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ICC Lesson Plan

Gabriela Quirarte
TESL 530
Getting to Know Each Other Culturally Through Food
This lesson is intended for an advanced ESL 8
grade class. The majority of the
students are rst generation students that either where born here or came to the U.S. when
they were very little. Most students parents speak very broken English, most of these
students are very close to achieve English prociency or are being tracked to fulll the three
year of continuous prociency required in the state of California. In my class I have
students from the following cultural roots: Mexican, Pilipino, Cambodian, Chinese and
Vietnamese. This lesson aims to raise cultural exploration through cultural foods. By
exploring culture through traditional dishes I hope to increase cross-cultural interaction and
the way we look at others from different cultures because their particular traditional foods.
Learning outcomes:
! Students will be able to compare American (target culture) food likes with their
classmates to explore how they have adjusted to the target culture.
! Students will be able to identify similarities among different cultures through
traditional dishes.
! Students will be able to compare and contrast their traditional foods to traditional
foods from other cultures.
! Students will be able to understand that each culture has representative dishes or
traditions that might exist in other cultures in very similar ways.
! Each student will be using their laptop to work through this lesson (this school is an
Apple One to One school, each student has his own laptop).
! YouTube videos Vietnamese
Food Video.
! YouTube video Mexican Food
! YouTube video Pilipino
Food Video.
! YouTube video Cambodian
Food Video.
! YouTube video Chinese Food
! 6 ash drives with a folder label Intercultural Lesson where they will nd links to
YouTube videos (one ash drive per table, students pass it around each member of
the table) and the questions for the videos (see Appendix 1)
Two class periods 55 minutes each.
Learning outcomes will be assessed through visual presentations and worksheets the
students must ll out as the lesson progresses. Worksheets and presentation will be
collected at the end of lesson for assessment.
Introduction to lesson:
Activity 1 (10 minutes)
T: Today we will talk about our favorite foods, but before we do so I want you to go on
your computer and create a collage of at least ten pictures of your favorite American foods.
The students are to go online and nd the pictures, copy and paste them on a word
document. (Informal assessment: teacher will walk around to make sure students are
conducting their research and creating their collage)
Activity 2 (10 minutes)
T: Now that you have your collage of your favorite food, I would like for you to share
with your elbow partner (students seat at tables of four, they will be working with different
partners throughout the duration of the lesson). As you share with your neighbor open up a
new word document and write down any similarities you nd between your food likes and
your partners food likes. Make sure to save your document (Save the document with the
name American Food Likes Similarities
Lesson Body:
Day 1
Activity 3 (20 minutes)
T: Hand out le with the links to the videos and worksheets for the lesson. Each link is
labeled wit the name of the culture and the link to the video. Copy folder label Intercultural
Lesson on to your desktop and pass it out to your neighbor. Begin by watching the video
that corresponds to your culture. Once you nish watching the video proceed to ll out the
worksheet label Appendix 1).
Activity 4 (15 minutes)
T: Choose one other video from another culture, watch the video (Videos are between
9-15 minutes long) and for homework, compare and contrast the video from your culture to
the video you chose, ll out the double bubble map on Appendix 3.
Day 2
Activity 5 (10 minutes)
T: Take out your double bubble map (Appendix 3) and share with your neighbor across
from you.
Activity 6 (25 minutes)
T: Using Appendix 4 worksheet answer the questions and make a Keynote presentation to
share with your table. Your Keynote must have a title slide and one slide per question.
Activity 7 (20 minutes)
T: Once nished with your Keynote every member from your table will take turns and
present the Keynote. Walk around to listen to students presenting to one another.
Wrap up and assignment collection:
Collect Appendixes and Keynote from the students.
T: As you could see through the videos and discussions we are people from different
cultures but we have very similar customs and traditions that makes us closer to one
another as spiritual human beings with similar emotions, behaviors and attitudes. In our
next cultural experience we will attempt to share our wonderfully delicious traditional foods
as we come together as a class in a delicious taste of our cultures.

Appendix 1: After watching the video about the foods of your culture, answer the
questions in complete sentences.
1. Are the foods and information presented in the video something you knew about
your culture? Explain. (You might want to ask your parents if they are familiar with
the foods in the video and have them help you explain)
2. Is it accurate information according to your experience? Explain.
3. If the foods presented in the video are not the types of foods you and your family
enjoy as part of your traditional foods, what are some of the traditional foods you
and your enjoy at home? Write the names and research them online, download
pictures from the Internet and make a collage and add it to your collage you made at
the beginning of this lesson.
4. Is there a traditional food from your culture you would recommend the class to try?
Download a picture of it and describe it using a bubble map (See Appendix 2)
5. Is there a traditional food from your culture you dislike and would not eat? Why?
Appendix 2:
Bubble map to describe you favorite food from your culture, bubbles must be lled with
adjectives or adjective phrases to describe the food.
Appendix 3: Double bubble map for compare and contrast your cultures video to another
Appendix 4: Answer the questions and use answers to build your Keynote
1. What is the one food item that is always (or almost always) present in your home
meals? Answer in complete sentences and use a picture in your Keynote slide for
this question.
2. What is the one traditional dish from your culture that you enjoy the most? Using
complete sentences describe the dish and use a picture in your Keynote slide for this
3. What is one traditional dish from your culture your family prepares that you do not
enjoy? Describe the dish and use a picture in your Keynote slide for this question.

YouTube Videos

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