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XTreeGold (tm) Version 3.



XTreeGold 3.0 has arrived!
Thank you for purchasing XTreeGold 3.0, the most powerful file and disk
manager available!
These notes provide additions and late information for the User's Guide.
Some of the New Features introduced with XTreeGold 3.0...
* Progress Bars - Progress bars are now displayed during file
and disk operations.
* ZIP 2.0 Support - Create Zip files that span multiple diskettes.
This lets you Zip files that are larger than the
size of a diskette.
* Zedit Text Editor - New mouse supported Zedit text editor allows you
to edit multiple files, split and arrange edit
windows, edit larger files than 1WORD, record and
play keyboard macros and more. To run Zedit
text editor instead of 1WORD, use the configuration
program (XTG_CFG.EXE) or use the ALT F10 configure
command to change the default editor path of Z.EXE,
typically installed in C:\XTGOLD. Refer to the
ZEDIT.TXT file for information on how to use Zedit.
* New File Compare - With JFC you can compare the contents of two text
files side by side in split windows. You can
quickly jump into ZEDIT from JFC with a keystroke,
and find yourself at the exact point that you were
* Quick Format - New format option allows you quickly erase all
data on formatted diskette.
* Format 2.88 disks - The format command now supports formatting 2.88 mb
diskettes. You must have a 2.88mb Disk drive to
select the new "Extra" density option.
* Compare Branch - This new command tags all the files in one
branch that are unique and newer than the files in
another branch.
* Paradox 4 Viewer - Now supports viewing Paradox 4.0 files.
* WordPerfect 6.0 - Now supports viewing WordPerfect 6.0 files.
* Tag/Untag Branch - Now you can tag, untag, and invert files in a
branch in one step by using the CTRL+F7, +F8,
or +F9 commands from the Directory Window.
* New Print Options - You can now redirect the printer output to any
valid device or to a file named TEMPFILE in the
XTGOLD directory using the new print options.
* Date Filespec - Now you can enter a date in the filespec command
to filter your list of files. For example:
Press F for filespec and type either >8-09-93
<8-09-93 =8-09-93 to see files greater than,
less than and equal to 8-09-93 respectively.
* LogSpec option - New command line switch allows you to conserve
memory when logging large drives such as CDs.
XTree will only log specified files.
o XTreeGold 3.0 is distributed on three 3.5" low density diskettes.
o Upgrading from XTreeGold 2.5
If you are upgrading from XTreeGold 2.5, you should copy and replace
the following files from your XTreeGold 2.5 to your new XTreeGold 3.0
XTGOLD.CFG Configuration settings
XTG_MENU.DAT Menu data file
XTGOLD.HST History file
If you have already installed over your version of XTreeGold
2.5, your XTGOLD.CFG file has been saved as XTGOLD.SAV and your
XTG_MENU.DAT file has been saved as XTG_MENU.SAV. Verify that
these files exist, then copy or rename the files to their
appropriate name.
XTreeGold modifies these files while running and saves
these files when you exit XTreeGold. Therefore, if you
are copying or renaming the above files in order to restore
previous settings, you should do so from the DOS command line
using the DOS COPY and/or RENAME commands - do not use XTreeGold
to copy the files.
o Viewing Graphics Files
When you install XTreeGold, the installation program senses your
monitor type and installs video drivers. XTreeGold senses the
appropriate video driver at execution, so you do not need to
reinstall video drivers if you change your hardware
The complexity of the files that you can view depends on your
monitor type. For example, you cannot view a 256 color file
with a Hercules, CGA or EGA monitor. Use the following chart to
determine the type of file you can view on your system:
File Monitor Required
256 color VGA
16 color VGA, EGA
4 color VGA, EGA, CGA
2 color VGA, EGA, CGA, Hercules
Use the AutoView (F7) command to determine the number
of colors in a graphics file.
o DOS 6.0
XTreeGold 3.0 is fully compatible with DOS 6.0 and it's
DoubleSpace Disk compression. With DOS 6.0, you should be able
to log more files than with previous DOS versions because of the
increase in available memory. And, if you use the disk cache
SMARTDRV, XTree's disk logging speed will be much faster.
o Windows 3.0 and 3.1
XTreeGold is fully compatible with Windows 3.0 and 3.1. An
icon file (XTGOLD.ICO) and two PIF files (XTGOLD.PIF and
XTGOLDF.PIF) are supplied to allow you to install XTreeGold
3.0 within the Windows environment.
o Extracting from ZIP files
Pressing C and Alt-C are equivalent to E and Alt-E for invoking
the Extract commands.
o Compare Branch
From the tree display, Alt-C invokes the new "Compare branch"
function. A "branch relative compare" of files that match the
filespec in the current branch (in the tree) and a user specified
destination branch (does not have to be logged) is performed, and
files that are either unique or newer than files in the destination
branch are tagged. If the function is followed with "Ctrl-Branch"
and "Alt-Copy" commands, you can backup (copy) the modified files
(be sure to specify "Relative paths").
o Printer Redirection within XTreeGold
With version 3.0, you can now redirect printer output within the
program. Some valid entries for printer device are:
[d:]PRN, [d:]LPT#, [d:]COM#, CON, and TEMPFILE
where [d:] can re-direct printing to another machine (or server)
and TEMPFILE is an option to "print to file" (the file will
appear in the active XTreeGold directory).
o The AutoCAD viewer is now named XTG_GDWG.EXE and can be invoked
from the DOS command line like this...
where the third parameter is the XTreeGold Directory.
An Alt-Open associate batch file (and an alt-batch command or
XTreeMenu script) can look like this:
o Special values for lines per page when printing files...
Per Page Action
-------- ------
0 Dumps file w/o interpretation to PRN. Same as the
< 5 Tabs are expanded (if configured). Files are
printed without form feeds. Two blank lines are
printed after the end of each file. Each file
begins with a page header (if headers are on).
>=5 Tabs are expanded (if configured). A form feed is
printed to eject each page. Each page begins with
a page header (if headers are on).
65535 Same as ( < 5 ) except one form feed is printed
to eject the last page of the file.
NOTE: Lines per page should be one less than the maximum page
size for laser printers that automatically form feed when
the last line on a page is printed.
o Command Line Switches
/1 One column file display
/2 Two column file display
/43+ 43/50 line mode on, 25 default
/43- 43/50 line mode off
/A Tree cursor anchored
/C Space for file separator, . is default
/DC Composite CRT
/DN No crt snow, default=retrace wait
/DS Snow on crt
/E Ignore missing overlay error messages
/L1 Log 1st level only
/LF Log method set to "full disk".
/LQ Quick log, default
/LS Standard log
/LT Log tree only
/Lch Log "full disk": ignore directories that start with 'ch'
/P# Print lines-per-page, 0..255
/PS Print to STDOUT
/Q Quiet on, no beeps
/R Home to root directory, applies to the first logged drive
/OD Sort descending
/SD Sort by date
/SE Sort by extension
/SS Sort by size
/SU Unsorted display
/T Scroll "bar and thumbs" are "arrows and lines"
/U User data file directory
/Vpath Load static logged volume vm file
/W Skip small file window when Enter is pressed
/WB Skip small file window when Enter is pressed
/WS Goto small file window when Enter is pressed
/XA Application menu is first
/XB DOS cursor is a block
/XC Skip Alt-Copy sort by path
/XE Skip editor dialog from the file display
/XK Shell first switch
/XL Lower case tree, file displays
/XM Display memory usage
/XP Default sort by path
/XQ Don't prompt for quit
/XS Display real root of subst drives, a must if you use SUBST
/XT XTreePro compatible keyboard layout
/XU Undo the /XT switch
/Y Disable restoration of the crt blinking attribute
/Z Restore factory default settings
/Z. Tells XTreeGold to pass file names without extensions to the
user's editor with a period after the name. ie: "FILENAME."
/ZB Skips displaying the box characters for the main screen.
Only looks correct if you have different highlight/lowlight
background colors configured.
/ZF Activates the last Filespec in the history instead of
coming up with "*.*". This overrides all other command line
file specs.
/ZL LogSpec command line switch enables "LogSpec" feature.
Whenever a log command is executed, files that DO NOT match
the filespec are NOT LOGGED when the feature is enabled via
the command line switch. This lets you do things like...
XTGOLD n: s: p: *.doc *.txt readme.* /LF /ZL
to log every doc, text, and readme file in every directory on
drives N, S and P.
/ZP Progress bar time display. This command line switch enables
time displays on the progress bar. When activated, two times
are displayed. The first is the time in Minutes:Seconds that
the function has taken so far. The second time is an estimate
of time remaining based on the percentage complete and the
accumulated time. This second time is only displayed after
10 seconds have gone by, or the operation is 50% complete,
whichever comes first.
/ZT Logs the last Treespec in the history. This overrides all
other command line logging options.
o XTreeGold 3.0 file list and description
Note: the '->' symbol denotes files that are required for
minimal XTreeGold 3.0 use. All other files add
additional functionality but can be removed.
Filename Description
------------ -------------------------------------------
README.DOC This text file
-> XTGOLD.COM The XTreeGold program and loader
-> XTG.EXE The auxiliary program file
XTLINK.COM XTreeLink program
XTG_CFG.EXE XTreeGold configuration program and overlay
Z.EXE Zedit
ZX.EXE Non-Overlayed Zedit
ZEXEC.HST DOS shell command input history
ZFILE.HST File open input history
ZMISC.HST Search and miscellaneous input history
ZLIST.HST List of most recently edited files
ZMAC1.CFG Primary macro set
ZMAC2.CFG Alternate macro set w/pc characters
ZEDIT.TXT Zedit Users Guide
XTG_HELP.XTP Help overlay
XTG_HELP.X?0 Help text files
XTG_EDIT.XTP 1Word text editor overlay (E)
XTG_FIND.XTP Search file overlay (CTRL+S - file window)
XTG_FORM.XTP Format diskette overlay (ALT+F2)
XTG_HEXX.XTP View Hex editor overlay (E from view)
XTG_MENU.XTP Application Menu overlay (F9)
XTG_MOVE.XTP Graft overlay (ALT+G)
XTG_OOPS.XTP Undelete overlay (O - directory window)
XTG_VIEW.XTP View file overlay (V - file window)
XTG_V_TO.XTP Word processor conversion utility (for all formats)
XTG_WASH.XTP Wash disk overlay (ALT+W - directory window)
XTG_WBAT.XTP Write batch file overlay (CTRL+B - file window)
XTG_AZIP.XTP Archive Manager files (CTRL+F5, ALT+F5)
XTGOLD.PIF Files for running XTreeGold in Windows
BAT.BAT Association (Open) batch file for .BAT files
COM.BAT Association (Open) batch file for .COM files
EXE.BAT Association (Open) batch file for .EXE files
ARC2ZIP.EXE Converts ARC to ZIP - External use
PKUNZIP.EXE PKWARE's unzip program, used in installation
XTGOLD.CFG Configuration File
XTGOLD.HST History File
XTGOLD.TOG History file for toggle switches
XTG_MENU.DAT Menu Data File
EGAVGA.BGI Borland Graphics Interface Files
XTG_GDRV.XTP Graphic overlay used for all graphics
XTG_CGA.DRV CGA Graphics driver
XTG_EGA.DRV EGA Graphics driver
XTG_VGA.DRV VGA Graphics driver
XTG_HERC.DRV Hercules Graphics driver
XTG_MCGA.DRV MCGA Graphics driver
Viewer Overlays and file sizes
XTG_GDWG.EXE DWG - DXF: AutoCad Formats 130,814
XTG_GBMP.XTP BMP - Windows 3.x Bitmap 17,330
XTG_GGIF.XTP GIF - Compuserve Graphics Interchange 48,402
XTG_GICO.XTP ICO - Windows 3.x Icon 17,360
XTG_GIMG.XTP IMG - GEM Desktop 17,078
XTG_GLBM.XTP LBM - IFF: Deluxe Paint-Commodore Amiga 18,936
XTG_GMAC.XTP MAC - MacPaint I, II 16,862
XTG_GMSP.XTP MSP - Microsoft Paint 16,816
XTG_GPCX.XTP PCX - PC Paint 17,264
XTG_GPIC.XTP PIC - Pictor, Paint 17,792
XTG_GTIF.XTP TIF - Tagged Image File Format 19,882
XTG_GWPG.XTP WPG - WordPerfect Graphics (Bitmap) 18,194
XTG_VAMI.XTP Ami Pro 1-1,1-2,2.0 / Write Plus 49,641
XTG_VFFT.XTP DisplayWrite (Final Form Text) 28,441
XTG_V_DC.XTP DisplayWrite (Revisable Form Text) 56,429
XTG_V_EN.XTP Enable (wp) 1.0, 2.0, 2.15 27,953
XTG_VFRM.XTP Framework III (wp) 1.0, 1.1 30,127
XTG_VIBM.XTP IBM Writing Assistant 1.0 26,663
XTG_VWKS.XTP Lotus 123 / Quattro / Excel 88,736
XTG_VWKE.XTP Lotus 123 v / Excel 4.0 73,520
XTG_V_LM.XTP Lotus Manuscript 2.0, 2.1 54,555
XTG_VMSR.XTP Microsoft-RFT (Rich Text Format) 65,089
XTG_V_MW.XTP Microsoft Word 38,225
XTG_VWFW.XTP Microsoft Word for Windows 68,453
XTG_VWM4.XTP Microsoft Word Mac 3.0, 4.0 63,223
XTG_VWOR.XTP Microsoft Works 33,879
XTG_V_MM.XTP MultiMate 3.3, 3.6, Adv. II 3.7, 4 34,471
XTG_VOFF.XTP OfficeWriter 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 6.1 30,769
XTG_VPDX.XTP Paradox 3.0, 4.0 76,544
XTG_VPFS.XTP PFS: First Choice \ Write Version C 38,023
XTG_V_QA.XTP Q&A Write 1.0 / Q&A 3.0 26,111
XTG_VRAP.XTP RapidFile 1.0, 2.0 27,365
XTG_VSAM.XTP Samna Word IV / HP AdvanceWrite Plus 29,381
XTG_VVK3.XTP Volkswriter 3, 4 / Total Word 1.2, 1.3 34,801
XTG_VVK2.XTP Volkswriter Deluxe 2.2 21,157
XTG_VWWR.XTP Windows Write 43,391
XTG_VWP4.XTP Word Perfect 4.1, 4.2 28,739
XTG_VWP5.XTP Word Perfect 5.0, 5.1 53,395
XTG_VWP6.XTP Word Perfect 6.0 47,195
XTG_VWP1.XTP Word Perfect Mac 1.0 31,407
XTG_VWP2.XTP Word Perfect Mac 2.0 39,649
XTG_V_WS.XTP Wordstar 3.3, 3.31, 4.5, 5.5, 5.6 65,581
XTG_VWS2.XTP Wordstar 2000 33,835
XTG_V_XY.XTP XyWrite III, III Plus 52,517

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