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No: 1B, 4
cross, Phone: +91 9791468966
Ashok street,
Subbhiya Nagar,
Orleanet, E-mail: !anikan"an87#$%g!ail&co!
+o obtain a challenging osition in a "yna!ic organi,ation an" be an integral art o-
oriente" co!any& +o utili,e an" gro. !y analytical, research an" technical skills in Syste!s
Experience Summary
O/er $ years * 0onths o- in"ustrial e1erience in 0icroso-t 2in"o.s 'lat-or!&
Completed a course in CCNA from NIIT Chennai.
3oo" technical skills 4 troubleshooting skills&
51cellent co!!unication an" custo!er !anage!ent skills&
Job Title History
Computer Skills
Ser/er : 2in"o.s6 7#))), #))$ 4 #))8 Ser/er8
9lient : 2in"o.s6 7:' 'ro-essional, .in7,.in8, ;ista8
Alications : 0S O--ice 7#))$, #))7, #)1), #)1$8
72or", 51cel, ''oint, Outlook 8,+hun"er Bir",
Net !eeting, ;N9 ;, <nternet, Anti/irus, =ire.all etc&
esi!nation Company Preio"s
+echnical Suort 5ngineer Ne1co! <n-o Solution& Aril #)1$ to u to "ate
Syste! Analysis 5ngineer 'S> So-t.are +echnology >t"& ?uly #)1# to Aril #)1$
@eskto Suort 5ngineer @ros 5nterrises& @ec #)1) to ?une #)1#
9o!oser 9u! Analysis <ntegra So-t.are Solutions 7'8 >t"& 0ay #)1) to No/ #)1)
Technical #no$le"!e
Asse!bling o- '9As
<nstallation 4 +roubleshooting o- So-t.areAs 4 Bar".are @e/ices
<nstallation 4 +roubleshooting o- Oerating Syste!
9on-iguration o- @o!ain 4 2orkgrou
9on-iguration o- 51change Ser/er, Csers 4 3rous&
<nstallation 4 9on-iguration o- S.itch, 0o"e!&
<nstallation 4 9on-iguration o- 2ireless Access 'oint, Bluetooth.
%ork Experience
1& 2orking as a +echnical Suort 5ngineer .ith N5:9O0 <N=O SO>C+<ON, 'on"y
Suorting O- 9o!uter So-t.are 4 Net.orking&
2orking .ith Outlook 4 Outlook 51ress, >otus Notes&
+roubleshooting So-t.are through re!otely using Net !eeting,
5scalation o- custo!er issues .ith "i--erent le/els o- suort&
9on-iguration o- 'rinters, Scanners&
<nstallation o- 2in"o.s #))) D #))$ Ser/ers
9on-iguration o- 0o"e! , 'rinter 4 other Bar".are @e/ices&
#& 2orke" as System analysis Engineer for Desktop Application in PSL Softare
technology Ltd, 'on"icherry&
Suorting O- 9o!uter So-t.are 9ABiN5+ 5@0S&
9ABiN5+ ro/i"es a co!lete range o- solutions -or @ocu!ent 0anage!ent inclu"ing
the 2ork-lo. 0anage!ent -or O--ice Auto!ation&
9ABiN5+ Ser/er ro/i"es secure" reository syste! -or the net.ork o- users in
2in"o.s an" >inu1 Ser/ers& <t is secure" an" encryte" an" can be centrally backe" u
<nstallation Ser/er An" 9lient Oerating Syste!&
5scalation o- custo!er issues .ith "i--erent le/els o- suort&
$& 2orke" as @eskto Suort 5ngineer .ith @ros 5nterrises at 'on"icherry&
Asse!bling o- '9&
+roubleshooting o- Oerating syste! an" Bar".are "e/ices&
2orking .ith Outlook 51ress 4 Outlook&
<nstallation 4 +roubleshooting o- 9lient Oerating Syste!&
9on-iguration o- 0o"e! , 'rinter 4 other Bar".are @e/ices&
4& 2orke" as a 9o!oser 9u! Analysis in <ntegra So-t.are Solutions 7'8& >t".
< ha/e .orke" in 5(ub 7B+0>,9SS8&
Align!ent +ablet, <!age checking&
'"- co!are, Euality control&
1& B&+ech in <n-or!ation +echnology .ith 6&41793'A8 -ro! Fegency <nstitute O-
+echnology, Gana!& Gear #))9
#& BS9 .ith 67&#H -ro! 3o/t&+echnical&Br&Sec&School, 'u"ucherry& Gear #))*
!. SS>9 .ith *4&*H -ro! 2is"o!&Bigh&School, 'u"ucherry& Gear #))$&
Passport etails
'assort no : >76##*$)
@ate o- <ssue : 1*()$(#)14
@ate o- 51iry : 14()$(#)#4
Personal etails
Na!e : 0anikan"an &F
Se1 : 0ale
@ate o- Birth : #$()$(1987
=atherAs Na!e : F&Fanganathan
0arital Status : Single
Nationality : <n"ian
>anguage Ino.n : Tamil" English" Telugu #speak$
< a!, hereby "eclare that the abo/e -urnishe" in-or!ation is authentic to the best o- !y
Place: 'on"icherry

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