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Chapter 1


The use of modern technology in the field of health has been promoted as
having tremendous promise in improving the efficiency, cost-effectiveness, quality,
and safety of medical care delivery in our nation's healthcare system. The realization
of these benefits is especially important in the context of reports that show five years
of consecutive annual double-digit increases in healthcare costs and increases in
the numbers of adverse health events. At the same time, reports have suggested
that 50 percent of all healthcare funds are wasted on inefficient processes.
Legislators and organizational leaders at the federal and state levels have
emphasized the need for healthcare to follow the example of many non-healthcare
industries, in which implementation of computer information technology has been
critical in increasing the accessibility of mission-critical information, automating
labor-intensive and inefficient processes, and minimizing human error.

The Barangay Nutrition Scholar (BNS) Program is a human resource
development strategy of the Philippine Plan of Action for Nutrition, which involves
the recruitment, training, deployment and supervision of volunteer workers or
Barangay Nutrition Scholars (BNS). With the aid of modern technology, the BNS will
surely be something that is more reliable in keeping in touch to the respective

Barangays their volunteer are assigned and also the dissemination of information
will be more accurate and substantial not only to the volunteer but also to other
NGOs that are willing to aid people. So using computer and other up-to-date
technologies produces the insurance that volunteer wont have any problems
working with newest facility solutions in their future. As they use the computer and
the internet, volunteer will become more familiar and comfortable with technology,
helping to prepare them for their futures in the field.

The spirit of volunteerism is very much alive in the Barangay Nutrition
Scholars (BNSs) who are considered the frontliners in delivering nutrition and health
services in the Barangays. They serve as key implementers in the advocacy for
community development projects. Mandated with the proclamation of Presidential
Decree 1569 of 1978, the BNS is a Barangay-based volunteer worker who delivers
basic nutrition and related health services, and links communities with nutrition and
related service providers. The Philippine Nutrition Program served as impetus for the
implementation of PD 1569. In 1977, the Philippine Nutrition Program was
recognized locally and internationally as a unique and comprehensive program
designed to meet the needs of the people by means of available resources. The
Barangay, as the basic political structure and the most versatile venue for popular
participation, was chosen as the focus of the program. It was in this light that the
Barangay Nutrition and Health Scholar (BNHS) was conceptualized and became
popularly known as BNS at present. In July 1977, the BNHS Project was launched

as a means of meeting manpower needs of the Philippine Nutrition Program. The
task given to the BNS are anchored in to five (5) major initiatives, namely:

1. Caring for the Malnourished where the BNS locates and identifies
malnourished children through a community survey. This survey involves weighing
all preschoolers and interviewing mothers to determine how the child is cared for,
and the resources available in the family for their participation in nutrition and related

2. Mobilizing the Community to organize into networks of 20-25 households, or
into community-based organizations working for the improvement of their nutrition

3. In the presence of other Barangay-based development workers, the BNS may
not necessarily deliver direct nutrition services to the community but serve as
linkage-builder, to ensure that members of the community, especially those with
underweight children, avail of nutrition and related services. The BNS must be
aware of the services available and of those who need these services, and establish
a system through which those needing certain services are referred to the
appropriate service provider.


4. Forms of assistance . . . The BNS assists in delivering nutrition and related
services which include:

a. Organizing mothers class or community nutrition education
b. Providing nutrition counseling services, especially on exclusive breastfeeding
and appropriate complementary feeding, through home visits.

c. Managing community-based feeding programs under the supervision of a

d. Distributing seeds, seedlings, and small animals from the local agriculture
office and other government organizations and nongovernment organizations to
promote home or community food gardens; and

e. Informing the community on scheduled immunization and other health
activities but always together with the local midwife, agriculture officer, social welfare
officer, and other workers.

5. Keeping records to help other Barangay workers and the local officials, the
BNS keeps a record of the results of the regular weighing as well as records on the
nutrition and health profile of families in the Barangay. The BNS also formulates a
BNS Action Plan as guide in managing the different tasks assigned to him/her. The

BNS also prepares a record of monthly accomplishments to monitor his or her
performance in relation to the action plan. The record helps identify adjustments in
the plan of action to meet targets set. The BNS also keeps track of his or her daily
activities through a diary. The diary should list not only the BNSs activities but also
observations and insights as may be appropriate.

The multi-sectoral and multilevel nature of BNS' tasks enrich the volunteer
work they do in the community. The BNSs do regular weighing of preschool children
as part of the Operation Timbang (OPT) and determine the nutritional status of these
children based on a reference table. The OPT is part of the programs reported in the
Barangay and Municipal Nutrition Action Plans. The BNSs also manage
supplementary feeding of undernourished children and help out in the conduct of
mothers' classes by assisting the trainers and the mother-learners. The BNSs
conduct home visits and household surveys regarding births, disabled persons, older
persons, newly built houses and transferees. They also perform various tasks in the
Barangay health center assisting the midwife.

The BNSs and other community volunteers also provide valuable help in the
conduct of nutrition surveys and various research and development (R&D) projects
of the Food and Nutrition Research Institute of the Department of Science and
Technology (FNRI-DOST). They are in charge of validating information of research

participants and locating them for surveys or data gathering. The BNSs assist FNRI
researchers to facilitate research operations on field.

Despite the BNSs numerous functions in the community, they occupy a
volatile position in the Barangay. As political appointees, any change in local
leadership during election signals uncertainty for their renewal in service. Currently,
there are 22,083 BNSs recognized by the National Nutrition Council in 954
municipalities covering a total of 19,032 Barangays nationwide. This number of
BNSs is few considering there are 48,000 Barangays in the country.

Keeping the spirit of volunteerism alive in our community is a difficult task
because of the ever- changing times and shift in values. The BNSs receive a small
amount of incentive from the Internal Revenue Allotment (IRA) of the Barangay and
sometimes from the municipality and province. However, this often, is not enough to
cover the costs of transportation and office supplies to produce reports for the
nutrition plan. Despite a common and increasing concern about inadequate
honoraria and benefits given to them, the BNSs continue to provide service to the
people because of love for their work. The BNSs take pride in serving their
Barangays for decades and according to them, age is not a hindrance to such a
noble task.


The local government units (LGUs) from the Barangay to the provincial levels
should ensure the welfare of the BNSs and all volunteer workers in the community.
The LGUs should not resort to short-term measures to respond to their needs
because of their outstanding role in providing community services.

The LGUs must strengthen the management capacity of the BNSs and look
beyond volunteerism as mere service delivery without pay but professional work
towards nutritional improvement.

Project Context

The Barangay Nutrition Scholar under the National Nutrition Council uses
manual transaction in recording and processing data and information of scholars as
well as generating of reports in which files and documents can still be seen on filing
cabinets. The whole process is manually done which makes it laborious.
Today, higher government agencies have undergone office automation and
facilitating management information systems to carry out their respective services.
Files and documents which are seen in the cabinets and holders are now
decreasing, because data are stored digitally and safely.
Meanwhile in the local government, office automation and management
information system has not yet been carried out. There may be some on the urban
areas, but in provinces there are none, especially in the barangay unit. The services,

process and data recording is done manually by the BNS. In their office there are full
of folders and papers which are hard to deal with especially when retrieving records.
When their monthly reports are to be submitted in the municipal office, loads of
paper works and documents are to be organized and will undergo checking, which is
very troublesome doing it manually. Then after that the municipal office will then
submit it to the provincial office, and the same scenario follows.

Project Description & Purpose

The system is designed to address the problems of the traditional process of
gathering, arranging, consolidating, storing and submission of reports and activities
conducted by the BNS officials of every barangay in Laguna. The reports will be
collected and consolidated in the municipal level then it will be submitted to the
Provincial Nutrition Office.
The system will be used by the administrator in the provincial level and
he/she will have the highest privilege of using the system. Meanwhile, every
municipal head will be the administrator of their own barangays and are responsible
for collecting and consolidating BNS reports. Every municipality will have their own
homepage in the system, enabling them to post announcements, activities, photos
and others without any intrusion from anyone because of the privacy feature.
It can also generate a graph based on the reports submitted which can be a
measure of concern in every field that the BNS works upon.

This developed system is beneficial to the following users;


Administrators. The Administrator can be the provincial head or the
municipal head whos concerned with the BNS. Through the system, they can
assure that monthly BNS reports are collected, consolidated, organized and
checked with ease before being submitted.
Barangay Nutrition Scholars. The BNS officials will be able to
conduct processes and transactions electronically with regards to their duties.
The paper loads, folders and other office tools they used will be lessen and
their records/reports are safe while stored electronically. Accessing,
retrieving, and updating those reports will be easy for them.
Concerned Citizens. Civilians and other concerned citizens that have
access to the internet can surf through the homepage of the system. There
they can read and view announcements, activities, photos and updates
regarding the Barangay Nutrition Scholar functions.
Local Government. The system can be a great help in the local
government unit as a stepping stone in innovating the functions of the LGU
and therefore increase their performance in public service, allowing the public
to be informed about them.


The general objective of the project is to develop a system that will improve
the process of sending and consolidating Barangay Nutrition Scholar monthly

reports in the areas concerned by using the technological advantages of the internet,
therefore eliminating the burdens of the old process.

Specific Objectives:

1. To gather and input Barangay Nutrition Scholar monthly reports in the
2. To consolidate the reports of every specific town/city.
3. To allow viewing, updating, retrieving and deleting of reports when necessary.
4. To submit the consolidated reports to the concerned agency through the use
of the internet, therefore reducing material and transportation costs.
5. To generate a graphical representation based on the reports submitted.

Project Scope and Limitation

The system has the ability to insert, consolidate, update, delete, retrieve, view
and customize BNS reports only. The provincial administrator of the system only has
the highest privilege in controlling the system, while the municipal administrator has
the second highest privilege. The provincial administrator can create accounts
exclusively for each municipality, and then the municipal administrator can create
accounts exclusively for their own barangays.
The system also provides exclusive homepages for every barangay of each
municipality and can post their own announcement, activities and photos. It can also
generate a graph based on the information that is stored in the system.

The system is capable of creating another page once a new barangay has
been added in the locality over and over as long as the database can hold up to.
Visitors of the page can only surf and view the details and photos of that particular
page, but they do not have the privilege to create an account and insert anything or
post photos on that page.
The system is limited only upon the Barangay Nutrition Scholar functions and
the institution that handles them. No one can alter the system except the
administrator in the provincial level. The forms and reports to be consolidated and
submitted are only the BNS reports. However, there will be always a room for
improvement and change for the betterment of the system.
The study will be conducted through online system on selected towns and
barangays here in Laguna during the second semester of school year 2013-2014.
The study will focus on how the developers can be able to come up with an idea how
to facilitate the system properly, the system will be designed to use tool such as
MySQL Server for database management.

Definition of Terms

Administrator A person who has the highest authority to facilitate the system. He
or she can create accounts, manage the system and make changes if needed

BNS stands for Barangay Nutrition Scholar. The primary client of the system

Reports the entities that the BNS works upon to be consolidated and submitted

Online the manner which the system resides on the internet

Consolidation - one primary function of the system

Submission another important function of the system

Announcements set of statements located at the homepage

Program Is sequence of instructions enabling a computer to perform a task

Database - the place where the reports will be stored to


Chapter 2


In order to provide a clear view on the current study, the related literature and
studies are presented and reviewed. This chapter presents a review on related
studies of local and foreign literature; the researchers relied on book, magazine and
previous studies. The researchers have to go in different libraries in order to gather
data or research materials. This is done with references to other studies similar to
what researches had proposed.

Related Literature

As a review on the related literature, the researches relied on books,
magazines and previous studies. The researches have to go to different libraries in
order to gather the research materials.
Musumba B.F. Mugoya (2006)0 Increasing demand for accuracy, efficiency,
and effectiveness coupled with discerning consumers of services had meant that all
types of organizations are striving for greater productivity, while maintaining or
enhancing quality within their services. This applied to both private and public
organizations. An Automated Integrated Management Information System is a way
of bring many methods of reporting into one working environment.


Zuboff (1998) [48] defines the process of automation as a service to perform
tasks with great speed and accuracy.
Visscher (1993) [45] points out that an integrated management information
system is to provide for multiple types and forms of data.
According to Poel et al., (1989) [35] different forms of architectures had to be
in place to allow continuation of information planning for a system. Information
planning came from the time when it had centrally been coordinated for the different
areas to be distinguished in order to identify the borders for interaction to take place
through Management Information System. In the process, information systems have
evolved to support these efforts for managers to act accordingly in order to achieve
goals. There were many kinds of architectures that helped pursue the organization
goals (OMG, 1995) [33].
Harpreet (2002) [18] mentioned that the use of www or computer system
could enhance organizations to improve on their communication and therefore
effectiveness in service delivery. Likewise, organizations and institutions today are
being forced by the internet to move toward teleworking. Therefore, there was need
for web-based computer system that could provide easy access of information online
and also provide accessibility to information from anytime, anywhere. This
neccesistated management to have access to the database. This was done by
registering them into the system and then giving the privilege to them once logged-
in. This was provided at the login time and other unauthorized users denied access.
15 provides
information that organizations require to manage themselves efficiently and
effectively. Management information systems are typically computer systems used
for managing five primary components: 1.) Hardware, 2.) Software, 3.) Data
(information for decision making), 4.) Procedures (design, development and
documentation), and 5.) People (individuals, groups, or organizations). Management
information systems are distinct from other information systems, in that they are
used to analyze and facilitate strategic and operational activities. Academically, the
term is commonly used to refer to the study of how individuals, groups, and
organizations evaluate, design, implement, manage, and utilize systems to generate
information to improve efficiency and effectiveness of decision making, including
systems termed decision support systems, expert systems, and executive
information systems. Most business schools (or colleges of business administration
within universities) have an MIS department, alongside departments of accounting,
finance, management, marketing, and sometimes others, and grant degrees (at
undergrad, masters, and PhD levels) in MIS.
Durch, J.S., L.A. Bailey, M.A. Stoto (1997), This book by the Institute of
Medicine provides a comprehensive discussion of the: (1) process of community
health improvement, (2) measurement tools for the process of improving community
health, and (3) broad framework and performance indicators for policy and
operations. It provides background information on health and its determinants and
the social context of performance monitoring.

Kazandjian, V.A. and T.R. Lied (1999), The authors focus on the design and
requisites of a performance measurement system. Topics discussed include: (1)
identifying indicators, (2) use of surveys, (3) data collection and analysis, (4)
evaluating and managing the performance measurement system and (5) identifying
real versus accidental change (the Hawthorne effect).
National Association of Country and City Health Officials (2000), The
Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships instrument is a community-
wide strategic planning tool for improving health. This tool is intended to be used at
the community level to assist public health officials set strategic public health goals
and identify community resources for addressing public health needs. The MAP
instrument consists of four key assessment protocols: (1) community themes and
strengths, (2) local public health system, (3) community health status and (4) forces
of change.
Saucer et al. (1997) [38], mentioned that systems could not be designed as
standalone components since they had to communicate, interact, access the same
data and share information with their organizational environment. Therefore, www
should have come in to integrate part of an existing information system by providing
well-defined interfaces to standard applications systems such as database systems
and computer networks.

Related Studies

The related study tells about the past thesis completed by other researchers
in relation to the researchers thesis project. The researchers searched some topics

that are similar to the proposed system. This research constructed by the
researchers, who includes references and quotations of authors of some books that
may serve as the basis of solving some problems that may be encountered regularly
in the proposed system.

Ed Yalin, Healthcare System faculty examines outcomes, quality, and
measurement of healthcare delivery systems with research and practice that spans
from the individual clinic to hospital and healthcare systems. They also play a
leadership role in translating research findings into policy, program, and healthcare
delivery practices. IHPS faculty have informed the development of value-based
purchasing approaches and have undertaken cost and cost-effectiveness studies
across a wide domain of conditions and systems both domestically and
internationally. Healthcare system faculty also conducts research on the healthcare
workforce with a particular focus on nursing and primary care providers. The Institute
is particularly interested in ensuring that our healthcare system delivers appropriate
care to at-risk populations including children and the elderly.
An automated Management Information System was important for
management of Nutrition Tracking Services as well as for the staff and productivity.
Unfortunately, the system seemed to be farfetched, especially when it was done
manually using many different methods of report production. The time for solving
such problem soared with exponential speed when there was delay of report
production (Musliu, 2001) [30].

Lansdale (1998), defines personal information management as the methods
and procedures by which we handle, categorize (sic) and retrieve information on a
day-to-day basis. Lansdale (1998) was not the first to write about personal
information management, even though he was first to coin the term that is now used
widely today.
Daft (1991) [10], looked at Online Information System as a mechanism that
collected, organized and distributed data used by management, usually being help
by computers in performing their management functions. He argued that the OIS
had certain characteristics that made it useful for managing information. These
included quality, timeliness, completeness and relevance that called for automated
system to replace the traditional manual system.
According to Enrado (2000) [12] a web-based system should be an easy-
to-use system that provided web-based access for all of staffs, rules-based, entry of
preferences and viewing of data, credential management, and ability to retrieve
Carter et. al. (2005) [6] confirmed that web-based system increased the
convenience and accessibility of Management Information System services and
information about prisoners in order to develop prisoner details with an Integrated
Management Information System. Users were provided accessible, relevant
information and quality services that were more expedient than traditional manual

system through integration of an automated system for the utilization of e-
government services citizen trust, innovation and acceptance factors.
According to (Joch, 2000 [21]; Johnson et al., 2002 [22]; Web-based
management information systems were an important component for prison systems.
Minimization of report delayed through better Management Information System was
directly related to managers satisfaction, which was always an important criterion for
organizations administrators.
Online Hotel Reservation System (Argie [2011]), The system has the
feature to create an online reservation system with online payment, room inventory,
add, edit and delete records using php, error trapping using php and javascripts,
textbox that accept numbers only, check room availability and other that can be
found in this complete application.
The Online Hotel Booking System (Navajo [2012]) is one of the easiest and
user-friendly program that can be added by hotel owners to their existing website to
manage the reservation and booking of clients. The system will provide hotel
owners, apartments, room rentals, and other facilitates which uses an online
reservation system to solve their problems in reservation. The web-based booking
system will provide them with the most reliable and low cost booking solution which
can be easily integrated to their existing website. When the system will be integrated
into your website, the customer can then manage to choose the room types they
want as well as the number of people to occupy that room. The customers can book

as many rooms as he want with the user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate.
The Online Booking System is a yearly subscription based programs that was used
already by thousands of international hotel chains, smaller independent hotels,
resorts, guest houses, holiday homes, cottages, villas and accommodations. All the
things provided by the hotels including their facilities, meals and other offerings can
be easily previewed by the customers before they finalized their bookings.
Online Placement Management System (Praveen M. Gauttam, 2012), This
system is an online application that can be accessed throughout the organization
and outside as well with proper login provided. This system can be used as an
application for the Online Placement Agency to manage the member information
with regards to placement. Member logging should be able to upload their
information in the form of a CV. Visitors/Company representatives logging in may
also access/search any information put up by Members. As security is the major
focus, this project also keeps an account of details of its different members. For
providing more convenience, this project is designed in such a way that it is more
user-friendly and graphical.


Database Schema

Figure 5:System Flowchart for the Compose
Figure 5:Data Schema for the Barangay Nutrition Scholar System

Project Procedure

To gather all the necessary information for this project the developers conducted
series of interviews to some people that are connected to this topic. In order to give more
information about this topic the developers used reference books, thesis and some other
related studies regarding the development of an online system. At first the developers
definitely did not have clear views of the whole function on how the system will perform.
Interviews and researches are done to understand how the BNS process works and how the
information is gathered and organized.

The gained information was patiently synthesized until it met the extent of its
limitation. From the pieces gained information, the developers, organized its specific
function, determined the specific problems that might exist in the study and built the possible


Project Development Work Plan

Figure 5:Development Work Plan for the e-text Messaging System

Gantt Chart

Project Testing and Evaluation

Despite of all the efforts given by the developers to make the software as effective as
it could be, they cannot ensure their software is perfect evaluation for the system. That is
why testing and evaluation was conducted.

For the testing of the system application, the developers went to Laguna State
polytechnic University Siniloan Campus OSAS Office and requested the person in charge
in the office to try and test the prototype system application. After they test the prototype
application, the developer asked them if he is satisfy for the prototype application. They also
asked about their opinions on certain adjustments and changes to do in the software.

After several testing and studying the respondents feedback about the system,


Chapter 4


Requirements Analysis and Specification

In the development of Barangay Nutrition Scholar Online Consolidation and
Submission of Monthly Reports System, the following were used.

The hardware requirements in developing the system were the following:
monitor, keyboard, mouse, printer, a system unit with at least Pentium III processor,
and at least 128 MB of memory.


1. Computer Set or Laptop
2. Modem or wireless router

Development Process:

The following materials were used in the development process:


One set of Computer or Laptop Unit with the following specification:

1. 1GB RAM or higher
2. Intel Pentium IV or higher


3. 150GB Hard Disk
4. 512MB Video Card


1. Operating System (Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit)
3. Adobe Dream Weaver

Project Delivery and Implementation

Implementation Process:

The following tools and equipment were used in the implementation process:


1. 512MB RAM or Higher
2. Pentium IV Processor or Higher
3. Monitor
4. Keyboard
5. Mouse


1. Operating System (Windows XP Professional)
2. Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox (& other supported browsers)

Estimated Cost of Equipments and Tools

Implementation Cost
1 set of computer Php 15,000.00
Internet connection (per month) Php 999.00
Web Hosting (1 year) Php 1,500.00
Domain Name (1 year) Php- 800.00
Maintenance Cost
Internet Connection (Per Month) Php- 999.00
Web Hosting Php - 1,500.00
Domain Name Php - 800.00
Training Php -2,000.00
Total Php -18,299.00

The system will cost Php 30,000.00 as estimated by the developers. The
specific cost varies on the implementation, maintenance, training and tools used in
constructing the system.

Table 1: Cost of Equipment and Tools

Features of the System

1. User Friendly and Easy to Navigate
The user can easily relate to the system. They can easily manage and
familiarize the functions of the system because it was designed in a more
understandable and convenient way.

Figure 3Home Page


2. Security of all data
The system was protected with a user name and password to ensure that
only registered/ authorized person can access the system.

Figure 3.1 Login Page


3. Highest Privilege Admin Interface (Provincial)

The system provides an exclusive account for the highest authority. He or
she can insert new municipality/city and new barangay. He or she is the one that
give unique accounts to every municipal admin.


4. Second Highest Privilege Interface (Municipal)

The user interface of the municipal admin which has the second highest
privilege in the system. Responsible for creating unique accounts for every


5. BNS Account Interface

The BNS account has the lowest privilege in accessing the system. It is given
by the municipal admin. This is the interface where they will consolidate and submit
the reports.


Project Development and Testing

After several interviews on Barangay Nutrition Scholars, they often complain
about the traditional way of gathering, writing, consolidating, retrieving and
submitting their reports because it consumes a lot of time and effort. It also costs a
lot of office materials and transportation cost.
The Barangay Nutrition Scholar Online Consolidation and Submission of
Monthly Reports System is a system that will address the problems mentioned
above and will also provide an innovation in public service system.
The system will be very useful to the local government and client. It will
replace the traditional method of consolidating and submitting BNS reports, therefore
generating fast and accurate results.
The design and development of the system were conducted in a systematic
process and the activities involved on these were the following:

1. Requirements Analysis and Gathering Data

All the necessary requirements needed by the developer were collected in
Barangay Hall Office of BNS where the recipient are known in order to obtain all the
data needed to come up with the findings needed for the development of the system.

2. Designing the Software

After the developer gathered the different information, the appropriate
software was used to design the system layout / interface. The software graphics

editor like Adobe Photoshop was used. It help is constructing the main idea of what
the system will look like.

3. Building the Software

In building the software, the developer used the MySQL Server as a database
server and PHP, HTML, CSS as the programming language and also used the
Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Dreamweaver in order to have a better outcome of the

4. Testing the Software

The software was tested by using actual testing in order to know if there is an
error in the program. In this part, the study was enhanced through trial and error to
discover the needed revision.

5. Implementing the Software

This was the best part of the process. Implementation was done after the
software was completed and there was no more existing error in the program. The
system was implemented in order to see and test if the system was effective.

Project Delivery and Implementation

The researchers studied and observed the workflows in the process of
consolidating and submitting BNS reports. They also found out the process of the
project flows.

The materials needed by the client to implement the system are:

Computer Set or Laptop
Modem or wireless router


Chapter 5


This chapter discusses the summary of the whole study, the conclusion that
the researchers inferred and the recommendation that will enhance the study.


The system was built using XAMPP (Apache HTTP Server) as the testing
server the run and test the system locally, PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript as
programming language and MySQL Server for the database server. In developing
the system, advice and recommendations from their adviser and suggestions and
prescriptions from the management of Barangay Nutrition Scholar Council served as
the basis for the completion of the project.
The main concern of the study is the traditional and laborious way of
gathering, consolidating and submitting BNS reports to the municipal and provincial
nutrition office.
In the above mentioned processes, the system provides an environment for
every barangay for each municipality. Security of the system especially on the
database is one important factor considered in developing the system.
The templates feature of the system allows insertion of a new barangay
and/or municipality if necessary. It can adjust to changes in environment it holds.

The flexibility of the system to be adjusted and modified can be very helpful
when recommendations and changes are necessary to be followed.


After a thorough study and research, the developed system will be a good
instrument of success. Every system developed always has space for more
improvement and can be modified to improve its effectiveness.
In developing the system, the researchers recommend to the other
researcher to be patient and dont be fiery; its a trial and error situation. Researcher
must acquire knowledge and information about their topics or problem for them to
develop an appropriate and efficient system.
The researchers of this study recommend to every future researcher related
to this study to use the developed system to be a basis of their new study. Based on
the further evaluation, this system is more effective and more advantageous than the
manual process. The system can help the firm in management of marketing strategy
and in human resource. The developed system is user friendly thats why its easy to
use and much effective than the traditional and manual process.
Even though the researcher have only limited time to conduct this study, they
were able to finish it, the system is not perfect but the developed system can serve
as an asset and can be a much better system than the manual process. The
researchers of this study have encouraged other researchers to do a study based on
the particular system.

These further enhancement and modification of the study specifically, the
system will surely provide only the best features of Barangay Nutrition Scholar
Online Consolidation and Submission of Monthly Reports System.




Unpublished Theses/ Manuscript


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