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21 st - 24 th JUNE 2006
Visit to Ascot by John O' Donoghue TD
Minister for Arts Sport & Tourism
From Wednesday 2 1 s t June to Saturday 2 4 t h June

DRAFT 7 - 200606

Travelling Delegation
John O'Donoghue - Minister
Kate Ann O'Donoghue
Therese O'Connor Private Secretary

Wednesday 21 st June

07.45 Check out of Hayfield Manor Hotel

07.55 Depart Hayfield Manor Hotel

08.45 Depart Cork for RAF Farnborough on Beach craft

10.10 Arrive RAF Farnborough

10.15 Met on arrival by Michael Lonergar

Transfer to Hotel. Travel Time 15 minutes

10.30 Arrive Pennyhill Park Hotel Ph: • ~ * ' • •

Accommodation reserved by HRI

11.30 Depart for Racecourse

Transfer time from hotel to Racecourse 30 minutes
Tickets will have been couriered to Brian Kavanagh on preceding

12.00 Attend PGA Eurooean Tour Lunch in Royal Ascot. Contact

Barbara Seward.

14:35 Racing commences

17:45 Depart Racecourse

20:00 Dinner with Chairman and Chief Executive of Horse Racing Ireland. Contact
Brian Kavanagh , Meeting in Pennyhill Park Hotel at 20.00,
then onto local restaurant called "Ming's Restaurant".

Ovpminht in Pe>npvhill Park Hotel

Thursday 22 n d June

08.45 Hair appointment

09.00 Breakfast

11.15 Depart Hotel for Racecourse

12.00 Guest of Duke of Devonshire, Chairman of Ascot Authority

(The Irish Ambassador to Britain will also be attending)

14.35 Racing commences

17.45 Depart Racecourses

18.15 Depart Hotel for Tourism Ireland Dinner. Drive time 1 hr

19.30 Drinks then Dinner hosted by Tourism Ireland at Bank Westminster

Restaurant, 45 Buckingham Gate. Brief and gu<»«t list in folder
Paul O'Toole will meet delegation. Contact Paul at' ' Guest list
in file.

Overnight accommodation in Pennyhill Park Hotel

Friday 23 rd June
09.00 Breakfast

09.30 Hair appointment

11.15 Transfer to Racecourse

12.00 Guest of the Stewards of the Jockey Club

14.35 Racing commences

17.45 Depart Racecourse (travel time to Heathrow - 45 minutes)

Dinner at Minister's discretion

Overnight Accommodation in Pennyhill Park Hotel

21.10 TOC BOOKED ON Heathrow to Dublin flight- arrive 22.20. Ref no. X25H14
Flight number El 183

22.10 Minister and Kate-Anne O'Donoghue BOOKED on flight from Heathrow to

Cork Ref no. X25Y6S. Flight number El 725

No VIP BOOKED until confirmation of departure night

23.15 Arrive Cork

Saturday 24 th June

09.00 Breakfast

10.45 Check out of Hotel

11.15 Depart for Racecourse

12.00 Lunch details tba

14.30 Racing commences

18.00 Depart Racecourse for transfer to Heathrow. Travel time approx 45 minutes
21.10 Heathrow to Dublin flight for TO'C - arrive 22.20. Ref no. X7VMJO
Flight number El 183
22.10 Minister and Kate-Anne O'Donoghue on flight from Heathrow to Cork Ref
no. X7UOUH. Flight number El 725

No VIP BOOKED until confirmation of departure night

23.15 Arrive Cork

Telephone Numbers

Farnborough Airport 0'

Barbara Seward
PGA European Tour

David Watt on the day

PGA European Tour Liaison

Michael Lonergan, DFA

Brian Kavanagh, HRI

Margaret O'Reilly
Tourism Ireland

Paul O'Toole
Tourism Ireland

Therese O'Connor
Private Secretary

Heathrow Enquiries

Cork Airport Duty Officer

Car Details

Audi A8 -
Audi A6 - ' ' '
Arts,Sports & Tourism

Y230020 V017 05/07/2006 T GALLAGHER; 24/6/06 car hire Min J O'Donoghue ZM017 2006/007 €407.46 LONDON
Y230020 V017 05/07/2006 T GALLAGHER; 21/6/06 car hire Min J O'Donoghue ZM017 2006/007 €2,971.03 LONDON
Y230020 V017 05/07/2006 T GALLAGHER; 21/6/06 car hire Min J O'Donoghue ZM017 2006/007 €203.73 LONDON
Y230020 V035 11/07/2006 Fraport, VIP service for Min. John O'Donoghue ZM002 2006/007 €377.00 BERLIN
Y230020 VR64 13/07/2006 FCO USE OF VIP SUITES J O'DONAGHUE 24/6/06 ZM017 2006/007 €238.40 LONDON
Y230020 V050 13/07/2006 Hotel Domicil, restaurant costs Min. J. O'Donoghue ZM002 2006/007 €257.60 BERLIN
Y230020 DFA/018531 14/07/2006 RP2A 2006/007
Y230020 V051 14/07/2006 B.Clement, limousine for Min. John O'Donoghue ZM002 2006/007 €2,436.00 BERLIN
Total m
Ari^Spori&Tounsm "1
01/06/2006 -30/06/2006 I

Account Transaction Transaction Journal Accounting

Code Reference Date Description Type Period Base Amount Name
Y230020 ; V19/502253 24/05/2006 Chauffeur Drive, Cars for Minister O' Donoghue 2M 2006/005 W K €846.30 CARDIFF
Y230020 DFA/017402 15/06/2006 r • • • : RP2A 2006/006 HIHfflflj
Y230020 2006/006 pd
19/06/2006 k
19/06/2006 Hotel Domicil, hotel costs Min. John O'Donoghue
ZM002 2006/006
€1,816.00 BERLIN
Y230020 VR118 20/06/2006 J O'DONOGHUE LONDON 23+24/5/06 ZM017 2006/006 x ^ €1,207.73 LONDON
Total €5,607.83
John O'Donoghue 21-Jun-06 - 24-Jun-06 Calendar

Wednesday, June 21
- All Day - Minister in London for sport event on 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th
07:35 09:00 Flight from Cork to Heathrow REF Min X25TJ8 /Kate-Ann X25Y6S
07:45 07:55 Check out of Hayfield Manor Hotel
07:55 08:45 Depart Hayfield Manor Hotel
08:45 10:10 Depart Cork for RAF Farnborough on R^rhnroft
10:15 10:30 Met on arrival by Michael Lonergan Transfer to
Pennyhill Park Hotel
10:30 11:00 Arrive Pennyhill Park Hotel - 0- ...
Accommodation reserved by HRI
11:30 12:00 Depart for Racecourse. Transfer time from hotel to racecourse 30 mins
12:00 12:30 A t t e n d PGA Euroosan Tour Lunch in Royal Ascot-Contact Barbara Seward

14:35 17:45 Racing Commences

17:45 18:15 Depart Racecourse
20:00 23:00 Dinner with Chairman and Chief Executive of HRI - Brian Kavanagh
Ming Restaurant
23:00 23:30 Overnight in Pennyhill Park Hotel

Thursday, June 22
- All Day - Minister in London for sport event on 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th
11:15 12:00 Depart Pennyhill Hotel for racecourse
12:00 14:30 Guest of Duke of Devonshire, Chairman of Ascot Authority sn
14:35 17:45 Racing commences
17:45 18:15 Depart Racecourse for Hotel
18:30 19:30 Depart Hotel for Tourism Ireland Dinner - Drive Time 1 hr
19:00 22:00 Drinks and Dinner hosted by Tourism Ireland at the Bank Westminster
Restaurant, 45 Buckingham Gate, London -Margaret O'Reilly
23:00 23:30 Overnight in the Pennyhill Park Hotel

Friday, June 23
-All Day- Minister in London for sport event on 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th
11:15 11:45 Transfer to Racecourse
12:00 14:30 Guest of the Stewards of the Jockey Club
14:00 16:00 Clinic in Caherciveen O'Donoghues Office 14 Main Street
14:35 17:45 Racing Commences
16:00 18:00 Clinic in Killorglin -P O'Donoghues Office Langford Street
17:45 18:15 Depart Racecourse for hotel or heathrow (45 minutes to Heathrow)
Hotel - Dinner at Minister's Discretion - Overnight accommodation in
Pennyhill Park Hotel
18:00 19:30 Clinic in Beaufort - The Beaufort Bar
19:30 20:00 Clinic in Glenbeigh - Mary McCarthy's House

Saturday, June 24
-All Day- Minister in London for sport event on 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th
10:45 11:15 Check out of Hotel
11:15 11:45 Depart for racecourse
12:00 14:30 Lunch Details tba
14:30 18:00 Depart racecourse for transfer to Heathrow - Travel Time approx 45
19:45 20:15 Check in at Airport
21:10 22:20 TOC booked on Heathrow to Dublin Flight REF X7VMJO

Printed on 24/06/2009 at 09:35:03 John O'Donoghue Page 1

22:15 23:15 Commercial Flight from Heathrow to Cork booked Min X7UOUH -Kate-Ann

Printed on 24/06/2009 at 09:35:03 John O'Donoghue Page 2

expense Claim TS130992 Page 1 of 2

0 / Confirmation
Expense claim number TS130992 for 609.37 has been submitted to Nl CRAITH, Ms. SUSAN for

E x p e n s e Claim T S 1 3 0 9 9 2
* To send required receipts to Accounts Payable, print this page and attach all required receipts.
* Make a photocopy of this page and the receipts for your records.
* Place this page and the original receipts in an envelope, and send to Accounts Payable via internal mail.

Your manager (or specified approver) will be notified requesting approval for this expense claim. Upon
approval, a notification wiil be sent to you, This expense claim will be paid after it has been approved, and
Accounts Payable verifies the receipts.

Hint: Use your browser Back button to exit the printable page view of the Confirmation

Expense Claim Summary

Expense Claim Total 609.37 EUR

General Information
Name O'CONNOR, Ms. Approver Nl
(0077275) Ms.
Expense Dates 17-JUN-2006 - 03- SUSAN
JUL-2006 Lines Requiring Receipt 0
Cost Center M6110 Submit Date 05-JUL-
Purpose Accompanying 2006 .f 4
Minister in Cork A-"' ^ \ V
and London for
official duties :>
• - . xy y \ \

Expense Details Expense Summary Approval Notes [0]

Cash and Other Expenses
Receipt-Based Expenses
Claim Exchange Expense Reimbursable Receipt 05/07/2006

ii • ' '
24-Jun-2006; 3.00 1 Home - ^Collected at UuDiin i 3.oo;
EUR^ Oth Airport - instead of *
Receipted ;Taxi home following ]
Exp 'official duties in
I London

17-Jun-2006 120.00 1 Home - IHire of Headress as ; 120.001

EUR ! Oth per dress Code at I
Receipted |official function in |
Exp London from 21st !
June to 24th June
Total 609.37

Expense Details Expense Summary Approval Notes [0]

rCreate New Expense Claim ) (' Return ) ( Printable Page")

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HAT & .te

Adventure House,

1 Chapel Hill,
Lucan Village,
Phone 628 2652 -


& Tourism
To Collect
No: 5211

Phone: To Return

Each hat must be returned in the same condition as received. Water
damages hats, please use an umbrella if raining.
2. Booking fee is refunded when hat is returned.
3. In the event of the hat being damaged, your booking fee will be forfeited.
4. There will be an extra charge of €8 per day for each day the hat is
detained after the stipulated time.
5. No hat will be considered booked unless the booking fee is paid when booking.
6. In the event of cancellation, the booking fee will not be refunded.
7. If hat is not returned, the customer undertakes to pay the full market
value of the hat. Q
i\ 5jQ
Customer Signature:
L,ApCU3C ^ l a i l U i O i J 1 u-r i

• ^ l~J »

H. Confirmation
Expense claim number TS131841 for 211.23 has been submitted to HAUGH, Mr. CON for approval.

Expense Claim TS131841

* To send required receipts to Accounts Payable, print this page and attach all required receipts.
* Make a photocopy of this page and the receipts for your records.
* Place this page and the original receipts in an envelope, and send to Accounts Payable via internal mail.
Your manager (or specified approver) will be notified requesting approval for this expense claim. Upon
approval, a notification will be sent to you. This expense claim will be paid after it has been approved, and
Accounts Payable verifies the receipts.

Hint: Use your browser Back button to exit the printable page view of the Confirmation

Expense Claim S u m m a r y

Expense Claim Total 211.23 EUR

General Information
(0078948) Lines Requiring Receipt 0
Expense Dates 21-JUN-2006 - 21- Submit Date 05-JUL-
JUN-2006 2006
Cost Center M6110
Purpose Minister on
official duties in

Expense Details Expense Summary Approval Notes [0]

Cash and Other Expenses

Receipt-Based Expenses
Claim Exchange Reimbursable Receipt
Date Amount Rate Expense Type Justification Amount (EUR) Required Details
Minister in
21-Jun-2006 146.58 0.69392 Minister/Spouse London on 211.23
GBP Foreign Sub official duty
Total 211.23

Expense Details Expense Summary Approval Notes [0]

Copyright 2000-2005 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

http:// oraapps .justice, A_HTML/0A.jsp?0 ASF==OIEJEXPENSEREP... 05/07/2006

H X p e i l s c v_aanu lox^njw/

Expense claim number TS131867 for 16.21 has been submitted to HAUGH, Mr. CON for approval.

Expense Claim T8131867

* To send required receipts to Accounts Payable, print this page and attach all required receipts.
* Make a photocopy of this page and the receipts for your records.
* Place this page and the original receipts in an envelope, and send to Accounts Payable via internal mail.
Your manager (or specified approver) will be notified requesting approval for this expense claim. Upon
approval, a notification will be sent to you. This expense claim will be paid after it has been approved, and
Accounts Payable verifies the receipts.

Hint: Use your browser Back button to exit the printable page view of the Confirmation

Expense Claim S u m m a r y

Expense Claim Total 16.21 EUR

General Information
(KODONOGHUE) Lines Requiring Receipt 0
Expense Dates 21 -JUN-2006 - 21 Submit Date 05-JUL-
JUN-2006 2006
Cost Center M6110
Purpose Accompanying
Minister to

Expense Details Expense Summary Approval Notes [0]

Cash and Other Expenses

Receipt-Based Expenses
Claim Exchange Reimbursable Receipt
Date Amount Rate Expense Type Justification Amount (EUR) Required Details
21-Jun-2006 11.25 0.69392 Minister/Spouse Ministerto 16.21 S i
GBP Foreign Sub London
Total 16.21

Expense Details Expense Summary Approval Notes [0]

Copyright 2000-2005 Oracle Corporation. Ail rights reserved.

http: // oraapps. j ustice. go v i e : 8000/O A H T M L / O A .j sp? O ASF=OIE_EXPEN S E R E P . . . 05/07/2006

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