T-41@ >3H3
Harvaro School ol Fublic Health
C4K,". G3 c?$/T"$/@ G/3H3
University ol Arizona
>#"% E3 c.,--@ >3H3
University ol Rochester Meoical Center
N/#1/& Q3 \,"F#@ G/3H3
University ol Nebraska, Lincoln
S&--#"* E3 \&1,%@ >3H3@ G/3H3
University ol Illinois College ol Meoicine
MX'' S#&1/P,--@ G/3H3@ A+5N
University ol Meoicine ano Dentistry ol
New Jersey, School ol Fublic Health
Q"&#' S#'1&'%@ G/3H3
Cornell University
>&-,1 S,&'K,"(,"@ >3H3
University ol Iowa Hospitals ano Clinics
E4/' S,&1KT"(,"@ G/3H3
New York Meoical College
E#',. N3 S,&11@ >3H3
The ToxDoc
N&F4' S,11,-X@ >3H3@ !CAG
King`s College Lonoon ano Institute ol
Fsychiatry ,Uniteo Kingoom,
N.,2,' H3 S,d',"@ >3H3
Clevelano Clinic Ilorioa
E4,- 5--&4. S/&.,@ >3H3@ !3W3A3C3
Danville, CA
E4/' N3 S/&.,@ G/3H3
White Technical Research
U,'',./ M3 S/&.,@ G/3H3
Utah State University
C4K,". E3 S/&.,@ >3H3@ G/3H3
Shaker Heights, OH
A#"4- S/&.-4$%@ G/3H3@ C3H3
Rochester Institute ol Technology
A/"&1.4?/," !3 S&-%&'14'@ G/3H3
Wilmington, NC
>#"% M3 S&--,'K"&'(@ >3H3
Saint Faul. MN
A#"- U3 S&'.,"@ G/3H3
University ol Calilornia, Davis
E#F,1 E3 S4"F#'@ G/3H3
Rochester Institute ol Technology
CT11,-- N3 S4""#--@ B3H3
University ol Calilornia, Berkeley
N3 N.#'-,X e4T'(@ G/3H3
National Institute ol Statistical Science
N.,2,' +3 [,&1,-@ >3H3@ G/3H3
The University ol North Carolina
>&$/#,- Q3 [,F,-@ G/3H3
Nutrition Institute, University ol Tennessee
5%/#"* 53 [&,(-,"@ >3H3
University ol Iowa
The opinions expresseo in ACSH publications oo not necessarily represent the views ol all members ol
the ACSH Boaro ol Trustees, Iounoers Circle ano Boaro ol Scientinc ano Folicy Aovisors, who all serve
without compensation.
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