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Section III: Technology, Equipment and Machine Building Production Automation


Fig. 1. Microhardness of the FeCCrCu coatings

Fig. 2. Sliding wear resistance of the FeCrCCu
4. Conclusion.
(1) The ageing treatment at 773 K for 35 h leads to
the precipitation of -Cu particles. The -Cu
particles with different sizes block the movements
of the dislocations. The relative contents of the
total Cr-rich carbides increase from 22.8 wt.% to
28.7 wt.%, but the relative content of the phase
decreases after the ageing treatment.
(2) The ageing treatment at 773 K for 35 h can
increase the microhardness and the sliding wear
resistance of the FeCrCCu coating deposited
by PTA process.

[1] L. Bourithis, G. Papadimitriou, Mater. Lett. 57
(2003) 1835.
[2] Y. Isshiki, K. Mizumoto, M. Hashimoto, Thin
Solid Films 317 (1998) 468.
[3] B. Jacek, M. Andrzej, Mater. Sci. Eng., A Struct.
Mater.: Prop. Microstruct. Process. 277 (2000)

Rozhnovskaya A.I.
Scientific adviser: Ogorodnikov A.S., associate professor
Language adviser: Kuznetzova I.N., senior teacher
Nation Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, 634050, Russia, Tomsk, Lenin avenue, 30
Mathematical modeling opens wide
perspectives for many areas of science and
technology. For the first time it was used in nuclear
and aerospace spheres. At present, mathematical
modeling has penetrated into all branches of
natural sciences and in the spheres of human
activity, such as oil and gas production, transport,
socio-economic sphere, medicine, etc.
COMSOL Multiphysics is a powerful interactive
environment for modeling and calculating the
majority of scientific and engineering problems
XVIII Modern Technique and Technologies 2012

based on differential equations in partial
derivatives (PDE) finite element method.
Main purpose of this work is to model the
process of welding with a moving laser in
COMSOL Multiphysics.

Modeling of process
Laser beams are commonly used to heat locally
the surface of various substrates, for example, in
laser welding or thermal annealing such as on
layered silicon devices. The laser beam typically
moves over a surface periodically to produce the
desired localized heating. In the case of layered
silicon devices, each layer is very thin; making the
modeling of the penetration depth caused by the
moving laser a strongly time-dependent problem.

Figure.1.A moving laser heats a thin silicon
The simplest example model, the localized
transient heating, caused by a laser beam that
moves in circles over a silicon substrate is
considered. The beams penetration depth, which
can be described with an absorption coefficient,
depends on the ambient temperature. The
geometry under study represents the top layer of a
silicon device. The model examines the
penetration depth and the influence of the laser
motion on the transient temperature distribution.
This model considers the laser beam as having
an infinitesimal width and thus treats it as a line
heat source. As such it is not meaningful to study
the maximum temperature because it is mesh
dependent. However, the overall heat flux and
temperature distribution on a macroscopic level are
both accurate.
Model Definitions:
The model simulates the substrate as a 3D
object (fig 1) with these dimensions:
Thickness: 1 mm
Width: 10 mm-by-10 mm
It handles the variation of laser intensity with
penetration depth using a 1D geometry that
represents the substrates thickness (fig. 2).

Figure. 2. The 1D model geometry
The model makes use of the Conduction
application mode to describe the transient heat
transfer in the 3D geometry. The transient energy-
transport equation for heat conduction is
, ) ( Q T k

is the density,
is the specific heat
capacity, k is the thermal conductivity tensor, and
is the heat source term, which is here set to
zero (this case models the source in a different
The material properties are those of silicon,
using an anisotropic conductivity of (
zz yy xx
k k k , ,
= (163, 163, 16) in units of W/(m K), a density of
2330 kg/m3, and a specific heat capacity of 703
J/(kg K).
For the model, assume the boundaries are
In the 1D geometry, this model uses the Weak
Form, Subdomain application mode to model the
laser penetration. In the equation describing the
I k

I represents the relative laser intensity (the
variable in the Weak Form, Subdomain application
' x
represents the 1D coordinate, and

is the absorption coefficient. The absorption
coefficient can be dependent on the temperature,
and the expression used in this model is
). 30 ( ) ( 10 10 8
1 1 3
K T K m m k

The volumetric heat source term,
, in the 3D
geometry is then
, I k P Q
abs in

is the total power of the incoming
laser beam.
Both of these equations are included in the
Weak Form, Subdomain application mode; where
they become one equation
. ) (
test in abs abs test
T P I k I k Ix I

The first part of this expression describes the
penetration equation, and the second part comes
from the heat-source term in the 3D Heat Transfer
application mode.
At the left boundary, homogeneous Neumann
condition should be applied, and at the right
boundary the relative intensity should be set
, to
unity. The total incoming laser power,
, is 50 W.
The model implements the heat sources
motion when coupling the 3D temperature variable,
to the 1D equation. It does so with a subdomain
extrusion coupling variable using a general
transformation. A time-dependent transformation
Section III: Technology, Equipment and Machine Building Production Automation

expression results in a moving heat source. This
case describes a circular repeating motion using
the transformation expressions
, ' ), cos( ), sin( x z t R y t R x

, , y x
correspond to the 3D
coordinates, and x' represents the 1D coordinate.
Furthermore, is the radius of circular motion

is the angular velocity, and t is time. The model
uses the parameter values
= 0.02 m and

10 rad/s, the latter value corresponding to a period
of roughly 0.628 s for the laser motion.
This method - using a separate geometry and
equation to model the source term - is very useful
because it provides that term directly at the test-
function level. Furthermore, it models the source
motion separately with the transformation
expressions, making it simple to alter. It is indeed
the best way to model a moving point or line
source. The 3D model makes use of an extruded
triangular mesh, which has a fine resolution close
to the laser incident line and is coarse elsewhere.
This results in a high-resolution solution with
minimum computation requirements. The mesh
results in around 10,000 elements and 6200
degrees of freedom (fig 3).

Figure. 3. The 3D mesh produced by extruding
a 2D triangular mesh, refined along the circular
laser incident line

Results and Discussion
Figure 4 depicts the temperature distribution at
the laser-beam incident surface (fig 4).
The figure clearly shows a hot spot where the
laser beam is located at a specific time.
Furthermore, the results show a cold side and a
warm side next to the vertical line below the laser
beam. The warm side represents the area where
the beam has just swept through.
After creating a simple model, it can be
complicated and changed by various options. For
example, you can change the trajectory of the laser
welding, the ambient temperature. Then you can
carry out experiments that are impossible in reality:
to change the initial coefficients, experiment with
the size of the laser and other characteristics.

Figure. 4. Temperature distribution after 1 s of
laser heating
Finally, Figure 5 shows beam penetration into
the substrate. The heating at the bottom of the
substrate is practically zero (fig 5).

Figure. 5. Relative laser-beam intensity as a
function of sample depth

The modeling is based on deep and solid
theoretical knowledge of the domain. Therefore,
using Comsol Multiphisics requires a careful study
of many mathematical methods for the realization
to see visible results. Modeling is also very
important for solving engineering problems,
because it reduces development time and helps to
avoid difficult or expensive experiments in the real
As a result we have a model of welding process
with a moving laser. The results will be used in the
future in the development of more sophisticated

List of references

1. Bejan,. Heat Transfer. M., 1993.-p. 161-
2. 2. P. Colegrove. 3-dimensional flow and
thermal modeling, M., 2000.p. 224-260.
3. Roger W. Pryor. Multiphysics modeling
using COMSOL. 2010.-p. 63-90.
4. M. Song, R. Kovacevic, International
Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture,
vol. 43, p. 605615, 2003.

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