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Task 1: Complee !e "ollo#$%& se%e%'es #$! !e $($oms $% !e )o*

1. It's no use crying over spilled milk - he's spent all the money, and there's nothing you can do about it.
2. My brother and I are like chalk and cheese .
3. At noon, the day ater the robbery, the thieves !ere still at large.
". #hen I !as e$pelled rom school, my parents !ent through the roo.
%. &uilding a ne! children's home !ill cost a lot o money but, be that as it may, there is an urgent need or the
'. I think Mick hit the nail on the head !hen he said that !hat's lacking in this company is a eeling o conidence.
(. )is youngest daughter !as the apple o his eye .
*. I !as at loose ends ater inishing school and not being able to ind a +ob.
,. -he child !as +ust a bag o bones !hen !e ound her.
1.. /ust drop me a line !hen you've decided on a date.
11. As the manager o a local company, he en+oys being a big ish in a small pond.
12. I don't think that prices !ill go up but, by the same token , I don't see them going do!n either.
Task +: Complee !e "ollo#$%& #$! !e #o,(s $% !e )o*
1. /ames did his best to !in. 0nortunately, he inished last.
2. It's a bit late to change your mind 1 2ome on, go on !ith your e$ercise 1
3. -he latest ne!s rom the Arctic is very alarming
". My neighbours have a son and a daughter 3 the ormer is a teacher, the latter is a nurse.
%. 4o you kno! that /ack is in his late ities5 6es, I do. )e'll be %, ne$t !eek.
'. last time I sa! her, she !as !earing an ama7ing red hat 1
(. #hy are you coming so late5 I've been !aiting or you 1
*. )ave you read /.8. 9o!ling's latest book5
,. 6es, I have. :he says it's her last book eaturing )arry ;otter.
1.. -his is the very last sentence o this e$ercise. -hank you or doing it 1 :ee you later1
1. -he sun rises in the east and sets in the !est.
2. An opportunity arose and he decided to take the +ob in &russels.
3. 2ould you help me lit this table, please5
". #ould all those in avour please raise their hands5
!$ !e ,oo" a loose e%(s a la,&e )a& o" )o%es
)e !a as $ ma- apple o" !$s e-e )$& "$s! $% a small po%( )- !e same
'!alk a%( '!eese ',-$%& o.e, sp$l m$lk (,op me a l$%e !$ !e %a$l o% !e !ea(
Lae las lae, lae, laes
rise< to move up!ards arise < happen = occur
lit < to move something rom a lo!er to a higher position raise < to lit something to a higher position
eliminate3 to remove or take a!ay someone or something
e$clude3 to prevent someone or something rom entering a place or taking part in an activity:
1. A move to!ards healthy eating could help eliminate heart disease.
2. #omen are still e$cluded rom the club.
Task /: 0$.e !e 'o,,e' "o,m o" !e .e,)s $% ),a'kes:
11 /im !ould rather not have gone to the class yesterday.
2. /im !ould rather not go to class tomorro!.
3. I !ould rather that you call me tomorro!.
". &ob !ould rather that /ill had gone to class yesterday.
%. )enry !ould rather that his girlriend didn>t !ork in the same department as he does.
'. It's imperative that 9ussel not be allo!ed to take control o the committee.
(. ?n entering the room, she sa! him.
*. #hile entering the room, she sa! him
( thi c 06 trang)
4 T2I T2 4I 2C N5M +617
M8% !$: TIN0 AN2, k!$ D
Thi gian lm bi: 90 pht khng k thi gian pht
4 T2I 0M 96 C:U ;T <UESTION 1 4N <UESTION 96= D>N2 C2O TT C T2? SIN21
Choose the correct answer to each of the following questions.
<@es$o% 1: Ater seeing the ilm Gone ith the in!, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
A1 the book !as read by many people. B1 the book made many people !ant to see it.
C1 ma%- people #a% o ,ea( !e )ook1 D. the reading o the book interested people.
<@es$o% +: @4id you stay home last night5A @6es, but I BBBBBBBBBBB dancing.A
A. !ould rather go B. #o@l( ,a!e, !a.e &o%e C. !ould go D. !ould rather be going
<@es$o% /: -he ne!sreader reported the BBBBBBBB inormation about the election.
A. last B. late C. laes D. ne!est Ccha tng c;
va mi hoc ln u tin c thy)
<@es$o% 7: Do sooner had !e let the house BBBBBBB it started sno!ing.
A. then B. !a% C. !hen D. that
<@es$o% B: 9emember to come at eight, BBBBBBB you5
A. haven>t B. don>t C. aren>t D. #o%C
<@es$o% D: :everal cars, BBBBBBB o!ners had parked them under the trees, !ere damaged.
A. their B. o !hich C. !hom D1 #!ose
<@es$o% E:F @)ave you decided !hich you like best- the round table or the sEuare table5A
- @? the t!o, the round one is BBBBBBBBBBBB.A
A. the nicest B. !e %$'e, C. nicer D. a nice one
<@es$o% 9: Ann3 @Make yoursel at home1A /ohn3 @FFF.A
A. -hanks. :ame to you. B. T!aCs .e,- k$%(1 T!a%k -o@1
C. Dot at all. 4on>t mention it. D1 6es, 2an I help you5
<@es$o% G: It !as important that they BBBBBBBBBB beore the curtain !ent up last night.
A. a,,$.e B. have arrived C. must arrive D1 had arrived
<@es$o% 16: :ea levels are e$pected to BBBBBBBBBBconsiderably in the ne$t e! decades.
A. ,$se B. raise C. arise D1 lit
<@es$o% 11: - @BBBBBBBB detective stories5A - @In my opinion, they are very good or teenagers.A
A1 W!a (o -o@ !$%k a)o@ B1 Are you ond o
C1 )o! about D1 #hat do people eel about
<@es$o% 1+: In multiple-choice e$ercise, it is sometimes easier to BBBBBBBB the !rong ans!er beore choosing the right
A. el$m$%ae B. e$clude C. give D1 omit
<@es$o% 1/: BBBBBBB you should do irst is to make a list o all the things you have to do.
A. -hat B. W!a C. As D1 I
<@es$o% 17: -hat>s precisely !hat I meant. 6ou>ve hit the BBBBBBBB on the head.
A. idea B. point C. pin D1 %a$l
<@es$o% 1B: I !ould rather you BBBBBBBBBBBB +ust at the moment.
A. leave B1 ($(%C lea.e C. leaving D. to leave
<@es$o% 1D: )avy3 @-hanks or your help, /udy.A /udy3 @BBBBBB.A
A1 #ith all my heart B1 Dever remind me C1 ICs m- pleas@,e D1 #ish you
<@es$o% 1E: BBBBBB its busy nightlie, Amsterdam also oers great shops and many interesting museums
A1 As !ell B1 More than C1 Apart D1 I% a(($$o% o
<@es$o% 19: #orld #ar II BBBBBBBBB millions o !ere killed ended in 1,"%.
A1 !hen B1 $% #!$'! C1 during that D1 !hich
<@es$o% 1G: Anne persisted BBBBBB her search or the truth about !hat had happened.
A1 at B1 about C1 on D1 $%
<@es$o% +6: I she BBBBBB sick, she !ould have gone out !ith me to the party.
A1 !asn>t B1 !a(%C )ee% C1 hasn>t been D1 !eren>t
<@es$o% +1: - @#ould you mind lending me your bike5A - @ BBBBBB .A
A1 6es. )ere it is B1 No a all C1 Great D1 6es, let>s
<@es$o% ++: -hey have +ust had their room BBBBBBBB.
A1 clean B1 cleans C1 'lea%e( D1 very clean
<@es$o% +/: 4on>t !orry. )e>ll do the +ob as BBBBBBB as possible.
A1 economi7ing B1 economic C1 uneconomically D1 e'o%om$'all-
<@es$o% +7: BBBBBB entering the hall, he ound everyone !aiting or him.
A1 #ith B1 O% C1 At D1 4uring
<@es$o% +B: - @)as an announcement been made about the eight o>clock light to ;aris5A - @ BBBBBBB.A
A1 No -e B1 6es, it !as C1 I don>t think that D1 :orry, I don>t
<@es$o% +D: @#hat are you going to do !ith your old type!riter5A @I don>t kno! yet, but BBBBB a!ay seems !asteul.A
A. thro! B. !,o#$%& $ C. thro!n D. thro! it
<@es$o% +E: I ind the times o Hnglish meals very strange I I>m not used BBBBB dinner at 'pm.
A. had B. to have C. o !a.$%& D. have
<@es$o% +9: :taying in a hotel costs BBBBBBBrenting a room in a dormitory or a !eek.
A. t!ice more than B. #$'e as m@'! as C1 as much t!ice as D. as much as t!ice
<@es$o% +G: ?ne dierence bet!een math and language is that math is preciseBBBBBBB.
A. #!$le la%&@a&e $s %o B. but language not C. language is not D. !hile is language
<@es$o% /61 ?ut o sight, out oBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.A 4o you remember this proverb5
A. memory B. m$%( C. heart D. head
Read the following passage and choose the correct word for each of the blank.
4id you kno! that on ;/1= BBBBBBB !e take home 1%. plastic bags annually5 In other !ords, that means a global
igure o one million plastic bags taken home every minute. #e are sure that you>ll agree this is a truly shocking statistic.
;lastic bags cannot be simply ;/+= BBBBBBB o along !ith your domestic rubbish- they can blo! o landill sites and
become highly ;//= BBBBBBB litter !hich can remain in the environment or a number o years. -hey are not only an
eyesore but they are a ;/7= BBBBBBB to the environment, too. Jor e$ample, plastics bags almost dammed the &uriganga
river in &angladesh, and they are !idely ;/B= BBBBBBB responsible or causing devastating lood there on t!o separate
-hey also ;/E= BBBBBBB a particular threat to !ildlie. More and more ;/9= BBBBBBB dead turtles and !hales are
discovered !ashed up on beaches, killed by s!allo!ing plastic bags. -o marine lie, a plastic bag closely ;/G= BBBBBBB a
-hese are the ;76= BBBBBBB!hy you should reuse plastic bags you already have or take a small rucksack on trips to
the supermarket. #hy not take ;71= BBBBBBB no! and sho! ho! much you care about the environment by taking this
small step.
<@es$o% /1: A1 e$ample B. normal C. a.e,a&e D. ratio
<@es$o% /+: A1 thro!n B. ($spose( C. inished D. used
<@es$o% //: A1 evident B. observable C. marked D. .$s$)le
<@es$o% /7: A. risk B. diiculty C. (a%&e, D. problem
<@es$o% /B: A1 !el( B. sho!n C. made D. taken
<@es$o% /D: A1 activities B. o''as$o%s C. incidents D. episodes
<@es$o% /E: A. pose B. set C. model D. generate
<@es$o% /9: A1 repeatedly B. ",eH@e%l- C. usually D. generally
<@es$o% /G: A1 eEuates B. reminds C. ,esem)les D. appears
<@es$o% 76: A1 motives B. causes C. sources D. ,easo%s
<@es$o% 71: A1 a'$o%s B. advantages C. against D. account
Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions.
Dative Americans rom the southeastern part o !hat is no! the 0nited :tates believed that the universe in
!hich they lived !as made up o three separate, but related, !orlds, the 0pper #orld, the Ko!er #orld,
and -his #orld. In !e las there lived humans, most animals, and all plants.
-his #orld, a round island resting on the surace o !aters, !as suspended rom the sky by our
cords attached to the island at the our cardinal 'points o the compass. Kines dra!n to connect the opposite
points o the compass, rom north to south and rom east to !est, intersected -his #orld to divide it into
our !edge - shaped segments. -hus a symbolic representation o the human !orld !as a cross !ithin a
circle, the cross representing the intersecting lines and the circle the shape o -his #orld.
Hach segment o -his #orld !as identiied by its o!n color. According to 2herokee doctrine, east
!as associated !ith the color red because it !as the direction o the :un, the greatest deity o all. 9ed !as
also the color o ire, believed to be directly connected !ith the :un, !ith blood, and thereore !ith lie.
Jinally, red !as the color o success. -he !est !as the Moon segmentL it provided no !armth and !as not
lie - giving as the :un !as. :o its color !as black. Dorth !as the direction o cold, and so its color !as
blue sometimes purple, and it represented trouble and deeat. :outh !as the direction o !armth, its color,
!hite, !as associated !ith peace and happiness.
-he southeastern Dative Americans' universe !as one in !hich opposites !ere constantly at !ar
!ith each other, red against black, blue against !hite. -his #orld hovered some!here bet!een the perect
order and predictability o the 0pper #orld and the total disorder and instability o the Ko!er #orld. -he
goal !as to ind some kind o hal!ay path, or balance, bet!een those other !orlds.
<@es$o% 7+1 #hich o the ollo!ing is the best title or the passage5
A1 O%e C$.$l$Ia$o%Js V$e# o" !e U%$.e,se
&. -he 2hanging o the :easons in the :outheast
C. -he ;ainting o -erritorial Maps by :outheastern Dative Americans
D. -he #ar &et!een -!o Dative American 2ivili7ations
<@es$o% 7/1 In line 3, the phrase M!e lasM reers to
A. all plants B. T!$s Wo,l( C1 the universe D1 the 0pper #orld
<@es$o% 771 -he author implies that -his #orld !as located
A. inside the 0pper #orld B. inside the Ko!er #orld
C. above the 0pper #orld D1 )e#ee% !e Uppe, Wo,l( a%( Lo#e, Wo,l(
<@es$o% 7B1 According to the passage, southeastern Dative Americans compared -his #orld to
A. !aters B. the sky C. an animal D. a% $sla%(
<@es$o% 7D1 According to the passage, lines divided -his #orld into ho! many segments5
A. -!o B. -hree C. Ko@, D. Jive
<@es$o% 7E1 According to the passage, southeastern Dative Americans associated red !ith all o the ollo!ing HN2H;-
A1 ire B1 trouble C. blood D. success
<@es$o% 791 According to the passage, !hich o the ollo!ing colors represented the !est or southeastern Dative
A. &lue B. #hite C. Bla'k D1 ;urple
<@es$o% 7G1 -he shape o -his #orld is closest to that o !hich o the ollo!ing5
A. A '$,'le B1 A triangle C. A sEuare D. A cube
Choose the underlined part that needs correction
<@es$o% B6: P@)l$s!$%& $% !e U1L, the book has !on a number o a!ards in the recent regional book airs.
<@es$o% B1: &elo! are some pieces o advice that can help you reduce the eeling o pressure a%( ',ea$%&
A & 2
a good impression on your intervie!.
<@es$o% B+: According to -he #orld )ealth ?rgani7ation, the deadly measles outbreak in Oietnam could
have been prevented through a mo,e e""e'$.el- vaccination program.
<@es$o% B/: A nti-smoking measures have saved e$&! m$ll$o%s American lives since 1,'", but cigarette
smoking still kills about ""3,... Americans every year.
<@es$o% B7: O-O has licensed all rights o production, e*plo$a$o%s and use o the images o #orld 2up
2.1" in -O and radio systems o Oietnam territory.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the
following questions.
<@es$o% BB: Weal!- as !e- #e,e, !e- #e,e "a, ",om !app-
A. -hey !ere not happy as they !ere !ealthy. B. Al!o@&! !e- #e,e #eal!-, !e- #e,e %o !app-.
C. Hven i they !ere !ealthy, they !ere not unhappy. D. -hey !ere as !ealthy as they !ere happy.
<@es$o% BD: Elo% Mo!% $s so s@''ess"@l a m@s$'$a% !a !e !as !a( a 'a,ee, spa%%$%& "$.e (e'a(es, $% #!$'! !e !as
sol.e( o.e, +B6 m$ll$o% ,e'o,(s #o,l(#$(e.
A. Jor ive decades, Hlton /ohn, !ho has sold over 2%. million records !orld!ide, has been the most successul a
musician in the !orld.
B. 2a.$%& sol( mo,e !a% a H@a,e, o" )$ll$o% ,e'o,(s $% "$.e (e'a(es all o.e, !e #o,l(, Elo% Mo!% $s a .e,-
s@''ess"@l m@s$'$a%1
2. Hlton /ohn, the successul a musician, has sold more than a Euarter o billion records since he turned ity years
D. #ith the Euarter o a billion records that he has sold in ive decades all over the !orld, Hlton /ohn can be
considered a very successul a musician.
<@es$o% BE: W!a -o@ %ee( o (o mos $s o o,&a%$Ie -o@, s@(- $me, #!$'! #o@l( p,e.e% -o@ ",om pa%$'k$%&
)e"o,e e*ams1
A. Mo,e !a% a%-!$%& else, -o@ o@&! o s@(- a''o,($%& o a s-sem, so as %o o &e e,,$"$e( p,$o, o ess1
B. 6ou can only avoid panicking beore e$ams by inding a !ay to study in a systematic manner.
C. ?rgani7ing your hours o study !ould probably help you not to panic !hen there is an e$am approaching.
D. 6our biggest problem is that you do not study and, as a result, you are rightened o e$am, !hich is entirely
<@es$o% B9: Da.$( (,o.e so "asN $ #as .e,- (a%&e,o@s1
A1 Da.$( (,o.e so "as, #!$'! #as .e,- (a%&e,o@s. B1 4avid drove so ast and !as very dangerous.
C1 4avid drove so ast, then !as very dangerous. D1 4avid drove so ast that !as very dangerous.
<@es$o% BG: I" -o@ a((e( a l$le peppe, o $, I am s@,e !e ,$'e #o@l( ase )ee,1
A. P@$%& a )$ o" peppe, o% !e ,$'e #o@l( almos 'e,a$%l- &$.e $ a )ee, "la.o,1
B1 )ad you put a little pepper on the rice, it !ould certainly not taste so bad.
C1 I you !ish, you could add some pepper to the rice in order to make it taste better.
D1 I am certain that all this rice needs to make it taste great is a little bit o pepper added.
Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions.
Music can bring us to tears or to our eet, drive us into battle or lull us to sleep. Music is indeed
remarkable in its po!er over all humankind, and perhaps or that very reason, no human culture on earth has
ever lived !ithout it. Jrom discoveries made in Jrance and :lovenia even Deanderthal man, as long as %3,...
years ago, had developed surprisingly sop!$s$'ae(, s!eet-sounding lutes carved rom animal bones. It is
perhaps then, no accident that music should strike such a chord !ith the limbic system I an ancient part o our
brain, evolutionarily speaking, and o%e that !e share !ith much o the animal kingdom. :ome researchers even
propose that music came into this !orld long beore the human race ever did. Jor e$ample, the act that !hale
and human music have so much in common even though our evolutionary paths have not intersected or nearly
'. million years suggests that music may predate humans. -hey assert that rather than being the inventors o
music, !e are latecomers to the musical scene.
)umpback !hale composers employ many o the same tricks that human song!riters do. In addition to
using similar rhythms, humpbacks keep musical phrases to a e! seconds, creating themes out o several
phrases beore singing the ne$t one. #hale songs in general are no longer than symphony movements, perhaps
because they have a similar attention span. Hven though they can sing over a range o seven octaves, the !hales
typically sing in key, spreading ad+acent notes no arther apart than a scale. T!e- mi$ percussive and pure
tones in pretty much the same ratios as human composers I and ollo! their A&A orm, in !hich a theme is
presented, elaborated on and then revisited in a slightly modiied orm. ;erhaps most ama7ing, humpback
!hale songs include repeating ,e",a$%s that rhyme. It has been suggested that !hales might use rhymes or
e$actly the same reasons that !e do3 as devices to help them remember. #hale songs can also be rather catchy.
#hen a e! humpbacks rom the Indian ?cean strayed into the ;aciic, some o the !hales they met there
Euickly changed !e$, tunes I singing the ne! !hales> songs !ithin three short years. :ome scientists are even
tempted to speculate that a universal music a!aits discovery.
<@es$o% D61 #hy did the author !rite the passage5
A.To (es',$)e !e m@s$' "o, some a%$mals, $%'l@($%& !@ma%s
B. -o illustrate the importance o music to !hales
C. -o sho! that music is not a human or even modern invention
D. -o suggest that music is independent o lie orms that use it
<@es$o% D11 -he !ord @sop!$s$'ae(A in line % is closest in meaning to
A. comple$ B. intricate C. #ellF(e.elope( D. entangled
<@es$o% D+1 -he !ord @o%eA in line ( can be replaced by
A1 the chord B. the let brain C. the right brain D. !e l$m)$' s-sem
<@es$o% D/1 According to the passage, !hich o the ollo!ing is -90H o humpback !hales
A1 their tunes are distinctively dierent rom human tunes
B. !e- 'a% s$%& o.e, a ,a%&e o" se.e% o'
C. they do not use rhyme, unlike humans
D. !hale songs o a particular group cannot be learned by other !hales
<@es$o% D71 -he !ord @!e-A in line 1* reers to
A. human composers B. !hole songs C. octaves D. #!ales
<@es$o% DB1 #hich o the ollo!ing is D?- true about humpback !hale music5
A. It uses similar patterns to human songs
B. It>s comparative in length to symphony movements
C1 It>s easy to learn by other !hales
D. ICs $% a "o,m o" ',ea$%& a !eme, ela)o,a$%& a%( ,e.$s$$%& $% ,!-m$%& ,e",a$%s
<@es$o% DD1 -he !ord @,e",a$%sA in line 22 is closest in meaning to
A. tunes B. notes C. m@s$'al p!,ases D1 sounds
<@es$o% DE1 #hich o the ollo!ing can be inerred rom the passage5
A. -he earliest human beings came rom Jrance and :lovenia
B. M@s$' !elpe( o s!ape !e #!ale ),a$%
C. )umpback !hales imitate the !ay human composers in creating their o!n music
D. -he research o musical brain !ill lead to a discovery o a universal music
<@es$o% D91 #here in the passage does the author irst mention !hales5
A1 L$%es BFG B1 Kines 1.-1" C1 Kines 1%-1, D. Kines 2.-2"
<@es$o% DG1 -he !ord P!e$,> in line 2" reers to
A1 Indian ?cean humpbacks B1 Pa'$"$' O'ea% !@mp)a'ks
C1 all !hales D1 !hale songs
Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.
<@es$o% E61 At ity- ive, he began his lie again, determined !ith his pen o #$pe o@ the debt.
A. rub out B. pa- o"" C. bump o D. give up
<@es$o% E11 -he Dational Institute o Mental )ealth is conducting "a,F,ea'!$%& research to determine the psychological
eects o using drugs.
A. 9eined B. e*e%s$.e C1 prevalent D. tentative
<@es$o% E+1 )is ne! yacht is certainly an ose%a$o@s display o his health
A. s!o#- B. e$pensive C. large D. ossiied
Choose the word or phrase that is !!"#$% in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.
<@es$o% E/1 -he shop assistant have to ),eak o"" the conversation to serve a customer.
A. interrupt B. hurry C1 'o%$%@e D1 begin
<@es$o% E71 Mr. :mith>s ne! neighbors appear to be very ",$e%(l-.
A. utile B. amicable C1 inapplicable D. !os$le
<@es$o% EB1 Dames o people in the book !ere changed to p,ese,.e anonymity.
A. conserve B. ,e.eal C1 cover D. presume
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest in each of the following
<@es$o% ED: A1 challenge B1 manage C. natural D1 !@ma%
<@es$o% EE: A1 'lo! B1 clo!e C. !i! D1 !i!out
Choose the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.
<@es$o% E9: A. harvest B. circumstances C. p,o(@'e D. ceremony
<@es$o% EG: A. research B. ability C. companion D. @%(e,sa%(
<@es$o% 96: A. p,$m$$.e B. particular C. continuous D. connected

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