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i dream of vampires. i dream of god.

dream of no vampires. i dream of no god. i
dream of nothing. and yet that too is still
my dream.

I watch your bones weep

slit veins, illicit beauty
softer than my dreams


in dreams, in witchcraft
in love with concepts and words
in songs & in breath


sink into echoes
i have arranged the planets
to mimic your eyes


clandestine thoughts, sleeping limbs
is your hand steady


laden sighs, soft eyes
ive pulled apart at the seams
cum stains in your bed

novels stream from you

fragility in pink cheeks
venereal sin


you fell into me
haunting, hungry eyes
lights low and bruised thighs


we grew up too fast
do you think we will survive
your putrescent skin


everything is vile
take me far enough away
rose hips and wet lips


when i look at you
i am so relieved, im so confused
my veins fall asleep

i still dont love you

fuck me in your brothers car
induced psychosis


watch you in the smoke
trace the outline of your skin
my mind cannot breathe


make shade out of sheets
the indifference in your eyes
i crave the nighttime


i, flowerless whore
do you want to cum on me?
heavens between thighs


you leave memories
i am dead and i dont care
apathetic fucks


vivid details stay
your tongue is velvet on me
i look for your face

exposed and composed
i did things to you in my head
and then your eyes bloomed


i got it for you
i cant keep my eyes open
pressed against my thigh


time fades slowly here
the stars burn out as you watch
too much space between


lay inside my bed
your lifeline stopped on your
rest your hand in mine


mouth nothingness
will you promise to save me
if i dont wake up?

you claw within me
unwrap yourself from my skin
serpentine smile


your movements are soft
in a dream we fell in love
stuck below waistlines


assembled with bones
i pull parts of it closer
cloaked in my bed sheets


i fuck with slit throats
taken between lips
spank me harder please


you can make me wet
but fucking you is only
a noose gripping my throat

did we fuck last night?
your words, your memories, bore me
youre nice to the air


no need to love me
the crushing things you never said
you reach up my skirt

cum to my k-hole
im soaked in holy water
damage collected

someone else touched me
oh, my baby got a gun
shove it down my throat


cheat your way through life
through sex, through tears, through pussy
everyone feels you

insane asylum
get me a raving beauty
vapid, vague, blank death

i do like my pussy licked
i like touching you gently
my ass is so bruised


my bones are broken
all bones are broken, you see
i think im troubled

my stale cigarettes
articulate my defeat
we are all just ash


you said you never
felt closer to me than when
you could make me cum


keep my blood in you
my mouth was full of liquor
perfect holy hate

i never told you
i stole pills from your beagle
codeine from a vet

do you think you have lost me?
my words make me cheap


sadness of false love
sadness of a missing rib
sadness of your prayers


entropy (stillness)
its just you and me tonight
are you happy now?


baby, im fragile
i am the gun between your
i am the fury

my panties are wet
my mouth is warm, my tits soft
when will you want me?

come back to my bed
its safe here, no one will know
i make your god frown

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