Robocop V.S. Terminator

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Robocop v.s.

By: Cody Goggin

Title Card Reads - Robocop v.s.


Stars introduce themselves and who

they play.

Cody Goggin as Robocop (Alex

Sean Robison as Terminator
Shelby Goggin as Michelle Murphy
Ausin Carbone as James Murphy


Open to out in the field where smoke

is blowing. Terminator apperars
suddenly. (jump into kneeling
position) He stand's up and walks
toward the camera. His head looks up
at it.

Terminator-Recite mission...Destroy
all robotic organisms.
He then looks away, turns, and


Open to James Murphy standing

inside a kitchen. His girlfreind
Michelle walks in and hugs him.

Michelle: When's Alex gonna get


James: Soon. Just wait. You'll like him!

Michelle: O.k. he sure takes long

enough to get to places.

Robocop walks in in his slow style. He

waks up to James.

Robocop: Hello James. Is this who you

wanted to show me?

James: Yea dad. This is Michelle.

Michelle: Hi Mr. Murphey.

Robo: Hello Michelle. Nice to meet
you. So...whats the news you talked

James: Well dad...We'r getting


Robocop falls down and makes a loud

clanging noise. James helps him get

Robo: Just a little malfunction. I

should bb be fine.

James: Are you o.k.?

Robo: Fine. I got to g..go.

James: Bye I guess.

Robocop walks out.


Open to Terminator walking into the

backyard from back. He walk's up to
the club house and knocks. A woman
walk's down.

Terminator: Mrs. Herriat Murphy?

Woman: Yes that's me.

Terminator pulls out a gun and the

woman trys to run but he shoots her
and she falls. The camera pans back
to Term. and he turn's and looks at
the camera. He walk's to the side and
the camera follows him. A man walk's

Terminator: Andrew Murphy?

Man: Yea. How did you know?

Terminator takes the gun and blows

his head off.

Term. then walks out of the back


Open to Robocop holding and pushing
a man. Term. walks up and Robo.
pushes the man aside.

Robo: Can I help you?

Term: Alex Robocop 001 Murphy?

Robo: Yes that is me.

Term. pulls out his gun and points it

at Robo. Robo pulls out his and points
it at The Termiantor.

Robo: Put down the weapon or I will

have to shoot. Now!

Term: Negative. I am programmed to

terminate all members of the Murphy
family in this city.

Term. shoots Robo and he reacts

quickly. Robo. shoot's Term. and then
pushes him and they get into a push
fight. Robo shoot's him again in the
head, blowing a piece of his face skin
off by his eye.
Robo: What are you?

Term: I am a Terminator T-101 and a

half. I am a cyborg from he year 2021
and I am programmed to terminate

Robo: Oh... well you failed.

Robo shoves a stick through Term.s

head and walk's away. The camera
pans back to Term. who get's up and
pulls the stick out.


Open to the little room where Robo

and James are sitting.

Robo: What could he be?

James: Well like he said...a robot, and

a bad one at that.

Robo: Why me? Why am I important?

James: Dont worry. You killed him
that's all that matters!

They both stand up.

Robo: Go sitdown. I'll make Turkey


James: All right! i'm glad your feeling


Robo responds in an awkwerd


Robo: to.


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