Regents Prep 1

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Regents Prep #1

Name: Date:
1. Base your answer to the following question on the map below and on your knowledge of social studies.
Which generalization is most clearly supported by the information provided by the map?
A. Most early European settlements were located west of the Appalachian Mountains.
B. Rivers and harbors played a major role in the location of early settlements.
C. Only Dutch colonists settled away from the Atlantic coast.
D. The Great Lakes were important shipping routes for the early settlers.
page 1
2. Base your answer to the following question on
the map below and on your knowledge of social
What would be the best title for this map?
A. British Domination of the Americas
B. Colonial Trade Routes
C. Spanish Colonies in the New World
D. The United States in 1750
3. Base your answer to the following question on
the map below and on your knowledge of social
North America, 1775
Source: Exploring American History, Globe Book Company (adapted)
Which geographic feature was used to establish
the Proclamation Line of 1763?
A. Great Lakes
B. Rocky Mountains
C. Appalachian Mountains
D. Mississippi River
page 2 Regents Prep #1
4. Base your answer to the following question(s) on
the map below and on your knowledge of social
Source: Education Place:,
Houghton Miin Co., 2002 (adapted)
This map shows the western limit on colonial
settlement that resulted from the
A. founding of Jamestown
B. Proclamation of 1763
C. Monroe Doctrine
D. Compromise of 1850
5. Which feature of government was developed most
fully during the colonial era?
A. separation of church and state
B. an independent court system
C. universal surage
D. representative assemblies
6. In the Colonial Era, developments such as the
New England town meetings and the establishment
of the Virginia House of Burgesses represented
A. colonial attempts to build a strong national
B. eorts by the British to strengthen their
control over the colonies
C. steps in the growth of representative
D. early social reform movements
The only representatives of the people of these
colonies are persons chosen therein by themselves;
and that no taxes ever have been, or can be
constitutionally imposed on them but by their
respective legislatures.
Statement by
the Stamp Act Congress, 1765
What is a valid conclusion that can be drawn from
this quotation?
A. The colonial legislatures should be appointed
by the English King with the consent of
B. Only the colonists' elected representatives
should have the power to levy taxes.
C. The English King should have the right to tax
the colonists.
D. The colonists should be opposed to all
8. Under mercantilism, the thirteen American colonies
were expected to provide Great Britain with
A. nished American-manufactured goods
B. raw materials and markets for British products
C. ocials to represent colonial interests in
D. laborers to work in British factories
page 3 Regents Prep #1
9. The Virginia House of Burgesses and the
Mayower Compact had a similar eect in that
A. reinforced the English Parliament's control
over the colonies
B. gave settlers the power to establish colonies
C. contributed to the development of
representative democracy
D. granted absolute authority to the colonial
10. The Mayower Compact is important to the
concept of a democratic society because it
A. an eort by the colonists to use force to resist
the King
B. a clear step toward self-government
C. an early attempt to establish universal surage
D. an attempt by the colonists to establish
freedom of religion
11. The British system of mercantilism was opposed
by many American colonists because it
A. placed quotas on immigration
B. discouraged the export of raw materials to
C. placed restrictions on trading
D. encouraged colonial manufacturing
12. The Mayower Compact of 1620 is considered an
important step in the development of democracy
in America because it
A. expressed the importance of self-government
B. established freedom of religion
C. created the rst colonial judiciary
D. granted all males the right to vote
13. The Virginia House of Burgesses was important
to the development of democracy in the thirteen
colonies because it
A. provided an example of a representative form
of government
B. created the rst written constitution in
C. provided for direct election of senators
D. began the practice of legislative override of
executive vetoes
14. In its economic relationship with its North
American colonies, Great Britain followed the
principles of 18th-century mercantilism by
A. outlawing the African slave trade
B. limiting the colonies' trade with other nations
C. encouraging the development of manufacturing
in the colonies
D. establishing laws against business monopolies
page 4 Regents Prep #1
15. Because of fertile land and a long growing season,
plantations in the thirteen colonies developed in
A. New England
B. the Middle Atlantic region
C. the South
D. the upper Mississippi River valley
16. Jamestown, founded in 1607
Plymouth colony, founded in 1620
New Amsterdam, founded in 1625
These early colonial settlements were similar in
that each was located
A. at the base of a mountain range
B. near the coastline
C. in an arid climate
D. on oshore islands
17. During the early to mid-1700s, the British policy
of salutary neglect toward the American colonies
contributed to
A. a decline in colonial manufacturing
B. the decline of slavery in the northern colonies
C. a decrease in French and Spanish inuence in
North America
D. the development of independent colonial trade
18. Which geographic feature contributed the most to
the development of commerce throughout colonial
A. mountains B. grasslands
C. natural harbors D. interior lakes
19. Before 1763, the British policy of salutary neglect
toward its American colonies was based on the
desire of Great Britain to
A. treat all English people, including colonists,
on an equal basis
B. benet from the economic prosperity of the
American colonies
C. encourage manufacturing in the American
D. ensure that all mercantile regulations were
strictly followed
20. The original settlements in the thirteen British
colonies were all located
A. east of the Appalachian Mountains
B. along the Gulf Coast
C. on the Great Plains
D. west of the Mississippi River
21. Which aspect of the American political system
was most inuenced by the ideas of John Locke
and Baron de Montesquieu?
A. executive control of foreign policy
B. limitations on the power of government
C. government regulation of the economy
D. creation of the electoral college
page 5 Regents Prep #1
22. During the Revolutionary War period, Thomas
Paine's Common Sense was important because it
A. described a military plan for the defeat of
B. convinced many Americans who had been
undecided to support independence
C. contained a detailed outline for a new form
of government
D. argued for the addition of a bill of rights to
the Constitution
23. The pamphlet Common Sense, by Thomas Paine,
aided the American cause in the Revolutionary
War because it
A. convinced France to join in the ght against
B. led to the repeal of the Stamp Act
C. created a new system of government for the
United States
D. persuaded individuals who were undecided to
support independence
24. A major argument for American independence
found in the Declaration of Independence was that
the British
A. stopped participating in the slave trade
B. refused to sell products to Americans
C. deprived Americans of their natural rights
D. censored American representatives in
25. During the colonial period, the British Parliament
used the policy of mercantilism to
A. limit manufacturing in America
B. prevent criticism of royal policies
C. deny representation to the colonists
D. force colonists to worship in the Anglican
26. In the publication Common Sense, Thomas Paine
argued that
A. foreign nations would reject an independent
American government
B. the British government would be impossible
to overthrow
C. America was dependent on British trade and
D. the American colonies should break away
from England
27. Which statement best describes governmental
power under the Articles of Confederation?
A. A strong chief executive headed a unied
central government.
B. Power was shared equally by the central
government and the states.
C. The power of the states greatly exceeded the
power of the central government.
D. A balance of power existed among the three
branches of the central government.
page 6 Regents Prep #1
28. The most serious weakness of the Articles of
Confederation was brought about by the authors'
A. fear of concentration of power in national
B. distrust of representative government
C. disregard of the principles of States rights
D. inability to provide for regional dierences
29. The Articles of Confederation are best described
as a
A. statement of principles justifying the
Revolutionary War
B. plan of union for the original thirteen states
C. set of arguments supporting ratication of the
D. list of reasons for the secession of the
Southern States
30. A major problem of the government under the
Articles of Confederation was that the
A. courts of the national government had nearly
unlimited power
B. President could make major decisions without
the approval of Congress
C. national government could levy and collect
unlimited taxes
D. Congress depended on the states for men and
money to support an army
31. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all
men are created equal, that they are endowed by
their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that
among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of
This quotation reects beliefs mainly derived
A. from the Magna Carta
B. the divine right monarchs of Europe
C. John Locke's theory of natural rights
D. Marxist philosophy
32. Base your answer to the following question on the
time line below and on your knowledge of social
Which title is most accurate for this time line?
A. Forms of Colonial Protest
B. Eects of British Navigation Laws
C. Causes of the American Revolution
D. Abuse of Power by Colonial Legislatures
page 7 Regents Prep #1
33. Which heading best completes the partial outline
A. Magna Carta
B. House of Burgesses
C. Town meetings
D. John Locke
A. Ideas of Social Darwinism
B. Basis of British Mercantilism
C. Contributions to American Literature
D. Inuences on United States Constitutional
34. According to the Declaration of Independence,
governments are established to
A. protect the nation from invasion
B. provide a system of checks and balances
C. protect the natural rights of citizens
D. guarantee voting rights for all citizens
35. The Declaration of Independence was based on the
ideas of the
A. Enlightenment B. Romantic Era
C. Renaissance D. Age of Exploration
36. In writing the Declaration of Independence,
Thomas Jeerson was inuenced most by John
Locke's idea of
A. due process of law
B. natural rights
C. the rights of the accused
D. the right to privacy
page 8 Regents Prep #1
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Regents Prep #1 06/12/2014
Answer: B
Answer: B
Answer: C
Answer: B
Answer: D
Answer: C
Answer: B
Answer: B
Answer: C
Answer: B
Answer: C
Answer: A
Answer: A
Answer: B
Answer: C
Answer: B
Answer: D
Answer: C
Answer: B
Answer: A
Answer: B
Answer: B
Answer: D
Answer: C
Answer: A
Answer: D
Answer: C
Answer: A
Answer: B
Answer: D
Answer: C
Answer: C
Answer: D
Answer: C
Answer: A
Answer: B

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