Othello Character Analysis HONORS

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Othello Character Analysis

Directions: Each character below has, in some form, contributed to a topic of importance to both modern society and
Venetian society. In some cases, these topics may be the same or may have slight differences (ie- no infidelity in
marriage, although in Venetian society a woman would be publicly ridiculed/outcasts, and modern women may simply be
given a divorce). Your task, for the assigned characters below, is to analyze how his/her actions and motives contribute to
a topic of importance to society (BOTH Venetian and modern). You will need to cite specific instances from within the
text and modern society. You may also need to use the internet to research Venetian societal rules. Be sure to include in-
text citations and a Works Cited page for all sources used.

Your options include:

1. Othello OR Desdemona
2. Iago OR Roderigo
3. ONE of the following:

So, you should have THREE different analyses total. Each entry should be a page (totaling about 3 pages). You will need
to use size 12 font, Times New Roman, double-spaced.

Use the planning space below to begin working on your response:
(save the website link!)
Desdemona Infidelity (unacceptable) Women were publicly
whipped or
Receive no real
distance from relatives
or divorce
Desdemona was framed. She was
actually a chaste and loyal wife. She
did all she could to prove her
innocence, and still supported her
husband until her death! She is
agreeing that infidelity is
unacceptable, as it wasnt something
she actually did (make sure YOU use
textual evidence).

Score of A: This response demonstrates consistent mastery, although it may have minor errors. This response
effectively states and develops a claim, provides strong insights, and uses well-chosen detail from the portfolio to
fully illustrate claims.
is well organized, focused, and coherent.
uses language and vocabulary purposefully.
varies sentence structure skillfully.
is generally free of errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics.

Score of B: This response demonstrates adequate mastery with occasional lapses in quality. This response
states and develops a claim, exhibits sound thinking, and uses appropriate supporting detail from the portfolio to
illustrate claims.
is generally organized, focused, and coherent.
generally uses language and vocabulary effectively.
demonstrates some variety in sentence structure.
may have some errors in grammar, usage, or mechanics.

Score of C: This response demonstrates partial mastery, but it has one or more flaws. This response
states and develops a claim but needs more consistent thinking and supporting detail; makes vague reference to
the portfolio.
sometimes lacks organization, focus, and coherence.
generally uses language coherently, but some word choices are vague or inappropriate.
has little variety in sentence structure or has some sentence errors.
may contain a number of errors in grammar, usage, or mechanics.

Score of D: This response demonstrates little mastery and is marred by one or more weaknesses. This response
has a vague or limited claim, weak thinking, and inappropriate or insufficient supporting detail; does not include
details from the portfolio.
is poorly organized, lacking focus and coherence.
uses limited language and vocabulary or incorrect word choice.
demonstrates simplistic or incorrect sentence structure.
contains errors in grammar, usage, or mechanics that sometimes hamper meaning.

Score of E: This response demonstrates a lack of mastery and serious flaws. This response
does not state or develop a claim and provides little, if any, supporting detail.
is disorganized, rambling, or incoherent.
has numerous errors in vocabulary and use of language.
has serious fl aws in sentence structure.
contains numerous errors in grammar, usage, or mechanics that consistently hamper meaning.

Score of 0: No response or a response that is completely irrelevant will receive a score of zero.

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