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Student Name: Jie Liu

Weekly Review Assignment

According to the first week of study, I think the Problem Email Assignment and grou
discussion in class is most useful for me! "irstly, with the raid de#eloment of the Internet era,
the e$mail communication has become an most imortant art of our daily communication! In
other words, the email has been gradually relaced by aer mails! %ow to write an correct e$mail
has become an imortant issue, &his section allows me reali'e what a malformed e$mail and what
are re(uirement of a correct e$mail, because it gi#e me a ma)or hel for my future work and life!
Secondly, the grou discussion allows us to be familiar with each student in the class, so that we
can get more e*eriences and suggestions from others! I think its good for us!
"rom learning and reading in last week, there are two communication concet gi#e me the
most imressi#e! &hey are +Interersonal communication, and +organi'ational communication,! I
think both two concet are #ery imortant, because no matter what we do, we are faced with
talking to others$$$indi#idual or organi'ation, we need e*change information, feelings, and
meaning through #erbal and non$#erbal messages or face$to$face communication e#ery day! I
think they are essential skills in our li#es and )ob!
"rom two class in last week, I can understand there si* element in interersonal
communication, -ommonly these elements include: the -ommunicators, the message, noise,
feedback, conte*t and channel! And the .rgani'ational communication, as a field, is the
consideration, analysis, and criticism of the role of communication in organi'ational conte*ts! .f
course, I think that regardless of communicate with the indi#idual or organi'ation, we need to
know what kind of character of oursel#es, we need to understand it and know how to imro#e us,
so do the best to communicate with others!
/y learning and communicated with classmates, i know we still need to imro#e our
communication skills and ability! Such as me, in last month, I ha#e a conflict with my grou
member, because he belongs to the administrator tye erson, when he assigning tasks to other
grou members, he always made himself the center, so ignoring the ideas of other members, which
made I felt unhay and we had an argument, the result of our conflict is leading the task was not
comleted on time! /y the study of last week, I understand that in this matter, /oth I and him are
wrong, I should learn to resect others and humbly accet the oinions of others, but he also needs
to resect the other team members, he need to listened carefully to other ideas, both of us lack of
communication and awareness of cooeration, So as to allow communication becomes more
effecti#e, to make things better!
So I think in my future life, whether it is li#e or work, I need to learn to constantly imro#e my
character flaws and learn more communication skills, 0hether we are face of working artners or
family members,0e must first learn to resect, I think this is the most basic re(uirement of
communication! "or e*amle, when other eole talk to me, I need watch their eyes and make
some aroriate feedback when they finish their con#ersation!it can show my more atience to
them! And when i talk to others, i need ad)ust my seak seed and #olume, ut them in aroriate
osition, make others feel comfortable, and when other eole can not understand us, we can use
some aroriate body language and show the enough atience to e*lain what we talk about!
/ecause the communication has become an essential skills in life and work, effecti#e
communication can romote the efficient to comlete our work and get a better life!

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