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Workbook Answer Key Intermediate 2

Note: In communicative exercises where several answers

are possible, this answer key contains some examples of
correct answers, not all possible answers. Any valid
answer in this type of exercises should be considered
Exercise 1
1. bow 2. shake hands . kiss !. hu"
Exercise 2
1. d 2. b . a !. c
Exercise 3
#ob, nationality
Exercise 4
Answers will vary.
Exercise 5
Answers will vary. $ollowin" is one example of what
students may write.
When you come to [country], dont ask questions about a
persons family. Its OK to hug and kiss people hen you
greet them.
1. A: %ave you had
&: I've had
2. A: %ave you been
&: we've been
. A: %ave you exercised
&: I've "one
!. A: %ave you read
&: I've been
Exercise !
1. seen( Answers will vary.
2. met( Answers will vary.
. been( Answers will vary.
!. eaten( Answers will vary.
). finished( Answers will vary.
Exercise "
1. %ave you taken 2. came . was !. %ave you been
). visited *. didn't see +. was ,. read -. have you
Exercise #
1. ever 2. yet . before !. ever, before ). already *.
yet +. already
Exercise 1$
Answers will vary but may include the followin":
1. has already done that 2. %ave you been to .ondon
before/ . %ave you "one si"ht0seein" yet/ !. has tried
Exercise 11
Answers will vary. $ollowin" is one example of what
students may write.
We took a tour of the !ni"ersity on #aturday. $hat
e"ening e met %ichel for dinner on #padina &"enue.
We also ent shopping at the 'aton (entre and sa a
musical donton. )ut e still ha"ent "isited the )ata
#hoe %useum and e ha"ent taken a boat trip around
$oronto harbour yet. I hope e ha"e time for e"erything.
Exercise 12
1. true 2. false . no information !. true
Exercise 13
Answers will vary.
Exercise 14
Answers will vary but may include the followin":
2. %as 1eor"e 2 he "one horseback ridin" before/
. %as 1eor"e 2 he ever climbed 3t. 4verest/
!. %as 1eor"e 2 he tried "uinea pi" before/
). %as 1eor"e 2 he tried octopus before/
*. %as 1eor"e 2 he ever climbed 3t. 5ilaman#aro/
+. %as 1eor"e 2 he ever "one sailin"/
,. %as 1eor"e 2 he been to &uenos Aires before/
Exercise 1 5
Answers will vary but may include the followin":
1. 1eor"e 2 %e has already been to 6aris.
2. 1eor"e 2 %e hasn't already "one horseback
. 1eor"e 2 %e hasn't climbed 3t. 4verest yet.
!. 1eor"e 2 %e hasn't tried "uinea pi" yet.
). 1eor"e 2 %e has 2 7s already tried octopus.
*. 1eor"e 2 %e has 2 7s already climbed
+. 1eor"e 2 %e has 2 7s "one sailin" already.
,. 1eor"e 2 %e hasn't been to &uenos Aires yet.
%&A''A& ())*TE&
Exercise A
1. $ 2. $ . 8 !. 8 ). 8
Exercise (
Answers will vary but may include the followin":
1. 9hat 2 9hich exotic foods have you tried/
2. 9hat 2 9hich forei"n countries have you been
. 9hat 2 9hich museums has he been to/
!. 9hat 2 9hich lan"ua"es has she studied/
). 9hat 2 9hich cities have you visited/
*. 9hat 2 9hich operas have you seen/
Exercise +
1. did, arrive 2. %ave, "one . saw !. took ). %ave
benn *. went +. %ave, eaten ,. had -. haven't tried
1:. have 2 7ve heard ;< heard
Exercise ,
1. %ave you been to 8aiwan before/
2. =osefina hasn't had her lunch yet.
. %e was born in 4"ypt, but he has never seen the
!. %as 1us taken a tour of the city before/
). I've never tried octopus.
*. %ave you had anythin" to eat yet/
+. %ave you ever been to the outdoor market
,. 6ra"ue is so beautiful> I've never been here
-. ?he's already finished colle"e.
Exercise E
Answers will vary.
-U*T .)& .UN
Exercise 2
1. 8hailand 2. 4cuador . 8aiwan !. @nited 5in"dom
). =apan *. <ussia
Exercise 1
1. b 2. b . a !. a
Exercise 2
1. musical 2. action . comedy !. science fiction Asci0
fiB ). drama
Exercise 3
$he *earless *ighter
1enre: action
3ovie: Answers will vary.
%yras +ay
1enre: comedy
3ovie: Answers will vary.
,oodnight %ariana
1enre: drama
3ovie: Answers will vary.
Exercise 4
Answers will vary.
Exercise 5
1. I missed the bus.
2. I couldn't "et a taxi.
. I "ot stuck in a traffic #am.
!. I couldn't find a parkin" space.
1. for 2. since . for !. since ). since
Exercise !
2. f . " !. b ). c *. h +. a ,. d
Exercise "
1. 8 2. $ . $ !. 8 ). 8
?tudent's statements about themselves will vary.
Exercise #
Answers will vary in the last column.
%enre Ad1ecti/es *imi0ar
I2/e seen
8he Alien> science0
silly, weird
?earch for
the .ost
documentary funny,
action violent,
horror borin", violent
Exercise 1$
1. d 2. b . e !. a ). f *. c
Exercise 11
Answers will vary.
Exercise 12
1. c 2. a . b !. a ). a
Exercise 13
Answers will vary.
%&A''A& ())*TE&
Exercise A
be was 2 were been bein"
eat ate eaten eatin"
"o went "one "oin"
have had had havin"
hear heard heard hearin"
meet met met meetin"
sit sat sat sittin"
speak spoke spoken speakin"
take took taken takin"
write wrote written writin"
pay paid paid payin"
make made made makin"
Exercise (
1. 8 2. $ . 8 !. 8 ). 8 *. $
Exercise +
Answers will vary. $ollowin" is one example of what
students may write.
1. I've been studyin" 4n"lich for six years.
2. I've lived here since 2::2.
3. I've been waitin" to see #illy ,oose.
Exercise ,
?erena 9illiams was born on ?eptember 2*, 1-,1. ?he
picked up her first tennis racket when she was four. ?ince
then she has become one of the "reatest tennis players in
the world. &orn in 3ichi"an in the central part of the @.?.,
she moved to Dalifornia when she was two. ?he has
lived in .os An"eles for most of her life. ?he played her
first tournament at a"e ei"ht. ?ince then she has won
many international competitions, includin" 9imbledon,
the @.?. ;pen, and the Australian ;pen. ?he is handlin"
her success well. ?ince she turned professional, she has
played tennis all over the world and has earned millions of
Exercise E
1. %ow lon" has she been playin" tennis/ A?he's been
playin" tennisB ?ince she was four.
2. %ow lon" has she been livin" in Dalifornia/ A?he's
been livin" in DaliforniaB ?ince she was two.
. %as she won any competitions since her first
tournament/ Ees, she has Awon many competitionsB.
!. %ow much money has she earned since she be"an her
career/ ?he has earned millions of dollars Asince she
be"an her careerB.
-U*T .)& .UN
Exercise 1
Across: *. sciencefiction A8he space between FscienceG
and FfictionG is omitted here.B ,. horror -. weird 11. funny
12. romantic 1. borin"
,own: 1. action 2. musical . animation !. silly ).
documentary +. comedy 1:. drama
Exercise 2
1. mood
2. tube
. funny
!. traffic
). theater
*. classic
+. "enre
,. New word: entertainment
Exercise 1
1. -21!
2. !:.!
. laundry, room service, airport shuttle, Abusiness
center forB photocopies
!. ).*,
Exercise 2
$ollowin" items should be circled: Internet access,
telephone, room service
$ollowin" items should be underlined: wake0up service,
Exercise 3
Answers will vary.
Exercise 4
1. $ 2. 8 . $ !. $ ). 8
Exercise 5
1 Dan I speak with 5evin 3ercer, please/ %e's stayin" in
room +*.
) 8hat's ri"ht.
Ees. Dould you tell him &arbara called/ 6lease ask him
to call me back at 10)*0-+.
2 ;ne moment, pleaseH I'm sorry. 8here's no answer.
Dan I take a messa"e/
! &arbara at 10)*0-+/
* Is that all/
+ Ees, that's it. 8hank you very much.
1.c 2. a . b
Exercise !
1. Next week, you'll 2 you will win a priIe.
2. 8hen, you'll 2 you will take a trip to &arcelona.
. 9hen you are in &arcelona, you'll 2 you will meet
an old friend.
!. Eour friend will offer you an excitin" #ob in ?pain.
). Next month, you'll2 you will move to ?pain>
Exercise "
8o %arina #antiago
Cate -./0 8ime 12/3
9%I.4 E;@ 94<4 ;@8
3r. J 3s.2 3rs. &nna #treed
Area code Number
telephoned J please call
returned your call will call back
3essa"e: #hes at 33345671 until 3288 today.
Exercise #
1. c 2. a . e !.d ).b
Exercise 1$
Answers will vary but may include the followin":
2. a double room with two Kueen0siIe beds
. a double room with two Kueen0siIe beds and a
rollaway bed
!. a suite
). a sin"le room with a Kueen0siIe 2 kin"0siIe bed
*. a sin"le room with a kin"0siIe 2 Kueen0siIe bed
Exercise 11
1. 7d better not smoke here
2. 7d better make a reservation
. 7d better not park here
!. 7d better hurry up
Exercise 12
1. skirt han"er 2. extra han"ers . iron !. hairdryer
). extra towels
Exercise 13
1. extra towels, hairdryer, pick up the laundry
2. swimmin" pool, fitness center, business center
Exercise 14
1. campin"
2. hostel, bed L breakfast
. bed L breakfast
!. bed L breakfast, hostel
). hostel
*. hostel
+. campin"
Exercise 15
Answers will vary. $ollowin" are examples of what
students may write:
1. stay at a hostel
2. 7d better stay at a bed L breakfast
. ?he'd better not stay at a camp"round.
!. %e should stay at a camp"round.
Exercise 1
Answers will vary.
%&A''& ())*TE&
Exercise A
1. 9ill 2. won't . 7ll 2 will !. will ). 7ll 2 will *. 7ll 2 will
Exercise (
1. %e's "oin" to "et on an airplane.
2. %e's not "oin" to eat in a restaurant.
. %e's "oin" to order room service.
!. %e's "oin" to make a phone call.
). %e's "oin" to leave a messa"e.
Exercise +
1. 7m 2 am "oin" to see( 7ll 2 will "o
2. 7re are "oin"( are "oin" to leave( 7re 2 are "oin"
to fly( are "oin" to stay( are "oin" to camp
. 7m 2 am "oin" to move( 7ll 2 will help( 7m 2 am
"oin" to be pickin" up
Exercise ,
1. hard to 2. must not . ou"ht to !. were supposed to
). Dould
-U*T .)& .UN
Exercise 1
; & D N M E N & * ? N (
( < A 8 . . $ 5 8 E ; E
& A ; ( ? A ) J $ % N 6
1 E ( & I E A 1 < M E 6
< & @ 7 * N O = 1 N 9 *
? & D 5 * < I & A $ . E
? 1 I = 9 I J ' 8 @ ? &
D N E 4 % ? T . J ; @ 8
E E M E D 8 J T C M N I
& ) ) ' * E & 8 I + E +
7 & , N U A 6 D I N N E
6 < 3 4 ; J ; J E @ % @
room service shoe shine
minibar bell service
laundry babysittin"
Exercise 1
6ickup date 2 time: =une 2:
2 afternoon
6ickup location: . L 3 Dar <ental's main office downtown
<eturn date 2 time: =une 2+
2 no later than 6.3(
<eturn location: Airport
Dar type: <enault Dlio
Exercise 2
1. b 2. c .a !.b
Exercise 3
2. steerin" wheel . rearview mirror !. horn ).
"earshift *. emer"ency brake +. seat belt ,. "as -.
brake pedal 1: clutch
Exercise 4
1.e 2.d .a !.c ).b
Exercise 5
1. had 2. did happen .was drivin" !. called ). asked
*. was doin" +. told ,. was "oin" -. said 1:. was
lau"hin" 11. drove
Answers will vary.
Exercise !
1. b 2. a .d !.e ).c
Exercise "
1. drop it off 2. turn it on . turn it off !. pick it up ).
fill up
Exercise #
1.a 2.c .b !.c
Exercise 1$
1. a van 2. a compact car . a ?@O !. a convertible
). a luxury car
Exercise 11
1.b 2.c .a
Exercise 12
Answers will vary but may include the followin":
1. %e should try the Oicic.
2. ?he should "et the Natec.
. %e should "et the <amuno.
Exercise 13
Answers will vary.
Exercise 14
1.b 2.a .c !.b
Exercise 15
Answers will vary.
%&A''A& ())*TE&
Exercise A
Answers will vary but may include the followin":
1. the phone ran" 2. we were walkin" home . was
checkin" his e0mail !. you called ). he was drivin" to
Exercise (
2. ?he said she was workin" really hard on the
. I told him we were eatin" diner at ,:::.
!. 8hey said it's rainin" outside.
). %e told her they're studyin" at the library this
Exercise +
Answers will vary. $ollowin" is one example of what
students may write:
& man as talking on his cell phone hile he as
dri"ing. 9e asnt paying attention, and didnt see a
cat run in front of him. 9e tried to stop suddenly. 9e
missed the cat, but he hit a tree and damaged his
bumper. When the man got out of his car, the cat
alked o"er to him. :uckily, they ere both fine.
Exercise ,
2. ?am picked it up.
. I filled up the tank. ;< I filled the tank up.
!. ?ue can't turn on the headli"hts. ;< ?ue can't turn the
headli"hts on.
). I can't turn them off.
*. %e'd like to drop it off at noon.
+. I need to fill it up.
,. 9illiam has already picked up the car. ;< 9illiam has
already picked the car up.
-U*T .)& .UN
Exercise 1
1. si"nal 2. windshield wipers . "as pedal !. rearview
mirror ). clutch
8itle: Dars and drivin"
Exercise 1
1. b 2. a . a !.b
Exercise 2
Answers will vary but may include the followin":
1. toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss
2. hairbrush, comb, shampoo, conditioner
. aspirin, ibuprofen, cou"h syrup
Exercise 3
Answers will vary.
Exercise 4
Answers will vary but may include the followin":
1. 9here would I find nail clippers/
2. Actually, I did, and there weren't any there.
. ;5. Co you have any nail files/
!. 8hanks so much.
Exercise 5
1. many 2. any, some . a lot of !. much ). some *.
much +. any ,. some -. any
1. 8ooth care: toothpaste( toothbrush( dental floss
2. Nail care: nail file( nail clipper( Aa pair ofB scissors
. %air care: brush( comb( shampoo( hair spray(
!. ?kin care: soap( sunscreen( body lotion( hand
). ?havin": raIor( raIor blade( shavin" cream
*. 3akeup: mascara( lipstick( eye shadow( face
+. 3edicine: aspirin( painkiller( cou"h syrup(
antacid( ibuprofen
Exercise !
1. c 2. a . d !. b
Exercise "
1. shampoo 2. manicure . haircut !. shave ). polish
New word: salon
Exercise #
1. someone 2. someone 2 anyone . anyone !.
someone ). anyone 2 someone *. anyone
Exercise 1$
1. c 2. b . a !. b ). c *. a
Exercise 11
1. a, b 2. c . b, c !. b
Exercise 12
Answers will vary. $ollowin" is one example of what
students may write:
;osa ent to the salon today. #he had an //288
appointment and got there on time. )ut the salon as
"ery busy, so she had to ait. #he got a head and
shoulder massage hile she as aiting. #he really
en<oyed herself. #he anted to lea"e a tip, but it isnt
customary to lea"e a tip in =apan. *inally, she got her hair
cut, and she as "ery pleased.
Exercise 13
Answers will vary.
Exercise 14
1. false 2. true . true !. false
Exercise 15
Answers will vary. $ollowin" are examples of what
students may write:
1. Eou can "o to other countries, have privacy, and
maybe save money.
2. ?ome important thin"s are where they studied,
where they worked, how lon" they have been a
. 6eople may not want others to think that they
worry too much about their appearance, or that
they are willin" to spend a lot of money to spend
to improve their appearance.
Exercise 1
Answers will vary.
%&A''A& ())*TE&
Exercise A
Answers will vary but may include the followin":
2. 8here is one container of shavin" cream.
. 8here are three bottles of aspirin.
!. 8here are two packa"es of eye shadow.
). 8here is one tube of toothpaste.
*. 8here are four bares of soap.
Exercise (
1. a 2. b . b !. b ). a
Exercise +
1. enou"h 2. enou"h . too many !. too much ). too
Exercise ,
1. somethin" 2. somethin" 2 anythin" . somethin" 2
anythin" !. anythin" ). somethin" *. somethin" +.
somethin" ,. anythin"
Exercise E
I went to the supermarket today because I needed to "et
>nothing? something to cook for my dinner party toni"ht. I
wanted to buy some #uice, too. &ut when I "ot there, there
wasn't >nothing? anything on the shelf> I went to the store
mana"er and told him that the shelves where empty. %e
apolo"iIed and said there was >anything? something
wron" with the delivery truck. FIt didn't come today,G he
told me. %e said I'd have to wait until the next day. Now I
don't have >something? anything to serve for the bi" party
toni"ht. I've never seen >nothing? anything like this>
-U*T .)& .UN
Exercise 1
& A 9 ) & ( 6 A , E N . N , @
& E T E ' ) ' & E 5 T * ) E ?
= E A * @ 4 ) = A M 5 8 I ) 8
$ 1 4 8 U 9 U I 3 A N 5 T , E
M $ & 4 A N & E 8 = * O ) ) M
E . ? & I * * I K U 8 6 6 & 8
N . D O 4 6 N + & A = ? 7 A 5
4 E = & & % + ( & = ' N , N *
; O A % + * 5 6 8 E 9 1 ) T U
D 7 I & I T ) . I 1 E J ( @ &
8 ; E + ) ' ( A ; A 1 N % . (
6 A C ) O 3 E A 4 @ N D 9 = <
' 6 T 9 9 M N & ? 4 & 5 $ I O
; 8 & J A & A + * A ' 8 J M $
A 9 < @ ? N A ? & @ I D % A %

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