Julia Laimans Web Publishing SEO Paper

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Julia Laimans
Web Publishing
SEO Paper
Headline: SEO Analysis & Recommendations for JVCs Adixxion Camera Product Page
I. Three Keyphrase Recommendations (Cr)
a. The Three Keyword Phrases I think will drive the most traffic:
1. Best waterproof camera
2. Action shot camera
3. Wifi camera
b. Explanation of my choices:

After going through several Google AdWords keywords, I narrowed it down to about ten that
I wanted to plug into Google Trends in order to find the best options for keywords for the
Figure 1
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JVC Adixxion Camera product page. Once I plugged in all ten of the keywords and reading
what the Trends website disclosed about said keywords, I deduced that best waterproof
camera, action shot camera, and wifi camera were going to be the best options for the
Adixxion site, which is illustrated in Figure 1.

Figure 2
Highest points occur in June and December each year.
Figure 3
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1. Best waterproof camera: From studying the Adixxion website, Google Trends, and
Google AdWords, I was able to determine that best waterproof camera In Figure 2, I
was able to determine that the highest times of the year that best waterproof camera is
searched is in June and December. Since June marks the beginning of summer and the
weather is finally beginning to warm up, people become more likely to go participate in
water sports. For December, it marks the primary holiday season and gift giving time. It
is also the beginning of winter and since the camera is waterproof, that means that people
would be able to use it for winter sports such as snowboarding or cross country skiing.
Figure 3 denotes that best waterproof camera has a medium search rate in the market
against other keywords. I believe that this will prove to be effective for JVC because that
means that it will still be competing against other cameras but that means that it will not
be competing against the top search term in the waterproof category, which is digital
waterproof cameras, thus giving it the change to dominate the market for affordable
action cameras.

Figure 4
Peak search time was September 2012
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2. Action shot camera: This keyphrase was chosen due to the relatively newness of the
said keyphrase. According to the Trends site and the data in Figure 4, it was not until
November of 2010 that action shot camera began to make an impact in the Trend
world. Inspecting the data in Figure 4 further, I was able to ascertain that the highest
point of searches for action cameras was in September of 2012. The primary reason that
I believe there was a jump was that September of 2012 was the first month after the 2012
Summer Olympics and with the introduction of new extreme sports, it gave people the
opportunity to see competitive swimming and other action-esque sports from the
Olympians view. In Figure 3, action shot camera was marked as a medium
competition bid by Google AdWords. This means that while it is not competing with its
highest competition, which Trends lists as action shots, action shot camera will be
competing with more specific keyphrases instead of broad keyphrases such as action

3. Wifi camera: After reading through the Trends page, I determined that wifi camera
would be the best choice in regards to cameras with Wifi. Over the last several years, the
keyphrase wifi camera has gained popularity. In Figure 5, the boxed in area denotes
Figure 5
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that in December of 2012, the popularity of wifi camera searches was at 94 percent,
whereas in December of 2013, the keyphrase jumped up to 100 percent. According to
Figure 3, wifi camera is a high competition search term. This means that there is a
high change of people using that particular keyphrase. It could be because it is a rather
broad keyphrase, but it is far more likely that due to the rise of popularity in wifi ready
devices in the world, the keyphrase wifi camera is very popular in todays search
results. With the popularity of wifi ready devices rising, it makes sense that the peak
times for this keyphrase to be searched is around the holiday season where gift giving is a
fairly standard norm for most societies.

Figure 6
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Figure 7
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Figure 8
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Figure 9
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II. Content Analysis: Quality (Cq, Vt, Ce, Cf)
a. Overall Quality (Cq, Vt, Va)
Adixxion Score: 6 out of 10
Hero 3+ Score: 9.5 out of 10
Explanation: Between the Adixxion and the Hero 3+ website, it is clear that the
Hero 3+ website is the winner. While both websites do not have other site ads
running on them, they do allow the user to navigate back to the other products that
the respective companies provide, such as camera accessories or other cameras
completely. In Figure 6, the Hero 3+ website has an outright price listed for the
camera. In Figure 8, the JVC Adixxion website has a shopping cart that takes the
user to a separate page. In addition to this, nowhere on the main page of the
Figure 10
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Adixxion site does the price appear, thus making it difficult to understand whether
the camera is an affordable option or not. Figure 7 also shows how the Hero 3+
website provides the user with reviews of the product. Along with general info for
the camera, this makes the website up to date with product reviews and content,
however it does have a tendency to read like a brochure at times. Figure 9 shows
the general type of content that is on the website. Rather than providing reviews
and up to date content, the Adixxion website reads as more of a brochure than as a
website that is trying to sell a product. Even once users are taken to the outside
commerce site that is linked into the Adixxion page, (this is shown in Figure 10),
they are still prompted to visit other retailer sites to buy the camera, with a general
price listed (circled in Figured 10), but then they are prompted to seek other deals
at other websites for the product.
Recommendation for improvements: For the Adixxion site, I would
recommend that they first of all list the price of the camera on the page. As
someone that has shopped for a semi-professional grade camera, it is easier to for
me to make a decision once I am able to see the price alongside the product
information. I would also include user reviews and a rating system so that the
users could see how other people respond to the cameras, both through reviews
and ratings. I would also provide more of the design specifications on the site
rather than just providing the user with a link to another page. Along with these
changes, I would also request that they provide a short paragraph about the
camera and then include the specifications in a kind of shorthanded chart, that
way the product information reads as more of an informative document than as a
Laimans 11

brochure. When it comes to the Hero 3+ site, the only change that I would make
would be present the information into a kind of chart like I previously suggested
for the Adixxion site. That way it will read a bit easier for the user and keep the
website rather streamlined.

b. Engaging Content (Ce):
Adixxion Score: 7 out of 10
Hero 3+ Score: 9.5 out of 10
Explanation: According to the Alexa.com analytical site, users spend an average
of four minutes and two seconds, as illustrated by Figure 11, on the GoPro
website, whereas users that visit the JVC site spend an average of three minutes
and eleven seconds, as noted in Figure 12. This means that users that visit the
GoPro website are more likely to be engaged in the content of the site than users
that visit the JVC site. The Hero 3+ website provides more useful information for
users, such as quick blurbs about the product and consumer reviews, as previously
Figure 11
Figure 12
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noted in Figure 7. While the Adixxion site does not have any consumer reviews,
it does contain some short blurbs about the product, but as previously stated in the
Overall Quality section, one must click on the Specifications link in order to
get more detailed information about the Adixxion camera.
Recommendation: For the Hero 3+ site, I think that the short blurbs are quite
effective in maintaining user engagement. The only thing that I would change
would be putting some of the information such as battery life and wifi specs into a
chart as I previously suggested in the Overall Quality section. For the Adixxion
site, I would recommend adding an area for reviews and product rating that other
users can use and including more of the camera specs on the main page. I would
also add certain information to a chart much like I suggest for the Hero 3+ site.

Figure 13
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Figure 14
Figure 15
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Figure 16
Figure 17
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Figure 18
Figure 19
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Figure 20
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Figure 21
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Figure 22
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Figure 23
Figure 24
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c. Social Signals (Sr, Ss):
Adixxion Score: 4.5 out of 10
Hero 3+ Score: 8 out of 10
Explanation: In Figures 13 and 14, the social media links have been marked on
each of the pages. Figure 13 shows that for the Hero 3+ page lists the social
media links in what has become the traditional area for social media links for
websites. When it comes to the Adixxion website, Figure 14 shows that there are
two tabs for Adixxions Facebook and Twitter accounts listed on the top right side
of the website rather than at the bottom of the page. Unfortunately, the social
media links do not scroll with the page so if one were to look for the social media
links, one would have to scroll back to the top of the page rather than scrolling to
the bottom as one is want to do when they visit a website and look for social
media links. Both products have social media presence; however the Hero 3+ has
a higher social media presence than the Adixxion camera. Figure 15 shows that
while the Hero 3+ does not have a Facebook page, the GoPro Facebook page has
over 7.2 million likes with over 166K people talking about GoPro as a whole on
Facebook. Figure 16 shows that only 23 people are talking about the Adixxion
camera on Facebook and that Adixxion only has 105,127 likes. When it comes to
Twitter, there is not a page dedicated to just the Hero 3+; however much like the
GoPro Facebook page, it is noted in Figure 17 that GoPro has an extremely high
Twitter presence. This consists of 931K followers with GoPro following 397
Twitter users. They also have a tendency to tweet more than the Adixxion
Twitter account with over 15.3K tweets, vs the USA Adixxion Twitter account
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only tweeting 229 tweets since their account first activated, (this is noted in
Figures 17 and 18). Figure 23 again continues with the theme of GoPro having
a general content page for their YouTube, however as it is highlighted in Figure
23, there is a video series dedicated to the Hero 3+ camera. The Adixxion camera
has only 340 subscribers, (Figure 24), but they have 45 videos in comparison to
only nine in the Hero 3+ series. Again, GoPro indicates that they have more of a
presence in Google+ than Adixxion, with over 138K connections for GoPro and
only 22 for Adixxion (See Figures 19 and 20). According to the Social Mention
website, both websites have more neutral mentions than other mentions, with
GoPro having higher Strength and Passion ratings than JVC, (see Figures 21
and 22).
Recommendation for improvements: For GoPro I feel a bit conflicted; while
they have a strong social media presence, I feel as though they should also have a
separate account for the Hero 3+ camera; however I feel concerned that the
primary reason that the Adixxion camera does not have as strong of a presence is
because JVC did specifically dedicate social media outlets to one product. If
Adixxion were to maybe link to their main JVC pages, they could possibly raise
their social media rankings. I would also suggest that they get an intern/employee
to strictly maintain their social media accounts so as to build up more of a
presence in the social media world.

Figure 25
Laimans 22

III. HTML Current Keyword Location Analysis (Ht, Hd, Hb)
a. Title Tags
Adixxion Product Page: <title>Action Camera | JVC ADIXXION</title>
GoPro Hero 3+ Product Page: <title>HERO3+ Silver Edition</title>
Explanation: As listed in Figure 28, the title tag for Adixxion shows up exactly
the same in a SERP as it does in the title tag code in Figure 26. The same holds
true for the Hero 3+ in the title tag line of Figure 25 reading exactly the same as it
appears in a SERP, (see Figure 27).
Recommendation: I would consider taking out the Action Camera part of the
title tag for Adixxion since it does appear second for the search results. I feel that
Figure 26
Figure 27
Figure 28
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by doing this, it would take you directly to the Adixxion website over the JVC
shopping page.

b. Description meta tag
Adixxion Product Page: <meta name="description" content="JVC ADIXXION
GC-XA2 makes sure you can &quot;be action ready&quot; with tough design that
requires no protective housing, plus Wi-Fi and LCD screen built into the compact
lightweight body. Quad-Proof right out of the box so it withstands water, jolts,
dust, and freezing temperatures. Just grab it, mount it, or wear it, and get going."
Figure 29
Figure 30
Figure 31
Figure 32
Laimans 24

GoPro Hero 3+ Product Page: NONE
Explanation: In Figure 30, the description that matches up in the meta
description tag is exactly what appears in the description area on the SERP in
Figure 32. After scrolling through the code and searching for the meta
description tag as is illustrated in Figure 29. What is actually listed as the
description in Figure 31, is the first paragraph listed for the GoPro Hero 3+.
Recommendation: I would recommend putting in a more specific description
code for the GoPro Hero 3+ instead of having the description be the first
paragraph that you read when you get to the website.

c. IMG names and ALT text

<img src="/extension/adxsite/design/adxsite/img/close.png" /></div><iframe
id="adxvideo" width="640" height="480" src=
frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>

<img src="/extension/adxsite/design/adxsite/img/logo.gif" alt="JVC ADIXXION"
width="291" height="60" /></a></p><div class="dropdown_com_list">
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<img src="/var/ezwebin_site/storage/images/media/top_slider/01-be-action-ready/503-7-eng
GB/01-Be-Action-Ready.jpg" alt="" width="900" height="400" />

<img src="/var/ezwebin_site/storage/images/media/top_slider/02-quad-proof/1119-10-eng-
US/02-Quad-Proof.jpg" alt="" width="900" height="400" />
Laimans 26

<img src="/var/ezwebin_site/storage/images/media/top_slider/03-performance/515-7-eng-
GB/03-performance.jpg" alt="" width="900" height="400" />

<img src="/var/ezwebin_site/storage/images/media/top_slider/04-wifi/521-5-eng-GB/04-
wifi.jpg" alt="" width="900" height="400" />

Laimans 27

<img src="/extension/adxsite/design/adxsite/img/Adixxion_Video_PC.PNG" alt="" width="241"
height="90" /></a>

<img src="/extension/adxsite/design/adxsite/img/Adixxion_ShopNow_PC.PNG" alt=""
width="280" height="90" />

<img src="/extension/adxsite/design/adxsite/img/img_top_performance.png"
alt="PERFORMANCE" width="960" height="676" />
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<img src="/extension/adxsite/design/adxsite/img/ico_top_wifi.gif" alt="WiFi" width="84"
height="35" />

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<img src="/extension/adxsite/design/adxsite/img/img_top_wifi.png" alt="You'll want to share!"
width="657" height="735" />

<img src="/extension/adxsite/design/adxsite/img/img_top_accessories.png"
alt="ACCESSORIES" width="475" height="382" />

<img src="/extension/adxsite/design/adxsite/img/btn_main_link.png" alt="" width="32"
height="230" usemap="#Map" border="0" />

Laimans 30

While a majority of the main images have ALT text, after reading through the links, not all of
them actually contain ALT text; they instead have just dimensions such as the height and width
of the IMG files. There are also several IMG names that could stand to be shortened by saving
the image as something different, (see the Facebook/Twitter IMG file), rather than having
lengthy file names.
Recommendations for improvements: Based off of the fact that there are several primary IMG
files that do not contain actual descriptive ALT text, I would provide more information for said
ALT text. By making them more descriptive, it could improve the Google rankings since they
will be following more of Googles Good Practices. I would also consider shortening the file
names and making them something specific rather than something complicated that does not
actually provide the name for the IMG file (again, see Facebook and Twitter IMG file).

Figure 33
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Figure 34
Figure 35
Figure 36
Figure 37
Figure 38
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IV. Architecture: Speed (As)
Adixxion Score: 9.541 seconds
Hero 3+ Score: 12.026 seconds
Explanation: Based off of the data gathered in Figures 33-35 from the WebPageTest.com
site, I was able to determine that the image files on the Hero 3+ page took up the most space,
thus leading to the slowness of the site loading. Figure 35 is the section of the waterfall
chart for the Hero 3+ page that shows the files that took the longest to load. All of the main
files are jpg image files that have been highlighted on Figure 35. This is also confirmed by
the pie charts on Figure 34. For the Adixxion camera, Figures 36-28 also determine that the
primary files that are clogging up the webpages load time are image files. If you look at the
information listed in Figures 34 and 37, it is noticeable that while Adixxion has a higher
percentage of image files taking up space than the Hero 3+ page, but the Adixxion page was
still able to load faster than the Hero 3+ page (Figures 33 and 26). For the Adixxion page, I
was able to determine by using the waterfall chart that the two files that took the longest to
load were jpg and png image files
Recommendation for improvements: I would recommend deleting a large number of the
image files for the Hero 3+ page that are used for informative purposes, (examples: photos of
the camera being emmy award winning, photos of battery life, photos of photo of saying
the camera is 2x more powerful, ect.) and replace all of that data into a chart. That way
theres less image files that will take up space on the site and slowing it down, along with
less text files since everything would be organized in short details rather than in short little
blurbs. For the Adixxion page, my prime recommendation would be shrinking the size of

For more information on the waterfall charts for both pages, they are enclosed at the conclusion of the paper
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some of the image files, as I suggested in the IMG names and ALT text section, so that it
will cut back on the load time.

V. Architecture: URLs (Au)
Adixxion Score: 10 out of 10
Hero 3+ Score: 8 out of 10
Explanation: Both products have very clean URLs, but as you can see from the URLs
Figure 39
Figure 40
Laimans 34

listed in Figure 39, the URLs are quite short and to the point for the Adixxion camera
and remain specific to the Adixxion camera. According to the Google Starters Guide, a
website is more likely to rank higher on SERP than a site with long URLs and
unnecessary characters. Adixxion does an excellent job of keeping everything clean and
short. The only specific URL that GoPro has for the Hero 3+ camera is long, but very
specific and it does not contain any unnecessary characters as you can see from Figure
40. For the rest of the pages that can be navigated to from the GoPro website, they are
also quite clean and short and to the point, with no unnecessary characters.
Recommendation for improvements: For the Adixxion site, I would not recommend
any improvements. Based on the information from the Google Starters guide and the
Search Engine Land, I believe that Adixxion has made the right choice in keeping the
URLs short and devoid of any unnecessary characters. If I were to recommend anything,
it would be that Hero 3+ would adopt the same specific URL strategy rather than using
the generic GoPro URLs.
VI. Link Popularity (Ln, Lq)
a. Link Quality (Based off of MagesticSEO.com findings)
JVC.com No. of Referring Domains: 13,922
GoPro.com No. of Referring Domains: 28,656
b. Link Quality
JVC.com No. of Referring Domains: 8 out of 10
GoPro.com No. of Referring Domains: 8 out of 10
Explanation: For the JVC.com site, I recognized several pages, such as
Pandora and WeHeartIt.com, which leads me to believe that JVC arising
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on those pages is due to paid banner advertising rather than content being
back linked by users. I also recognized several YouTube pages for the
GoPro page, which leads me to come to the same conclusion of banner
advertisements arising on YouTube. For both websites, I noticed that
there were other sites that linked back that had low ranking scores, such as
displaymate.com and scca.com. So even though both sites have high
numbers of referring domains, it is possible that a chunk of them are either
low ranking sites or are part of advertisements for GoPro and JVC.
VII. Current Traffic
JVC.com Monthly Unique Visitors: 68,000
GoPro.com Monthly Unique Visitors: 457,926
Explanation: I noticed that for the GoPro site, there tended to be a spike in
November, December, and February during the past year. This could be attributed to
the fact that these times are generally when gifts are given for holidays such as
Christmas, Chanukah, and Valentines Day. This pattern is not the case for Adixxion,
where the highest spike was October of 2013 and the number of monthly unique
visitors has since dropped. However, the unique visitors did begin to go up in
December before dropping off again for Adixxion.
VIII. Keyword Performance on SERPs for Recommended Keywords
Ranking of Recommended Keywords on Adixxion.jvc.com
Keyword Google Bing Yahoo!
Best waterproof camera No No No
Laimans 36

Action shot camera No No No
Wifi camera 72 No No

Ranking of Recommended Keywords on GoPro.com
Keyword Google Bing Yahoo!
Best waterproof camera No No No
Action shot camera 58 6 8
Wifi camera 31 No No

Explanation: When I first saw the results for the Adixxion page, I was alarmed that my words
were not appearing in SERP like I thought they would, especially since they were ranked high
and medium by Google AdWords. However after seeing that the keywords were striking big
numbers on the GoPro site, I realized that once the Adixxion website is optimized for these
keywords, it will be able to potentially perform as well as the GoPro site. My main shock was
that both websites have not optimized the keyphrase best waterproof camera, which I thought
was the second main benefit that is featured for the Adixxion camera, behind being WiFi
capable. I also think that it will be necessary to focus on getting rankings up on Bing and Yahoo!
since both sites seem to not have a lot of traction with those particular SERPs.
IX. Conclusions and Priority Recommendations
Based off of my analysis of the Content, HTML, Architectures, and Links, I believe that
while right now Adixxion is behind GoPro, there are ways that it can improve. My first set
of recommendations applies to the Content of the website. In regards to the overall quality of
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the site, I feel like Adixxion does a good job of keeping the content fresh, (Cf), by posting
about the capabilities of the camera, especially since action cameras are becoming more
popular in society. For the Adixxion site, I would recommend that they first list the price of
the camera on the page. I would also include user reviews and a rating system so that the
users could see how other people respond to the cameras, both through reviews and ratings. I
would also provide more of the design specifications on the site rather than just providing the
user with a link to another page (Cq). Along with these changes, I would also request that
they provide a short paragraph about the camera and then include the specifications in a kind
of shorthanded chart (Ce), that way the product information reads as more of an informative
document than as a brochure (Vt). In regards to social media (Ps), I feel like the camera
could potentially build a following by linking up with the main JVC page. I would also think
of hiring someone to specifically be updating and keeping up a strong social media presence
for the Adixxion by posting on a regular basis, rather than only posting every few days.
Another recommendation is that JVC provides the user with the option to buy the Adixxion
from the JVC website first rather than taking the user to a separate page to bargain shop.
My next set of recommendations applies to the Link Popularity of the JVC.com page. I
would focus on not paying for advertising, (Lq), on a multitude of sites so as to gain a
respectable amount of sites that link back rather than having a series of smaller sites with less
weight on the web linking back to them. While this might cause the number of links to go
down (Ln), it provides JVC.com with the opportunity to gain more quality websites that
would link back to JVC.com.
However, before I would begin to apply any of these changes, I would start by optimizing
the site to accept the recommended keyphrases. By integrating the keyphrases into the
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descriptions tag on the site, it would boost the chances of the site appearing on SERP (Cr).
Based off of the information that was found on the Mikes-Marketing-Tools page, especially
by boosting the description and using the keyphrase best waterproof camera, Adixxion
would have the potential to jump ahead of Hero 3+. According to the SERPs, the keyphrase
did not register on Google, Yahoo!, or Bing for either product, therefore providing Adixxion
with the chance to slip past the Hero 3+. By also optimizing the site for the other keyphrases,
the SERPs will be able to recognize the quality of the Adixxion site better.
I believe that if Adixxion follows my recommendations, they will be able to gain a higher
web presence and rank higher in SERPs and gain a standing that is as high, if not higher than,
Hero 3+.

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