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6)Item List
Items, also known as "Equippable Parts", have been around since the heady days
of Super Robot Wars 4. In RPG terms, they're the equivalent of equipping an
accessory that provides a boost in status, performance or some form that helps
whoever uses it. The number of items a unit can equip depends basically on the
overall "worth" of the unit; the majority of units get two item slots, while
weaker grunt suits usually get 4. You get items mostly by defeating enemies,
although bosses drop the most and rarest.
You can get to the Items List in the game by choosing the 5th-from-bottom
option in the menu during Intermission. The item list here will be arranged
in accordance to the one in the game.
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Hasusu -- Not really an item, but the first one listed. Allows you to remove
whatever item is in the slot you chose to get to this menu.
Booster -- Increases movement range by 1. Standard item which you'll get
plenty of; judge who you will give it to carefully though, as with the Squad
system around, usually one Booster doesn't affect the Squad on a whole. Best
recommended on flagships, who can make full use out of them.
Mega Booster -- Increases movement range by 2. Not-so-standard item, and
makes more of a difference to Squads. The same rules still apply, though.
Apogee Motor -- Increases movement range by 1, and mobility by 5. Basically
a Booster and Magnetic Coating combined, and can function well as both for
your Real robots.
Learning Computer -- Increases mobility by 5 and weapon accuracy by 5%. A bit
of a half/half, with bonuses that benefit Reals and Supers respectively. I
generally suggest putting it on Reals who have aiming problems; Brain pilots
and pretty much both of the Real protagonists are a good general example.
Magnetic Coating -- Increases mobility by 5. Standard item to equip on Real
robots, but gets outclassed by nearly everything else rather quickly.
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Bio Sensor -- Increases mobility by 10. Upgraded Magnetic Coating basically,
and a staple item for Reals all the way to the end of the game, being the item
with a balance between decent bonuses and availability.
Psycho Frame -- Increases mobility by 25 and weapon critical rate by 10%. One
of the best items you can give to any Real robot, a 25-point boost is major.
Unsurprisingly though, you don't get that many of these.
Bio Computer -- Increases mobility by 20 and weapon accuracy by 20%. The
advanced version of the Learning Computer, and the same reasoning applies.
Dual Sensor -- Increases weapon accuracy by 10%. A good fit for most Supers,
who usually have aiming problems. Flagships are another good choice for the
same reasons; who you put it on would depend on who needs it more.
Multi Sensor -- Increases weapon accuracy by 20%. Improved Dual Sensor, with
the same reasoning.
High Powered Targeting Device -- Increases weapon accuracy by 30%. The best
targeting item for your Supers.
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Haro -- *deep breath* Increases movement range by 2, mobility by 25, critical
rate by 20% and increases the range of non-map and non-point-blank weapons by
1. *breath* Unsurprisingly, one of the best and rarest items in the game. Put
it on your favourite Real and watch it kick more ass than ever before.
Kenta's Pokecon(Pocket Computer?) -- Increases weapon critical rate by 20%.
A good fit for high-critical machines, like the Deathscythe Hell Custom or
the Mother Vanguard, to let them get even more criticals than usual.
High Powered Radar -- Increases the range of non-map and non-point-blank
weapons by 1. In general, you'd put this on robots with REALLY long range
weapons to push the limit even further, or onto a robot with few or bad P
moves, to allow it to use its better non-P moves more often in a standing
Minovsky Craft -- Allows unit to fly, and changes all Air stats to A. As in
previous SRW games, this is a good bet for units which have bad Air stats;
most Gundams usually have Beam Rifles with are B in Air, which makes a
large amount of them as candidates. With the squad system though, a Minovsky
Craft can mean the difference between a squad taking to the skies, or being
bogged down by a single land-trudger.
Mniovsky Drive -- Increases movement range by 1, allows unit to Fly, and
changes all Air stats to S. VERY good item, as the S bonus is far more
pronounced than one might think. I usually put this on favoured robots, even
if they can already fly naturally.
Thruster Module -- Changes all Space stats to A. There aren't many units who
aren't already at least A in Space though, making this item a bit of a waste.
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Dust Adapter -- Changes all Land stats to A. As with the Thruster Module,
there aren't really many units who don't have A ratings on Land; the only
exception I can think off off-the-cuff is the Re-GZ, with its Beam Cannons B
on land.
Screw Module -- Changes all Water stats to A. Definitely more useful than the
Space and Land versions, especially for those waterlogged stages. Especially
useful for Gundams, which will allow them to use their beam weaponery
A-Adapter -- Changes all terrain stats to A. This item won't give you flight
capabilities though, but it's still good as a Thruster Module, Dust Adapter
and Screw Module all in one.
S-Adapter -- Changes all terrain stats to S. EXTREMELY useful, due to the
previously-mentioned pronounced bonus of an S-rating. Unfortunately, you only
get one, really late in the game.
Chobham Armour -- Increases maximum HP by 500, and Armour by 100. Standard fare
for most Supers; the whole line is pretty vital for Supers, in fact, since
they tend to take a lot of damage, even for Supers.
Hybrid Armour -- Increases maximum HP by 1000, and Armour by 150. More standard
fare for Supers, outclasses the Chobham Armour pretty quickly.
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Ultra Alloy Z -- Increases maximum HP by 1000, and Armour by 200. Not as huge
a difference as Hybrid Armour was to Chobham, but it's still a nice bonus.
Ultra Alloy New Z -- Increases maximum HP by 1500, and Armour by 250. One of
the best Armour/HP items you can get in this game, put this on your favourite
Zolmanium Alloy -- Increases maximum HP by 1800, and Armour by 200. I
personally value 50 more Armour over 300 HP, but it's your choice as to which
is better, and besides, both make good items for your Supers anyway.
Large-Scale Generator -- Increases maximum EN by 50. If you don't have a
Solar Cell, this might be the best replacement. Use it on EN heavy robots,
which is most of them.
Mega Generator -- Increases maximum EN by 100. An upgrade of the Large-Scale
Generator, and basically performs the same functions except better.
Giga Generator -- Increases maximum EN by 150. The best EN-increasing item you
can get, and makes a great combo with EN recovery skills or items, as you not
only increase your maximum EN, but the amount of EN you recover per turn.
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GS Light -- Increases maximum EN by 100, and recovers 20% EN every turn.
Doesn't increase as much EN as the Giga Generator, but the 20% EN recovery
more than makes up for it. Put this on your favourite EN-consuming robot.
Organic Bit -- Recovers 10% HP per turn. Preferable for Supers who are usually
targeted by enemies, to help them regain some of their lost HP every turn
rather than having to waste a Squad's movement or some Seishin Points
recovering it.
Solar Panel -- Recovers 10% EN per turn. Good on just about anything which
consumes EN at a steady rate, such as the Brains, where you need the extra
EN per turn to do decent damage.
Anti-Beam Coating -- Beam damage is reduced by 700. A little specialized, since
usually only Gundam enemies use Beam weapons, and even then not all of them.
Does make a good combination with Combattler V and Voltes V though, since their
Squad Leader Skill sees them taking 20% less damage from Beam Damage, enhancing
the chances of completely nullifying Beam attacks.
I-Field Barrier -- Beam damage is reduced by 850. Pretty much the same as
Anti Beam Coating, except stronger.
Gravity Territory -- Damage below 1500 is nullified. Extremely useful on just
about anything, since the barrier will affect all the members in the squad of
the unit that carries it. Especially excellent against ALL attacks.
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Hyper Jammer -- Gives the Buushin robot ability. Since no Supers have Buushin
naturally, its a good idea to give this item to them instead, since Supers can
make the best use of Buushin in general, as it only has a chance of activating
if the attack will hit.
Propellant Tank -- Fully recovers EN, Consumable, can be used on other units
in the Squad. Normally I never use consumable items in SRW games, but this game
is a change, mainly because you can use it on ANYONE in the squad; thus I
usually kit up my supporting squad members with these consumable items, then
have them use it on the Squad Leader if it needs it. As for the item itself,
its obviously best used on robots who'll have their EN depleted rather fast,
mainly those who you didn't have the space or resources to put EN-increasing or
recovery items on.
Cartridge -- Fully recovers Ammo, Consumable, can be used on other units in the
Squad. Same logic as the Propellant Tank, except for robots heavily reliant
on Ammo.
Repair Kit -- Fully recovers HP, Consumable, can be used on other units in the
Squad. Same logic as the previous two items, mostly used on squads headed by
Supers, since they take damage and take it hard, usually.
Super Repair Kit - Fully recovers HP, EN and Ammo, Consumable, can be used on
other units in the Squad. All of the three items above jammed into one cozy
package, good for just about any Squad Member.
OVA's Croquette -- Recovers 20 SP, Consumable. Since you can't use it on any
Squad Member within a Squad like the other consumable items, its usefulness is
somewhat decreased, but it still makes a good fit for Squad Members who require
the 20 extra EN to pull off another Aid, Bless, or good support seishin.
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Cecily's Bun -- Recovers 50 SP, Consumable. Powered up version of OVA's
Victory Meal -- Recovers all SP, Consumable. Super-powered version, not a bad
choice for Squad Leaders either. Unsurprsingly, you don't get too many of
Kuttnelizer -- Recovers 50 SP, decreases Morale by 50, Consumable.
Thereotically, this could work as a poor man's Cecily's Bun for support
members, since they don't really need the morale at all.
Hachimaki -- Starting Morale +5. Good for Robots who either need plenty of
morale for their best moves, or just need a quick morale boost to start kicking
ass. Combine it with Fighter's Spirit for even morale boosting.
Nejiri Hachimaki -- Starting Morale +10. Combine this with Hachimakis,
Fighter's Spirits and High Spirits, and you can have a Squad Member who hits
150 morale by turn 3 or 4. ^^;
Brave Hero's Crest -- Increases Armour by 200, Mobility by 25, and Weapon
Critical Rate by 30%. An excellent overall item which can find its way on both
Super and Reals, although it works best on either Supers who have some form of
dodging ability like GaoGaiGar, or Reals who tend to get hit often, like the
GP-03 Dendrobrium.
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Soul of Steel -- Increases Armour by 250, Mobility by 30, and Weapon Critical
Rate by 35%. Slightly better than the Brave Hero's Crest, and should be used
Cost Down -- Decreases unit's Squad Cost by 1. If you have unused Supers you
want to use as Squad members, this is probably the item for them to help them
fit into a 4-man squad easier.

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