Veteran's Campaign: The Chester Herald

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Issue #3

The Chester Herald

ShopRi t e SuperMarket s
On May 25th we kicked off
the Veterans Campaign
and Chester is leading the
We had many events in
the store leading up to the
start of the fundraising
campaign. We had our lo-
cal veteran Uncle Buck
come in to DJ and have his
friend sing on a busy Sat-
urday afternoon and we
have had countless barbe-
quing events in order to
raise money for our local
On Saturday, May 31st
the store came together
to throw our annual
Spaghetti Dinner at the
local Sugar Loaf Fire
House. We had great
support from all depart-
ments and many associ-
ates who volunteered to
come and help. Thank
you to all of the help you
have given! The event
was a great success!
This past weekend our
demo team, along with
the help of several de-
partments helped put on
a salesmanship event
with interest to the vet-
erans campaign. They
made a beautiful picnic
setting and grilled burg-
ers and chicken sand-
wiches. We had our in-
house face-painter Cait-
lin really putting on a
show for the kids.
This event was also a
Veterans Campaign
great event, not only
for the campaign but
also for our bread
The Veterans cam-
paign goes all the
way until August
16th, and we are cur-
rently in first place
among the stores in
the company. Lets
keep this momentum
going and finish
number one in the
Mystery Shop Recap

5/4 100% - Rose (bakery), Nakeem (SFH),
Caterina (FE), Marie (courtesy) & Kayla (FE)
5/13 89.69%- Rose (bakery), John
(maintenance) & Nick (FE)
5/21 100% - Rose (bakery), Nakeem (SFH),
Caterina (FE), Marie (courtesy) & Ryan (FE)
5/25 100% - Kevin (meat), Rick (produce),
Charles (CGO), Marie (courtesy) & Brian (FE)
5/31 100% - Rose (bakery), Ryan (grocery), Tim
(haba), Marie (courtesy) & Ashley (FE)

Welcome to Our Team:
Front End: Vincent Aloi, Joseph Diaz, Lena
Bullock, Cynthia Gerstner, Ryan Parchinski, Aa-
ron Gonzalez, Elise Bukowski, Christina Coyne,
Jonathan Campana, Paul Siriotis, Caitlin Burns
Shop From Home: Jeanne DElia
Produce: Sheila Mee, Ryan Mayfield, Zachary
Mayfield, Eddie Lukan, Nicholas Riley
Bakery: Courtney Keys, Dorian Gresier, Ken-
neth Leeman
Deli: Benjamin Faris, Michael Fitzpatrick,
Reagan Parrelli
Night Crew: Nicholas Salgado
Seafood: Justin Peacock
Demonstrator: Teresa Bojaj
Courtesy: Victoria Morganbesser
Dairy: Jonathan Marin

Friday, June 20th
Breakfast available until 11am
Lunch begins at 12PM
Games, Prizes and Tons of food!

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