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ICD 10

Penyakit Tersering pada

Subbagian Paru
A15 Respiratory tuberculosis
A15.0 Tuberculosis of lung
A15.4 Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes
A15.5 Tuberculosis of larynx, trachea and bronchus
A15.6 Tuberculous pleurisy
A15. !rimary respiratory tuberculosis
A15." #ther respiratory tuberculosis
A15.$ Respiratory tuberculosis unspecified
%1& !neumonia due to 'treptococcus pneumoniae
%15 (acterial pneumonia, not else)here classified
%15.0 !neumonia due to *lebsiella pneumoniae
%15.1 !neumonia due to !seudomonas
%15.+ !neumonia due to staphylococcus
%15.+0 ,, unspecified
%15.+1 !neumonia due to staphylococcus aureus
%15.+11 !neumonia due to -ethicillin susceptible 'taphylococcus aureus
%15.+1+ !neumonia due to -ethicillin resistant 'taphylococcus aureus
%15.+$ !neumonia due to other staphylococcus
%15.& !neumonia due to streptococcus, group (
%15.4 !neumonia due to other streptococci
%15.5 !neumonia due to .scherichia coli
%15.6 !neumonia due to other aerobic /ram0negati1e bacteria
%15. !neumonia due to -ycoplasma pneumoniae
%15." !neumonia due to other specified bacteria
%15.$ 2nspecified bacterial pneumonia
%1" !neumonia, unspecified organism
%1".0 (ronchopneumonia, unspecified organism
%1".1 3obar pneumonia, unspecified organism
%1".+ 4ypostatic pneumonia, unspecified organism
%1"." #ther pneumonia, unspecified organism
%1".$ !neumonia, unspecified organism
%40 (ronchitis, not specified as acute or chronic
%41 'imple and mucopurulent chronic bronchitis
%41.0 'imple chronic bronchitis
%41.1 -ucopurulent chronic bronchitis
%41." -ixed simple and mucopurulent chronic bronchitis
%4+ 2nspecified chronic bronchitis
%4& .mphysema
%4&.0 2nilateral pulmonary emphysema 5-ac3eod6s syndrome7
%4&.1 !anlobular emphysema
%4&.+ 8entrilobular emphysema
%4&." #ther emphysema
%4&.$ .mphysema, unspecified
%44 #ther chronic obstructi1e pulmonary disease
%44.0 8hronic obstructi1e pulmonary disease )ith acute lo)er respiratory infection
%44.1 8hronic obstructi1e pulmonary disease )ith 9acute: exacerbation
%44.$ 8hronic obstructi1e pulmonary disease, unspecified
%45 Asthma
%45.+ -ild intermittent asthma
%45.+0 ,, uncomplicated
%45.+1 ,, )ith 9acute: exacerbation
%45.++ ,, )ith status asthmaticus
%45.& -ild persistent asthma
%45.&0 ,, uncomplicated
%45.&1 ,, )ith 9acute: exacerbation
%45.&+ ,, )ith status asthmaticus
%45.4 -oderate persistent asthma
%45.40 ,, uncomplicated
%45.41 ,, )ith 9acute: exacerbation
%45.4+ ,, )ith status asthmaticus
%45.5 'e1ere persistent asthma
%45.50 ,, uncomplicated
%45.51 ,, )ith 9acute: exacerbation
%45.5+ ,, )ith status asthmaticus
%45.$ #ther and unspecified asthma
%45.$0 2nspecified asthma
%45.$01 ,, )ith 9acute: exacerbation
%45.$0+ ,, )ith status asthmaticus
%45.$0$ ,, uncomplicated
%45.$$ #ther asthma
%45.$$0 .xercise induced bronchospasm
%45.$$1 8ough 1ariant asthma
%45.$$" #ther asthma
%4 (ronchiectasis
%4.0 (ronchiectasis )ith acute lo)er respiratory infection
%4.1 (ronchiectasis )ith 9acute: exacerbation
%4.$ (ronchiectasis, uncomplicated
%6$ !neumonitis due to solids and li;uids
%6$.0 !neumonitis due to inhalation of food and 1omit
%6$.1 !neumonitis due to inhalation of oils and essences
%6$." !neumonitis due to inhalation of other solids and li;uids

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