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Sub Topic: Binary Symmetric Channel Model

DOA: 1
Feb, 2014
DOS: 28th Feb, 2014

Submitted to: Submitted by:
Ms. Vishali Sharma Mr Anirban Sarkar
Reg.No, 11006396
Sec. E1E42
Channel Modeling:
A channel can be modelled physically by trying to calculate the physical processes which
modify the transmitted signal. For example in wireless communications the channel can be
modelled by calculating the reflection off every object in the environment. A sequence of
random numbers might also be added in to simulate external interference and/or electronic
noise in the receiver.
Statistically a communication channel is usually modelled as a triple consisting of an input
alphabet, an output alphabet, and for each pair (i, o) of input and output elements a transition
probability p(i, o). Semantically, the transition probability is the probability that
the symbol o is received given that i was transmitted over the channel.
Statistical and physical modelling can be combined. For example in wireless communications
the channel is often modelled by a random attenuation (known as fading) of the transmitted
signal, followed by additive noise. The attenuation term is a simplification of the underlying
physical processes and captures the change in signal power over the course of the
transmission. The noise in the model captures external interference and/or electronic noise in
the receiver. If the attenuation term is complex it also describes the relative time a signal
takes to get through the channel. The statistics of the random attenuation are decided by
previous measurements or physical simulations.
Channel models may be continuous channel models in that there is no limit to how precisely
their values may be defined.
Communication channels are also studied in a discrete-alphabet setting. This corresponds to
abstracting a real world communication system in which the analog->digital and digital-
>analog blocks are out of the control of the designer. The mathematical model consists of a
transition probability that specifies an output distribution for each possible sequence of
channel inputs. In information theory, it is common to start with memory less channels in
which the output probability distribution only depends on the current channel input.
In a digital channel model, the transmitted message is modelled as a digital signal at a
certain protocol layer. Underlying protocol layers, such as the physical layer transmission
technique, is replaced by a simplified model. The model may reflect channel performance
measures such as bit rate, bit errors, latency/delay, delay jitter, etc. Examples of digital
channel models are:
Binary symmetric channel (BSC), a discrete memory less channel with a certain bit error
Binary bursts bit error channel model, a channel "with memory"
Binary erasure channel (BEC), a discrete channel with a certain bit error detection
(erasure) probability
Packet erasure channel, where packets are lost with a certain packet loss probability
or packet error rate
Arbitrarily varying channel (AVC), where the behaviour and state of the channel can
change randomly

Binary Symmetric Channel:
A binary symmetric channel (or BSC) is a common communications channel model used
in coding theory and information theory. In this model, a transmitter wishes to send a bit (a
zero or a one), and the receiver receives a bit. It is assumed that the bit
is usually transmitted correctly, but that it will be "flipped" with a small probability (the
"crossover probability"). This channel is used frequently in information theory because it is
one of the simplest channels to analyse.
The BSC is a binary channel; that is, it can transmit only one of two symbols (usually called
0 and 1). (A non-binary channel would be capable of transmitting more than 2 symbols,
possibly even an infinite number of choices.) The transmission is not perfect, and
occasionally the receiver gets the wrong bit.
This channel is often used by theorists because it is one of the simplest noisy channels to
analyse. Many problems in communication theory can be reduced to a BSC. Conversely,
being able to transmit effectively over the BSC can give rise to solutions for more
complicated channels.
A binary symmetric channel with crossover probability p denoted by , is a channel
with binary input and binary output and probability of error p; that is, if X is the
transmitted random variable and Y the received variable, then the channel is characterized by
the conditional probabilities
Pr( Y = 0 | X = 0 ) = 1 p
Pr( Y = 0 | X = 1) = p
Pr( Y = 1 | X = 0 ) = p
Pr( Y = 1 | X = 1 ) = 1 p
It is assumed that 0 p 1/2. If p > 1/2, then the receiver can swap the output (interpret 1
when it sees 0, and vice versa) and obtain an equivalent channel with crossover probability
1 p
The capacity of the channel is 1 H(p), where H(p) is the binary entropy function.
The converse can be shown by a sphere packing argument. Given a code word, there are
roughly 2
n H(p)
typical output sequences. There are 2
total possible outputs, and the input
chooses from a codebook of size 2
. Therefore, the receiver would choose to partition the
space into "spheres" with 2
/ 2
= 2
n(1 R)
potential outputs each. If R > 1 H(p), then the
spheres will be packed too tightly asymptotically and the receiver will not be able to identify
the correct code word with vanishing probability.

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