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1: 1-21*****(The Vision of Four Figures), 22-8*****(Vision of Divine Glory),

2: 1-10*****(The Prophets Call), 1*****(

1Then He said to me, Son of man, stand on your feet that I may spea !ith you"#)
$: 1-2%*****(Ezekiels Commission), 1*****(
1&o! you son of man, 'et yourse(f a )ri*, p(a*e it )efore you and ins*ri)e a *ity on it,
-: 1-8*****(Siege of Jerusalem Prei!te), 1*****(
1&o! you son of man, 'et yourse(f a )ri*, p(a*e it )efore you and ins*ri)e a *ity on it,
+erusa(em,), .-1%*****(
Defile "rea), /////12-1%***(120ou sha(( eat it as a )ar(ey *ae, ha1in' )aed it in their
si'ht o1er human dun',# 13Then the 2345 said, Thus !i(( the sons of Israe( eat their )read
un*(ean amon' the nations !here I !i(( )anish them,# 146ut I said, 7h, 2ord 835" 6eho(d, I
ha1e ne1er )een defi(ed9 for from my youth unti( no! I ha1e ne1er eaten !hat died of itse(f or
!as torn )y )easts, nor has any un*(ean meat e1er entered my mouth,# 15Then He said to me,
See, I !i(( 'i1e you *o!:s dun' in p(a*e of human dun' o1er !hi*h you !i(( prepare your
)read,# 16;oreo1er, He said to me, Son of man, )eho(d, I am 'oin' to )rea the staff of )read
in +erusa(em, and they !i(( eat )read )y !ei'ht and !ith an<iety, and drin !ater )y measure
and in horror, 17)e*ause )read and !ater !i(( )e s*ar*e9 and they !i(( )e appa((ed !ith one
another and !aste a!ay in their ini=uity,)
>: Jerusalems Desolation Foretol# ///1***(17s for you, son of man, tae a sharp s!ord9
tae and use it as a )ar)er:s ra?or on your head and beard,), #####5-17```( 5 Thus says the
Lord GOD, This is 1erusalem; I have set her at the center of the nations, with lands
around her. 6 But she has rebelled against My ordinances more wickedly than the nations
and against My statutes more than the lands which surround her; for they have rejected
My ordinances and have not walked in My statutes.` 7 Therefore, thus says the Lord GOD,
Because you have more turmoil than the nations which surround you an have not walked
in My statutes, nor observed My ordinances, nor observed the ordinances of the nations
which surround you,` 8 therefore, thus says the Lord GOD, Behold, I, even I, am against
you, and I will execute judgments among you in the sight of the nations. 9 And because of
all your abominations, I will do among you what I have not done, and the like of which I
will never do again. 10 Therefore, fathers will eat their sons among you, and sons will eat
their fathers; for I will execute judgments on you and scatter all your remnant to every
wind. 11 So as I live,` declares the Lord GOD, surely, because you have defiled My
sanctuary with all your detestable idols and with all your abominations, therefore I will
also withdraw, and My eye will have no pity and I will not spare. 12 One third of you will
die by plague or be consumed by famine among you, one third will fall by the sword
around you, and one third I will scatter to every wind, and I will unsheathe a sword behind
13 Thus My anger will be spent and I will satisfy My wrath on them, and I will be
appeased; then they will know that I, the LORD, have spoken in My zeal when I have spent
My wrath upon them. 14 Moreover, I will make you a desolation and a reproach among the
nations which surround you, in the sight of all who pass by. 15 So it will be a reproach, a
reviling, a warning and an object of horror to the nations who surround you when I execute
judgments against you in anger, wrath and raging rebukes. I, the LORD, have spoken.
16 When I send against them the deadly arrows of famine which were for the destruction of
those whom I will send to destroy you, then I will also intensify the famine upon you and
break the staff of bread. 17 Moreover, I will send on you famine and wild beasts, and they
will bereave you of children; plague and bloodshed also will pass through you, and I will
bring the sword on you. I, the LORD, have spoken.`, death)
@: $$$$$%&%'((((Jerusalems Desolation Foretol) death)
%: %&%*(((+Punishment for ,i!keness Foretol) eath-, ####20-27```(The Temple
Profane) 20 They transformed the beauty of His ornaments into pride, and they made the
images of their abominations an their detestable things with it; therefore I will make it an
abhorrent thing to them. 21 I will give it into the hands of the foreigners as plunder and to
the wicked of the earth as spoil, and they will profane it. 22 I will also turn My face from
them, and they will profane My secret place; then robbers will enter and profane it.
23 Make the chain, for the land is full of bloody crimes and the city is full of violence.
24 Therefore, I will bring the worst of the nations, and they will possess their houses. I will
also make the pride of the strong ones cease, and their holy places will be profaned.
25 When anguish comes, they will seek peace, but there will be none. 26 Disaster will come
upon disaster and rumor will be ae to rumor; then they will seek a vision from a
prophet, but the law will be lost from the priest and counsel from the elders. 27 The king
will mourn, the prince will be clothed with horror, and the hands of the people of the land
will tremble. According to their conduct I will deal with them, and by their judgments I will
judge them. And they will know that I am the LORD.`, death)
8: ////1-18***(Vision of ./ominations in Jerusalem)
.: /////--10***(The Vision of Slaughter# 4The 2345 said to him, 8o throu'h the midst of
the *ity, even throu'h the midst of +erusa(em, and put a mar on the foreheads of the men !ho
si'h and 'roan o1er a(( the a)ominations !hi*h are )ein' *ommitted in its midst,# 56ut to the
others He said in my hearin', 8o throu'h the *ity after him and strie9 do not (et your eye ha1e
pity and do not spare, 6Atter(y s(ay o(d men, youn' men, maidens, (itt(e *hi(dren, and !omen,
)ut do not tou*h any man on !hom is the mar9 and you sha(( start from ;y san*tuary,# So they
started !ith the e(ders !ho were )efore the temp(e, 77nd He said to them, 5efi(e the temp(e
and fi(( the *ourts !ith the s(ain, 8o out"# Thus they !ent out and stru* do!n the people in the
*ity, 87s they !ere striin' the people and I alone !as (eft, I fe(( on my fa*e and *ried out
sayin', 7(as, 2ord 835" 7re 0ou destroyin' the !ho(e remnant of Israe( )y pourin' out 0our
!rath on +erusa(emB#
9Then He said to me, The ini=uity of the house of Israe( and +udah is 1ery, 1ery 'reat, and
the (and is fi((ed !ith )(ood and the *ity is fu(( of per1ersion9 for they say, CThe 2345 has
forsaen the (and, and the 2345 does not see": 106ut as for ;e, ;y eye !i(( ha1e no pity nor
!i(( I spare, )ut I !i(( )rin' their *ondu*t upon their heads,#, death)
10: Vision of Gos Glory Departing from the Temple
11: ///1-1$***(Evil 0ulers to "e Juge, death), #####14-25`````(
Promise of 0estoration , 14 Then the word of the LORD came to me, saying, 15 Son of
man, your brothers, your relatives, your fellow exiles and the whole house of Israel, all of
them, are those to whom the inhabitants of 1erusalem have said, Go far from the LORD;
this land has been given us as a possession.` 16 Therefore say, Thus says the Lord GOD,
Though I had removed them far away among the nations and though I had scattered them
among the countries, yet I was a sanctuary for them a little while in the countries where
they had gone.` 17 Therefore say, Thus says the Lord GOD, I will gather you from the
peoples and assemble you out of the countries among which you have been scattered, and I
will give you the land of Israel.` 18 When they come there, they will remove all its
detestable things and all its abominations from it. 19 And I will give them one heart, and
put a new spirit within them. And I will take the heart of stone out of their flesh and give
them a heart of flesh, 20 that they may walk in My statutes and keep My ordinances and do
them. Then they will be My people, and I shall be their God. 21 But as for those whose
hearts go after their detestable things and abominations, I will bring their conduct down on
their heads, declares the Lord GOD.)
12: ///10*****(10Say to them, CThus says the 2ord 835, This burden concerns the prin*e
in +erusa(em as !e(( as a(( the house of Israe( !ho are in it,#:, D E)urden (or prophe*y) of
7ra)iaE), ////11-1@*****(11Say, CI am a si'n to you, 7s I ha1e done, so it !i(( )e done to
them9 they will go into exile, into captivity.: 12The prin*e !ho is amon' them !i(( (oad his
baggage on his shou(der in the dar and 'o out, They !i(( di' a ho(e throu'h the !a(( to )rin' it
out, He !i(( *o1er his fa*e so that he *an not see the (and !ith his eyes, 13I !i(( a(so spread ;y
net o1er him, and he !i(( )e *au'ht in ;y snare, 7nd I !i(( )rin' him to 6a)y(on in the (and of
the Fha(deans9 yet he !i(( not see it, thou'h he !i(( die there, 14I will scatter to every wind all
who are around him, his helpers and all his troops; and I will draw out a sword after them.
15 So they will know that I am the LORD when I scatter them among the nations and
spread them among the countries. 16 But I will spare a few of them from the sword, the
famine and the pestilence that they may tell all their abominations among the nations
where they go, and may know that I am the LORD., violence), ///21-8***(sar*asm and
1$: False Prophets Conemne $$$$$%&%1(((((+1Then the word of the LORD came to me
saying, 2Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel who prophesy, and say to
those who prophesy from their own inspiration, Listen to the word of the LORD! 3Thus
says the Lord GOD, Woe to the foolish prophets who are following their own spirit and
have seen nothing. 4O Israel, your prophets have been like foxes among ruins. 5You have
not gone up into the breaches, nor did you build the wall around the house of Israel to
stand in the battle on the day of the LORD. 6They see falsehood and lying divination who
are saying, The LORD declares,` when the LORD has not sent them; yet they hope for the
fulfillment of their word. 7Did you not see a false vision and speak a lying divination when
you said, The LORD declares,` but it is not I who have spoken?` 8Therefore, thus says
the Lord GOD, Because you have spoken falsehood and seen a lie, therefore behold, I am
against you, declares the Lord GOD. 9So My hand will be against the prophets who see
false visions and utter lying divinations. They will have no place in the council of My
people, nor will they be written down in the register of the house of Israel, nor will they
enter the land of Israel, that you may know that I am the Lord GOD. 10It is definitely
because they have misled My people by saying, Peace!` when there is no peace. And when
anyone builds a wall, behold, they plaster it over with whitewash;), ###11-1@***(11so te((
those !ho p(aster it o1er !ith !hite!ash, that it !i(( fa((, 7 f(oodin' rain !i(( *ome, and you, 3
hai(stones, !i(( fa((9 and a 1io(ent !ind !i(( )rea out, 126eho(d, !hen the !a(( has fa((en, !i((
you not )e ased, CGhere is the p(aster !ith !hi*h you p(astered it?:# 13Therefore, thus says the
2ord 835, I !i(( mae a 1io(ent !ind )rea out in ;y !rath, There !i(( a(so )e in ;y an'er a
f(oodin' rain and hai(stones to *onsume it in !rath, 14So I !i(( tear do!n the !a(( !hi*h you
p(astered o1er !ith !hite!ash and )rin' it do!n to the 'round, so that its foundation is (aid )are9
and !hen it fa((s, you !i(( )e *onsumed in its midst, 7nd you !i(( no! that I am the 2345,
15Thus I !i(( spend ;y !rath on the !a(( and on those !ho ha1e p(astered it o1er !ith
!hite!ash9 and I !i(( say to you, CThe !a(( is 'one and its p(asterers are 'one, 16along with the
prophets of Israe( !ho prophesy to +erusa(em, and !ho see 1isions of pea*e for her !hen there is
no pea*e,: de*(ares the 2ord 835, ,1io(en*e), ///1%-2$*****( 17&o! you, son of man, set
your fa*e a'ainst the dau'hters of your peop(e !ho are prophesyin' from their o!n inspiration,
Hrophesy a'ainst them 18and say, CThus says the 2ord 835, Goe to the !omen !ho se!
magic )ands on a(( !rists and mae 1ei(s for the heads of persons of e1ery stature to hunt do!n
(i1es" Gi(( you hunt do!n the (i1es of ;y peop(e, )ut preser1e the (i1es of others for yourse(1esB
19Ior handfu(s of )ar(ey and fra'ments of )read, you ha1e profaned ;e to ;y peop(e to put to
death some !ho shou(d not die and to eep others a(i1e !ho shou(d not (i1e, )y your (yin' to ;y
peop(e !ho (isten to (ies,#:#
20Therefore, thus says the 2ord 835, 6eho(d, I am a'ainst your magic )ands )y !hi*h you
hunt (i1es there as )irds and I !i(( tear them from your arms9 and I !i(( (et them 'o, e1en those
(i1es !hom you hunt as )irds, 21I !i(( a(so tear off your 1ei(s and de(i1er ;y peop(e from your
hands, and they !i(( no (on'er )e in your hands to )e hunted9 and you !i(( no! that I am the
2345, 226e*ause you disheartened the ri'hteous !ith fa(sehood !hen I did not *ause him
'rief, )ut ha1e en*oura'ed the !i*ed not to turn from his !i*ed !ay and preser1e his (ife,
23therefore, you !omen !i(( no (on'er see fa(se 1isions or pra*ti*e di1ination, and I !i(( de(i1er
;y peop(e out of your hand, Thus you !i(( no! that I am the 2345,# ma'i*)
1-: /////1-11***(2olatrous Elers Conemne, ido(atry, death), ///12-2$***(death)
1>: #####8`````( 8 Thus I will make the land desolate, because they have acted
unfaithfully,` declares the Lord GOD.)
1@: ///(The Unfaith and Ungratefulness of the 1ews# /////1>-$-*** 156ut you trusted in
your )eauty and p(ayed the har(ot )e*ause of your fame, and you poured out your har(otries on
e1ery passer-)y !ho mi'ht )e willing. 160ou too some of your *(othes, made for yourse(f hi'h
p(a*es of 1arious *o(ors and p(ayed the har(ot on them, !hi*h shou(d ne1er *ome a)out nor
happen, 170ou a(so too your )eautifu( Je!e(s made of ;y 'o(d and of ;y si(1er, !hi*h I had
'i1en you, and made for yourse(f ma(e ima'es that you mi'ht p(ay the har(ot !ith them, 18Then
you too your em)roidered *(oth and *o1ered them, and offered ;y oi( and ;y in*ense )efore
them, 197(so ;y )read !hi*h I 'a1e you, fine f(our, oi( and honey !ith !hi*h I fed you, you
!ou(d offer )efore them for a soothin' aroma9 so it happened,# de*(ares the 2ord 835,
20;oreo1er, you too your sons and dau'hters !hom you had )orne to ;e and sa*rifi*ed them
to ido(s to )e de1oured, Gere your har(otries so sma(( a matterB 210ou s(au'htered My children
and offered them up to ido(s )y *ausin' them to pass throu'h the fire. 226esides a(( your
a)ominations and har(otries you did not remem)er the days of your youth, !hen you !ere naed
and )are and s=uirmin' in your )(ood, 23Then it *ame a)out after a(( your !i*edness
(CGoe, !oe to you": de*(ares the 2ord 835), 24that you )ui(t yourse(f a shrine and made
yourse(f a hi'h p(a*e in e1ery s=uare, 250ou )ui(t yourse(f a hi'h p(a*e at the top of e1ery street
and made your )eauty a)omina)(e, and you spread your (e's to e1ery passer-)y to mu(tip(y your
har(otry, 260ou a(so p(ayed the har(ot !ith the K'yptians, your (ustfu( nei'h)ors, and mu(tip(ied
your har(otry to mae ;e an'ry, 276eho(d no!, I ha1e stret*hed out ;y hand a'ainst you and
diminished your rations, 7nd I de(i1ered you up to the desire of those !ho hate you, the
dau'hters of the Hhi(istines, !ho are ashamed of your (e!d *ondu*t, 28;oreo1er, you p(ayed
the har(ot !ith the 7ssyrians )e*ause you !ere not satisfied9 you p(ayed the har(ot !ith them and
sti(( !ere not satisfied, 290ou a(so mu(tip(ied your har(otry !ith the (and of mer*hants,
Fha(dea, yet e1en !ith this you !ere not satisfied,#:#
30Ho! (an'uishin' is your heart,# de*(ares the 2ord 835, !hi(e you do a(( these thin's,
the a*tions of a )o(d-fa*ed har(ot, 31Ghen you )ui(t your shrine at the )e'innin' of e1ery street
and made your hi'h p(a*e in e1ery s=uare, in disdainin' money, you !ere not (ie a har(ot,
320ou adu(teress !ife, !ho taes stran'ers instead of her hus)and" 33;en 'i1e 'ifts to a((
har(ots, )ut you 'i1e your 'ifts to a(( your (o1ers to )ri)e them to *ome to you from e1ery
dire*tion for your har(otries, 34Thus you are different from those !omen in your har(otries, in
that no one p(ays the har(ot as you do, )e*ause you 'i1e money and no money is 'i1en you9 thus
you are different,#), /////$>--$***(The Punishment of the 1ews, death. 35Therefore, 3
har(ot, hear the !ord of the 2345, 36Thus says the 2ord 835, 6e*ause your (e!dness !as
poured out and your naedness un*o1ered throu'h your har(otries !ith your (o1ers and !ith a((
your detesta)(e ido(s, and )e*ause of the )(ood of your sons !hi*h you 'a1e to ido(s,
37therefore, )eho(d, I !i(( 'ather a(( your (o1ers !ith !hom you too p(easure, e1en a(( those
!hom you (o1ed and a(( those !hom you hated, So I !i(( 'ather them a'ainst you from e1ery
dire*tion and e<pose your naedness to them that they may see a(( your naedness, 38Thus I
!i(( Jud'e you (ie !omen !ho *ommit adu(tery or shed )(ood are Jud'ed9 and I !i(( )rin' on
you the )(ood of !rath and Jea(ousy, 39I !i(( a(so 'i1e you into the hands of your (o1ers, and
they !i(( tear do!n your shrines, demo(ish your hi'h p(a*es, strip you of your *(othin', tae
a!ay your Je!e(s, and !i(( (ea1e you naed and )are, 40They !i(( in*ite a *ro!d a'ainst you
and they !i(( stone you and *ut you to pie*es !ith their s!ords, 41They !i(( )urn your houses
!ith fire and e<e*ute Jud'ments on you in the si'ht of many !omen, Then I !i(( stop you from
p(ayin' the har(ot, and you !i(( a(so no (on'er pay your (o1ers, 42So I !i(( *a(m ;y fury
a'ainst you and ;y Jea(ousy !i(( depart from you, and I !i(( )e pa*ified and an'ry no more,
436e*ause you ha1e not remem)ered the days of your youth )ut ha1e enra'ed ;e )y a(( these
thin's, )eho(d, I in turn !i(( )rin' your *ondu*t do!n on your o!n head,# de*(ares the 2ord
835, so that you !i(( not *ommit this (e!dness on top of a(( your other a)ominations,),
/////--->2***(The Disgraceful Sins of Israel were worse than Sodom and Samaria.
446eho(d, e1eryone !ho =uotes pro1er)s !i(( =uote this pro1er) *on*ernin' you, sayin',
C2ie mother, (ie dau'hter,: 450ou are the dau'hter of your mother, !ho (oathed her hus)and
and *hi(dren, 0ou are a(so the sister of your sisters, !ho (oathed their hus)ands and *hi(dren,
0our mother !as a Hittite and your father an 7morite, 46&o! your o(der sister is Samaria, !ho
(i1es north of you !ith her dau'hters9 and your youn'er sister, !ho (i1es south of you, is Sodom
!ith her dau'hters, 470et you ha1e not mere(y !a(ed in their !ays or done a**ordin' to their
a)ominations9 )ut, as if that !ere too (itt(e, you a*ted more *orrupt(y in a(( your *ondu*t than
they, 487s I (i1e,# de*(ares the 2ord 835, Sodom, your sister and her dau'hters ha1e not
done as you and your dau'hters ha1e done, 496eho(d, this !as the 'ui(t of your sister Sodom:
she and her dau'hters had arro'an*e, a)undant food and *are(ess ease, )ut she did not he(p the
poor and needy, 50Thus they !ere hau'hty and *ommitted a)ominations )efore ;e, Therefore I
remo1ed them !hen I sa! it. 51Iurthermore, Samaria did not *ommit ha(f of your sins, for you
ha1e mu(tip(ied your a)ominations more than they, Thus you ha1e made your sisters appear
ri'hteous )y a(( your a)ominations !hi*h you ha1e *ommitted, 527(so )ear your dis'ra*e in
that you ha1e made Jud'ment fa1ora)(e for your sisters, 6e*ause of your sins in !hi*h you a*ted
more a)omina)(y than they, they are more in the ri'ht than you, 0es, )e a(so ashamed and )ear
your dis'ra*e, in that you made your sisters appear ri'hteous,), /////>8-.*****(The 1ews were
punished for breaking the Covenant. 580ou ha1e )orne the penalty of your (e!dness and
a)ominations,# the 2345 de*(ares, 59Ior thus says the 2ord 835, I !i(( a(so do !ith you as
you ha1e done, you !ho ha1e despised the oath )y )reain' the *o1enant,), ////@0-
$*****(Israel's Covenant will be renewed and she will be ashamed by her older and
younger sisters, humiliated in silence. The Covenant 0emem/ere, 60&e1erthe(ess, I !i((
remem)er ;y *o1enant !ith you in the days of your youth, and I !i(( esta)(ish an e1er(astin'
*o1enant !ith you, 61Then you !i(( remem)er your !ays and )e ashamed !hen you re*ei1e
your sisters, both your o(der and your youn'er9 and I !i(( 'i1e them to you as dau'hters, )ut not
)e*ause of your *o1enant, 62Thus I !i(( esta)(ish ;y *o1enant !ith you, and you sha(( no!
that I am the 2345, 63so that you may remem)er and )e ashamed and ne1er open your mouth
anymore )e*ause of your humi(iation, !hen I ha1e for'i1en you for a(( that you ha1e done,# the
2ord 835 de*(ares,)
1%: ///11-2-****(3eekiahs 0e/ellion, 8od promises to i(( him for re)e((in' a'ainst the in'
of 6a)y(on and for )reain' His Fo1enant,)
18: ///$***(EThe sou( !ho sins !i(( die,E), /////>-.***(Righteousness Defined: 56ut if a
man is ri'hteous and pra*ti*es Justi*e and ri'hteousness, 6and does not eat at the mountain
shrines or (ift up his eyes to the ido(s of the house of Israe(, or defi(e his nei'h)or:s !ife or
approa*h a !oman durin' her menstrua( periodL 7if a man does not oppress anyone, )ut
restores to the de)tor his p(ed'e, does not *ommit ro))ery, but 'i1es his )read to the hun'ry and
*o1ers the naed !ith *(othin', 8if he does not lend money on interest or take increase , if he
eeps his hand from ini=uity and e<e*utes true Justi*e )et!een man and man, 9if he !a(s in ;y
statutes and ;y ordinan*es so as to dea( faithfu((yLhe is ri'hteous and !i(( sure(y (i1e,#
de*(ares the 2ord 835, usury, riba), #####10-13```(Unrighteousness, Iniquity, and
Abominations Defined: 10Then he may ha1e a 1io(ent son !ho sheds )(ood and !ho does any
of these thin's to a )rother 11(thou'h he himse(f did not do any of these thin's), that is, he e1en
eats at the mountain shrines, and defi(es his nei'h)or:s !ife, 12oppresses the poor and needy,
*ommits ro))ery, does not restore a p(ed'e, )ut (ifts up his eyes to the ido(s and *ommits
a)omination, 13he lends money on interest and takes increase; will he live? He will not live!
He has committed all these abominations, he will surely be put to death; his blood will be
on his own head. usury, riba), /////18***(187s for his father, )e*ause he pra*ti*ed
extortion, ro))ed his )rother and did !hat !as not 'ood amon' his peop(e, )eho(d, he !i(( die
for his ini=uity,), /////1.-20***(Refutation of Atonement by Sacrifice: 190et you say,
CGhy shou(d the son not )ear the punishment for the father:s ini=uityB: Ghen the son has
pra*ti*ed Justi*e and ri'hteousness and has o)ser1ed a(( ;y statutes and done them, he sha((
sure(y (i1e, 20The person !ho sins !i(( die, The son will not bear the punishment for the
father`s iniquity, nor will the father bear the punishment for the son`s iniquity9 the
ri'hteousness of the ri'hteous !i(( )e upon himse(f, and the !i*edness of the !i*ed !i(( )e
upon himse(f,), /////21-22*****(Repentance and God's Mercy: 216ut if the !i*ed man
turns from a(( his sins !hi*h he has *ommitted and o)ser1es a(( ;y statutes and pra*ti*es Justi*e
and ri'hteousness, he sha(( sure(y (i1e9 he sha(( not die, 227(( his trans'ressions !hi*h he has
*ommitted !i(( not )e remem)ered a'ainst him9 )e*ause of his ri'hteousness !hi*h he has
pra*ti*ed, he !i(( (i1e, 235o I ha1e any p(easure in the death of the !i*ed,# de*(ares the 2ord
835, rather than that he shou(d turn from his !ays and (i1eB), ///2.***(296ut the house of
Israe( says, CThe !ay of the 2ord is not ri'ht,: 7re ;y !ays not ri'ht, 3 house of Israe(B Is it not
your !ays that are not ri'htB), /////$0-$2***(Individual 1udgement and Repentance:
30Therefore I will judge you, O house of Israel, each according to his conduct,# de*(ares
the 2ord 835, 4epent and turn a!ay from a(( your trans'ressions, so that ini=uity may not
)e*ome a stum)(in' )(o* to you, 31Fast a!ay from you a(( your trans'ressions !hi*h you
ha1e *ommitted and make yourselves a new heart and a new spirit! Ior !hy !i(( you die, 3
house of Israe(B 32Ior I have no pleasure in the death of anyone who dies,# de*(ares the 2ord
835, Therefore, repent and live.)
1.: 1-1-****(4ament for the Prin!es of 2srael)
20: Gos Dealings 5ith 2srael 0ehearse, /////2-$*****(27nd the !ord of the 2345 *ame
to me sayin', 3Son of man, spea to the e(ders of Israe( and say to them, CThus says the 2ord
835, 5o you *ome to in=uire of ;eB 7s I (i1e,# de*(ares the 2ord 835, I !i(( not )e
in=uired of )y you,#:), /////-***(4Gi(( you Jud'e them, !i(( you Jud'e them, son of manB
;ae them no! the a)ominations of their fathers9), ////>-$2***(5and say to them, CThus says
the 2ord 835, 3n the day !hen I *hose Israe( and s!ore to the des*endants of the house of
+a*o) and made ;yse(f no!n to them in the (and of K'ypt, !hen I s!ore to them, sayin', I am
the 2345 your 8od, 6on that day I s!ore to them, to )rin' them out from the (and of K'ypt into
a (and that I had se(e*ted for them, f(o!in' !ith mi( and honey, !hi*h is the '(ory of a(( (ands,
7I said to them, CFast a!ay, ea*h of you, the detesta)(e thin's of his eyes, and do not defi(e
yourse(1es !ith the ido(s of K'ypt9 I am the 2345 your 8od,: 86ut they re)e((ed a'ainst ;e
and !ere not !i((in' to (isten to ;e9 they did not *ast a!ay the detesta)(e thin's of their eyes,
nor did they forsae the ido(s of K'ypt,
Then I reso(1ed to pour out ;y !rath on them, to a**omp(ish ;y an'er a'ainst them in the
midst of the (and of K'ypt, 96ut I a*ted for the sae of ;y name, that it shou(d not )e profaned
in the si'ht of the nations amon' !hom they lived, in !hose si'ht I made ;yse(f no!n to them
)y )rin'in' them out of the (and of K'ypt, 10So I too them out of the (and of K'ypt and
)rou'ht them into the !i(derness, 11I 'a1e them ;y statutes and informed them of ;y
ordinan*es, )y !hi*h, if a man o)ser1es them, he !i(( (i1e, 127(so I 'a1e them ;y sa))aths to
)e a si'n )et!een ;e and them, that they mi'ht no! that I am the 2345 !ho san*tifies them,
136ut the house of Israe( re)e((ed a'ainst ;e in the !i(derness, They did not !a( in ;y
statutes and they reJe*ted ;y ordinan*es, )y !hi*h, if a man o)ser1es them, he !i(( (i1e9 and ;y
sa))aths they 'reat(y profaned, Then I reso(1ed to pour out ;y !rath on them in the !i(derness,
to annihi(ate them, 146ut I a*ted for the sae of ;y name, that it shou(d not )e profaned in the
si'ht of the nations, )efore !hose si'ht I had )rou'ht them out, 157(so I s!ore to them in the
!i(derness that I !ou(d not )rin' them into the (and !hi*h I had 'i1en them, f(o!in' !ith mi(
and honey, !hi*h is the '(ory of a(( (ands, 16)e*ause they reJe*ted ;y ordinan*es, and as for ;y
statutes, they did not !a( in them9 they e1en profaned ;y sa))aths, for their heart *ontinua((y
!ent after their ido(s, 170et ;y eye spared them rather than destroyin' them, and I did not
*ause their annihi(ation in the !i(derness,
18I said to their *hi(dren in the !i(derness, C5o not !a( in the statutes of your fathers or
eep their ordinan*es or defi(e yourse(1es !ith their ido(s, 19CI am the 2345 your 8od9 !a( in
;y statutes and eep ;y ordinan*es and o)ser1e them, 20CSan*tify ;y sa))aths9 and they sha((
)e a si'n )et!een ;e and you, that you may no! that I am the 2345 your 8od,: 216ut the
*hi(dren re)e((ed a'ainst ;e9 they did not !a( in ;y statutes, nor !ere they *arefu( to o)ser1e
;y ordinan*es, )y !hi*h, if a man o)ser1es them, he !i(( (i1e9 they profaned ;y sa))aths, So I
reso(1ed to pour out ;y !rath on them, to a**omp(ish ;y an'er a'ainst them in the !i(derness,
226ut I !ithdre! ;y hand and a*ted for the sae of ;y name, that it shou(d not )e profaned in
the si'ht of the nations in !hose si'ht I had )rou'ht them out, 237(so I s!ore to them in the
!i(derness that I !ou(d s*atter them amon' the nations and disperse them amon' the (ands,
24)e*ause they had not o)ser1ed ;y ordinan*es, )ut had reJe*ted ;y statutes and had profaned
;y sa))aths, and their eyes !ere on the ido(s of their fathers, 25I a(so 'a1e them statutes that
!ere not 'ood and ordinan*es )y !hi*h they *ou(d not (i1e9 26and I pronoun*ed them un*(ean
)e*ause of their 'ifts, in that they *aused a(( their first)orn to pass throu'h the fire so that I mi'ht
mae them deso(ate, in order that they mi'ht no! that I am the 2345,#:
27Therefore, son of man, spea to the house of Israe( and say to them, CThus says the 2ord
835, 0et in this your fathers ha1e )(asphemed ;e )y a*tin' trea*herous(y a'ainst ;e,
28Ghen I had )rou'ht them into the (and !hi*h I s!ore to 'i1e to them, then they sa! e1ery
hi'h hi(( and e1ery (eafy tree, and they offered there their sa*rifi*es and there they presented the
pro1o*ation of their offerin', There a(so they made their soothin' aroma and there they poured
out their drin offerin's, 29Then I said to them, CGhat is the hi'h p(a*e to !hi*h you 'oB: So its
name is *a((ed 6amah to this day,#: 30Therefore, say to the house of Israe(, CThus says the 2ord
835, Gi(( you defi(e yourse(1es after the manner of your fathers and p(ay the har(ot after their
detesta)(e thin'sB 31Ghen you offer your 'ifts, !hen you *ause your sons to pass throu'h the
fire, you are defi(in' yourse(1es !ith a(( your ido(s to this day, 7nd sha(( I )e in=uired of )y you,
3 house of Israe(B 7s I (i1e,# de*(ares the 2ord 835, I !i(( not )e in=uired of )y you, 32Ghat
*omes into your mind !i(( not *ome a)out, !hen you say: CGe !i(( )e (ie the nations, (ie the
tri)es of the (ands, ser1in' !ood and stone,:), ////$$--.***(Go ,ill 0estore 2srael to 6er
21: ////1->***(17nd the !ord of the 2345 *ame to me sayin', 2Son of man, set your fa*e
to!ard +erusa(em, and spea a'ainst the san*tuaries and prophesy a'ainst the (and of Israe(9 3and
say to the (and of Israe(, CThus says the 2345, 6eho(d, I am a'ainst you9 and I !i(( dra! ;y
s!ord out of its sheath and *ut off from you the ri'hteous and the !i*ed, 46e*ause I !i(( *ut
off from you the ri'hteous and the !i*ed, therefore ;y s!ord !i(( 'o forth from its sheath
a'ainst a(( f(esh from south to north, 5Thus a(( f(esh !i(( no! that I, the 2345, ha1e dra!n
;y s!ord out of its sheath, It !i(( not return to its sheath a'ain,#, death,), ///2*****(son of
man), The 2nstrument of Gos Jugment %7&89(((+eath-) 2@***(tur)an)
22: The Sins of 2srael, /////1-1@***(1Then the !ord of the 2345 *ame to me, sayin', 27nd
you, son of man, !i(( you Jud'e, !i(( you Jud'e the )(oody *ityB Then *ause her to no! a(( her
a)ominations, 30ou sha(( say, CThus says the 2ord 835, 7 *ity sheddin' )(ood in her midst,
so that her time !i(( *ome, and that maes ido(s, *ontrary to her interest, for defi(ement" 40ou
ha1e )e*ome 'ui(ty )y the )(ood !hi*h you ha1e shed, and defi(ed )y your ido(s !hi*h you ha1e
made, Thus you ha1e )rou'ht your day near and ha1e *ome to your years9 therefore I ha1e made
you a reproa*h to the nations and a mo*in' to a(( the (ands, 5Those !ho are near and those
!ho are far from you !i(( mo* you, you of i(( repute, fu(( of turmoi(, 66eho(d, the ru(ers of
Israe(, ea*h a**ordin' to his po!er, ha1e )een in you for the purpose of sheddin' )(ood, 7They
ha1e treated father and mother (i'ht(y !ithin you, The a(ien they ha1e oppressed in your midst9
the father(ess and the !ido! they ha1e !ron'ed in you, 80ou ha1e despised ;y ho(y thin's
and profaned ;y sa))aths, 9S(anderous men ha1e )een in you for the purpose of sheddin'
)(ood, and in you they ha1e eaten at the mountain shrines. In your midst they ha1e *ommitted
a*ts of (e!dness, 10In you they ha1e un*o1ered their fathers: naedness9 in you they ha1e
hum)(ed her !ho !as un*(ean in her menstrua( impurity, 113ne has *ommitted a)omination
!ith his nei'h)or:s !ife and another has (e!d(y defi(ed his dau'hter-in-(a!, 7nd another in you
has hum)(ed his sister, his father:s dau'hter, 12In you they ha1e taen )ri)es to shed )(ood9 you
ha1e taen interest and profits, and you ha1e inJured your nei'h)ors for 'ain )y oppression, and
you ha1e for'otten ;e,# de*(ares the 2ord 835, 136eho(d, then, I smite ;y hand at your
dishonest 'ain !hi*h you ha1e a*=uired and at the )(oodshed !hi*h is amon' you, 14Fan your
heart endure, or *an your hands )e stron' in the days that I !i(( dea( !ith youB I, the 2345,
ha1e spoen and !i(( a*t, 15I !i(( s*atter you amon' the nations and I !i(( disperse you throu'h
the (ands, and I !i(( *onsume your un*(eanness from you, 160ou !i(( profane yourse(f in the
si'ht of the nations, and you !i(( no! that I am the 2345,#:#), /////22-$1***(22C7s si(1er is
me(ted in the furna*e, so you !i(( )e me(ted in the midst of it9 and you !i(( no! that I, the
2345, ha1e poured out ;y !rath on you,:# 237nd the !ord of the 2345 *ame to me, sayin',
24Son of man, say to her, C0ou are a (and that is not *(eansed or rained on in the day of
indi'nation,: 25There is a *onspira*y of her prophets in her midst (ie a roarin' (ion tearin' the
prey, They ha1e de1oured (i1es9 they ha1e taen treasure and pre*ious thin's9 they ha1e made
many !ido!s in the midst of her, 26Her priests ha1e done 1io(en*e to ;y (a! and ha1e
profaned ;y ho(y thin's9 they ha1e made no distin*tion )et!een the ho(y and the profane, and
they ha1e not tau'ht the differen*e )et!een the un*(ean and the *(ean9 and they hide their eyes
from ;y sa))aths, and I am profaned amon' them, 27Her prin*es !ithin her are (ie !o(1es
tearin' the prey, )y sheddin' )(ood and destroyin' (i1es in order to 'et dishonest 'ain, 28Her
prophets ha1e smeared !hite!ash for them, seein' fa(se 1isions and di1inin' (ies for them,
sayin', CThus says the 2ord 835,: !hen the 2345 has not spoen, 29The peop(e of the (and
ha1e pra*ti*ed oppression and *ommitted ro))ery, and they ha1e !ron'ed the poor and needy
and ha1e oppressed the soJourner !ithout Justi*e, 30I sear*hed for a man amon' them !ho
!ou(d )ui(d up the !a(( and stand in the 'ap )efore ;e for the (and, so that I !ou(d not destroy
it9 )ut I found no one, 31Thus I ha1e poured out ;y indi'nation on them9 I ha1e *onsumed
them !ith the fire of ;y !rath9 their !ay I ha1e )rou'ht upon their heads,# de*(ares the 2ord
2$: :holah an :holi/ahs Sin an 2ts Conse;uen!es# %&'(((+1The !ord of the 2345 *ame
to me a'ain, sayin', 2Son of man, there !ere t!o !omen, the dau'hters of one mother9 3and
they p(ayed the har(ot in K'ypt, They p(ayed the har(ot in their youth9 there their )reasts !ere
pressed and there their 1ir'in )osom !as hand(ed, 4Their names !ere 3ho(ah the e(der and
3ho(i)ah her sister, 7nd they )e*ame ;ine, and they )ore sons and dau'hters, 7nd as for their
names, Samaria is 3ho(ah and +erusa(em is 3ho(i)ah,), /////>-21***(Se<, 53ho(ah p(ayed
the har(ot !hi(e she !as ;ine9 and she (usted after her (o1ers, after the 7ssyrians, her nei'h)ors,
6!ho !ere *(othed in purp(e, 'o1ernors and offi*ia(s, a(( of them desira)(e youn' men, horsemen
ridin' on horses, 7She )esto!ed her har(otries on them, a(( of !hom were the *hoi*est men of
7ssyria9 and !ith a(( !hom she (usted after, !ith a(( their ido(s she defi(ed herse(f, 8She did not
forsae her har(otries from the time in K'ypt9 for in her youth men had (ain !ith her, and they
hand(ed her 1ir'in )osom and poured out their (ust on her, 9Therefore, I 'a1e her into the hand
of her (o1ers, into the hand of the 7ssyrians, after !hom she (usted, 10They un*o1ered her
naedness9 they too her sons and her dau'hters, )ut they s(e! her !ith the s!ord, Thus she
)e*ame a )y!ord amon' !omen, and they e<e*uted Jud'ments on her, 11&o! her sister
3ho(i)ah sa! this, yet she !as more *orrupt in her (ust than she, and her har(otries !ere more
than the har(otries of her sister, 12She (usted after the 7ssyrians, 'o1ernors and offi*ia(s, the
ones near, ma'nifi*ent(y dressed, horsemen ridin' on horses, a(( of them desira)(e youn' men,
13I sa! that she had defi(ed herse(f9 they )oth too the same !ay, 14So she in*reased her
har(otries, 7nd she sa! men portrayed on the !a((, ima'es of the Fha(deans portrayed !ith
1ermi(ion, 15'irded !ith )e(ts on their (oins, !ith f(o!in' tur)ans on their heads, a(( of them
(ooin' (ie offi*ers, (ie the 6a)y(onians in Fha(dea, the (and of their )irth, 16Ghen she sa!
them she (usted after them and sent messen'ers to them in Fha(dea, 17The 6a)y(onians *ame to
her to the )ed of (o1e and defi(ed her !ith their har(otry, 7nd !hen she had )een defi(ed )y
them, she )e*ame dis'usted !ith them, 18She un*o1ered her har(otries and un*o1ered her
naedness9 then I )e*ame dis'usted !ith her, as I had )e*ome dis'usted !ith her sister, 190et
she mu(tip(ied her har(otries, remem)erin' the days of her youth, !hen she p(ayed the har(ot in
the (and of K'ypt, 20 She lusted after their paramours, whose flesh is like the flesh of
donkeys and whose issue is like the issue of horses. 21Thus you (on'ed for the (e!dness of
your youth, !hen the K'yptians hand(ed your )osom )e*ause of the )reasts of your youth,),
/////22--.***(8odMs punishment, 22Therefore, 3 3ho(i)ah, thus says the 2ord 835, C6eho(d
I !i(( arouse your (o1ers a'ainst you, from !hom you !ere a(ienated, and I !i(( )rin' them
a'ainst you from e1ery side: 23the 6a)y(onians and a(( the Fha(deans, Heod and Shoa and Noa,
and a(( the 7ssyrians !ith them9 desira)(e youn' men, 'o1ernors and offi*ia(s a(( of them,
offi*ers and men of reno!n, a(( of them ridin' on horses, 24CThey !i(( *ome a'ainst you !ith
!eapons, *hariots and !a'ons, and !ith a *ompany of peop(es, They !i(( set themse(1es a'ainst
you on e1ery side !ith )u*(er and shie(d and he(met9 and I !i(( *ommit the Jud'ment to them,
and they !i(( Jud'e you a**ordin' to their *ustoms, 25CI !i(( set ;y Jea(ousy a'ainst you, that
they may dea( !ith you in !rath, They !i(( remo1e your nose and your ears9 and your sur1i1ors
!i(( fa(( )y the s!ord, They !i(( tae your sons and your dau'hters9 and your sur1i1ors !i(( )e
*onsumed )y the fire, 26CThey !i(( a(so strip you of your *(othes and tae a!ay your )eautifu(
Je!e(s, 27CThus I !i(( mae your (e!dness and your har(otry brought from the (and of K'ypt to
*ease from you, so that you !i(( not (ift up your eyes to them or remem)er K'ypt anymore,:
28Ior thus says the 2ord 835, C6eho(d, I !i(( 'i1e you into the hand of those !hom you hate,
into the hand of those from !hom you !ere a(ienated, 29CThey !i(( dea( !ith you in hatred, tae
a(( your property, and (ea1e you naed and )are, 7nd the naedness of your har(otries !i(( )e
un*o1ered, )oth your (e!dness and your har(otries, 30CThese thin's !i(( )e done to you )e*ause
you ha1e p(ayed the har(ot !ith the nations, )e*ause you ha1e defi(ed yourse(f !ith their ido(s,
31C0ou ha1e !a(ed in the !ay of your sister9 therefore I !i(( 'i1e her *up into your hand,:
32Thus says the 2ord 835, C0ou !i(( drin your sister:s *up, Ghi*h is deep and
!ide, 0ou !i(( )e (au'hed at and he(d in derision9 It *ontains mu*h,
33C0ou !i(( )e fi((ed !ith drunenness and sorro!, The *up of horror and
deso(ation, The *up of your sister Samaria,
34C0ou !i(( drin it and drain it, Then you !i(( 'na! its fra'ments 7nd tear
your )reasts9 for I ha1e spoen,: de*(ares the 2ord 835,
35Therefore, thus says the 2ord 835, C6e*ause you ha1e for'otten ;e and *ast ;e )ehind your
)a*, )ear no! the punishment of your (e!dness and your har(otries,:#
36;oreo1er, the 2345 said to me, Son of man, !i(( you Jud'e 3ho(ah and 3ho(i)ahB Then
de*(are to them their a)ominations, 37Ior they ha1e *ommitted adu(tery, and )(ood is on their
hands, Thus they ha1e *ommitted adu(tery !ith their ido(s and e1en *aused their sons, !hom
they )ore to ;e, to pass throu'h the fire to them as food, 387'ain, they ha1e done this to ;e:
they ha1e defi(ed ;y san*tuary on the same day and ha1e profaned ;y sa))aths, 39Ior !hen
they had s(au'htered their *hi(dren for their ido(s, they entered ;y san*tuary on the same day to
profane it9 and (o, thus they did !ithin ;y house,
40Iurthermore, they ha1e e1en sent for men !ho *ome from afar, to !hom a messen'er
!as sent9 and (o, they *ameLfor !hom you )athed, painted your eyes and de*orated yourse(1es
!ith ornaments9 41and you sat on a sp(endid *ou*h !ith a ta)(e arran'ed )efore it on !hi*h you
had set ;y in*ense and ;y oi(, 42The sound of a *arefree mu(titude !as !ith her9 and
drunards !ere )rou'ht from the !i(derness !ith men of the *ommon sort, 7nd they put
)ra*e(ets on the hands of the !omen and )eautifu( *ro!ns on their heads,
43Then I said *on*ernin' her !ho !as !orn out )y adu(teries, CGi(( they no! *ommit
adu(tery !ith her !hen she is thus?: 446ut they !ent in to her as they !ou(d 'o in to a har(ot,
Thus they !ent in to 3ho(ah and to 3ho(i)ah, the (e!d !omen, 456ut they, ri'hteous men, !i((
Jud'e them !ith the Jud'ment of adu(teresses and !ith the Jud'ment of !omen !ho shed )(ood,
)e*ause they are adu(teresses and )(ood is on their hands,
46Ior thus says the 2ord 835, C6rin' up a *ompany a'ainst them and 'i1e them o1er to
terror and p(under, 47CThe *ompany !i(( stone them !ith stones and *ut them do!n !ith their
s!ords9 they !i(( s(ay their sons and their dau'hters and )urn their houses !ith fire, 48CThus I
!i(( mae (e!dness *ease from the (and, that a(( !omen may )e admonished and not *ommit
(e!dness as you ha1e done, 49C0our (e!dness !i(( )e re=uited upon you, and you !i(( )ear the
pena(ty of worshiping your ido(s9 thus you !i(( no! that I am the 2ord 835,:# death)
2-: ///1$***(13In your fi(thiness is (e!dness, 6e*ause I would ha1e *(eansed
you, 0et you are not *(ean, 0ou !i(( not )e *(eansed from your fi(thiness
a'ain Anti( I ha1e spent ;y !rath on you,
14I, the 2345, ha1e spoen9 it is *omin' and I !i(( a*t, I !i(( not re(ent, and I !i(( not pity and I
!i(( not )e sorry9 a**ordin' to your !ays and a**ordin' to your deeds I !i(( Jud'e you,# de*(ares
the 2ord 835,:# death), ////1>-2@***(Death of Ezekiels ,ife 2s a Sign
157nd the !ord of the 2345 *ame to me sayin', 16Son of man, )eho(d, I am a)out to tae
from you the desire of your eyes !ith a )(o!9 )ut you sha(( not mourn and you sha(( not !eep,
and your tears sha(( not *ome, 178roan si(ent(y9 mae no mournin' for the dead, 6ind on your
tur)an and put your shoes on your feet, and do not *o1er your musta*he and do not eat the )read
of men,# 18So I spoe to the peop(e in the mornin', and in the e1enin' my !ife died, 7nd in the
mornin' I did as I !as *ommanded, 19The peop(e said to me, Gi(( you not te(( us !hat these
thin's that you are doin' mean for usB# 20Then I said to them, The !ord of the 2345 *ame to
me sayin', 21CSpea to the house of Israe(, Thus says the 2ord 835, C6eho(d, I am a)out to
profane ;y san*tuary, the pride of your po!er, the desire of your eyes and the de(i'ht of your
sou(9 and your sons and your dau'hters !hom you ha1e (eft )ehind !i(( fa(( )y the s!ord,
22C0ou !i(( do as I ha1e done9 you !i(( not *o1er your musta*he and you !i(( not eat the )read
of men, 23C0our tur)ans !i(( )e on your heads and your shoes on your feet, 0ou !i(( not mourn
and you !i(( not !eep, )ut you !i(( rot a!ay in your ini=uities and you !i(( 'roan to one another,
24CThus K?eie( !i(( )e a si'n to you9 a**ordin' to a(( that he has done you !i(( do9 !hen it
*omes, then you !i(( no! that I am the 2ord 835,:#
25C7s for you, son of man, !i(( it not )e on the day !hen I tae from them their stron'ho(d,
the Joy of their pride, the desire of their eyes and their heart:s de(i'ht, their sons and their
dau'hters, 26that on that day he !ho es*apes !i(( *ome to you !ith information for your earsB
27C3n that day your mouth !i(( )e opened to him !ho es*aped, and you !i(( spea and )e mute
no (on'er, Thus you !i(( )e a si'n to them, and they !i(( no! that I am the 2345,:#)
2>: ////1-1%***(Jugment on Gentile <ations=.mmon
17nd the !ord of the 2345 *ame to me sayin', 2Son of man, set your fa*e to!ard the sons
of 7mmon and prophesy a'ainst them, 3and say to the sons of 7mmon, CHear the !ord of the
2ord 835" Thus says the 2ord 835, 6e*ause you said, C7ha": a'ainst ;y san*tuary !hen it
!as profaned, and a'ainst the (and of Israe( !hen it !as made deso(ate, and a'ainst the house of
+udah !hen they !ent into e<i(e, 4therefore, )eho(d, I am 'oin' to 'i1e you to the sons of the
east for a possession, and they !i(( set their en*ampments amon' you and mae their d!e((in's
amon' you9 they !i(( eat your fruit and drin your mi(, 5I !i(( mae 4a))ah a pasture for
*ame(s and the sons of 7mmon a restin' p(a*e for f(o*s, Thus you !i(( no! that I am the
2345,# 6CIor thus says the 2ord 835, 6e*ause you ha1e *(apped your hands and stamped your
feet and reJoi*ed !ith a(( the s*orn of your sou( a'ainst the (and of Israe(, 7therefore, )eho(d, I
ha1e stret*hed out ;y hand a'ainst you and I !i(( 'i1e you for spoi( to the nations, 7nd I !i((
*ut you off from the peop(es and mae you perish from the (ands9 I !i(( destroy you, Thus you
!i(( no! that I am the 2345,#
8CThus says the 2ord 835, 6e*ause ;oa) and Seir say, C6eho(d, the house of +udah is (ie
a(( the nations,: 9therefore, )eho(d, I am 'oin' to depri1e the f(an of ;oa) of its *ities, of its
*ities !hi*h are on its frontiers, the '(ory of the (and, 6eth-Jeshimoth, 6aa(-meon and
Niriathaim, 10and I !i(( 'i1e it for a possession a(on' !ith the sons of 7mmon to the sons of the
east, so that the sons of 7mmon !i(( not )e remem)ered amon' the nations, 11Thus I !i((
e<e*ute Jud'ments on ;oa), and they !i(( no! that I am the 2345,#
12CThus says the 2ord 835, 6e*ause Kdom has a*ted a'ainst the house of +udah )y tain'
1en'ean*e, and has in*urred 'rie1ous 'ui(t, and a1en'ed themse(1es upon them,# 13therefore
thus says the 2ord 835, I !i(( a(so stret*h out ;y hand a'ainst Kdom and *ut off man and )east
from it, 7nd I !i(( (ay it !aste9 from Teman e1en to 5edan they !i(( fa(( )y the s!ord, 14I !i((
(ay ;y 1en'ean*e on Kdom )y the hand of ;y peop(e Israe(, Therefore, they !i(( a*t in Kdom
a**ordin' to ;y an'er and a**ordin' to ;y !rath9 thus they !i(( no! ;y 1en'ean*e,# de*(ares
the 2ord 835,
15CThus says the 2ord 835, 6e*ause the Hhi(istines ha1e a*ted in re1en'e and ha1e taen
1en'ean*e !ith s*orn of sou( to destroy !ith e1er(astin' enmity,# 16therefore thus says the 2ord
835, 6eho(d, I !i(( stret*h out ;y hand a'ainst the Hhi(istines, e1en *ut off the Fherethites and
destroy the remnant of the sea*oast, 17I !i(( e<e*ute 'reat 1en'ean*e on them !ith !rathfu(
re)ues9 and they !i(( no! that I am the 2345 !hen I (ay ;y 1en'ean*e on them,#:#
2@: ///@-11***(Jugment on Tyre# death-
2%: /////1$*****(+a1an, Tu)a(, and ;eshe*h: the tri)es of 8o' and ;a'o')
28: /////1-10*****(Tyres ?ing :verthro5n
1The !ord of the 2345 *ame a'ain to me, sayin',
2Son of man, say to the (eader of Tyre, CThus says the 2ord 835, 6e*ause your heart is
(ifted up 7nd you have said, I am a god, I sit in the seat of 'ods In the
heart of the seas:9 Yet you are a man and not God, 7(thou'h you mae your heart
(ie the heart of 8odL
36eho(d, you are !iser than 5anie(9 There is no se*ret that is a mat*h for you,
46y your !isdom and understandin' 0ou ha1e a*=uired ri*hes for
yourse(f 7nd ha1e a*=uired 'o(d and si(1er for your treasuries,
56y your 'reat !isdom, )y your trade 0ou ha1e in*reased your ri*hes 7nd
your heart is (ifted up )e*ause of your ri*hesL
6Therefore thus says the 2ord 835, C6e*ause you ha1e made your heart 2ie the
heart of 8od,
7Therefore, behold, I will bring strangers upon you, The most ruthless of the
nations. And they will draw their swords Against the beauty of your
wisdom And defile your splendor.
8CThey !i(( )rin' you do!n to the pit, And you will die the death of those who are
slain In the heart of the seas.
9 Will you still say, I am a god, In the presence of your slayer, Though
you are a man and not God, In the hands of those who wound you?
10CYou will die the death of the uncircumcised By the hand of
strangers, Ior I ha1e spoen": de*(ares the 2ord 835"#:#), /////12*****(12Son of
man, tae up a (amentation o1er the king of Tyre and say to him, Thus says the Lord G OD ,
You had the seal of perfection,
Full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.
13You were in Eden, the garden of God; K1ery pre*ious stone !as your
*o1erin': The ru)y, the topa? and the diamond9 The )ery(, the ony< and the
Jasper9 The (apis (a?u(i, the tur=uoise and the emera(d9 7nd the 'o(d, the
!ormanship of your settin's and so*ets, Gas in you, 3n the day that you !ere
*reated They !ere prepared,
14You were the anointed cherub who covers, And I placed you there# You
were on the holy mountain of God; You walked in the midst of the stones of fire.
15 You were blameless in your ways From the day you were created Until
unrighteousness was found in you.
166y the a)undan*e of your trade 0ou !ere interna((y fi((ed !ith 1io(en*e, 7nd
you sinned9 Therefore I ha1e *ast you as profane Irom the mountain of
8od, 7nd I ha1e destroyed you, 3 *o1erin' *heru), Irom the midst of the stones of
170our heart !as (ifted up )e*ause of your )eauty9 0ou *orrupted your !isdom )y
reason of your sp(endor, I cast you to the ground; I put you before
kings, That they may see you.
186y the mu(titude of your ini=uities, In the unri'hteousness of your
trade 0ou profaned your san*tuaries, Therefore I ha1e )rou'ht fire from the midst
of you9 It has *onsumed you, 7nd I ha1e turned you to ashes on the earth In
the eyes of a(( !ho see you,
197(( !ho no! you amon' the peop(es 7re appa((ed at you9 0ou ha1e
)e*ome terrified 7nd you !i(( *ease to )e fore1er,#:# death), /////20-2$***(Jugment
of Sion
207nd the !ord of the 2345 *ame to me sayin', 21Son of man, set your fa*e to!ard Sidon,
prophesy a'ainst her
22and say, CThus says the 2ord 835, 6eho(d, I am a'ainst you, 3 Sidon, 7nd I
!i(( )e '(orified in your midst, Then they !i(( no! that I am the 2345 !hen I e<e*ute
Jud'ments in her, 7nd I !i(( manifest ;y ho(iness in her,
23Ior I !i(( send pesti(en*e to her 7nd )(ood to her streets, 7nd the !ounded
!i(( fa(( in her midst 6y the s!ord upon her on e1ery side9 Then they !i(( no!
that I am the 2345, death),
/////2>-@*****(2srael 0egathere
25CThus says the 2ord 835, Ghen I 'ather the house of Israe( from the peop(es amon'
!hom they are s*attered, and !i(( manifest ;y ho(iness in them in the si'ht of the nations, then
they !i(( (i1e in their (and !hi*h I 'a1e to ;y ser1ant +a*o), 26They !i(( (i1e in it se*ure(y9
and they !i(( )ui(d houses, p(ant 1ineyards and (i1e se*ure(y !hen I e<e*ute Jud'ments upon a((
!ho s*orn them round a)out them, Then they !i(( no! that I am the 2345 their 8od,#:#)
2.: /////11-2*****, 1$-@***(K'ypt), 18-21*****(&e)u*hadne??arMs army and !a'es)
$0: ,,,
***$8: Prophe!y a/out Gog an >agog an Future 2nvasion of 2srael###
***-1: 1.(*heru)im had t!o fa*e: fa*e of a man and fa*e of a youn' (ion),,,
***-$:O Ethe '(ory of 8odE
***-@: 8-10*****(the Hrin*e sha(( enter and e<it the sa*rifi*ia( festi1a( from different dire*tions,
this !as the sunnah of the Hrophet ;uhammad for Kid a( 7dha)
-%: /////1$-2$***(the )orders of Israe(), /////22:2$*** ((and ri'hts, a**eptan*e, and
inheritan*e of the stran'ers (i1in' in Israe()
-8: 11It shall be for the priests that are san*tified of the sons of Pado9 !hi*h ha1e ept my
*har'e, !hi*h !ent not astray !hen the *hi(dren of Israe( !ent astray, as the 2e1ites !ent astray,
()orders of the san*tuary and the *ity

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