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Race Equality Questionnaire

The University produced its race equality policy in 2002; it was amended in 2004 and now is
about to undergo a complete revision to bring it in line with the other Equality Schemes
(isability and !ender"# To help this review we are see$ing the views o% sta%%& students and
visitors on the success o% the original policy and priorities %or action under the new scheme#
'lease complete the questionnaire and send it by email to (oyce#m#macpherson)stir#ac#u$ or
as hard copy to *oyce +ac'herson& ,-.& 4/0 .ottrell 1uilding& University o% Stirling& Stirling
234 456#
Question 1
6re you aware o% the University7s race equality policy8 ('lease tic$ as appropriate"
9o& : am not aware o% the race equality policy#
;es& : have read it and thin$ that it is a good policy#
;es& and : thin$ it can be improved
;es and : thin$ it needs a lot o% improvement
Question 2
<hich o% the %ollowing are most relevant to eliminating racism and promoting good race
relations# ('lease circle or tic$ all that apply"#
-ecruitment = selection
(sta%% and students"
-emuneration 6ppraisal>per%ormance
Training = evelopment 6dvancement = promotion .ampus %acilities (eg
sports& catering"
5ibrary =:T services epartmental %acilities :nternal communications
(eg email& newsletters&"
,- policies = procedures Senior managers <or$ colleagues
E?ternal communications
(eg student prospectus&
+ac-obert listings"
'hysical environment Students
'ress coverage iversity o% sta%% and
student community
Student clubs and
'lease add any suggestions %or improvement hereA
'lease add any comments or suggestions hereA
Question 3
.an you thin$ o% anything that the University o% Stirling currently does that may be
described as racist or discriminatory towards blac$ and ethnic minorities8
;ES 9B ('lease tic$ as appropriate"
Question 4
o you have any suggestions as to how the University could promote good
relationships between people o% di%%erent racial bac$grounds8
;ES 9B ('lease tic$ as appropriate"
Question 5
<hat should be the priorities %or action under the revised -ace Equality Scheme8
About You ('lease tic$ or complete as appropriate"
Student Sta%% Bther wor$er Cisitor
+y nationality isA
The description that is closest to my ethnic origin isA
<hite 1lac$ 1ritish .aribbean 1lac$ 1ritish 6%rican Bther blac$ bac$ground
6sian 1ritish :ndian 6sian 1ritish 'a$istani 6sian 1ritish 1angladeshi .hinese
Bther including mi?ed ethnic bac$ground Un$nown o not wish to disclose
:% you chose Do not wish to discloseE please give your reasons hereA
+y Se? isA 2emale +ale Transgender
: amA isabled 9ot disabled +y age isA
:% yes please give details hereA
:% yes please give details hereA
'lease give details hereA
Than$ you %or completing this questionnaire# 'lease email or return toA
(oyce#m#macpherson)stir#ac#u$ or ,-. 4/0 .ottrell& University o% Stirling& Stirling 234 456

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