C# Extra References

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o List of Reserved Keywords

o Operator Precedence Chart
o Casing Styles in .NET
o Decimal to Binary Conversion
o Binary to Decimal Conversion
o Converting Negative Numbers to Binary

List of Reserved Keywords

The C# language has many reserved keywords that you cannot use as identifiers. The following is the
full list of those reserved key words:

abstract as base bool break
byte case catch char checked
class const continue decimal default
delegate do double else enum
event explicit extern false finally
fixed float for foreach goto
if implicit in int interface
internal is lock long namespace
new null object operator out
override params private protected public
readonly ref return sbyte sealed
short sizeof stackalloc static string
struct switch this throw true
try typeof uint ulong unchecked
unsafe ushort using virtual void
volatile while

The following are contextual keywords that are only treated as keywords at special events and
add alias ascending by descending
equals from get global group
into join let on orderby
partial remove select set value
var where yield

Operator Precedence Chart
Operator precedence determines which operators and expressions should be caculated first. The
following is the full operator precedence chart of C#. Operators in the same row have the same
precedence. The associativity determines how to evaluate expressions having multiple operators with
the same level of precedence.
Operator Type Associativity
member access
method call
element access
postfix increment
postfix decrement
object creation
get the type of object
get the size in bytes of a type
checked evaluation
unchecked evaluation
unary plus
unary minus
logical negation
bitwise not operator
prefix increment
prefix decrement
left shift operator
right shift operator
less than
greater than
less than or equal to
greater than or equal to
type comparison
type conversion
is not equal to
is equal to
& bitwise AND left-to-right
^ bitwise XOR left-to-right
| bitwise OR left-to-right
&& logical AND left-to-right
|| logical OR left-to-right
?? null coalescing right-to-left
?: conditional right-to-left
multiplication assignment
division assignment
modulus assignment
addition assignment
subtraction assignment
left shift assignment
right shift assignment
bitwise AND assignment
bitwise XOR assignment
bitwise OR assignment

Casing Styles in .NET
Three capitalization styles are used in C# and .NET. The PascalCasing , camelCasing and
UPPERCASE. Pascal Casing starts with a capital letter followed by small letters. All succeeding words
in Pascal Casing should also start with capital letters. Examples are TheNumber, MyCar,
AnimalFarm.Camel Casing is simillar to Pascal Casing only that it starts its name with a small letter.
Examples are theNumber, myCar, animalFarm. Uppercase means every character is written in
uppercase such as PI or PRICE.
Pascal Casing is used for:

o Methods. All the methods in the .NET Framework are named using the Pascal Casing. If you are
creating methods, use Pascal Casing as well. Although there is one exception. When naming event
handlers for controls on a form in C#, the method usually starts with the name of the control
(which starts with lower case) followed by an underscore and then the name of the event.

o Property. When naming a property, we usually follow the name of the private data member it
references. For example, if you have a member called myName, we name the corresponding
property with MyName.

o Class. Classes are also named using Pascal Casing. It is apparent on all the classes of the .NET

o Interface. When naming an interface, always precede it with a capital I followed by the name of
the interface starting also with a capital letter. For example, If I want to make an interface named
Clickable, I will name it IClickable.

o Namespaces. When you write your namespace, you should use Pascal Casing as well.

Camel Casing is used for:
o Fields
o Method Variables
o Names of Controls in Windows Forms
o Method Parameters
Uppercase is used when writing constants.

Decimal to Binary Conversion
Binary numbers in the computer world are often grouped by 8 digits or bits to form 1 byte. To start
converting a decimal number to binary, the first step is to reserve 8 blank slots and we will put binary
numbers on each slot as we progress. Suppose that we want to convert the number 54 to binary:

Now, we need to remember a simple sequence. Binaries are base 2, so we use 2 as a base and raise it
to a power starting with 0.

By getting the answer for each 1, we get the following.

Notice that we start with 1 and the next one is double its value which is 2. The following ones are just
doubled values of their preceding values. With this values we can now get the binary equivalent of our
decimal number. To start, find the highest number that does not exceed our current value whic is
54. In this case, 32. We place a 1 in the position where the 32 is located.

We now subtract 32 from 54 (54 - 32 = 22). Our current value is now 22. Repeat the step of finding
the highest value that does not exceed our current value which is 22. The number 16 qualifies our
condition so again, place a 1 where 16 is located.

We then subtract 16 from 22 (22 - 16 = 6) making 6 our new current value. Find the largest number
in the sequence that does not exceed six. 8 exceeds 6, so we should use 4 and place again a 1 in its

We subtract 4 from 6 (6 - 4 = 2) and we find the value that does not exceed our new current value 2.
There's only one number in the sequence that does not exceed 2, and thats 2 itself. So place again 1
in its position. Subtracting 2 from our current value 2 results to 0. This time, we can now stop adding

The final process is placing 0's on all blank spaces.

We finally arrived to the binary equivalent of 54 which is 00110110. We can omit the leading 0's and
write 110110 as the binary equivalent of 54.
Please note that higher numbers require more bits (slots) for conversions. How can we know if a
number fits 8 bits. Simply double the last number which is 128 and we get 256. All the number below
256 can be converted using 8 bits. If a decimal to convert is 256 or higher, then we need to add more
bits when converting. For example, if we want to convert 312, then we will be needing 9 bits.

The value of the 9th bit is 2
or 256 which is simply a doubled value of its previous bit which is 128. 9
bits can only contain values below 512 which is twice the value of 256. Again, if you have a value
equal or greater than 512, then you need to add again 1 more bits.

Binary to Decimal Conversion
Converting from binary to decimal is easy. You first need to know the positional values of each
bit. Suppose we have a binary number 10100111 that we need to convert to decimal.

Positional values starts from 2
which is 1 to 2
where n is the number of bits or digits. Since we
have 8 bits, the last positional value is 2
= 2
= 128. We write the positional values from right to
left. Once we have determined the positional values, we simply add all the positional values that has 1
as its bit.

We now arrived at 167 as the final decimal answer for our binary number 10100111.

Converting Negative Numbers to Binary
Converting negative numbers to binary is not simple and can be confusing. C# and .NET usesTwo's
Complement Notation. To show how the Two's Complement Notation works, let's convert -7 to its
binary equivalent. Suppose that -7 has given a type of int so it has 32-bits (32 binary digits).
int value = -7;
The first step is to convert a negative value to its positive value so -7 becomes +7 or simple 7. We
then convert 7 to its binary representation.
7 = 00000000000000000000000000000111
The value 7 is equivalent to 111 in binary but assuming that we stored the value in an int variable,
then it will have 32-bits that's why we add leading 0's to fill all 32 slots. After converting the negative
number's positive equivalent to binary, we use one's complement to each bits. In C#, this is
equivalent to using the bitwise NOT operator (~). Doing this operation simply reverses the value of
each digit. So the binary representation of 7 when one's complement is used will become:
~7 = 11111111111111111111111111111000
To perform two's complement, simply add one the the new binary value.
+ 00000000000000000000000000000001
The result is the binary representation of -7. At first look, it won't seem like it realy is negative 7.
That's why I said earlier that it can be confusing. I mean, if you will convert the final binary result to
decimal using the techniques we have learned, you will arrive at value 4,294,967,289. But C# and
.NET uses the leftmost bit as an indication of whether a number is positive or negative. It means, that
if the leftmost bit is 1, then the number is considered negative, if it is 0, the number is considered
positive. Therefore, when using int as the type, the 32nd bit is not included when calculating a values
decimal value. After all 4,294,967,289 will not fit in an int variable. You should
use long or uint instead.
To prove that the final binary result is really -7. We can add it to the binary value of 7. The result
should be 0 (-7 + 7 = 0).
+ 00000000000000000000000000000111
If you don't know how to add binaries, the following is the three possible combinations and their
1 + 0 = 1
0 + 1 = 1
1 + 1 = 0 carry 1
Since the first pair of digit is both 1, the first digit of the answer is 0 and 1 is carry over to the next
column and so on until we reach the final column. In the final column there should still be one being
carried over from the last column so the result is still 0 and we discard the 1 to be carried.

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