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Intercede with Us for the Muslim World!

Jesus said, I am the way, I am the truth, I am the life. No one can come to the Father except through me. If you know me,
you will know my Father too. From now on you do know him and have seen him John !"#$%&, 'harif (i)le*.
The Holy Spirit is an angel. Jesus was a prophet. God could never marry and have a son. Christians worship three gods.
This is what Islam teachesand what blocks uslims !rom understanding God"s true character and en#oying a personal
relationship with Him. $et"s pray this week that Jesus would open their eyes to the truth o! the Triune God.%
Today's Prayer Requests: From Students, Alumni, and Missionaries
COT !'I"OIR: &lease pray concerning e!!orts o! the 'ssemblies o! God to reopen churches and evangeli(e in the
north. any churches closed during the recent war )*+,+-*+,,./ and now workers are returning. Some areas are
strongly uslim0 pray !or !avor and open doors in these communities. &ray !or God"s hand o! protection on and good
attendance at the planned evangelistic campaigns. &ray !or wisdom and provision !or pastors who are relocating there.
P#$I%T#&: $ast week a missionary asked us to pray !or an urgent re1uest sent by a &akistani believer in the 2.S.
His sister/ who lives in &akistan with her pastor husband and !our children/ was arrested !or apostasy. He sends this
update and praise report3 4The government has !ormed a high-level committee to look into the matter. The chair o! the
committee is a lady police o!!icer well known !or her honesty and character. 5irst...they ordered the removal o! !alse
blasphemy and apostasy charges6. The committee will now investigate the other charges )assault/ terrorism/ etc../
and we are very hope!ul that those will also be removed and the whole case will be dismissed. 'men7 &raise to the
$ord7 y sister and her !amily will !orever need to be very care!ul.... so they need our continuous prayers.8
In the News
9n Tuesday/ osul/ Ira1"s second city/ !ell to 'l-:aida-related insurgents. Some ;++/+++ people have !led/ including
at least ,/+++ Christian !amilies. The !ew that remain !ear leaving their homes because o! sniper !ire. The terrorists
have continued southward and on <ednesday took Tikrit and are moving toward =aghdad. &ray !or our brothers and
sisters who have been displaced and !or those le!t behind/ !or protection and a greater !aith and !or opportunities to
share this !aith. 4&ray !or us/8 says one evangelical pastor. 4<e still believe that our $ord wants us to stay in Ira1.8
>ead more at http3??;h.
World Watch List: Pray for the Persecuted**
The iddle @astern country o! 'ordan has moved up !rom AB
place in *+,A to *C
on the list o! countries where
persecution against Christians is most severe. >adical elements and the Syrian war are a!!ecting the relative !reedom
traditional Christians have en#oyed/ and evangelical Christians )+.AD. and churches are not recogni(ed. uslims who
accept Jesus are !acing more pressure than ever/ even honor killings. 5or more in!ormation and prayer re1uests/ see
For Muslim Women***
&lease pray that God will open doors !or !ruit!ul ministry through two South 'sian women who will start care groups
!or uslim women in their respective communities.
Prayer Resources
+,raying for -uslims# . /uide for 0ffective Intercession o!!ers many insights concerning Islam and a di!!erent prayer sub#ect
each 5riday. This week we pray that God will open uslims" eyes to the truth o! the Trinity3 http3??
%%9pen Foors publishes an annual list ranking the ;+ nations where persecution against Christians is most severe. See the !ull
*+,B <orld <atch $ist at http3??,mcm*!u. Click on a country on the map or list to read its pro!ile and prayer re1uests.
%%%uslim women need your prayers7 Gou can #oin a prayer network and receive regular re1uests at http3??sayhelloin!
5or a list o! resources !or prayer groups/ see http3??
5ind in!ormation and prayer re1uests concerning uslims around the world at http3??
How should we pray !or those imprisoned !or their !aithH >ead http3??!or-those-in-prison?.
5or news updates concerning persecuted Christians/ visit http3?? and http3??
5or prayer re1uests/ visit http3?? and http3??
To help you answer uslims" 1uestions about Jesus and the =ible/ eIplore http3??
Jumaa Prayer
for the Muslims of Africa and beyond
13 June 2014 West Africa Advanced School of Theology

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