GLSL Specification 4.00.9.clean

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The OpenGL

Shading Language
Language Version: 4.00
Document Revision: 9
Editor: John Kessenich, Intel
Version 1.1 Authors: John Kessenich, Dave Baldwin, Randi Rost
Copyright (c) 2008-2010 The Khronos Group Inc. All Rights Reserve.
This speci!ic"tion is protecte #y copyright l"$s "n cont"ins %"teri"l propriet"ry to the Khronos Group&
Inc. It or "ny co%ponents %"y not #e reprouce& repu#lishe& istri#ute& tr"ns%itte& ispl"ye&
#ro"c"st or other$ise e'ploite in "ny %"nner $ithout the e'press prior $ritten per%ission o! Khronos
Group. (ou %"y use this speci!ic"tion !or i%ple%enting the !unction"lity therein& $ithout "ltering or
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Table of Contents
1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Acknowledgents................................................................................................................ !
1.! "hanges ............................................................................................................................... !
1.!.1 "hanges #ro Revision $............................................................................................. !
1.!.! %uar& o# "hanges #ro Version '.'(..................................................................... '
1.' )verview.............................................................................................................................. *
1.* Error +andling......................................................................................................................*
1., -&.ogra.hical "onventions................................................................................................. *
1./ De.recation.......................................................................................................................... *
! )verview o# ).en01 %hading....................................................................................................,
!.1 Verte2 3rocessor.................................................................................................................. ,
!.! -essellation "ontrol 3rocessor.............................................................................................,
!.' -essellation Evaluation 3rocessor......................................................................................../
!.* 0eoetr& 3rocessor............................................................................................................. /
!., 4ragent 3rocessor.............................................................................................................. /
' Basics.......................................................................................................................................... 5
'.1 "haracter %et........................................................................................................................ 5
'.! %ource %trings...................................................................................................................... 5
'.' 3re.rocessor......................................................................................................................... $
'.* "oents.......................................................................................................................... 1'
'., -okens................................................................................................................................ 1'
'./ Ke&words............................................................................................................................1'
'.5 Identi#iers........................................................................................................................... 1,
'.$ De#initions..........................................................................................................................1/
'.$.1 %tatic 6se....................................................................................................................1/
'.$.! 6ni#or and 7on86ni#or "ontrol 4low.................................................................. 1/
'.$.' D&naicall& 6ni#or E2.ressions.............................................................................15
* Varia9les and -&.es..................................................................................................................1$
*.1 Basic -&.es........................................................................................................................ 1$
*.1.1 Void............................................................................................................................ !1
*.1.! Booleans..................................................................................................................... !1
*.1.' Integers....................................................................................................................... !!
*.1.* 4loats.......................................................................................................................... !*
*.1., Vectors........................................................................................................................!,
*.1./ :atrices...................................................................................................................... !,
*.1.5 %a.lers..................................................................................................................... !,
*.1.$ %tructures.................................................................................................................... !/
*.1.; Arra&s......................................................................................................................... !5
*.1.1( I.licit "onversions................................................................................................ !;
*.' %torage <uali#iers...............................................................................................................'!
*.'.1 De#ault %torage <uali#ier............................................................................................''
*.'.! "onstant <uali#ier...................................................................................................... ''
*.'.' "onstant E2.ressions................................................................................................. ''
*.'.* In.uts.......................................................................................................................... '*
*.'., 6ni#or...................................................................................................................... '/
*.'./ )ut.uts....................................................................................................................... '/
*.'.5 Inter#ace Blocks.......................................................................................................... '$
*.'.$ 1a&out <uali#iers........................................................................................................ *!
*.'.$.1 In.ut 1a&out <uali#iers....................................................................................... *!
*.'.$.! )ut.ut 1a&out <uali#iers.................................................................................... */
*.'.$.' 6ni#or Block 1a&out <uali#iers....................................................................... *;
*.'.; Inter.olation................................................................................................................,1
*.'.;.1 Redeclaring Built8in Inter.olation Varia9les in the "o.ati9ilit& 3ro#ile.........,!
*.* 3araeter <uali#iers...........................................................................................................,'
*., 3recision and 3recision <uali#iers..................................................................................... ,'
*.,.1 Range and 3recision................................................................................................... ,'
*.,.! 3recision <uali#iers.................................................................................................... ,'
*.,.' De#ault 3recision <uali#iers....................................................................................... ,*
*.,.* Availa9le 3recision <uali#iers....................................................................................,,
*./ Variance and the Invariant <uali#ier.................................................................................. ,,
*./.1 -he Invariant <uali#ier............................................................................................... ,,
*./.! Invariance o# "onstant E2.ressions........................................................................... ,/
*.5 -he 3recise <uali#ier..........................................................................................................,/
*.$ )rder o# <uali#ication........................................................................................................ ,$
, ).erators and E2.ressions........................................................................................................,;
,.1 ).erators............................................................................................................................ ,;
,.! Arra& ).erations............................................................................................................... /(
,.' 4unction "alls.................................................................................................................... /(
,.* "onstructors....................................................................................................................... /(
,.*.1 "onversion and %calar "onstructors.......................................................................... /(
,.*.! Vector and :atri2 "onstructors................................................................................. /1
,.*.' %tructure "onstructors................................................................................................ /'
,.*.* Arra& "onstructors..................................................................................................... /*
,., Vector "o.onents............................................................................................................/*
,./ :atri2 "o.onents............................................................................................................//
,.5 %tructure and Arra& ).erations..........................................................................................//
,.$ Assignents....................................................................................................................... /5
,.; E2.ressions........................................................................................................................ /$
,.1( Vector and :atri2 ).erations..........................................................................................51
/ %tateents and %tructure...........................................................................................................5'
/.1 4unction De#initions...........................................................................................................5*
/.1.1 4unction "alling "onventions.................................................................................... 5/
/.1.! %u9routines................................................................................................................. 5$
/.! %election............................................................................................................................. 5;
/.' Iteration.............................................................................................................................. $(
/.* Ju.s..................................................................................................................................$1
5 Built8in Varia9les......................................................................................................................$!
5.1 Built8In 1anguage Varia9les.............................................................................................. $!
5.1.1 "o.ati9ilit& 3ro#ile Built8In 1anguage Varia9les....................................................$$
5.! "o.ati9ilit& 3ro#ile Verte2 %hader Built8In In.uts......................................................... ;(
5.' Built8In "onstants.............................................................................................................. ;(
5.'.1 "o.ati9ilit& 3ro#ile Built8In "onstants....................................................................;1
5.* Built8In 6ni#or %tate....................................................................................................... ;1
5.*.1 "o.ati9ilit& 3ro#ile %tate......................................................................................... ;!
$ Built8in 4unctions..................................................................................................................... ;/
$.1 Angle and -rigonoetr& 4unctions....................................................................................;5
$.! E2.onential 4unctions........................................................................................................;;
$.' "oon 4unctions.......................................................................................................... 1((
$.* 4loating83oint 3ack and 6n.ack 4unctions..................................................................... 1(/
$., 0eoetric 4unctions........................................................................................................ 1($
$./ :atri2 4unctions.............................................................................................................. 11(
$.5 Vector Relational 4unctions.............................................................................................11!
$.$ Integer 4unctions.............................................................................................................. 11*
$.; -e2ture 4unctions.............................................................................................................11/
$.;.1 -e2ture <uer& 4unctions.......................................................................................... 115
$.;.! -e2el 1ooku. 4unctions........................................................................................... 11;
$.;.' -e2ture 0ather Instructions...................................................................................... 1!/
$.;.* -he #ollowing te2ture #unctions are de.recated....................................................... 1!;
$.1( 4ragent 3rocessing 4unctions......................................................................................1'1
$.1(.1 Derivative 4unctions.............................................................................................. 1'1
$.1(.! Inter.olation 4unctions...........................................................................................1'!
$.11 7oise 4unctions..............................................................................................................1''
$.1! 0eoetr& %hader 4unctions........................................................................................... 1',
$.1' %hader Invocation "ontrol 4unctions.............................................................................1'5
; %hading 1anguage 0raar...................................................................................................1'$
1 Introduction
-his docuent s.eci#ies onl& version *.(( o# the ).en01 %hading 1anguage. It re=uires >>VER%I)7>>
to su9stitute *((, and re=uires #version to acce.t onl& *((. I# #version is declared with a saller
nu9er, the language acce.ted is a .revious version o# the shading language, which will 9e su..orted
de.ending on the version and t&.e o# conte2t in the ).en01 A3I. %ee the ).en01 0ra.hics %&ste
%.eci#ication, Version *.(, #or details on what language versions are su..orted.
All ).en01 0ra.hics %&ste %.eci#ication re#erences in this s.eci#ication are to version *.(.
1 Introduction
1.1 Acknowledgments
-his s.eci#ication is 9ased on the work o# those who contri9uted to .ast versions o# the ).en01
1anguage %.eci#ication, the ).en01 E% !.( 1anguage %.eci#ication, and the #ollowing contri9utors to
this version:
3at Brown, 7vidia
Je## Bolt?, 7vidia
3ierre Boudier, A:D
Eric Bouaour, A:D
:urat Balci, A:D
Ignacio "astano, 7vidia
Ale2 "hal#in, A:D
3iers Daniell, 7vidia
"hris Dodd, 7vidia
Evan +art, 7vidia
Ben@ 1i.chak, A..le
Eric Aerness, 7vidia
7ick +aeel, A:D
Brent Insko, Intel
Jon 1eech
Bill 1icea8Kane, A:D
Barthold 1ichten9elt, 7vidia
Bruce :err&, AR:
Daniel Koch, -ransgaing
:aurice Ri99le, <ualco
Ian Roanick, Intel
0reg Roth, 7vidia
0raha %ellers, A:D
Dave %hreiner, AR:
Jere& %andel, A..le
Ro9ert %i.son, <ualco
1i@un <u, A:D
:ark Boung, A:D
Bun@un Chang, %'
1.2 Changes
1.2.1 Changes from Revision
"orrected a re#erence to version '.* to 9e *.(.
Reove D#i2edE #ro the descri.tion o# interpolateAtOffset, it was e2traneous.
Added samplerCubeShadow to the t&.e ta9le in section *.1. It was alread& .art o# the s.eci#ication,
@ust issing #ro this ta9le.
1 Introduction
1.2.2 Summar! of Changes from "ersion #.#$
7ote: 7o #eatures were reoved or de.recated 9etween versions '.'( and *.((.
-he #ollowing #eatures are added:
-essellation, which includes two new .rograa9le stages, tessellation control stage and tessellation
evaluation stage. Includes barrierFG 9uilt8in #or s&nchroni?ation.
3ol&or.hic #unctions: Run8tie selection o# what #unction gets called, through the new ke&word
/*9it #loating .oint nu9ers with the new t&.e ke&word double. Built8in #unctions e2tended #or
dou9les, and new #unction atching rules are added to 9oth allow i.licit conversions when calling a
#unction and .reserve ost e2isting #unction atching once dou9les are included.
:ore i.licit conversions
float to double, and siilarl& #or all #loating8.oint vector and atri2 t&.es
int to uint, and siilarl& #or all integer vector t&.es
int to double, and siilarl& #or all vectors o# integers and dou9les.
unint to double, and siilarl& #or all vectors o# integers and dou9les.
"u9e a. arra& te2tures and te2ture #unctions tetureFG, tetureSi!eFG, teture"odFG, and
%a.ler arra&s can take a varia9le inde2 now, as long as itHs value is uni#or #or all uses.
3er8sa.le shading. Including sa.le in.ut ask gl$Sample%ask&n'( and .er8sa.le
inter.olation, with e2.licit inter.olation 9uilt8ins interpolateAtCentroidFG, interpolateAtSampleFG,
and interpolateAtOffsetFG.
7ew precise =uali#ier to disallow o.tii?ations that re8order o.erations or treat di##erent instances o#
the sae o.erator with di##erent .recision.
Add a #used ulti.l& and add 9uilt8in, fmaFG, in relation to the new precise =uali#ier. FBecause Da I 9
J cE will re=uire two o.erations under new rules #or precise.G
Added new 9uilt8in #loating8.oint #unctions
frepFG and ldepFG
pack)norm*1+FG, pack)norm,-FG, packSnorm,-FG, and pack.ouble*/*FG
unpack)norm*1+FG, unpack)norm,-FG, unpackSnorm,-FG, and unpack.ouble*/*FG
Add new 9uilt8in integer #unctions
uaddCarr0FG and usub1orrowFG
umul2tendedFG and imul2tendedFG
bitfield2tractFG and bitfield&nsertFG
bitCountFG, find"S1FG, and find%S1FG
7ew 9uilt8in to =uer& 1)D, teture4uer0"odFG.
7ew overloaded #unction atching algorith, handling selection #ro an& valid ulti.le choices.
1 Introduction
-e2ture gather #unctions that return #our te2els with a single call.
0eoetr& shading
Add streas out #ro geoetr& shader. )ut.ut can 9e directed to streas through
2mitStream5erteFG and 2ndStream6rimitiveFG.
1.# Overvie%
-his docuent descri9es The Oen!L "ha#ing Language$ version 4.00.
Inde.endent co.ilation units written in this language are called sha#ers. A rogram is a co.lete set o#
shaders that are co.iled and linked together. -he ai o# this docuent is to thoroughl& s.eci#& the
.rograing language. -he ).en01 0ra.hics %&ste %.eci#ication will s.eci#& the ).en01 entr&
.oints used to ani.ulate and counicate with .rogras and shaders.
1.& 'rror (andling
"o.ilers, in general, acce.t .rogras that are ill8#ored, due to the i.ossi9ilit& o# detecting all ill8
#ored .rogras. 3orta9ilit& is onl& ensured #or well8#ored .rogras, which this s.eci#ication
descri9es. "o.ilers are encouraged to detect ill8#ored .rogras and issue diagnostic essages, 9ut are
not re=uired to do so #or all cases. "o.ilers are re=uired to return essages regarding le2icall&,
graaticall&, or seanticall& incorrect shaders.
1.) T!pographical Conventions
Italic, 9old, and #ont choices have 9een used in this s.eci#ication .riaril& to i.rove reada9ilit&. "ode
#ragents use a #i2ed width #ont. Identi#iers e9edded in te2t are italici?ed. Ke&words e9edded in te2t
are 9old. ).erators are called 9& their nae, #ollowed 9& their s&9ol in 9old in .arentheses. -he
clari#&ing graar #ragents in the te2t use 9old #or literals and italics #or non8terinals. -he o##icial
graar in section ; D%hading 1anguage 0raarE uses all ca.itals #or terinals and lower case #or
1.* +eprecation
3revious versions o# the ).en01 %hading 1anguage de.recated soe #eatures. -hese are clearl& called
out in this s.eci#ication as Dde.recatedE. -he& are still .resent in this version o# the language, 9ut are
targeted #or .otential reoval in a #uture version o# the shading language. -he ).en01 A3I has a
#orward co.ati9ilit& ode that will disallow use o# de.recated #eatures. I# co.iling in a ode where
use o# de.recated #eatures is disallowed, their use causes co.ile tie errors. %ee the ).en01 0ra.hics
%&ste %.eci#ication #or details on what causes de.recated language #eatures to 9e acce.ted or to return
an error.
2 Overvie% of OpenGL Shading
-he ).en01 %hading 1anguage is actuall& several closel& related languages. -hese languages are used
to create shaders #or each o# the .rograa9le .rocessors contained in the ).en01 .rocessing .i.eline.
"urrentl&, these .rocessors are the verte2, tessellation control, tessellation evaluation, geoetr&, and
#ragent .rocessors.
6nless otherwise noted in this, a language #eature a..lies to all languages, and coon usage will
re#er to these languages as a single language. -he s.eci#ic languages will 9e re#erred to 9& the nae o#
the .rocessor the& target: verte2, tessellation control, tessellation evaluation, geoetr&, or #ragent.
:ost ).en01 state is not tracked or ade availa9le to shaders. -&.icall&, user8de#ined varia9les will 9e
used #or counicating 9etween di##erent stages o# the ).en01 .i.eline. +owever, a sall aount o#
state is still tracked and autoaticall& ade availa9le to shaders, and there are a #ew 9uilt8in varia9les #or
inter#aces 9etween di##erent stages o# the ).en01 .i.eline.
2.1 "erte, -rocessor
-he verte% rocessor is a .rograa9le unit that o.erates on incoing vertices and their associated data.
"o.ilation units written in the ).en01 %hading 1anguage to run on this .rocessor are called verte%
sha#ers. Ahen a co.lete set o# verte2 shaders are co.iled and linked, the& result in a verte% sha#er
e%ecuta&le that runs on the verte2 .rocessor.
-he verte2 .rocessor o.erates on one verte2 at a tie. It does not re.lace gra.hics o.erations that re=uire
knowledge o# several vertices at a tie.
2.2 Tessellation Control -rocessor
-he tessellation control .rocessor is a .rograa9le unit that o.erates on a .atch o# incoing vertices
and their associated data, eitting a new out.ut .atch. "o.ilation units written in the ).en01 %hading
1anguage to run on this .rocessor are called tessellation control shaders. Ahen a co.lete set o#
tessellation control shaders are co.iled and linked, the& result in a tessellation control shader e2ecuta9le
that runs on the tessellation control .rocessor.
-he tessellation control shader is invoked #or each verte2 o# the out.ut .atch. Each invocation can read
the attri9utes o# an& verte2 in the in.ut or out.ut .atches, 9ut can onl& write .er8verte2 attri9utes #or the
corres.onding out.ut .atch verte2. -he shader invocations collectivel& .roduce a set o# .er8.atch
attri9utes #or the out.ut .atch. A#ter all tessellation control shader invocations have co.leted, the out.ut
vertices and .er8.atch attri9utes are asse9led to #or a .atch to 9e used 9& su9se=uent .i.eline stages.
2 Overview of OpenGL Shading
-essellation control shader invocation run ostl& inde.endentl&, with unde#ined relative e2ecution order.
+owever, the 9uilt8in #unction 9arrierFG can 9e used to control e2ecution order 9& s&nchroni?ing
invocations, e##ectivel& dividing tessellation control shader e2ecution into a set o# .hases. -essellation
control shaders will get unde#ined results i# one invocation reads a .er8verte2 or .er8.atch attri9ute
written 9& another invocation at an& .oint during the sae .hase, or i# two invocations atte.t to write
di##erent values to the sae .er8.atch out.ut in a single .hase.
2.# Tessellation 'valuation -rocessor
-he tessellation evaluation .rocessor is a .rograa9le unit that evaluates the .osition and other
attri9utes o# a verte2 generated 9& the tessellation .riitive generator, using a .atch o# incoing vertices
and their associated data. "o.ilation units written in the ).en01 %hading 1anguage to run on this
.rocessor are called tessellation evaluation shaders. Ahen a co.lete set o# tessellation evaluation
shaders are co.iled and linked, the& result in a tessellation evaluation shader e2ecuta9le that runs on the
tessellation evaluation .rocessor.
Each invocation o# the tessellation evaluation e2ecuta9le co.utes the .osition and attri9utes o# a single
verte2 generated 9& the tessellation .riitive generator. -he e2ecuta9le can read the attri9utes o# an&
verte2 in the in.ut .atch, .lus the tessellation coordinate, which is the relative location o# the verte2 in the
.riitive 9eing tessellated. -he e2ecuta9le writes the .osition and other attri9utes o# the verte2.
2.& Geometr! -rocessor
-he geometr' rocessor is a .rograa9le unit that o.erates on data #or incoing vertices #or a .riitive
asse9led a#ter verte2 .rocessing and out.uts a se=uence o# vertices #oring out.ut .riitives.
"o.ilation units written in the ).en01 %hading 1anguage to run on this .rocessor are called geometr'
sha#ers. Ahen a co.lete set o# geoetr& shaders are co.iled and linked, the& result in a geometr'
sha#er e%ecuta&le that runs on the geoetr& .rocessor.
A single invocation o# the geoetr& shader e2ecuta9le on the geoetr& .rocessor will o.erate on a
declared in.ut .riitive with a #i2ed nu9er o# vertices. -his single invocation can eit a varia9le
nu9er o# vertices that are asse9led into .riitives o# a declared out.ut .riitive t&.e and .assed to
su9se=uent .i.eline stages.
2.) .ragment -rocessor
-he (ragment rocessor is a .rograa9le unit that o.erates on #ragent values and their associated
data. "o.ilation units written in the ).en01 %hading 1anguage to run on this .rocessor are called
(ragment sha#ers. Ahen a co.lete set o# #ragent shaders are co.iled and linked, the& result in a
(ragment sha#er e%ecuta&le that runs on the #ragent .rocessor.
A #ragent shader cannot change a #ragentHs F%, 'G .osition. Access to neigh9oring #ragents is not
allowed. -he values co.uted 9& the #ragent shader are ultiatel& used to #rae9u##er eor&
or te2ture eor&, de.ending on the current ).en01 state and the ).en01 coand that caused the
#ragents to 9e generated.
# /asics
#.1 Character Set
-he source character set used #or the ).en01 shading languages is a su9set o# A%"II. It includes the
#ollowing characters:
-he letters a7!, A78, and the underscore F > G.
-he nu9ers 97:.
-he s&9ols .eriod F.G, .lus F;G, dash F7G, slash F<G, asterisk F=G, .ercent F>G, angled 9rackets F? and
@G, s=uare 9rackets F ' and ( G, .arentheses F A and B G, 9races F C and D G, caret FEG, vertical 9ar F F G,
a.ersand FGG, tilde FHG, e=uals FIG, e2claation .oint FJG, colon FKG, seicolon FLG, coa F,G, and
=uestion ark FMG.
-he nu9er sign F#G #or .re.rocessor use.
Ahite s.ace: the s.ace character, hori?ontal ta9, vertical ta9, #or #eed, carriage8return, and line8
1ines are relevant #or co.iler diagnostic essages and the .re.rocessor. -he& are terinated 9&
carriage8return or line8#eed. I# 9oth are used together, it will count as onl& a single line terination. 4or
the reainder o# this docuent, an& o# these co9inations is si.l& re#erred to as a new8line. -here is no
line continuation character.
In general, the languageKs use o# this character set is case sensitive.
-here are no character or string data t&.es, so no =uoting characters are included.
-here is no end8o#8#ile character.
#.2 Source Strings
-he source #or a single shader is an arra& o# strings o# characters #ro the character set. A single shader
is ade #ro the concatenation o# these strings. Each string can contain ulti.le lines, se.arated 9& new8
lines. 7o new8lines need 9e .resent in a stringL a single line can 9e #ored #ro ulti.le strings. 7o
new8lines or other characters are inserted 9& the i.leentation when it concatenates the strings to #or a
single shader. :ulti.le shaders can 9e linked together to #or a single .rogra.
Diagnostic essages returned #ro co.iling a shader ust identi#& 9oth the line nu9er within a string
and which source string the essage a..lies to. %ource strings are counted se=uentiall& with the #irst
string 9eing string (. 1ine nu9ers are one ore than the nu9er o# new8lines that have 9een .rocessed.
3 Basics
#.# -reprocessor
-here is a .re.rocessor that .rocesses the source strings as .art o# the co.ilation .rocess.
-he co.lete list o# .re.rocessor directives is as #ollows.
-he #ollowing o.erators are also availa9le
Each nu9er sign F#G can 9e .receded in its line onl& 9& s.aces or hori?ontal ta9s. It a& also 9e
#ollowed 9& s.aces and hori?ontal ta9s, .receding the directive. Each directive is terinated 9& a new8
line. 3re.rocessing does not change the nu9er or relative location o# new8lines in a source string.
-he nu9er sign F#G on a line 9& itsel# is ignored. An& directive not listed a9ove will cause a diagnostic
essage and ake the i.leentation treat the shader as ill8#ored.
#define and #undef #unctionalit& are de#ined as is standard #or "JJ .re.rocessors #or acro de#initions
9oth with and without acro .araeters.
-he #ollowing .rede#ined acros are availa9le
))L*+,)) will su9stitute a decial integer constant that is one ore than the nu9er o# .receding new8
lines in the current source string.
))-*L,)) will su9stitute a decial integer constant that sa&s which source string nu9er is currentl&
9eing .rocessed.

3 Basics
))V,R"*O+)) will su9stitute a decial integer re#lecting the version nu9er o# the ).en01 shading
language. -he version o# the shading language descri9ed in this docuent will have ))V,R"*O+))
su9stitute the decial integer *((.
All acro naes containing two consecutive underscores F $$ G are reserved #or #uture use as .rede#ined
acro naes. All acro naes .re#i2ed with D01>E FD01E #ollowed 9& a single underscoreG are also
#if, #ifdef, #ifndef, #else, #elif, and #endif are de#ined to o.erate as is standard #or "JJ .re.rocessors.
E2.ressions #ollowing #if and #elif are #urther restricted to e2.ressions o.erating on literal integer
constants, .lus identi#iers consued 9& the defined o.erator. It is an error to use #if or #elif on
e2.ressions containing unde#ined acro naes, other than as arguents to the defined o.erator.
"haracter constants are not su..orted. -he o.erators availa9le are as #ollows.
-recedence Operator class Operators 0ssociativit!
1 FhighestG .arenthetical F G 7A
! unar& de#ined
J 8 M N
Right to 1e#t
' ulti.licative I O P 1e#t to Right
* additive J 8 1e#t to Right
, 9it8wise shi#t QQ RR 1e#t to Right
/ relational Q R QS RS 1e#t to Right
5 e=ualit& SS NS 1e#t to Right
$ 9it8wise and T 1e#t to Right
; 9it8wise e2clusive or U 1e#t to Right
1( 9it8wise inclusive or V 1e#t to Right
11 logical and TT 1e#t to Right
1! FlowestG logical inclusive or V V 1e#t to Right
-he defined o.erator can 9e used in either o# the #ollowing wa&s:
defined identifier
defined ( identifier )
-wo tokens in a acro can 9e concatenated into one token using the token .asting F##G o.erator, as is
standard #or "JJ .re.rocessors. -he result ust 9e a valid single token, which will then 9e su9@ect to
acro e2.ansion. -hat is, acro e2.ansion ha..ens onl& a#ter token .asting. -here are no other nu9er
sign 9ased o.erators Fe.g., no # or #NG, nor is there a si!eof o.erator.
-he seantics o# a..l&ing o.erators to integer literals in the .re.rocessor atch those standard in the
"JJ .re.rocessor, not those in the ).en01 %hading 1anguage.
3 Basics
3re.rocessor e2.ressions will 9e evaluated according to the 9ehavior o# the host .rocessor, not the
.rocessor targeted 9& the shader.
#error will cause the i.leentation to .ut a diagnostic essage into the shader o9@ectKs in#oration log
Fsection /.1.1! D%hader and 3rogra <ueriesE in the ).en01 0ra.hics %&ste %.eci#ication #or how to
access a shader o9@ectKs in#oration logG. -he essage will 9e the tokens #ollowing the #error directive,
u. to the #irst new8line. -he i.leentation ust then consider the shader to 9e ill8#ored.
#pragma allows i.leentation de.endent co.iler control. -okens #ollowing #pragma are not su9@ect
to .re.rocessor acro e2.ansion. I# an i.leentation does not recogni?e the tokens #ollowing
#pragma, then it will ignore that .raga. -he #ollowing .ragas are de#ined as .art o# the language.
#pragma ST!L
-he SO.#" .raga is used to reserve .ragas #or use 9& #uture revisions o# this language. 7o
i.leentation a& use a .raga whose #irst token is SO.#".
#pragma optimi"e#on)
#pragma optimi"e#off)
can 9e used to turn o## o.tii?ations as an aid in and de9ugging shaders. It can onl& 9e used
outside #unction de#initions. B& de#ault, o.tii?ation is turned on #or all shaders. -he de9ug .raga
#pragma de$ug#on)
#pragma de$ug#off)
can 9e used to ena9le co.iling and annotating a shader with de9ug in#oration, so that it can 9e used
with a de9ugger. It can onl& 9e used outside #unction de#initions. B& de#ault, de9ug is turned o##.
%haders should declare the version o# the language the& are written to. -he language version a shader is
written to is s.eci#ied 9&
#version number profile
where num&er ust 9e a version o# the language, #ollowing the sae convention as ))V,R"*O+)) a9ove.
-he directive D#version ,99E is re=uired in an& shader that uses version *.(( o# the language. An&
num&er re.resenting a version o# the language a co.iler does not su..ort will cause an error to 9e
generated. Version 1.1( o# the language does not re=uire shaders to include this directive, and shaders that
do not include a #version directive will 9e treated as targeting version 1.1(.
%haders declaring version 1.*(, 1.,(, or '.'( o# the shading language can 9e linked with shaders declaring
version *.(( in the sae .rogra. %haders targeting earlier versions F1.'( or earlierG o# the shading
language cannot 9e linked with version *.(( shaders.
3 Basics
I# the o.tional ro(ile arguent is .rovided, it ust 9e the nae o# an ).en01 .ro#ile. "urrentl&, there
are two choices:
I# no ro(ile arguent is .rovided, the de#ault is core. 6nless otherwise s.eci#ied, this s.eci#ication is
docuenting the core .ro#ile, and ever&thing s.eci#ied #or the core .ro#ile is also availa9le in the
co.ati9ilit& .ro#ile. 4eatures s.eci#ied as 9elonging s.eci#icall& to the co.ati9ilit& .ro#ile are not
availa9le in the core .ro#ile.
-here is a 9uilt8in acro de#inition #or each .ro#ile the i.leentation su..orts. All i.leentations
.rovide the #ollowing acro:
#define !L_%ore_profile '
I.leentations .roviding the co.ati9ilit& .ro#ile .rovide the #ollowing acro:
#define !L_%ompati$ilit&_profile '
-he #version directive ust occur in a shader 9e#ore an&thing else, e2ce.t #or coents and white s.ace.
3 Basics
B& de#ault, co.ilers o# this language ust issue co.ile tie s&ntactic, graatical, and seantic
errors #or shaders that do not con#or to this s.eci#ication. An& e2tended 9ehavior ust #irst 9e ena9led.
Directives to control the 9ehavior o# the co.iler with res.ect to e2tensions are declared with the
#etension directive
#extension extension_name : behavior
#extension all : behavior
where e%tension)name is the nae o# an e2tension. E2tension naes are not docuented in this
s.eci#ication. -he token all eans the 9ehavior a..lies to all e2tensions su..orted 9& the co.iler. -he
&ehavior can 9e one o# the #ollowing
behavior 'ffect
re1uire Behave as s.eci#ied 9& the e2tension e%tension)name.
0ive an error on the #etension i# the e2tension e%tension)name is not
su..orted, or i# all is s.eci#ied.
enable Behave as s.eci#ied 9& the e2tension e%tension)name.
Aarn on the #etension i# the e2tension e%tension)name is not su..orted.
0ive an error on the #etension i# all is s.eci#ied.
%arn Behave as s.eci#ied 9& the e2tension e%tension)name, e2ce.t issue warnings
on an& detecta9le use o# that e2tension, unless such use is su..orted 9& other
ena9led or re=uired e2tensions.
I# all is s.eci#ied, then warn on all detecta9le uses o# an& e2tension used.
Aarn on the #etension i# the e2tension e%tension)name is not su..orted.
disable Behave Fincluding issuing errors and warningsG as i# the e2tension
e%tension)name is not .art o# the language de#inition.
I# all is s.eci#ied, then 9ehavior ust revert 9ack to that o# the non8e2tended
core version o# the language 9eing co.iled to.
Aarn on the #etension i# the e2tension e%tension)name is not su..orted.
-he etension directive is a si.le, low8level echanis to set the 9ehavior #or each e2tension. It does
not de#ine .olicies such as which co9inations are, those ust 9e de#ined elsewhere. )rder
o# directives atters in setting the 9ehavior #or each e2tension: Directives that occur later override those
seen earlier. -he all variant sets the 9ehavior #or all e2tensions, overriding all .reviousl& issued
etension directives, 9ut onl& #or the &ehaviors warn and disable.
3 Basics
-he initial state o# the co.iler is as i# the directive
#extension all ( disa$le
was issued, telling the co.iler that all error and warning re.orting ust 9e done according to this
s.eci#ication, ignoring an& e2tensions.
Each e2tension can de#ine its allowed granularit& o# sco.e. I# nothing is said, the granularit& is a shader
Fthat is, a single co.ilation unitG, and the e2tension directives ust occur 9e#ore an&
tokens. I# necessar&, the linker can en#orce granularities larger than a single co.ilation unit, in which
case each involved shader will have to contain the necessar& e2tension directive.
:acro e2.ansion is not done on lines containing #etension and #version directives.
#line ust have, a#ter acro su9stitution, one o# the #ollowing #ors:
#line line
#line line source-string-number
where line and source-string-num&er are constant integer e2.ressions. A#ter .rocessing this directive
Fincluding its new8lineG, the i.leentation will 9ehave as i# it is co.iling at line nu9er line and
source string nu9er source-string-num&er. %u9se=uent source strings will 9e nu9ered se=uentiall&,
until another #line directive overrides that nu9ering.
#.& Comments
"oents are deliited 9& OI and IO, or 9& OO and a new8line. -he 9egin coent deliiters FOI or OOG are
not recogni?ed as coent deliiters inside o# a coent, hence coents cannot 9e nested. I# a
coent resides entirel& within a single line, it is treated s&ntacticall& as a single s.ace. 7ew8lines are
not eliinated 9& coents.
#.) To2ens
-he language is a se=uence o# tokens. A token can 9e
#.* 3e!%ords
-he #ollowing are the ke&words in the language, and cannot 9e used #or an& other .ur.ose than that
de#ined 9& this docuent:
attribute const uniform var0ing
3 Basics
centroid flat smooth noperspective
patch sample
break continue do for while switch case default
if else
in out inout
float double int void bool true false
discard return
mat* mat/ mat, dmat* dmat/ dmat,
mat** mat*/ mat*, dmat** dmat*/ dmat*,
mat/* mat// mat/, dmat/* dmat// dmat/,
mat,* mat,/ mat,, dmat,* dmat,/ dmat,,
vec* vec/ vec, ivec* ivec/ ivec, bvec* bvec/ bvec, dvec* dvec/ dvec,
uint uvec* uvec/ uvec,
lowp mediump highp precision
sampler1. sampler*. sampler/. samplerCube
sampler1.Shadow sampler*.Shadow samplerCubeShadow
sampler1.Arra0 sampler*.Arra0
sampler1.Arra0Shadow sampler*.Arra0Shadow
isampler1. isampler*. isampler/. isamplerCube
isampler1.Arra0 isampler*.Arra0
usampler1. usampler*. usampler/. usamplerCube
usampler1.Arra0 usampler*.Arra0
sampler*.3ect sampler*.3ectShadow isampler*.3ect usampler*.3ect
sampler1uffer isampler1uffer usampler1uffer
sampler*.%S isampler*.%S usampler*.%S
sampler*.%SArra0 isampler*.%SArra0 usampler*.%SArra0
samplerCubeArra0 samplerCubeArra0Shadow isamplerCubeArra0 usamplerCubeArra0
3 Basics
-he #ollowing are the ke&words reserved #or #uture use. 6sing the will result in an error:
common partition active
class union enum t0pedef template this packed
inline noinline volatile public static etern eternal interface
long short half fied unsigned superp
input output
hvec* hvec/ hvec, fvec* fvec/ fvec,
image1. image*. image/. imageCube
iimage1. iimage*. iimage/. iimageCube
uimage1. uimage*. uimage/. uimageCube
image1.Arra0 image*.Arra0
iimage1.Arra0 iimage*.Arra0 uimage1.Arra0 uimage*.Arra0
image1.Shadow image*.Shadow
image1.Arra0Shadow image*.Arra0Shadow
image1uffer iimage1uffer uimage1uffer
si!eof cast
namespace using
In addition, all identi#iers containing two consecutive underscores F$$G are reserved as .ossi9le #uture
#.4 Identifiers
Identi#iers are used #or varia9le naes, #unction naes, structure naes, and #ield selectors F#ield
selectors select co.onents o# vectors and atrices siilar to structure #ields, as discussed in section ,.,
DVector "o.onentsE and section ,./ D:atri2 "o.onentsE G. Identi#iers have the #or
i#enti(ier non#igit
i#enti(ier #igit
3 Basics
non#igit: one o#
$ a b c d e f g h i P k l m n o p Q r s t u v w 0 !
A 1 C . 2 R # S & T U " % V O 6 4 3 S O ) 5 W X Y 8
#igit: one o#
9 1 * / , Z + [ - :
Identi#iers starting with Dgl>E are reserved #or use 9& ).en01, and a& not 9e declared in a shader as
either a varia9le or a #unction. +owever, as noted in the s.eci#ication, there are soe cases where
.reviousl& declared varia9les can 9e redeclared to change or add soe .ro.ert&, and .redeclared Wgl>W
naes are allowed to 9e redeclared in a shader onl& #or these s.eci#ic .ur.oses. :ore generall&, it is an
error to redeclare a varia9le, including those starting Dgl>E.
#. +efinitions
%oe language rules descri9ed 9elow de.end on the #ollowing de#initions.
#..1 Static 5se
A shader contains a static use o# For static assignment toG a varia9le % i#, a#ter .re.rocessing, the shader
contains a stateent that would read For writeG %, whether or not run8tie #low o# control will cause that
stateent to 9e e2ecuted.
#..2 5niform and 6on75niform Control .lo%
Ahen e2ecuting stateents in a #ragent shader, control #low starts as uni(orm control (lo/L all #ragents
enter the sae control .ath into mainFG. "ontrol #low 9ecoes non-uni(orm when di##erent #ragents
take di##erent .aths through control8#low stateents Fselection, iteration, and @u.sG. "ontrol #low
su9se=uentl& returns to 9eing uni#or a#ter such divergent su98stateents or ski..ed code co.letes,
until the ne2t tie di##erent control .aths are taken.
4or e2a.le:
float a * +++,-- is uniform flo/ %ontrol
if #a 0 $) ) -- expression is true for some fragments1 not all
++++, -- non2uniform flo/ %ontrol
3 else )
++++, -- non2uniform flo/ %ontrol
++++, -- uniform flo/ %ontrol again
)ther e2a.les o# non8uni#or #low control can occur within switch stateents and a#ter conditional
9reaks, continues, earl& returns, and a#ter #ragent discards, when the condition is true #or soe
#ragents 9ut not others. 1oo. iterations that onl& soe #ragents e2ecute are also non8uni#or #low
3 Basics
-his is siilarl& de#ined #or other shader stages, 9ased on the .er8instance data ites the& .rocess.
#..# +!namicall! 5niform ',pressions
A #ragent8shader e2.ression is #'namicall' uni(orm i# all #ragents evaluating it get the sae resulting
value. Ahen loo.s are involved, this re#ers to the e2.ressionHs value #or the sae loo. iteration. Ahen
#unctions are involved, this re#ers to calls #ro the sae call .oint.
-his is siilarl& de#ined #or other shader stages, 9ased on the .er8instance data the& .rocess.
7ote that constant e2.ressions are triviall& d&naicall& uni#or. It #ollows that t&.ical loo. counters
9ased on these are also d&naicall& uni#or.
& "ariables and T!pes
All varia9les and #unctions ust 9e declared 9e#ore 9eing used. Varia9le and #unction naes are
-here are no de#ault t&.es. All varia9le and #unction declarations ust have a declared t&.e, and
o.tionall& =uali#iers. A varia9le is declared 9& s.eci#&ing its t&.e #ollowed 9& one or ore naes
se.arated 9& coas. In an& cases, a varia9le can 9e initiali?ed as .art o# its declaration 9& using the
assignent o.erator FIG. -he graar near the end o# this docuent .rovides a #ull re#erence #or the
s&nta2 o# declaring varia9les.
6ser8de#ined t&.es a& 9e de#ined using struct to aggregate a list o# e2isting t&.es into a single nae.
-he ).en01 %hading 1anguage is t&.e sa#e. -here are no i.licit conversions 9etween t&.es, with the
e2ce.tion that an integer value a& a..ear where a #loating8.oint t&.e is e2.ected, and 9e converted to a
#loating8.oint value. E2actl& how and when this can occur is descri9ed in section *.1.1( DI.licit
"onversionsE and as re#erenced 9& other sections in this s.eci#ication.
&.1 /asic T!pes
-he ).en01 %hading 1anguage su..orts the #ollowing 9asic data t&.es, grou.ed as #ollows.
-rans.arent t&.es
T!pe 8eaning
void #or #unctions that do not return a value
bool a conditional t&.e, taking on values o# true or #alse
int a signed integer
uint an unsigned integer
float a single #loating8.oint scalar
double a single dou9le8.recision #loating .oint scalar
vec* a two8co.onent #loating8.oint vector
vec/ a three8co.onent #loating8.oint vector
vec, a #our8co.onent #loating8.oint vector
dvec* a two8co.onent dou9le .recision #loating8.oint vector
dvec/ a three8co.onent dou9le .recision #loating8.oint vector
dvec, a #our8co.onent dou9le .recision #loating8.oint vector
bvec* a two8co.onent Boolean vector
bvec/ a three8co.onent Boolean vector
4 #aria$%es and &'pes
T!pe 8eaning
bvec, a #our8co.onent Boolean vector
ivec* a two8co.onent signed integer vector
ivec/ a three8co.onent signed integer vector
ivec, a #our8co.onent signed integer vector
uvec* a two8co.onent unsigned integer vector
uvec/ a three8co.onent unsigned integer vector
uvec, a #our8co.onent unsigned integer vector
mat* a !X! #loating8.oint atri2
mat/ a 'X' #loating8.oint atri2
mat, a *X* #loating8.oint atri2
mat** sae as a mat*
mat*/ a #loating8.oint atri2 with ! coluns and ' rows
mat*, a #loating8.oint atri2 with ! coluns and * rows
mat/* a #loating8.oint atri2 with ' coluns and ! rows
mat// sae as a mat/
mat/, a #loating8.oint atri2 with ' coluns and * rows
mat,* a #loating8.oint atri2 with * coluns and ! rows
mat,/ a #loating8.oint atri2 with * coluns and ' rows
mat,, sae as a mat,
dmat* a !X! dou9le8.recision #loating8.oint atri2
dmat/ a 'X' dou9le8.recision #loating8.oint atri2
dmat, a *X* dou9le8.recision #loating8.oint atri2
dmat** sae as a dmat*
dmat*/ a dou9le8.recision #loating8.oint atri2 with ! coluns and ' rows
dmat*, a dou9le8.recision #loating8.oint atri2 with ! coluns and * rows
dmat/* a dou9le8.recision #loating8.oint atri2 with ' coluns and ! rows
dmat// sae as a dmat/
dmat/, a dou9le8.recision #loating8.oint atri2 with ' coluns and * rows
dmat,* a dou9le8.recision #loating8.oint atri2 with * coluns and ! rows
dmat,/ a dou9le8.recision #loating8.oint atri2 with * coluns and ' rows
dmat,, sae as a dmat,
4 #aria$%es and &'pes
4loating 3oint %a.ler -&.es Fo.a=ueG
T!pe 8eaning
sampler1. a handle #or accessing a 1D te2ture
sampler*. a handle #or accessing a !D te2ture
sampler/. a handle #or accessing a 'D te2ture
samplerCube a handle #or accessing a cu9e a..ed te2ture
sampler*.3ect a handle #or accessing a rectangular te2ture
sampler1.Shadow a handle #or accessing a 1D te2ture with co.arison
sampler*.Shadow a handle #or accessing a !D te2ture with co.arison
sampler*.3ectShadow a handle #or accessing a rectangular te2ture with co.arison
sampler1.Arra0 a handle #or accessing a 1D arra& te2ture
sampler*.Arra0 a handle #or accessing a !D arra& te2ture
sampler1.Arra0Shadow a handle #or accessing a 1D arra& te2ture with co.arison
sampler*.Arra0Shadow a handle #or accessing a !D arra& te2ture with co.arison
sampler1uffer a handle #or accessing a 9u##er te2ture
sampler*.%S a handle #or accessing a !D ulti8sa.le te2ture
sampler*.%SArra0 a handle #or accessing a !D ulti8sa.le arra& te2ture
samplerCubeShadow a handle #or accessing a cu9e a. te2ture with co.arison
samplerCubeArra0 a handle #or accessing a cu9e a. arra& te2ture
samplerCubeArra0Shadow a handle #or accessing a cu9e a. arra& te2ture with
%igned Integer %a.ler -&.es Fo.a=ueG
T!pe 8eaning
isampler1. a handle #or accessing an integer 1D te2ture
isampler*. a handle #or accessing an integer !D te2ture
isampler/. a handle #or accessing an integer 'D te2ture
isamplerCube a handle #or accessing an integer cu9e a..ed te2ture
isampler*.3ect a handle #or accessing an integer !D rectangular te2ture
isampler1.Arra0 a handle #or accessing an integer 1D arra& te2ture
isampler*.Arra0 a handle #or accessing an integer !D arra& te2ture
isampler1uffer a handle #or accessing an integer 9u##er te2ture
isampler*.%S a handle #or accessing an integer !D ulti8sa.le te2ture
isampler*.%SArra0 a handle #or accessing an integer !D ulti8sa.le arra& te2ture
4 #aria$%es and &'pes
T!pe 8eaning
isamplerCubeArra0 a handle #or accessing an integer cu9e a. arra& te2ture
6nsigned Integer %a.ler -&.es Fo.a=ueG
T!pe 8eaning
usampler1. a handle #or accessing an unsigned integer 1D te2ture
usampler*. a handle #or accessing an unsigned integer !D te2ture
usampler/. a handle #or accessing an unsigned integer 'D te2ture
usamplerCube a handle #or accessing an unsigned integer cu9e a..ed te2ture
usampler*.3ect a handle #or accessing an unsigned integer rectangular te2ture
usampler1.Arra0 a handle #or accessing an unsigned integer 1D arra& te2ture
usampler*.Arra0 a handle #or accessing an unsigned integer !D arra& te2ture
usampler1uffer a handle #or accessing an unsigned integer 9u##er te2ture
usampler*.%S a handle #or accessing an unsigned integer !D ulti8sa.le te2ture
usampler*.%SArra0 a handle #or accessing an unsigned integer !D ulti8sa.le te2ture
usamplerCubeArra0 a handle #or accessing an unsigned integer cu9e a. arra& te2ture
In addition, a shader can aggregate these using arra&s and structures to 9uild ore co.le2 t&.es.
-here are no .ointer t&.es.
&.1.1 "oid
4unctions that do not return a value ust 9e declared as void. -here is no de#ault #unction return t&.e.
-he ke&word void cannot 9e used in an& other declarations Fe2ce.t #or e.t& #oral or actual .araeter
&.1.2 /ooleans
-o ake conditional e2ecution o# code easier to e2.ress, the t&.e bool is su..orted. -here is no
e2.ectation that hardware directl& su..orts varia9les o# this t&.e. It is a genuine Boolean t&.e, holding
onl& one o# two values eaning either true or #alse. -wo ke&words true and false can 9e used as literal
Boolean constants. Booleans are declared and o.tionall& initiali?ed as in the #ollow e2a.le:
$ool su%%ess, -- de%lare 4su%%ess5 to $e a 6oolean
$ool done * false, -- de%lare and initiali"e 4done5
-he right side o# the assignent o.erator F I G ust 9e an e2.ression whose t&.e is bool.
E2.ressions used #or conditional @u.s Fif, for, MK, while, do7whileG ust evaluate to the t&.e bool.
4 #aria$%es and &'pes
&.1.# Integers
%igned and unsigned integer varia9les are #ull& su..orted. In this docuent, the ter integer is eant to
generall& include 9oth signed and unsigned integers. 6nsigned integers have e2actl& '! 9its o# .recision.
%igned integers use '! 9its, including a sign 9it, in twoHs co.leent #or. ).erations resulting in
over#low or under#low will not cause an& e2ce.tion, nor will the& saturate, rather the& will Dwra.E to &ield
the low8order '! 9its o# the result.
Integers are declared and o.tionall& initiali?ed with integer e2.ressions, as in the #ollowing e2a.le:
int i1 7 * 89, -- default integer literal t&pe is int
uint : * ;u, -- 4u5 esta$ t.e t&pe as uint
4 #aria$%es and &'pes
1iteral integer constants can 9e e2.ressed in decial F9ase 1(G, octal F9ase $G, or he2adecial F9ase 1/G
as #ollows.
integer-constant :
#ecimal-constant integer-su((i%ot
octal-constant integer-su((i%ot
he%a#ecimal-constant integer-su((i%ot
integer-su((i%: one o#
u )
#ecimal-constant :
#ecimal-constant #igit
octal-constant :
octal-constant octal-#igit
he%a#ecimal-constant :
(2 he%a#ecimal-#igit
(Y he%a#ecimal-#igit
he%a#ecimal-constant he%a#ecimal-#igit
#igit :
non0ero-#igit : one o#
1 * / , Z + [ - :
octal-#igit K one o#
9 1 * / , Z + [
he%a#ecimal-#igit K one o#
9 1 * / , Z + [ - :
a b c d e f
A 1 C . 2 R
7o white s.ace is allowed 9etween the digits o# an integer constant, including a#ter the leading 9 or a#ter
the leading 9 or 9X o# a constant, or 9e#ore the su##i2 u or ). Ahen the su##i2 u or ) is .resent, the
literal has t&.e uint, otherwise the t&.e is int. A leading unar& inus sign F8G is inter.reted as an
arithetic unar& negation, not as .art o# the constant.
It is an error to .rovide a literal integer whose agnitude is too large to store in a varia9le o# atching
signed or unsigned t&.e.
4 #aria$%es and &'pes
&.1.& .loats
%ingle8.recision and dou9le8.recision #loating .oint varia9les are availa9le #or use in a variet& o# scalar
calculations. 4loating8.oint varia9les are de#ined as in the #ollowing e2a.le:
float a1 $ * '+<,
dou$le %1 d * 9+=LF,
As an in.ut value to one o# the .rocessing units, a single8.recision or dou9le8.recision #loating8.oint
varia9le is e2.ected to atch the corres.onding IEEE 5,* #loating8.oint de#inition #or .recision and
d&naic range. 4loating8.oint varia9les within a shader are also encoded according to the IEEE 5,*
s.eci#ication #or single8.recision #loating8.oint values. +owever, it is not re=uired that the .recision o#
internal .rocessing atch the IEEE 5,* #loating8.oint s.eci#ication #or #loating8.oint o.erations, 9ut the
guidelines #or .recision esta9lished 9& the ).en01 0ra.hics %&ste %.eci#ication ust 9e et.
%iilarl&, treatent o# conditions such as divide 9& ( a& lead to an uns.eci#ied result, 9ut in no case
should such a condition lead to the interru.tion or terination o# .rocessing. 0enerall&, there are no
signaling 7a7s, and o.erating on 7a7s F7ot a 7u9erG or in#s F.ositive or negative in#initiesG gives
unde#ined results.
4loating8.oint constants are de#ined as #ollows.
(loating-constant :
(ractional-constant e%onent-art

#igit-se1uence e%onent-art (loating-su((i%ot
(ractional-constant :
#igit-se1uence . #igit-se1uence
#igit-se1uence .
. #igit-se1uence
e%onent-art :
e sign
E sign
sign : one o#
; \
#igit-se1uence :
#igit-se1uence #igit
(loating-su((i%: one o#
f R lf "R
A decial .oint F . G is not needed i# the e2.onent .art is .resent. 7o white s.ace a& a..ear an&where
within a #loating8.oint constant, including 9e#ore a su##i2. Ahen the su##i2 Wl#W or W14W is .resent, the
literal has t&.e double. )therwise, the literal has t&.e float. A leading unar& inus sign F7G is inter.reted
as a unar& o.erator and is not .art o# the #loating8.oint constant
4 #aria$%es and &'pes
&.1.) "ectors
-he ).en01 %hading 1anguage includes data t&.es #or generic !8, '8, and *8co.onent vectors o#
#loating8.oint values, integers, or Booleans. 4loating8.oint vector varia9les can 9e used to store colors,
norals, .ositions, te2ture coordinates, te2ture looku. results and the like. Boolean vectors can 9e used
#or co.onent8wise co.arisons o# nueric vectors. %oe e2a.les o# vector declaration are:
ve%9 tex%oord'1 tex%oord9,
ve%; position,
ve%8 m&R!6>,
ive%9 textureLoo:up,
$ve%; less,
Initiali?ation o# vectors can 9e done with constructors, which are discussed shortl&.
&.1.* 8atrices
-he ).en01 %hading 1anguage has 9uilt8in t&.es #or !X!, !X', !X*, 'X!, 'X', 'X*, *X!, *X', and *X*
atrices o# #loating8.oint nu9ers. :atri2 t&.es 9eginning with WatW have single8.recision co.onents
while atri2 t&.es 9eginning with WdatW have dou9le8.recision co.onents. -he #irst nu9er in the
t&.e is the nu9er o# coluns, the second is the nu9er o# rows. I# there is onl& one nu9er, the atri2
is s=uare. E2a.le atri2 declarations:
mat9 mat9,
mat; opt?atrix,
mat8 vie/1 pro7e%tion,
mat8x8 vie/, -- an alternate /a& of de%laring a mat8
mat;x9 m, -- a matrix /it. ; %olumns and 9 ro/s
dmat8 .ig.@re%ision?V@,
dmat9x8 dm,
Initiali?ation o# atri2 values is done with constructors Fdescri9ed in section ,.* D"onstructorsE G in
colun8a@or order.
&.1.4 Samplers
%a.ler t&.es Fe.g., sampler*.G are e##ectivel& o.a=ue handles to te2tures and their #ilters. -he& are
used with the 9uilt8in te2ture #unctions Fdescri9ed in section $.5 D-e2ture 1ooku. 4unctionsE G to s.eci#&
which te2ture to access and how it is to 9e #iltered. -he& can onl& 9e declared as #unction .araeters or
uniform varia9les Fsee section *.'., D6ni#orE G. E2ce.t #or arra& inde2ing, structure #ield selection, and
.arentheses, sa.lers are not allowed to 9e o.erands in e2.ressions. %a.lers aggregated into arra&s
within a shader Fusing s=uare 9rackets ' (G can onl& 9e inde2ed with a d&naicall& uni#or integral
e2.ression, otherwise results are unde#ined. %a.lers cannot 9e treated as l8valuesL hence cannot 9e used
as out or inout #unction .araeters, nor can the& 9e assigned into. As uni#ors, the& are initiali?ed onl&
with the ).en01 A3IL the& cannot 9e declared with an initiali?er in a shader. As #unction .araeters,
onl& sa.lers a& 9e .assed to sa.lers o# atching t&.e. -his ena9les consistenc& checking 9etween
shader te2ture accesses and ).en01 te2ture state 9e#ore a shader is run.
4 #aria$%es and &'pes
&.1. Structures
6ser8de#ined t&.es can 9e created 9& aggregating other alread& de#ined t&.es into a structure using the
struct ke&word. 4or e2a.le,
stru%t lig.t )
float intensit&,
ve%; position,
3 lig.tVar,
In this e2a.le, light 9ecoes the nae o# the new t&.e, and lightVar 9ecoes a varia9le o# t&.e light.
-o declare varia9les o# the new t&.e, use its nae Fwithout the ke&word structG.
lig.t lig.tVar9,
:ore #orall&, structures are declared as #ollows. +owever, the co.lete correct graar is as given in
section ; D%hading 1anguage 0raarE .
struct-#e(inition :
struct name
C mem&er-list D #eclarators
mem&er-list :
mem&er-#eclaration mem&er-list2
mem&er-#eclaration :
&asic-t'e #eclarators2
where name 9ecoes the user8de#ined t&.e, and can 9e used to declare varia9les to 9e o# this new t&.e.
-he name shares the sae nae s.ace as other varia9les, t&.es, and #unctions. All .reviousl& visi9le
varia9les, t&.es, constructors, or #unctions with that nae are hidden. -he o.tional 1uali(ier onl& a..lies
to an& #eclarators, and is not .art o# the t&.e 9eing de#ined #or name.
%tructures ust have at least one e9er declaration. :e9er declarators a& contain .recision
=uali#iers, 9ut a& not contain an& other =uali#iers. Bit #ields are not su..orted. :e9er t&.es ust 9e
alread& de#ined Fthere are no #orward re#erencesG. :e9er declarations cannot contain initiali?ers.
:e9er declarators can contain arra&s. %uch arra&s ust have a si?e s.eci#ied, and the si?e ust 9e an
integral constant e2.ression thatHs greater than ?ero Fsee section *.'.' D"onstant E2.ressionsEG. Each
level o# structure has its own nae s.ace #or naes given in e9er declaratorsL such naes need onl&
9e uni=ue within that nae s.ace.
4 #aria$%es and &'pes
Anon&ous structures are not su..orted. E9edded structure de#initions are not su..orted.
stru%t S ) float f, 3,
stru%t T )
S, -- Error( anon&mous stru%tures disallo/ed
stru%t ) +++ 3, -- Error( em$edded stru%tures disallo/ed
S s, -- O:a&( nested stru%tures /it. name are allo/ed
%tructures can 9e initiali?ed at declaration tie using constructors, as discussed in section ,.*.' D%tructure
"onstructorsE .
&.1.9 0rra!s
Varia9les o# the sae t&.e can 9e aggregated into arra&s 9& declaring a nae #ollowed 9& 9rackets F ' ( G
enclosing an o.tional si?e. Ahen an arra& si?e is s.eci#ied in a declaration, it ust 9e an integral constant
e2.ression Fsee section *.'.' D"onstant E2.ressionsE G greater than ?ero. I# an arra& is inde2ed with an
e2.ression that is not an integral constant e2.ression, or i# an arra& is .assed as an arguent to a #unction,
then its si?e ust 9e declared 9e#ore an& such use. It is legal to declare an arra& without a si?e and then
later re8declare the sae nae as an arra& o# the sae t&.e and s.eci#& a si?e. It is illegal to declare an
arra& with a si?e, and then later Fin the sae shaderG inde2 the sae arra& with an integral constant
e2.ression greater than or e=ual to the declared si?e. It is also illegal to inde2 an arra& with a negative
constant e2.ression. Arra&s declared as #oral .araeters in a #unction declaration ust s.eci#& a si?e.
6nde#ined 9ehavior results #ro inde2ing an arra& with a non8constant e2.ression thatKs greater than or
e=ual to the arra&Ks si?e or less than (. )nl& one8diensional arra&s a& 9e declared. All 9asic t&.es and
structures can 9e #ored into arra&s. %oe e2a.les are:
float freAuen%iesB;C,
uniform ve%8 lig.t@ositionB8C,
lig.t lig.tsBC,
%onst int numLig.ts * 9,
lig.t lig.tsBnumLig.tsC,
An arra& t&.e can 9e #ored 9& s.eci#&ing a t&.e #ollowed 9& s=uare 9rackets FZ [G and including a si?e:
-his t&.e can 9e used an&where an& other t&.e can 9e used, including as the return value #ro a #unction
floatB<C foo#) ) 3
as a constructor o# an arra&
floatB<C#;+81 8+91 <+=1 <+91 '+')
as an unnaed .araeter
void foo#floatB<C)
4 #aria$%es and &'pes
and as an alternate wa& o# declaring a varia9le or #unction .araeter.
floatB<C a,
It is an error to declare arra&s o# arra&s:
float aB<CB;C, -- illegal
floatB<C aB;C, -- illegal
Arra&s can have initiali?ers #ored #ro arra& constructors:
float aB<C * floatB<C#;+81 8+91 <+=1 <+91 '+'),
float aB<C * floatBC#;+81 8+91 <+=1 <+91 '+'), -- same
6nsi?ed arra&s can 9e e2.licitl& si?ed 9& an initiali?er at declaration tie:
float aB<C,
float $BC * a, -- $ is expli%itl& si"e <
float $B<C * a, -- means t.e same
+owever, i.licitl& si?ed arra&s cannot 9e assigned to. 7ote, this is a rare case that initiali?ers and
assignents a..ear to have di##erent seantics.
Arra&s know the nu9er o# eleents the& contain. -his can 9e o9tained 9& using the length ethod:
a+lengt.#), -- returns < for t.e a$ove de%larations
-he length ethod cannot 9e called on an arra& that has not 9een e2.licitl& si?ed.
4 #aria$%es and &'pes
&.1.1$ Implicit Conversions
In soe situations, an e2.ression and its t&.e will 9e i.licitl& converted to a di##erent t&.e. -he
#ollowing ta9le shows all allowed i.licit conversions:
T!pe of e,pression Can be implicitl! converted to
int uint
ivec* uvec*
ivec/ uvec/
ivec, uvec,
mat* dmat*
mat/ dmat/
mat, dmat,
mat*/ dmat*/
mat*, dmat*,
mat/* dmat/*
mat/, dmat/,
mat,* dmat,*
mat,/ dmat,/
4 #aria$%es and &'pes
-here are no i.licit arra& or structure conversions. 4or e2a.le, an arra& o# int cannot 9e i.licitl&
converted to an arra& o# float.
Ahen an i.licit conversion is done, it is not a re8inter.retation o# the e2.ressionHs 9it .attern, 9ut a
conversion o# its value to an e=uivalent value in the new t&.e. 4or e2a.le, the integer value 8Z will 9e
converted to the #loating8.oint value 8Z.9. Integer values having ore 9its o# .recision than a #loating
.oint antissa will lose .recision when converted to float.
Ahen .er#oring i.licit conversion #or 9inar& o.erators, there a& 9e ulti.le data t&.es to which the
two o.erands can 9e converted. 4or e2a.le, when adding an int value to a uint value, 9oth values can
9e i.licitl& converted to uint, float, and double. In such cases, a #loating8.oint t&.e is chosen i# either
o.erand has a #loating8.oint t&.e. )therwise, an unsigned integer t&.e is chosen i# either o.erand has an
unsigned integer t&.e. )therwise, a signed integer t&.e is chosen. I# o.erands can 9e i.licitl& converted
to ulti.le data t&.es deriving #ro the sae 9ase data t&.e, the t&.e with the sallest co.onent si?e is
-he conversions in the ta9le a9ove are done onl& as indicated 9& other sections o# this s.eci#ication.
&.2 Scoping
-he sco.e o# a varia9le is deterined 9& where it is declared. I# it is declared outside all #unction
de#initions, it has glo9al sco.e, which starts #ro where it is declared and .ersists to the end o# the shader
it is declared in. I# it is declared in a while test or a for stateent, then it is sco.ed to the end o# the
#ollowing su98stateent. )therwise, i# it is declared as a stateent within a co.ound stateent, it is
sco.ed to the end o# that co.ound stateent. I# it is declared as a .araeter in a #unction de#inition, it is
sco.ed until the end o# that #unction de#inition. A #unction 9od& has a sco.e nested inside the #unctionKs
de#inition. -he if stateentKs e2.ression does not allow new varia9les to 9e declared, hence does not
#or a new sco.e.
4 #aria$%es and &'pes
Aithin a declaration, the sco.e o# a nae starts iediatel& a#ter the initiali?er i# .resent or iediatel&
a#ter the nae 9eing declared i# not. %everal e2a.les:
int x * ',
int x * 91 & * x, -- & is initiali"ed to 9
stru%t S
int x,
S S * S#=), -- DSD is onl& visi$le as a stru%t and %onstru%tor
S, -- DSD is no/ visi$le as a varia$le
int x * x, -- Error if x .as not $een previousl& defined+
All varia9le naes, structure t&.e naes, and #unction naes in a given sco.e share the sae nae s.ace.
4unction naes can 9e redeclared in the sae sco.e, with the sae or di##erent .araeters, without error.
An i.licitl& si?ed arra& can 9e re8declared in the sae sco.e as an arra& o# the sae 9ase t&.e.
)therwise, within one co.ilation unit, a declared nae cannot 9e redeclared in the sae sco.eL doing so
results in a redeclaration error. I# a nested sco.e redeclares a nae used in an outer sco.e, it hides all
e2isting uses o# that nae. -here is no wa& to access the hidden nae or ake it unhidden, without
e2iting the sco.e that hid it.
-he 9uilt8in #unctions are sco.ed in a sco.e outside the glo9al sco.e users declare glo9al varia9les in.
-hat is, a shaderHs glo9al sco.e, availa9le #or user8de#ined #unctions and glo9al varia9les, is nested inside
the sco.e containing the 9uilt8in #unctions. Ahen a #unction nae is redeclared in a nested sco.e, it hides
all #unctions declared with that nae in the outer sco.e. 4unction declarations F.rotot&.esG cannot occur
inside o# #unctionsL the& ust 9e at glo9al sco.e, or #or the 9uilt8in #unctions, outside the glo9al sco.e.
%hared glo9als are glo9al varia9les declared with the sae nae in inde.endentl& co.iled units
FshadersG within the sae language Fe.g., verte2G that are linked together when aking a single .rogra.
F0lo9als #oring the inter#ace 9etween two di##erent shader languages are discussed in other sections.G
%hared glo9als share the sae nae s.ace, and ust 9e declared with the sae t&.e. -he& will share the
sae storage. %hared glo9al arra&s ust have the sae 9ase t&.e and the sae e2.licit si?e. An arra&
i.licitl& si?ed in one shader can 9e e2.licitl& si?ed 9& another shader. I# no shader has an e2.licit si?e
#or the arra&, the largest i.licit si?e is used. %calars ust have e2actl& the sae t&.e nae and t&.e
de#inition. %tructures ust have the sae nae, se=uence o# t&.e naes, and t&.e de#initions, and #ield
naes to 9e considered the sae t&.e. -his rule a..lies recursivel& #or nested or e9edded t&.es. All
initiali?ers #or a shared glo9al ust have the sae value, or a link error will result.
4 #aria$%es and &'pes
&.# Storage :ualifiers
Varia9le declarations a& have one storage =uali#ier s.eci#ied in #ront o# the t&.e. -hese are suari?ed
:ualifier 8eaning
Q none: de#ault R local readOwrite eor&, or an in.ut .araeter to a #unction
const a co.ile8tie constant, or a #unction .araeter that is read8onl&
centroid in
sample in
linkage into a shader #ro a .revious stage, varia9le is co.ied in
linkage with centroid 9ased inter.olation
in.ut linkage with .er8sa.le inter.olation
centroid out
sample out
linkage out o# a shader to a su9se=uent stage, varia9le is co.ied out
linkage with centroid 9ased inter.olation
out.ut linkage with .er8sa.le inter.olation
attribute de.recatedL linkage 9etween a verte2 shader and ).en01 #or .er8verte2
uniform value does not change across the .riitive 9eing .rocessed, uni#ors
#or the linkage 9etween a shader, ).en01, and the a..lication
centroid var0ing
de.recatedL linkage 9etween a verte2 shader and a #ragent shader #or
inter.olated data
patch in tessellation evaluation shader in.ut #or .er8.atch attri9utes
patch out tessellation control shader out.ut #or .er8.atch attri9utes
)ut.uts #ro shader FoutG and in.uts to a shader FinG can 9e #urther =uali#ied with one o# these
inter.olation =uali#iers
:ualifier 8eaning
smooth .ers.ective correct inter.olation
flat no inter.olation
noperspective linear inter.olation
-hese inter.olation =uali#iers a& onl& .recede the =uali#iers in, centroid in, sample in, out, centroid
out, or sample out in a declaration. -he& do not a..l& to the de.recated storage =uali#iers var0ing or
centroid var0ing. -he& also do not a..l& to in.uts into a verte2 shader or out.uts #ro a #ragent
1ocal varia9les can onl& use the const storage =uali#ier.
4unction .araeters can use const, in, and out =uali#iers, 9ut as arameter 1uali(iers. 3araeter
=uali#iers are discussed in section /.1.1 D4unction "alling "onventionsE.
4unction return t&.es and structure #ields do not use storage =uali#iers.
4 #aria$%es and &'pes
Data t&.es #or counication #ro one run o# a shader e2ecuta9le to its ne2t run Fto counicate
9etween #ragents or 9etween verticesG do not e2ist. -his would .revent .arallel e2ecution o# the sae
shader e2ecuta9le on ulti.le vertices or #ragents.
Initiali?ers a& onl& 9e used in declarations o# glo9als with no storage =uali#ier, with a const =uali#ier or
with a uniform =uali#ier. 0lo9al varia9les without storage =uali#iers that are not initiali?ed in their
declaration or 9& the a..lication will not 9e initiali?ed 9& ).en01, 9ut rather will enter main34 with
unde#ined values.
&.#.1 +efault Storage :ualifier
I# no =uali#ier is .resent on a glo9al varia9le, then the varia9le has no linkage to the a..lication or shaders
running on other .i.eline stages. 4or either glo9al or local un=uali#ied varia9les, the declaration will
a..ear to allocate eor& associated with the .rocessor it targets. -his varia9le will .rovide readOwrite
access to this allocated eor&.
&.#.2 Constant :ualifier
7aed co.ile8tie constants can 9e declared using the const =uali#ier. An& varia9les =uali#ied as
constant are read8onl& varia9les #or that shader. Declaring varia9les as constant allows ore descri.tive
shaders than using hard8wired nuerical constants. -he const =uali#ier can 9e used with an& o# the 9asic
data t&.es. It is an error to write to a const varia9le outside o# its declaration, so the& ust 9e initiali?ed
when declared. 4or e2a.le,
%onst ve%; ">xis * ve%; #=+=1 =+=1 '+=),
%tructure #ields a& not 9e =uali#ied with const. %tructure varia9les can 9e declared as const, and
initiali?ed with a structure constructor.
Initiali?ers #or const declarations ust 9e constant e2.ressions, as de#ined in section *.'.' D"onstant
&.#.# Constant ',pressions
A constant e%ression is one o#
a literal value Fe.g., Z or trueG
a glo9al or local varia9le =uali#ied as const Fi.e., not including #unction .araetersG
an e2.ression #ored 9& an o.erator on o.erands that are all constant e2.ressions, including getting an
eleent or length o# a constant arra&, or a #ield o# a constant structure, or co.onents o# a constant
a constructor whose arguents are all constant e2.ressions
a 9uilt8in #unction call whose arguents are all constant e2.ressions, with the e2ce.tion o# the te2ture
looku. #unctions and the noise #unctions. -he 9uilt8in #unctions dRd, dRd0, and fwidth ust return
( when evaluated inside an initiali?er with an arguent that is a constant e2.ression.
4unction calls to user8de#ined #unctions Fnon89uilt8in #unctionsG cannot 9e used to #or constant
4 #aria$%es and &'pes
An integral constant e%ression is a constant e2.ression that evaluates to a scalar signed or unsigned
"onstant e2.ressions will 9e evaluated in an invariant wa& so as to create the sae value in ulti.le
shaders when the sae constant e2.ressions a..ear in those shaders. %ee section *./.1 D-he Invariant
<uali#ierE #or ore details on how to create invariant e2.ressions.
&.#.& Inputs
%hader in.ut varia9les are declared with a storage =uali#ier using the ke&word in. -he& #or the in.ut
inter#ace 9etween .revious stages o# the ).en01 .i.eline and the declaring shader. In.ut varia9les ust
9e declared at glo9al sco.e. Values #ro the .revious .i.eline stage are co.ied into in.ut varia9les at the
9eginning o# shader e2ecution. Varia9les declared as in.uts cannot 9e written to during shader e2ecution.
)nl& the in.ut varia9les that are actuall& read need to 9e written 9& the .revious stageL it is allowed to
have declarations o# in.ut varia9les.
%ee section 5 DBuilt8in Varia9lesE #or a list o# the 9uilt8in in.ut naes.
Verte2 shader in.ut varia9les For attri9utesG receive .er8verte2 data. -he& are declared in a verte2 shader
with the in =uali#ier or the de.recated attribute =uali#ier. It is an error to use an& other in.ut storage
=uali#ier or an& inter.olation =uali#iers as a verte2 shader in.ut. -he values co.ied in are esta9lished 9&
the ).en01 A3I or through the use o# the la&out identi#ier location. It is an error to use attribute in a
non8verte2 shader. Verte2 shader in.uts can onl& 9e single8.recision #loating8.oint scalars, single8
.recision #loating8.oint vectors, atrices, signed and unsigned integers and integer vectors. Verte2
shader in.uts can also #or arra&s o# these t&.es, 9ut not structures. -here are no dou9le8.recision
#loating8.oint in.ut t&.es in the verte2 shading language.
E2a.le declarations in a verte2 shader:
in ve%8 position,
in ve%; normal,
in ve%9 texEoordB8C,
It is e2.ected that gra.hics hardware will have a sall nu9er o# #i2ed vector locations #or .assing verte2
in.uts. -here#ore, the ).en01 %hading language de#ines each non8atri2 in.ut varia9le as taking u. one
such vector location. -here is an i.leentation de.endent liit on the nu9er o# locations that can 9e
used, and i# this is e2ceeded it will cause a link error. FDeclared in.ut varia9les that are not staticall& used
do not count against this liit.G A scalar in.ut counts the sae aount against this liit as a vec,, so
a..lications a& want to consider .acking grou.s o# #our unrelated #loat in.uts together into a vector to
9etter utili?e the ca.a9ilities o# the underl&ing hardware. A atri2 in.ut will use u. ulti.le locations.
-he nu9er o# locations used will e=ual the nu9er o# coluns in the atri2.
4 #aria$%es and &'pes
-essellation control, evaluation, and geoetr& shader in.ut varia9les get the .er8verte2 values written out
9& out.ut varia9les o# the sae naes in the .revious active shader stage. 4or these in.uts, centroid in
and inter.olation =uali#iers are allowed, 9ut have no e##ect. %ince tessellation control, tessellation
evaluation, and geoetr& shaders o.erate on a set o# vertices, each in.ut var&ing varia9le For in.ut 9lock,
see inter#ace 9locks 9elowG needs to 9e declared as an arra&. 4or e2a.le,
in float fooBC, -- geometr& s.ader input for vertex 4out float foo5
Each eleent o# such an arra& corres.onds to one verte2 o# the .riitive 9eing .rocessed. Each arra& can
o.tionall& have a si?e declared. -he arra& si?e will 9e set 9&, For i# .rovided ust 9e consistent withG the
in.ut la0out declarationFsG esta9lishing the t&.e o# in.ut .riitive, as descri9ed later in section *.'.$.1
DIn.ut 1a&out <uali#iersE.
%oe in.uts and out.uts are arra'e#, eaning that #or an inter#ace 9etween two shader stages either the
in.ut or out.ut declaration re=uires an e2tra level o# arra& inde2ing #or the declarations to atch. 4or
e2a.le, with the inter#ace 9etween a verte2 shader and a geoetr& shader, verte2 shader out.ut varia9les
and geoetr& shader in.ut varia9les o# the sae nae ust atch in t&.e and =uali#ication, e2ce.t that
the verte2 shader nae cannot 9e declared as an arra& while the geoetr& shader nae ust 9e declared
as an arra&, to allow #or verte2 inde2ing. It is a link error i# a non8arra&ed in.ut is not declared with the
sae t&.e, =uali#ication, and arra& diensionalit& as the atching out.ut. It is an error i# an arra&ed in.ut
is not declared as an arra& o# the sae t&.e and =uali#ication as the corres.onding Fnon8arra&G out.ut.
%&etricall&, it is an error i# an arra&ed out.ut is not declared as an arra& o# the sae t&.e and
=uali#ication as the corres.onding Fnon8arra&G in.ut.
I# the out.ut corres.onding to an arra&ed in.ut is itsel# an arra&, it ust a..ear in an out.ut 9lock Fsee
inter#ace 9locks 9elowG in the out.utting shader and in an in.ut 9lock in the in.utting shader with a 9lock
instance nae declared as an arra&. -his is re=uired 9ecause two8diensional arra&s are not su..orted.
Additionall&, tessellation evaluation shaders su..ort .er8.atch in.ut varia9les declared with the patch in
=uali#ier. 3er8.atch in.ut varia9les are #illed with the values o# .er8.atch out.ut varia9les written 9& the
tessellation control shader. 3er8.atch in.uts a& 9e declared as one8diensional arra&s, 9ut are not
inde2ed 9& verte2 nu9er. In.ut varia9les a& not 9e declared using the patch in =uali#ier in tessellation
control or geoetr& shaders. As with other in.ut varia9les, .er8.atch in.uts ust 9e declared using the
sae t&.e and =uali#ication as .er8.atch out.uts #ro the .revious Ftessellation controlG shader stage.
4ragent shader in.uts get .er8#ragent values, t&.icall& inter.olated #ro a .revious stageHs out.uts.
-he& are declared in #ragent shaders with the in storage =uali#ier, the centroid in storage =uali#ier, or
the de.recated var0ing and centroid var0ing storage =uali#iers. It is an error to use patch in in a
#ragent shader. 4ragent in.uts can onl& 9e signed and unsigned integers and integer vectors, #loating
.oint scalars, #loating8.oint vectors, atrices, or arra&s or structures o# these. 4ragent shader in.uts that
are signed or unsigned integers, integer vectors, or an& dou9le8.recision #loating8.oint t&.e ust 9e
=uali#ied with the inter.olation =uali#ier flat.
4 #aria$%es and &'pes
4ragent in.uts are declared as in the #ollowing e2a.les:
in ve%; normal,
%entroid in ve%9 TexEoord,
invariant %entroid in ve%8 Eolor,
noperspe%tive in float temperature,
flat in ve%; m&Eolor,
noperspe%tive %entroid in ve%9 m&TexEoord,
-he #ragent shader in.uts #or an inter#ace with the last active shader in the verte2 .rocessing .i.eline.
4or this inter#ace, the last active shader stage out.ut varia9les and #ragent shader in.ut varia9les o# the
sae nae ust atch in t&.e and =uali#ication Fother than out atching to inG.
&.#.) 5niform
-he uniform =uali#ier is used to declare glo9al varia9les whose values are the sae across the entire
.riitive 9eing .rocessed. All uniform varia9les are read8onl& and are initiali?ed e2ternall& either at link
tie or through the A3I. -he link tie initial value is either the value o# the varia9leHs initiali?er, i#
.resent, or ( i# no initiali?er is .resent. %a.ler t&.es cannot have initiali?ers.
E2a.le declarations are:
uniform ve%8 lig.t@osition,
uniform ve%; %olor * ve%;#=+F1 =+F1 =+9), -- value assigned at lin: time
-he uniform =uali#ier can 9e used with an& o# the 9asic data t&.es, or when declaring a varia9le whose
t&.e is a structure, or an arra& o# an& o# these.
-here is an i.leentation de.endent liit on the aount o# storage #or uni#ors that can 9e used #or
each t&.e o# shader and i# this is e2ceeded it will cause a co.ile8tie or link8tie error. 6ni#or
varia9les that are declared 9ut not used do not count against this liit. -he nu9er o# user8de#ined
uni#or varia9les and the nu9er o# 9uilt8in uni#or varia9les that are used within a shader are added
together to deterine whether availa9le uni#or storage has 9een e2ceeded.
I# ulti.le shaders are linked together, then the& will share a single glo9al uni#or nae s.ace, including
within a language as well as across languages. +ence, the t&.es and initiali?ers o# uni#or varia9les with
the sae nae ust atch across all shaders that are linked into a single .rogra.
It is legal #or soe shaders to .rovide an initiali?er #or a .articular uni#or varia9le, while another shader
does not, 9ut all .rovided initiali?ers ust 9e e=ual.
&.#.* Outputs
%hader out.ut varia9les are declared with a storage =uali#ier using the ke&word out. -he& #or the out.ut
inter#ace 9etween the declaring shader and the su9se=uent stages o# the ).en01 .i.eline. )ut.ut
varia9les ust 9e declared at glo9al sco.e. During shader e2ecution the& will 9ehave as noral
un=uali#ied glo9al varia9les. -heir values are co.ied out to the su9se=uent .i.eline stage on shader e2it.
)nl& out.ut varia9les that are read 9& the su9se=uent .i.eline stage need to 9e writtenL it is allowed to
have declarations o# out.ut varia9les.
4 #aria$%es and &'pes
-here is not an inout storage =uali#ier at glo9al sco.e #or declaring a single varia9le nae as 9oth in.ut
and out.ut to a shader. )ut.ut varia9les ust 9e declared with di##erent naes than in.ut varia9les.
+owever, nesting an in.ut or out.ut inside an inter#ace 9lock with an instance nae allows the sae
naes with one re#erenced through a 9lock instance nae.
Verte2, tessellation evaluation, and geoetr& out.ut varia9les out.ut .er8verte2 data and are declared
using the out, centroid out, or sample out storage =uali#iers, or the de.recated var0ing storage =uali#ier.
It is an error to use patch out in a verte2, tessellation evaluation, or geoetr& shader. )ut.ut varia9les
can onl& 9e #loating8.oint scalars, #loating8.oint vectors, atrices, signed or unsigned integers or integer
vectors, or arra&s or structures o# an& these.
Individual verte2, tessellation evaluation, and geoetr& out.uts are declared as in the #ollowing e2a.les:
out ve%; normal,
%entroid out ve%9 TexEoord,
invariant %entroid out ve%8 Eolor,
noperspe%tive out float temperature, -- var&ing is depre%ated
flat out ve%; m&Eolor,
noperspe%tive %entroid out ve%9 m&TexEoord,
sample out ve%8 perSampleEolor,
-hese can also a..ear in inter#ace 9locks, as descri9ed in section *.'.5 DInter#ace BlocksE. Inter#ace
9locks allow si.ler addition o# arra&s to the inter#ace #ro verte2 to geoetr& shader. -he& also allow a
#ragent shader to have the sae in.ut inter#ace as a geoetr& shader #or a given verte2 shader.
-essellation control shader out.ut varia9les are a& 9e used to out.ut .er8verte2 and .er8.atch data. 3er8
verte2 out.ut varia9les are arra&ed Fsee arra'e# under *.'.* In.utsG and declared using out or centroid
out storage =uali#iers. 3er8.atch out.ut varia9les are declared using the patch out storage =uali#ier. 3er8
verte2 and .er8.atch out.ut varia9les can onl& 9e #loating8.oint scalars, #loating8.oint vectors, atrices,
signed or unsigned integers or integer vectors, or arra&s or structures o# an& these. %ince tessellation
control shaders .roduce an arra&ed .riitive co.rising ulti.le vertices, each .er8verte2 out.ut varia9le
For out.ut 9lock, see inter#ace 9locks 9elowG needs to 9e declared as an arra&. 4or e2a.le,
out float fooBC, -- feeds next stage input 4in float fooBC5
Each eleent o# such an arra& corres.onds to one verte2 o# the .riitive 9eing .roduced. Each arra& can
o.tionall& have a si?e declared. -he arra& si?e will 9e set 9& For i# .rovided ust 9e consistent withG the
out.ut la&out declarationFsG esta9lishing the nu9er o# vertices in the out.ut .atch, as descri9ed later in
section *.'.$.! D)ut.ut 1a&out <uali#iersE.
As descri9ed under the section *.'.* DIn.utsE a9ove, i# a .er8verte2 out.ut o# the tessellation control
shader is itsel# an arra& with ulti.le values .er verte2, it ust a..ear in an out.ut 9lock Fsee inter#ace
9locks 9elowG in the tessellation control shader with a 9lock instance nae declared as an arra&.
Each tessellation control shader invocation has a corres.onding out.ut .atch verte2, and a& assign
values to .er8verte2 out.uts onl& i# the& 9elong to that corres.onding verte2. I# a .er8verte2 out.ut
varia9le is used as an l8value, it is an error i# the e2.ression indicating the verte2 inde2 is not the identi#ier
4 #aria$%es and &'pes
-he order o# e2ecution o# a tessellation control shader invocation relative to the other invocations #or the
sae in.ut .atch is unde#ined unless the 9uilt8in #unction barrierFG is used. -his .rovides soe control
over relative e2ecution order. Ahen a shader invocation calls barrierFG, its e2ecution .auses until all
other invocations have reached the sae .oint o# e2ecution. )ut.ut varia9le assignents .er#ored 9&
an& invocation e2ecuted .rior to calling barrierFG will 9e visi9le to an& other invocation a#ter the call to
barrierFG returns.
Because tessellation control shader invocations e2ecute in unde#ined order 9etween 9arriers, the values o#
.er8verte2 or .er8.atch out.ut varia9les will soeties 9e unde#ined. "onsider the 9eginning and end o#
shader e2ecution and each call to barrierFG as s&nchroni?ation .oints. -he value o# an out.ut varia9le
will 9e unde#ined in an& o# the three #ollowing cases:
1. At the 9eginning o# e2ecution.
!. At each s&nchroni?ation .oint, unless
the value was well8de#ined a#ter the .revious s&nchroni?ation .oint and was not written 9& an&
invocation since, or
the value was written 9& e2actl& one shader invocation since the .revious s&nchroni?ation
.oint, or
the value was written 9& ulti.le shader invocations since the .revious s&nchroni?ation .oint,
and the last write .er#ored 9& all such invocations wrote the sae value.
'. Ahen read 9& a shader invocation, i#
the value was unde#ined at the .revious s&nchroni?ation .oint and has not 9een writen 9& the
sae shader invocation since, or
the out.ut varia9le is written to 9& an& other shader invocation 9etween the .revious and ne2t
s&nchroni?ation .oints, even i# that assignent occurs in code #ollowing the read.
4ragent out.uts out.ut .er8#ragent data and are declared using the out storage =uali#ier. It is an error
to use centroid out, sample out, or patch out in a #ragent shader. 4ragent out.uts can onl& 9e float,
#loating8.oint vectors, signed or unsigned integers or integer vectors, or arra&s o# an& these. :atrices and
structures cannot 9e out.ut. 4ragent out.uts are declared as in the #ollowing e2a.les:
out ve%8 FragmentEolor,
out uint Luminosit&,
&.#.4 Interface /loc2s
In.ut, out.ut, and uni#or varia9le declarations can 9e grou.ed into naed inter#ace 9locks to .rovide
coarser granularit& 9acking than is achieva9le with individual declarations. -he& can have an o.tional
instance nae, used in the shader to re#erence their e9ers. An out.ut 9lock o# one .rograa9le
stage is 9acked 9& a corres.onding in.ut 9lock in the su9se=uent .rograa9le stage. A uni#or 9lock is
9acked 9& the a..lication with a 9u##er o9@ect. It is illegal to have an in.ut 9lock in a verte2 shader or an
out.ut 9lock in a #ragent shaderL these uses are reserved #or #uture use.
An inter#ace 9lock is started 9& an in, out, or uniform ke&word, #ollowed 9& a 9lock nae, #ollowed 9&
an o.en curl& 9race F C G as #ollows:
inter(ace-&loc. :
la'out-1uali(ieropt inter(ace-1uali(ier &loc.-name C mem&er-list D instance-nameopt L
4 #aria$%es and &'pes
la'out-1uali(ier :
la0out A la'out-1uali(ier-i#-list B
inter(ace-1uali(ier :
coa se.arated list o# la'out-1uali(ier-i#
mem&er-list :
mem&er-#eclaration mem&er-list
mem&er-#eclaration :
la'out-1uali(ieropt 1uali(iersopt t'e #eclarators L
instance-name :
i#enti(ier 5 6
i#enti(ier 5 integral-constant-e%ression 6
Each o# the a9ove eleents is discussed 9elow, with the e2ce.tion o# la&out =uali#iers Fla'out-1uali(ier4,
which are de#ined in the ne2t section.
4irst, an e2a.le,
uniform Transform )
mat8 ?odelVie/?atrix,
mat8 ?odelVie/@ro7e%tion?atrix,
uniform mat; Normal?atrix, -- allo/ed restatement of Aualifier
float eformation,
-he a9ove esta9lishes a uni#or 9lock naed D-rans#orE with #our uni#ors grou.ed inside it.
-&.es and declarators are the sae as #or other in.ut, out.ut, and uni#or varia9le declarations outside
9locks, with these e2ce.tions:
initiali?ers are not allowed
sa.ler t&.es are not allowed
structure de#initions cannot 9e nested inside a 9lock
)therwise, 9uilt8in t&.es, .reviousl& declared structures, and arra&s o# these are allowed as the t&.e o# a
declarator in the sae anner the& are allowed outside a 9lock.
4 #aria$%es and &'pes
I# no o.tional =uali#ier is used in a e9er8declaration, the =uali#ication o# the varia9le is @ust in, out, or
uniform as deterined 9& inter(ace-1uali(ier. I# o.tional =uali#iers are used, the& can include
inter.olation and storage =uali#iers and the& ust declare an in.ut, out.ut, or uni#or varia9le consistent
with the inter#ace =uali#ier o# the 9lock: In.ut varia9les, out.ut varia9les, and uni#or varia9les can onl&
9e in in 9locks, out 9locks, and uniform 9locks, res.ectivel&. Re.eating the in, out, or uniform
inter#ace =uali#ier #or a e9erHs storage =uali#ier is o.tional. Declarations using the de.recated
attribute and var0ing =uali#iers are not allowed. 4or e2a.le,
in ?aterial )
smoot. in ve%8 Eolor', -- legal1 input inside in $lo%:
smoot. ve%8 Eolor9, -- legal1 DinD in.erited from Din ?aterialD
ve%9 TexEoord, -- legal1 TexEoord is an input
uniform float >tten, -- illegal1 mismat%.ed interfa%es
var&ing ve%9 TexEoord9,--illegal1 depre%ated :e&/ords donDt get ne/ uses
4or this section, de#ine an inter(ace to 9e one o# these
All the uni#ors o# a .rogra. -his s.ans all co.ilation units linked together within one .rogra.
-he 9oundar& 9etween ad@acent .rograa9le .i.eline stages: -his s.ans all the out.uts in all
co.ilation units o# the #irst stage and all the in.uts in all co.ilation units o# the second stage.
-he 9lock nae F&loc.-nameG is used to atch inter#aces: an out.ut 9lock o# one .i.eline stage will 9e
atched to an in.ut 9lock with the sae nae in the su9se=uent .i.eline stage. 4or uni#or 9locks, the
a..lication uses the 9lock nae to identi#& the 9lock. Block naes have no other use within a shader
9e&ond inter#ace atchingL it is an error to use a 9lock nae at glo9al sco.e #or an&thing other than as a
9lock nae Fe.g., use o# a 9lock nae #or a glo9al varia9le nae or #unction nae is currentl& reservedG.
:atched 9lock naes within an inter#ace Fas de#ined a9oveG ust atch in ters o# having the sae
nu9er o# declarations with the sae se=uence o# t&.es and the sae se=uence o# e9er naes, as well
as having the sae e9er8wise la&out =uali#ication Fsee ne2t sectionG. 4urtherore, i# a atching 9lock
is declared as an arra&, then the arra& si?es ust also atch For #ollow arra& atching rules #or the
inter#ace 9etween a verte2 and a geoetr& shaderG. An& isatch will generate a link error. A 9lock
nae is allowed to have di##erent de#initions in di##erent inter#aces within the sae shader, allowing, #or
e2a.le, an in.ut 9lock and out.ut 9lock to have the sae nae.
4 #aria$%es and &'pes
I# an instance nae Finstance-nameG is not used, the naes declared inside the 9lock are sco.ed at the
glo9al level and accessed as i# the& were declared outside the 9lock. I# an instance nae Finstance-nameG
is used, then it .uts all the e9ers inside a sco.e within its own nae s.ace, accessed with the #ield
selector F . G o.erator Fanalogousl& to structuresG. 4or e2a.le,
in Lig.t )
ve%8 Lig.t@os,
ve%; Lig.tEolor,
in EoloredTexture )
ve%8 Eolor,
ve%9 TexEoord,
3 ?aterial, -- instan%e name
ve%; Eolor, -- different Eolor ?aterial+Eolor
ve%8 Lig.t@os, -- illegal1 alread& defined
+++ * Lig.t@os, -- a%%essing Lig.t@os
+++ * ?aterial+Eolor, -- a%%essing Eolor in EoloredTexture $lo%:
)utside the shading language Fi.e., in the A3IG, e9ers are siilarl& identi#ied e2ce.t the 9lock nae is
alwa&s used in .lace o# the instance nae FA3I accesses are to inter#aces, not to shadersG. I# there is no
instance nae, then the A3I does not use the 9lock nae to access a e9er, @ust the e9er nae.
out Vertex )
ve%8 @osition, -- >@I transform-feed$a%: /ill use 4Vertex+@osition5
ve%9 Texture,
3 Eoords, -- s.ader /ill use 4Eoords+@osition5
out Vertex9 )
ve%8 Eolor, -- >@I /ill use 4Eolor5
4or 9locks declared as arra&s, the arra& inde2 ust also 9e included when accessing e9ers, as in this
uniform Transform ) -- >@I uses 4TransformB9C5 to refer to instan%e 9
mat8 ?odelVie/?atrix,
mat8 ?odelVie/@ro7e%tion?atrix,
float eformation,
3 transformsB8C,
+++ * transformsB9C+?odelVie/?atrix, -- s.ader a%%ess of instan%e 9
-- >@I uses 4Transform+?odelVie/?atrix5 to Auer& an offset or Auer&
4or uni#or 9locks declared as an arra&, each individual arra& eleent corres.onds to a se.arate 9u##er
o9@ect 9acking one instance o# the 9lock. As the arra& si?e indicates the nu9er o# 9u##er o9@ects needed,
uni#or 9lock arra& declarations ust s.eci#& an arra& si?e. An& integral e2.ression can 9e used to inde2
a uni#or 9lock arra&, as .er section *.1.; WArra&sW.
4 #aria$%es and &'pes
Ahen using ).en01 A3I entr& .oints to identi#& the nae o# an individual 9lock in an arra& o# 9locks,
the nae string ust include an arra& inde2 Fe.g., Trans(orm526G. Ahen using ).en01 A3I entr& .oints
to re#er to o##sets or other characteristics o# a 9lock e9er, an arra& inde2 ust not 9e s.eci#ied Fe.g.,
0eoetr& shader in.ut 9locks ust 9e declared as arra&s and #ollow the arra& declaration and linking
rules #or all geoetr& shader in.uts. All other in.ut and out.ut 9lock arra&s ust s.eci#& an arra& si?e.
-here is an i.leentation de.endent liit on the nu9er o# uni#or 9locks that can 9e used .er stage.
I# this liit is e2ceeded, it will cause a link error.
&.#. La!out :ualifiers
1a&out =uali#iers can a..ear in several #ors o# declaration. -he& can a..ear as .art o# an inter#ace
9lock de#inition or 9lock e9er, as shown in the graar in the .revious section. -he& can also a..ear
with @ust an inter#ace =uali#ier to esta9lish la&outs o# other declarations ade with that inter#ace =uali#ier:
la'out-1uali(ier inter(ace-1uali(ier L
)r, the& can a..ear with an individual varia9le declared with an inter#ace =uali#ier:
la'out-1uali(ier inter(ace-1uali(ier #eclaration L
Declarations o# la&outs can onl& 9e ade at glo9al sco.e, and onl& where indicated in the #ollowing
su9sectionsL their details are s.eci#ic to what the inter#ace =uali#ier is, and are discussed individuall&.
As shown in the .revious section, la'out-1uali(ier e2.ands to
la'out-1uali(ier :
la0out A la'out-1uali(ier-i#-list B
-he tokens in an& la'out-1uali(ier-i#-list are identi#iers, not ke&words. 0enerall&, the& can 9e listed in
an& order. )rder8de.endent eanings e2ist onl& i# e2.licitl& called out 9elow. %iilarl&, these identi#iers
are not case sensitive, unless e2.licitl& noted otherwise.
&.#..1 Input La!out :ualifiers
-essellation control shaders do not have an& in.ut la&out =uali#iers.
Verte2 shaders allow in.ut la&out =uali#iers on in.ut varia9le declarations. -he la&out =uali#ier identi#ier
#or verte2 shader in.uts is:
location I integer-constant
)nl& one arguent is acce.ted. 4or e2a.le,
la&out#lo%ation * ;) in ve%8 normal,
will esta9lish that the verte2 shader in.ut normal is co.ied in #ro vector location nu9er '.
4 #aria$%es and &'pes
I# the declared in.ut is an arra&, it will 9e assigned consecutive locations starting with the location
s.eci#ied. 4or e2a.le,
la&out#lo%ation * G) in ve%8 %olorsB;C,
will esta9lish that the verte2 shader in.ut colors is co.ied in #ro vector location nu9ers /, 5, and $.
I# an in.ut varia9le with no location assigned in the shader te2t has a location s.eci#ied through the
).en01 A3I, the A3I8assigned location will 9e used. )therwise, such varia9les will 9e assigned a
location 9& the linker. %ee section !.11.' DVerte2 Attri9utesE o# the ).en01 0ra.hics %&ste
%.eci#ication #or ore details. A link error will occur i# an in.ut varia9le is declared in ulti.le verte2
shaders with con#licting locations.
-essellation evaluation shaders allow in.ut la&out =uali#iers onl& on the inter#ace =uali#ier in, not on an
in.ut 9lock, 9lock e9er, or varia9le declarations. -he in.ut la&out =uali#ier identi#iers allowed #or
tessellation evaluation shaders are:
)ne su9set o# these identi#iers, rimitive mo#e, is used to s.eci#& a tessellation .riitive ode to 9e used
9& the tessellation .riitive generator. -o s.eci#& a .riitive ode, the identi#ier ust 9e one o#
triangles, Quads, or isolines, which s.eci#& that the tessellation .riitive generator should su9divide a
triangle into saller triangles, a =uad into triangles, or a =uad into a collection o# lines, res.ectivel&.
A second su9set o# these identi#iers, verte% sacing, is used to s.eci#& the s.acing used 9& the tessellation
.riitive generator when su9dividing an edge. -o s.eci#& verte2 s.acing, the identi#ier ust 9e one o#
the #ollowing.
eQual$spacing signi#&ing that edges should 9e divided into a collection o# e=ual8si?ed segents.
fractional$even$spacing signi#&ing that edges should 9e divided into an even nu9er o# e=ual8
length segents .lus two additional shorter W#ractionalW segents.
fractional$odd$spacing signi#&ing that edges should 9e divided into an odd nu9er o# e=ual8
length segents .lus two additional shorter W#ractionalW segents.
A third su9set o# these identi#iers, or#ering, s.eci#ies whether the tessellation .riitive generator
.roduces triangles in clockwise or counter8clockwise order, according to the coordinate s&ste de.icted
in the ).en01 s.eci#ication. -he ordering identi#iers cw and ccw indicate clockwise and counter8
clockwise triangles, res.ectivel&. I# the tessellation .riitive generator does not .roduce triangles,
ordering is ignored.
4 #aria$%es and &'pes
4inall&, oint mo#e$ is s.eci#ied with the identi#ier point$mode indicating the tessellation .riitive
generator should .roduce a .oint #or each uni=ue verte2 in the su9divided .riitive, rather than
generating lines or triangles.
An& or all o# these identi#iers a& 9e s.eci#ied one or ore ties in a single in.ut la&out declaration. I#
.riitive ode, verte2 s.acing, or ordering is declared ore than once in the tessellation evaluation
shaders o# a .rogra, all such declarations ust use the sae identi#ier.
At least one tessellation evaluation shader Fco.ilation unitG in a .rogra ust declare a .riitive ode
in its in.ut la&out. Declaring verte2 s.acing, ordering, or .oint ode identi#iers is o.tional. It is not
re=uired that all tessellation evaluation shaders in a .rogra declare a .riitive ode. I# s.acing or
verte2 ordering declarations are oitted, the tessellation .riitive generator will use e=ual s.acing or
counter8clockwise verte2 ordering, res.ectivel&. I# a .oint ode declaration is oitted, the tessellation
.riitive generator will .roduce lines or triangles according to the .riitive ode.
0eoetr& shaders allow in.ut la&out =uali#iers onl& on the inter#ace =uali#ier in, not on an in.ut 9lock,
9lock e9er, or varia9le. -he la&out =uali#ier identi#iers #or geoetr& shader in.uts include rimitive
identi#iers and an invocation count identi#ier:
invocations I integer-constant
-he identi#iers points, lines, lines$adPacenc0, triangles, and triangles$adPacenc0 are used to s.eci#& the
t&.e o# in.ut rimitive acce.ted 9& the geoetr& shader, and onl& one o# these is acce.ted. At least one
geoetr& shader Fco.ilation unitG in a .rogra ust declare this in.ut .riitive la&out, and all geoetr&
shader in.ut la&out declarations in a .rogra ust declare the sae la&out. It is not re=uired that all
geoetr& shaders in a .rogra declare an in.ut .riitive la&out.
-he identi#ier invocations is used to s.eci#& the nu9er o# ties the geoetr& shader e2ecuta9le is
invoked #or each in.ut .riitive received. Invocation count declarations are o.tional. I# no invocation
count is declared in an& geoetr& shader in the .rogra, the geoetr& shader will 9e run once #or each
in.ut .riitive. I# an invocation count is declared, all such declarations ust s.eci#& the sae count. I# a
shader s.eci#ies an invocation count greater than the i.leentation8de.endent a2iu, it will #ail to
4or e2a.le,
la&out#triangles1 invo%ations * G) in,
will esta9lish that all in.uts to the geoetr& shader are triangles and that the geoetr& shader e2ecuta9le
is run si2 ties #or each triangle .rocessed.
All geoetr& shader in.ut unsi?ed arra& declarations will 9e si?ed 9& an earlier in.ut .riitive la&out
=uali#ier, when .resent, as .er the #ollowing ta9le.
4 #aria$%es and &'pes
"a0out Si!e of &nput Arra0s
.oints 1
lines !
lines>ad@acenc& *
triangles '
triangles>ad@acenc& /
-he intrinsicall& declared in.ut arra& gl)in56 will also 9e si?ed 9& an& in.ut .riitive8la&out declaration.
+ence, the e2.ression
will return the value #ro the ta9le a9ove.
4or in.uts declared without an arra& si?e, including intrinsicall& declared in.uts Fi.e., gl)inG, a la&out ust
9e declared 9e#ore an& use o# the ethod length34 or other arra& use re=uiring its si?e 9e known.
It is a co.ile8tie error i# a la&out declarationHs arra& si?e F#ro ta9le a9oveG does not atch an& arra&
si?e s.eci#ied in declarations o# an in.ut varia9le in the sae shader. -he #ollowing are all e2a.les o#
co.ile tie errors:
-- %ode seAuen%e / one s.ader+++
in ve%8 Eolor'BC, -- si"e un:no/n
+++Eolor'+lengt.#)+++-- illegal1 lengt.#) un:no/n
in ve%8 Eolor9B9C, -- si"e is 9
+++Eolor'+lengt.#)+++-- illegal1 Eolor' still .as no si"e
in ve%8 Eolor;B;C, -- illegal1 input si"es are in%onsistent
la&out#lines) in, -- legal1 input si"e is 91
in ve%8 Eolor8B;C, -- illegal1 %ontradi%ts la&out
+++Eolor'+lengt.#)+++-- legal1 lengt.#) is 91 Eolor' si"ed $& la&out#)
la&out#lines) in, -- legal1 la&out#) de%laration
la&out#triangles) in,-- illegal1 does not mat%. earlier la&out#) de%laration
It is a link8tie error i# not all .rovided si?es Fsi?ed in.ut arra&s and la&out si?eG atch across all
geoetr& shaders in the .rogra.
4ragent shaders can have an in.ut la&out onl& #or redeclaring the 9uilt8in varia9le gl)-rag8oor# Fsee
section 5.1 DBuilt8In 1anguage Varia9lesEG. -he la&out =uali#ier identi#iers #or gl)-rag8oor# are
4 #aria$%es and &'pes
B& de#ault, gl)-rag8oor# assues a lower8le#t origin #or window coordinates and assues .i2el centers
are located at hal#8.i2el coordinates. 4or e2a.le, the F%$ 'G location F(.,, (.,G is returned #or the lower8
le#t8ost .i2el in a window. -he origin can 9e changed 9& redeclaring gl)-rag8oor# with the
origin$upper$left identi#ier, oving the origin o# gl)-rag8oor# to the le#t o# the window, with '
increasing in value toward the 9otto o# the window. -he values returned can also 9e shi#ted 9& hal# a
.i2el in 9oth % and ' 9& piel$center$integer so it a..ears the .i2els are centered at whole nu9er .i2el
o##sets. -his oves the F%, 'G value returned 9& gl)-rag8oor# o# F(.,, (.,G 9& de#ault, to F(.(, (.(G with
piel$center$integer. Redeclarations are done as #ollows
in ve%8 gl_FragEoord, -- rede%laration %.anges is allo/ed
-- >ll t.e follo/ing are allo/ed rede%laration %.ange $e.avior
la&out#origin_upper_left) in ve%8 gl_FragEoord,
la&out#pixel_%enter_integer) in ve%8 gl_FragEoord,
la&out#origin_upper_left1 pixel_%enter_integer) in ve%8 gl_FragEoord,
I# gl)-rag8oor# is redeclared in an& #ragent shader in a .rogra, it ust 9e redeclared in all the
#ragent shaders in that .rogra that have a static use gl)-rag8oor#. All redeclarations o#
gl)-rag8oor# in all #ragent shaders in a single .rogra ust have the sae set o# =uali#iers. Aithin
an& shader, the #irst redeclarations o# gl)-rag8oor# ust a..ear 9e#ore an& use o# gl)-rag8oor#. -he
9uilt8in gl)-rag8oor# is onl& .redeclared in #ragent shaders, so redeclaring it in an& other shader
language will 9e illegal.
Redeclaring gl)-rag8oor# with origin$upper$left andOor piel$center$integer =uali#iers onl& a##ects
gl)-rag8oor#.% and gl)-rag8oor#.'. It has no a##ect on rasteri?ation, trans#oration, or an& other .art
o# the ).en01 .i.eline or language #eatures.
&.#..2 Output La!out :ualifiers
Verte2 and tessellation evaluation shaders cannot have out.ut la&out =uali#iers.
-essellation control shaders allow out.ut la&out =uali#iers onl& on the inter#ace =uali#ier out, not on an
out.ut 9lock, 9lock e9er, or varia9le declaration. -he out.ut la&out =uali#ier identi#iers allowed #or
tessellation control shaders are:
vertices I integer-constant
-he identi#ier vertices s.eci#ies the nu9er o# vertices in the out.ut .atch .roduced 9& the tessellation
control shader, which also s.eci#ies the nu9er o# ties the tessellation control shader is invoked. It is an
error #or the out.ut verte2 count to 9e less than or e=ual to ?ero, or greater than the i.leentation8
de.endent a2iu .atch si?e.
-he intrinsicall& declared tessellation control out.ut arra& gl$out'( will also 9e si?ed 9& an& out.ut la&out
declaration. +ence, the e2.ression
will return the out.ut .atch verte2 count s.eci#ied in a .revious out.ut la&out =uali#ier. 4or out.uts
declared without an arra& si?e, including intrinsicall& declared out.uts Fi.e., gl$outG, a la&out ust 9e
ust 9e declared 9e#ore an& use o# the ethod lengthFG or other arra& use re=uires its si?e 9e known.
4 #aria$%es and &'pes
It is a co.ile8tie error i# the out.ut .atch verte2 count s.eci#ied in an out.ut la&out =uali#ier does not
atch the arra& si?e s.eci#ied in an& out.ut varia9le declaration in the sae shader.
All tessellation control shader la&out declarations in a .rogra ust s.eci#& the sae out.ut .atch verte2
count. -here ust 9e at least one la&out =uali#ier s.eci#&ing an out.ut .atch verte2 count in an& .rogra
containing tessellation control shadersL however, such a declaration is not re=uired in all tessellation
control shaders.
4ragent shaders allow out.ut la&out =uali#iers onl& on the inter#ace =uali#ier out. -he la&out =uali#ier
identi#ier #or #ragent shader out.uts is:
location I integer-constant
inde I integer-constant
Each o# these =uali#iers a& a..ear at ost once. I# inde is s.eci#ied, location ust also 9e s.eci#ied.
I# inde is not s.eci#ied, the value ( is used. 4or e2a.le,
la&out#lo%ation * ;) out ve%8 %olor,
will esta9lish that the #ragent shader out.ut color is co.ied out to #ragent color ' as the #irst Finde2
?eroG in.ut to the 9lend e=uation. And,
la&out#lo%ation * ;1 index * ') out ve%8 fa%tor,
will esta9lish that the #ragent shader out.ut (actor is co.ied out to #ragent color ' as the second Finde2
oneG in.ut to the 9lend e=uation.
I# the naed #ragent shader out.ut is an arra&, it will 9e assigned consecutive locations starting with the
location s.eci#ied. 4or e2a.le,
la&out#lo%ation * 9) out ve%8 %olorsB;C,
will esta9lish that colors is co.ied out to vector location nu9ers !, ', and *.
I# an out.ut varia9le with no location or inde2 assigned in the shader te2t has a location s.eci#ied through
the ).en01 A3I, the A3I8assigned location will 9e used. )therwise, such varia9les will 9e assigned a
location 9& the linker. All such assignents will have a color inde2 o# ?ero. %ee section '.;.! D%hader
E2ecutionE o# the ).en01 0ra.hics %&ste %.eci#ication #or ore details. A link error will occur i# an
in.ut varia9le is declared in ulti.le verte2 shaders with con#licting location or inde2 values.
0eoetr& shaders can have three t&.es o# out.ut la&out identi#iers: an out.ut rimitive t'e, a a2iu
out.ut verte% count, and .er8out.ut stream nu9ers. -he .riitive t&.e and verte2 count identi#iers are
allowed onl& on the inter#ace =uali#ier out, not on an out.ut 9lock, 9lock e9er, or varia9le declaration.
-he strea identi#ier is allowed on the inter#ace =uali#ier out, on out.ut 9locks, and on varia9le
-he la&out =uali#ier identi#iers #or geoetr& shader out.uts are
4 #aria$%es and &'pes
ma$vertices I integer-constant
stream I integer-constant
-he .riitive t&.e identi#iers points, line$strip, and triangle$strip are used to s.eci#& the t&.e o# out.ut
.riitive .roduced 9& the geoetr& shader, and onl& one o# these is acce.ted. At least one geoetr&
shader Fco.ilation unitG in a .rogra ust declare an out.ut .riitive t&.e, and all geoetr& shader
out.ut .riitive t&.e declarations in a .rogra ust declare the sae .riitive t&.e. It is not re=uired
that all geoetr& shaders in a .rogra declare an out.ut .riitive t&.e.
-he verte2 count identi#ier ma$vertices is used to s.eci#& the a2iu nu9er o# vertices the shader
will ever eit in a single invocation. At least one geoetr& shader Fco.ilation unitG in a .rogra ust
declare a a2iu out.ut verte2 count, and all geoetr& shader out.ut verte2 count declarations in a
.rogra ust declare the sae count. It is not re=uired that all geoetr& shaders in a .rogra declare a
In this e2a.le,
la&out#triangle_strip1 max_verti%es * G=) out, -- order does not matter
la&out#max_verti%es * G=) out, -- rede%laration o:a&
la&out#triangle_strip) out, -- rede%laration o:a&
la&out#points) out, -- error1 %ontradi%ts triangle_strip
la&out#max_verti%es * ;=) out, -- error1 %ontradi%ts G=
all out.uts #ro the geoetr& shader are triangles and at ost /( vertices will 9e eitted 9& the shader. It
is an error #or the a2iu nu9er o# vertices to 9e greater than gl$%a#eometr0Output5ertices.
-he identi#ier stream is used to s.eci#& that a geoetr& shader out.ut varia9le or 9lock is associated with
a .articular verte2 strea Fnu9ered 9eginning with ?eroG. A de#ault strea nu9er a& 9e declared at
glo9al sco.e 9& =uali#&ing inter#ace =uali#ier out as in this e2a.le:
la&out#stream * ') out,
-he strea nu9er s.eci#ied in such a declaration re.laces an& .revious de#ault and a..lies to all
su9se=uent 9lock and varia9le declarations until a new de#ault is esta9lished. -he initial de#ault strea
nu9er is ?ero.
4 #aria$%es and &'pes
Each out.ut 9lock or non89lock out.ut varia9le is associated with a verte2 strea. I# the 9lock or varia9le
is declared with the strea identi#ier, it is associated with the s.eci#ied streaL otherwise, it is associated
with the current de#ault strea. A 9lock e9er a& 9e declared with a strea identi#ier, 9ut the
s.eci#ied strea ust atch the strea associated with the containing 9lock. )ne e2a.le:
la&out#stream*') out, -- default is no/ stream '
out ve%8 var', -- var' gets default stream #')
la&out#stream*9) out 6lo%:' ) -- H6lo%:'H $elongs to stream 9
la&out#stream*9) ve%8 var9, -- redundant $lo%: mem$er stream de%l
la&out#stream*;) ve%9 var;, -- ILLE!>L #must mat%. $lo%: stream)
ve%; var8, -- $elongs to stream 9
la&out#stream*=) out, -- default is no/ stream =
out ve%8 var<, -- var< gets default stream #=)
out 6lo%:9 ) -- H6lo%:9H gets default stream #=)
ve%8 varG,
la&out#stream*;) out ve%8 varF, -- varF $elongs to stream ;
Each verte2 eitted 9& the geoetr& shader is assigned to a s.eci#ic strea, and the attri9utes o# the
eitted verte2 are taken #ro the set o# out.ut 9locks and varia9les assigned to the targeted strea. A#ter
each verte2 is eitted, the values o# all out.ut varia9les 9ecoe unde#ined. Additionall&, the out.ut
varia9les associated with each verte2 strea a& share storage. Ariting to an out.ut varia9le associated
with one strea a& overwrite out.ut varia9les associated with an& other strea. Ahen eitting each
verte2, a geoetr& shader should write to all out.uts associated with the strea to which the verte2 will
9e eitted and to no out.uts associated with an& other strea.
I# a geoetr& shader out.ut 9lock or varia9le is declared ore than once, all such declarations ust
associate the varia9le with the sae verte2 strea. I# an& strea declaration s.eci#ies a non8e2istent
strea nu9er, the shader will #ail to co.ile.
Built8in geoetr& shader out.uts are alwa&s associated with verte2 strea ?ero.
All geoetr& shader out.ut la&out declarations in a .rogra ust declare the sae la&out and sae value
#or ma$vertices. I# geoetr& shaders are in a .rogra, there ust 9e at least one geoetr& out.ut
la&out declaration soewhere in the .rogra, 9ut not all geoetr& shaders Fco.ilation unitsG are
re=uired to declare it.
&.#..# 5niform /loc2 La!out :ualifiers
1a&out =uali#iers can 9e used #or uni#or 9locks, 9ut not #or non89lock uni#or declarations. -he la&out
=uali#ier identi#iers #or uni#or 9locks are
4 #aria$%es and &'pes
7one o# these have an& seantic a##ect at all on the usage o# the varia9les 9eing declaredL the& onl&
descri9e how data is laid out in eor&. 4or e2a.le, atri2 seantics are alwa&s colun89ased, as
descri9ed in the rest o# this s.eci#ication, no atter what la&out =uali#iers are 9eing used.
6ni#or 9lock la&out =uali#iers can 9e declared #or glo9al sco.e, on a single uni#or 9lock, or on a single
9lock e9er declaration.
De#ault la&outs are esta9lished at glo9al sco.e #or uni#or 9locks as
la&out#la'out-1uali(ier-i#-list) uniform,
Ahen this is done, the .revious de#ault =uali#ication is #irst inherited and then overridden as .er the
override rules listed 9elow #or each =uali#ier listed in the declaration. -he result 9ecoes the new de#ault
=uali#ication sco.ed to su9se=uent uni#or 9lock de#initions.
-he initial state o# co.ilation is as i# the #ollowing were declared:
la&out#s.ared1 %olumn_ma7or) uniform,
E2.licitl& declaring this in a shader will return de#aults 9ack to their initial state.
6ni#or 9locks can 9e declared with o.tional la&out =uali#iers, and so can their individual e9er
declarations. %uch 9lock la&out =uali#ication is sco.ed onl& to the content o# the 9lock. As with glo9al
la&out declarations, 9lock la&out =uali#ication #irst inherits #ro the current de#ault =uali#ication and then
overrides it. %iilarl&, individual e9er la&out =uali#ication is sco.ed @ust to the e9er declaration,
and inherits #ro and overrides the 9lockHs =uali#ication.
-he share# =uali#ier overrides onl& the st#140 and ac.e# =uali#iersL other =uali#iers are inherited. -he
co.ilerOlinker will ensure that ulti.le .rogras and .rograa9le stages containing this de#inition
will share the sae eor& la&out #or this 9lock, as long as the& also atched in their ro/)ma9or andOor
column)ma9or =uali#ications. -his allows use o# the sae 9u##er to 9ack the sae 9lock de#inition across
di##erent .rogras.
-he ac.e# =uali#ier overrides onl& st#140 and share#L other =uali#iers are inherited. Ahen ac.e# is
used, no sharea9le la&out is guaranteed. -he co.iler and linker can o.tii?e eor& use 9ased on what
varia9les activel& get used and on other criteria. )##sets ust 9e =ueried, as there is no other wa& o#
guaranteeing where Fand whichG varia9les reside within the 9lock. Atte.ts to share a .acked uni#or
9lock across .rogras or stages will generall& #ail. +owever, i.leentations a& aid a..lication
anageent o# .acked 9locks 9& using canonical la&outs #or .acked 9locks.
-he st#140 =uali#ier overrides onl& the ac.e# and share# =uali#iersL other =uali#iers are inherited. -he
la&out is e2.licitl& deterined 9& this, as descri9ed in section !.11.* D6ni#or Varia9lesE under %tandard
6ni#or Block 1a&out o# the ).en01 0ra.hics %&ste %.eci#ication. +ence, as in share# a9ove, the
resulting la&out is sharea9le across .rogras.
1a&out =uali#iers on e9er declarations cannot use the share#, ac.e#, or st#140 =uali#iers. -hese can
onl& 9e used at glo9al sco.e or on a 9lock declaration.
-he ro/)ma9or =uali#ier overrides onl& the column)ma9or =uali#ierL other =uali#iers are inherited. It onl&
a##ects the la&out o# atrices. Eleents within a atri2 row will 9e contiguous in eor&.
4 #aria$%es and &'pes
-he column)ma9or =uali#ier overrides onl& the ro/)ma9or =uali#ierL other =uali#iers are inherited. It onl&
a##ects the la&out o# atrices. Eleents within a atri2 colun will 9e contiguous in eor&.
Ahen ulti.le arguents are listed in a la0out declaration, the a##ect will 9e the sae as i# the& were
declared one at a tie, in order #ro le#t to right, each in turn inheriting #ro and overriding the result
#ro the .revious =uali#ication.
4or e2a.le
la&out#ro/_ma7or1 %olumn_ma7or)
results in the =uali#ication 9eing column)ma9or. )ther e2a.les:
la&out#s.ared1 ro/_ma7or) uniform, -- default is no/ s.ared and ro/_ma7or
la&out#std'8=) uniform Transform ) -- la&out of $lo%: is std'8=
mat8 ?', -- ro/_ma7or
la&out#%olumn_ma7or) mat8 ?9, -- %olumn ma7or
mat; N', -- ro/_ma7or
uniform T9 ) -- la&out of $lo%: is s.ared
la&out#%olumn_ma7or) uniform T; ) -- s.ared and %olumn_ma7or
mat8 ?;, -- %olumn_ma7or
la&out#ro/_ma7or) mat8 m8, -- ro/ ma7or
mat; N9, -- %olumn_ma7or
&.#.9 Interpolation
-he .resence o# and t&.e o# inter.olation is controlled 9& the storage =uali#iers centroid in, sample in,
centroid out, and sample out, 9& the o.tional inter.olation =uali#iers smooth, flat, and noperspective,
and 9& de#ault 9ehaviors esta9lished through the ).en01 A3I when no inter.olation =uali#ier is .resent.
Ahen an inter.olation =uali#ier is used, it overrides settings esta9lished through the ).en01 A3I. It is a
co.ile8tie error to use ore than one inter.olation =uali#ier.
A varia9le =uali#ied as flat will not 9e inter.olated. Instead, it will have the sae value #or ever&
#ragent within a triangle. -his value will coe #ro a single .rovoking verte2, as descri9ed 9& the
).en01 0ra.hics %&ste %.eci#ication. A varia9le a& 9e =uali#ied as flat centroid or flat sample,
which will ean the sae thing as =uali#&ing it onl& as flat.
A varia9le =uali#ied as smooth will 9e inter.olated in a .ers.ective8correct anner over the .riitive
9eing rendered. Inter.olation in a .ers.ective correct anner is s.eci#ied in e=uation './ in the ).en01
0ra.hics %&ste %.eci#ication, section '., D1ine %egentsE.
A varia9le =uali#ied as noperspective ust 9e inter.olated linearl& in screen s.ace, as descri9ed in
e=uation '.5 in the ).en01 0ra.hics %&ste %.eci#ication, section '., D1ine %egentsE.
4 #aria$%es and &'pes
Ahen ulti8sa.le rasteri?ation is disa9led, or #or #ragent shader in.ut varia9les =uali#ied with neither
centroid in nor sample in, the value o# the assigned varia9le a& 9e inter.olated an&where within the
.i2el and a single value a& 9e assigned to each sa.le within the .i2el, to the e2tent .eritted 9& the
).en01 0ra.hics %&ste %.eci#ication.
Ahen ultisa.le rasteri?ation is ena9led, centroid and sample a& 9e used to control the location and
#re=uenc& o# the sa.ling o# the =uali#ied #ragent shader in.ut. I# a #ragent shader in.ut is =uali#ied
with centroid in, a single value a& 9e assigned to that varia9le #or all sa.les in the .i2el, 9ut that value
ust 9e inter.olated to a location that lies in 9oth the .i2el and in the .riitive 9eing rendered, including
an& o# the .i2elHs sa.les covered 9& the .riitive. Because the sa.le to which the varia9le is
inter.olated a& 9e di##erent in neigh9oring .i2els, derivatives o# centroid8sa.led in.uts a& 9e less
accurate than those #or non8centroid inter.olated varia9les. I# a #ragent shader in.ut is =uali#ied with
sample in, a se.arate value ust 9e assigned to that varia9le #or each covered sa.le in the .i2el, and
that value ust 9e sa.led at the location o# the individual sa.le.
-he t&.e and .resence o# the inter.olation =uali#iers and storage =uali#iers and invariant =uali#iers o#
varia9les with the sae nae declared in all linked shaders ust atch, otherwise the link coand will
&.#.9.1 Redeclaring /uilt7in Interpolation "ariables in the Compatibilit! -rofile
-he #ollowing .redeclared varia9les can 9e redeclared with an inter.olation =uali#ier when using the
co.ati9ilit& .ro#ile:
Verte2 and geoetr& languages:
4ragent language:
4or e2a.le,
in ve%8 gl_Eolor, -- prede%lared $& t.e fragment language
flat in ve%8 gl_Eolor, -- rede%lared $& user to $e flat
flat in ve%8 gl_FrontEolor, -- input to geometr& s.ader1 no 4gl_inBC5
flat out ve%8 gl_FrontEolor, -- output from geometr& s.ader
In.ut or out.ut instance naes on 9locks are not used when redeclaring 9uilt8in varia9les.
I# gl)8olor is redeclared with an inter.olation =uali#ier, then gl)-ront8olor and gl):ac.8olor Fi# the&
are written toG ust also 9e redeclared with the sae inter.olation =uali#ier, and vice versa. I#
gl)"econ#ar'8olor is redeclared with an inter.olation =uali#ier, then gl)-ront"econ#ar'8olor and
gl):ac."econ#ar'8olor Fi# the& are written toG ust also 9e redeclared with the sae inter.olation
=uali#ier, and vice versa. -his =uali#ier atching on .redeclared varia9les is onl& re=uired #or varia9les
that are staticall& used within the shaders in a .rogra.
4 #aria$%es and &'pes
&.& -arameter :ualifiers
3araeters can have these =uali#iers.
:ualifier 8eaning
Q none: de#ault R sae is in
in #or #unction .araeters .assed into a #unction
out #or #unction .araeters .assed 9ack out o# a #unction, 9ut not initiali?ed
#or use when .assed in
inout #or #unction .araeters .assed 9oth into and out o# a #unction
3araeter =uali#iers are discussed in ore detail in section /.1.1 D4unction "alling "onventionsE.
&.) -recision and -recision :ualifiers
3recision =uali#iers are added #or code .orta9ilit& with ).en01 E%, not #or #unctionalit&. -he& have the
sae s&nta2 as in ).en01 E%, as descri9ed 9elow, 9ut the& have no seantic eaning, which includes no
e##ect on the .recision used to store or o.erate on varia9les.
I# an e2tension adds in the sae seantics and #unctionalit& in the ).en01 E% !.( s.eci#ication #or
.recision =uali#iers, then the e2tension is allowed to reuse the ke&words 9elow #or that .ur.ose.
&.).1 Range and -recision
%ection nu9er reserved #or #uture use.
&.).2 -recision :ualifiers
An& #loating .oint or an& integer declaration can have the t&.e .receded 9& one o# these .recision
:ualifier 8eaning
highp 7one.
mediump 7one.
lowp 7one.
4 #aria$%es and &'pes
4or e2a.le:
lo/p float %olor,
out mediump ve%9 @,
lo/p ive%9 foo#lo/p mat;),
.ig.p mat8 m,
1iteral constants do not have .recision =uali#iers. 7either do Boolean varia9les. 7either do #loating .oint
constructors nor integer constructors when none o# the constructor arguents have .recision =uali#iers.
3recision =uali#iers, as with other =uali#iers, do not e##ect the 9asic t&.e o# the varia9le. In .articular,
there are no constructors #or .recision conversionsL constructors onl& convert t&.es. %iilarl&, .recision
=uali#iers, as with other =uali#iers, do not contri9ute to #unction overloading 9ased on .araeter t&.es. As
discussed in the ne2t cha.ter, #unction in.ut and out.ut is done through co.ies, and there#ore =uali#iers do
not have to atch.
-he sae o9@ect declared in di##erent shaders that are linked together ust have the sae .recision
=uali#ication. -his a..lies to in.uts, out.uts, uni#ors, and glo9als.
&.).# +efault -recision :ualifiers
-he .recision stateent
pre%ision pre%ision2Aualifier t&pe,
can 9e used to esta9lish a de#ault .recision =uali#ier. -he t0pe #ield can 9e either int or float, and the
recision-1uali(ier can 9e lowp, mediump, or highp. An& other t&.es or =uali#iers will result in an error.
I# t'e is float, the directive a..lies to non8.recision8=uali#ied #loating .oint t&.e Fscalar, vector, and
atri2G declarations. I# t'e is int, the directive a..lies to all non8.recision8=uali#ied integer t&.e Fscalar,
vector, signed, and unsignedG declarations. -his includes glo9al varia9le declarations, #unction return
declarations, #unction .araeter declarations, and local varia9le declarations.
7on8.recision =uali#ied declarations will use the .recision =uali#ier s.eci#ied in the ost recent precision
stateent that is still in sco.e. -he precision stateent has the sae rules as varia9le
declarations. I# it is declared inside a co.ound stateent, its e##ect sto.s at the end o# the innerost
stateent it was declared in. 3recision stateents in nested override .recision stateents in outer :ulti.le .recision stateents #or the sae 9asic t&.e can a..ear inside the sae sco.e, with later
stateents overriding earlier stateents within that sco.e.
-he verte2 and geoetr& languages have the #ollowing .redeclared glo9all& sco.ed de#ault .recision
pre%ision .ig.p float,
pre%ision .ig.p int,
-he #ragent language has the #ollowing .redeclared glo9all& sco.ed de#ault .recision stateents:
pre%ision mediump int,
pre%ision .ig.p float,
4 #aria$%es and &'pes
&.).& 0vailable -recision :ualifiers
-he 9uilt8in acro 01>4RA0:E7->3RE"I%I)7>+I0+ is de#ined to 1:
#define !L_FR>!?ENT_@REEISION_II!I '
-his acro is availa9le in the verte2, geoetr&, and #ragent languages.
&.* "ariance and the Invariant :ualifier
In this section, variance re#ers to the .ossi9ilit& o# getting di##erent values #ro the sae e2.ression in
di##erent .rogras. 4or e2a.le, sa& two verte2 shaders, in di##erent .rogras, each set gl);osition with
the sae e2.ression in 9oth shaders, and the in.ut values into that e2.ression are the sae when 9oth
shaders run. It is .ossi9le, due to inde.endent co.ilation o# the two shaders, that the values assigned to
gl);osition are not e2actl& the sae when the two shaders run. In this e2a.le, this can cause .ro9les
with alignent o# geoetr& in a ulti8.ass algorith.
In general, such variance 9etween shaders is allowed. Ahen such variance does not e2ist #or a .articular
out.ut varia9le, that varia9le is said to 9e invariant.
&.*.1 The Invariant :ualifier
-o ensure that a .articular out.ut varia9le is invariant, it is necessar& to use the invariant =uali#ier. It can
either 9e used to =uali#& a .reviousl& declared varia9le as 9eing invariant
invariant gl_@osition, -- ma:e existing gl_@osition $e invariant
out ve%; Eolor,
invariant Eolor, -- ma:e existing Eolor $e invariant
or as .art o# a declaration when a varia9le is declared
invariant %entroid out ve%; Eolor,
-he invariant =uali#ier ust a..ear 9e#ore an& inter.olation =uali#iers or storage =uali#iers when
co9ined with a declaration. )nl& varia9les out.ut #ro a shader Fincluding those that are then in.ut to a
su9se=uent shaderG can 9e candidates #or invariance. -his includes user8de#ined out.ut varia9les and the
9uilt8in out.ut varia9les. 4or varia9les leaving one shader and coing into another shader, the invariant
ke&word has to 9e used in 9oth shaders, or a link error will result.
In.ut or out.ut instance naes on 9locks are not used when redeclaring 9uilt8in varia9les.
-he invariant ke&word can 9e #ollowed 9& a coa se.arated list o# .reviousl& declared identi#iers. All
uses o# invariant ust 9e at the glo9al sco.e, and 9e#ore an& use o# the varia9les 9eing declared as
-o guarantee invariance o# a .articular out.ut varia9le across two .rogras, the #ollowing ust also 9e
-he out.ut varia9le is declared as invariant in 9oth .rogras.
-he sae values ust 9e in.ut to all shader in.ut varia9les consued 9& e2.ressions and #low control
contri9uting to the value assigned to the out.ut varia9le.
4 #aria$%es and &'pes
-he te2ture #orats, te2el values, and te2ture #iltering are set the sae wa& #or an& te2ture #unction
calls contri9uting to the value o# the out.ut varia9le.
All in.ut values are all o.erated on in the sae wa&. All o.erations in the consuing e2.ressions and
an& interediate e2.ressions ust 9e the sae, with the sae order o# o.erands and sae
associativit&, to give the sae order o# evaluation. Interediate varia9les and #unctions ust 9e
declared as the sae t&.e with the sae e2.licit or i.licit .recision =uali#iers. An& control #low
a##ecting the out.ut value ust 9e the sae, and an& e2.ressions consued to deterine this control
#low ust also #ollow these invariance rules.
All the data #low and control #low leading to setting the invariant out.ut varia9le reside in a single
co.ilation unit.
Essentiall&, all the data #low and control #low leading to an invariant out.ut ust atch.
Initiall&, 9& de#ault, all out.ut varia9les are allowed to 9e variant. -o #orce all out.ut varia9les to 9e
invariant, use the .raga
#pragma ST!L invariant#all)
9e#ore all declarations in a shader. I# this .raga is used a#ter the declaration o# an& varia9les or
#unctions, then the set o# out.uts that 9ehave as invariant is unde#ined. It is an error to use this .raga in
a #ragent shader.
0enerall&, invariance is ensured at the cost o# #le2i9ilit& in o.tii?ation, so .er#orance can 9e degraded
9& use o# invariance. +ence, use o# this .raga is intended as a de9ug aid, to avoid individuall& declaring
all out.ut varia9les as invariant.
&.*.2 Invariance of Constant ',pressions
Invariance ust 9e guaranteed #or constant e2.ressions. A .articular constant e2.ression ust evaluate to
the sae result i# it a..ears again in the sae shader or a di##erent shader. -his includes the sae
e2.ression a..earing two shaders o# the sae language or shaders o# two di##erent languages.
"onstant e2.ressions ust evaluate to the sae result when o.erated on as alread& descri9ed a9ove #or
invariant varia9les.
&.4 The -recise :ualifier
%oe algoriths re=uire #loating8.oint co.utations to e2actl& #ollow the order o# o.erations s.eci#ied in
the source code and to treat all o.erations consistentl&, even i# the i.leentation su..orts o.tii?ations
that could .roduce nearl& e=uivalent results with higher .er#orance. 4or e2a.le, an& 01
i.leentations su..ort a Wulti.l&8addW instruction that can co.ute a #loating8.oint e2.ression such as
result * #a J $) K #% J d),
4 #aria$%es and &'pes
in two o.erations instead o# three o.erationsL one ulti.l& and one ulti.l&8add instead o# two ulti.lies
and one add. -he result o# a #loating8.oint ulti.l&8add a& not alwa&s 9e identical to #irst doing a
ulti.l& &ielding a #loating8.oint result and then doing a #loating8.oint add. +ence, in this e2a.le, the
two ulti.l& o.erations would not 9e treated consistentl&L the two ulti.lies could e##ectivel& a..ear to
have di##ering .recisions. Aithout an& =uali#iers, i.leentations are .eritted to .er#or such
o.tii?ations that e##ectivel& odi#& the order or nu9er o# o.erations used to evaluate an e2.ression,
even i# those o.tii?ations a& .roduce slightl& di##erent results relative to uno.tii?ed code.
-he =uali#ier precise will ensure that o.erations contri9uting to a varia9leHs value are done in their stated
order and are done with o.erator consistenc&. )rder is deterined 9& o.erator .recedence and
.arenthesis, as descri9ed in section ,.1 D).eratorsE. ).erator consistenc& eans #or each .articular
o.erator, #or e2a.le the ulti.l& o.erator F = G, its o.eration is alwa&s co.uted with the sae
.recision. 7ote this e##ectivel& .revents #using ulti.le o.erations into a single o.eration.
4or e2a.le,
pre%ise out ve%8 position,
declares that o.erations used to .roduce the value o# osition ust 9e .er#ored in e2actl& the order
s.eci#ied in the source code and with all o.erators 9eing treated consistentl&. As with the invariant
=uali#ier Fsection *./.1G, the .recise =uali#ier a& 9e used to =uali#& a 9uilt8in or .reviousl& declared user8
de#ined varia9le as 9eing .recise:
out ve%; Eolor,
pre%ise Eolor, -- ma:e existing Eolor $e pre%ise
-his =uali#ier will a##ect the evaluation o# an r8value in a .articular #unction i# and onl& i# the result is
eventuall& consued in the sae #unction 9& an l8value =uali#ied as precise. An& other e2.ressions
within a #unction are not a##ected, including return values and out.ut .araeters not declared as precise
9ut that are eventuall& consued outside the #unction 9& an varia9le =uali#ied as precise.
4 #aria$%es and &'pes
%oe e2a.les o# the use o# precise:
in ve%8 a1 $1 %1 d,
pre%ise out ve%8 v,
float fun%#float e1 float f1 float g1 float .)
return #eJf) K #gJ.), -- no %onstraint on order or
-- operator %onsisten%&
float fun%9#float e1 float f1 float g1 float .)
pre%ise float result * #eJf) K #gJ.), -- ensures same pre%ision for
-- t.e t/o multiplies
return result,
float fun%;#float i1 float 71 pre%ise out float :)
: * i J i K 7, -- pre%ise1 due to 0:L de%laration
void main#)
ve%8 r * ve%;#a J $), -- pre%ise1 used to %ompute v+x&"
ve%8 s * ve%;#% J d), -- pre%ise1 used to %ompute v+x&"
v+x&" * r K s, -- pre%ise
v+/ * #a+/ J $+/) K #%+/ J d+/), -- pre%ise
v+x * fun%#a+x1 $+x1 %+x1 d+x), -- values %omputed in fun%#)
-- are NOT pre%ise
v+x * fun%9#a+x1 $+x1 %+x1 d+x), -- pre%iseM
fun%;#a+x J $+x1 %+x J d+x1 v+x), -- pre%iseM
&. Order of :ualification
Ahen ulti.le =uali#ications are .resent, the& ust #ollow a strict order. -his order is as #ollows.
recise-1uali(ier invariant-1uali(ier interolation-1uali(ier storage-1uali(ier recision-1uali(ier
storage-1uali(ier arameter-1uali(ier recision-1uali(ier
) Operators and ',pressions
).1 Operators
-he ).en01 %hading 1anguage has the #ollowing o.erators.
-recedence Operator Class Operators 0ssociativit!
1 FhighestG .arenthetical A B 7A
arra& su9scri.t
#unction call and constructor structure
#ield or ethod selector, swi??ler
.ost #i2 increent and decreent
' (
;; 77
1e#t to Right
.re#i2 increent and decreent
;; 77
; 7 H J
Right to 1e#t
* ulti.licative = < > 1e#t to Right
, additive ; 7 1e#t to Right
/ 9it8wise shi#t ?? @@ 1e#t to Right
5 relational ? @ ?I @I 1e#t to Right
$ e=ualit& II JI 1e#t to Right
; 9it8wise and G 1e#t to Right
1( 9it8wise e2clusive or E 1e#t to Right
11 9it8wise inclusive or F 1e#t to Right
1! logical and GG 1e#t to Right
1' logical e2clusive or EE 1e#t to Right
1* logical inclusive or F F 1e#t to Right
1, selection M K Right to 1e#t
arithetic assignents
;I 7I
=I <I
>I ??I @@I
Right to 1e#t
15 FlowestG se=uence , 1e#t to Right
-here is no address8o# o.erator nor a dere#erence o.erator. -here is no t&.ecast o.eratorL constructors
are used instead.
5 Operators and ()pressions
).2 0rra! Operations
-hese are now descri9ed in section ,.5 D%tructure and Arra& ).erationsE.
).# .unction Calls
I# a #unction returns a value, then a call to that #unction a& 9e used as an e2.ression, whose t&.e will 9e
the t&.e that was used to declare or de#ine the #unction.
4unction de#initions and calling conventions are discussed in section /.1 D4unction De#initionsE .
).& Constructors
"onstructors use the #unction call s&nta2, where the #unction nae is a t&.e, and the call akes an o9@ect
o# that t&.e. "onstructors are used the sae wa& in 9oth initiali?ers and e2.ressions. F%ee section ;
D%hading 1anguage 0raarE #or details.G -he .araeters are used to initiali?e the constructed value.
"onstructors can 9e used to re=uest a data t&.e conversion to change #ro one scalar t&.e to another
scalar t&.e, or to 9uild larger t&.es out o# saller t&.es, or to reduce a larger t&.e to a saller t&.e.
In general, constructors are not 9uilt8in #unctions with .redeterined .rotot&.es. 4or arra&s and
structures, there ust 9e e2actl& one arguent in the constructor #or each eleent or #ield. 4or the other
t&.es, the arguents ust .rovide a su##icient nu9er o# co.onents to .er#or the initiali?ation, and it
is an error to include so an& arguents that the& cannot all 9e used. Detailed rules #ollow. -he
.rotot&.es actuall& listed 9elow are erel& a su9set o# e2a.les.
).&.1 Conversion and Scalar Constructors
"onverting 9etween scalar t&.es is done as the #ollowing .rotot&.es indicate:
int#uint) -- %onverts an unsigned integer to a signed integer
int#$ool) -- %onverts a 6oolean value to an int
int#float) -- %onverts a float value to an int
int#dou$le) -- %onverts a dou$le value to a signed integer
uint#int) -- %onverts a signed integer value to an unsigned integer
uint#$ool) -- %onverts a 6oolean value to an unsigned integer
uint#float) -- %onverts a float value to an unsigned integer
uint#dou$le) -- %onverts a dou$le value to an unsigned integer
$ool#int) -- %onverts a signed integer value to a 6oolean
$ool#uint) -- %onverts an unsigned integer value to a 6oolean value
$ool#float) -- %onverts a float value to a 6oolean
$ool#dou$le) -- %onverts a dou$le value to a 6oolean
float#int) -- %onverts a signed integer value to a float
float#uint) -- %onverts an unsigned integer value to a float value
float#$ool) -- %onverts a 6oolean value to a float
float#dou$le)-- %onverts a dou$le value to a float
dou$le#int) -- %onverts a signed integer value to a dou$le
dou$le#uint) -- %onverts an unsigned integer value to a dou$le
dou$le#$ool) -- %onverts a 6oolean value to a dou$le
dou$le#float)-- %onverts a float value to a dou$le
5 Operators and ()pressions
Ahen constructors are used to convert an& #loating8.oint t&.e to an integer t&.e, the #ractional .art o# the
#loating8.oint value is dro..ed. It is unde#ined to convert a negative #loating .oint value to an uint.
Ahen a constructor is used to convert an& integer or #loating8.oint t&.e to a bool, ( and (.( are converted
to false, and non8?ero values are converted to true. Ahen a constructor is used to convert a bool to an&
integer or #loating8.oint t&.e, false is converted to ( or (.(, and true is converted to 1 or 1.(.
-he constructor intFuintG .reserves the 9it .attern in the arguent, which will change the arguentHs
value i# its sign 9it is set. -he constructor uintFintG .reserves the 9it .attern in the arguent, which will
change its value i# it is negative.
Identit& constructors, like floatFfloatG are also legal, 9ut o# little use.
%calar constructors with non8scalar .araeters can 9e used to take the #irst eleent #ro a non8scalar.
4or e2a.le, the constructor floatFvec/G will select the #irst co.onent o# the vec/ .araeter.
).&.2 "ector and 8atri, Constructors
"onstructors can 9e used to create vectors or atrices #ro a set o# scalars, vectors, or atrices. -his
includes the a9ilit& to shorten vectors.
I# there is a single scalar .araeter to a vector constructor, it is used to initiali?e all co.onents o# the
constructed vector to that scalarKs value. I# there is a single scalar .araeter to a atri2 constructor, it is
used to initiali?e all the co.onents on the atri2Ks diagonal, with the reaining co.onents initiali?ed
to (.(.
I# a vector is constructed #ro ulti.le scalars, one or ore vectors, or one or ore atrices, or a i2ture
o# these, the vectorHs co.onents will 9e constructed in order #ro the co.onents o# the arguents. -he
arguents will 9e consued le#t to right, and each arguent will have all its co.onents consued, in
order, 9e#ore an& co.onents #ro the ne2t arguent are consued. %iilarl& #or constructing a atri2
#ro ulti.le scalars or vectors, or a i2ture o# these. :atri2 co.onents will 9e constructed and
consued in colun a@or order. In these cases, there ust 9e enough co.onents .rovided in the
arguents to .rovide an initiali?er #or ever& co.onent in the constructed value. It is an error to .rovide
e2tra arguents 9e&ond this last used arguent.
I# a atri2 is constructed #ro a atri2, then each co.onent Fcolun i$ row 9G in the result that has a
corres.onding co.onent Fcolun i$ row 9G in the arguent will 9e initiali?ed #ro there. All other
co.onents will 9e initiali?ed to the identit& atri2. I# a atri2 arguent is given to a atri2 constructor,
it is an error to have an& other arguents.
I# the 9asic t&.e Fbool, int, float, or doubleG o# a .araeter to a constructor does not atch the 9asic t&.e
o# the o9@ect 9eing constructed, the scalar construction rules Fa9oveG are used to convert the .araeters.
5 Operators and ()pressions
%oe use#ul vector constructors are as #ollows:
ve%;#float) -- initiali"es ea%. %omponent of t.e ve%; /it. t.e float
ve%8#ive%8) -- ma:es a ve%8 /it. %omponent2/ise %onversion
ve%8#mat9) -- t.e ve%8 is %olumn = follo/ed $& %olumn '
ve%9#float1 float) -- initiali"es a ve%9 /it. 9 floats
ive%;#int1 int1 int) -- initiali"es an ive%; /it. ; ints
$ve%8#int1 int1 float1 float) -- uses 8 6oolean %onversions
ve%9#ve%;) -- drops t.e t.ird %omponent of a ve%;
ve%;#ve%8) -- drops t.e fourt. %omponent of a ve%8
ve%;#ve%91 float) -- ve%;+x * ve%9+x1 ve%;+& * ve%9+&1 ve%;+" * float
ve%;#float1 ve%9) -- ve%;+x * float1 ve%;+& * ve%9+x1 ve%;+" * ve%9+&
ve%8#ve%;1 float)
ve%8#float1 ve%;)
ve%8#ve%91 ve%9)
%oe e2a.les o# these are:
ve%8 %olor * ve%8#=+=1 '+=1 =+=1 '+=),
ve%8 rg$a * ve%8#'+=), -- sets ea%. %omponent to '+=
ve%; rg$ * ve%;#%olor), -- drop t.e 8t. %omponent
-o initiali?e the diagonal o# a atri2 with all other eleents set to ?ero:
-hat is, result5i6596 is set to the #loat arguent #or all i < 9 and set to ( #or all i 9.
5 Operators and ()pressions
-o initiali?e a atri2 9& s.eci#&ing vectors or scalars, the co.onents are assigned to the atri2 eleents
in colun8a@or order.
mat9#ve%91 ve%9), -- one %olumn per argument
mat;#ve%;1 ve%;1 ve%;), -- one %olumn per argument
mat8#ve%81 ve%81 ve%81 ve%8), -- one %olumn per argument
mat;x9#ve%91 ve%91 ve%9), -- one %olumn per argument
dmat9#dve%91 dve%9),
dmat;#dve%;1 dve%;1 dve%;),
dmat8#dve%81 dve%81 dve%81 dve%8),
mat9#float1 float1 -- first %olumn
float1 float), -- se%ond %olumn
mat;#float1 float1 float1 -- first %olumn
float1 float1 float1 -- se%ond %olumn
float1 float1 float), -- t.ird %olumn
mat8#float1 float1 float1 float1 -- first %olumn
float1 float1 float1 float1 -- se%ond %olumn
float1 float1 float1 float1 -- t.ird %olumn
float1 float1 float1 float), -- fourt. %olumn
mat9x;#ve%91 float1 -- first %olumn
ve%91 float), -- se%ond %olumn
dmat9x8#dve%;1 dou$le1 -- first %olumn
dou$le1 dve%;) -- se%ond %olumn
A wide range o# other .ossi9ilities e2ist, to construct a atri2 #ro vectors and scalars, as long as enough
co.onents are .resent to initiali?e the atri2. -o construct a atri2 #ro a atri2:
mat;x;#mat8x8), -- ta:es t.e upper2left ;x; of t.e mat8x8
mat9x;#mat8x9), -- ta:es t.e upper2left 9x9 of t.e mat8x81 last ro/ is =1=
mat8x8#mat;x;), -- puts t.e mat;x; in t.e upper2left1 sets t.e lo/er rig.t
-- %omponent to '1 and t.e rest to =
).&.# Structure Constructors
)nce a structure is de#ined, and its t&.e is given a nae, a constructor is availa9le with the sae nae to
construct instances o# that structure. 4or e2a.le:
stru%t lig.t )
float intensit&,
ve%; position,
lig.t lig.tVar * lig.t#;+=1 ve%;#'+=1 9+=1 ;+=)),
5 Operators and ()pressions
-he arguents to the constructor will 9e used to set the structureHs #ields, in order, using one arguent .er
#ield. Each arguent ust 9e the sae t&.e as the #ield it sets, or 9e a t&.e that can 9e converted to the
#ieldHs t&.e according to section *.1.1( DI.licit "onversions.E
%tructure constructors can 9e used as initiali?ers or in e2.ressions.
).&.& 0rra! Constructors
Arra& t&.es can also 9e used as constructor naes, which can then 9e used in e2.ressions or initiali?ers.
4or e2a.le,
%onst float %B;C * floatB;C#<+=1 F+91 '+'),
%onst float dB;C * floatBC#<+=1 F+91 '+'),
float g,
float aB<C * floatB<C#g1 '1 g1 9+;1 g),
float $B;C,
$ * floatB;C#g1 g K '+=1 g K 9+=),
-here ust 9e e2actl& the sae nu9er o# arguents as the si?e o# the arra& 9eing constructed. I# no si?e
is .resent in the constructor, then the arra& is e2.licitl& si?ed to the nu9er o# arguents .rovided. -he
arguents are assigned in order, starting at eleent (, to the eleents o# the constructed arra&. Each
arguent ust 9e the sae t&.e as the eleent t&.e o# the arra&, or 9e a t&.e that can 9e converted to the
eleent t&.e o# the arra& according to section *.1.1( DI.licit "onversions.E
).) "ector Components
-he naes o# the co.onents o# a vector are denoted 9& a single letter. As a notational convenience,
several letters are associated with each co.onent 9ased on coon usage o# .osition, color or te2ture
coordinate vectors. -he individual co.onents o# a vector can 9e selected 9& #ollowing the varia9le
nae with .eriod F . G and then the co.onent nae.
-he co.onent naes su..orted are:
=%$ '$ 0$ /> 6se#ul when accessing vectors that re.resent .oints or norals
=r$ g$ &$ a> 6se#ul when accessing vectors that re.resent colors
=s$ t$ $ 1> 6se#ul when accessing vectors that re.resent te2ture coordinates
-he co.onent naes %$ r$ and s are, #or e2a.le, s&non&s #or the sae F#irstG co.onent in a vector.
7ote that the third co.onent o# the te2ture coordinate set, r in ).en01, has 9een renaed so as to
avoid the con#usion with r F#or redG in a color.
Accessing co.onents 9e&ond those declared #or the vector t&.e is an error so, #or e2a.le:
5 Operators and ()pressions
ve%9 pos,
pos+x -- is legal
pos+" -- is illegal
-he co.onent selection s&nta2 allows ulti.le co.onents to 9e selected 9& a..ending their naes
F#ro the sae nae setG a#ter the .eriod F . G.
ve%8 v8,
v8+rg$a, -- is a ve%8 and t.e same as 7ust using v81
v8+rg$, -- is a ve%;1
v8+$, -- is a float1
v8+x&, -- is a ve%91
v8+xg$a, -- is illegal 2 t.e %omponent names do not %ome from
-- t.e same set+
-he order o# the co.onents can 9e di##erent to swi??le the, or re.licated:
ve%8 pos * ve%8#'+=1 9+=1 ;+=1 8+=),
ve%8 s/i"* pos+/"&x, -- s/i" * #8+=1 ;+=1 9+=1 '+=)
ve%8 dup * pos+xx&&, -- dup * #'+=1 '+=1 9+=1 9+=)
-his notation is ore concise than the constructor s&nta2. -o #or an r8value, it can 9e a..lied to an&
e2.ression that results in a vector r8value.
-he co.onent grou. notation can occur on the le#t hand side o# an e2.ression.
ve%8 pos * ve%8#'+=1 9+=1 ;+=1 8+=),
pos+x/ * ve%9#<+=1 G+=), -- pos * #<+=1 9+=1 ;+=1 G+=)
pos+/x * ve%9#F+=1 N+=), -- pos * #N+=1 9+=1 ;+=1 F+=)
pos+xx * ve%9#;+=1 8+=), -- illegal 2 DxD used t/i%e
pos+x& * ve%;#'+=1 9+=1 ;+=), -- illegal 2 mismat%. $et/een ve%9 and ve%;
-o #or an l8value, swi??ling ust 9e a..lied to an l8value o# vector t&.e, contain no du.licate
co.onents, and it results in an l8value o# scalar or vector t&.e, de.ending on nu9er o# co.onents
Arra& su9scri.ting s&nta2 can also 9e a..lied to vectors to .rovide nueric inde2ing. %o in
ve%8 pos,
os526 re#ers to the third eleent o# .os and is e=uivalent to os.0. -his allows varia9le inde2ing into a
vector, as well as a generic wa& o# accessing co.onents. An& integer e2.ression can 9e used as the
su9scri.t. -he #irst co.onent is at inde2 ?ero. Reading #ro or writing to a vector using a constant
integral e2.ression with a value that is negative or greater than or e=ual to the si?e o# the vector is illegal.
Ahen inde2ing with non8constant e2.ressions, 9ehavior is unde#ined i# the inde2 is negative, or greater
than or e=ual to the si?e o# the vector.
5 Operators and ()pressions
).* 8atri, Components
-he co.onents o# a atri2 can 9e accessed using arra& su9scri.ting s&nta2. A..l&ing a single su9scri.t
to a atri2 treats the atri2 as an arra& o# colun vectors, and selects a single colun, whose t&.e is a
vector o# the sae si?e as the atri2. -he le#tost colun is colun (. A second su9scri.t would then
o.erate on the resulting vector, as de#ined earlier #or vectors. +ence, two su9scri.ts select a colun and
then a row.
mat8 m,
mB'C * ve%8#9+=), -- sets t.e se%ond %olumn to all 9+=
mB=CB=C * '+=, -- sets t.e upper left element to '+=
mB9CB;C * 9+=, -- sets t.e 8t. element of t.e t.ird %olumn to 9+=
Behavior is unde#ined when accessing a co.onent outside the 9ounds o# a atri2 with a non8constant
e2.ression. It is an error to access a atri2 with a constant e2.ression that is outside the 9ounds o# the
).4 Structure and 0rra! Operations
-he #ields o# a structure and the length ethod o# an arra& are selected using the .eriod F . G.
In total, onl& the #ollowing o.erators are allowed to o.erate on arra&s and structures as whole entities:
#ield or ethod selector .
e=ualit& II JI
assignent I
inde2ing Farra&s onl&G Z [
-he e=ualit& o.erators and assignent o.erator are onl& allowed i# the two o.erands are sae si?e and
t&.e. %tructure t&.es ust 9e o# the sae declared structure. Both arra& o.erands ust 9e e2.licitl&
si?ed. Ahen using the e=ualit& o.erators, two structures are e=ual i# and onl& i# all the #ields are
co.onent8wise e=ual, and two arra&s are e=ual i# and onl& i# all the eleents are eleent8wise e=ual.
Arra& eleents are accessed using the arra& su9scri.t o.erator F ' ( G. An e2a.le o# accessing an arra&
eleent is
diffuseEolor K* lig.tIntensit&B;C J NdotL,
Arra& indices start at ?ero. Arra& eleents are accessed using an e2.ression whose t&.e is int or uint.
Behavior is unde#ined i# a shader su9scri.ts an arra& with an inde2 less than ( or greater than or e=ual to
the si?e the arra& was declared with.
5 Operators and ()pressions
Arra&s can also 9e accessed with the ethod o.erator F . G and the length ethod to =uer& the si?e o# the
lig.tIntensit&+lengt.#) -- return t.e si"e of t.e arra&
). 0ssignments
Assignents o# values to varia9le naes are done with the assignent o.erator F I G:
lvalue2expression * rvalue2expression
-he lvalue-e%ression evaluates to an l8value. -he assignent o.erator stores the value o# rvalue-
e%ression into the l8value and returns an r8value with the t&.e and .recision o# lvalue-e%ression. -he
lvalue-e%ression and rvalue-e%ression ust have the sae t&.e, or the e2.ression ust have a t&.e in
the ta9le in section *.1.1( DI.licit "onversionsE that converts to the t&.e o# lvalue-e%ression, in which
case an i.licit conversion will 9e done on the rvalue-e%ression 9e#ore the assignent is done. An&
other desired t&.e8conversions ust 9e s.eci#ied e2.licitl& via a constructor. 18values ust 9e writa9le.
Varia9les that are 9uilt8in t&.es, entire structures or arra&s, structure #ields, l8values with the #ield selector
F . G a..lied to select co.onents or swi??les without re.eated #ields, l8values within .arentheses, and l8
values dere#erenced with the arra& su9scri.t o.erator F ' ( G are all l8values. )ther 9inar& or unar&
e2.ressions, #unction naes, swi??les with re.eated #ields, and constants cannot 9e l8values. -he ternar&
o.erator FMKG is also not allowed as an l8value.
E2.ressions on the le#t o# an assignent are evaluated 9e#ore e2.ressions on the right o# the assignent.
-he other assignent o.erators are
add into F;IG
su9tract #ro F7IG
ulti.l& into F=IG
divide into F<IG
odulus into F>IG
le#t shi#t 9& F??IG
right shi#t 9& F@@IG
and into FGIG
inclusive8or into FFIG
e2clusive8or into FEIG
5 Operators and ()pressions
where the general e2.ression
lvalue op* expression
is e=uivalent to
lvalue * lvalue op expression
where o is as descri9ed 9elow, and the l8value and e2.ression ust satis#& the seantic re=uireents o#
9oth o and e=uals FIG.
Reading a varia9le 9e#ore writing For initiali?ingG it is legal, however the value is unde#ined.
).9 ',pressions
E2.ressions in the shading language are 9uilt #ro the #ollowing:
"onstants o# t&.e bool, all integer t&.es, all #loating8.oint t&.es, all vector t&.es, and all atri2 t&.es.
"onstructors o# all t&.es.
Varia9le naes o# all t&.es.
An arra& nae with the length ethod a..lied.
%u9scri.ted arra& naes.
4unction calls that return values.
"o.onent #ield selectors and arra& su9scri.t results.
3arenthesi?ed e2.ression. An& e2.ression can 9e .arenthesi?ed. 3arentheses can 9e used to grou.
o.erations. ).erations within .arentheses are done 9e#ore o.erations across .arentheses.
-he arithetic 9inar& o.erators add F;G, su9tract F7G, ulti.l& F=G, and divide F<G o.erate on integer and
#loating8.oint scalars, vectors, and atrices. I# the #undaental t&.es in the o.erands do not atch,
then the conversions #ro section *.1.1( DI.licit "onversionsE are a..lied to create atching t&.es.
All arithetic 9inar& o.erators result in the sae #undaental t&.e Fsigned integer, unsigned integer,
single8.recision #loating .oint, or dou9le8.recision #loating .ointG as the o.erands the& o.erate on,
a#ter o.erand t&.e conversion. A#ter conversion, the #ollowing cases are valid
-he two o.erands are scalars. In this case the o.eration is a..lied, resulting in a scalar.
)ne o.erand is a scalar, and the other is a vector or atri2. In this case, the scalar o.eration is
a..lied inde.endentl& to each co.onent o# the vector or atri2, resulting in the sae si?e vector
or atri2.
-he two o.erands are vectors o# the sae si?e. In this case, the o.eration is done co.onent8wise
resulting in the sae si?e vector.
-he o.erator is add F;G, su9tract F7G, or divide F<G, and the o.erands are atrices with the sae
nu9er o# rows and the sae nu9er o# coluns. In this case, the o.eration is done co.onent8
wise resulting in the sae si?e atri2.
5 Operators and ()pressions
-he o.erator is ulti.l& F=G, where 9oth o.erands are atrices or one o.erand is a vector and the
other a atri2. A right vector o.erand is treated as a colun vector and a le#t vector o.erand as a
row vector. In all these cases, it is re=uired that the nu9er o# coluns o# the le#t o.erand is e=ual
to the nu9er o# rows o# the right o.erand. -hen, the ulti.l& F=G o.eration does a linear
alge9raic ulti.l&, &ielding an o9@ect that has the sae nu9er o# rows as the le#t o.erand and the
sae nu9er o# coluns as the right o.erand. %ection ,.1( DVector and :atri2 ).erationsE
e2.lains in ore detail how vectors and atrices are o.erated on.
All other cases are illegal.
Dividing 9& ?ero does not cause an e2ce.tion 9ut does result in an uns.eci#ied value. 6se the 9uilt8in
#unctions dot, cross, matriComp%ult, and outer6roduct, to get, res.ectivel&, vector dot .roduct,
vector cross .roduct, atri2 co.onent8wise ulti.lication, and the atri2 .roduct o# a colun
vector ties a row vector.
-he o.erator odulus F>G o.erates on signed or unsigned integer scalars or integer vectors. I# the
#undaental t&.es in the o.erands do not atch, then the conversions #ro section *.1.1( DI.licit
"onversionsE are a..lied to create atching t&.es. -he o.erands cannot 9e vectors o# di##ering si?e.
I# one o.erand is a scalar and the other vector, then the scalar is a..lied co.onent8wise to the vector,
resulting in the sae t&.e as the vector. I# 9oth are vectors o# the sae si?e, the result is co.uted
co.onent8wise. -he resulting value is unde#ined #or an& co.onent co.uted with a second
o.erand that is ?ero, while results #or other co.onents with non8?ero second o.erands reain
de#ined. I# 9oth o.erands are non8negative, then the reainder is non8negative. Results are unde#ined
i# one or 9oth o.erands are negative. -he o.erator odulus F>G is not de#ined #or an& other data
t&.es Fnon8integer t&.esG.
-he arithetic unar& o.erators negate F8G, .ost8 and .re8increent and decreent F77 and ;;G o.erate
on integer or #loating8.oint values Fincluding vectors and atricesG. All unar& o.erators work
co.onent8wise on their o.erands. -hese result with the sae t&.e the& o.erated on. 4or .ost8 and
.re8increent and decreent, the e2.ression ust 9e one that could 9e assigned to Fan l8valueG. 3re8
increent and .re8decreent add or su9tract 1 or 1.( to the contents o# the e2.ression the& o.erate on,
and the value o# the .re8increent or .re8decreent e2.ression is the resulting value o# that
odi#ication. 3ost8increent and .ost8decreent e2.ressions add or su9tract 1 or 1.( to the contents
o# the e2.ression the& o.erate on, 9ut the resulting e2.ression has the e2.ressionKs value 9e#ore the
.ost8increent or .ost8decreent was e2ecuted.
-he relational o.erators greater than F@G, less than F?G, greater than or e=ual F@IG, and less than or
e=ual F?IG o.erate onl& on scalar integer and scalar #loating8.oint e2.ressions. -he result is scalar
Boolean. Either the o.erandsK t&.es ust atch, or the conversions #ro section *.1.1( DI.licit
"onversionsE will 9e a..lied to o9tain atching t&.es. -o do co.onent8wise relational co.arisons
on vectors, use the 9uilt8in #unctions lessOhan, lessOhan2Qual, greaterOhan, and
-he e=ualit& o.erators eQual FIIG, and not e=ual FJIG o.erate on all t&.es. -he& result in a scalar
Boolean. I# the o.erand t&.es do not atch, then there ust 9e a conversion #ro section *.1.1(
DI.licit "onversionsE a..lied to one o.erand that can ake the atch, in which case this
conversion is done. 4or vectors, atrices, structures, and arra&s, all co.onents, #ields, or eleents o#
one o.erand ust e=ual the corres.onding co.onents, #ields, or eleents in the other o.erand #or the
o.erands to 9e considered e=ual. -o get a vector o# co.onent8wise e=ualit& results #or vectors, use
the 9uilt8in #unctions eQual and not2Qual.
5 Operators and ()pressions
-he logical 9inar& o.erators and FGGG, or F F F G, and e2clusive or FEEG o.erate onl& on two Boolean
e2.ressions and result in a Boolean e2.ression. And FGGG will onl& evaluate the right hand o.erand
i# the le#t hand o.erand evaluated to true. )r F F F G will onl& evaluate the right hand o.erand i# the le#t
hand o.erand evaluated to false. E2clusive or FEEG will alwa&s evaluate 9oth o.erands.
-he logical unar& o.erator not FJG. It o.erates onl& on a Boolean e2.ression and results in a Boolean
e2.ression. -o o.erate on a vector, use the 9uilt8in #unction not.
-he se=uence F , G o.erator that o.erates on e2.ressions 9& returning the t&.e and value o# the right8
ost e2.ression in a coa se.arated list o# e2.ressions. All e2.ressions are evaluated, in order,
#ro le#t to right.
-he ternar& selection o.erator FMKG. It o.erates on three e2.ressions Fe%1 M e%2 K e%?G. -his
o.erator evaluates the #irst e2.ression, which ust result in a scalar Boolean. I# the result is true, it
selects to evaluate the second e2.ression, otherwise it selects to evaluate the third e2.ression. )nl&
one o# the second and third e2.ressions is evaluated. -he second and third e2.ressions can 9e an&
t&.e, as long their t&.es atch, or there is a conversion in section *.1.1( DI.licit "onversionsE that
can 9e a..lied to one o# the e2.ressions to ake their t&.es atch. -his resulting atching t&.e is the
t&.e o# the entire e2.ression.
-he oneHs co.leent o.erator FHG. -he o.erand ust 9e o# t&.e signed or unsigned integer or integer
vector, and the result is the oneHs co.leent o# its o.erandL each 9it o# each co.onent is
co.leented, including an& sign 9its.
-he shi#t o.erators F??G and F@@G. 4or 9oth o.erators, the o.erands ust 9e signed or unsigned
integers or integer vectors. )ne o.erand can 9e signed while the other is unsigned. In all cases, the
resulting t&.e will 9e the sae t&.e as the le#t o.erand. I# the #irst o.erand is a scalar, the second
o.erand has to 9e a scalar as well. I# the #irst o.erand is a vector, the second o.erand ust 9e a scalar
or a vector, and the result is co.uted co.onent8wise. -he result is unde#ined i# the right o.erand is
negative, or greater than or e=ual to the nu9er o# 9its in the le#t e2.ressionHs 9ase t&.e. -he value o#
E1 QQ E! is E1 Finter.reted as a 9it .atternG le#t8shi#ted 9& E! 9its. -he value o# E1 RR E! is E1 right8
shi#ted 9& E! 9it .ositions. I# E1 is a signed integer, the right8shi#t will e2tend the sign 9it. I# E1 is an
unsigned integer, the right8shi#t will ?ero8e2tend.
-he 9itwise o.erators and FGG, e2clusive8or FEG, and inclusive8or FFG. -he o.erands ust 9e o# t&.e
signed or unsigned integers or integer vectors. -he o.erands cannot 9e vectors o# di##ering si?e. I# one
o.erand is a scalar and the other a vector, the scalar is a..lied co.onent8wise to the vector, resulting
in the sae t&.e as the vector. -he #undaental t&.es o# the o.erands Fsigned or unsignedG ust
atch, and will 9e the resulting #undaental t&.e. 4or and FGG, the result is the 9itwise8and #unction
o# the o.erands. 4or e2clusive8or FEG, the result is the 9itwise e2clusive8or #unction o# the o.erands.
4or inclusive8or FFG, the result is the 9itwise inclusive8or #unction o# the o.erands.
4or a co.lete s.eci#ication o# the s&nta2 o# e2.ressions, see section ; D%hading 1anguage 0raar.E
5 Operators and ()pressions
).1$ "ector and 8atri, Operations
Aith a #ew e2ce.tions, o.erations are co.onent8wise. 6suall&, when an o.erator o.erates on a vector or
atri2, it is o.erating inde.endentl& on each co.onent o# the vector or atri2, in a co.onent8wise
#ashion. 4or e2a.le,
ve%; v1 u,
float f,
v * u K f,
will 9e e=uivalent to
v+x * u+x K f,
v+& * u+& K f,
v+" * u+" K f,
ve%; v1 u1 /,
/ * v K u,
will 9e e=uivalent to
/+x * v+x K u+x,
/+& * v+& K u+&,
/+" * v+" K u+",
and likewise #or ost o.erators and all integer and #loating .oint vector and atri2 t&.es. -he e2ce.tions
are atri2 ulti.lied 9& vector, vector ulti.lied 9& atri2, and atri2 ulti.lied 9& atri2. -hese do
not o.erate co.onent8wise, 9ut rather .er#or the correct linear alge9raic ulti.l&.
ve%; v1 u,
mat; m,
u * v J m,
is e=uivalent to
u+x * dot#v1 mB=C), -- mB=C is t.e left %olumn of m
u+& * dot#v1 mB'C), -- dot#a1$) is t.e inner #dot) produ%t of a and $
u+" * dot#v1 mB9C),
u * m J v,
is e=uivalent to
u+x * mB=C+x J v+x K mB'C+x J v+& K mB9C+x J v+",
u+& * mB=C+& J v+x K mB'C+& J v+& K mB9C+& J v+",
u+" * mB=C+" J v+x K mB'C+" J v+& K mB9C+" J v+",
5 Operators and ()pressions
mat; m1 n1 r,
r * m J n,
is e=uivalent to
rB=C+x * mB=C+x J nB=C+x K mB'C+x J nB=C+& K mB9C+x J nB=C+",
rB'C+x * mB=C+x J nB'C+x K mB'C+x J nB'C+& K mB9C+x J nB'C+",
rB9C+x * mB=C+x J nB9C+x K mB'C+x J nB9C+& K mB9C+x J nB9C+",
rB=C+& * mB=C+& J nB=C+x K mB'C+& J nB=C+& K mB9C+& J nB=C+",
rB'C+& * mB=C+& J nB'C+x K mB'C+& J nB'C+& K mB9C+& J nB'C+",
rB9C+& * mB=C+& J nB9C+x K mB'C+& J nB9C+& K mB9C+& J nB9C+",
rB=C+" * mB=C+" J nB=C+x K mB'C+" J nB=C+& K mB9C+" J nB=C+",
rB'C+" * mB=C+" J nB'C+x K mB'C+" J nB'C+& K mB9C+" J nB'C+",
rB9C+" * mB=C+" J nB9C+x K mB'C+" J nB9C+& K mB9C+" J nB9C+",
and siilarl& #or other si?es o# vectors and atrices.
* Statements and Structure
-he #undaental 9uilding 9locks o# the ).en01 %hading 1anguage are:
stateents and declarations
#unction de#initions
selection Fif7else and switch7case7defaultG
iteration Ffor, while, and do7whileG
@u.s Fdiscard, return, break, and continueG
-he overall structure o# a shader is as #ollows
translation-unit glo&al-#eclaration
-hat is, a shader is a se=uence o# declarations and #unction 9odies. 4unction 9odies are de#ined as
(unction-rotot'e = statement-list >
statement-list statement
"url& 9races are used to grou. se=uences o# stateents into co.ound stateents.
= statement-list >
6 State*ents and Structure
%i.le declaration, e2.ression, and @u. stateents end in a sei8colon.
-his a9ove is slightl&, and the co.lete graar s.eci#ied in section ; D%hading 1anguage
0raarE should 9e used as the de#initive s.eci#ication.
Declarations and e2.ressions have alread& 9een discussed.
*.1 .unction +efinitions
As indicated 9& the graar a9ove, a valid shader is a se=uence o# glo9al declarations and #unction
de#initions. A #unction is declared as the #ollowing e2a.le shows:
-- protot&pe
returnT&pe fun%tionName #t&pe= arg=1 t&pe' arg'1 +++1 t&pen argn),
and a #unction is de#ined like
-- definition
returnT&pe fun%tionName #t&pe= arg=1 t&pe' arg'1 +++1 t&pen argn)
-- do some %omputation
return returnValue,
where returnT'e ust 9e .resent and include a t&.e. Each o# the t'e+ ust include a t&.e and can
o.tionall& include a .araeter =uali#ier andOor const. -he #oral arguent naes Fargs a9oveG in the
declarations are o.tional #or 9oth the declaration and de#inition #ors.
A #unction is called 9& using its nae #ollowed 9& a list o# arguents in .arentheses.
Arra&s are allowed as arguents and as the return t&.e. In 9oth cases, the arra& ust 9e e2.licitl& si?ed.
An arra& is .assed or returned 9& using @ust its nae, without 9rackets, and the si?e o# the arra& ust
atch the si?e s.eci#ied in the #unctionHs declaration.
%tructures are also allowed as arguent t&.es. -he return t&.e can also 9e structure.
%ee section ; D%hading 1anguage 0raarE #or the de#initive re#erence on the s&nta2 to declare and
de#ine #unctions.
All #unctions ust 9e either declared with a .rotot&.e or de#ined with a 9od& 9e#ore the& are called. 4or
float m&fun% #float f1 -- f is an input parameter
out float g), -- g is an output parameter
4unctions that return no value ust 9e declared as void. 4unctions that acce.t no in.ut arguents need
not use void in the arguent list 9ecause .rotot&.es For de#initionsG are re=uired and there#ore there is no
a9iguit& when an e.t& arguent list WF GW is declared. -he idio DFvoidGE as a .araeter list is
.rovided #or convenience.
6 State*ents and Structure
4unction naes can 9e overloaded. -he sae #unction nae can 9e used #or ulti.le #unctions, as long
as the .araeter t&.es di##er. I# a #unction nae is declared twice with the sae .araeter t&.es, then the
return t&.es and all =uali#iers ust also atch, and it is the sae #unction 9eing declared. 4or e2a.le,
ve%8 f#in ve%8 x1 out ve%8 &), -- #>)
ve%8 f#in ve%8 x1 out uve%8 &), -- #6) o:a&1 different argument t&pe
ve%8 f#in ive%8 x1 out uve%8 &), -- #E) o:a&1 different argument t&pe
int f#in ve%8 x1 out ive%8 &), -- error1 onl& return t&pe differs
ve%8 f#in ve%8 x1 in ve%8 &), -- error1 onl& Aualifier differs
ve%8 f#%onst in ve%8 x1 out ve%8 &), -- error1 onl& Aualifier differs
Ahen #unction calls are resolved, an e2act t&.e atch #or all the arguents is sought. I# an e2act atch is
#ound, all other #unctions are ignored, and the e2act atch is used. I# no e2act atch is #ound, then the
i.licit conversions in section *.1.1( DI.licit "onversionsE will 9e a..lied to #ind a atch.
:isatched t&.es on in.ut .araeters Fin or inout or de#aultB ust have a conversion #ro the calling
arguent t&.e to the #oral .araeter t&.e. :isatched t&.es on out.ut .araeters Fout or inoutG ust
have a conversion #ro the #oral .araeter t&.e to the calling arguent t&.e.
I# i.licit conversions can 9e used to #ind ore than one atching #unction, a single 9est8atching
#unction is sought. -o deterine a 9est atch, the conversions 9etween calling arguent and #oral
.araeter t&.es are co.ared #or each #unction arguent and .air o# atching #unctions. A#ter these
co.arisons are .er#ored, each .air o# atching #unctions are co.ared. A #unction declaration @ is
considered a 9etter atch than #unction declaration : i#
#or at least one #unction arguent, the conversion #or that arguent in @ is 9etter than the
corres.onding conversion in :L and
there is no #unction arguent #or which the conversion in : is 9etter than the corres.onding
conversion in @.
I# a single #unction declaration is considered a 9etter atch than ever& other atching #unction
declaration, it will 9e used. )therwise, a seantic error #or an a9iguous overloaded #unction call occurs
and the shader will #ail to co.ile.
-o deterine whether the conversion #or a single arguent in one atch is 9etter than that #or another
atch, the #ollowing rules are a..lied, in order:
1. An e2act atch is 9etter than a atch involving an& i.licit conversion.
!. A atch involving an i.licit conversion #ro float to double is 9etter than a atch involving
an& other i.licit conversion.
'. A atch involving an i.licit conversion #ro either int or uint to float is 9etter than a atch
involving an i.licit conversion #ro either int or uint to double.
I# none o# the rules a9ove a..l& to a .articular .air o# conversions, neither conversion is considered 9etter
than the other.
4or the e2a.le #unction .rotot&.es FAG, FBG, and F"G a9ove, the #ollowing e2a.les show how the rules
a..l& to di##erent sets o# calling arguent t&.es:
6 State*ents and Structure
f#ve%81 ve%8), -- exa%t mat%. of ve%8 f#in ve%8 x1 out ve%8 &)
f#ve%81 uve%8), -- exa%t mat%. of ve%8 f#in ve%8 x1 out ive%8 &)
f#ve%81 ive%8), -- mat%.ed to ve%8 f#in ve%8 x1 out ve%8 &)
-- #E) not relevant1 %anDt %onvert ve%8 to
-- ive%8+ #>) $etter #6) for 9nd
-- argument #rule 9)1 same on first argument+
f#ive%81 ve%8), -- NOT mat%.ed+ >ll t.ree mat%. $& impli%it
-- %onversion+ #E) is $etter #>) and #6)
-- on t.e first argument+ #>) is $etter
-- #6) and #E)+
6ser8de#ined #unctions can have ulti.le declarations, 9ut onl& one de#inition. A shader can rede#ine
9uilt8in #unctions. I# a 9uilt8in #unction is redeclared in a shader Fi.e., a .rotot&.e is visi9leG 9e#ore a call
to it, then the linker will onl& atte.t to resolve that call within the set o# shaders that are linked with it.
-he #unction main is used as the entr& .oint to a shader e2ecuta9le. A shader need not contain a #unction
naed main, 9ut one shader in a set o# shaders linked together to #or a single shader e2ecuta9le ust.
-his #unction takes no arguents, returns no value, and ust 9e declared as t&.e voidK
void main#)
-he #unction main can contain uses o# return. %ee section /.* DJu.sE #or ore details.
It is an error to declare or de#ine a #unction main with an& other .araeters or return t&.e.
*.1.1 .unction Calling Conventions
4unctions are called 9& value8return. -his eans in.ut arguents are co.ied into the #unction at call tie,
and out.ut arguents are co.ied 9ack to the caller 9e#ore #unction e2it. Because the #unction works with
local co.ies o# .araeters, there are no issues regarding aliasing o# varia9les within a #unction. -o
control what .araeters are co.ied in andOor out through a #unction de#inition or declaration:
-he ke&word in is used as a =uali#ier to denote a .araeter is to 9e co.ied in, 9ut not co.ied out.
-he ke&word out is used as a =uali#ier to denote a .araeter is to 9e co.ied out, 9ut not co.ied in.
-his should 9e used whenever .ossi9le to avoid unnecessaril& co.&ing .araeters in.
-he ke&word inout is used as a =uali#ier to denote the .araeter is to 9e 9oth co.ied in and co.ied
A #unction .araeter declared with no such =uali#ier eans the sae thing as s.eci#&ing in.
All arguents are evaluated at call tie, e2actl& once, in order, #ro le#t to right. Evaluation o# an in
.araeter results in a value that is co.ied to the #oral .araeter. Evaluation o# an out .araeter results
in an l8value that is used to co.& out a value when the #unction returns. Evaluation o# an inout .araeter
results in 9oth a value and an l8valueL the value is co.ied to the #oral .araeter at call tie and the l8
value is used to co.& out a value when the #unction returns.
-he order in which out.ut .araeters are co.ied 9ack to the caller is unde#ined.
6 State*ents and Structure
I# the #unction atching descri9ed in the .revious section re=uired arguent t&.e conversions, these
conversions are a..lied at co.&8in and co.&8out ties.
In a #unction, writing to an in.ut8onl& .araeter is allowed. )nl& the #unctionKs co.& is odi#ied. -his
can 9e .revented 9& declaring a .araeter with the const =uali#ier.
Ahen calling a #unction, e2.ressions that do not evaluate to l8values cannot 9e .assed to .araeters
declared as out or inout.
7o =uali#ier is allowed on the return t&.e o# a #unction.
(unction-rotot'e :
recision-1uali(ier t'e (unction-name3const-1uali(ier arameter-1uali(ier recision-1uali(ier
t'e name arra'-seci(ier$ ... 4
t'e :
an& 9asic t&.e, arra& t&.e, structure nae, or structure #e(inition
const-1uali(ier :
arameter-1uali(ier :
name :
arra'-seci(ier :
' integral-constant-e%ression (
+owever, the const =uali#ier cannot 9e used with out or inout. -he a9ove is used #or #unction
declarations Fi.e., .rotot&.esG and #or #unction de#initions. +ence, #unction de#initions can have unnaed
Recursion is not allowed, not even staticall&. %tatic recursion is .resent i# the static #unction8call gra.h o#
the .rogra contains c&cles. -his includes all .otential #unction calls through varia9les declared as
subroutine uniform Fdescri9ed 9elowG.
6 State*ents and Structure
*.1.2 Subroutines
%u9routines .rovide a echanis allowing shaders to 9e co.iled in a anner where the target o# one or
ore #unction calls can 9e changed at run8tie without re=uiring an& shader reco.ilation. 4or e2a.le,
a single shader a& 9e co.iled with su..ort #or ulti.le illuination algoriths to handle di##erent
kinds o# lights or sur#ace aterials. An a..lication using such a shader a& switch illuination
algoriths 9& changing the value o# its su9routine uni#ors. -o use su9routines, a su9routine t&.e is
declared, one or ore #unctions are associated with that su9routine t&.e, and a su9routine varia9le o# that
t&.e is declared. -he #unction currentl& assigned to the varia9le #unction is then called 9& using #unction
calling s&nta2 re.lacing a #unction nae with the nae o# the su9routine varia9le. %u9routine varia9les
are uni#ors, and are assigned to s.eci#ic #unctions onl& through coands F)niformSubroutinesuivG in
the ).en01 A3I.
%u9routine t&.es are declared using a stateent siilar to a #unction declaration, with the subroutine
ke&word, as #ollows:
su$routine returnT&pe su$routineT&peName#t&pe= arg=1 t&pe' arg'1
+++1 t&pen argn),
As with #unction declarations, the #oral arguent naes Fargs a9oveG are o.tional. 4unctions are
associated with su9routine t&.es o# atching declarations 9& de#ining the #unction with the subroutine
ke&word and a list o# su9routine t&.es the #unction atches:
su$routine#su$routineT&peName=1 +++1 su$routineT&peNameN)
returnT&pe fun%tionName#t&pe= arg=1 t&pe' arg'1 +++1 t&pen argn)
) +++ 3 -- fun%tion $od&
It is an error i# arguents and return t&.e donHt atch 9etween the #unction and each associated su9routine
4unctions declared with subroutine ust include a 9od&. An overloaded #unction cannot 9e declared
with subroutineL a .rogra will #ail to co.ile or link i# an& shader or stage contains two or ore
#unctions with the sae nae i# the nae is associated with a su9routine t&.e.
%u9routine t&.e varia9les are re=uired to 9e su&routine uni(orms, and are declared with a s.eci#ic
su9routine t&.e in a su9routine uni#or varia9le declaration:
su$routine uniform su$routineT&peName su$routineVarName,
%u9routine uni#or varia9les are called the sae wa& #unctions are called. Ahen a su9routine varia9le
For an eleent o# a su9routine varia9le arra&G is associated with a .articular #unction, all #unction calls
through that varia9le will call that .articular #unction.
6nlike other uni#or varia9les, su9routine uni#or varia9les are sco.ed to the shader e2ecution stage the
varia9le is declared in.
%u9routine varia9les a& 9e declared as e2.licitl&8si?ed arra&s, which can 9e d&naicall& inde2ed at use.
6 State*ents and Structure
*.2 Selection
"onditional control #low in the shading language is done 9& either if, if8else, or switch stateents:
selection-statement :
if F &ool-e%ression G statement
if F &ool-e%ression G statement else statement
switch F init-e%ression G \ s/itch-statement-listot

Ahere s/itch-statement-list is a list o# ?ero or ore s/itch-statement and other stateents de#ined 9& the
language, where s/itch-statement adds soe #ors o# la9els. -hat is
s/itch-statement-list :
s/itch-statement-list s/itch-statement
s/itch-statement :
case constant-e%ression K
default K
I# an if7e2.ression evaluates to true, then the #irst statement is e2ecuted. I# it evaluates to false and there
is an else .art then the second statement is e2ecuted.
An& e2.ression whose t&.e evaluates to a Boolean can 9e used as the conditional e2.ression &ool-
e%ression. Vector t&.es are not acce.ted as the e2.ression to if.
"onditionals can 9e nested.
-he t&.e o# init-e%ression in a switch stateent ust 9e a scalar integer. I# a case la9el has a constant-
e%ression o# e=ual value, then e2ecution will continue a#ter that la9el. )therwise, i# there is a default
la9el, e2ecution will continue a#ter that la9el. )therwise, e2ecution ski.s the rest o# the switch stateent.
It is an error to have ore than one default or a re.licated constant-e%ression. A break stateent not
nested in a loo. or other switch stateent Feither not nested or nested onl& in if or if8else stateentsG will
also ski. the rest o# the switch stateent. 4all through la9els are allowed, 9ut it is an error to have no
stateent 9etween a la9el and the end o# the switch stateent. 7o stateents are allowed in a switch
stateent 9e#ore the #irst case stateent.
7o case or default la9els can 9e nested inside other #low control nested within their corres.onding
6 State*ents and Structure
*.# Iteration
4or, while, and do loo.s are allowed as #ollows:
for #init2expression, %ondition2expression, loop2expression)
/.ile #%ondition2expression)
/.ile #%ondition2expression)
%ee section ; D%hading 1anguage 0raarE #or the de#initive s.eci#ication o# loo.s.
-he for loo. #irst evaluates the init-e%ression, then the con#ition-e%ression. I# the con#ition-
e%ression evaluates to true, then the 9od& o# the loo. is e2ecuted. A#ter the 9od& is e2ecuted, a for loo.
will then evaluate the loo-e%ression, and then loo. 9ack to evaluate the con#ition-e%ression, re.eating
until the con#ition-e%ression evaluates to #alse. -he loo. is then e2ited, its 9od& and
its loo-e%ression. Varia9les odi#ied 9& the loo-e%ression aintain their value a#ter the loo. is
e2ited, .rovided the& are still in sco.e. Varia9les declared in init-e%ression or con#ition-e%ression are
onl& in sco.e until the end o# the su98stateent o# the for loo..
-he while loo. #irst evaluates the con#ition-e%ression. I# true, then the 9od& is e2ecuted. -his is then
re.eated, until the con#ition-e%ression evaluates to #alse, e2iting the loo. and its 9od&.
Varia9les declared in the con#ition-e%ression are onl& in sco.e until the end o# the su98stateent o# the
while loo..
-he do7while loo. #irst e2ecutes the 9od&, then e2ecutes the con#ition-e%ression. -his is re.eated until
con#ition-e%ression evaluates to #alse, and then the loo. is e2ited.
E2.ressions #or con#ition-e%ression ust evaluate to a Boolean.
Both the con#ition-e%ression and the init-e%ression can declare and initiali?e a varia9le, e2ce.t in the
do7while loo., which cannot declare a varia9le in its con#ition-e%ression. -he varia9leKs sco.e lasts
onl& until the end o# the su98stateent that #ors the 9od& o# the loo..
1oo.s can 9e nested.
7on8terinating loo.s are allowed. -he conse=uences o# ver& long or non8terinating loo.s are .lat#or
6 State*ents and Structure
*.& ;umps
-hese are the @u.s:
return e%ressionL
discardL << in the #ragent shader language onl&
-here is no DgotoE nor other non8structured #low o# control.
-he continue @u. is used onl& in loo.s. It ski.s the reainder o# the 9od& o# the inner ost loo. o#
which it is inside. 4or while and do7while loo.s, this @u. is to the ne2t evaluation o# the loo.
con#ition-e%ression #ro which the loo. continues as .reviousl& de#ined. 4or for loo.s, the @u. is to
the loo-e%ression, #ollowed 9& the con#ition-e%ression.
-he break @u. can also 9e used onl& in loo.s and switch stateents. It is si.l& an iediate e2it o#
the inner8ost loo. or switch stateents containing the break. 7o #urther e2ecution o# con#ition-
e%ression$ loo-e%ression, or s/itch-statement is done.
-he discard ke&word is onl& allowed within #ragent shaders. It can 9e used within a #ragent shader to
a9andon the o.eration on the current #ragent. -his ke&word causes the #ragent to 9e discarded and no
u.dates to an& 9u##ers will occur. "ontrol #low e2its the shader, and su9se=uent i.licit or e2.licit
derivatives are unde#ined when this e2it is non8uni#or. It would t&.icall& 9e used within a conditional
stateent, #or e2a.le:
if #intensit& 0 =+=)
A #ragent shader a& test a #ragentKs al.ha value and discard the #ragent 9ased on that test.
+owever, it should 9e noted that coverage testing occurs a#ter the #ragent shader runs, and the coverage
test can change the al.ha value.
-he return @u. causes iediate e2it o# the current #unction. I# it has e%ression then that is the return
value #or the #unction.
-he #unction main can use return. -his si.l& causes main to e2it in the sae wa& as when the end o#
the #unction had 9een reached. It does not i.l& a use o# discard in a #ragent shader. 6sing return in
ain 9e#ore de#ining out.uts will have the sae 9ehavior as reaching the end o# ain 9e#ore de#ining
4 /uilt7in "ariables
4.1 /uilt7In Language "ariables
%oe ).en01 o.erations occur in #i2ed #unctionalit& and need to .rovide values to or receive values
#ro shader e2ecuta9les. %haders counicate with #i2ed8#unction ).en01 .i.eline stages, and
o.tionall& with other shader e2ecuta9les, through the use o# 9uilt8in in.ut and out.ut varia9les.
In the verte2 language, the 9uilt8ins are intrinsicall& declared as:
in int gl_VertexI,
in int gl_Instan%eI,
out gl_@erVertex )
ve%8 gl_@osition,
float gl_@ointSi"e,
float gl_Elipistan%eBC,
In the geoetr& language, the 9uilt8in varia9les are intrinsicall& declared as:
in gl_@erVertex )
ve%8 gl_@osition,
float gl_@ointSi"e,
float gl_Elipistan%eBC,
3 gl_inBC,
in int gl_@rimitiveIIn,
in int gl_Invo%ationI,
out gl_@erVertex )
ve%8 gl_@osition,
float gl_@ointSi"e,
float gl_Elipistan%eBC,
out int gl_@rimitiveI,
out int gl_La&er,
7 Bui%t+in #aria$%es
In the tessellation control language, 9uilt8in varia9les are intrinsicall& declared as:
in gl_@erVertex )
ve%8 gl_@osition,
float gl_@ointSi"e,
float gl_Elipistan%eBC,
3 gl_inBgl_?ax@at%.Verti%esC,
in int gl_@at%.Verti%esIn,
in int gl_@rimitiveI,
in int gl_Invo%ationI,
out gl_@erVertex )
ve%8 gl_@osition,
float gl_@ointSi"e,
float gl_Elipistan%eBC,
3 gl_outBC,
pat%. out float gl_TessLevelOuterB8C,
pat%. out float gl_TessLevelInnerB9C,
In the tessellation evaluation language, 9uilt8in varia9les are intrinsicall& declared as:
in gl_@erVertex )
ve%8 gl_@osition,
float gl_@ointSi"e,
float gl_Elipistan%eBC,
3 gl_inBgl_?ax@at%.Verti%esC,
in int gl_@at%.Verti%esIn,
in int gl_@rimitiveI,
in ve%; gl_TessEoord,
pat%. in float gl_TessLevelOuterB8C,
pat%. in float gl_TessLevelInnerB9C,
out gl_@erVertex )
ve%8 gl_@osition,
float gl_@ointSi"e,
float gl_Elipistan%eBC,
7 Bui%t+in #aria$%es
In the #ragent language, 9uilt8in varia9les are intrinsicall& declared as:
in ve%8 gl_FragEoord,
in $ool gl_FrontFa%ing,
in float gl_Elipistan%eBC,
in ve%9 gl_@ointEoord,
in int gl_@rimitiveI,
in int gl_SampleI,
in ve%9 gl_Sample@osition,
out ve%8 gl_FragEolor, -- depre%ated
out ve%8 gl_FragataBgl_?axra/6uffersC, -- depre%ated
out float gl_Fragept.,
out int gl_Sample?as:BC,
Each o# the a9ove varia9les is discussed 9elow.
-he varia9le gl)Verte%*D is a verte2 language in.ut varia9le that holds an integer inde2 #or the verte2, as
de#ined under D%hader In.utsE in section !.11.5 DVar&ing Varia9lesE in the ).en01 0ra.hics %&ste
%.eci#ication. Ahile the varia9le gl)Verte%*D is alwa&s .resent, its value is not alwa&s de#ined.
-he varia9le gl)*nstance*D is a verte2 language in.ut varia9le that holds the integer inde2 o# the current
.riitive in an instanced draw call Fsee D%hader In.utsE in section !.11.5 DVar&ing Varia9lesE in the
).en01 0ra.hics %&ste %.eci#icationG. I# the current .riitive does not coe #ro an instanced draw
call, the value o# gl)*nstance*D is ?ero.
As an out.ut varia9le, gl);osition is intended #or writing the hoogeneous verte2 .osition. It can 9e
written at an& tie during shader e2ecution. -his value will 9e used 9& .riitive asse9l&,,
culling, and other #i2ed #unctionalit& o.erations, i# .resent, that o.erate on .riitives a#ter verte2
.rocessing has occurred. Its value is unde#ined a#ter the verte2 .rocessing stage i# the verte2 shader
e2ecuta9le does not write gl);osition, and it is unde#ined a#ter geoetr& .rocessing i# the geoetr&
e2ecuta9le calls 2mit5erteFG without having written gl);osition since the last 2mit5erteFG For hasnHt
written it at allG. As an in.ut varia9le, gl);osition reads the out.ut written in the .revious shader stage to
As an out.ut varia9le, gl);oint"i0e is intended #or a shader to write the si?e o# the .oint to 9e rasteri?ed.
It is easured in .i2els. I# gl);oint"i0e is not written to, its value is unde#ined in su9se=uent .i.e stages.
As an in.ut varia9le, gl);oint"i0e reads the out.ut written in the .revious shader stage to gl);osition.
-he varia9le gl)8liDistance .rovides the #orward co.ati9le echanis #or controlling user
-he eleent gl)8liDistance5i6 s.eci#ies a cli. distance #or each .lane i. A distance o# ( eans the
verte2 is on the .lane, a .ositive distance eans the verte2 is inside the cli. .lane, and a negative distance
eans the .oint is outside the cli. .lane. -he cli. distances will 9e linearl& inter.olated across the
.riitive and the .ortion o# the .riitive with inter.olated distances less than ( will 9e cli..ed.
7 Bui%t+in #aria$%es
-he gl)8liDistance arra& is .redeclared as unsi?ed and ust 9e si?ed 9& the shader either redeclaring it
with a si?e or inde2ing it onl& with integral constant e2.ressions. -his needs to si?e the arra& to include
all the cli. .lanes that are ena9led via the ).en01 A3IL i# the si?e does not include all ena9led .lanes,
results are unde#ined. -he si?e can 9e at ost gl)7a%8liDistances. -he nu9er o# var&ing co.onents
Fsee gl)7a%Var'ing8omonents4 consued 9& gl)8liDistance will atch the si?e o# the arra&, no
atter how an& .lanes are ena9led. -he shader ust also set all values in gl)8liDistance that have
9een ena9led via the ).en01 A3I, or results are unde#ined. Values written into gl)8liDistance #or
.lanes that are not ena9led have no e##ect.
As an out.ut varia9le, gl)8liDistance .rovides the .lace #or the shader to write these distances. As an
in.ut in all 9ut the #ragent language, it reads the values written in the .revious shader stage. In the
#ragent language, gl)8liDistance arra& contains linearl& inter.olated values #or the verte2 values
written 9& a shader to the gl)8liDistance verte2 out.ut varia9le. )nl& eleents in this arra& that have ena9led will have de#ined values.
-he out.ut varia9le gl);rimitive*D is availa9le onl& in the geoetr& language and .rovides a single
integer that serves as a .riitive identi#ier. -his is then availa9le to #ragent shaders as the #ragent
in.ut gl);rimitive*D, which will select the written .riitive ID #ro the .rovoking verte2 in the .riitive
9eing shaded. I# a #ragent shader using gl);rimitive*D is active and a geoetr& shader is also active,
the geoetr& shader ust write to gl);rimitive*D or the #ragent shader in.ut gl);rimitive*D is
unde#ined. %ee section !.1'.* D0eoetr& %hader E2ecution EnvironentE Funder D0eoetr& %hader
)ut.utsEG and section '.;.! D%hader E2ecutionE Funder D%hader In.utsEG o# the ).en01 0ra.hics %&ste
%.eci#ication #or ore in#oration.
4or tessellation control and evaluation languages the in.ut varia9le gl);rimitive*D is #illed with the
nu9er o# .riitives .rocessed 9& the shader since the current set o# rendering .riitives was started.
4or the #ragent language, it is #illed with the value written to the gl);rimitive*D geoetr& shader out.ut
i# a geoetr& shader is .resent. )therwise, it is assigned in the sae anner as with tessellation control
and evaluation shaders.
-he geoetr& language in.ut varia9le gl);rimitive*D*n 9ehaves identicall& to the tessellation control and
evaluation language in.ut varia9le gl);rimitive*D.
-he in.ut varia9le gl)*nvocation*D is availa9le onl& in the tessellation control and geoetr& languages.
In the tessellation control shader, it identi#ies the nu9er o# the out.ut .atch verte2 assigned to the
tessellation control shader invocation. In the geoetr& shader, it identi#ies the invocation nu9er
assigned to the geoetr& shader invocation. In 9oth cases, gl)*nvocation*D is assigned integer values in
the range 50$ +-16, where + is the nu9er o# out.ut .atch vertices or geoetr& shader invocations .er
7 Bui%t+in #aria$%es
-he out.ut varia9le gl)La'er is availa9le onl& in the geoetr& language, and is used to select a s.eci#ic
la&er For #ace and la&er o# a cu9e a.G o# a ulti8la&er #rae9u##er attachent. -he actual la&er used will
coe #ro one o# the vertices in the .riitive 9eing shaded. Ahich verte2 the la&er coes #ro is
unde#ined, so it is 9est to write the sae la&er value #or all vertices o# a .riitive. I# a shader staticall&
assigns a value to gl)La'er, la&ered rendering ode is ena9led. %ee section !.1'.* D0eoetr& %hader
E2ecution EnvironentE Funder D0eoetr& %hader )ut.utsEG and section *.*.5 D1a&ered 4rae9u##ersE
o# the ).en01 0ra.hics %&ste %.eci#ication #or ore in#oration. I# a shader staticall& assigns a value
to gl)La'er, and there is an e2ecution .ath through the shader that does not set gl)La'er, then the value o#
gl)La'er is unde#ined #or e2ecutions o# the shader that take that .ath.
-he out.ut varia9le gl)La'er takes on a s.ecial value when used with an arra& o# cu9e a. te2tures.
Instead o# onl& re#erring to the la&er, it is used to select a cu9e a. #ace and a la&er. %etting gl)La'er to
the value la'erABC(ace will render to #ace (ace o# the cu9e de#ined in la&er la'er. -he #ace values are
de#ined in -a9le *.1! o# section *.*.5 D1a&ered 4rae9u##ersE o# the ).en01 0ra.hics %&ste
%.eci#ication, 9ut re.eated 9elow #or clarit&.
Race 5alue 3esulting Oarget
4or e2a.le, to render to the .ositive ' cu9e a. #ace located in the ,th la&er o# the cu9e a. arra&,
gl)La'er should 9e set to DABC2.
-he varia9le gl);atchVertices*n is availa9le onl& in the tessellation control and evaluation languages. It
is an integer s.eci#&ing the nu9er o# vertices in the in.ut .atch 9eing .rocessed 9& the shader. A single
tessellation control or evaluation shader can read .atches o# di##ering si?es, so the value o#
gl);atchVertices*n a& di##er 9etween .atches.
-he out.ut varia9les gl)TessLevelOuter56 and gl)TessLevel*nner56 are availa9le onl& in the tessellation
control language. -he values written to these varia9les are assigned to the corres.onding outer and inner
tessellation levels o# the out.ut .atch. -he& are used 9& the tessellation .riitive generator to control
.riitive tessellation and a& 9e read 9& tessellation evaluation shaders.
-he varia9le gl)Tess8oor# is availa9le onl& in the tessellation evaluation language. It s.eci#ies a three8
co.onent 3u$v$/4 vector identi#&ing the .osition o# the verte2 9eing .rocessed 9& the shader relative to
the .riitive 9eing tessellated.
-he in.ut varia9les gl)TessLevelOuter56 and gl)TessLevel*nner56 are availa9le onl& in the tessellation
evaluation shader. I# a tessellation control shader is active, these varia9les are #illed with corres.onding
out.uts written 9& the tessellation control shader. )therwise, the& are assigned with de#ault tessellation
levels s.eci#ied in section !.1! D-essellationE in the ).en01 0ra.hics %&ste %.eci#ication.
7 Bui%t+in #aria$%es
4ragent shaders out.ut values to the ).en01 .i.eline using the 9uilt8in varia9les gl)-rag8olor$
gl)-ragData$ and gl)-ragDeth, unless the discard stateent is e2ecuted. Both gl)-rag8olor and
gl)-ragData are de.recatedL the .re#erred usage is to e2.licitl& declare these out.uts in the #ragent
shader using the out storage =uali#ier.
-he #i2ed #unctionalit& co.uted #or a #ragent a& 9e o9tained 9& reading gl)-rag8oor#.0$
descri9ed 9elow.
De.recated: Ariting to gl)-rag8olor s.eci#ies the #ragent color that will 9e used 9& the su9se=uent
#i2ed #unctionalit& .i.eline. I# su9se=uent #i2ed #unctionalit& consues #ragent color and an e2ecution
o# the #ragent shader e2ecuta9le does not write a value to gl)-rag8olor then the #ragent color
consued is unde#ined.
Ariting to gl)-ragDeth will esta9lish the value #or the #ragent 9eing .rocessed. I#
9u##ering is ena9led, and no shader writes gl)-ragDeth, then the #i2ed #unction value #or will 9e
used as the #ragentKs value. I# a shader staticall& assigns a value to gl)-ragDeth, and there is an
e2ecution .ath through the shader that does not set gl)-ragDeth, then the value o# the #ragentKs
a& 9e unde#ined #or e2ecutions o# the shader that take that .ath. -hat is, i# the set o# linked #ragent
shaders staticall& contain a write to gl)-ragDeth, then it is res.onsi9le #or alwa&s writing it.
De.recated: -he varia9le gl)-ragData is an arra&. Ariting to gl)-ragData5n6 s.eci#ies the #ragent
data that will 9e used 9& the su9se=uent #i2ed #unctionalit& .i.eline #or data n. I# su9se=uent #i2ed
#unctionalit& consues #ragent data and an e2ecution o# a #ragent shader e2ecuta9le does not write a
value to it, then the #ragent data consued is unde#ined.
I# a shader staticall& assigns a value to gl)-rag8olor, it a& not assign a value to an& eleent o#
gl)-ragData. I# a shader staticall& writes a value to an& eleent o# gl)-ragData, it a& not assign a
value to gl)-rag8olor. -hat is, a shader a& assign values to either gl)-rag8olor or gl)-ragData, 9ut
not 9oth. :ulti.le shaders linked together ust also consistentl& write @ust one o# these varia9les.
%iilarl&, i# user declared out.ut varia9les are in use Fstaticall& assigned toG, then the 9uilt8in varia9les
gl)-rag8olor and gl)-ragData a& not 9e assigned to. -hese incorrect usages all generate co.ile tie
I# a shader e2ecutes the discard ke&word, the #ragent is discarded, and the values o# an& user8de#ined
#ragent out.uts, gl)-ragDeth, gl)-rag8olor, and gl)-ragData 9ecoe irrelevant.
-he varia9le gl)-rag8oor# is availa9le as an in.ut varia9le #ro within #ragent shaders and it holds the
window relative coordinates F%, ', 0, 1E/G values #or the #ragent. I# ulti8sa.ling, this value can 9e #or
an& location within the .i2el, or one o# the #ragent sa.les. -he use o# centroid in does not #urther
restrict this value to 9e inside the current .riitive. -his value is the result o# the #i2ed #unctionalit& that
inter.olates .riitives a#ter verte2 .rocessing to generate #ragents. -he 0 co.onent is the value
that would 9e used #or the #ragentKs i# no shader contained an& writes to gl)-ragDeth. -his is
use#ul #or invariance i# a shader conditionall& co.utes gl)-ragDeth 9ut otherwise wants the #i2ed
#unctionalit& #ragent
4ragent shaders have access to the in.ut 9uilt8in varia9le gl)-ront-acing$ whose value is true i# the
#ragent 9elongs to a #ront8#acing .riitive. )ne use o# this is to eulate two8sided lighting 9& selecting
one o# two colors calculated 9& a verte2 or geoetr& shader.
7 Bui%t+in #aria$%es
-he values in gl);oint8oor# are two8diensional coordinates indicating where within a .oint .riitive
the current #ragent is located, when .oint s.rites are ena9led. -he& range #ro (.( to 1.( across the
.oint. I# the current .riitive is not a .oint, or i# .oint s.rites are not ena9led, then the values read #ro
gl);oint8oor# are unde#ined.
-he out.ut arra& gl)"amle7as.56 sets the sa.le ask #or the #ragent 9eing .rocessed. "overage #or
the current #ragent will 9ecoe the logical A7D o# the coverage ask and the out.ut gl)"amle7as..
Bit : o# ask gl)"amle7as.576 corres.onds to sa.le ?2A7C:. -his arra& ust 9e si?ed in the
#ragent shader either i.licitl& or e2.licitl& to 9e the sae si?e as the i.leentation8de.endent
a2iu sa.le8ask Fas an arra& o# '!9it eleentsG, deterined 9& the a2iu nu9er o# sa.les.
I# the #ragent shader staticall& assigns a value to gl)"amle7as., the sa.le ask will 9e unde#ined #or
an& arra& eleents o# an& #ragent shader invocations that #ail to assign a value. I# a shader does not
staticall& assign a value to gl)"amle7as., the sa.le ask has no e##ect on the .rocessing o# a
-he in.ut varia9le gl)"amle*D is #illed with the sa.le nu9er o# the sa.le currentl& 9eing .rocessed.
-his varia9le is in the range 0 to gl)+um"amles-1, where gl)+um"amles is the total nu9er o# sa.les
in the #rae9u##er, or 1 i# rendering to a non8ultisa.le #rae9u##er. An& static use o# this varia9le in a
#ragent shader causes the entire shader to 9e evaluated .er8sa.le.
-he in.ut varia9le gl)"amle;osition contains the .osition o# the current sa.le within the ulti8sa.le
draw 9u##er. -he % and ' co.onents o# gl)"amle;osition contain the su98.i2el coordinate o# the current
sa.le and will have values in the range (.( to 1.(. An& static use o# this varia9le in a #ragent shader
causes the entire shader to 9e evaluated .er sa.le.
4.1.1 Compatibilit! -rofile /uilt7In Language "ariables
Ahen using the co.ati9ilit& .ro#ile, the 01 can .rovide #i2ed #unctionalit& 9ehavior #or the verte2 and
#ragent .rograa9le .i.eline stages. 4or e2a.le, i2ing a #i2ed #unctionalit& verte2 stage with a
.rograa9le #ragent stage.
-he #ollowing 9uilt8in verte2, tessellation control, tessellation evaluation, and geoetr& out.ut varia9les
are availa9le to s.eci#& in.uts #or the su9se=uent .rograa9le shader stage or the #i2ed #unctionalit&
#ragent stage. A .articular one should 9e written to i# an& #unctionalit& in a corres.onding #ragent
shader or #i2ed .i.eline uses it or state derived #ro it. )therwise, 9ehavior is unde#ined. -he #ollowing
e9ers are added to the out.ut gl);erVerte% 9lock in these languages:
out gl_@erVertex ) -- part of t.e gl_@erVertex $lo%: des%ri$ed in F+'
-- in addition to gl_@erVertex mem$ers+++
ve%8 gl_ElipVertex,
ve%8 gl_FrontEolor,
ve%8 gl_6a%:Eolor,
ve%8 gl_FrontSe%ondar&Eolor,
ve%8 gl_6a%:Se%ondar&Eolor,
ve%8 gl_TexEoordBC,
float gl_FogFragEoord,
-he out.ut varia9le gl)8liVerte% .rovides a .lace #or verte2 and geoetr& shaders to write the
coordinate to 9e used with the user .lanes.

7 Bui%t+in #aria$%es
-he user ust ensure the cli. verte2 and user .lanes are de#ined in the sae coordinate s.ace.
6ser cli. .lanes work .ro.erl& onl& under linear trans#or. It is unde#ined what ha..ens under non8
linear trans#or.
I# a linked set o# shaders #oring a .rogra contains no static write to gl)8liVerte% or gl)8liDistance$
9ut the a..lication has re=uested against user cli. .lanes through the A3I, then the coordinate
written to gl);osition is used #or co.arison against the user cli. .lanes. Ariting to gl)8liDistance is
the .re#erred ethod #or user It is an error #or the set o# shaders #oring a .rogra to staticall&
read or write 9oth gl)8liVerte% and gl)8liDistance.
-he out.ut varia9les gl)-ront8olor, gl-ront"econ#ar'8olor, gl):ac.8olor, and gl:ac."econ#ar'8olor
assign .riar& and secondar& colors #or #ront and 9ack #aces o# .riitives containing the verte2 9eing
.rocessed. -he out.ut varia9le gl)Te%8oor# assigns te2ture coordinates #or the verte2 9eing .rocessed.
4or gl)-og-rag8oor#, the value written will 9e used as the DcE value in section '.11 D4ogE o# the
co.ati9ilit& .ro#ile o# the ).en01 0ra.hics %&ste %.eci#ication, 9& the #i2ed #unctionalit& .i.eline.
4or e2a.le, i# the ?8coordinate o# the #ragent in e&e s.ace is desired as DcE, then thatHs what the verte2
shader e2ecuta9le should write into gl)-og-rag8oor#.
As with all arra&s, indices used to su9scri.t gl)Te%8oor# ust either 9e an integral constant e2.ressions,
or this arra& ust 9e re8declared 9& the shader with a si?e. -he si?e can 9e at ost
gl)7a%Te%ture8oor#s. 6sing inde2es close to ( a& aid the i.leentation in .reserving var&ing
resources. -he redeclaration o# gl)Te%8oor# is done at glo9al sco.e as, #or e2a.le,
in ve%8 gl_TexEoordB;C,
out ve%8 gl_TexEoordB8C,
which is the sae wa& it was done in .revious releases. -his treatent is a s.ecial case #or
gl)Te%8oor#56, not a general ethod #or redeclaring e9ers o# 9locks.
In the tessellation control, evaluation, and geoetr& shaders, the out.uts o# the .revious stage descri9ed
a9ove are also availa9le in the in.ut gl);erVerte% 9lock in these languages.
in gl_@erVertex ) -- part of t.e gl_@erVertex $lo%: des%ri$ed in F+'
-- in addition to gl_@erVertex mem$ers+++
ve%8 gl_ElipVertex,
ve%8 gl_FrontEolor,
ve%8 gl_6a%:Eolor,
ve%8 gl_FrontSe%ondar&Eolor,
ve%8 gl_6a%:Se%ondar&Eolor,
ve%8 gl_TexEoordBC,
float gl_FogFragEoord,
3 gl_inBC,
-he #ollowing #ragent in.uts are also availa9le in a #ragent shader when using the co.ati9ilit&
7 Bui%t+in #aria$%es
in float gl_FogFragEoord,
in ve%8 gl_TexEoordBC,
in ve%8 gl_Eolor,
in ve%8 gl_Se%ondar&Eolor,
-he values in gl)8olor and gl)"econ#ar'8olor will 9e derived autoaticall& 9& the s&ste #ro
gl)-ront8olor$ gl):ac.8olor$ gl)-ront"econ#ar'8olor$ and gl):ac."econ#ar'8olor 9ased on which
#ace is visi9le in the .riitive .roducing the #ragent. I# #i2ed #unctionalit& is used #or verte2 .rocessing,
then gl)-og-rag8oor# will either 9e the ?8coordinate o# the #ragent in e&e s.ace, or the inter.olation o#
the #og coordinate, as descri9ed in section '.11 D4ogE o# the co.ati9ilit& .ro#ile o# the ).en01
0ra.hics %&ste %.eci#ication. -he gl)Te%8oor#56 values are the inter.olated gl)Te%8oor#56 values
#ro a verte2 shader or the te2ture coordinates o# an& #i2ed .i.eline 9ased verte2 #unctionalit&.
*n#ices to the (ragment sha#er gl)Te%8oor# arra' are as #escri&e# a&ove in the verte% sha#er te%t.
4.2 Compatibilit! -rofile "erte, Shader /uilt7In Inputs
-he #ollowing .redeclared in.ut naes can 9e used #ro within a verte2 shader to access the current
values o# ).en01 state when using the co.ati9ilit& .ro#ile.
in ve%8 gl_Eolor,
in ve%8 gl_Se%ondar&Eolor,
in ve%; gl_Normal,
in ve%8 gl_Vertex,
in ve%8 gl_?ultiTexEoord=,
in ve%8 gl_?ultiTexEoord',
in ve%8 gl_?ultiTexEoord9,
in ve%8 gl_?ultiTexEoord;,
in ve%8 gl_?ultiTexEoord8,
in ve%8 gl_?ultiTexEoord<,
in ve%8 gl_?ultiTexEoordG,
in ve%8 gl_?ultiTexEoordF,
in float gl_FogEoord,
4.# /uilt7In Constants
-he #ollowing 9uilt8in constants are .rovided to all shaders. -he actual values used are i.leentation
de.endent, 9ut ust 9e at least the value shown. %oe are de.recated, as indicated in coents.
-- Implementation dependent %onstants+ T.e example values $elo/
-- are t.e minimum values allo/ed for t.ese maximums+
%onst int gl_?axVertex>ttri$s * 'G,
%onst int gl_?axVertexPniformEomponents * '=98,
%onst int gl_?axVar&ingFloats * G=, -- epre%ated
7 Bui%t+in #aria$%es
%onst int gl_?axVar&ingEomponents * G=, -- epre%ated
%onst int gl_?axVertexOutputEomponents * G8,
%onst int gl_?ax!eometr&InputEomponents * G8,
%onst int gl_?ax!eometr&OutputEomponents * '9N,
%onst int gl_?axFragmentInputEomponents * '9N,
%onst int gl_?axVertexTextureImagePnits * 'G,
%onst int gl_?axEom$inedTextureImagePnits * N=,
%onst int gl_?axTextureImagePnits * 'G,
%onst int gl_?axFragmentPniformEomponents * '=98,
%onst int gl_?axra/6uffers * N,
%onst int gl_?axElipistan%es * N,
%onst int gl_?ax!eometr&TextureImagePnits * 'G,
%onst int gl_?ax!eometr&OutputVerti%es * 9<G,
%onst int gl_?ax!eometr&TotalOutputEomponents * '=98,
%onst int gl_?ax!eometr&PniformEomponents * '=98,
%onst int gl_?ax!eometr&Var&ingEomponents * G8,
%onst int gl_?axTessEontrolInputEomponents * '9N,
%onst int gl_?axTessEontrolOutputEomponents * '9N,
%onst int gl_?axTessEontrolTextureImagePnits * 'G,
%onst int gl_?axTessEontrolPniformEomponents * '=98,
%onst int gl_?axTessEontrolTotalOutputEomponents * 8=SG,
%onst int gl_?axTessEvaluationInputEomponents * '9N,
%onst int gl_?axTessEvaluationOutputEomponents * '9N,
%onst int gl_?axTessEvaluationTextureImagePnits * 'G,
%onst int gl_?axTessEvaluationPniformEomponents * '=98,
%onst int gl_?axTess@at%.Eomponents * '9=,
%onst int gl_?ax@at%.Verti%es * ;9,
%onst int gl_?axTess!enLevel * G8,
-he constant gl)7a%Var'ing-loats is de.recated, use gl)7a%Var'ing8omonents instead.
4.#.1 Compatibilit! -rofile /uilt7In Constants
%onst int gl_?axTexturePnits * 9,
%onst int gl_?axTextureEoords * N,
%onst int gl_?axElip@lanes * N,
4.& /uilt7In 5niform State
As an aid to accessing ).en01 .rocessing state, the #ollowing uni#or varia9les are 9uilt into the
).en01 %hading 1anguage.
7 Bui%t+in #aria$%es
-- ept. range in /indo/ %oordinates1
-- se%tion 9+'8+' 4Eontrolling t.e Vie/port5 in t.e
-- Open!L !rap.i%s S&stem Spe%ifi%ation+
stru%t gl_ept.Range@arameters )
float near, -- n
float far, -- f
float diff, -- f 2 n
uniform gl_ept.Range@arameters gl_ept.Range,
4.&.1 Compatibilit! -rofile State
-hese varia9les are .resent onl& in the co.ati9ilit& .ro#ile.
-- %ompati$ilit& profile onl&
uniform mat8 gl_?odelVie/?atrix,
uniform mat8 gl_@ro7e%tion?atrix,
uniform mat8 gl_?odelVie/@ro7e%tion?atrix,
uniform mat8 gl_Texture?atrixBgl_?axTextureEoordsC,
-- %ompati$ilit& profile onl&
uniform mat; gl_Normal?atrix, -- transpose of t.e inverse of t.e
-- upper leftmost ;x; of gl_?odelVie/?atrix
uniform mat8 gl_?odelVie/?atrixInverse,
uniform mat8 gl_@ro7e%tion?atrixInverse,
uniform mat8 gl_?odelVie/@ro7e%tion?atrixInverse,
uniform mat8 gl_Texture?atrixInverseBgl_?axTextureEoordsC,
uniform mat8 gl_?odelVie/?atrixTranspose,
uniform mat8 gl_@ro7e%tion?atrixTranspose,
uniform mat8 gl_?odelVie/@ro7e%tion?atrixTranspose,
uniform mat8 gl_Texture?atrixTransposeBgl_?axTextureEoordsC,
uniform mat8 gl_?odelVie/?atrixInverseTranspose,
uniform mat8 gl_@ro7e%tion?atrixInverseTranspose,
uniform mat8 gl_?odelVie/@ro7e%tion?atrixInverseTranspose,
uniform mat8 gl_Texture?atrixInverseTransposeBgl_?axTextureEoordsC,
-- %ompati$ilit& profile onl&
uniform float gl_NormalS%ale,
7 Bui%t+in #aria$%es
-- %ompati$ilit& profile onl&
uniform ve%8 gl_Elip@laneBgl_?axElip@lanesC,
-- %ompati$ilit& profile onl&
stru%t gl_@oint@arameters )
float si"e,
float si"e?in,
float si"e?ax,
float fadeT.res.oldSi"e,
float distan%eEonstant>ttenuation,
float distan%eLinear>ttenuation,
float distan%eTuadrati%>ttenuation,

uniform gl_@oint@arameters gl_@oint,
-- %ompati$ilit& profile onl&
stru%t gl_?aterial@arameters )
ve%8 emission, -- E%m
ve%8 am$ient, -- >%m
ve%8 diffuse, -- %m
ve%8 spe%ular, -- S%m
float s.ininess, -- Srm
uniform gl_?aterial@arameters gl_Front?aterial,
uniform gl_?aterial@arameters gl_6a%:?aterial,
7 Bui%t+in #aria$%es
-- %ompati$ilit& profile onl&
stru%t gl_Lig.tSour%e@arameters )
ve%8 am$ient, -- >%li
ve%8 diffuse, -- %li
ve%8 spe%ular, -- S%li
ve%8 position, -- @pli
ve%8 .alfVe%tor, -- erived( Ii
ve%; spotire%tion, -- Sdli
float spotExponent, -- Srli
float spotEutoff, -- Erli
-- #range( B=+=1S=+=C1 'N=+=)
float spotEosEutoff, -- erived( %os#Erli)
-- #range( B'+=1=+=C12'+=)
float %onstant>ttenuation, -- U=
float linear>ttenuation, -- U'
float Auadrati%>ttenuation,-- U9
uniform gl_Lig.tSour%e@arameters gl_Lig.tSour%eBgl_?axLig.tsC,
stru%t gl_Lig.t?odel@arameters )
ve%8 am$ient, -- >%s
uniform gl_Lig.t?odel@arameters gl_Lig.t?odel,
-- %ompati$ilit& profile onl&
-- erived state from produ%ts of lig.t and material+
stru%t gl_Lig.t?odel@rodu%ts )
ve%8 s%eneEolor, -- erived+ E%m K >%m J >%s
uniform gl_Lig.t?odel@rodu%ts gl_FrontLig.t?odel@rodu%t,
uniform gl_Lig.t?odel@rodu%ts gl_6a%:Lig.t?odel@rodu%t,
stru%t gl_Lig.t@rodu%ts )
ve%8 am$ient, -- >%m J >%li
ve%8 diffuse, -- %m J %li
ve%8 spe%ular, -- S%m J S%li
uniform gl_Lig.t@rodu%ts gl_FrontLig.t@rodu%tBgl_?axLig.tsC,
uniform gl_Lig.t@rodu%ts gl_6a%:Lig.t@rodu%tBgl_?axLig.tsC,
7 Bui%t+in #aria$%es
-- %ompati$ilit& profile onl&
uniform ve%8 gl_TextureEnvEolorBgl_?axTexturePnitsC,
uniform ve%8 gl_E&e@laneSBgl_?axTextureEoordsC,
uniform ve%8 gl_E&e@laneTBgl_?axTextureEoordsC,
uniform ve%8 gl_E&e@laneRBgl_?axTextureEoordsC,
uniform ve%8 gl_E&e@laneTBgl_?axTextureEoordsC,
uniform ve%8 gl_O$7e%t@laneSBgl_?axTextureEoordsC,
uniform ve%8 gl_O$7e%t@laneTBgl_?axTextureEoordsC,
uniform ve%8 gl_O$7e%t@laneRBgl_?axTextureEoordsC,
uniform ve%8 gl_O$7e%t@laneTBgl_?axTextureEoordsC,
-- %ompati$ilit& profile onl&
stru%t gl_Fog@arameters )
ve%8 %olor,
float densit&,
float start,
float end,
float s%ale, -- erived( '+= - #end 2 start)

uniform gl_Fog@arameters gl_Fog,
/uilt7in .unctions
-he ).en01 %hading 1anguage de#ines an assortent o# 9uilt8in convenience #unctions #or scalar and
vector o.erations. :an& o# these 9uilt8in #unctions can 9e used in ore than one t&.e o# shader, 9ut soe
are intended to .rovide a direct to hardware and so are availa9le onl& #or a s.eci#ic t&.e o#
-he 9uilt8in #unctions 9asicall& #all into three categories:
-he& e2.ose soe necessar& hardware #unctionalit& in a convenient wa& such as accessing a te2ture
a.. -here is no wa& in the language #or these #unctions to 9e eulated 9& a shader.
-he& re.resent a trivial o.eration Fcla., i2, etc.G that is ver& si.le #or the user to write, 9ut the&
are ver& coon and a& have direct hardware su..ort. It is a ver& hard .ro9le #or the co.iler to
a. e2.ressions to co.le2 asse9ler instructions.
-he& re.resent an o.eration gra.hics hardware is likel& to accelerate at soe .oint. -he trigonoetr&
#unctions #all into this categor&.
:an& o# the #unctions are siilar to the sae naed ones in coon " li9raries, 9ut the& su..ort vector
in.ut as well as the ore traditional scalar in.ut.
A..lications should 9e encouraged to use the 9uilt8in #unctions rather than do the e=uivalent co.utations
in their own shader code since the 9uilt8in #unctions are assued to 9e o.tial Fe.g., .erha.s su..orted
directl& in hardwareG.
6ser code can re.lace 9uilt8in #unctions with their own i# the& choose, 9& si.l& re8declaring and de#ining
the sae nae and arguent list. Because 9uilt8in #unctions are in a ore outer sco.e than user 9uilt8in
#unctions, doing this will hide all 9uilt8in #unctions with the sae nae as the re8declared #unction.
Ahen the 9uilt8in #unctions are s.eci#ied 9elow, where the in.ut arguents Fand corres.onding out.utG
can 9e float, vec*, vec/, or vec,, genT'e is used as the arguent. Ahere the in.ut arguents Fand
corres.onding out.utG can 9e int, ivec*, ivec/, or ivec,, gen*T'e is used as the arguent. Ahere the
in.ut arguents Fand corres.onding out.utG can 9e uint, uvec*, uvec/, or uvec,, genFT'e is used as the
arguent. Ahere the in.ut arguents For corres.onding out.utG can 9e bool, bvec*, bvec/, or bvec,,
gen:T'e is used as the arguent. Ahere the in.ut arguents Fand corres.onding out.utG can 9e double,
dvec*, dvec/, dvec,, genDT'e is used as the arguent. 4or an& s.eci#ic use o# a #unction, the actual
t&.es su9stituted #or genT'e, gen*T'e, genFT'e$ or gen:T'e have to have the sae nu9er o#
co.onents #or all arguents and #or the return t&.e. %iilarl&, mat is used #or an& atri2 9asic t&.e
with single8.recision co.onents and #mat is used #or an& atri2 9asic t&.e with dou9le8.recision
Bui%t+in ,unctions
.1 0ngle and Trigonometr! .unctions
4unction .araeters s.eci#ied as angle are assued to 9e in units o# radians. In no case will an& o# these
#unctions result in a divide 9& ?ero error. I# the divisor o# a ratio is (, then results will 9e unde#ined.
-hese all o.erate co.onent8wise. -he descri.tion is .er co.onent.
S!nta, +escription
gen-&.e radians Fgen-&.e #egreesG
"onverts #egrees to radians, i.e.,

gen-&.e degrees Fgen-&.e ra#iansG
"onverts ra#ians to degrees, i.e.,

gen-&.e sin Fgen-&.e angleG -he standard trigonoetric sine #unction.
gen-&.e cos Fgen-&.e angleG -he standard trigonoetric cosine #unction.
gen-&.e tan Fgen-&.e angleG -he standard trigonoetric tangent.
gen-&.e asin Fgen-&.e %G Arc sine. Returns an angle whose sine is %. -he range
o# values returned 9& this #unction is


Results are unde#ined i# %1.
gen-&.e acos Fgen-&.e %G Arc cosine. Returns an angle whose cosine is %. -he
range o# values returned 9& this #unction is Z(, [.
Results are unde#ined i# %1.
gen-&.e atan Fgen-&.e ', gen-&.e %G Arc tangent. Returns an angle whose tangent is 'E%. -he
signs o# % and ' are used to deterine what =uadrant the
angle is in. -he range o# values returned 9& this
#unction is [$ ]. Results are unde#ined i# % and
' are 9oth (.
gen-&.e atan Fgen-&.e ')over)%G Arc tangent. Returns an angle whose tangent is
')over)%. -he range o# values returned 9& this #unction


Bui%t+in ,unctions
S!nta, +escription
gen-&.e sinh Fgen-&.e %G Returns the h&.er9olic sine #unction
gen-&.e cosh Fgen-&.e %G Returns the h&.er9olic cosine #unction
gen-&.e tanh Fgen-&.e %G Returns the h&.er9olic tangent #unction
sinh %
cosh %
gen-&.e asinh Fgen-&.e %G Arc h&.er9olic sineL returns the inverse o# sinh.
gen-&.e acosh Fgen-&.e %G Arc h&.er9olic cosineL returns the non8negative inverse
o# cosh. Results are unde#ined i# % Q 1.
gen-&.e atanh Fgen-&.e %G Arc h&.er9olic tangentL returns the inverse o# tanh.
Results are unde#ined i# %1.
Bui%t+in ,unctions
.2 ',ponential .unctions
-hese all o.erate co.onent8wise. -he descri.tion is .er co.onent.
S!nta, +escription
gen-&.e pow Fgen-&.e %, gen-&.e 'G Returns % raised to the ' .ower, i.e., %
Results are unde#ined i# % G 0.
Results are unde#ined i# % < 0 and ' G< 0.
gen-&.e ep Fgen-&.e %G Returns the natural e2.onentiation o# %, i.e., e
gen-&.e log Fgen-&.e %G Returns the natural logarith o# %$ i.e., returns the value
' which satis#ies the e=uation % S e
Results are unde#ined i# % G< 0.
gen-&.e ep* Fgen-&.e %G Returns ! raised to the % .ower, i.e., !
gen-&.e log* Fgen-&.e %G Returns the 9ase ! logarith o# %$ i.e., returns the value
' which satis#ies the e=uation %=!
Results are unde#ined i# % G< 0.
gen-&.e sQrt Fgen-&.e %G
genD-&.e sQrt FgenD-&.e %G
% .
Results are unde#ined i# % G 0.
gen-&.e inversesQrt Fgen-&.e %G
genD-&.e inversesQrt FgenD-&.e %G
Results are unde#ined i# % G< 0.
Bui%t+in ,unctions
.# Common .unctions
-hese all o.erate co.onent8wise. -he descri.tion is .er co.onent.
S!nta, +escription
gen-&.e abs Fgen-&.e %G
genI-&.e abs FgenI-&.e %G
genD-&.e abs FgenD-&.e %G
Returns % i# % RS (, otherwise it returns ^%.
gen-&.e sign Fgen-&.e %G
genI-&.e sign FgenI-&.e %G
genD-&.e sign FgenD-&.e %G
Returns 1.( i# % R (, (.( i# % S (, or ^1.( i# % Q (.
gen-&.e floor Fgen-&.e %G
genD-&.e floor FgenD-&.e %G
Returns a value e=ual to the nearest integer that is less
than or e=ual to %.
gen-&.e trunc Fgen-&.e %G
genD-&.e trunc FgenD-&.e %G
Returns a value e=ual to the nearest integer to % whose
a9solute value is not larger than the a9solute value o# %.
gen-&.e round Fgen-&.e %G
genD-&.e round FgenD-&.e %G
Returns a value e=ual to the nearest integer to %. -he
#raction (., will round in a direction chosen 9& the
i.leentation, .resua9l& the direction that is #astest.
-his includes the .ossi9ilit& that roundF%G returns the
sae value as round2venF%G #or all values o# %.
gen-&.e round2ven Fgen-&.e %G
genD-&.e round2ven FgenD-&.e %G
Returns a value e=ual to the nearest integer to %. A
#ractional .art o# (., will round toward the nearest even
integer. FBoth '., and *., #or 2 will return *.(.G
gen-&.e ceil Fgen-&.e %G
genD-&.e ceil FgenD-&.e %G
Returns a value e=ual to the nearest integer that is
greater than or e=ual to %.
gen-&.e fract Fgen-&.e %G
genD-&.e fract FgenD-&.e %G
Returns % ^ floor F%G.
gen-&.e mod Fgen-&.e %, #loat 'G
gen-&.e mod Fgen-&.e %, gen-&.e 'G
genD-&.e mod FgenD-&.e %, dou9le 'G
genD-&.e mod FgenD-&.e %, genD-&.e 'G
:odulus. Returns % ^ ' floor F%O'G.
Bui%t+in ,unctions
S!nta, +escription
gen-&.e modf Fgen-&.e %, out gen-&.e iG
genD-&.e modf FgenD-&.e %,
out genD-&.e iG
Returns the #ractional .art o# % and sets i to the integer
.art Fas a whole nu9er #loating .oint valueG. Both the
return value and the out.ut .araeter will have the sae
sign as %.
gen-&.e min Fgen-&.e %, gen-&.e 'G
gen-&.e min Fgen-&.e %, #loat 'G
genD-&.e min FgenD-&.e %, genD-&.e 'G
genD-&.e min FgenD-&.e %, dou9le 'G
genI-&.e min FgenI-&.e %, genI-&.e 'G
genI-&.e min FgenI-&.e %, int 'G
gen6-&.e min Fgen6-&.e %, gen6-&.e 'G
gen6-&.e min Fgen6-&.e %, uint 'G
Returns ' i# ' Q %, otherwise it returns %.
gen-&.e ma Fgen-&.e %, gen-&.e 'G
gen-&.e ma Fgen-&.e %, #loat 'G
genD-&.e ma FgenD-&.e %, genD-&.e 'G
genD-&.e ma FgenD-&.e %, dou9le 'G
genI-&.e ma FgenI-&.e %, genI-&.e 'G
genI-&.e ma FgenI-&.e %, int 'G
gen6-&.e ma Fgen6-&.e %, gen6-&.e 'G
gen6-&.e ma Fgen6-&.e %, uint 'G
Returns ' i# % Q ', otherwise it returns %.
Bui%t+in ,unctions
S!nta, +escription
gen-&.e clamp Fgen-&.e %,
gen-&.e minVal,
gen-&.e ma%ValG
gen-&.e clamp Fgen-&.e %,
#loat minVal,
#loat ma%ValG
genD-&.e clamp FgenD-&.e %,
genD-&.e minVal,
genD-&.e ma%ValG
genD-&.e clamp FgenD-&.e %,
dou9le minVal,
dou9le ma%ValG
genI-&.e clamp FgenI-&.e %,
genI-&.e minVal,
genI-&.e ma%ValG
genI-&.e clamp FgenI-&.e %,
int minVal,
int ma%ValG
gen6-&.e clamp Fgen6-&.e %,
gen6-&.e minVal,
gen6-&.e ma%ValG
gen6-&.e clamp Fgen6-&.e %,
uint minVal,
uint ma%ValG
Returns min Fma F%, minValG, ma%ValG.
Results are unde#ined i# minVal R ma%Val.
gen-&.e mi Fgen-&.e %,
gen-&.e ',
gen-&.e aG
gen-&.e mi Fgen-&.e %,
gen-&.e ',
#loat aG
genD-&.e mi FgenD-&.e %,
genD-&.e ',
genD-&.e aG
genD-&.e mi FgenD-&.e %,
genD-&.e ',
dou9le aG
Returns the linear 9lend o# % and '$ i.e.,
Bui%t+in ,unctions
S!nta, +escription
gen-&.e mi Fgen-&.e %,
gen-&.e &,
genB-&.e aG
genD-&.e mi FgenD-&.e %,
genD-&.e &,
genB-&.e aG
%elects which vector each returned co.onent coes
#ro. 4or a co.onent o# a that is false, the
corres.onding co.onent o# % is returned. 4or a
co.onent o# a that is true, the corres.onding
co.onent o# ' is returned. "o.onents o# % and ' that
are not selected are allowed to 9e invalid #loating .oint
values and will have no e##ect on the results. -hus, this
.rovides di##erent #unctionalit& than, #or e2a.le,
gen-&.e miFgen-&.e %, gen-&.e ', gen-&.eFaGG
where a is a Boolean vector.
gen-&.e step Fgen-&.e e#ge, gen-&.e %G
gen-&.e step F#loat e#ge, gen-&.e %G
genD-&.e step FgenD-&.e e#ge,
genD-&.e %G
genD-&.e step Fdou9le e#ge, genD-&.e %G
Returns (.( i# % Q e#ge, otherwise it returns 1.(.
gen-&.e smoothstep Fgen-&.e e#ge0,
gen-&.e e#ge1,
gen-&.e %G
gen-&.e smoothstep F#loat e#ge0,
#loat e#ge1,
gen-&.e %G
genD-&.e smoothstep FgenD-&.e e#ge0,
genD-&.e e#ge1,
genD-&.e %G
genD-&.e smoothstep Fdou9le e#ge0,
dou9le e#ge1,
genD-&.e %G
Returns (.( i# % QS e#ge0 and 1.( i# % RS e#ge1 and
.er#ors sooth +erite inter.olation 9etween ( and 1
when e#ge0 Q % Q e#ge1. -his is use#ul in cases where
&ou would want a threshold #unction with a sooth
transition. -his is e=uivalent to:
gen-&.e tL
t S cla. FF2 ^ edge(G O Fedge1 ^ edge(G, (, 1GL
return t I t I F' ^ ! I tGL
FAnd siilarl& #or dou9les.G
Results are un#e(ine# i( e#ge0 H< e#ge1.
genB-&.e isnan Fgen-&.e %G
genB-&.e isnan FgenD-&.e %G
Returns true i# % holds a 7a7. Returns false otherwise.
genB-&.e isinf Fgen-&.e %G
genB-&.e isinf FgenD-&.e %G
Returns true i# % holds a .ositive in#init& or negative
in#init&. Returns false otherwise.
genI-&.e float1itsOo&nt Fgen-&.e valueG
gen6-&.e float1itsOo)int Fgen-&.e valueG
Returns a signed or unsigned integer value re.resenting
the encoding o# a #loating8.oint value. -he #loating8
.oint valueHs 9it8level re.resentation is .reserved.
Bui%t+in ,unctions
S!nta, +escription
gen-&.e int1itsOoRloat FgenI-&.e valueG
gen-&.e uint1itsOoRloat Fgen6-&.e valueG
Returns a #loating8.oint value corres.onding to a signed
or unsigned integer encoding o# a #loating8.oint value.
I# an in# or 7a7 is .assed in, it will not signal, and the
resulting #loating .oint value is uns.eci#ied. )therwise,
the 9it8level re.resentation is .reserved.
gen-&.e fma Fgen-&.e a, gen-&.e &,
gen-&.e cG
genD-&.e fma FgenD-&.e a, genD-&.e &,
genD-&.e cG
"o.utes and returns aA& C c.
In uses where the return value is eventuall& consued 9&
a varia9le declared as precise:
fmaFG is considered a single o.eration, whereas the
e2.ression DaI& J cE consued 9& a varia9le
declared precise is considered two o.erations.
-he .recision o# fmaFG can di##er #ro the .recision
o# the the e2.ression DaI& J cE.
fmaFG will 9e co.uted with the sae .recision as
an& other fmaFG consued 9& a precise varia9le,
giving invariant results #or the sae in.ut values o#
a, &, and c.
)therwise, in the a9sence o# precise consu.tion, there
are no s.ecial constraints on the nu9er o# o.erations or
di##erence in .recision 9etween fmaFG and the e2.ression
DaI& J cE.
gen-&.e frep Fgen-&.e %,
out genI-&.e e%G
genD-&.e frep FgenD-&.e %,
out genI-&.e e%G
%.lits % into a #loating8.oint signi#icand in the range
Z(.,, 1.(G and an integral e2.onent o# two, such that:
-he signi#icand is returned 9& the #unction and the
e2.onent is returned in the .araeter e%. 4or a
#loating8.oint value o# ?ero, the signi#icant and e2.onent
are 9oth ?ero. 4or a #loating8.oint value that is an
in#init& or is not a nu9er, the results are unde#ined.
gen-&.e ldep Fgen-&.e %,
in genI-&.e e%G
genD-&.e ldep FgenD-&.e %,
in genI-&.e e%G
Builds a #loating8.oint nu9er #ro % and the
corres.onding integral e2.onent o# two in e%, returning:
I# this .roduct is too large to 9e re.resented in the
#loating8.oint t&.e, the result is unde#ined.
Bui%t+in ,unctions
Bui%t+in ,unctions
.& .loating7-oint -ac2 and 5npac2 .unctions
-hese #unctions do not o.erate co.onent8wise, rather as descri9ed in each case.
S!nta, +escription
uint pack)norm*1+ Fvec! vG
uint pack)norm,- Fvec* vG
uint packSnorm,- Fvec* vG
4irst, converts each co.onent o# the norali?ed
#loating8.oint value v into $8 or 1/89it integer values.
-hen, the results are .acked into the returned '!89it
unsigned integer.
-he conversion #or co.onent c o# v to #i2ed .oint is
done as #ollows:
pack)norm*1+: roundFcla.Fc, (, J1G I /,,',.(G
pack)norm,-: roundFcla.Fc, (, J1G I !,,.(G
packSnorm,-: roundFcla.Fc, 81, J1G I 1!5.(G
-he #irst co.onent o# the vector will 9e written to the
least signi#icant 9its o# the out.utL the last co.onent
will 9e written to the ost signi#icant 9its.
vec! unpack)norm*1+ Fuint G
vec* unpack)norm,- Fuint G
vec* unpackSnorm,- Fuint G
4irst, un.acks a single '!89it unsigned integer into a
.air o# 1/89it unsigned integers, #our $89it unsigned
integers, or #our $89it signed integers. -hen, each
co.onent is converted to a norali?ed #loating8.oint
value to generate the returned two8 or #our8co.onent
-he conversion #or un.acked #i2ed8.oint value ( to
#loating .oint is done as #ollows:
unpack)norm*1+K ( O /,,',.(
unpack)norm,-K ( O !,,.(
unpackSnorm,-K cla.F( O 1!5.(, 81, J1G
-he #irst co.onent o# the returned vector will 9e
e2tracted #ro the least signi#icant 9its o# the in.utL the
last co.onent will 9e e2tracted #ro the ost
signi#icant 9its.
dou9le pack.ouble*/* Fuvec! vG Returns a dou9le8.recision value o9tained 9& .acking
the co.onents o# v into a /*89it value. I# an IEEE 5,*
in# or 7a7 is created, it will not signal, and the resulting
#loating .oint value is uns.eci#ied. )therwise, the 9it8
level re.resentation o# v is .reserved. -he #irst vector
co.onent s.eci#ies the '! least signi#icant 9itsL the
second co.onent s.eci#ies the '! ost signi#icant 9its.
Bui%t+in ,unctions
S!nta, +escription
uvec! unpack.ouble*/* Fdou9le v4 Returns a two8co.onent unsigned integer vector
re.resentation o# v. -he 9it8level re.resentation o# v is
.reserved. -he #irst co.onent o# the vector contains
the '! least signi#icant 9its o# the dou9leL the second
co.onent consists the '! ost signi#icant 9its.
Bui%t+in ,unctions
.) Geometric .unctions
-hese o.erate on vectors as vectors, not co.onent8wise.
S!nta, +escription
#loat length Fgen-&.e %G
dou9le length FgenD-&.e %G
Returns the length o# vector %, i.e.,
%[ (]
%[ 1]
#loat distance Fgen-&.e 0, gen-&.e 1G
dou9le distance FgenD-&.e 0,
genD-&.e 1G
Returns the distance 9etween 0 and 1, i.e.,
length F0 I 1G
#loat dot Fgen-&.e %, gen-&.e 'G
dou9le dot FgenD-&.e %, genD-&.e 'G
Returns the dot .roduct o# % and ', i.e.,
%[ (]' [(]% [1]'[1]...
vec' cross Fvec' %, vec' 'G
dvec' cross Fdvec' %, dvec' 'G
Returns the cross .roduct o# 2 and &, i.e.,
% [1]'[ !]' [1]% [!]
%[ !]'[ (]' [ !]%[ (]
%[(]' [1]' [(]% [1]
gen-&.e normali!e Fgen-&.e %G
genD-&.e normali!e FgenD-&.e %G
Returns a vector in the sae direction as % 9ut with a
length o# 1.
co.ati9ilit& .ro#ile onl&
vec* ftransformFG
Availa9le onl& when using the co.ati9ilit& .ro#ile. 4or
core ).en01, use invariant.
4or verte2 shaders onl&. -his #unction will ensure that
the incoing verte2 value will 9e trans#ored in a wa&
that .roduces e2actl& the sae result as would 9e
.roduced 9& ).en01Ks #i2ed #unctionalit& trans#or. It
is intended to 9e used to co.ute gl);osition, e.g.,
gl>3osition S ftransformFG
-his #unction should 9e used, #or e2a.le, when an
a..lication is rendering the sae geoetr& in se.arate
.asses, and one .ass uses the #i2ed #unctionalit& .ath to
render and another .ass uses .rograa9le shaders.
Bui%t+in ,unctions
S!nta, +escription
gen-&.e faceforward Fgen-&.e +,
gen-&.e *,
gen-&.e +re(G
genD-&.e faceforward FgenD-&.e +,
genD-&.e *,
genD-&.e +re(G
I# dotF+re(, *G Q ( return +$ otherwise return ^+.
gen-&.e reflect Fgen-&.e *, gen-&.e +G
genD-&.e reflect FgenD-&.e *,
genD-&.e +G
4or the incident vector * and sur#ace orientation +,
returns the re#lection direction:
* ^ ! dotF+, *G +
+ ust alread& 9e norali?ed in order to achieve the
desired result.
gen-&.e refract Fgen-&.e *, gen-&.e +,
#loat etaG
genD-&.e refract FgenD-&.e *,
genD-&.e +,
#loat etaG
4or the incident vector * and sur#ace noral +, and the
ratio o# indices o# re#raction eta$ return the re#raction
vector. -he result is co.uted 9&
k S 1.( 8 eta I eta I F1.( 8 dotF+, *G I dotF+, *GG
i# Fk Q (.(G
return gen-&.eF(.(G OO or genD-&.eF(.(G
return eta I * 8 Feta I dotF+, *G J sQrtFkGG I +
-he in.ut .araeters #or the incident vector * and the
sur#ace noral + ust alread& 9e norali?ed to get the
desired results.
Bui%t+in ,unctions
.* 8atri, .unctions
4or each o# the #ollowing 9uilt8in atri2 #unctions, there is 9oth a single8.recision #loating .oint version,
where all arguents and return values are single .recision, and a dou9le8.recision #loating version, where
all arguents and return values are dou9le .recision. )nl& the single8.recision #loating .oint version is
S!nta, +escription
at matriComp%ult Fat %, at 'G :ulti.l& atri2 % 9& atri2 ' co.onent8wise, i.e.,
resultZi[Z@[ is the scalar .roduct o# %Zi[Z@[ and 'Zi[Z@[.
7ote: to get linear alge9raic atri2 ulti.lication, use
the ulti.l& o.erator F=G.
at! outer6roductFvec! c, vec! rG
at' outer6roductFvec' c, vec' rG
at* outer6roductFvec* c, vec* rG
at!2' outer6roductFvec' c, vec! rG
at'2! outer6roductFvec! c, vec' rG
at!2* outer6roductFvec* c, vec! rG
at*2! outer6roductFvec! c, vec* rG
at'2* outer6roductFvec* c, vec' rG
at*2' outer6roductFvec' c, vec* rG
-reats the #irst .araeter c as a colun vector Fatri2
with one colunG and the second .araeter r as a row
vector Fatri2 with one rowG and does a linear alge9raic
atri2 ulti.l& c I r, &ielding a atri2 whose nu9er o#
rows is the nu9er o# co.onents in c and whose
nu9er o# coluns is the nu9er o# co.onents in r.
at! transposeFat! mG
at' transposeFat' mG
at* transposeFat* mG
at!2' transposeFat'2! mG
at'2! transposeFat!2' mG
at!2* transposeFat*2! mG
at*2! transposeFat!2* mG
at'2* transposeFat*2' mG
at*2' transposeFat'2* mG
Returns a atri2 that is the trans.ose o# m. -he in.ut
atri2 m is not odi#ied.
#loat determinantFat! mG
#loat determinantFat' mG
#loat determinantFat* mG
Returns the deterinant o# m.
Bui%t+in ,unctions
S!nta, +escription
at! inverseFat! mG
at' inverseFat' mG
at* inverseFat* mG
Returns a atri2 that is the inverse o# m. -he in.ut
atri2 m is not odi#ied. -he values in the returned
atri2 are unde#ined i# m is singular or .oorl&8
conditioned Fnearl& singularG.
Bui%t+in ,unctions
.4 "ector Relational .unctions
Relational and e=ualit& o.erators F?, ?I, @, @I, II, JIG are de#ined to o.erate on scalars and .roduce
scalar Boolean results. 4or vector results, use the #ollowing 9uilt8in #unctions. Below, the #ollowing
.laceholders are used #or the listed s.eci#ic t&.es:
6laceholder Specific O0pes Allowed
9vec 9vec!, 9vec', 9vec*
ivec ivec!, ivec', ivec*
uvec uvec!, uvec', uvec*
vec vec!, vec', vec*, dvec!, dvec', dvec*
In all cases, the si?es o# all the in.ut and return vectors #or an& .articular call ust atch.
S!nta, +escription
9vec lessOhanFvec 2, vec &G
9vec lessOhanFivec 2, ivec &G
9vec lessOhanFuvec 2, uvec &G
Returns the co.onent8wise co.are o# % Q '.
9vec lessOhan2QualFvec 2, vec &G
9vec lessOhan2QualFivec 2, ivec &G
9vec lessOhan2QualFuvec 2, uvec &G
Returns the co.onent8wise co.are o# % QS '.
9vec greaterOhanFvec 2, vec &G
9vec greaterOhanFivec 2, ivec &G
9vec greaterOhanFuvec 2, uvec &G
Returns the co.onent8wise co.are o# % R '.
9vec greaterOhan2QualFvec 2, vec &G
9vec greaterOhan2QualFivec 2, ivec &G
9vec greaterOhan2QualFuvec 2, uvec &G
Returns the co.onent8wise co.are o# % RS '.
9vec eQualFvec 2, vec &G
9vec eQualFivec 2, ivec &G
9vec eQualFuvec 2, uvec &G
9vec eQualF9vec 2, 9vec &G
9vec not2QualFvec 2, vec &G
9vec not2QualFivec 2, ivec &G
9vec not2QualFuvec 2, uvec &G
9vec not2QualF9vec 2, 9vec &G
Returns the co.onent8wise co.are o# % SS '.
Returns the co.onent8wise co.are o# % NS '.
9ool an0F9vec 2G Returns true i# an& co.onent o# % is true.
Bui%t+in ,unctions
S!nta, +escription
9ool allF9vec 2G Returns true onl& i# all co.onents o# % are true.
9vec notF9vec 2G Returns the co.onent8wise logical co.leent o# %.
Bui%t+in ,unctions
. Integer .unctions
-hese all o.erate co.onent8wise. -he descri.tion is .er co.onent. -he notation Za, &[ eans the set
o# 9its #ro 9it8nu9er a through 9it8nu9er &, inclusive. -he lowest8order 9it is 9it (.
S!nta, +escription
gen6-&.e uaddCarr0 Fgen6-&.e %,
gen6-&.e ',
out gen6-&.e carr'G
Adds '!89it unsigned integer % and ', returning the su
odulo !
. -he value carr' is set to ( i# the su was
less than !
, or to 1 otherwise.
gen6-&.e usub1orrow Fgen6-&.e %,
gen6-&.e ',
out gen6-&.e &orro/G
%u9tracts the '!89it unsigned integer ' #ro %, returning
the di##erence i# non8negative, or !
.lus the di##erence
otherwise. -he value &orro/ is set to ( i# % H< ', or to
1 otherwise.
void umul2tended Fgen6-&.e %,
gen6-&.e ',
out gen6-&.e ms&,
out gen6-&.e ls&G
void imul2tended FgenI-&.e %,
genI-&.e ',
out genI-&.e ms&,
out genI-&.e ls&G
:ulti.lies '!89it integers % and ', .roducing a /*89it
result. -he '! least8signi#icant 9its are returned in ls&.
-he '! ost8signi#icant 9its are returned in ms&.
genI-&.e bitfield2tract FgenI-&.e value,
int o((set, int &itsG
gen6-&.e bitfield2tract Fgen6-&.e value,
int o((set, int &itsG
E2tracts 9its Zo((set, o((set J &its - 1[ #ro value,
returning the in the least signi#icant 9its o# the result.
4or unsigned data t&.es, the ost signi#icant 9its o# the
result will 9e set to ?ero. 4or signed data t&.es, the
ost signi#icant 9its will 9e set to the value o# 9it o((set
J &ase I 1.
I# &its is ?ero, the result will 9e ?ero. -he result will 9e
unde#ined i# o((set or &its is negative, or i# the su o#
o((set and &its is greater than the nu9er o# 9its used
to store the o.erand.
Bui%t+in ,unctions
S!nta, +escription
genI-&.e bitfield&nsert FgenI-&.e &ase,
genI-&.e insert,
int o((set, int &itsG
gen6-&.e bitfield&nsert Fgen6-&.e &ase,
gen6-&.e insert,
int o((set, int &itsG
Returns the insertion the &its least8signi#icant 9its o#
insert into &ase.
-he result will have 9its Zo((set, o((set J &its - 1[ taken
#ro 9its Z(, &its I 1[ o# insert, and all other 9its taken
directl& #ro the corres.onding 9its o# &ase. I# &its is
?ero, the result will si.l& 9e &ase. -he result will 9e
unde#ined i# o((set or &its is negative, or i# the su o#
o((set and &its is greater than the nu9er o# 9its used to
store the o.erand.
genI-&.e bitfield3everse FgenI-&.e valueG
gen6-&.e bitfield3everse Fgen6-&.e valueG
Returns the reversal o# the 9its o# value. -he 9it
nu9ered n o# the result will 9e taken #ro 9it F&its - 1G
- n o# value, where &its is the total nu9er o# 9its used
to re.resent value.
genI-&.e bitCount FgenI-&.e valueG
genI-&.e bitCount Fgen6-&.e valueG
Returns the nu9er o# 9its set to 1 in the 9inar&
re.resentation o# value.
genI-&.e find"S1 FgenI-&.e valueG
genI-&.e find"S1 Fgen6-&.e valueG
Returns the 9it nu9er o# the least signi#icant 9it set to
1 in the 9inar& re.resentation o# value. I# value is ?ero,
81will 9e returned.
genI-&.e find%S1 FgenI-&.e valueG
genI-&.e find%S1 Fgen6-&.e valueG
Returns the 9it nu9er o# the ost signi#icant 9it in the
9inar& re.resentation o# value.
4or .ositive integers, the result will 9e the 9it nu9er o#
the ost signi#icant 9it set to 1. 4or negative integers,
the result will 9e the 9it nu9er o# the ost signi#icant
9it set to (. 4or a value o# ?ero or negative one, 81 will
9e returned.
Bui%t+in ,unctions
.9 Te,ture .unctions
-e2ture looku. #unctions are availa9le in all shading stages. +owever, autoatic level o# detail is
co.uted onl& #or #ragent shaders. )ther shaders o.erate as though the 9ase level o# detail were
co.uted as ?ero. -he #unctions in the ta9le 9elow .rovide access to te2tures through sa.lers, as set u.
through the ).en01 A3I. -e2ture .ro.erties such as si?e, .i2el #orat, nu9er o# diensions, #iltering
ethod, nu9er o# i.8a. levels, co.arison, and so on are also de#ined 9& ).en01 A3I calls.
%uch .ro.erties are taken into account as the te2ture is accessed via the 9uilt8in #unctions de#ined 9elow.
-e2ture data can 9e stored 9& the 01 as #loating .oint, unsigned norali?ed integer, unsigned integer or
signed integer data. -his is deterined 9& the t&.e o# the internal #orat o# the te2ture. -e2ture looku.s
on unsigned norali?ed integer and #loating .oint data return #loating .oint values in the range Z(, 1[.
-e2ture looku. #unctions are .rovided that can return their result as #loating .oint, unsigned integer or
signed integer, de.ending on the sa.ler t&.e .assed to the looku. #unction. "are ust 9e taken to use
the right sa.ler t&.e #or te2ture access. -he #ollowing ta9le lists the su..orted co9inations o# sa.ler
t&.es and te2ture internal #orats. Blank entries are unsu..orted. Doing a te2ture looku. will return
unde#ined values #or unsu..orted co9inations.
Internal -e2ture 4orat
4loating 3oint
%a.ler -&.es
%igned Integer
%a.ler -&.es
6nsigned Integer
%a.ler -&.es
4loating .oint %u..orted
7orali?ed Integer %u..orted
%igned Integer %u..orted
6nsigned Integer %u..orted
I# an integer sa.ler t&.e is used, the result o# a te2ture looku. is an ivec,. I# an unsigned integer sa.ler
t&.e is used, the result o# a te2ture looku. is a uvec,. I# a #loating .oint sa.ler t&.e is used, the result o#
a te2ture looku. is a vec,, where each co.onent is in the range Z(, 1[.
In the .rotot&.es 9elow, the DgE in the return t&.e Dgvec4E is used as a .laceholder #or nothing, DiE, or DuE
aking a return t&.e o# vec,, ivec,, or uvec,. In these cases, the sa.ler arguent t&.e also starts with
DgE, indicating the sae su9stitution done on the return t&.eL it is either a #loating .oint, signed integer, or
unsigned integer sa.ler, atching the 9asic t&.e o# the return t&.e, as descri9ed a9ove.
4or shadow #ors Fthe sa.ler .araeter is a shadow8t&.eG, a co.arison looku. on the
te2ture 9ound to samler is done as descri9ed in section '.$.1/ D-e2ture "o.arison :odesE o# the
).en01 0ra.hics %&ste %.eci#ication. %ee the ta9le 9elow #or which co.onent s.eci#ies Dre(. -he
te2ture 9ound to samler ust 9e a te2ture, or results are unde#ined. I# a non8shadow te2ture call is
ade to a sa.ler that re.resents a te2ture with co.arisons turned on, then results are
unde#ined. I# a shadow te2ture call is ade to a sa.ler that re.resents a te2ture with
co.arisons turned o##, then results are unde#ined. I# a shadow te2ture call is ade to a sa.ler that does
not re.resent a te2ture, then results are unde#ined.
Bui%t+in ,unctions
In all #unctions 9elow, the &ias .araeter is o.tional #or #ragent shaders. -he &ias .araeter is not
acce.ted in an& other shaders. 4or a #ragent shader, i# &ias is .resent, it is added to the i.licit level o#
detail .rior to .er#oring the te2ture access o.eration. 7o &ias or lo# .araeters #or rectangular te2tures,
ulti8sa.le te2tures, or te2ture 9u##ers are su..orted 9ecause i.8a.s are not allowed #or these t&.es
o# te2tures.
-he i.licit level o# detail is selected as #ollows: 4or a te2ture that is not i.8a..ed, the te2ture is used
directl&. I# it is i.8a..ed and running in a #ragent shader, the 1)D co.uted 9& the i.leentation
is used to do the te2ture looku.. I# it is i.8a..ed and running on the verte2 shader, then the 9ase
te2ture is used.
%oe te2ture #unctions Fnon8D"odE and non8D#radE versionsG a& re=uire i.licit derivatives. I.licit
derivatives are unde#ined within non8uni#or control #low and #or non8#ragent8shader te2ture #etches.
4or Cube #ors, the direction o# ; is used to select which #ace to do a !8diensional te2ture looku. in, as
descri9ed in section '.$.1( D"u9e :a. -e2ture %electionE in the ).en01 0ra.hics %&ste %.eci#ication.
4or Arra0 #ors, the arra& la&er used will 9e
ma% (, min # 1, (loorla'er(.,
where # is the o# the te2ture arra& and la'er coes #ro the co.onent indicated in the ta9les
.9.1 Te,ture :uer! .unctions
-he tetureSi!e #unctions =uer& the diensions o# a s.eci#ic te2ture level #or a sa.ler.
-he teture4uer0"od #unctions are availa9le onl& in a #ragent shader. -he& take the co.onents o# ;
and co.ute the level o# detail in#oration that the te2ture .i.e would use to access that te2ture through a
noral te2ture looku.. -he level o# detail JK Fe=uation '.1$ in the ).en01 0ra.hics %&ste
%.eci#icationG is o9tained a#ter an& 1)D 9ias, 9ut .rior to to Z-EY-6RE>:I7>1)D,
-EY-6RE>:AY>1)D[. -he i.a. arra&FsG that would 9e accessed are also co.uted. I# a single
level o# detail would 9e accessed, the level8o#8detail nu9er relative to the 9ase level is returned. I#
ulti.le levels o# detail would 9e accessed, a #loating8.oint nu9er 9etween the two levels is returned,
with the #ractional .art e=ual to the #ractional .art o# the co.uted and cla.ed level o# detail. -he
algorith used is given 9& the #ollowing .seudo8code:
Bui%t+in ,unctions
float Eompute>%%essedLod#float %omputedLod)
-- Elamp t.e %omputed LO a%%ording to t.e texture LO %lamps+
if #%omputedLod 0 TEOTPRE_?IN_LO) %omputedLod * TEOTPRE_?IN_LO,
if #%omputedLod L TEOTPRE_?>O_LO) %omputedLod * TEOTPRE_?>O_LO,
-- Elamp t.e %omputed LO to t.e range of a%%essi$le levels+
if #%omputedLod 0 =)
%omputedLod * =+=,
if #%omputedLod L #float)
max>%%essi$leLevel) %omputedLod * #float) max>%%essi$leLevel,
-- Return a value a%%ording to t.e min filter+
return =+=,
or LINE>R_?I@?>@_NE>REST) )
return %eil#%omputedLod K =+<) 2 '+=,
3 else )
return %omputedLod,
-he value ma%@ccessi&leLevel is the level nu9er o# the sallest accessi9le level o# the i.a. arra&
Fthe value 1 in section '.$.; D-e2ture :ini#icationE o# the ).en01 0ra.hics %&ste %.eci#icationG inus
the 9ase level.
S!nta, +escription
int tetureSi!e Fgsa.ler1D samler, int lo#G
ivec! tetureSi!e Fgsa.ler!D samler, int lo#G
ivec' tetureSi!e Fgsa.ler'D samler, int lo#G
ivec! tetureSi!e Fgsa.ler"u9e samler, int lo#G
int tetureSi!e Fsa.ler1D%hadow samler, int lo#G
ivec! tetureSi!e Fsa.ler!D%hadow samler, int lo#G
ivec! tetureSi!e Fsa.ler"u9e%hadow samler, int lo#G
ivec' tetureSi!e Fsa.ler"u9eArra& samler, int lo#G
ivec' tetureSi!e Fsa.ler"u9eArra&%hadow samler, int lo#G
ivec! tetureSi!e Fgsa.ler!DRect samlerG
ivec! tetureSi!e Fsa.ler!DRect%hadow samlerG
ivec! tetureSi!e Fgsa.ler1DArra& samler, int lo#G
ivec' tetureSi!e Fgsa.ler!DArra& samler, int lo#G
ivec! tetureSi!e Fsa.ler1DArra&%hadow samler, int lo#G
ivec' tetureSi!e Fsa.ler!DArra&%hadow samler, int lo#G
int tetureSi!e Fgsa.lerBu##er samlerG
ivec! tetureSi!e Fgsa.ler!D:% samlerG
ivec! tetureSi!e Fgsa.ler!D:%Arra& samlerG
Returns the diensions o# level
lo# Fi# .resentG #or the te2ture
9ound to samler, as descri9ed
in section !.11.5 D%hader
E2ecutionE o# the ).en01
0ra.hics %&ste %.eci#ication,
under D-e2ture %i?e <uer&E.
-he co.onents in the return
value are #illed in, in order, with
the width, height, o# the
4or the arra& #ors, the last
co.onent o# the return value is
the nu9er o# la&ers in the
te2ture arra&.
Bui%t+in ,unctions
S!nta, +escription
vec! teture4uer0"odFgsa.ler1D samler, #loat ;G
vec! teture4uer0"odFgsa.ler!D samler, vec! ;G
vec! teture4uer0"odFgsa.ler'D samler, vec' ;G
vec! teture4uer0"odFgsa.ler"u9e samler, vec' ;G
vec! teture4uer0"odFgsa.ler1DArra& samler, #loat ;G
vec! teture4uer0"odFgsa.ler!DArra& samler, vec! ;G
vec! teture4uer0"odFgsa.ler"u9eArra& samler, vec' ;G
vec! teture4uer0"odFsa.ler1D%hadow samler, #loat ;G
vec! teture4uer0"odFsa.ler!D%hadow samler, vec! ;G
vec! teture4uer0"odFsa.ler"u9e%hadow samler, vec' ;G
vec! teture4uer0"odFsa.ler1DArra&%hadow samler, #loat ;G
vec! teture4uer0"odFsa.ler!DArra&%hadow samler, vec! ;G
vec! teture4uer0"odFsa.ler"u9eArra&%hadow samler, vec' ;G
Returns the i.a. arra&FsG
that would 9e accessed in the %
co.onent o# the return value.
Returns the co.uted level o#
detail relative to the 9ase level
in the ' co.onent o# the return
I# called on an inco.lete
te2ture, the results are
.9.2 Te,el Loo2up .unctions
S!nta, +escription
gvec* teture Fgsa.ler1D samler$ #loat ; Z, #loat &ias[ G
gvec* teture Fgsa.ler!D samler, vec! ; Z, #loat &ias[ G
gvec* teture Fgsa.ler'D samler, vec' ; Z, #loat &ias[ G
gvec* teture Fgsa.ler"u9e samler, vec' ; Z, #loat &ias[ G
#loat teture Fsa.ler1D%hadow samler$ vec' ; Z, #loat &ias[ G
#loat teture Fsa.ler!D%hadow samler$ vec' ; Z, #loat &ias[ G
#loat teture Fsa.ler"u9e%hadow samler$ vec* ; Z, #loat &ias[ G
gvec* teture Fgsa.ler1DArra& samler$ vec! ; Z, #loat &ias[ G
gvec* teture Fgsa.ler!DArra& samler, vec' ; Z, #loat &ias[ G
gvec* teture Fgsa.ler"u9eArra& samler, vec* ; Z, #loat &ias[ G
#loat teture Fsa.ler1DArra&%hadow samler$ vec' ;
Z, #loat &ias[ G
#loat teture Fsa.ler!DArra&%hadow samler$ vec* ;G
gvec* teture Fgsa.ler!DRect samler, vec! ;G
#loat teture Fsa.ler!DRect%hadow samler, vec' ;G
#loat teture Fgsa.ler"u9eArra&%hadow samler, vec* ;,
#loat comareG
6se the te2ture coordinate ; to
do a te2ture looku. in the
te2ture currentl& 9ound to
4or shadow #ors: Ahen
comare is .resent, it is used as
Dre( and the arra& la&er coes
#ro ;./. Ahen comare is not
.resent, the last co.onent o#
; is used as Dre( and the arra&
la&er coes #ro the second to
last co.onent o# ;. F-he
second co.onent o# ; is
unused #or 1. shadow looku.s.G
4or non8shadow #ors: the arra&
la&er coes #ro the last
co.onent o# ;.
Bui%t+in ,unctions
S!nta, +escription
gvec* teture6roP Fgsa.ler1D samler, vec! ; Z, #loat &ias[ G
gvec* teture6roP Fgsa.ler1D samler, vec* ; Z, #loat &ias[ G
gvec* teture6roP Fgsa.ler!D samler, vec' ; Z, #loat &ias[ G
gvec* teture6roP Fgsa.ler!D samler, vec* ; Z, #loat &ias[ G
gvec* teture6roP Fgsa.ler'D samler, vec* ; Z, #loat &ias[ G
#loat teture6roP Fsa.ler1D%hadow samler$ vec* ;
Z, #loat &ias[ G
#loat teture6roP Fsa.ler!D%hadow samler$ vec* ;
Z, #loat &ias[ G
gvec* teture6roP Fgsa.ler!DRect samler, vec' ;G
gvec* teture6roP Fgsa.ler!DRect samler, vec* ;G
#loat teture6roP Fsa.ler!DRect%hadow samler, vec* ;G
Do a te2ture looku. with
.ro@ection. -he te2ture
coordinates consued #ro ;,
not including the last co.onent
o# ;, are divided 9& the last
co.onent o# ;. -he resulting
co.onent o# ; in the
shadow #ors is used as Dre(.
A#ter these values are co.uted,
te2ture looku. .roceeds as in
gvec* teture"od Fgsa.ler1D samler, #loat ;, #loat lo#G
gvec* teture"od Fgsa.ler!D samler, vec! ;, #loat lo#G
gvec* teture"od Fgsa.ler'D samler, vec' ;, #loat lo#G
gvec* teture"od Fgsa.ler"u9e samler, vec' ;, #loat lo#G
#loat teture"od Fsa.ler1D%hadow samler$ vec' ;, #loat lo#G
#loat teture"od Fsa.ler!D%hadow samler$ vec' ;, #loat lo#G
gvec* teture"od Fgsa.ler1DArra& samler, vec! ;, #loat lo#G
gvec* teture"od Fgsa.ler!DArra& samler, vec' ;, #loat lo#G
#loat teture"od Fsa.ler1DArra&%hadow samler$ vec' ;,
#loat lo#G
gvec* teture"od Fgsa.ler"u9eArra& samler, vec* ;, #loat lo#G
Do a te2ture looku. as in
teture 9ut with e2.licit 1)DL
lo# s.eci#ies J&ase and sets the
.artial derivatives as #ollows.
F%ee section '.$.11 D-e2ture
:ini#icationE and e=uation '.15
in the ).en01 0ra.hics %&ste
= (
= (
= (
= (
= (
= (
Bui%t+in ,unctions
S!nta, +escription
gvec* tetureOffset Fgsa.ler1D samler$ #loat ;$
int o((set Z, #loat &ias[ G
gvec* tetureOffset Fgsa.ler!D samler, vec! ;,
ivec! o((set Z, #loat &ias[ G
gvec* tetureOffset Fgsa.ler'D samler, vec' ;,
ivec' o((set Z, #loat &ias[ G
gvec* tetureOffset Fgsa.ler!DRect samler, vec! ;,
ivec! o((set G
#loat tetureOffset Fsa.ler!DRect%hadow samler, vec' ;,
ivec! o((set G
#loat tetureOffset Fsa.ler1D%hadow samler$ vec' ;,
int o((set Z, #loat &ias[ G
#loat tetureOffset Fsa.ler!D%hadow samler$ vec' ;,
ivec! o((set Z, #loat &ias[ G
gvec* tetureOffset Fgsa.ler1DArra& samler$ vec! ;$
int o((set Z, #loat &ias[ G
gvec* tetureOffset Fgsa.ler!DArra& samler, vec' ;,
ivec! o((set Z, #loat &ias[ G
#loat tetureOffset Fsa.ler1DArra&%hadow samler$ vec' ;,
int o((set Z, #loat &ias[ G
Do a te2ture looku. as in
teture 9ut with o((set added to
the Fu,v,/G te2el coordinates
9e#ore looking u. each te2el.
-he o##set value ust 9e a
constant e2.ression. A liited
range o# o##set values are
su..ortedL the iniu and
a2iu o##set values are
i.leentation8de.endent and
given 9&
:I7>3R)0RA:>-EYE1>)44%E- and
7ote that o((set does not a..l&
to the la&er coordinate #or
te2ture arra&s. -his is e2.lained
in detail in %ection '.$.11
D-e2ture :ini#icationE o# the
).en01 0ra.hics %&ste
%.eci#ication, where o((set is

. 7ote that te2el
o##sets are also not su..orted
#or cu9e a.s.
gvec* teelRetch Fgsa.ler1D samler, int ;, int lo#G
gvec* teelRetch Fgsa.ler!D samler, ivec! ;, int lo#G
gvec* teelRetch Fgsa.ler'D samler, ivec' ;, int lo#G
gvec* teelRetch Fgsa.ler!DRect samler, ivec! ;G
gvec* teelRetch Fgsa.ler1DArra& samler, ivec! ;, int lo#G
gvec* teelRetch Fgsa.ler!DArra& samler, ivec' ;, int lo#G
gvec* teelRetch Fgsa.lerBu##er samler, int ;G
gvec* teelRetch Fgsa.ler!D:% samler, ivec! ;, int samleG
gvec* teelRetch Fgsa.ler!D:%Arra& samler, ivec' ;,
int samleG
6se integer te2ture coordinate ;
to looku. a single te2el #ro
samler. -he arra& la&er coes
#ro the last co.onent o# ; #or
the arra& #ors. -he level8o#8
detail lo# Fi# .resentG is as
descri9ed in sections !.11.$
D%hader E2ecutionE under -e2el
4etches and '.$ D-e2turingE o#
the ).en01 0ra.hics %&ste
Bui%t+in ,unctions
S!nta, +escription
gvec* teelRetchOffset Fgsa.ler1D samler, int ;, int lo#,
int o((setG
gvec* teelRetchOffset Fgsa.ler!D samler, ivec! ;, int lo#,
ivec! o((setG
gvec* teelRetchOffset Fgsa.ler'D samler, ivec' ;, int lo#,
ivec' o((setG
gvec* teelRetchOffset Fgsa.ler!DRect samler, ivec! ;,
ivec! o((setG
gvec* teelRetchOffset Fgsa.ler1DArra& samler, ivec! ;, int lo#,
int o((setG
gvec* teelRetchOffset Fgsa.ler!DArra& samler, ivec' ;, int lo#,
ivec! o((setG
4etch a single te2el as in
teelRetch o##set 9& o((set as
descri9ed in tetureOffset.
gvec* teture6roPOffset Fgsa.ler1D samler$ vec! ;$
int o((set Z, #loat &ias[ G
gvec* teture6roPOffset Fgsa.ler1D samler$ vec* ;$
int o((set Z, #loat &ias[ G
gvec* teture6roPOffset Fgsa.ler!D samler, vec' ;,
ivec! o((set Z, #loat &ias[ G
gvec* teture6roPOffset Fgsa.ler!D samler, vec* ;,
ivec! o((set Z, #loat &ias[ G
gvec* teture6roPOffset Fgsa.ler'D samler, vec* ;,
ivec' o((set Z, #loat &ias[ G
gvec* teture6roPOffset Fgsa.ler!DRect samler, vec' ;,
ivec! o((set G
gvec* teture6roPOffset Fgsa.ler!DRect samler, vec* ;,
ivec! o((set G
#loat teture6roPOffset Fsa.ler!DRect%hadow samler, vec* ;,
ivec! o((set G
#loat teture6roPOffset Fsa.ler1D%hadow samler$ vec* ;,
int o((set Z, #loat &ias[ G
#loat teture6roPOffset Fsa.ler!D%hadow samler$ vec* ;,
ivec! o((set Z, #loat &ias[ G
Do a .ro@ective te2ture looku.
as descri9ed in teture6roP
o##set 9& o((set as descri9ed in
Bui%t+in ,unctions
S!nta, +escription
gvec* teture"odOffset Fgsa.ler1D samler$ #loat ;,
#loat lo#, int o((setG
gvec* teture"odOffset Fgsa.ler!D samler, vec! ;,
#loat lo#, ivec! o((setG
gvec* teture"odOffset Fgsa.ler'D samler, vec' ;,
#loat lo#, ivec' o((setG
#loat teture"odOffset Fsa.ler1D%hadow samler$ vec' ;,
#loat lo#, int o((setG
#loat teture"odOffset Fsa.ler!D%hadow samler$ vec' ;,
#loat lo#, ivec! o((setG
gvec* teture"odOffset Fgsa.ler1DArra& samler$ vec! ;,
#loat lo#, int o((setG
gvec* teture"odOffset Fgsa.ler!DArra& samler, vec' ;,
#loat lo#, ivec! o((setG
#loat teture"odOffset Fsa.ler1DArra&%hadow samler$ vec' ;,
#loat lo#, int o((setG
Do an o##set te2ture looku. with
e2.licit 1)D. %ee teture"od
and tetureOffset.
gvec* teture6roP"od Fgsa.ler1D samler, vec! ;, #loat lo#G
gvec* teture6roP"od Fgsa.ler1D samler, vec* ;, #loat lo#G
gvec* teture6roP"od Fgsa.ler!D samler, vec' ;, #loat lo#G
gvec* teture6roP"od Fgsa.ler!D samler, vec* ;, #loat lo#G
gvec* teture6roP"od Fgsa.ler'D samler, vec* ;, #loat lo#G
#loat teture6roP"od Fsa.ler1D%hadow samler$ vec* ;, #loat lo#G
#loat teture6roP"od Fsa.ler!D%hadow samler$ vec* ;$ #loat lo#G
Do a .ro@ective te2ture looku.
with e2.licit 1)D. %ee
teture6roP and teture"od.
gvec* teture6roP"odOffset Fgsa.ler1D samler$ vec! ;,
#loat lo#, int o((setG
gvec* teture6roP"odOffset Fgsa.ler1D samler$ vec* ;,
#loat lo#, int o((setG
gvec* teture6roP"odOffset Fgsa.ler!D samler, vec' ;,
#loat lo#, ivec! o((setG
gvec* teture6roP"odOffset Fgsa.ler!D samler, vec* ;,
#loat lo#, ivec! o((setG
gvec* teture6roP"odOffset Fgsa.ler'D samler, vec* ;,
#loat lo#, ivec' o((setG
#loat teture6roP"odOffset Fsa.ler1D%hadow samler$ vec* ;,
#loat lo#, int o((setG
#loat teture6roP"odOffset Fsa.ler!D%hadow samler$ vec* ;,
#loat lo#, ivec! o((setG
Do an o##set .ro@ective te2ture
looku. with e2.licit 1)D. %ee
teture6roP, teture"od, and
Bui%t+in ,unctions
S!nta, +escription
gvec* teture#rad Fgsa.ler1D samler$ #loat ;,
#loat #;#%, #loat #;#'G
gvec* teture#rad Fgsa.ler!D samler$ vec! ;,
vec! #;#%, vec! #;#'G
gvec* teture#rad Fgsa.ler'D samler$ vec' ;,
vec' #;#%, vec' #;#'G
gvec* teture#rad Fgsa.ler"u9e samler, vec' ;,
vec' #;#%, vec' #;#'G
gvec* teture#rad Fgsa.ler!DRect samler, vec! ;,
vec! #;#%, vec! #;#'G
#loat teture#rad Fsa.ler!DRect%hadow samler, vec' ;,
vec! #;#%, vec! #;#'G
#loat teture#rad Fsa.ler1D%hadow samler, vec' ;,
#loat #;#%, #loat #;#'G
#loat teture#rad Fsa.ler!D%hadow samler, vec' ;,
vec! #;#%, vec! #;#'G
#loat teture#rad Fsa.ler"u9e%hadow samler, vec* ;,
vec' #;#%, vec' #;#'G
gvec* teture#rad Fgsa.ler1DArra& samler$ vec! ;,
#loat #;#%, #loat #;#'G
gvec* teture#rad Fgsa.ler!DArra& samler$ vec' ;,
vec! #;#%, vec! #;#'G
#loat teture#rad Fsa.ler1DArra&%hadow samler, vec' ;,
#loat #;#%, #loat #;#'G
#loat teture#rad Fsa.ler!DArra&%hadow samler, vec* ;,
vec! #;#%, vec! #;#'G
gvec* teture#rad Fgsa.ler"u9eArra& samler, vec* ;,
vec' #;#%, vec' #;#'G
Do a te2ture looku. as in
teture 9ut with e2.licit
gradients. -he .artial
derivatives o# ; are with res.ect
to window 2 and window &. %et
#or a 1D te2ture
#or a 1D te2ture
(.( #or a 1D te2ture
(.( #or a 1D te2ture
(.( #or 1D or !D
cu9e, other
(.( #or 1D or !D
cu9e, other
4or the cu9e version, the .artial
derivatives o# ; are assued to
9e in the coordinate s&ste used
9e#ore te2ture coordinates are
.ro@ected onto the
cu9e #ace.
Bui%t+in ,unctions
S!nta, +escription
gvec* teture#radOffset Fgsa.ler1D samler$ #loat ;$
#loat #;#%, #loat #;#'$ int o((setG
gvec* teture#radOffset Fgsa.ler!D samler, vec! ;,
vec! #;#%, vec! #;#'$ ivec! o((setG
gvec* teture#radOffset Fgsa.ler'D samler, vec' ;,
vec' #;#%, vec' #;#'$ ivec' o((setG
gvec* teture#radOffset Fgsa.ler!DRect samler, vec! ;,
vec! #;#%, vec! #;#'$ ivec! o((setG
#loat teture#radOffset Fsa.ler!DRect%hadow samler, vec' ;,
vec! #;#%, vec! #;#'$ ivec! o((setG
#loat teture#radOffset Fsa.ler1D%hadow samler$ vec' ;,
#loat #;#%, #loat #;#'$ int o((set G
#loat teture#radOffset Fsa.ler!D%hadow samler$ vec' ;,
vec! #;#%, vec! #;#'$ ivec! o((setG
gvec* teture#radOffset Fgsa.ler1DArra& samler$ vec! ;$
#loat #;#%, #loat #;#'$ int o((setG
gvec* teture#radOffset Fgsa.ler!DArra& samler, vec' ;,
vec! #;#%, vec! #;#'$ ivec! o((setG
#loat teture#radOffset Fsa.ler1DArra&%hadow samler$ vec'
#loat #;#%, #loat #;#'$ int o((setG
#loat teture#radOffset Fsa.ler!DArra&%hadow samler$ vec*
vec! #;#%, vec! #;#'$ ivec! o((setG
Do a te2ture looku. with 9oth
e2.licit gradient and o##set, as
descri9ed in teture#rad and
gvec* teture6roP#rad Fgsa.ler1D samler$ vec! ;,
#loat #;#%, #loat #;#'G
gvec* teture6roP#rad Fgsa.ler1D samler$ vec* ;,
#loat #;#%, #loat #;#'G
gvec* teture6roP#rad Fgsa.ler!D samler$ vec' ;,
vec! #;#%, vec! #;#'G
gvec* teture6roP#rad Fgsa.ler!D samler$ vec* ;,
vec! #;#%, vec! #;#'G
gvec* teture6roP#rad Fgsa.ler'D samler$ vec* ;,
vec' #;#%, vec' #;#'G
gvec* teture6roP#rad Fgsa.ler!DRect samler$ vec' ;,
vec! #;#%, vec! #;#'G
gvec* teture6roP#rad Fgsa.ler!DRect samler$ vec* ;,
vec! #;#%, vec! #;#'G
#loat teture6roP#rad Fsa.ler!DRect%hadow samler$ vec* ;,
vec! #;#%, vec! #;#'G
#loat teture6roP#rad Fsa.ler1D%hadow samler, vec* ;,
#loat #;#%, #loat #;#'G
#loat teture6roP#rad Fsa.ler!D%hadow samler, vec* ;,
vec! #;#%, vec! #;#'G
Do a te2ture looku. 9oth
.ro@ectivel&, as descri9ed in
teture6roP, and with e2.licit
gradient as descri9ed in
teture#rad. -he .artial
derivatives #;#% and #;#' are
assued to 9e alread& .ro@ected.
Bui%t+in ,unctions
S!nta, +escription
gvec* teture6roP#radOffset Fgsa.ler1D samler$ vec! ;,
#loat #;#%, #loat #;#', int o((setG
gvec* teture6roP#radOffset Fgsa.ler1D samler$ vec* ;,
#loat #;#%, #loat #;#', int o((setG
gvec* teture6roP#radOffset Fgsa.ler!D samler$ vec' ;,
vec! #;#%, vec! #;#', vec! o((setG
gvec* teture6roP#radOffset Fgsa.ler!D samler$ vec* ;,
vec! #;#%, vec! #;#', vec! o((setG
gvec* teture6roP#radOffset Fgsa.ler!DRect samler, vec' ;,
vec! #;#%, vec! #;#'$ ivec! o((setG
gvec* teture6roP#radOffset Fgsa.ler!DRect samler, vec* ;,
vec! #;#%, vec! #;#'$ ivec! o((setG
#loat teture6roP#radOffset Fsa.ler!DRect%hadow samler,
vec* ;,
vec! #;#%, vec! #;#'$ ivec! o((setG
gvec* teture6roP#radOffset Fgsa.ler'D samler$ vec* ;,
vec' #;#%, vec' #;#', vec' o((setG
#loat teture6roP#radOffset Fsa.ler1D%hadow samler, vec* ;,
#loat #;#%, #loat #;#', int o((setG
#loat teture6roP#radOffset Fsa.ler!D%hadow samler, vec* ;,
vec! #;#%, vec! #;#', vec! o((setG
Do a te2ture looku. .ro@ectivel&
and with e2.licit gradient as
descri9ed in teture6roP#rad,
as well as with o##set, as
descri9ed in tetureOffset.
.9.# Te,ture Gather Instructions
-he te2ture gather #unctions take co.onents o# a single #loating8.oint vector o.erand as a te2ture
coordinate, deterine a set o# #our te2els to sa.le #ro the 9ase level o# detail o# the s.eci#ied te2ture
iage, and return one co.onent #ro each te2el in a #our8co.onent result vector.
Ahen .er#oring a te2ture gather o.eration, the ini#ication and agni#ication #ilters are ignored, and
the rules #or 1I7EAR #iltering in the ).en01 %.eci#ication are a..lied to the 9ase level o# the te2ture
iage to identi#& the #our te2els i091$ i191$ i190$ and i090. -he te2els are then converted to te2ture source
colors FR
, !
, :
, @
G according to -a9le '.!(, #ollowed 9& a..lication o# the te2ture swi??le as descri9ed
in %ection '.;.! D%hader E2ecutionE o# the ).en01 0ra.hics %&ste %.eci#ication. A #our8co.onent
vector is asse9led 9& taking the selected co.onent #ro each o# the swi??led te2ture source colors in
the order Fi091$ i191$ i190$ i090G.
4or te2ture gather #unctions using a shadow sa.ler t&.e, each o# the #our te2el looku.s .er#ors a
co.arison against the re#erence value .assed in Fre(LG, and returns the result o# that co.arison in
the co.onent o# the result vector.
As with other te2ture looku. #unctions, the results o# a te2ture gather are unde#ined #or shadow sa.lers i#
the te2ture re#erenced is not a te2ture or has co.arisons disa9ledL or #or non8shadow
sa.lers i# the te2ture re#erenced is a te2ture with co.arisons ena9led.
Bui%t+in ,unctions
S!nta, +escription
gvec* teture#atherFgsa.ler!D samler, vec! ;
Z, int com[G
gvec* teture#atherFgsa.ler!DArra& samler,
vec' ; Z, int com[G
gvec* teture#atherFgsa.ler"u9e samler,
vec' ; Z, int com[G
gvec* teture#atherFgsa.ler"u9eArra& samler,
vec* ;Z, int com[G
gvec* teture#atherFgsa.ler!DRect samler,
vec' ;Z, int com[G
vec* teture#atherFsa.ler!D%hadow samler,
vec! ;, #loat re(LG
vec* teture#atherFsa.ler!DArra&%hadow samler,
vec' ;, #loat re(LG
vec* teture#atherFsa.ler"u9e%hadow samler,
vec' ;, #loat re(LG
vec* teture#atherF
sa.ler"u9eArra&%hadow samler,
vec* ;, #loat re(LGL
vec* teture#atherFsa.ler!DRect%hadow samler,
vec! ;, #loat re(LGL
Returns the value
%a.le>i(>@(F;, 9aseG.comG
I# s.eci#ied, the value o# com ust 9e a
constant integer e2.ression with a value o# (,
1, !, or ', identi#&ing the %, ', 0, or /
co.onent o# the #our8co.onent vector
looku. result #or each te2el, res.ectivel&. I#
com is not s.eci#ied, it is treated as (,
selecting the % co.onent o# each te2el to
generate the result.
gvec* teture#atherOffsetFgsa.ler!D samler,
vec! ;, ivec! o((set
Z, int com[G
gvec* teture#atherOffsetFgsa.ler!DArra& samler,
vec' ;, ivec! o((set
Z, int com[G
gvec* teture#atherOffsetFgsa.ler!DRect samler$
vec' ;, ivec! o((set
Z, int com[G
vec* teture#atherOffsetF
sa.ler!D%hadow samler,
vec! ;, #loat re(L, ivec! o((setG
vec* teture#atherOffsetF
sa.ler!DArra&%hadow samler,
vec' ;, #loat re(L, ivec! o((setG
vec* teture#atherOffsetF
sa.ler!DRect%hadow samler,
vec! ;, #loat re(L, ivec! o((setG
3er#or a te2ture gather o.eration as in
teture#ather 9& o((set as descri9ed in
tetureOffset e2ce.t that the
i.leentation8de.endent iniu and
a2iu o##set values are given 9&
Bui%t+in ,unctions
S!nta, +escription
gvec* teture#atherOffsetsF
gsa.ler!D samler,
vec! ;, ivec! o((setZ*[
Z, int com[G
gvec* teture#atherOffsetsF
gsa.ler!DArra& samler,
vec' ;, ivec! o((setZ*[
Z, int com[G
gvec* teture#atherOffsetsF
gsa.ler!DRect samler$
vec' ;, ivec! o((setZ*[
Z, int com[G
vec* teture#atherOffsetsF
sa.ler!D%hadow samler,
vec! ;, #loat re(L, ivec! o((setZ*[G
vec* teture#atherOffsetsF
sa.ler!DArra&%hadow samler,
vec' ;, #loat re(L, ivec! o((setZ*[G
vec* teture#atherOffsetsF
sa.ler!DRect%hadow samler,
vec! ;, #loat re(L, ivec! o((setZ*[G
).erate identicall& to teture#atherOffset
e2ce.t that o((sets is used to deterine the
location o# the #our te2els to sa.le. Each
o# the #our te2els is o9tained 9& a..l&ing the
corres.onding o##set in o((sets as a Fu$ vG
coordinate o##set to ;, identi#&ing the #our8
te2el 1I7EAR #oot.rint, and then selecting
the te2el i090 o# that #oot.rint. -he s.eci#ied
values in o((sets ust 9e set with constant
integral e2.ressions.
Bui%t+in ,unctions
.9.& The follo%ing te,ture functions are deprecated.
S!nta, <deprecated= +escription <deprecated=
vec* teture1. Fsa.ler1D samler$
#loat coor# Z, #loat &ias[ G
vec* teture1.6roP Fsa.ler1D samler,
vec! coor# Z, #loat &ias[ G
vec* teture1.6roP Fsa.ler1D samler,
vec* coor# Z, #loat &ias[ G
vec* teture1."od Fsa.ler1D samler,
#loat coor#, #loat lo#G
vec* teture1.6roP"od Fsa.ler1D samler,
vec! coor#, #loat lo#G
vec* teture1.6roP"od Fsa.ler1D samler,
vec* coor#, #loat lo#G
De.recated. %ee corres.onding signature
a9ove without D1DE in the nae.
vec* teture*. Fsa.ler!D samler,
vec! coor# Z, #loat &ias[ G
vec* teture*.6roP Fsa.ler!D samler,
vec' coor# Z, #loat &ias[ G
vec* teture*.6roP Fsa.ler!D samler,
vec* coor# Z, #loat &ias[ G
vec* teture*."od Fsa.ler!D samler,
vec! coor#, #loat lo#G
vec* teture*.6roP"od Fsa.ler!D samler,
vec' coor#, #loat lo#G
vec* teture*.6roP"od Fsa.ler!D samler,
vec* coor#, #loat lo#G
De.recated. %ee corres.onding signature
a9ove without D!DE in the nae.
vec* teture/. Fsa.ler'D samler,
vec' coor# Z, #loat &ias[ G
vec* teture/.6roP Fsa.ler'D samler,
vec* coor# Z, #loat &ias[ G
vec* teture/."od Fsa.ler'D samler,
vec' coor#, #loat lo#G
vec* teture/.6roP"od Fsa.ler'D samler,
vec* coor#, #loat lo#G
De.recated. %ee corres.onding signature
a9ove without D'DE in the nae.
6se the te2ture coordinate coor# to do a
te2ture looku. in the 'D te2ture currentl&
9ound to samler. 4or the .ro@ective
FD6roPEG versions, the te2ture coordinate is
divided 9& coor#.1.
vec* tetureCube Fsa.ler"u9e samler,
vec' coor# Z, #loat &ias[ G
vec* tetureCube"od Fsa.ler"u9e samler,
vec' coor#, #loat lo#G
De.recated. %ee corres.onding signature
a9ove without D"u9eE in the nae.
Bui%t+in ,unctions
S!nta, <deprecated= +escription <deprecated=
vec* shadow1. Fsa.ler1D%hadow samler$
vec' coor# Z, #loat &ias[ G
vec* shadow*. Fsa.ler!D%hadow samler$
vec' coor# Z, #loat &ias[ G
vec* shadow1.6roP Fsa.ler1D%hadow samler$
vec* coor# Z, #loat &ias[ G
vec* shadow*.6roP Fsa.ler!D%hadow samler$
vec* coor# Z, #loat &ias[ G
vec* shadow1."od Fsa.ler1D%hadow samler$
vec' coor#, #loat lo#G
vec* shadow*."od Fsa.ler!D%hadow samler$
vec' coor#, #loat lo#G
vec* shadow1.6roP"odFsa.ler1D%hadow samler$
vec* coor#, #loat lo#G
vec* shadow*.6roP"odFsa.ler!D%hadow samler$
vec* coor#$ #loat lo#G
De.recated. %ae #unctionalit& as the
Dteture] 9ased naes a9ove with the sae
Bui%t+in ,unctions
.1$ .ragment -rocessing .unctions
4ragent .rocessing #unctions are onl& availa9le in #ragent shaders.
.1$.1 +erivative .unctions
Derivatives a& 9e co.utationall& e2.ensive andOor nuericall& unsta9le. -here#ore, an ).en01
i.leentation a& a..ro2iate the true derivatives 9& using a #ast 9ut not entirel& accurate derivative
co.utation. Derivatives are unde#ined within non8uni#or control #low.
-he e2.ected 9ehavior o# a derivative is s.eci#ied using #orwardO9ackward di##erencing.
4orward di##erencing:
- %#%- % ~#-#% %#% 1a
#-#% % ~
- %#%- %
Backward di##erencing:
- %#%- % ~#-#% %#% !a
#-#% % ~
- %- %#%
Aith single8sa.le rasteri?ation, #% QS 1.( in e=uations 19 and !9. 4or ulti8sa.le rasteri?ation, #% Q
!.( in e=uations 19 and !9.
dRd0 is a..ro2iated siilarl&, with ' re.lacing %.
A 01 i.leentation a& use the a9ove or other ethods to .er#or the calculation, su9@ect to the
#ollowing conditions:
1. -he ethod a& use .iecewise linear a..ro2iations. %uch linear a..ro2iations i.l& that higher
order derivatives, dRdFdRdF%GG and a9ove, are unde#ined.
!. -he ethod a& assue that the #unction evaluated is continuous. -here#ore derivatives within non8
uni#or control #low are unde#ined.
'. -he ethod a& di##er .er #ragent, su9@ect to the constraint that the ethod a& var& 9& window
coordinates, not screen coordinates. -he invariance re=uireent descri9ed in section '.! DInvarianceE
o# the ).en01 0ra.hics %&ste %.eci#ication, is rela2ed #or derivative calculations, 9ecause the
ethod a& 9e a #unction o# #ragent location.
)ther .ro.erties that are desira9le, 9ut not re=uired, are:
*. 4unctions should 9e evaluated within the interior o# a .riitive Finter.olated, not e2tra.olatedG.
,. 4unctions #or dRd should 9e evaluated while holding & constant. 4unctions #or dRd0 should 9e
evaluated while holding 2 constant. +owever, i2ed higher order derivatives, like dRdFdRd0F'GG
and dRd0FdRdF%GG are unde#ined.
Bui%t+in ,unctions
/. Derivatives o# constant arguents should 9e (.
In soe i.leentations, var&ing degrees o# derivative accurac& a& 9e o9tained 9& .roviding 01 hints
Fsection ,.* D+intsE o# the ).en01 0ra.hics %&ste %.eci#icationG, allowing a user to ake an iage
=ualit& versus s.eed trade o##.
S!nta, +escription
gen-&.e dRd Fgen-&.e G Returns the derivative in 2 using local di##erencing #or
the in.ut arguent .
gen-&.e dRd0 Fgen-&.e G Returns the derivative in & using local di##erencing #or
the in.ut arguent .
-hese two #unctions are coonl& used to estiate the
#ilter width used to anti8alias .rocedural te2tures. Ae
are assuing that the e2.ression is 9eing evaluated in
.arallel on a %I:D arra& so that at an& given .oint in
tie the value o# the #unction is known at the grid .oints
re.resented 9& the %I:D arra&. 1ocal di##erencing
9etween %I:D arra& eleents can there#ore 9e used to
derive d4d2, d4d&, etc.
gen-&.e fwidth Fgen-&.e G Returns the su o# the a9solute derivative in 2 and &
using local di##erencing #or the in.ut arguent , i.e.,
abs FdRd FGG J abs FdRd0 FGGL
.1$.2 Interpolation .unctions
Built8in inter.olation #unctions are availa9le to co.ute an inter.olated value o# a #ragent shader in.ut
varia9le at a shader8s.eci#ied F%, 'G location. A se.arate F%, 'G location a& 9e used #or each invocation o#
the 9uilt8in #unction, and those locations a& di##er #ro the de#ault F%, 'G location used to .roduce the
de#ault value o# the in.ut.
4or all o# the inter.olation #unctions, interolant ust 9e an in.ut varia9le or an eleent o# an in.ut
varia9le declared as an arra&. "o.onent selection o.erators Fe.g., .%'G a& not 9e used when s.eci#&ing
interolant. I# interolant is declared with a flat or centroid =uali#ier, the =uali#ier will have no e##ect on
the inter.olated value. I# interolant is declared with the noperspective =uali#ier, the inter.olated value
will 9e co.uted without .ers.ective correction.
Bui%t+in ,unctions
S!nta, +escription
#loat interpolateAtCentroid F#loat interolantG
vec! interpolateAtCentroid Fvec! interolantG
vec' interpolateAtCentroid Fvec' interolantG
vec* interpolateAtCentroid Fvec* interolantG
Return the value o# the in.ut var&ing interolant
sa.led at a location inside the 9oth the .i2el and the
.riitive 9eing .rocessed. -he value o9tained would
9e the sae value assigned to the in.ut varia9le i#
declared with the centroid =uali#ier.
#loat interpolateAtSample F#loat interolant,
int samleG
vec! interpolateAtSample Fvec! interolant,
int samleG
vec' interpolateAtSample Fvec' interolant,
int samleG
vec* interpolateAtSample Fvec* interolant,
int samleG
Return the value o# the in.ut var&ing interolant at
the location o# sa.le nu9er samle. I#
ultisa.le 9u##ers are not availa9le, the in.ut
var&ing will 9e evaluated at the center o# the .i2el. I#
sa.le samle does not e2ist, the .osition used to
inter.olate the in.ut var&ing is unde#ined.
#loat interpolateAtOffset F#loat interolant,
vec! o##setG
vec! interpolateAtOffset Fvec! interolant,
vec! o##setG
vec' interpolateAtOffset Fvec' interolant,
vec! o##setG
vec* interpolateAtOffset Fvec* interolant,
vec! o##setG
Return the value o# the in.ut var&ing interolant
sa.led an o##set #ro the center o# the .i2el
s.eci#iced 9& o((set. -he two #loating8.oint
co.onents o# o((set, give the o##set in .i2els in the %
and ' directions, res.ectivel&. An o##set o# F(, (G
identi#ies the center o# the .i2el. -he range and
granularit& o# o##sets su..orted 9& this #unction is
.11 6oise .unctions
7oise #unctions are availa9le to #ragent, geoetr&, and verte2 shaders. -he& are stochastic #unctions that
can 9e used to increase visual co.le2it&. Values returned 9& the #ollowing noise #unctions give the
a..earance o# randoness, 9ut are not trul& rando. -he noise #unctions 9elow are de#ined to have the
#ollowing characteristics:
-he return valueFsG are alwa&s in the range Z81.(,1.([, and cover at least the range Z8(./, (./[, with a
0aussian8like distri9ution.
-he return valueFsG have an overall average o# (.(
-he& are re.eata9le, in that a .articular in.ut value will alwa&s .roduce the sae return value
-he& are statisticall& invariant under rotation Fi.e., no atter how the doain is rotated, it has the sae
statistical characterG
-he& have a statistical invariance under translation Fi.e., no atter how the doain is translated, it has
the sae statistical characterG
-he& t&.icall& give di##erent results under translation.
Bui%t+in ,unctions
-he s.atial #re=uenc& is narrowl& concentrated, centered soewhere 9etween (., to 1.(.
-he& are "
continuous ever&where Fi.e., the #irst derivative is continuousG
S!nta, +escription
#loat noise1 Fgen-&.e %G Returns a 1D noise value 9ased on the in.ut value %.
vec! noise* Fgen-&.e %G Returns a !D noise value 9ased on the in.ut value %.
vec' noise/ Fgen-&.e %G Returns a 'D noise value 9ased on the in.ut value %.
vec* noise, Fgen-&.e %G Returns a *D noise value 9ased on the in.ut value %.
Bui%t+in ,unctions
.12 Geometr! Shader .unctions
-hese #unctions are onl& availa9le in geoetr& shaders. -he& are descri9ed in ore #ollowing the
S!nta, +escription
void 2mitStream5erte Fint streamG Eit the current values o# out.ut varia9les to the current
out.ut .riitive on strea stream. -he arguent to stream
ust 9e a constant integral e2.ression. )n return #ro this
call, the values o# all out.ut varia9les are unde#ined.
"an onl& 9e used i# ulti.le out.ut streas are su..orted.
void 2ndStream6rimitive Fint streamG "o.letes the current out.ut .riitive on strea stream and
starts a new one. -he arguent to stream ust 9e a constant
integral e2.ression. 7o verte2 is eitted.
"an onl& 9e used i# ulti.le out.ut streas are su..orted.
void 2mit5erte FG Eit the current values o# out.ut varia9les to the current
out.ut .riitive. )n return #ro this call, the values o#
out.ut varia9les are unde#ined.
Ahen ulti.le out.ut streas are su..orted, this is
e=uivalent to calling 2mitStream5erteF(G.
void 2nd6rimitive FG "o.letes the current out.ut .riitive and starts a new one.
7o verte2 is eitted.
Ahen ulti.le out.ut streas are su..orted, this is
e=uivalent to calling 2ndStream6rimitiveF(G.
-he #unction 2mitStream5erteFG s.eci#ies that a verte2 is co.leted. A verte2 is added to the current
out.ut .riitive in verte2 strea stream using the current values o# all out.ut varia9les associated with
stream. -he values o# all out.ut varia9les #or all out.ut streas are unde#ined a#ter a call to
2mitStream5erteFG. I# a geoetr& shader invocation has eitted ore vertices than .eritted 9& the
out.ut la&out =uali#ier ma$vertices, the results o# calling 2mitStream5erteFG are unde#ined.
-he #unction 2ndStream6rimitiveFG s.eci#ies that the current out.ut .riitive #or verte2 strea stream is
co.leted and a new out.ut .riitive Fo# the sae t&.eG will started 9& an& su9se=uent
2mitStream5erteFG. -his #unction does not eit a verte2. I# the out.ut la&out is declared to 9e
D.ointsE, calling 2ndStream6rimitiveFG is o.tional.
A geoetr& shader starts with an out.ut .riitive containing no vertices #or each strea. Ahen a
geoetr& shader terinates, the current out.ut .riitive #or each strea is autoaticall& co.leted. It is
not necessar& to call 2ndStream6rimitiveFG i# the geoetr& shader writes onl& a single .riitive.
Bui%t+in ,unctions
:ulti.le out.ut streas are su..orted onl& i# the out.ut .riitive t&.e is declared to 9e oints. A
.rogra will #ail to link i# it contains a geoetr& shader calling 2mitStream5erteFG or
2ndStream6rimitiveFG i# its in.ut .riitive t&.e is not oints.
Bui%t+in ,unctions
.1# Shader Invocation Control .unctions
-he shader invocation control #unction is availa9le onl& in tessellation control shaders. It is used to
control the relative e2ecution order o# ulti.le shader invocations used to .rocess a .atch, which are
otherwise e2ecuted with an unde#ined relative order.
S!nta, +escription
void barrier FG 4or an& given static instance o# barrierFG, all tessellation control shader
invocations #or a single in.ut .atch ust enter it 9e#ore an& will 9e
allowed to continue 9e&ond it.
-he #unction barrierFG .rovides a .artiall& de#ined order o# e2ecution 9etween shader invocations. -his
ensures that values written 9& one invocation .rior to a given static instance o# barrierFG can 9e sa#el&
read 9& other invocations a#ter their call to the sae static instance barrierFG. Because invocations a&
e2ecute in unde#ined order 9etween these 9arrier calls, the values o# a .er8verte2 or .er8.atch out.ut
varia9le will 9e unde#ined in a nu9er o# cases enuerated in section *.'./ D)ut.utsE.
-he barrierFG #unction a& onl& 9e .laced inside the #unction mainFG o# the tessellation control shader
and a& not 9e called within an& control #low. Barriers are also disallowed a#ter a return stateent in the
#unction mainFG.
9 Shading Language Grammar
-BD: su9routines
-he graar is #ed #ro the out.ut o# le2ical anal&sis. -he tokens returned #ro le2ical anal&sis are
VEE9 VEE; VEE8 ?>T9 ?>T; ?>T8
?>T9O9 ?>T9O; ?>T9O8
?>T;O9 ?>T;O; ?>T;O8
?>T8O9 ?>T8O; ?>T8O8
?>T9O9 ?>T9O; ?>T9O8
?>T;O9 ?>T;O; ?>T;O8
?>T8O9 ?>T8O; ?>T8O8
S>?@LER9?S IS>?@LER9?S PS>?@LER9?S
S>?@LER9?S>rra& IS>?@LER9?S>rra& PS>?@LER9?S>rra&
! Shading Language Gra**ar
INE_O@ EE_O@ LE_O@ !E_O@ ET_O@ NE_O@
-he #ollowing descri9es the graar #or the ).en01 %hading 1anguage in ters o# the a9ove tokens.
L,-T);@R,+ e%ression R*!MT);@R,+
ost(i%)e%ression L,-T):R@8N,T integer)e%ression R*!MT):R@8N,T
ost(i%)e%ression DOT -*,LD)",L,8T*O+
ost(i%)e%ression *+8)O;
ost(i%)e%ression D,8)O;
! Shading Language Gra**ar
ost(i%)e%ression DOT (unction)call)generic
(unction)call)hea#er)/ith)arameters R*!MT);@R,+
(unction)call)hea#er)no)arameters R*!MT);@R,+
(unction)call)hea#er VO*D
(unction)call)hea#er assignment)e%ression
(unction)call)hea#er)/ith)arameters 8O77@ assignment)e%ression
(unction)i#enti(ier L,-T);@R,+
EE !rammar +ote: 8onstructors loo. li.e (unctions$ &ut le%ical anal'sis recogni0e# most o( them as
EE .e'/or#s. The' are no/ recogni0e# through Ot'e)seci(ierP.
*+8)O; unar')e%ression
D,8)O; unar')e%ression
unar')oerator unar')e%ression
EE !rammar +ote: +o tra#itional st'le t'e casts.
! Shading Language Gra**ar
EE !rammar +ote: +o KAK or KQK unar' os. ;ointers are not suorte#.
multilicative)e%ression "T@R unar')e%ression
multilicative)e%ression "L@"M unar')e%ression
multilicative)e%ression ;,R8,+T unar')e%ression
a##itive)e%ression ;LF" multilicative)e%ression
a##itive)e%ression D@"M multilicative)e%ression
shi(t)e%ression L,-T)O; a##itive)e%ression
shi(t)e%ression R*!MT)O; a##itive)e%ression
relational)e%ression L,-T)@+!L, shi(t)e%ression
relational)e%ression R*!MT)@+!L, shi(t)e%ression
relational)e%ression L,)O; shi(t)e%ression
relational)e%ression !,)O; shi(t)e%ression
e1ualit')e%ression ,R)O; relational)e%ression
e1ualit')e%ression +,)O; relational)e%ression
an#)e%ression @7;,R"@+D e1ualit')e%ression
e%clusive)or)e%ression 8@R,T an#)e%ression
! Shading Language Gra**ar
inclusive)or)e%ression V,RT*8@L):@R e%clusive)or)e%ression
logical)an#)e%ression @+D)O; inclusive)or)e%ression
logical)%or)e%ression SOR)O; logical)an#)e%ression
logical)or)e%ression OR)O; logical)%or)e%ression
logical)or)e%ression RF,"T*O+ e%ression 8OLO+ assignment)e%ression
unar')e%ression assignment)oerator assignment)e%ression
! Shading Language Gra**ar
e%ression 8O77@ assignment)e%ression
(unction)rotot'e ",7*8OLO+
init)#eclarator)list ",7*8OLO+
;R,8*"*O+ recision)1uali(ier t'e)seci(ier)no)rec ",7*8OLO+
t'e)1uali(ier *D,+T*-*,R L,-T):R@8, struct)#eclaration)list R*!MT):R@8, ",7*8OLO+
t'e)1uali(ier *D,+T*-*,R L,-T):R@8, struct)#eclaration)list R*!MT):R@8,
*D,+T*-*,R ",7*8OLO+
t'e)1uali(ier *D,+T*-*,R L,-T):R@8, struct)#eclaration)list R*!MT):R@8,
*D,+T*-*,R L,-T):R@8N,T R*!MT):R@8N,T ",7*8OLO+
t'e)1uali(ier *D,+T*-*,R L,-T):R@8, struct)#eclaration)list R*!MT):R@8,
*D,+T*-*,R L,-T):R@8N,T constant)e%ression R*!MT):R@8N,T ",7*8OLO+
t'e)1uali(ier ",7*8OLO+
(unction)#eclarator R*!MT);@R,+
(unction)hea#er arameter)#eclaration
(unction)hea#er)/ith)arameters 8O77@ arameter)#eclaration
(ull')seci(ie#)t'e *D,+T*-*,R L,-T);@R,+
t'e)seci(ier *D,+T*-*,R
t'e)seci(ier *D,+T*-*,R L,-T):R@8N,T constant)e%ression R*!MT):R@8N,T
arameter)t'e)1uali(ier arameter)1uali(ier arameter)#eclarator
arameter)1uali(ier arameter)#eclarator
arameter)t'e)1uali(ier arameter)1uali(ier arameter)t'e)seci(ier
! Shading Language Gra**ar
arameter)1uali(ier arameter)t'e)seci(ier
EA emt' AE
init)#eclarator)list 8O77@ *D,+T*-*,R
init)#eclarator)list 8O77@ *D,+T*-*,R L,-T):R@8N,T R*!MT):R@8N,T
init)#eclarator)list 8O77@ *D,+T*-*,R L,-T):R@8N,T constant)e%ression
init)#eclarator)list 8O77@ *D,+T*-*,R L,-T):R@8N,T
R*!MT):R@8N,T ,RF@L initiali0er
init)#eclarator)list 8O77@ *D,+T*-*,R L,-T):R@8N,T constant)e%ression
R*!MT):R@8N,T ,RF@L initiali0er
init)#eclarator)list 8O77@ *D,+T*-*,R ,RF@L initiali0er
(ull')seci(ie#)t'e *D,+T*-*,R
(ull')seci(ie#)t'e *D,+T*-*,R L,-T):R@8N,T R*!MT):R@8N,T
(ull')seci(ie#)t'e *D,+T*-*,R L,-T):R@8N,T constant)e%ression R*!MT):R@8N,T
(ull')seci(ie#)t'e *D,+T*-*,R L,-T):R@8N,T R*!MT):R@8N,T ,RF@L initiali0er
(ull')seci(ie#)t'e *D,+T*-*,R L,-T):R@8N,T constant)e%ression
R*!MT):R@8N,T ,RF@L initiali0er
(ull')seci(ie#)t'e *D,+T*-*,R ,RF@L initiali0er
*+V@R*@+T *D,+T*-*,R
EE !rammar +ote: +o KenumK$ or Kt'e#e(K.
t'e)1uali(ier t'e)seci(ier
! Shading Language Gra**ar
L@TOFT L,-T);@R,+ la'out)1uali(ier)i#)list R*!MT);@R,+
la'out)1uali(ier)i#)list 8O77@ la'out)1uali(ier)i#
*D,+T*-*,R ,RF@L *+T8O+"T@+T
la'out)1uali(ier storage)1uali(ier
interolation)1uali(ier storage)1uali(ier
invariant)1uali(ier storage)1uali(ier
invariant)1uali(ier interolation)1uali(ier storage)1uali(ier
@TTR*:FT, EE Verte% onl'.
8,+TRO*D V@RT*+!
! Shading Language Gra**ar
8,+TRO*D *+
;@T8M *+
"@7;L, *+
"@7;L, OFT
recision)1uali(ier t'e)seci(ier)no)rec
t'e)seci(ier)nonarra' L,-T):R@8N,T R*!MT):R@8N,T
t'e)seci(ier)nonarra' L,-T):R@8N,T constant)e%ression R*!MT):R@8N,T
! Shading Language Gra**ar
! Shading Language Gra**ar
"TRF8T *D,+T*-*,R L,-T):R@8, struct)#eclaration)list R*!MT):R@8,
! Shading Language Gra**ar
"TRF8T L,-T):R@8, struct)#eclaration)list R*!MT):R@8,
struct)#eclaration)list struct)#eclaration
t'e)seci(ier struct)#eclarator)list ",7*8OLO+
t'e)1uali(ier t'e)seci(ier struct)#eclarator)list ",7*8OLO+
struct)#eclarator)list 8O77@ struct)#eclarator
*D,+T*-*,R L,-T):R@8N,T R*!MT):R@8N,T
*D,+T*-*,R L,-T):R@8N,T constant)e%ression R*!MT):R@8N,T
EE !rammar +ote: la&ele# statements (or "U*T8M onl'2 KgotoK is not suorte#.
! Shading Language Gra**ar
L,-T):R@8, R*!MT):R@8,
L,-T):R@8, statement)list R*!MT):R@8,
L,-T):R@8, R*!MT):R@8,
L,-T):R@8, statement)list R*!MT):R@8,
statement)list statement
e%ression ",7*8OLO+
*- L,-T);@R,+ e%ression R*!MT);@R,+ selection)rest)statement
statement ,L", statement
(ull')seci(ie#)t'e *D,+T*-*,R ,RF@L initiali0er
"U*T8M L,-T);@R,+ e%ression R*!MT);@R,+ L,-T):R@8, s/itch)statement)list
EA nothing AE
8@", e%ression 8OLO+
! Shading Language Gra**ar
UM*L, L,-T);@R,+ con#ition R*!MT);@R,+ statement)no)ne/)scoe
DO statement UM*L, L,-T);@R,+ e%ression R*!MT);@R,+ ",7*8OLO+
-OR L,-T);@R,+ (or)init)statement (or)rest)statement R*!MT);@R,+
EA emt' AE
con#itionot ",7*8OLO+
con#itionot ",7*8OLO+ e%ression
8O+T*+F, ",7*8OLO+
:R,@N ",7*8OLO+
R,TFR+ ",7*8OLO+
R,TFR+ e%ression ",7*8OLO+
D*"8@RD ",7*8OLO+ EE -ragment sha#er onl'.
EE !rammar +ote: +o KgotoK. !otos are not suorte#.
translation)unit e%ternal)#eclaration
(unction)rotot'e comoun#)statement)no)ne/)scoe

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