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N o t i c e s a n d G e n e r a l I n f o r m a t i o n



American Bureau of Shipping
Incorporated by Act of Legislature of
the State of New York 1862
Copyright 2013
American Bureau of Shipping
ABS Plaza
16855 Northchase Drive
Houston, TX 77060 USA

ii ABS

T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s
Notices and General Information
Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 1
TABLE 1 Applicable Editions of Booklets Comprising 2014 Rules .......... 2
TABLE 2 Division and Numbering of Rules and Guides .......................... 2
Rule Change Notice (2014) ............................................................................................. 3
TABLE 3 Summary of Changes from the 2013 Rules .............................. 3


2014 1
Notices and General Information
1. The year 2014 edition of the Rules for Building and Classing High-Speed Craft consists of the eight
(8) booklets as shown in Table 1. With regard to three booklets, Part 1, Part 2, and Part 7:
a) The purpose of the generic title ABS Rules for Conditions of Classification High-Speed
Craft (Part 1) is to reflect the expanded contents of PART 1, as a result of including
consolidated requirements for Classification applicable to all types of and sizes of high-
speed craft as specified in the Foreword to Part 1. Additional specific requirements are
contained in Chapters 2 and 3 of Part 1.
b) The purpose of the generic title ABS Rules for Materials and Welding of PART 2 is to
emphasize the common applicability of the requirements to ABS-classed vessels, other
marine structures and their associated machinery, and thereby make PART 2 more readily
a common PART of various ABS Rules and Guides, as appropriate.
c) The purpose of the generic title ABS Rules for Survey After Construction (Part 7) is to
reflect the expanded contents of PART 7, as a result of including consolidated requirements
for Surveys After Construction applicable to all types and sizes of vessels, barges and
specific shipboard arrangements/systems, etc., as specified in Part 7, Chapter 1, Section 1.
2. The numbering system applied in the Rules is shown in Table 2.
3. The primary changes from the 2013 Rules are identified and listed in Table 3. The effective date
of the indicated Rule Changes is 1 January 2014, unless specifically indicated otherwise.
4. The effective date of each technical change since 1993 is shown in parenthesis at the end of the
subsection/paragraph titles within the text of each Part. Unless a particular date and month are
shown, the years in parentheses refer to the following effective dates:
(2000) and after 1 January 2000 (and subsequent years) (1996) 9 May 1996
(1999) 12 May 1999 (1995) 15 May 1995
(1998) 13 May 1998 (1994) 9 May 1994
(1997) 19 May 1997 (1993) 11 May 1993
5. Until the next edition of the Rules for Building and Classing High-Speed Craft is published, Rule
Change Notices and/or Corrigenda, as necessary, will be published on the ABS website only, and will be available free for downloading. It is not intended to publish
hard copies of future Rule Change Notices and/or Corrigenda to existing Rules or Guides. The
consolidated edition of the Rules for Building and Classing High-Speed Craft, which includes
Rule Change Notices and/or Corrigenda using different colors for easy recognition, will be
published on the ABS website only when RCN and/or Corrigenda are issued.
6. The listing of CLASSIFICATION SYMBOLS AND NOTATIONS is available from the ABS
website for download.

Notices and General Information


Applicable Editions of Booklets Comprising 2014 Rules
Notices and General Information 2014
Part 1: Rules for Conditions of Classification High-Speed Craft 2014*
Part 2: Rules for Materials and Welding
Rules for Testing and Certification of Materials
Rules for Welding and Fabrication
Part 2: Rules for Materials and Welding Aluminum and Fiber
Reinforced Plastics (FRP)
Part 3: Hull Construction and Equipment 2014
Part 4: Craft Systems and Machinery 2014
Part 5: Specialized Craft and Services 2014
Part 7: Rules for Survey After Construction 2014*
* Note: The latest edition of these Rules is to be referred to. These Rules may be downloaded from the ABS website at, Rules and Guides, Downloads or may be ordered separately from the ABS Publications online catalog
at, Rules and Guides, Catalog.

Division and Numbering of Rules and Guides
Division Number
Part Part 1
Chapter Part 1, Chapter 1
Section Section 1-1-1
Subsection (see Note 1) 1-1-1/1
Paragraph (see Note 1) 1-1-1/1.1
Subparagraph 1-1-1/1.1.1
Item 1-1-1/1.1.1(a)
Subitem 1-1-1/1.1.1(a)i)
Appendix Appendix 1-1-A1
Appendix 1-A1-1

1 An odd number (1, 3, 5, etc.) numbering system is used for the Rules and Guides. The purpose is to permit future
insertions of even-numbered paragraphs (2, 4, 6, etc.) of text and to avoid the necessity of having to renumber the
existing text and associated cross-references, as applicable, within the Rules and associated process instructions,
check sheets, etc.

Notices and General Information


2014 3
Rule Change Notice (2014)
Summary of Changes from the 2013 Rules

EFFECTIVE DATE 1 February 2013 shown as (1 February 2013)
Part/Para. No. Title/Subject Status/Remarks
<No Title> To align the requirements with IACS PR1C, Rev. 2. (Incorporates
Notice No. 1)

EFFECTIVE DATE 1 March 2013 shown as (1 February 2013)
Part/Para. No. Title/Subject Status/Remarks
1-1-2/5 Special Purpose Craft To update the notation to Special Government Service. (Incorporates
Notice No. 2)

EFFECTIVE DATE 1 July 2013 shown as (1 July 2013)
Part/Para. No. Title/Subject Status/Remarks
1-1-6/5 Machinery Plans and Data To specify that the Surveyor is to annually examine watertight or fire-
tight bulkhead cable penetration sealing devices. (Incorporates
Notice No. 3)

EFFECTIVE DATE 1 July 2013 shown as (1 July 2013)
(based on the contract date for new construction between builder and Owner)
Part/Para. No. Title/Subject Status/Remarks
PART 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
Section 3-7-1 Tank, Bulkhead and Rudder
Tightness Testing
To align the Rules with SOLAS and MSC.194(80) and to allow for
alternative testing where hose testing of structural welds or cable
penetrations is not practical. (Incorporates Notice No. 1)
PART 4 Craft Systems and Machinery
4-6-3/5.13 Deck and Bulkhead Penetrations To clarify the requirements for deck and bulkhead cable penetrations.
(Incorporates Notice No. 1)
PART 5 Specialized Craft and Services
5-2-3/5 Operational Parameters To remove definition of F
since it was replaced with 0.64 coefficient in
line with the High-Speed Naval Craft requirements. (Incorporates
Notice No. 1)

Notices and General Information


EFFECTIVE DATE 1 January 2014 shown as (2014)
(based on the contract date for new construction between builder and Owner)
Part/Para. No. Title/Subject Status/Remarks
PART 3 Hull Construction and Equipment
3-1-2/Table 1 Material Grades To reflect the thickness range from 51 to 100 mm in the material
grades table.
3-2-7/Figure 1 Propeller Nozzle Section View To define Zone 2 for tilted nozzles.
3-2-8/1.3 Materials for Rudder, Rudder Stock
and Steering Equipment
To address the galvanic compatibility of materials.
3-2-8/3.1 Rudder Blades without Cutouts To clarify that that any appendages (e.g., rudder bulb) will be included
in the rudder area.
Rudders Blades with Twisted
To provide requirements for twisted rudders.
3-2-8/Table 1A Coefficient k
for Ordinary Rudders To provide requirements for twisted rudders.
3-2-8/Table 1B Coefficient k
for High-Lift/
Performance Rudders
To provide requirements for twisted rudders.
3-2-8/5.3 Rudders without Cutouts To clarify that that any appendages (e.g., rudder bulb) will be included
in the rudder area.
3-2-8/Table 3 Coefficient To provide requirements for twisted rudders.
Rudders with Twisted Leading-Edge To provide requirements for twisted rudders.
3-2-A1/3 Spade Rudders To provide requirements for rudders with embedded rudder trunk.
3-2-A1/Figure 1 Spade Rudder To provide requirements for rudders with embedded rudder trunk.
Restricted Service Craft To provide requirements for minimum anchor weight and anchor
chain length for craft assigned with service restrictions.
PART 4 Craft Systems and Machinery
4-1-1/Table 2 Ambient Temperatures for
Unrestricted Service
To align the table with the modified ambient temperature requirements
in 4-6-1/17.3.
4-2-1/3.3 Booster Pumps To waive the requirement for a spare pump for multiple-engine
installations, provided that at least forty percent of the total rated
propulsion power remains
4-2-1/9.7 Lubricating Oil Pumps To waive the requirement for a spare pump for multiple-engine
installations, provided that at least forty percent of the total rated
propulsion power remains
4-2-1/11.7 Circulating Water Pumps To waive the requirement for a spare pump for multiple-engine
installations, provided that at least forty percent of the total rated
propulsion power remains
4-2-1/15.1 General To provide requirements for accepting exhaust arrangements based on
the length and draft of the craft and height of the engine room.
4-2-1/17.1 Flexible Shaft Couplings To align the requirement with 4-3-2/5.19.5 of the Steel Vessel Rules.
Wide Tipped Blade Propeller To provide the criteria for a wide tip propeller blades.
4-4-1/9.11 Collision Bulkhead Penetrations To allow for local control of the valve and to delete redundant
4-4-2/5.5.1 <No Title> To clarify the requirements for materials equivalency for fuel oil,
lubrication oil and other flammable oil services based on IMO MSC
Circ. 1321.
4-4-2/19.3 Valve Connections to Shell To align the requirements with IACS UR P1.2.4 and Load Line
Interpretation LL36.
Oil Pollution Prevention Measures To align the requirement with 4-6-4/5.7 of the Steel Vessel Rules.

Notices and General Information


2014 5
Part/Para. No. Title/Subject Status/Remarks
4-4-3/Table 1
Dimensions and Details of Standard
Discharge Connection Flange
To align the requirement with 4-6-4/5.7 of the Steel Vessel Rules.
4-4-3/9.9.3(d)i) Testing of Vent Outlet Automatic
Closing Devices
To provide additional tightness test criteria to the type tests of air pipe
closing devices, in line with IACS UR P3.
Discharge/Reverse Flow Test To provide additional requirements, in line with IACS UR P3, for the
case when the float of an air pipe closing device is sucked into the
opening by negative pressure in the tank resulting in the float blocking
the flow of air into the tank and leading to structural damage during
tank emptying.
4-4-3/Figure 1
Example of Normal Position To provide new specific type test conditions based upon the direction
of the opening of the device, in line with IACS UR P3.
4-4-3/Figure 2
Example of Inclination 40 degrees
Opening Facing Upward
To provide new specific type test conditions based upon the direction
of the opening of the device, in line with IACS UR P3.
4-4-3/Figure 3
Example of Inclination 40 degrees
Opening Facing Downward
To provide new specific type test conditions based upon the direction
of the opening of the device, in line with IACS UR P3.
4-4-3/Figure 4
Example of Inclination 40 degrees
Opening Facing Sideways
To provide new specific type test conditions based upon the direction
of the opening of the device, in line with IACS UR P3.
4-4-4/11.3.1 General To align the requirements with MARPOL Annex I, Chap. 3, Reg 12,
A-3.11 & 14.
Cascade Protection To define terminology used in later sections of the Rules.
Earth To define terminology used in later sections of the Rules.
High Voltage To define terminology used in later sections of the Rules.
Inhomogeneous Field To define terminology used in later sections of the Rules.
Low Voltage To define terminology used in later sections of the Rules.
Minimum Comfortable Condition of
To define terminology used in later sections of the Rules.
Nominal Voltage To define terminology used in later sections of the Rules.
Overvoltage Category To define terminology used in later sections of the Rules.
Overvoltage Withstand Test To define terminology used in later sections of the Rules.
Pollution Degree To define terminology used in later sections of the Rules.
Electrical Power Critical Notations To clarify that there are certain notations that may have specific power
requirements which have a bearing on generator capacity.
4-6-1/7 Standard Distribution System To clarify that four wire systems with insulated/isolated neutral points
(i.e., neutrals that are not grounded) and hull return systems are not
4-6-1/15 Degree of Protection for Enclosure To provide a reference to 4-6-5/Table 1 for IP requirements for High
Voltage equipment.
4-6-1/17.1 General To align the requirements with IACS UR M40.
4-6-2/5.5.2 Generator To highlight the fact that if fuel with a lower flash point is used then
extra precautions are needed to counter the increased risk.
4-6-2/5.9.4 Interconnector Feeder Between
Emergency and Main Switchboards
To clarify the requirement relating to the interconnection of the feeder
between the main and emergency switchboards.
4-6-2/7.1.6(a) Continuity of Supply To remind the user that there are additional requirements for High
Voltage transformers that need to be met elsewhere in the Rules.

Notices and General Information


Part/Para. No. Title/Subject Status/Remarks
4-6-2/7.9 Harmonics To clarify what other effects are to be considered when higher values of
harmonic distortion are expected.
Protection of Harmonic Filter Circuits To require detection of a current imbalance in cases where multiple
filter circuits are used and detection of deterioration of capacitors that
may be used in these harmonic filters.
4-8-2/17.1.2(f) <No Title> To align the requirements with IMO Resolution MSC.218(82).
4-6-3/1.1 Booklet of Standard Details To provide a cross reference to requirements for assistance in identifying
required content and to emphasize that only one booklet of standard
wiring practice is required.
4-6-3/3.3.1(b) Equipment in Areas Affected by Local
Fixed Pressure Water-spraying or
Local Water-mist Fire Extinguishing
System in Machinery Spaces
To align the requirements with IACS UR E20 Rev. 1.
4-6-3/Figure 1 Example of Area Affected by Local
Fixed Pressure Water-spraying or
Local Water-mist Fire Extinguishing
System in Machinery Spaces
To align the requirements with IACS UR E20 Rev. 1.
Ultra Violet (UV) Light Protection for
Wiring Insulation within Fluorescent
Light Fixtures
To address concerns regarding deterioration of the insulation on the
supply conductors within fluorescent light fixtures.
4-6-3/Table 1 Minimum Degree of Protection To refer to high voltage protection requirements and to require unused
outlets in galleys and laundries to have covers such that these outlets
maintain their IP rating when not in use.
4-6-4/3.13.7 Moisture Condensation Prevention To redefine the requirement for moisture condensation prevention in
motors and generators to be based on kW instead of weight.
Alternative To provide an alternative to the existing conservative clearance and
creepage distances for switchboards that are built in accordance with
IEC 61439-1, provided they are not installed in Cat A Machinery
spaces or in areas subject to FWBLAFFS and to require equipment to
be subject to an impulse voltage test.
4-6-4/7.15.2 Main Bus Bar Subdivision To require cable protection at each end for main switchboards divided
into separate sections which are interconnected by cable.
4-6-4/9.3 Temperature Rise To align the requirements for permissible temperature rise of transformer
windings with IEC 60076-11.
Semiconductor Converters for
Adjustable Speed Motor Drives
To consolidate requirements for semiconductor convertors and to
align the requirements with IEC 61800-5-1 and 60146-1-1.
4-6-4/Table 5 Factory Testing Schedule for
Switchboards, Chargers, Motor
Control Centers, and Controllers
To limit the rated voltage range to 1200 V for DC.
4-6-4/Table 8 Temperature Rise for Transformers To align the requirements for permissible temperature rise of transformer
windings with IEC 60076-11.
4-6-4/Table 10 Maximum Current Carrying Capacity
for Cables
To have the conductor sizes to go in the ascending order from 1.0 mm

to 625 mm
Reduction To specify the impulse test voltages that the equipment needs to be
tested to if reduced clearance distances are used.
Insulating Material To require documentation to be submitted to ABS to prove that this
insulation is appropriate for the application.
4-6-5/1.1.3(d) Creepage Distance To align the requirements with IEC 60092-503.
Creepage Distances To align the requirements with IEC 60092-503.
Non-standardized Parts To align the requirements with IACS UR E11.
4-6-5/1.3.6 Number and Capacity of Transformers To clarify the requirement.

Notices and General Information


2014 7
Part/Para. No. Title/Subject Status/Remarks
Detection of Phase-to-phase Internal
To delete outdated requirement.
4-6-5/1.7.2(e) Transformers Arranged in Parallel To delete redundant requirement.
Exposure of HV Equipment to
Damaging Environments
To reinforce the markings and access requirements to spaces containing
High Voltage equipment.
4-6-5/1.9.3(d) Termination and Splices To clarify that these requirements are in addition to those in the Low
Voltage part of the Rules, to emphasize that allowing splices in High
Voltage cable does not overrule the requirements regarding splices not
being permitted in propulsion cables, and to clarify that cables with
mixed service use are not considered to be propulsion cables for
purposes of this Rule.
Cable Rating To specify the minimum cable ratings that are permissible on craft for
different system nominal voltages.
Cable Current Carrying Capacities To specify minimum current carrying capacities of high voltage cables.
4-6-5/1.9.3(h) Cable Test after Installation To prevent the need for cables which have a higher rating to be tested to
the rating of the cable rather than to the rated voltage that they are
connected to.
High Voltage Shore Connection To specify that the application of the ABS Guide for High Voltage
Shore Connection is mandatory.
4-6-5/1.11.1(a) Protection To provide a reference to 4-6-5/Table 1 for IP requirements for High
Voltage equipment.
4-6-5/1.11.1(e) Tests To reinforce that all the tests mentioned in the Low Voltage portion of
the Rules apply to High Voltage equipment as well, irrespective of
size and rating.
Protection To provide a reference to 4-3-5/Table 1 for IP requirements for High
Voltage equipment.
4-6-5/1.11.2(a) Mechanical Construction and
To clarify that the requirement for the division of bus bars is a general
requirements and not a High Voltage specific one.
Configuration To clarify that the requirement for the division of bus bars is a general
requirements and not a High Voltage specific one.
Arc Flash and Associated Installation
To provide the basic arc flash requirements for High Voltage switchgear,
in line with IEC 62271-200.
4-6-5/1.11.2(g) Tests To specify the values of the power frequency withstand voltage that
should be applied to High Voltage Switchgear, in line with IEC 62271-1.
Design Operating Philosophy To specify the safety approach in HV design and provide the background
for the introduction of Arc Flash requirements.
Preliminary Operations Manual To tie in with the Design Principles Document and to allow the Owner
to understand the designers intended operating procedures for
incorporation into their own.
4-6-5/3.1.1 Application To clarify the requirement.
4-6-5/3.3.1 General To define the difference between a general electric propulsion system
and an integrated electric propulsion system and to emphasize that all
equipment related to the electric propulsion drive train is to be built
with redundancy such that a single failure will not result in loss of
propulsion and steering.
4-6-5/3.3.3 Power Management System To emphasize that upon failure; there shall be no loss in available
power for propulsion and steering and to specify that failure of the
PMS is to be alarmed at a manned control station.
4-6-5/3.3.4 Regenerative Power To clarify the requirement.
4-6-5/3.3.5 Harmonics To require monitoring of the harmonics on board a craft with electric
propulsion, to specify some of the harmful effects of having excessive
harmonics in the electrical system network, and to reference
requirements related to harmonic filters.

Notices and General Information


Part/Para. No. Title/Subject Status/Remarks
Semiconductor Converters To consolidate requirements for semiconductor convertors.
Semiconductor Converters To consolidate requirements for semiconductor convertors.
Generator Excitation To relocate text of 4-8-5/5.17.6 into 4-8-5/5.17.5(e) since this section
covers Rules related to all rotating machinery for propulsion
Propulsion Motors To require the propulsion motor of being capable of withstanding a
short circuit at its terminals
Propulsion Generators To relocate text of 4-8-5/5.17.6 into 4-8-5/5.17.5(e) since this section
covers Rules related to all rotating machinery for propulsion
4-6-5/3.17.8 Semiconductor Converters for
To consolidate requirements for semiconductor convertors.
4-6-5/3.19 Dock and Sea Trials To clarify the requirement.
4-6-5/Table 1
High Voltage Equipment Locations
and Minimum Degree of Protection
To consolidate protection requirements for high voltage systems and
to introduce requirements for locations for where High Voltage (HV)
equipment can and cannot be installed
4-7-3/21.5vii) <No Title> To require that regardless of the normal status of the doors self-closing
arrangements will have to be provided, avoiding the possibility of
Doors fitted in exposed machinery casings to open deck on ACCU
craft being left inadvertently Open.

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