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Poem Analysis

Tuesday, January 07 2014

By Hanneke Kassies

Siegfried Sassoon,
The Survivors

NO doubt they'll soon get well; the shock and strain
Have caused their stammering, disconnected talk.
Of course they're 'longing to go out again,'--
These boys with old, scared faces, learning to walk.
They'll soon forget their haunted nights; their cowed
Subjection to the ghosts of friends who died,--
Their dreams that drip with murder; and they'll be proud
Of glorious war that shatter'd all their pride...
Men who went out to battle, grim and glad;
Children, with eyes that hate you, broken and mad.

October 1917

Literary Devices used in Siegfried Sassoon's poem 'The Survivors'

The tone of a literary work is the perspective or attitude that the author adopts with regards to
a specific character, place or development. Tone can portray a variety of emotions ranging from
solemn, grave, and critical to witty, wry and humorous.
The tone used in this poem is sort of sarcastic and misleading. The poem tells you NO doubt
they'll soon get well which is very sarcastic because it is known that that is an untrue

The use of irony in literature refers to playing around with words such that the meaning implied
by a sentence/word is actually different from the literal meaning derived. Often, irony is used
to suggest the stark contrast of the literal meaning being put forth. The deeper, real layer of
significance is revealed not by the words themselves but the situation and the context in which
they are placed.
Siegfried Sassoon uses imagery to symbolize the psychological trauma of the soldiers. The
reassuring statement that they will soon forget their haunted nights is contradicted by stating
what haunts them in their sleep. Their sleep is filled with nightmares of the ghosts of friends
who died in battle and the horrific scenes in the battlefield.

Verbal irony/sarcasm occurs when speakers say the opposite of what they mean. Verbal ironies
are mainly the intentional products of speakers. The speakers say what is intentionally
contradictory to their actions and emotions. There are many ironic similes that convey the
opposite of what speakers intend to express.
Sarcasm is shown in the first few lines of this poem where it states NO doubt they'll soon get
well; the shock and strain have caused their stammering, disconnected talk. Of course they're
'longing to go out again.

Alliteration is a literary device where words are used in quick succession and begin with letters
belonging to the same sound group. Whether it is the consonant sound or a specific vowel
group, the alliteration involves creating a repetition of similar sounds in the sentence.
Alliterations are also created when the words all begin with the same letter. Alliterations are
used to add character to the writing and often add an element of fun to the piece.
Alliteration is shown in this poem at the end of every line when they state things like Strain and
Again, Talk and Walk, Cowed and Proud, Died and Pride, Glad and Mad.

In literature, one of the strongest devices is imagery wherein the author uses words and
phrases to create mental images for the reader. Imagery helps the reader to visualize and
therein more realistically experience the authors writings. The usage of metaphors, allusions,
descriptive words and similes amongst other literary forms in order to tickle and awaken the
readers sensory perceptions is referred to as imagery. Imagery is not limited to only visual
sensations, but also refers to igniting kinesthetic, olfactory, tactile, gustatory, thermal and
auditory sensations as well.
Imagery in this poem is shown in the lines that state: These boys with old, scared faces, learning
to walk. Their dreams that drip with murder; and they'll be proud. Men who went out to battle,
grim and glad. Children, with eyes that hate you, broken and mad.

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