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Andrew Phan

Dos Santos, 5

Word List 9 Story
John got up and scouted the area around him for any soldiers still alive. After making sure there
were none, he walked up to the table to look at the many weapons there, but he saw that there were
none he would want on his mission. He speculated that the man that was speaking to him had escaped.
He looked for an exit from the room he was in, but it seemed that there was a round knoll in the surface
of the doorthe one opposite the tunnel exitthat lodged itself against the doorframe; the door
wouldnt open without force. John guessed that the persnickety man that escaped had mutilated the
door in this way to trap John.

John set up a bomb against the door, and blew open the wall. Immediately, alarms began
screaming around him, adding an urgent atmosphere pertinent to the situation. John looked up to see a
red siren flashing resplendently. He began running through the corridors, looking for an exit from the
labyrinth. He saw a guard ushering some kids into a room, and was reluctant to attack. He had always
had a soft spot for children, and was deterred from killing the guard in fear of traumatizing the children.
Feeling compassion for the kids, John caught the guard off-guard and delivered a swift kick to the back
of his head. John was morose as the kids ran screaming down the hall, but John couldnt waste time; he
kept running for the exit.

John turned a couple rights and found a storage room. On the wall beside him was a bulletin
board covered in illegible writing, and crates of varying sizes were strewn across the ground. A small sign
was hastily rectified in front of him, saying temp storage. Some crates were pried open, but only a
nominal amount of items spewed from these crates. John wondered if someone else had raided this
room before.

John passed another room with a small altar on it, but the altar seemed damaged. There was a
small sign that said, To commemorate the future of TFTI and. The sign had been ripped apart. John
had a sinking suspicion that this find would entail John into hunting for a second organization. Below the
sign was another scrap of paper that read, An excerpt from. This scrap of paper had been burned on
the edges. The statue on the altar had been contorted into something that looked almost
unrecognizable. John thought it looked like the nocturnal owl. He grabbed the scrap of paper and ran off
for the exit.

John found two more guards as he turned the corner of a hallway, and dispatched them quickly
with his pistol, one of the bullets ricocheting off into the corridor. He acquired some sort of
identification card from the guard, different from one he had found earlier when outside the waterfall.
John reached an intersection of two different hallways, and then he heard a familiar voice, with that
same strange accent: So where do you think youre running off to?

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