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RES/351 Version 1
School of Business
RES/351 Version 1
Business Research
Copyright 2011 by ni!ersity of "hoeni#$ %ll rights reser!e&$
Course Description
'his course e!aluates the process of con&ucting business research for i(pro!ing &ecision (a)ing *ithin an
organi+ation$ Stu&ents *ill learn to apply an un&erstan&ing of co((only e(ploye& business research
techni,ues to i(pro!e a situation- sol!e a proble(- or change a process$ .ther topics inclu&e proble( fra(ing-
&ata collection- &ata analysis- an& &ata presentation$
/aculty an& stu&ents/learners *ill be hel& responsible for un&erstan&ing an& a&hering to all policies containe&
*ithin the follo*ing t*o &ocu(ents0
ni!ersity policies0 1ou (ust be logge& into the stu&ent *ebsite to !ie* this &ocu(ent$
2nstructor policies0 'his &ocu(ent is poste& in the Course Materials foru($
ni!ersity policies are sub3ect to change$ Be sure to rea& the policies at the beginning of each class$ "olicies
(ay be slightly &ifferent &epen&ing on the (o&ality in *hich you atten& class$ 2f you ha!e recently change&
(o&alities- rea& the policies go!erning your current class (o&ality$
Course Materials
Cooper- 4$- 5 Schin&ler- "$ 620117$ Business research methods 611th e&$7$ 8e* 1or)- 810 9c:ra*;<ill/2r*in$
%ll electronic (aterials are a!ailable on the stu&ent *ebsite$
Week One: Recognizing the Situation
Details Due Points
Objectives 1.1 Recogni+e a situation- proble(- issue- or opportunity that
nee&s a&&ressing$
1.2 4eter(ine the significance- scope- (agnitu&e- an& feasibility
of fin&ing a solution to the situation- proble(- issue- or
1.3 2&entify ethical issues in!ol!e& in business research$
1.4 4escribe the business research process$
Readin Read Ch$ 1 of Business Research Methods$
Readin Read Ch$ 2 of Business Research Methods$
Readin Read Ch$ 3 of Business Research Methods$
Readin Read Ch$ = of Business Research Methods$
!artici"ation !artici"ate in class &iscussion$ #ny 3 3$
RES/351 Version 1
%iscussion &uestions Res"ond to *ee)ly &iscussion ,uestions$
1$ >hy (ust business (anagers un&erstan& the
i(portance of business research an& ho* it is use& in
their organi+ations?
2$ >hy are research ethics i(portant in business? 4escribe
the rights an& obligations of the participant- researcher-
an& research sponsor?
%ay 2/
%ay 4
'onraded #ctivities
and !re"aration
Resource( Business Research Methods
Revie) the @Bringing Research to AifeB sections of Ch$ 1 5 3 of
Business Research Methods$
Res"ond to the follo*ing0
>hat e!i&ence is presente& that sho*s effort *as (a&e
to un&erstan& the (anage(ent &ile((a?
2&entify an& classify all of the !ariables in the $S$ %r(yCs
&u& shell research$
>hat *as 9yraCs hypothesis for the $S$ %r(yCs &u&
shell research? >hat *as the $S$ %r(yCs hypothesis?

'onraded #ctivities
and !re"aration
Resource( Business Research Methods
Revie) E#hibit =$1- @'he Research "rocess-B in Ch$ = of
Business Research Methods$
*ind a case stu&y of a research e#a(ple in *hich a clear
state(ent of the (anage(ent &ile((a lea&s to a precise an&
actionable research$
E+"lain the (anage(ent &ile((a- the (anage(ent ,uestion-
an& the research ,uestion6s7$
#ns)er the follo*ing ,uestions0
>hy &i& you consi&er the research to be actionable?
>as the business research process follo*e& in its

Current E!ents in
Business Research
-rite a 300;*or& su((ary of the business research process by
&escribing the business research process fro( your e#perience
in the *or)place or in an article you fin& through the ni!ersity
* your paper consistent *ith %"% gui&elines$
%ay / 5$
-ee0 1 1otal !oints 1$$
Week Two: The Purpose of Business Research
Details Due Points
Objectives 2.1 State the purpose of the business research$
RES/351 Version 1
2.2 4e!elop appropriate research ,uestions an& hypotheses$
2.3 2&entify &epen&ent an& in&epen&ent !ariables in business
Readin Read Ch$ 5 of Business Research Methods$
Readin Read Ch$ D of Business Research Methods$
Readin Read Ch$ 11 of Business Research Methods$
Readin Revie) Ch$ 3 of Business Research Methods$
!artici"ation !artici"ate in class &iscussion$ #ny 3
%iscussion &uestions Res"ond to *ee)ly &iscussion ,uestions$
1$ E#plain the &ifference bet*een a research ,uestion an&
a hypothesis$ sing your current or pre!ious place of
e(ploy(ent as a starting point- pro!i&e one or (ore
research ,uestions an& then &e!elop t*o appropriate
2$ 4escribe a (anage(ent &ile((a you ha!e face& at
*or) or *ith an organi+ation for *hich you !olunteer$
'hen &e!elop the (anage(ent;research ,uestion
hierarchy for the (anage(ent &ile((a$ State one of
each of the follo*ing ,uestions0 (anage(ent- research-
in!estigati!e- an& (easure(ent$
%ay 2/
%ay 4
'onraded #ctivities
and !re"aration
%pp 4e!elop(ent
2t is esti(ate& that it costs appro#i(ately E55-000 to generate an
application 6app7 for the %pple
(obile &igital &e!ice$
Gust offering an app is not a guarantee of success$ 'he (ost
successful apps are sol& as &o*nloa&s an& they offer functional
!alue$ 2n a&&ition- %pple ta)es *ee)s to re!ie* an app$ Base& on
this infor(ation- ans*er the follo*ing ,uestions0
2f you *or)e& for %pple- *hat research *oul& you *ant see
in a proposal to appro!e a ne* app for the i"o&
&igital &e!ice? >hy?
>hat research *oul& not be appropriate? >hy?
Business Research
Resources( 'he ni!ersity Aibrary or the Electronic Reser!e
*ind an article using the ni!ersity Aibrary or in the Electronic
Reser!e Rea&ings that &iscusses unethical business research
con&uct that has resulte& in in&i!i&uals or a fir( being con!icte&-
or at least trie& for- this con&uct$ So(e e#a(ples inclu&e the
%s)ing inappropriate ,uestions
S)e*ing research results
/ailing to (aintain participantsC confi&ential infor(ation
sing participant infor(ation for uninten&e& purposes such
%ay / 2$
RES/351 Version 1
as selling goo&s or ser!ices
Su..ari3e the article you researche&$
-rite a H50;*or& paper in *hich you a&&ress the follo*ing
>hat unethical research beha!ior *as in!ol!e&?
>ho *ere the in3ure& parties?
<o* has the unethical beha!ior affecte& the organi+ation-
the in&i!i&ual- an& society?
<o* coul& the unethical beha!ior be a!oi&e& or resol!e&?
* your paper consistent *ith %"% gui&elines$
4earnin 1ea.
Collaborate *ith your learning tea( to &iscuss the >ee) '*o
%iscuss ho* you can apply the( to a business setting or
%ay / 3$
-ee0 2 1otal !oints 14$
Week Three: Types of Research Design
Details Due Points
Objectives 3.1 4ifferentiate bet*een ,ualitati!e an& ,uantitati!e
(etho&s of research$
3.2 E#plain co((only use& ,ualitati!e research &esigns
an& ,uantitati!e research &esigns$
3.3 Select the appropriate type of research &esign in a gi!en
business situation$
Readin Read Ch$ H of Business Research Methods$
Readin Read Ch$ I of Business Research Methods$
Readin Read Ch$ J of Business Research Methods$
Readin Read Ch$ 10 of Business Research Methods$
Readin Revie) Ch$ D of Business Research Methods$
!artici"ation !artici"ate in class &iscussion$ #ny 3
%iscussion &uestions Res"ond to *ee)ly &iscussion ,uestions$
1$ Rea& the @Bringing Research to AifeB on page 15J of
your te#t then respon& this ,uestion0 @>hat &ile((a
&oes <ealth"lus face- an& *hy has the co(pany
turne& to focus groups for insights?B <o* has your
current or past organi+ation han&le& si(ilar
2$ %ssu(e you are planning to inter!ie* shoppers in a
%ay 2/
%ay 4
RES/351 Version 1
shopping (all about their !ie*s on increase& foo&
prices an& *hat the fe&eral go!ern(ent shoul& &o
about the($ 2n *hat &ifferent *ays (ight you try to
(oti!ate shoppers to cooperate in your sur!ey?
'onraded #ctivities 5
9astering 'eacher
Read the case stu&y Mastering Teacher Leadership$
#ns)er ,uestions 1 an& 2 at the en& of the case stu&y$
'onraded #ctivities and
Starbuc)s- Ban) .ne- an&
Visa Aaunch Starbuc)s

Read the case stu&y Starbucks, Bank One, and Visa
Launch Starbucks Duetto Visa$
#ns)er ,uestions 13 at the en& of the case stu&y$
'onraded #ctivities and
1ahoo Consumer Direct
9arries "urchase 9etrics
to Banner %&s
Read the case stu&y Yahoo Consumer Direct Marries
Purchase Metrics to Banner ds$
#ns)er ,uestions 1= at the en& of the case stu&y$
n&erstan&ing Business
Research 'er(s an&
Concepts0 "art 1
Resource( ni!ersity of "hoeni# 9aterial0 n&erstan&ing
Business Research 'er(s an& Concepts0 "art 1
Co."lete the ni!ersity of "hoeni# 9aterial0 n&erstan&ing
Business Research 'er(s an& Concepts0 "art 1$
%ay / /$
4earnin 1ea. Reflection Collaborate *ith your Aearning 'ea( to &iscuss the
pre!ious >ee) 'hree ob3ecti!es$
%iscuss ho* you can apply the( to a business setting or
%ay / 3$
4earnin 1ea.
"reparing to Con&uct
Business Research0 "art 1
Select an issue- opportunity- or proble( facing your
-rite a H00; to 1-050;*or& paper that a&&resses the
follo*ing ,uestions0
>hat are the research ,uestions?
>hat are the hypotheses?
>hat !ariables are to be consi&ere&?
>hat ethical consi&erations (ust you ta)e into account?
%iscuss the significance- scope- (agnitu&e an& feasibility
of fin&ing a solution to the issue- opportunity- or proble($
%e6ine the purpose of the research$
* your paper consistent *ith %"% gui&elines$
%ay / 11$
-ee0 3 1otal !oints 22$
Week our: Data Collection
Details Due Points
RES/351 Version 1
Objectives 4.1 4e!elop the &ata collection instru(ents$
4.2 4ifferentiate bet*een sa(pling (etho&s an& their
application in business research$
Readin Read Ch$ 12 of Business Research Methods$
Readin Read Ch$ 13 of Business Research Methods$
Readin Read Ch$ 1= of Business Research Methods$
Readin Revie) Ch$ 10 of Business Research Methods$
Readin Revie) Ch$ 11 of Business Research Methods$
!artici"ation !artici"ate in class &iscussion$ #ny 3
%iscussion &uestions Res"ond to *ee)ly &iscussion ,uestions$ %ay 2/
%ay 4
'onraded #ctivities and
9astering 'eacher
Revie) the case stu&y Mastering Teacher Leadership$
#ns)er ,uestion = at the en& of the case stu&y$
Evaluate the sa(pling strategy by respon&ing to the
>as there an appropriate sa(pling plan?
4efine the type of sa(pling >iottC"4 obtaine&$
>as the sa(ple appropriate for this research? >hy or
*hy not?
'onraded #ctivities and
'asty Restaurant
'asty Restaurant has hire& "re(iu( Research to obtain
infor(ation regar&ing patronsC &ining e#perience$ 'he (ain
areas of interest inclu&e the follo*ing0 satisfaction *ith the
foo&- interaction *ith the e(ployees- a(bience of the
restaurant- an& reasons for &ining at the restaurant$
%evelo" 1I to 20 ,uestions *ith appropriate scales to
a&&ress areas 'asty Restaurant has suggeste&$
7se a !ariety of scales such as the Ai)ert- se(antical
&ifferential- co(parison- or si(ple category scales$
4earnin 1ea.
"reparing to Con&uct
Business Research0 "art 2
Revie) the infor(ation collecte& for "reparing to Con&uct
Business Research0 "art 1- co(plete& in >ee) 'hree$
Collaborate *ith your tea( to respon& to the follo*ing
4eter(ine the (ost appropriate research &esign for the
issue- opportunity- or proble( i&entifie& in >ee) 'hree$
E#plain *hy t*o other research &esigns *ere not use&$
>hat &ata collection instru(ent6s7 *ill be use&?
Sur!ey? 2nter!ie*?
>ill you use an e#isting instru(ent or &e!elop a ne*
!ote" #our tea$ is not re%uire& to su'$it the
%ay /
RES/351 Version 1
answers this week( 'ut you will incorporate your
answers to the Week i)e Preparing to Con&uct
Business Research: Part * assign$ent"
n&erstan&ing Business
Research 'er(s an&
Concepts0 "art 2
Resource( ni!ersity of "hoeni# 9aterial0 n&erstan&ing
Business Research 'er(s an& Concepts0 "art 2
Co."lete the ni!ersity of "hoeni# 9aterial0 n&erstan&ing
Business Research 'er(s an& Concepts0 "art 2$
%ay / 2$
4earnin 1ea. Reflection Collaborate *ith your Aearning 'ea( to &iscuss the >ee)
= ob3ecti!es$
%iscuss ho* you can apply the( to a business
%ay / 3$
-ee0 4 1otal !oints 14$
Week i)e: Data +nalysis +pproaches
Details Due Points
Objectives 5.1 "repare collecte& &ata for analysis$
5.2 4ifferentiate bet*een &escripti!e statistics an&
inferential statistics$
5.3 4eter(ine the o!erall &ata analysis approach for a &ata
Readin Read Ch$ 15 of Business Research Methods$
Readin Read Ch$ 1D of Business Research Methods$
Readin Read 'ests of Significance in Ch$ 1H of Business Research
Readin Read %ppen&i# 15a of Business Research Methods$
!artici"ation 'o !artici"ation Re8uired
%iscussion &uestions 'o %iscussion &uestions 19is -ee0
n&erstan&ing Business
Research 'er(s an&
Concepts0 "art 3
Resource( ni!ersity of "hoeni# 9aterial0 n&erstan&ing
Business Research 'er(s an& Concepts0 "art 3
Co."lete the ni!ersity of "hoeni# 9aterial0 n&erstan&ing
Business Research 'er(s an& Concepts0 "art 3$
%ay / 2$
4earnin 1ea. Reflection 'o re6lection
/inal E#a(ination
Clic0 the lin) to the /inal E#a(ination on your stu&ent
*ebsite a!ailable fro( the en& of >ee) /our through the
en& of >ee) /i!e$
Co."lete the /inal E#a(ination$ .nly one atte(pt is
allo*e&- *hich is ti(e& an& (ust be co(plete& in 3 hours$
%ay / 2$$
RES/351 Version 1
4earnin 1ea.
"reparing to Con&uct
Business Research0 "art 3
:uild on "reparing to Con&uct Business Research0 "art 1-
co(plete& in >ee) 'hree- an& "reparing to Con&uct
Business Research0 "art 2- co(plete& in >ee) /our$
%evelo" or select the instru(ents your tea( *ill use to
collect &ata$
%escribe ho* you *ill sa(ple the population0
>hat is the appropriate sa(pling (etho&?
>hat sa(pling fra(e *ill be use&?
>hat is the appropriate sa(pling si+e?
<o* *ill the sa(ple si+e be &eter(ine&?
%iscuss the o!erall &ata analysis approach an& result
>hich statistical test *ill be use& an& *hy?
<o* *ill the results be &isplaye&?
Co.bine the three parts of the "reparing to Con&uct
Research assign(ent to &e!elop a cohesi!e research
proposal of no (ore than 2-=50 *or&s$
,nclude the follo*ing ele(ents0
Research proble( an& purpose
Significance- scope- (agnitu&e- an& feasibility of fin&ing
a solution to the issue- opportunity- or proble(
Research ,uestion- hypothesis- an& !ariables
Research &esign
2nstru(ent you &e!elope& or selecte&
Sa(pling (etho&
.!erall &ata analysis approach
Result reporting
Ethical consi&erations
* your paper consistent *ith %"% gui&elines$
%ay / 1$$
-ee0 5 1otal "oints 32$
!artici"ation and %iscussion &uestions !oints 2$$
,ndividual !a"ers !oints 3$$
4earnin 1ea. !oints 3$$
*inal E+a. 2$$
Course 1otal !ossible !oints 1$$$
RES/351 Version 1
ni!ersity of "hoeni#F is a registere& tra&e(ar) of %pollo :roup- 2nc$ in the nite& States an&/or other countries$
9icrosoftF- >in&o*sF- an& >in&o*s 8'F are registere& tra&e(ar)s of 9icrosoft Corporation in the nite& States an&/or other countries$
%ll other co(pany an& pro&uct na(es are tra&e(ar)s or registere& tra&e(ar)s of their respecti!e co(panies$ se of these (ar)s is not
inten&e& to i(ply en&orse(ent- sponsorship- or affiliation$
/inal e#a(s contain thir&;party copyrighte& (aterials$ "ortions are0
Copyright 2011 ni!ersity of "hoeni#$ %ll rights reser!e&$
Copyright 2011 9c:ra*;<ill$ %ll rights reser!e&$
E&ite& in accor&ance *ith ni!ersity of "hoeni#F e&itorial stan&ar&s an& practices$

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