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Introduction ix

Roger Scott xv
Ann Moffatt (Australian National University)
List of 11 lustrations xix
Novelisation in Byzantium: Narrative after the Revival of 1
Margaret Mullett (The Queen 's University Belfast)
Narrating Justinian: From Malalas to Manasses 29
Roger Scott (University of Melbourne)
To Narrate the Events of the Past: On Byzantine 47
Historians, and Historians on Byzantium
Ingela Nilsson (Uppsala University)
Tradition and Originality in Photius' Historical Reading 59
Brian Crake (Sydney)
Narrating the Trials and Death in Exile of Pope Martin I 71
and Maxim us the Confessor
Bronwen Neil (Australian Catholic University)
The Use of Metaphor in Michael Psellos' Chronographia 84
Elizabeth McCartney (University of Melbourne)
War and Peace in the Alexiad 92
Penelope Buckley (University of Melbourne)
Moralising History: the Synopsis Historiarum of John 110
Theoni Sklavos (University of Melbourne)
The Representation of Augustae in John Skylitzes' 120
Synopsis Historiarum
Emma Strugnell (University of Melbourne)
The Madrid Skylitzes as an Audio-Visual Experiment 137
John Burke (University of Melbourne)
The Goths and the Bees in Jordanes: A Narrative of No 149
Andrew Gillett (Macquarie University)
From 'Fallen Woman' to Theotokos: Music, Women's 164
Voices and Byzantine Narratives of Gender Identity
Eamon H.R. Kelly (St Cross College, Oxford)
How the Entertaining Tale of Quadrupeds became a Tale: 182
Grafting Narrative
Nick Nicholas (University of Melbourne)
Lamenting the Fall or Disguising a Manifesto? The Poem 193
Conquest of Constantinople
Vicky Panayotopoulou-Doulavera (University of New
South Wales)
A Probable Solution to the Problem of the Chronicle of 204
the Turkish Sultans
Dean Sakel (Bogazigi University)
The Narration of Christ's Passion in Early Christian Art 221
Felicity Harley (University of Melbourne)
Observations on the Paintings of the Exodus Chapel, 233
Bagawat Necropolis, Kharga Oasis, Egypt
Matthew Martin (National Gallery of Victoria)
The Column of Arcadius: Reflections of a Roman 258
Narrative Tradition
Julia Kelly (La Trobe University)
Biblical Narrative in the Mosaics of Bishop Theodore's 266
Cathedral, Aquileia
Debbie Del Frate (La Trobe University)
Plato, Plutarch and the Sibyl in the Fresco Decoration of 274
the Episcopal Church of the Virgin Ljeviska in Prizren
Balsa Djiiric (University of Belgrade)
Narrativity in Armenian Manuscript Illustration 284
Nira Stone (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Sources for the Story of the Creation in the Mosaics of 292
Sicily and Venice
Joan Barclay Lloyd (La Trobe University)
Icon and Narrative: Memorializing Saint Francis in Assisi 303
Ursula Betka (University of Melbourne)
Authentication, Theology and Narrative in the Gospel 320
Book of Theophanes
Margaret Manion (University of Melbourne)
Spiritual Progression in the Canon Tables of the 334
Melbourne Gospels
Nancy P. Sevcenko (South Woodstock)
Clement of Alexandria From Prophecy to Plato 344
Eric Osborn (University of Melbourne)
The 'Sacred Remains' of Constantine and Helena 351
John Worthy (University of Manitoba)
A Byzantine Narrative of the Future and the Antecedents 368
of the Last World Emperor
Bill Leadbetter (Edith Cowan University)
Kosmas Indikopleustes and Narratives in Sixth-century 383
Liturgy and History
Michael Champion (University of Melbourne)
Kaiserkritik in Two Kontakia of Romanos 393
Annamma Varghese (University of Melbourne)
Byzantine Visionary Accounts of the Other World. A 404
Andrei Timotin (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences
Sociales, Paris)
A Ninth Century Passion Harmony 421
Peter A.L. Hill (University of South Australia)
'Pothos tes Philoktistou': Anicia Juliana's Architectural 433
Geoffrey Nathan (University of New South Wales)
Spoliation and Imitation: Continuity and Radical 444
Disjunction in Byzantine Palatine Architecture
Nigel Westbrook (University of Western Australia)
Historians and the Economy: Zosimos and Prokopios on 462
Fifth- and Sixth- Century Economic Development
Hartmut Ziche (University of the Antilles and Guyana)
Stories in the Ground: Settlement Remains and 475
Archaeology as Narrative in the Fourth- to Sixth-century
Eastern Mediterranean
Tamara Lewit (Trinity College, University of Melbourne)
Narrative of the Byzantine Landscape 481
Timothy E. Gregory (Ohio Slate University)
Narratives of the Roman-Byzantine World in Ancient 497
Chinese Sources
Jialing Xu (Northeast Normal University, Chanehun)
Narrative Materials about the Byzantines in Chinese 505
Chen Zhi-Qiang (Nankai University)
Three Byzantine Lead Seals from Devolgrad (Ancient 522
Audaristos) near Stobi
Robert Mihajlovski (La Trobe University)
The Varangian Guard 527
Bob Priestley (University of Melbourne)
Illustrations 535
Bibliographical Abbreviations 577
Index 601
PPN: 259027936
Titel: Byzantine narrative : papers in honour of Roger Scott / ed. by John Burke with Ursula Betka
.... - Virginia, Queensland : Australian Association for Byzantine Studies, 2006
ISBN: 1-876503-24-6; 978-1-876503-24-6
Bibliographischer Datensatz im SWB-Verbund

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