Budget Vs Actual Dashboard - BAANS Consulting

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October 26, 2012 Leave a comment Go to comments(0)
Budget vs Actual Dashboard
Managing a business? If yes , then you certainly appreciate the PDCA(Plan Do Check Act ) cycle. You have Planned the monthly
budget values and as month by month passes by you are interested to Check and also analyse the actual values in relation to the
budget. So how do you do this?
Well, that is pretty simple. Take the following data.
Based on the Base Data prepare the Cumulative Data using the following formula and plot a line chart
E2 = B2
E3 = E2+B3 and so on
F2 = C2
F3 = IF(COUNTA(C3)<> 0,F2+C3,") and so on.
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This looks pretty simple but do you see what is the value add? By merely seeing these lines it is difficult to do much analysis. Based
on this data depending on our objective we would need to create a different kind of chart as shared in above picture (Budget Vs Actual
Lets take some cases and see how we can add a few calculated columns and add more value to our charts.
CASE 1 : If we wish to compare budget and actual values month on month we can create two columnar series one for budget and the
other for actual using column A , B , C and plot the chart and then do cosmetic changes as shown in CHART-II ? Budget vs. Actual
Month on Month.
CASE 2 : If we wish to compare cumulative budget and actual values across various months. We can calculate the cumulative values
as shown above and create columnar chart with clearer comparison of the cumulative using column A, E, F and do the cosmetic
changes. Additionally since the focus is on being within the budget we can create a third series which will highlight the remaining
budget based on the current usage .The third series can be based on column G.
G2 = IF(ISNUMBER(F2),",E2-SUM(C$2:C$13))
So now we can create CHART- III Cumulative Budget vs. Actual with Remaining Budget.
Note: To see the details steps of doing cosmetic changes in Chart II and Chart III you can refer to our earlier blog Inimitable way to view
performance against goal
CASE 3 : In case you are doing an analysis where you wish to plot the cumulative budget/schedule and cumulative actual but further
you wish to see that based on the current usage what will be the projection assuming that in the subsequent month you would use the
given budget/schedule of the remaining months, in that case the formula will be:
E2 = B2
E3 = E2+B3 and so on
F2 = C2
F3 =IF(COUNTA(C3)<> 0,F2+C3,NA()) and so on.
G2 =IF(ISNUMBER(F3),NA(),IF(ISNUMBER(F2),F2,G1+B2)) to display the projection
Now using the line chart we can create CHART IV Cumulative Actual vs. Budgeted with Projection.
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Filed under Dashboard, Excel Corner.
Previous: Display lengthy labels for a large
number of data points using interactive chart
Next: Plot the Gauge Clock or Anti-Clock Wise
with option of Value/Percentage
Note: In the case where we have to create a column chart we use for the blank cells but in the case where we have to
create a line chart we use NA() for the blank cell because if we use NA() in the column chart the label will be displayed as
#N/A and in case we use in the line chart the value will be plotted as 0.
CASE 4 : In case we need to display the monthly budget and actual and simultaneously use it for variance analysis the it is a good
choice to plot the YTD variance on the chart as shown in CHART V
CASE 5 : If we are interested to merely see that what percentage of the total annual budget has been used as on date then we can use
the thermometer chart i.e Chart VI
You can download the dashboard sheet, click here Budget vs Actual Dashbaord
Additionally to get detail step by step understanding you can enrol to our training program.
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