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I. Facts of the Case

On December 31 of last year Ms. Garcia announced that she and Engr. Sonny Nolledo are getting married on
January 21 of the next year for the reason that on 22
of January, Engr. Sonny will leave for work. They have to plan and
prepare for the wedding. Assuming that the start date of doing the activities will be on January 3, which is a Monday
since offices and stores will resume operation; there will only be a maximum of 19 days and a most optimistic time of 18
days to prepare and get everything set before the big day. The family needs to consider the following activities and their
required time to complete:

Activity Description Predecessor(s) Time (days)
A Start - 0
B Reserve church A 1
C Church notice wait B 14
D Decorate church C 3
E Prepare guest list A 4
F Choose invitations A 2
G Order and receive invitations F 7
H Address invitations E, G 4
I Take invitations to post ofce H 1
J Invitation lead time I 10
K Choose cake and catering A 2
L Crizels catering lead time K 5
M Lyn Daffodils travel from Gen. Santos A 10
N Get Girls for bridesmaids A 1
O Choose dress pattern N 3
P Order and receive lace O 8
Q Sew dresses P 11
R Fit dresses M, N, Q 2
S Clean and press dresses R 2
T Rehearsal S 1
U Wedding D, J, L, S, T 1
V Finish U 0

II. Problem Identification

1) Will they be able to complete and finish all the activities needed within short period of time before the Wedding
day on January 22?
2) Will the additional costs reasonable and worthy to incur in order to finish the wedding preparations on time?

III. Objectives of the Study

1) To finish all the required preparation and have everything ready before January 22, the day of the wedding, at a
minimal cost.

IV. Alternative Courses of Action

The three (3) alternative courses of actions are:
1. To use PERT-CPM to determine which tradeoff should be made in order to complete all necessary activities
on a scheduled wedding day at a minimum cost and to plan and control the time aspect of the wedding
preparation and the wedding itself.

2. To considerspending possible additional funds or amount and hire some people so that there will be
additional manpower to prepare. These possible additional actions and funds are:

a) Church donation of P1,500 to probably cut the 14-day notice to 7 days.
b) To book for a Cebu Pacific Promo and spend P188 air fare to take Ms Lynn Daffodil from General
Santos to Cebu and spend another P500 for Cokaliong to bring her from Cebu to Maasin in 2 days.
Path 1
Path 2
Path 3
Path 4
Path 5
Path 6
c) Pay an extra air freight in the amount of P1,500 to get the dress materials for a span of 3 days
instead of 8 days.
d) Ask the help of Mrs. Diano in sewing the dress in order to finish them within 6 days and save P340
per day less than the original 11 days.
e) Shorten the lead time of the invitation from 10 days to 8 days so that Aunty Perry can come and
prevent a reduction of wedding gift by P1,000.
f) Spend additional P400 (P200 per day) in hiring some part-time girls to do the addressing of the
invitation and shorten the activity from 4 days to 2 days.
g) Pay additional P80 per day in order to get the invitation from Kojacs Printing within 5 or 6 days
instead of 7 days.
h) Spend some additional amount for food and snacks in asking some cousins to help out in the

3. To postpone the wedding at a later date so that there will be enough time to prepare.

4. To take and follow the suggestion of the brides father to elope spending only P5,000.

V. Evaluation of the Alternatives

Alternative 1.Employing the PERT-CPM method, the given data, such as the different activities and its predecessor and
their required time must be considered. Using these data, 5 paths were determined and these are:

Path 1: A K L U V = 8 days - Cake and Catering
Path 2: A B C D U V = 19 days - Church Reservation
Path 3: A F G H I J UV = 25 days - Ordering of Invitation
Path 4: A E H I J U V = 20 days - Guest List Prep/Addressing of Inv.
Path 5: A M R S T U V = 16 days - Maid of Honors Travel Time
Path 6: A N O P Q R S T U V = 29 days - Sewing of Dresses and Fitting

By using the critical path method, it can be determined that Path 2 (ABCDTUV) with 19 days, Path 3 (AFGHIJUV)
with 25days , Path 4 (AEHIJUV) with 20 days and Path 6 (ANOPQRSTUV) with 29 days are the critical paths since they
have longer days to complete and even longer than the required number of days to finish which is 18 days before the

Alternative 2.Consider crashing- spending additional funds and hiring some people to help do the wedding

Schedule 2.1

a. Donate P1,500 to church to reduce 14-day notice to 7.

F2 G7
K2 L5
T1 S2
O3 P8 Q11

C14 D3
J10 V0
Path 2: (19 days original estimated time to finish)

Reduced Number of Days: A0 + B1 + C7 + D3 + U1 + V0 = 12 days Additional Cost: P1,500.00

Schedule 2.2

b. Book Ms. Lynn Daffodil for Cebu Pacific Promo from Gen. Santos to Cebu and Get on board Cokaliongbound
for Maasin in just 2 days.

Path 5: Maid of Honors Travel Time (16 days original estimated time to complete)

Reduced Number of Days: A0 + M2 + R2 + S2 + T1 + U1 + V0= 8 days Additional Cost: P 688.00

Schedule 2.3

c. Pay an extra air freight in the amount of P1,500 to get the dress materials for a span of 3 days instead of 8
d. Ask the help of Mrs. Diano in sewing the dress in order to finish them within 6 days and save P340 per day
less than the original 11 days.

Path 6: Sewing of Dresses and Fitting (29 days original estimated time to complete)

Reduced Number of Days: A0 + N1 + O3 + P3 + Q11 + T1 + U1 +V0 =17 days
Additional Cost Incurred:
Additional for the dress materials P1,500.00
Less:Savings for the 5 days cut on sewing(P360 x 5) 1,800.00
Addiitional Cost/(Savings) (P 300.00)

Schedule 2.4
e. Spend additional P400 (P200 per day) in hiring some part-time girls to do the addressing of the invitation
and shorten the activity from 4 days to 2 days.
f. Pay additional P80 per day in order to get the invitation from Kojacs Printing within 5 or 6 days instead of 7
g. Spend some additional amount for food and snacks in asking some cousins to help out in the preparation.

Path 4: Guest List Prep/Addressing of Inv. (20days original estimated time to complete)

Reduced Number of Days: A0 + E4 + H2 + I1 + J8 + U1 +V0 =16 days
Additional Cost Incurred:
P200 per day to shorten 4 days of ordering the invitation to 2 days P400.00

Path 3: Ordering of Invitation (25 days original estimated time to complete)


C7 D3
T1 S2 R2
U1 V0
P3 Q6
T1 U1 V0
A0 F2 G5
A0 E4 H2 U1 I1 J8

Reduced Number of Days: A0 + F2 + G5 + H2 + I1 + J8 + U1 +V0 = 19 days
Additional Cost Incurred:
P200 per day to shorten the 4- dayaddressing the invitation to 2 days P400.00
by hiring part-time girls
P80 per day to shorten the ordering of invitation from 7 to 5 days 160.00
Total Additional Cost Incurred P560.00

VI. Recommendations and Conclusions

Using the given data of the case, the family has only a maximum of 19 days to process and prepare. This is
somewhat very crucial since the 19
day is the wedding date. In order to make sure that everything is ready before the
wedding, the family has to finish all the necessary preparation on the 18
day which is the rehearsal night. Using the
PERT-CPM, it can be determined that there are six (6) paths to take in order to get everything done for the wedding.

Path 1 (A K L U V), which is the cake and catering activity and Path 5 (A M R S T U V) which is maid-of-honors
travel time will not cause any concern for the family since they can be completed within 8 and 16 days; very much ahead
of the targeted schedule. There is no need to employ any crashing activity on these paths and to save some additional
costs of P688.

However, Path 2 (A B C D U V) - the church reservation; Path 3 (A F G H I J UV) - ordering of invitation; Path 4 (A E
H I J T U V) - guest list preparation and addressing and Path 6 (A N O P Q R S T U V) - sewing and fitting are the ones that
will surely cause concerns since they take longer days to complete with estimated times to complete of 19, 25, 20 and
29 days respectively. They even go beyond the scheduled finish date.
The family need to crash or shorten the days it will take for each critical path in order to finish everything by
January 20, the day before the wedding. They have to spend P1,500.00 for church donation to shorten the days to 7 and
will in turn shorten the Critical Path 2 to twelve (12) days. They must pay an extra air freight in the amount of P1,500 to
get the dress materials for a span of 3 days instead of 8 days and ask the help of Mrs. Diano in sewing the dress in order
to finish them within 6 days rather than the original 11 days. These two crashing activities will even result to a saving of
P300 (Schedule 2.3).
The family must spend an additional P400 (P200 per day) in hiring some part-time girls to do the addressing of
the invitation and shorten the activity from 4 days to 2 days. They also have to pay additional P160 in order to get the
invitation from Kojacs Printing within 5 days instead of 7 days. The family has to ensure that the invitations are sent at
least 8 days before the wedding so that Critical Paths 3 and 4 will will be shorten to 19 and 16 days. Although Critical
Path 3 - the ordering and sending of invitation can only be shortened into 19 days, a one day more than the most
optimistic time of 18 days, this is still acceptable since the wedding will still push through on the 19
day, January 21. All
these will result to an additional cost of P2,160.00. This additional cost is bearable. Since the primary problem of the
family is whether they will be able to finish everything before the big day at a reasonable and worthy cost; and even
though the family will need to spend an additional amount of P2,160.00; its more tolerablebecause a dream wedding
can surely take place as schedule. This is better than postponing the wedding and deciding to have no wedding at all and
just elope.

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