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Pijmac zkouky na V

1. He soon realised that his girlfriends only interest as!!! his money.
a" to
#" a#out
c" ith
d" in
$. !!! of this land #elongs to my grandfather.
a" % good many
#" &e'eral
c" % good deal
d" (e
). * +romise that * !!!!! to ork on time e'ery morning in future.
a" ill get
#" am getting
c" get
d" ould get
,. -hey turned don the music !!! to ake the children.
a" so as not
#" to a'oid
c" so that not
d" to +re'ent
.. *t as !!! nice of you to carry my suitcase. -hank you 'ery much.
a" too
#" such
c" ho
d" so
/. -he headmasters secretary finally let us !!! his office.
a" to enter
#" to +ass in
c" to come into
d" into
0. -he cleaner !!! is aiting outside.
a" a#out ho * s+oke
#" * s+oke a#out him
c" * s+oke a#out
d" a#out hom * s+oke of
1. *ts my !!! to anser the +hone and +ass any messages on to the right
a" orking
#" +ost
c" jo#
d" em+loyment
2. 3arol knos a lot a#out films. &he !!! to the cinema a lot.
a" should go
#" must go
c" cant go
d" mustnt go
14. %s the #oys ere still hungry5 they told the teacher they !!! enough
#reakfast that morning.
a" had not
#" ha'e not had
c" ere not ha'ing
d" had not had
11. %s long as e !!! to the foot+ath5 e ont get lost.
a" kee+
#" ill kee+
c" ould kee+
d" ke+t
1$. 6ither 7anet !!! 8ary could ha'e taken the message.
a" and
#" else
c" or
d" also
1). *t costs more to #uy a house these days than !!! #efore.
a" alays
#" ne'er
c" e'er
d" since
1,. He ill e9+lain it to you hen he !!! #ack.
a" comes
#" ill come
c" ill ha'e come
d" ould come
1.. *t !!! me three hours to do all the homeork.
a" anted
#" needed
c" lasted
d" took
1/. * am not sure !!! the green coat is.
a" hos
#" ho
c" hose
d" hom
10. * !!! #e delighted to sho you round the factory.
a" ought
#" ould
c" might
d" intend to
11. !!! him #usy in his garage5 * said * ould call again later.
a" -o find
#" :hen found
c" (inding
d" %s finding
12. -he children !!! #etter lea'e no5 its getting late.
a" should
#" had
c" ould
d" ought
$4. *t as a great +ity5 #ut e could do !!! at all to hel+ the man.
a" none
#" nothing
c" not
d" anything
$1. Her o+inion is the same !!! her mothers.
a" as
#" than
c" like
d" nearly
$$. Please can you gi'e me !!! more of that lo'ely chocolate cake;
a" se'eral
#" little
c" a little
d" many
$). *t is 'ery dark and he !!! here he is going.
a" cant a#le to see
#" ill a#le not to see
c" ont #e a#le to see
d" ont a#le to see
$,. %s soon as * came in5 she !!! the room.
a" as lea'ing
#" left
c" had #een lea'ing
d" has left
$.. He !!! to see us if he had #een a#le to.
a" had come
#" ould ha'e come
c" is coming
d" came
$/. < *m terri#ly sorry a#out it. < < !!! .<
a" =oure elcome
#" >ont s+eak a#out it
c" >ont orry a#out it
d" :hy not
$0. &tudents are not +ermitted !!! in this college.
a" to smoke
#" to smoking
c" smoking
d" smoke
$1. !!! hard e tried5 e couldnt find the solution.
a" Hoe'er
#" 6'en though
c" &o
d" :hen
$2. >ont listen to him !!! much he com+lains.
a" hoe'er
#" hate'er
c" hy
d" ho
)4. ?ur indos !!! this afternoon.
a" cleaned
#" ill #e cleaned
c" ill clean
d" are cleaning
)1. @o#odys accusing you !!! the atch.
a" from stealing
#" ith stealing
c" to steal
d" of stealing
)$. *f only you !!! the truth hen there as still time.
a" told
#" tell
c" ould tell
d" had told
)). -he king +romised !!! some money.
a" gi'ing him
#" to gi'e him
c" gi'e him
d" him gi'e
),. =oud #etter !!! #y air.
a" go
#" to go
c" ent
d" going
).. <&hall e !!! a short alk #efore lunch;<5 the old man suggested.
a" go for
#" go in for
c" go at
d" go though
)/. % guard is ne'er !!! the gates of the +alace.
a" far from
#" aay
c" distant
d" far aay
)0. * used to !!! meat5 #ut no *m a 'egeterian.
a" eat
#" eating
c" ate
d" #e eaten
)1. * !!! sa 8ichal to years ago.
a" last
#" last time
c" the last time
d" lastly
)2. -hey !!! e'ery eekend at their cottage in the country.
a" go
#" 'isit
c" s+end
d" de+art
,4. -he +resident !!! his intention to retire #efore the ne9t elections.
a" announced
#" told
c" informed
d" +romised
,1. *f it !!! too much trou#le5 *d lo'e a cu+ of coffee.
a" hadnt #een
#" as
c" erent
d" may not #e
,$. -he house !!! had fe sur+rise for 8r. Aolton.
a" #y its on
#" as itself
c" for itself
d" itself
,). * dont like tea5 so * !!! coffee for #reakfast.
a" generally drink
#" am generally drinking
c" as generally drinking
d" had generally drunk
,,. -he President !!! a onderful s+eech.
a" did
#" made
c" said
d" told
,.. -om5 you ha'ent got a #icycle +um+5 !!!;
a" dont you
#" ha'ent you
c" do you
d" ha'e you
,/. -heres milk all o'er the kitchen floor #ecause my ife !!! the jug.
a" has #roken
#" is #reaking
c" #reaks
d" as #reaking
,0. 3ould you +lease +ass me !!! #ook lying on the ta#le;
a" such
#" B
c" the
d" these
,1. 3limate is 'ery im+ortant in !!! +eo+les li'es.
a" most of
#" most
c" the most
d" the
,2. He looked forard to !!! his first +ay +acket.
a" recei'e
#" ha'e recei'ed
c" #e recei'ing
d" recei'ing
.4. :e ha'e alays had to take !!! e9tra staff at 3hristmas.
a" u+
#" for
c" on
d" to
.1. *t is said that 3hinese is +erha+s the orlds !!! language to master.
a" harder
#" hardest
c" more hard
d" hard
.$. 6nglish is Cuite difficult #ecause of all the e9ce+tions !!! ha'e to #e
a" ho
#" hich
c" hat
d" hose
.). =ou can learn the #asic structures of a language Cuite Cuickly5 #ut
only if you !!! make an effort.
a" are anting
#" ill to
c" are illing to
d" ant
.,. *n some countries students ha'e to s+end a lot of time orking !!!
their on.
a" on
#" #y
c" in
d" at
... -here arent !!! easy ays of learning a foreign language in your on
a" no
#" any
c" some
d" none
./. &ome +eo+le try to im+ro'e their 6nglish #y !!! the AA3 :orld ser'ice.
a" hearing
#" listening
c" listening to
d" listen to
.0. *ts no use !!! to learn a language just #y studying a dictionary.
a" to try
#" trying
c" in trying
d" you try
.1. 3harles :alker is a teacher at a com+rehensi'e school in @orich. He
!!! the staff of the school in 1201.
a" has joined
#" joined
c" joins
d" joining
.2. He !!! there e'er since.
a" has #een orking
#" orked
c" orks
d" is orking
/4. Aefore !!! to @orich he taught in *taly.
a" mo'e
#" mo'ing
c" to mo'e
d" ha'e mo'ed
/1. He met his ife in 121$ hile he !!! a#road for a hile5 and they got
married in 121/.
a" as to li'e
#" as li'ing
c" had #een li'ing
d" is li'ing
/$. -he :alkers #oy5 !!! is four has just started going to a nursery
a" he
#" him
c" hich
d" ho
/). 3harles and Date :alker !!! to li'e in the country.
a" are used
#" use
c" used
d" using
/,. @o they !!! to the city.
a" ha'e mo'ed
#" mo'ed
c" mo'e
d" mo'es
/.. 3harles anted a house near the school !!! to get to ork easily.
a" for
#" until
c" as
d" in order
//. 7ohns coming to see you5 !!! he;
a" hasnt
#" asnt
c" doesnt
d" isnt
/0. He is due to arri'e tomorro5 !!! he;
a" ont
#" isnt
c" ill
d" shall
/1. -oms mother doesnt !!! eating #eteen meals.
a" a++ro'e
#" agree
c" acce+t
d" let
/2. *'e got a !!! in my #ack.
a" +ain
#" disease
c" hurt
d" ache
04. -he !!! from Eondon to Aristol takes to hours #y car.
a" journey
#" dri'ing
c" 'oyage
d" ay
01. 3ould you !!! me some money until tomoro;
a" #orro
#" let
c" lend
d" lent
0$. &he has a 'ery good jo#. * am sure she !!! o'er tenty thousand +ounds.
a" gains
#" earns
c" ins
d" does
0). Patience is a kind of card !!! .
a" +lay
#" game
c" act
0,. :hile * as skiing5 * !!! and #roke my rist.
a" fell
#" felt
c" fallen
0.. %re you sure he is !!! the truth;
a" saying
#" talking
c" telling
0/. Fse your time sensi#ily. >ont !!! it.
a" lose
#" s+end
c" aste
00. 7um+ in the car. -here is enough !!! for you.
a" room
#" +lace
c" seat
01. He as homesick5 and !!! all his friends and family.
a" missed
#" desired
c" lost
02. =ou fail the e9am !!! you start re'ising.
a" if
#" hen
c" unless
14. *t as such a funny sight that e couldnt sto+ !!! .
a" laugh
#" laughing
c" to laughing
11. :e didnt ha'e a 'ery nice holiday. -he eather as !!! aful.
a" a#solutely
#" terri#ly
c" com+lete
1$. *f you !!! careful ith electricity5 you might get a shock.
a" dont
#" ont
c" arent
1). :hen he !!! all the letters5 he took them to the +ost office.
a" had ritten
#" has ritten
c" had #een riting
1,. -hank you for the in'itation. :hat time ould you like !!! ;
a" us to come
#" that e come
c" e to come
1.. *f * !!! the trick ith my on eyes5 * ould ha'e ne'er #elie'ed it
a" ouldnt ha'e seen
#" didnt see
c" hadnt seen
1/. =ou ought to #uy a grey coat to go !!! your hat.
a" to
#" at
c" ith
10. &oon * found !!! that he is 'ery silly.
a" in
#" out
c" o'er
11. -hese children are ell #rought !!! .
a" out
#" in
c" u+
12. -he holidays are !!! .
a" o'er
#" u+
c" out
24. He li'ed there until this s+ring #ut he !!! there since.
a" hasnt li'ed
#" didnt li'e
c" asnt li'e
21. :e !!! this #ook since last 7anuary.
a" read
#" ha'e #een reading
c" are reading
2$. He made me !!! it all o'er again.
a" do
#" to do
c" did
2). Go#ert anted to kno here !!! .
a" as his luggage
#" his luggage as
c" is his luggage
2,. * !!! them for ten years.
a" kne
#" ha'e #een knoing
c" ha'e knon
2.. Aefore he came to Eondon5 he !!! in Prague.
a" has #een li'ing
#" had #een li'ing
c" has li'ed
2/. -he lake as too !!! for simming.
a" shallo
#" em+ty
c" lo
20. He +romised he ould !!! the garden.
a" look out
#" o'erlook
c" look after
21. &he s+ends a lot of money !!! clothes.
a" on
#" ith
c" to
22. He as delighted !!! the suggestion to go for lunch.
a" in
#" ith
c" to
144. Ho long ha'e you #een looking !!! the lost um#rella;
a" after
#" on
c" for
141. % soldier has to learn to carry !!! orders as soon as they are gi'en.
a" out
#" through
c" on
d" off
14$. -his time tomorro *ll #e !!! to %ustralia.
a" flight
#" to fly
c" fle
d" flying
14). *d like !!! information a#out trains5 +lease.
a" an
#" a fe
c" se'eral
d" some
14,. ?h5 *m tired. * ish * !!! to #ed earlier last night.
a" ould ha'e gone
#" had gone
c" ent
d" could go
14.. 8y father ould ha'e died if the doctors !!! on him.
a" o+erated
#" hadnt o+erated
c" ouldnt o+erate
d" didnt o+erate
14/. Eook !!! H -heres a car comingH
a" for
#" out
c" after
d" through
140. :e thoroughly enjoyed our holiday !!! the +oor eather.
a" although
#" e'en
c" des+ite
d" in s+ite
141. =ou cant make any#ody !!! youH
a" lo'e
#" should lo'e
c" lo'ing
d" to lo'e
142. *f the greengrocer has some #ananas !!! #uy some +lease;
a" you should
#" ould you
c" you ill
d" shall you
114. * cant afford !!! a ne dress.
a" #uying her
#" to #uy her
c" her #uy
d" #uying
111. =ou'e ne'er told me !!! your real o+inion is.
a" that
#" hat
c" ho
d" hich
11$. He used to 'isit us e'ery eek #ut he !!! no.
a" has rarely come
#" rarely comes
c" rarely came
d" is rarely coming
11). Hed rather look for a different jo# than mo'e to another city5 !!!;
a" doesnt he
#" isnt he
c" hadnt he
d" ouldnt he
11,. &usan !!! 'isits her grandmother e'ery :ednesday.
a" often
#" usually
c" e'er
d" sometimes
11.. 1..-hey !!! to see me hile * as ha'ing su++er.
a" are calling
#" called
c" ere calling
d" call
11/. -he landlord ouldnt allo !!! the doors +ur+le.
a" him +aint
#" to #e +ainted
c" him to +aint
d" to +aint
110. @othing is rong5 !!!;
a" isnt it
#" can it
c" is it
d" cant #e
111. =ou smell afulH *ts a#out time for you !!! a #ath.
a" ha'e
#" to ha'e
c" had
d" ill ha'e
112. He ga'e me a useful !!! on that matter.
a" ad'ice
#" information
c" informations
d" a #it of information
1$4. 8rs. Ireens to sons are !!! good +rogress at school.
a" finding
#" causing
c" making
d" doing
1$1. :hile studying he as financially de+endent !!! his ife.
a" on
#" to
c" of
d" from
1$$. Peter enjoys !!! #ut doesnt like to alk 'ery far.
a" he sims
#" to sim
c" in simming
d" simming
1$). !!! you'e asked me hy * ent there 5 *ll tell you.
a" -hat
#" %s
c" %lthought
d" :hat
1$,. :ait !!! the films o'er #efore telling me hat you think of it.
a" until
#" #efore
c" for
d" to
1$.. =oull ha'e to get !!!!!! less if you ant to lose eight.
a" eating
#" used to eating
c" not to eat
d" used to eat
1$/. 3an you tell me the !!! of these shoes;
a" charge
#" amount
c" +rice
d" e9+ense
1$0. *f you !!! a ghost5 ho ould you react;
a" see
#" sa
c" ould see
d" ill see
1$1. He found learning to dri'e easy and !!! his dri'ing test the 'ery
first time.
a" sat
#" succeeded
c" +assed
d" made
1$2. *f you take the third turning !!! your right5 youll see the station
ahead of you.
a" in
#" on
c" at
d" #y
1)4. :e ne'er had !!! good eather hen e ere on holiday.
a" such a
#" such
c" so
d" so a
1)1. *t #ecame clear that * asnt going to enjoy the +arty hen * realised
that there as hardly !!! there that * kne.
a" anyone
#" a #ody
c" someone
d" noBone
1)$. He !!! me to take a layer to court ith me.
a" suggested
#" threatened
c" ad'ised
d" insisted
1)). &he seems 'ery confident #ut you !!! ne'er judge #y a++earances.
a" could
#" should
c" might
d" ought
1),. Eack of funds +re'ented him !!! ith his studies.
a" to continue
#" continue
c" from continuing
d" ith continuing
1).. !!! the time you get to the theatre5 the +lay ill ha'e finished.
a" Fntil
#" Ay
c" *n
d" ?n
1)/. :hen * +assed his house5 * sa he !!! the car.
a" cleaned
#" cleans
c" as cleaning
d" is cleaning
1)0. Einda is married !!! an %merican.
a" to
#" ith
c" #y
d" in
1)1. Vera !!! at the su+ermarket this morning. * didnt see her there.
a" mustnt ha'e #een
#" cant ha'e #een
c" ought to #e
d" must #e
1)2. Peter cant s+eak >anish. <!!!<
a" Aut * can.
#" &o cant *
c" @either cant *
d" @or s+eak *
1,4. -his is !!! the most difficult jo# *'e e'er had to do.
a" #y far
#" #y chance
c" #y heart
d" #y myself
1,1. * recently ent #ack to the ton !!! * as #orn.
a" hich
#" that
c" hereas
d" here
1,$. -here as !!! food at the +arty for e'eryone to ha'e some.
a" too much
#" a lot
c" +lenty
d" enough
1,). *s 3hris !!! Date;
a" taller than
#" so tall as
c" taller as
d" as tall as
1,,. He !!! li'ing there for three years #efore they found him.
a" has #een
#" might #e
c" had #een
d" could #e
1,.. -he ne edition of that #ook !!! .
a" no +rints
#" +rints
c" is no +rinting
d" is no #eing +rinted
1,/. *f you !!! the red hat5 *ll #e a#le to see you in the crod.
a" dont ear
#" ear
c" ont ear
d" earing
1,0. *n %rctic and %ntarctic !!! a lot of sno.
a" there is
#" it is
c" it has
d" are
1,1. @o#ody !!! to see me so far today5 #ut my mother may come this
a" comes
#" is coming
c" had come
d" has come
1,2. Auses into ton run !!! tenty minutes or so.
a" all
#" each
c" some
d" e'ery
1.4. >ont hurry #ecause theres !!! time.
a" +lenty
#" +lenty of
c" a +lenty
d" a +lenty of
1.1. -he most +o+ular s+orting acti'ity in Aritain is !!! alking.
a" a
#" the
c" B
d" +lenty
1.$. =ou really #elie'e !!! ghosts5 dont you;
a" a#out
#" of
c" to
d" in
1.). !!! you yesterday not to touch that dogH
a" Ha'ent
#" Hasnt
c" %rent
d" >idnt * tell
1.,. -heres no need to goJ you can stay !!! you like.
a" as far as
#" as long as
c" as if
d" as soon as
1... * ont go to the cinema this eek. <!!!!!!<
a" @either * ill
#" @either ill *
c" @or ill *
d" @or * ill go
1./. Hed rather !!! to +rison than +ay the fine.
a" to go
#" go
c" going
d" should go
1.0. !!! of the sho+5 my friend Goger ent in.
a" 3oming out
#" :hen coming out
c" %s * came out
d" ?n coming out
1.1. He !!! three cu+s of tea since four oclock.
a" has drunk
#" ill drink
c" has #een drinking
d" is drinking
1.2. Ha'e you any o#jection !!! this ne road scheme;
a" at
#" to
c" for
d" ith
1/4. :e'e ke+t this seat for you. *ts !!! comforta#le chair e ha'e.
a" the more
#" the most
c" the 'ery much
d" much too
1/1. Io to the lost +ro+erty office if you !!! your #ag.
a" ill ha'e lost
#" lose
c" loose
d" ill lose
1/$. :hy did he s+end so !!! money;
a" more
#" much
c" a lot
d" fe
1/). * !!!!!! after ele'en oclock.
a" do ne'er ork
#" ha'e #een ne'er orking
c" am ne'er going to ork
d" ne'er orking
1/,. !!!!!! attended the meeting.
a" 6ither %nn nor 8ary
#" @either %nn nor 8ary
c" @either %nn or 8ary
d" %nn and 8ary either
1/.. -he +olice are certain to get him in the end !!! he may go.
a" here
#" here'er
c" hate'er
d" hen
1//. -he doctor sent him to #ed saying he as much !!! to go to ork.
a" too ill
#" 'ery ill
c" ill
d" ill enough
1/0. * ish * !!! s+eak (rench fluently.
a" could
#" can
c" ould
d" should
1/1. &he !!! #een at home at the time #ecause Peter sa her in ton.
a" mustnt ha'e
#" cant ha'e
c" shouldnt ha'e
d" hadnt ha'e
1/2. 8y +arents got u+ 'ery early this morning !!! +ack the car for our
a" in order to
#" so that
c" #ecause
d" in case
104. &he #roke a !!! hile she as ashing u+.
a" glass of ine
#" glass for ine
c" ine glass
d" glass ine
101. >ont tell 7ohn #ecause * dont ant !!!
a" him to kno
#" him kno
c" kno
d" knoing
10$. Hi &imon. &omething !!! nice and *m hungry.
a" smelled
#" smelling
c" smell
d" smells
10). *t as a +oor game. :e had ne'er #efore +layed !!! hea'y rain.
a" in a such
#" in such
c" in so
d" in so a
10,. He made us !!! all the #roken glass.
a" +ick u+
#" to +ick u+
c" +icking u+
d" +icked u+
10.. *s there any milk in that jug; @ot !!! .
a" none
#" much
c" many
d" some
10/. -he #atteries in this radio need !!! .
a" changed
#" to change
c" changing
d" #e changed
100. -he doctor !!! said he had malaria.
a" hom he ent
#" that he ent to
c" to that he ent
d" to hom he ent to
101. %re you the #oy !!! #icycle as stolen;
a" ho is
#" of hich the
c" hose
d" his
102. -he jo# as more difficult than * !!! e9+ected to #e.
a" ould
#" had
c" ha'e
d" might
114. !!! of them understood him.
a" @one
#" @o one
c" %nyone
d" &omeone
111. -here as no !!! in aiting longer than half an hour so e left.
a" use
#" reason
c" +oint
d" orth
11$. * do my #est to +ractise the +iano e'ery day !!! it is difficult
a" e'en
#" hen
c" although
d" also
11). -he team lost their last foot#all !!!of the season.
a" contest
#" match
c" set
d" +lay
11,. Hes certainly !!! a lot of eight since * last sa him.
a" taken on
#" +ut u+
c" +ut on
d" taken u+
11.. *f the Gussian inter had not #een so se'er5 @a+oleon !!! more success
in 111$.
a" had
#" might ha'e had
c" had had
d" might ha'e
11/. Very little time !!!!!! to finish the ork if e had had the right
a" needs
#" had needed
c" ould ha'e #een needed
d" as needed
110. -his et eather has lasted for three eeks noJ !!! rained e'ery
single day.
a" it has
#" there has
c" there as
d" it as
111. -he !!! ere told to fasten their seat #elts as the +lane #egan its
a" customers
#" +assengers
c" flyers
d" riders
112. Please remem#er !!! the letter.
a" to +ost
#" must +ost
c" +ost
d" +osting
124. He is 'ery much looking !!! 'isiting your country.
a" forard to
#" through
c" u+
d" after
121. *ll +hone you as soon as * !!! .
a" ill arri'e
#" arri'ed
c" arri'ing
d" arri'e
12$. (rank li'es alone. He doesnt mind it. He !!! alone.
a" used to
#" used to li'ing
c" is used to li'e
d" is used to li'ing
12). -om ould #uy a ne camera if he !!! enough money.
a" had
#" has
c" ould ha'e
d" had had
12,. * !!! meet her e'ery day.
a" liked
#" am not a#le
c" used to
d" anted
12.. =ou cant #lame me !!! hat ha++ened.
a" of
#" on
c" in
d" for
12/. *f she !!! alays ant to #orro money *d 'isit her more often.
a" couldnt
#" didnt
c" hadnt
d" shouldnt
120. =our 6nglish is so good no that you'e got a 'ery good !!! of +assing
the e9am.
a" chance
#" result
c" occasion
d" luck
121. :hat 7ohn says !!! true #ut * 'ery much dou#t it.
a" is
#" ought #e
c" shall #e
d" may #e
122. ?ur 6nglish teacher !!! all the #ooks last (riday e'ening.
a" has corrected
#" ill correct
c" correctting
d" corrected
$44. &he knos that *'e sold this house5 !!!;
a" isnt it
#" doesnt she
c" ha'ent *
d" hasnt she
$41. !!!oil or #utter hen you cook it;
a" >id you use
#" Ha'e you used
c" >o you use
d" :ere you using
$4$. :e !!! #ooked the seatsK the theatre is em+ty anyay.
a" cant ha'e
#" couldnt ha'e
c" mightnt ha'e
d" neednt ha'e
$4). -hey ont #uy any clothes #ecause they !!! money to #uy a car.
a" sa'e
#" sa'ing
c" ere sa'ing
d" are sa'ing
$4,. * !!! #y train for longer than * cant remem#er.
a" dont tra'el
#" ha'ent tra'elled
c" asnt tra'elling
d" am not tra'elling
$4.. -hey !!! him L1.4 for s+eeding and o'ertaking on the rong side of the
a" ere fined
#" fined
c" found
d" ere found
$4/. * dont feel ell5 #ut * dont kno hats the matter !!! me.
a" of
#" ith
c" for
d" to
$40. 8icrotechnology is mo'ing so fast that hardly !!! can kee+ u+ ith it
a" no#ody
#" some#ody
c" any#ody
d" no one
$41. * ish it !!! sto+ raining.
a" ould
#" had to
c" did
d" might
$42. -he artist !!! orks made the greatest im+ression on him as
a" hich
#" hose
c" hom
d" ho
$14. He knos a lot a#out flying +lanes. He !!!!!! a +ilot hen he as
a" couldnt ha'e #een
#" must ha'e #een
c" must #e
d" might #e
$11. *f you #ring it tonight5 * !!! it for you.
a" ha'e mended
#" ill mend
c" mended
d" ill ha'e mended
$1$. &ally cant ha'e ritten to me5 or !!! the letter #y no.
a" *ll get
#" *d get
c" *ll ha'e got
d" *d ha'e got
$1). !!! me or arent you;
a" :ill you hel+
#" Ha'e you hel+ed
c" %re you going to hel+
d" :ill you #e hel+ing
$1,. Her father ont !!! her dri'e his car.
a" allo
#" let
c" lea'e
d" +ermit
$1.. *m tired of my neigh#ours !!! their records at full 'olume e'ery
a" to +lay
#" +laying
c" +lay
d" ha'ing +layed
$1/. His +arents think its time he !!! married.
a" ill get
#" gets
c" ould get
d" got
$10. *f * !!! so tired5 *d come out ith you.
a" ouldnt feel
#" felt
c" didnt feel
d" fell
$11. -en years ago today * !!! in the &udan.
a" ha'e li'ed
#" as li'ing
c" li'e
d" ha'e #een li'ing
$12. He likes to go for a holiday !!! his ife.
a" ithout
#" less
c" e9ce+t
d" unless
$$4. >o you ant !!! ith you or do you ant to go alone;
a" me coming
#" that * come
c" me to come
d" that * ill come
$$1. *t looks like rain and *'e !!! my um#rella at home again.
a" left
#" forgotten
c" let
d" missed
$$$. :hat !!!!!! since you arri'ed;
a" are you doing
#" do you do
c" ill you do
d" ha'e you #een doing
$$). >o come !!! instead of standing there on the doorste+ in the rain.
a" into
#" in
c" to
d" #y
$$,. -he fact is5 doctor5 * cannot !!! this dreadful cough.
a" get rid of
#" get out of
c" get don to
d" get round to
$$.. :hen she got to the hotel5 she found she !!!!!! of all her money.
a" is ro##ed
#" had #een ro##ed
c" has #een ro##ed
d" to #e ro##ed
$$/. * ork !!! * can.
a" as hardly as
#" more hardly than
c" as hard as
d" so hardly as
$$0. !!! me to +hone the dentist this afternoon.
a" >ont forget
#" Gemind
c" @ote
d" Gemem#er
$$1. -he tourists are looking for holiday sou'enirs to !!! home ith them.
a" get
#" take
c" go
d" take aay
$$2. He #orroed a dictionary !!! me #ut he has ne'er returned it.
a" for
#" from
c" to
d" of
$)4. =ou are asked !!! hile alking round the #uilding.
a" not to talk
#" not talk
c" not talking
d" not talk to me
$)1. He doesnt think shell lend us the car5 and !!!!!!
a" neither do *
#" either do *
c" nor * do
d" nor me
$)$. He as offered the jo# !!! his Cualifications ere +oor.
a" des+ite
#" in s+ite
c" e'en though
d" hereas
$)). -he old lady !!! is 7anets grandmother.
a" you talked
#" you talked to
c" you talked to her
d" hich you talked
$),. 7acks a++lied for the jo#5 !!! ;
a" did he
#" didnt he
c" hasnt he
d" isnt he
$).. !!! is a 'ery good allBround e9ercise.
a" % sim
#" &imming
c" -o sim
d" -o simming
$)/. < &hall e eat no; < B < :ell5 *d rather !!! a #it later. <
a" to eat
#" * eat
c" eat
d" ha'e to eat
$)0. He as #ra'eJ no !!! soldier fought so #ra'ely in that #attle.
a" other
#" no others
c" no another
d" none others
$)1. =ou !!! a +rogress since &e+tem#er.
a" ha'e done
#" ha'e made
c" did a
d" made a
$)2. *m not ashamed !!! hat * did.
a" of
#" at
c" #y
d" ith
$,4. *f you are rude to customers they are !!! to come #ack.
a" unlikely
#" inca+a#le
c" im+ro#a#le
d" im+ossi#le
$,1. -here are many +eo+le looking for ork #ut !!! jo# 'acancies.
a" little
#" a fe
c" hardly
d" fe
$,$. !!! result 5 they ne'er ent there again.
a" (or
#" &o
c" Ay
d" %s
$,). -here arent !!! many #ooks in the li#rary as used to #e.
a" so
#" Cuite
c" rather
d" such
$,,. He !!! his friend to go cam+ing ith him.
a" attracted
#" a++ealed
c" suggested
d" +ersuaded
$,.. -here asnt !!!!!! nes in this letter.
a" a great many
#" hardly any
c" a large num#er of
d" a great deal of
$,/. * +aid L1 for my seat5 !!! * thought it ould cost.
a" less as
#" not so much as
c" not so much
d" not so many
$,0. * ha'e !!! money in my +ocket.
a" some
#" many
c" none
d" a
$,1. 8y +urse !!!H
a" has stolen
#" stolen
c" has #een steeling
d" has #een stolen
$,2. @o#ody looks !!! the eekend as much as * do.
a" into
#" after
c" during
d" forard to
$.4. Ay the time you !!! #ack5 e'erything ill #e ready.
a" ill come
#" come
c" comes
d" came
$.1. :ho #ecame !!! head of the Ierman section;
a" B
#" a
c" the
d" an
$.$. 3hristo+her +romised he ould hel+ me until he !!! #ack.
a" ill come
#" ould come
c" comes
d" came
$.). ?ne of her !!! #ought three ne dresses at the sale.
a" friend
#" friends
c" friends
d" friends
$.,. *n !!! no child should sit at a desk for more than ,4 hours a eek.
a" idea
#" thought
c" +oint of 'ie
d" o+inion
$... He !!! us he failed his school lea'ing e9am last eek.
a" did not tell
#" has not told
c" told
d" had not told
$./. >ont get artificial silk B e must ha'e real !!! .
a" one
#" silk
c" ones
d" silk one
$.0. *m sorry5 *m late this morningJ my alarm didnt go !!! .
a" off
#" u+
c" on
d" round
$.1. * ish * !!! him. * ould ha'e told him.
a" had seen
#" ould see
c" ha'e seen
d" sa
$.2. * found a fe #ooks on *taly for you #ut not !!! * as looking for.
a" the
#" the ones
c" ones
d" it
$/4. 7ane as used to !!! u+ early.
a" to get
#" getting
c" get
d" got
$/1. 3an you gi'e me !!! light;
a" a
#" the
c" B
d" an
$/$. !!! it as 'ery late in the e'ening5 a large num#er of students turned
u+ for Professor Dleins lecture.
a" *n s+ite of
#" %lthough
c" Hoe'er
d" %nyay
$/). *f * !!! the #ook last eek5 * could s+eak a#out it no.
a" as reading
#" ha'e read
c" read
d" had read
$/,. 7ohn and * #orro !!! notes.
a" each other
#" each others
c" one another
d" one anothers
$/.. -his is the dog !!! folloed me all o'er the Eake >istrict.
a" ho
#" that
c" here
d" hat
$//. -he day she as elected5 the Prime 8inister !!! to reduce inflation.
a" +ro+osed
#" claimed
c" +romised
d" threatened
$/0. (ather +ut the #ottle aay !!! it.
a" in order children not to #reak
#" in order children not #reaking
c" so that children should not #reak
d" so that children not #reaking
$/1. *t as !!! you to come.
a" ell of
#" good of
c" good from
d" ell from
$/2. 7ames used !!! e'ery e'ening.
a" to read
#" to reading
c" reading
d" reads
$04. %ll your !!! on the rack.
a" luggage are
#" luggages are
c" luggage is
d" luggages is
$01. :hen 3harles orked as a aiter he got +aid !!! the hour.
a" #y
#" at
c" according to
d" e'ery
$0$. @o#ody else has seen the film5 !!! ;
a" has she
#" hasnt she
c" ha'e they
d" has he
$0). He came ith three +ieces of information. %ll !!! nonsense.
a" information ere
#" information as
c" informations ere
d" informations as
$0,. He has to #ring to te9t#ooks !!! .
a" &o does she.
#" &o must she.
c" &o has she.
d" @either has she.
$0.. !!! last guest to arri'e as Peter.
a" a
#" the
c" B
d" an
$0/. :here * ork the +ays not #ad #ut the !!! are aful.
a" circumstances
#" situations
c" conditions
d" treatments
$00. % lot of students of 6nglish !!! study grammar.
a" ould not rather
#" ould rather not
c" ould rather not to
d" ould not rather to
$01. Arenda and Gichard !!! the keys just no.
a" are losing
#" lost
c" ha'e lost
d" has lost
$02. %re you going to attend a course in !!! linguistics;
a" the
#" B
c" a
d" an
$14. Ho long is your journey; * did not kno ho long !!!
a" it as
#" as it
c" it is
d" is it
$11. !!! of us are you aiting for;
a" :hich
#" :hat
c" :hy
d" :ho
$1$. :hich !!! do you +referK maths or +hysics;
a" matter
#" material
c" su#ject
d" argument
$1). %ll Cuarrels !!! omen ent home.
a" sto++ing
#" ha'ing #een sto++ed
c" ha'ing sto++ed
d" #eing sto++ed
$1,. -here is only one #oy here. :here are all !!! ;
a" others
#" anothers
c" the others
d" the other
$1.. :hen he !!! smoking5 he ill #e more healthy.
a" ill sto+
#" sto+s
c" ould sto+
d" had sto++ed
$1/. !!! #rother is the more intelligent.
a" %n elder
#" 6lder
c" -he elder
d" % elder
$10. He !!! me not to go clim#ing if it as raining.
a" arned
#" threatened
c" suggested
d" +ro+osed
$11. He told me she !!! &usan a#out the tri+.
a" ask
#" ould ask
c" asks
d" ill ask
$12. -here are some fishermen !!! * met hen * as in &outh (rance.
a" ho
#" hich
c" here
d" hose
$24. :e agreed e ould not talk a#out those things until e !!! all the
a" ha'e studied
#" had studied
c" ill ha'e studied
d" ould ha'e studied
$21. * did not kno hether they !!! in front of the cinema.
a" ill meet
#" ha'e met
c" meet
d" ould meet
$2$. 8ost students #orro !!! notes.
a" one another
#" each other
c" one others
d" one anothers
$2). * !!! here for / years. 8y address is ArnMnskN 10/.
a" ha'e #een li'ing
#" ha'e li'ed
c" am li'ing
d" li'e
$2,. He recei'ed !!! share of the +rize money.
a" lions
#" lion
c" the lion
d" the lions
$2.. =ou shouldnt #elie'e e'erything you read !!! the +a+erH
a" on
#" of
c" from
d" in
$2/. >id e tell you he !!! his studies last year;
a" has finished
#" had finished
c" finished
d" as finishing
$20. !!! turkey doesnt come from -urkey.
a" %
#" -he
c" -hese
d" %n
$21. *t is the first time * !!! hat hard ork it is to #e good at s+orts.
a" realize
#" realise
c" had realised
d" ha'e realised
$22. >o not !!! a fool of yourselfH
a" do
#" do out
c" make out
d" make
)44. *t is no use !!! to find the luggage.
a" they tried
#" trying
c" to try
d" they ere trying
)41. *m looking forard !!! you hen you come to the conference ne9t eek.
a" to see
#" seeing
c" to seeing
d" for seeing
)4$. &he as looking for her song #ook #ut the one she found asnt !!!
a" her
#" of her
c" herself
d" hers
)4). :hy did you run across the road; =ou !!! ha'e #een killedH
a" can
#" ould
c" must
d" might
)4,. Ho long !!! in Prague; *t must #e ten years ne9t summerH
a" did e li'e
#" ha'e e li'ed
c" do e li'e
d" are e li'ing
)4.. Penicillin !!! in 12$1.
a" they disco'ered
#" as disco'ered
c" has #een disco'ered
d" disco'ered
)4/. !!! he is intelligent5 he doesnt do ell at school.
a" @o matter ho
#" %lthough
c" >es+ite
d" *n s+ite of
)40. Please !!! the coat5 its Cuite arm in here.
a" take don
#" +ut on
c" take off
d" try on
)41. (inally she as made !!! that it as her fault.
a" to acce+t
#" acce+t
c" acce+ting
d" acce+ted
)42. !!! of the to foot#all teams scored a goal5 so the final result as
a" @o one
#" @one
c" @either
d" @ot any
)14. <Ha'e you in'ited 8ary and 7ohn;< B <?h5 * forgotH * !!! them
a" ll in'ite
#" m going to in'ite
c" m in'iting
d" in'ite
)11. !!! at the moment 5 *ll go to the sho+s.
a" %s it doesnt rain
#" %s it isnt raining
c" (or it doesnt rain
d" (or it isnt raining
)1$. &he looks !!! .
a" +leasantly
#" +leasant
c" that shes +leasantly
d" to #e +leasant
)1). He didnt kno !!! or go home.
a" if to ait
#" to ait
c" hether to ait
d" if that he should ait
)1,. * ish * !!! suggest something more suita#le5 #ut this is all e ha'e.
a" should
#" could
c" can
d" ould
)1.. !!!!!! for her #irthday.
a" .4 +ounds they ere gi'en to her
#" &he as gi'en .4 +ounds
c" &he as #een gi'en .4 +ounds
d" -here ere gi'en to her .4 +ounds
)1/. * dont think e'e met #efore. =oure confusing me ith !!!
a" one other
#" other +erson
c" someone else
d" some other
)10. !!! o+en the door for you;
a" >o you ant that *
#" :ill *
c" &hall *
d" :ould you like that *
)11. He as a good runner so he !!! esca+e from the +olice.
a" as a#le to
#" succeeded to
c" could
d" might
)12. -hats the course of studies!!!!! .
a" *m interested in
#" hat *m interested
c" *m interested on
d" hat *m interested in
)$4. He came to the +arty5 !!!!!! he hadnt #een in'ited.
a" in case
#" e'en
c" although
d" in s+ite of
)$1. &he as sitting !!!!!! on the +ark #ench.
a" #y herself
#" only herself
c" for herself
d" in her on
)$$. :e ere in the station for at least half an hour5 aiting !!!!!!
a" for the train
#" the train to start
c" the trains
d" for the train to
)$). * !!!!!! you #efore no #ut *'e #een too #usy.
a" must ha'e rung
#" should ha'e rung
c" had to ring
d" ought to ring
)$,. 8y #oss ne'er gi'es me clear instructions. Aut you !!!!!! the same
+ro#lems ith yours5 too.
a" must ha'e
#" ha'e to ha'e
c" ought to ha'e
d" can ha'e
)$.. * ne'er e9+ected you to turn !!! at the meeting. * thought you ere
a" in
#" u+
c" around
d" on
)$/. &he as earing !!!!!! #eautiful clothes that * en'ied her.
a" a so
#" such a
c" so
d" such
)$0. * ish * !!! on the time the film started #efore e came out.
a" ould check
#" had checked
c" ould ha'e checked
d" ha'e checked
)$1. *ll ask the aiter for the #ill hen you !!!!!! your coffee.
a" ill ha'e finished
#" ill finish
c" ha'e finished
d" shall finish
)$2. -here as a suitcase !!! mine on the luggage rack.
a" like
#" as
c" similar than
d" the same that
))4. He reminds me !!! someone * kne in the army.
a" of
#" from
c" to
d" ith
))1. &ince my mother died5 my closest!!! is my cousin.
a" relati'e
#" +arent
c" +erson
d" related
))$. *f youre not too tired e could ha'e a !!! of tennis after lunch.
a" match
#" +lay
c" game
d" +arty
))). 7ames should ha'e stayed out of the sun as his skin is so !!! .
a" sensi#le
#" sensiti'e
c" insensi#le
d" senseless
)),. !!! the time you get to the theatre5 the +lay ill ha'e finished.
a" Fntil
#" *n
c" Ay
d" ?n
)).. 8y main !!! to the ne #y+ass is that it ill s+oil the countryside.
a" o#ject
#" o#jection
c" o#jecti'e
d" o#jecting
))/. *ts no use !!! a language if you dont try to s+eak it too.
a" to learn
#" learned
c" learning
d" learn
))0. &hell #e a millionaire #y the time she !!! forty.
a" is
#" as
c" ill #e
d" is going to #e
))1. * #ought this grammar #ook !!! * could go o'er all things e ha'e
studied this year.
a" that
#" so that
c" seeing that
d" so far as
))2. Aecause it had not rained for se'eral months5 there as a !!! of
a" shortage
#" dro+
c" scarce
d" aste
),4. %nn agreed to stay #ehindJ she as used to !!! late.
a" orking
#" ha'e orked
c" ork
d" #eing orked
),1. *m just as !!! as you are to make this com+any successful.
a" dedicated
#" serious
c" ilful
d" determined
),$. *'e got a 'ery high o+inion !!! your #rother.
a" on
#" to
c" for
d" of
),). -hough #adly damaged #y fire5 the +alace as e'entually !!! to its
original s+lendour.
a" re+aired
#" reneed
c" restored
d" reno'ated
),,. -o +re'ent flooding in inter the ater floing from the dam is
constantly !!! #y a com+uter.
a" managed
#" graded
c" monitored
d" conducted
),.. %lthough they are identical tins their teacher can easily !!! #eteen
a" identify
#" differ
c" select
d" distinguish
),/. * am ell !!! ith the +ro#lems encountered in starting a #usiness.
a" aare
#" informed
c" acCuainted
d" knoledgea#le
),0. *f +roduction in that factory e9ceeds the target5 the orkers get a
!!! .
a" #onus
#" gratuity
c" donation
d" su#sidy
),1. %fter a long and e9hausting journey5 they arri'ed home !!! .
a" finally
#" #y the end
c" at the end
d" at last
),2. * cannot #ear the noise of my #rothers radioJ it !!! me from my ork.
a" distur#s
#" +ertur#s
c" interru+ts
d" distracts
).4. -he :orld Aank has criticised Aritain for not gi'ing enough financial
!!! to de'elo+ing countries.
a" alloance
#" aid
c" loan
d" +ro'ision
P 1 B d P 01 B c P 1,1 B d P $11 B # P $11 B a P
P $ B c P 0$ B # P 1,$ B d P $1$ B # P $1$ B c P
P ) B # P 0) B # P 1,) B a P $1) B c P $1) B # P
P , B c P 0, B a P 1,, B c P $1, B # P $1, B c P
P . B d P 0. B c P 1,. B d P $1. B # P $1. B # P
P / B d P 0/ B c P 1,/ B # P $1/ B c P $1/ B c P
P 0 B c P 00 B a P 1,0 B a P $10 B c P $10 B a P
P 1 B c P 01 B a P 1,1 B d P $11 B # P $11 B # P
P 2 B # P 02 B c P 1,2 B d P $12 B a P $12 B a P
P 14 B d P 14 B # P 1.4 B # P $$4 B c P $24 B a P
P 11 B a P 11 B a P 1.1 B c P $$1 B a P $21 B d P
P 1$ B c P 1$ B c P 1.$ B d P $$$ B d P $2$ B d P
P 1) B c P 1) B a P 1.) B d P $$) B # P $2) B a P
P 1, B a P 1, B a P 1., B # P $$, B a P $2, B c P
P 1. B d P 1. B c P 1.. B # P $$. B # P $2. B d P
P 1/ B c P 1/ B c P 1./ B # P $$/ B c P $2/ B # P
P 10 B # P 10 B # P 1.0 B c P $$0 B # P $20 B a P
P 11 B c P 11 B c P 1.1 B a P $$1 B c P $21 B d P
P 12 B # P 12 B a P 1.2 B # P $$2 B # P $22 B d P
P $4 B # P 24 B a P 1/4 B # P $)4 B a P )44 B # P
P $1 B a P 21 B # P 1/1 B # P $)1 B a P )41 B c P
P $$ B c P 2$ B a P 1/$ B # P $)$ B c P )4$ B d P
P $) B c P 2) B # P 1/) B c P $)) B # P )4) B d P
P $, B # P 2, B c P 1/, B # P $), B c P )4, B # P
P $. B # P 2. B # P 1/. B # P $). B # P )4. B # P
P $/ B c P 2/ B c P 1// B c P $)/ B c P )4/ B # P
P $0 B a P 20 B c P 1/0 B c P $)0 B a P )40 B c P
P $1 B a P 21 B a P 1/1 B # P $)1 B # P )41 B a P
P $2 B a P 22 B # P 1/2 B a P $)2 B a P )42 B # P
P )4 B # P 144 B c P 104 B c P $,4 B a P )14 B # P
P )1 B d P 141 B a P 101 B a P $,1 B d P )11 B # P
P )$ B d P 14$ B d P 10$ B d P $,$ B d P )1$ B # P
P )) B # P 14) B d P 10) B # P $,) B a P )1) B c P
P ), B a P 14, B # P 10, B a P $,, B c P )1, B # P
P ). B a P 14. B # P 10. B # P $,. B d P )1. B # P
P )/ B a P 14/ B # P 10/ B c P $,/ B # P )1/ B c P
P )0 B a P 140 B c P 100 B # P $,0 B a P )10 B c P
P )1 B a P 141 B a P 101 B c P $,1 B d P )11 B # P
P )2 B c P 142 B # P 102 B # P $,2 B d P )12 B a P
P ,4 B a P 114 B # P 114 B a P $.4 B # P )$4 B c P
P ,1 B c P 111 B # P 111 B a P $.1 B c P )$1 B a P
P ,$ B d P 11$ B # P 11$ B c P $.$ B d P )$$ B d P
P ,) B a P 11) B c P 11) B # P $.) B d P )$) B # P
P ,, B # P 11, B # P 11, B c P $., B # P )$, B a P
P ,. B d P 11. B # P 11. B # P $.. B # P )$. B # P
P ,/ B a P 11/ B c P 11/ B c P $./ B a P )$/ B c P
P ,0 B c P 110 B c P 110 B a P $.0 B c P )$0 B # P
P ,1 B # P 111 B # P 111 B # P $.1 B a P )$1 B c P
P ,2 B d P 112 B a P 112 B a P $.2 B # P )$2 B # P
P .4 B a P 1$4 B c P 124 B a P $/4 B # P ))4 B a P
P .1 B # P 1$1 B a P 121 B d P $/1 B # P ))1 B a P
P .$ B # P 1$$ B d P 12$ B d P $/$ B # P ))$ B c P
P .) B c P 1$) B # P 12) B a P $/) B c P ))) B # P
P ., B a P 1$, B a P 12, B c P $/, B # P )), B c P
P .. B # P 1$. B # P 12. B d P $/. B # P )). B # P
P ./ B c P 1$/ B c P 12/ B # P $// B c P ))/ B c P
P .0 B # P 1$0 B # P 120 B a P $/0 B c P ))0 B a P
P .1 B # P 1$1 B c P 121 B d P $/1 B # P ))1 B # P
P .2 B a P 1$2 B # P 122 B d P $/2 B a P ))2 B a P
P /4 B # P 1)4 B a P $44 B # P $04 B c P ),4 B a P
P /1 B # P 1)1 B a P $41 B c P $01 B a P ),1 B d P
P /$ B d P 1)$ B c P $4$ B d P $0$ B d P ),$ B d P
P /) B c P 1)) B # P $4) B d P $0) B # P ),) B a P
P /, B a P 1), B c P $4, B # P $0, B a P ),, B c P
P /. B d P 1). B # P $4. B # P $0. B # P ),. B d P
P // B d P 1)/ B c P $4/ B # P $0/ B c P ),/ B # P
P /0 B # P 1)0 B a P $40 B c P $00 B # P ),0 B a P
P /1 B a P 1)1 B # P $41 B a P $01 B c P ),1 B d P
P /2 B a P 1)2 B a P $42 B # P $02 B # P ),2 B d P
P 04 B a P 1,4 B a P $14 B # P $14 B a P ).4 B # P

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