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Name of the lecturer(s) Tomasz Szafraski
Academic degree M.D. Ph.D.
Affiliation Private practice
Course title PSYCHIATRY
Course type (lecture,
seminar, class); number of
hours; number of ECTS
30 hours;
Brief course description The goal of this course is to present the basic knowledge of
psychiatry and to prepare students to care for persons with various
psychiatric disorders in cooperation with psychiatrists and other
members of mental health team.
Full course description This course will describe the epidemiology and global burden of
mental health disorders. The student will become familiar with
International Classification Of Diseases (ICD-10). Clinical features,
assessment, management and outcome of the following disorders
will be discussed: affective disorders, anxiety disorders, eating
disorders, psychotic disorders, sexual disorders, substance use
disorders. Specificity of child and adolescent psychiatry and old age
psychiatry will be highlighted. Recognition and management of
psychiatric emergencies (suicide, delirium, and violent behaviour)
will be discussed. The course will also cover basic principles of
social and transcultural psychiatry, evolutionary perspective in
psychiatry, forensic aspects of psychiatry and human rights issues in
List of topics* 1. The disease concept in psychiatry. International systems of
classification of diseases (ICD-10 and DSM-5). (handout)
2. Psychiatric epidemiology. Global burden of disease.
Organisation of the mental health care. Social and
transcultural psychiatry. (handout)
3. Child and adolescent psychiatry (manual chapter 15)
4. Eating disorders (handout)
5. Sexual disorders (manual chapter 12)
6. Substance and alcohol abuse (manual chapter 10)
7. Anxiety disorders. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (manual
chapter 6,7,8)
8. Affective disorders. Bipolar disorder (manual chapter3,5)
9. Schizophrenia and related psychotic disorders (manual
chapter 2)
10. Dementia and other psychiatric disorders of old age (manual
chapter 11)
11. Psychiatric manifestations of organic illness. Psycho-
oncology. Psychiatry and dying (manual chapter 15)
12. Suicide and self harm. Suicide prevention. Emergency in
psychiatry (manual chapter 4, 16)
13. Human rights and psychiatry / TEST 1
14. Forensic psychiatry
15. Evolutionary perspective in psychiatry / TEST 2
Prerequisites for
This course is in concordance with Psychopathology and
Psychopharmacology course.
Learning outcomes After completion of this course the student will be able to describe
the epidemiology and global burden of mental health diseases. The
student will become familiar with International Classification Of
Diseases (ICD-10) diagnostic criteria and will be able to describe
main clinical presentations, course, and prognosis of the following
disorders: affective disorders, anxiety disorders, eating disorders,
psychotic disorders, sexual disorders, substance use disorders. The
student will also become familiar with common disorders first
diagnosed in infancy, childhood, or adolescence as well as common
psychiatric disorders in the elderly. The student will become
familiar with principals of recognition and management of
psychiatric emergencies (suicide, delirium, and violent behaviour).
The student will be able to understand the basic principles of social
and transcultural psychiatry and human rights issues in psychiatry.
Assessment methods
and criteria***
Test (70% multiple choice, 30% open questions)
Attendance: two absences are allowed without any
consequences, for each absence above the limit the student will
lose 5% of the maximum number of points
91% - 100% - 5,
85% - 90% - 4,5
76% - 84% - 4
70% - 75% - 3,5
60% - 69% - 3
Learning activities
and teaching methods
Lectures in a form of power point presentations, case studies
presentation and discussion.
Bibliography**** 1. Jarema, M. (2009). Practical Aspects of Psychiatry. A manual for
General Practitioners and Psychiatrists in training. Praha: Amepra.
2. Kaplan & Sadock's synopsis of psychiatry : behavioral
sciences/clinical psychiatry / Benjamin James Sadock, Virginia
Alcott Sadock.. 10th ed. Philadelphia : Wolters Kluwer Health :
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, cop. 2007.
3. ICD-10 : The ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioural
Disorders : Clinical Descriptions and Diagnostic Guidelines, World
Health Organization

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