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Mandat e Anal ysi s: Gener al El ect i ons 20 14 May 26, 20 14

BY: Khyati Srivastava (UP) Page 1

Gender participation in 2014 Mahasangram.
Komal hai kamzor nahi, Shakti ka naam hi nari hai!
India is a country where Nation is respected as Mother India. The country trapped by
dogmatic customs, but still the youngest democracy of the world that gave voting rights to
women since its formation. However, the manuwadi culture and dogmatic customs that has
been followed in all sections and communities of our society since so many years has held its
roots so deep that we are still reviving our social system and give women their deserved
status. When Indian elections happen to be no less than big fat Indian weddings, women also
have their crucial in Indian democracy.
Here we shall see this role in two aspects, one their voter turnout, and second participation in
power, in special reference to General Elections 2014.
1. Women voter turnout:
Gender-wise voter turnout break-up figures were not accounted before 1967. Separate
voter turnout gender-based was considered from the 1967 General elections, when it
was learnt that inspite of giving voting rights, it is a very small percentage that uses it.
Male % Turnout Female %
Total % turnout
4th 1967 66.73 55.48 61.33
5th 1971 60.09 49.11 55.27
1977 65.63 54.91 60.49
1980 62.16 51.22 56.92
1984-85 61.2 58.6 64.01
1989 66.13 57.32 61.95
1991-92 61.58 51.35 55.88
1996 62.06 53.41 57.94
12th 1998 65.72 57.88 61.97
1999 63.97 55.64 59.99
2004 61.66 53.3 58.07
15th 2009 60.24 55.82 58.21
16th 2014 67.09 65.3 66.4
We these figures are analysed, then several derivation can be made, as under :
The voter turnout in India has gone-up. It was the highest voter turnout in 2014.
After all, 2014 general elections were celebrated all across the nation as a festival.
The most significant achievement noted in 2014 General elections was the
tremendously increased women voter turnout. It was also the highest this
time India witnessed.
Women turnout in India till now could hardly touch the score of 60% turnout, but this
time it straight forward jumped to 65.3%
Source: Election Commission of India website.
Mandat e Anal ysi s: Gener al El ect i ons 20 14
BY: Khyati Srivastava (UP)
As compared to male voter turnout, female turnout has never been at par. The
difference between both ends has
brought it down to the lowest score of 1.79%.
they were low at 2.6%, could be said that the demise of the Iron Lady of India brought
the women of India come out to vote.
Hence, the graph above shows the male
converging, where women are coming almost at par in the society, and making
political decisions.
If trends of change in female turnout are observed, then
milestone in recording the highest increase in female turnout.
highest rise in women participation in voting was recording in 1984
were held after the death of Smt Indira Gandhi.
4th 5th 6th 7th
General Elections Difference in Male
4th 1967 11.25
5th 1971 10.98
1977 10.72
1980 10.94
1984-85 2.6
1989 8.8
1991-92 10.23
1996 8.65
12th 1998 7.84
1999 8.33
2004 8.36
15th 2009 4.42
16th 2014 1.79
As compared to male voter turnout, female turnout has never been at par. The
difference between both ends has generally been around 10%. 2014 elections have
brought it down to the lowest score of 1.79%. Before this in 1984
they were low at 2.6%, could be said that the demise of the Iron Lady of India brought
the women of India come out to vote.
the graph above shows the male-female participation in voter turnout
where women are coming almost at par in the society, and making
If trends of change in female turnout are observed, then 2014 elections mark a
milestone in recording the highest increase in female turnout.
highest rise in women participation in voting was recording in 1984-85 elections which
were held after the death of Smt I ndira Gandhi.
8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th
Male % Female % Total %
Difference in Male- Change in female
voter% turnout
female turnout
- -
-6.37 -11.48
5.80 11.81
-3.69 -6.72
7.38 14.41
-1.28 -2.18
-5.97 -10.42
2.06 4.01
4.47 8.37
-2.24 -3.87
-2.34 -4.21
2.52 4.73
9.48 16.98
May 26, 20 14
Page 2
As compared to male voter turnout, female turnout has never been at par. The
2014 elections have
Before this in 1984-85 elections
they were low at 2.6%, could be said that the demise of the Iron Lady of India brought
female participation in voter turnout
where women are coming almost at par in the society, and making
2014 elections mark a
milestone in recording the highest increase in female turnout. Earlier the
85 elections which
14th 15th 16th
%age increase in
female turnout
Mandat e Anal ysi s: Gener al El ect i ons 20 14
BY: Khyati Srivastava (UP)
2. Women Representation in Lok Sabha:
India is a nation that considers women to play a very vital role in decision
power-sharing. It is the land Goddess Durga and Gargi, Maitri. The mighty land of Rani
of J hansi and Savitri Bai Phule. Due to certa
have been kept deprived of these rights and powers.
However, Indian democracy has opened all gateways for women ensuring
them position at par with men. But due the social structure this isnt making
things for them. Especially when it comes to participation in decision making
for the Nation, and sharing power representing people at the Lok Sabha,
then the hindrances are both ways, intrinsic as well as extrinsic
The trends of women representation in Lok Sabha
4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
%age change in female turnout
General Elections Total contestants
1957 1519
1962 1985
1967 2369
1971 2784
1977 2439
1980 4629
1984-85 5492
1989 6160
1991-92 8749
1996 13952
1998 4750
1999 4648
2004 5435
2009 8070
2014 8251
Women Representation in Lok Sabha:
India is a nation that considers women to play a very vital role in decision
sharing. It is the land Goddess Durga and Gargi, Maitri. The mighty land of Rani
of J hansi and Savitri Bai Phule. Due to certain orthodox and evil customs Indian women
have been kept deprived of these rights and powers.
Indian democracy has opened all gateways for women ensuring
them position at par with men. But due the social structure this isnt making
m. Especially when it comes to participation in decision making
for the Nation, and sharing power representing people at the Lok Sabha,
then the hindrances are both ways, intrinsic as well as extrinsic
The trends of women representation in Lok Sabha are as under :
10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th
%age change in female turnout
in female
Total contestants Male contestants Female contestants
1474 45
1919 66
2302 67
2698 86
2369 70
4486 143
5321 171
5962 198
8419 330
13353 599
4476 274
4364 284
5080 355
7514 556
7578 668
May 26, 20 14
Page 3
India is a nation that considers women to play a very vital role in decision-making, and
sharing. It is the land Goddess Durga and Gargi, Maitri. The mighty land of Rani
in orthodox and evil customs Indian women
Indian democracy has opened all gateways for women ensuring
them position at par with men. But due the social structure this isnt making
m. Especially when it comes to participation in decision making
for the Nation, and sharing power representing people at the Lok Sabha,
then the hindrances are both ways, intrinsic as well as extrinsic.
Female contestants
Mandat e Anal ysi s: Gener al El ect i ons 20 14
BY: Khyati Srivastava (UP)
No doubt motivation in women to contestant
1957 to 2014. But it has been
increase means no great success, because since 1957participation of both men &
women has risen many-folds. All thanks to the democratic st
between men-women numbers fighting for power signifies that the societal structure still
needs revival.
Perhaps, the rising graph of women partic
of hope. But it has increase may
aspect efforts from the entire society. Indian women have to be motivated both
internally and externally.
Now if see the number of Male
at Lok Sabha, we can get their winnability on comparing the figures above. The figures
hence derived are below :
Seats Men
1957 494 472 96.52
1962 494 463 93.72
1967 520 491 94.42
1971 518 497 95.95
1977 542 523 96.49
1980 542 514 94.83
1984-85 542 500 92.25
1989 543 514 94.66
1991-92 543 496 91.34
1996 543 503 92.63
1998 543 500 92.0
1999 543 494 90.98
2004 543 498 91.7
2009 543 484 89.13
2014 543 482 88.77
Here we can clearly see that women representation in the Lok Sabha has always been
very low as compared to men. However,
representation in 16
Lok Sabha
Total contestants
Male contestants
Female contestants
motivation in women to contestant elections has significantly risen since
1957 to 2014. But it has been tremendously lower than that of men
increase means no great success, because since 1957participation of both men &
folds. All thanks to the democratic structure. But the huge gap
women numbers fighting for power signifies that the societal structure still
rising graph of women participation in the quest for power
But it has increase may-folds to meet at par with men. For this we must
aspect efforts from the entire society. Indian women have to be motivated both
Now if see the number of Male-female elected out of these who fight for representation
get their winnability on comparing the figures above. The figures
Male %
96.52 32.02 22 4.45
93.72 24.13 31 6.28
4.42 21.33 29 5.58
95.95 18.42 21 4.05
96.49 22.08 19 3.51
94.83 11.46 28 5.17
92.25 9.4 43 7.93
94.66 8.62 29 5.34
91.34 5.89 38 7.00
92.63 3.77 40 7.37
11.17 43 7.92
90.98 11.32 49 9.02
9.8 45 8.29
89.13 6.44 59 10.87
88.77 6.36 61 11.23
Here we can clearly see that women representation in the Lok Sabha has always been
very low as compared to men. However, we can see a rising trend with 11.23%
Lok Sabha constituted in 2014.
Male-Female Contestants
May 26, 20 14
Page 4
has significantly risen since
tremendously lower than that of men. Hence this
increase means no great success, because since 1957participation of both men &
ructure. But the huge gap
women numbers fighting for power signifies that the societal structure still
ipation in the quest for power is a ray
to meet at par with men. For this we must
aspect efforts from the entire society. Indian women have to be motivated both
female elected out of these who fight for representation
get their winnability on comparing the figures above. The figures
Here we can clearly see that women representation in the Lok Sabha has always been
we can see a rising trend with 11.23%
Mandat e Anal ysi s: Gener al El ect i ons 20 14
BY: Khyati Srivastava (UP)
From 96% men representing at Lok Sabha in 1957 it have fallen to 88% in 2014, and
that of women has risen from 4% in 1957 to 11% in 2014. Not only their number has
risen, but their percentage is too rising.
concern. The pace with which their contesting spirit has risen, their
representation has not. This implies that acceptance of women candidates by
people is comparatively low. T
hence even poorer representation in future. Hence, our society has to make an effort to
bridge this gap. Moreover, women who get elected should look after this issue.
The proposed reservation may so
situation as a whole. The elected women representing should be also capable enough to
hold their seat on their own. They should have their representation from within
themselves and justify it. Hence th
empowerment physically, sociologically and psychologically too.
- 2014 General elections also held a exclusive place, because for the first
time trans-genders were separately accounted in these elections.
their voted were acknowledged as a separate category, but also they could contest
election. There was quest for representation in Trans
- Out of 8251 contestants who stood for 2014 elections, 5 were trans
Gender representation at
the Lower House trends.
From 96% men representing at Lok Sabha in 1957 it have fallen to 88% in 2014, and
that of women has risen from 4% in 1957 to 11% in 2014. Not only their number has
risen, but their percentage is too rising. But the pace of increase is an issue of
The pace with which their contesting spirit has risen, their
representation has not. This implies that acceptance of women candidates by
people is comparatively low. This in turn causes low morale to contest elections, and
hence even poorer representation in future. Hence, our society has to make an effort to
bridge this gap. Moreover, women who get elected should look after this issue.
The proposed reservation may solve this issue in numbers, but it shall not change the
situation as a whole. The elected women representing should be also capable enough to
hold their seat on their own. They should have their representation from within
themselves and justify it. Hence these figures are implying need for women
empowerment physically, sociologically and psychologically too.
2014 General elections also held a exclusive place, because for the first
genders were separately accounted in these elections.
their voted were acknowledged as a separate category, but also they could contest
election. There was quest for representation in Trans-Genders too in 2014.
Out of 8251 contestants who stood for 2014 elections, 5 were trans
Gender representation at
the Lower House trends.
May 26, 20 14
Page 5
From 96% men representing at Lok Sabha in 1957 it have fallen to 88% in 2014, and
that of women has risen from 4% in 1957 to 11% in 2014. Not only their number has
But the pace of increase is an issue of
The pace with which their contesting spirit has risen, their
representation has not. This implies that acceptance of women candidates by
his in turn causes low morale to contest elections, and
hence even poorer representation in future. Hence, our society has to make an effort to
bridge this gap. Moreover, women who get elected should look after this issue.
lve this issue in numbers, but it shall not change the
situation as a whole. The elected women representing should be also capable enough to
hold their seat on their own. They should have their representation from within
ese figures are implying need for women
2014 General elections also held a exclusive place, because for the first
genders were separately accounted in these elections. Not only
their voted were acknowledged as a separate category, but also they could contest
too in 2014.
Out of 8251 contestants who stood for 2014 elections, 5 were trans-
Mandat e Anal ysi s: Gener al El ect i ons 20 14
BY: Khyati Srivastava (UP)
Role of Independents in Indian Elections
India! The worlds youngest democracy and being 2
happens to be worlds largest democracy too. The Indian democracy is though youngest,
but still considered as the most mature democracy. The preamble to the Indian
constitution says WE THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnl
rendered India is unique identity in the world politics.
the 5-mantras that empowers each and every Indian to be free
no-one is a ruler, but everyone is.
elect their representatives, who will run the Nation for coming five
to note here is that any Indian citizen can stand for elections.
every Indian has the right to stand for elections and dream to have power in the hand.
India is a multi-party nation which has also emerged to an extent because of this
freedom in our constitution. Still ever since elections in In
considerable number of people not from any party contesting elections. They are called
The points to notice here are:
Ever since 1952 elections the quest for power has
of independents claiming their potentials to share power has increased
tremendously. It was merely 533 out of 1874 in 1952 and in 2014 it was 3234 out of
8251, which is almost near to half.
Role of Independents in Indian Elections
India! The worlds youngest democracy and being 2
most populous nation after China,
happens to be worlds largest democracy too. The Indian democracy is though youngest,
but still considered as the most mature democracy. The preamble to the Indian
WE THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India
rendered India is unique identity in the world politics. To put in other words, these are
that empowers each and every Indian to be free
is a ruler, but everyone is. Every five years we have elections, where people
elect their representatives, who will run the Nation for coming five-years. Most important
to note here is that any Indian citizen can stand for elections. Yes! Anybody. Each and
every Indian has the right to stand for elections and dream to have power in the hand.
party nation which has also emerged to an extent because of this
freedom in our constitution. Still ever since elections in India started there have been a
considerable number of people not from any party contesting elections. They are called
The points to notice here are:
Ever since 1952 elections the quest for power has increased many-folds.
of independents claiming their potentials to share power has increased
It was merely 533 out of 1874 in 1952 and in 2014 it was 3234 out of
8251, which is almost near to half.
May 26, 20 14
Page 6
Role of Independents in Indian Elections
most populous nation after China,
happens to be worlds largest democracy too. The Indian democracy is though youngest,
but still considered as the most mature democracy. The preamble to the Indian
y resolved to constitute India
To put in other words, these are
that empowers each and every Indian to be free & equal. Here
Every five years we have elections, where people
years. Most important
Yes! Anybody. Each and
every Indian has the right to stand for elections and dream to have power in the hand.
party nation which has also emerged to an extent because of this
dia started there have been a
considerable number of people not from any party contesting elections. They are called
folds. The number
of independents claiming their potentials to share power has increased
It was merely 533 out of 1874 in 1952 and in 2014 it was 3234 out of
Mandat e Anal ysi s: Gener al El ect i ons 20 14 May 26, 20 14
BY: Khyati Srivastava (UP) Page 7
If the trends are observed more vividly, one can notice the multi-fold rise in 1980,
and continued after that till 1996, when it increased with leaps-and-bounds.
However, it shrunk highly after 1996. But again increased slightly from 2004
and has risen with almost similar pace till 2014.
This makes it clear that whenever there is political instability, number of independents
contesting rise. Does this relate to opportunism in politics?!
Note:1990s was the era of the birth of several small regional parties. Many existing
small parties also started gaining momentum. Everyone was in a race for power. This
was the time when number of independents showed sharp rise from 5546 in 1991-92
election to 10635 in 1996 elections.
However, the interesting fact to observe is that their actual share in power has
gone down very badly. When in 1952 out of 533, 37 got elected, in 2014 this figure is
merely 3 that too out of 3234.
The graph above clearly shows that though number of independents in election
battle field has sharply risen, but their winnability has fallen even more.
General Elections Independent Winnability Independent contesting %age
1951-52 6.94 28.44
1957 8.73 31.67
1962 4.18 24.13
1967 4.04 36.56
1971 1.23 40.73
1977 0.74 50.18
1980 0.32 61.05
1984-85 0.13 69.14
1989 0.32 60.26
1991-92 0.09 63.39
1996 0.08 76.23
1998 0.31 40.32
1999 0.31 41.85
2004 0.21 43.88
2009 0.23 47.47
2014 0.09 39.20
Mandat e Anal ysi s: Gener al El ect i ons 20 14 May 26, 20 14
BY: Khyati Srivastava (UP) Page 8
In the multi party system country like India, role of Independents in politics very much
like ends with no-poles. However, in a representative democratic nation like India, their
role cannot be put to question altogether. After all, they are equally responsible for the
people of the constituency who elected them, as the prime minister/leader of opposition
are to the people who elected them. J ust because they belong to a majority ruling party
or opposition party and the independent comes from none, doesnt gives a valid reason
to question their interests. However, such representation should be checked when they
nurture opportunism in politics.

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