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HP Universal Print Driver 4.5.0.

Release Notes
April 2008
Hewlett-Packard is announcin t!e release o" t!e Universal Print Driver #UPD$
version 4.5 in April 2008. Availa%le in &2 and '4 %it packaes( t!e UPD is
downloada%le in P)*5( P)*'( and P+ versions at www.!,-o-upd.
.o acco,,odate t!e new "eatures o" t!e UPD( new versions o" /anaed Printin
Ad,inistrator #/PA$ and t!e Active Director0 Ad,in .e,plates are also
availa%le "or download at www.!,-o-,pa
What is in this Readme ?
1ersion in"or,ation
2!at3s new "or UPD 4.5
4ssues Resolved
)urrent 4ssues
Docu,entation *istin
/PA 2.5 update
Active Director0 .e,plate Update
Version Information
Dependin on w!et!er 0ou are runnin wit! UPD in D0na,ic ,ode( or
.raditional ,ode( t!e driver version in"or,ation will %e displa0ed di""erentl0.
5or D0na,ic ,ode( t!e driver version is displa0ed in t!e lower le"t !and corner
o" t!e user searc! dialo screen. 4n .raditional ,ode( 0ou c!eck t!e driver
version %0 accessin t!e properties o" t!e printer( and selectin t!e A%out ta%.
Here is a s,all su,,ar0 on t!e driver versions displa0ed "or %ot! ,odes.
D0na,ic /ode .raditional /ode
UPD 4.6 '
UPD 4.0 '0.76.54'.0
UPD &.0 '0.56.6742.60
Whats new in UPD 4.5?
UPD version 4.5 now co,es wit! t!e "ollowin new "eatures. )o,plete details
and "unctionalit0 o" t!ese new "eatures are availa%le in t!e new +0ste,s
Ad,inistrators 9uide availa%le "or download at www.!,-o-upd t!en click
on Docu,entation ta%.
.!ese "eatures are con"iura%le via so,e new co,,and line switc!es and t!e
4nstall.e:e utilit0. 5or a co,plete list o" t!e installation options( t0pe 4nstall -; 4n
t!e director0 w!ere t!e UPD "iles are located.
Modify SMP !et "omm#nity names
4t is now possi%le to ,odi"0 and set t!e +N/P 9et co,,unit0 na,e "or t!e UPD
in .raditional and D0na,ic ,ode so it can co,,unicate wit! secured devices
over +N/P protocol w!ere t!e co,,unit0 na,e !as %een c!aned "ro, t!e
de"ault na,e o" <Pu%lic=. .!e de"ault co,,unit0 na,e can %e set %ot! w!en
printin to a secure device "ro, D0na,ic ,ode or printin to a secured printer
in .raditional ,ode.
D0na,ic /ode
2!en enterin t!e 4P address or !ost na,e o" a printer in D0na,ic ,ode( t!e user
can enter t!e +N/P co,,unit0 na,e "ollowed %0 an > sin %e"ore t!e 4P
address or !ost na,e o" t!e printer.
e$am%&e' new%#(&i")*5.*5.*5.*5
.raditional /ode
2!en creatin a .raditional ,ode printer( 0ou can enter t!e "ollowin install
switc! to set t!e +N/P co,,unit0 na,e so t!at it ,atc!es t!e one set on t!e
device. +$am%&e' insta&& ,sm*5.*5.*5.*5 ,n-.#e#ename- ,."omname-new%#(&i"-
/?to set t!e co,,unit0 "or t!e device %ein installed.$
@r use -co,na,e to set a 0&o(a& co,,unit0 na,e used %0 all Aueues on t!e
-Aco,na,e sets t!e co,,unit0 na,e "or t!e sinle device %ein installed
-co,na,e sets t!e co,,unit0 na,e lo%all0 "or all installed devices
1onfi0#re defa#&t %rint settin0s dire"t&y .
Bou can now set t!e "ollowin de"ault print settins directl0 "ro, wit!in t!e
UPD( /PA 2.5( and AD .e,plate 1&
+et and or lock t!e "ollowin settins %0 usin new 4nstaller +witc!es( t!e /PA
2.5( or t!e AD .e,plates
C Duple: #lock$
C Dcono,ode #lock$
C Private printinE
Proo" and !old #lock$
Personal Fo% #lock$
Guick cop0 #lock$
+tored Fo% -reAuires Pin #lock$
C)on"iure Pin #+et lo%al P4N$
C Ddeline Gualit0 Access )ontrol #GA)$
Pro"essional #lock$
9eneral @""ice #lock$
/onoc!ro,e #lock$

ew Po&i"y settin0s to ena(&e and disa(&e mana0ement
Now( turn on Polic0 ,anae,ent "or /PA or t!e Active Director0 .e,plates
individuall0 "or reater "le:i%ilit0. Note: policy management for the UPD is
disabled by default and needs to be turned on by using the install.exe utility and
one or more of the switches listed below. Policy management is enabled by
installing the UPD locally on the client PC in traditional or Dyanmic mode, and
using one of the 5 policy switches listed below
C -eads - Dna%les polic0 ,anae,ent "or t!e Active Director0 .e,plates
C -dads - Disa%led polic0 ,anae,ent "or AD .e,plates.
C -e,pa - Dna%les polic0 ,anae,ent "or /PA and assu,es t!at t!e
/PA so"tware is installed on a server na,ed </anaed-Print= onl0.
C -d,pa - Disa%led polic0 ,anae,ent "or /PA
C -polic0=server-na,e= Dna%led polic0 ,anae,ent "or /PA( and allows
t!e user to speci"0 w!ere t!e /PA so"tware is installed.
S%e"ia& Offers Pro0ram
A new pilot prora, availa%le "or Nort! A,erican is %ein introduced in UPD
4.5 t!at provides valua%le in"or,ation and services t!rou! t!e +tatus
Noti"ication Pro,pts. .!is new "eature is an @P.-in service and provides our
+,all to /ediu, %usiness custo,er valua%le in"or,ation o" product speci"ic
o""ers and warrant0 in"or,ation. .!is service is auto,aticall0 disa%led "or our
enterprise custo,ers and an0 custo,ers located outside o" Nort! A,erica %ut
can %e ena%led t!rou! t!e new /PA 2.5 in t!e +NP section "or t!ose enterprise
custo,ers w!o wis! to participate in t!is prora,.

Iss#es reso&ved
.!e "ollowin issues !ave %een resolved since t!e release o" UPD 4.6
UPD ver0 slow reaction ti,e
Printin Pre"erences ta% "or 5innis! version o" UPD was not
UPD not workin in Active-Active )luster environ,ents - %idi
UPD 4.6 %inds wron ede wit! duple: printin "ro, PowerPoint
UPD 4.6 not allowin ena%le polic0 ,anae,ent wit!
install.e:e -Polic0 -ni switc!es
UPD P)*' 4.6 and 4.4 s!ortcuts do not include A& ,edia siHe
w!en installed in static ,ode "or )*F5550
D:cel docu,ent not printin properl0 in A4 wit! UPD 4.6 or
discrete plu and pla0 %undles
Add Printer 2iHard dela0s w!en installin UPD on +erver 200&
)luster +erver wit! lare nu,%ers o" Aueues # I200 Aueues$
)lient wit! ad,in ri!ts on t!e server sees pnp per"or,ance !it
w!en accessin properties
Ddeline )A) 9roup +iHe *i,itation
Fo%s stackin up in cluster server Aueue( cras!in cluster
1#rrent Iss#es
.!e "ollowin list o" outstandin issues were discovered late in t!e %uild process
and t!e solutions eit!er did not ,ake it into t!e current develop,ent c0cle( or are
awaitin solutions "ro, an e:ternal source. Nonet!eless( t!e0 ,a0 appear in 0our
environ,ent and 0ou s!ould %e aware o" t!ese issues. .e,porar0 workarounds
!ave %een suested to reduce t!e c!ances o" t!ese occurrences.
Intermittent P12342 errors
4nter,ittent P)*-J* errors are s!owin up on printers w!en clients are printin
in D:cel and ot!er /icroso"t applications. +peci"icall0( t!is error appears w!en
usin Discrete or UPD version o" t!e P)*' drivers and printin ,ultiple copies
o" a docu,ent wit! t!e )ollate "eature ena%led. .!e pro%le, !as %een identi"ied
and a lon ter, solution will %e availa%le t!rou! /icroso"t t!is 0ear in t!e "or,
o" a /icroso"t Hot"i: .
Alternate solutions or workarounds
Use P)*5 or P+ drivers to print t!e docu,ents
.urn o"" t!e )ollate "eature
Print and store t!e Ko% on t!e printers( and print ,ultiple copies "ro, t!e
stored Ko%. #)ollate is auto,aticall0 ena%led$.
Driver #%0rade affe"ts %rinter defa#&t settin0s
Recent c!anes to t!e printin arc!itecture in t!e @peratin +0ste, can e""ect
c!anes in t!e printer de"ault settins w!en upradin e:istin printer Aueues to
newer versions o" /ac!ine +peci"ic or UPD drivers. 4t !as %een discovered t!at
upradin e:istin Aueues t!at are currentl0 usin /ac!ine +peci"ic or t!e UPD
drivers could cause t!e so,e o" t!e de"ault printer settins to %e c!aned i" t!e
Aueue na,es re,ain t!e sa,e. .!is can occur in )lient-+erver print Aueue
environ,ents( as well as direct 4P printin w!ere t!e printers are installed directl0
on t!e client P)s.
+0,pto,sE .!e ,ost likel0 s0,pto, t!at will appear is t!at t!e de"ault paper
t0pe settin o" t!e printers will c!ane "ro, <unspeci"ied= to so,et!in else
dependin on t!e ,odel nu,%er o" t!e device. D:a,ples o" paper c!anes are <&
!ole pre punc!ed=( <Heav0 )ard +tock=( and <Preprinted *etter!ead=. .!is will
disrupt printin as t!e printers will now %e pro,ptin users to insert <speci"ied
paper= w!en a Ko% is sent.
+0,pto,s t!at could appearE
De"ault paper t0pe is c!aned
Personal +ettins disappear
Pin Printin can %e disrupted.
Preventin t!is issue
.o prevent t!is "ro, !appenin in 0our environ,ent( 2e are reco,,endin t!e
"ollowin procedures "or +erver %ased( and client %ased printin.
2e are reco,,endin t!e "ollowin procedures
+erver %ased printinE
6. Do not uprade t!e e:istin print Aueue( instead create a new Aueue usin a
di""erent Aueue na,e w!en upradin to a newer version o" t!e driver.
2. Delete t!e e:istin printer and recreate usin t!e new printer driver. 4" 0ou
decide to use t!is ,et!od( t!is will eli,inate t!e issue on t!e server side
properties( %ut client printin will still %e a""ected( as t!en de"ault properties
will still %e c!aned. .o resolve t!is issue on t!e client side( t!e printer
connections will !ave to %e deleted and recreated. .!is procedure will
re,ove all old entries in t!e local client reistr0 and "orce a "res! new
con"iuration down "ro, t!e server via point and print.
)lient %ased printin #Direct 4P$
.!is issue also e""ects direct client printin or Direct 4P printin w!ere t!e
printer drivers are loaded director0 on eac! client. 2e reco,,end t!e
"ollowin procedure "or ettin t!e print Aueues updated to t!e latest driver
6. Delete t!e printer usin t!e old driver( and recreate t!e new printer usin t!e
new printer driver. .!is will "orce t!e creation o" new reistr0 settins and
eli,inate t!e possi%ilit0 o" t!e reistr0 ettin c!aned.

Guestions and Answers

4 !ave too ,an0 clients to do t!is ,anuall0( is t!ere anot!er wa0;
Bes( HP !as recentl0 released a tool availa%le on !,-o-upd called
prncon.e:e t!at will( on t!e client P) in a )lient-+erver printin environ,ent
auto,aticall0 delete and recreate t!e server %ased printer connectins.
2ill t!is tool work "or ,0 locall0 connected or Direct 4P %ased printers on t!e
clients as well;
No( t!e prncon utilit0 is set up to onl0 delete t!e server %ased printer connections(
and will not a""ect t!e devices directl0 connected to t!e client P)s eit!er t!rou!
U+L( or Direct 4P Aueues.
)an 4 run t!e prncon.e:e utilit0 on ,0 print server;
No( t!e prncon utilit0 is a client %ased tool onl0( and will not work on 0our Print
+erver Aueues since t!e0 are seen as locall0 connected devices.

2!at can 4 do i" ,0 printin environ,ent is alread0 e""ected %0 t!is issue;
)lient-+erver environ,ent.
5irst veri"0 i" t!e issue is !appenin on t!e print server. 4" it is( delete
t!e printer on t!e server( and recreate it.
@n t!e e""ected clients( delete t!e printer connections to t!e server %0
oin into t!e printers and "a:es "older o" t!e clients and deletin t!e
printers( t!en reesta%lis! t!e connection. .!is will eli,inate t!e
portion o" t!e reistr0 t!at is causin t!e issue and pull down new
in"or,ation t!rou! point and print.
5or ,ore in"or,ation on t!is issue( please visit t!e UPD we% site at
www.!,-o-upd and download t!e w!ite paper speci"icall0 addressin t!is
5y%in0 error in the insta&& ,? he&% fi&e
.!e install -; !elp "ile !as a t0pin error. .!e correct s0nta: "or t!e -pA,irate
switc! is
install -pA,irate=HPdriver na,e= and does not include an M sin.
Point and Print #ns#%%orted if UPD Po&i"y mana0ement is ena(&ed
2!en ,anain t!e UPD t!rou! t!e Active director0 .e,plates or /PA( t!e
UPD driver ,ust %e installed locall0 on eac! and ever0 client P) and polic0
applied to eac! user t!erea"ter.
1#rrent Do"#mentation
Please visit t!e UPD we% at www.!,-o-upd "or t!e "ollowin
Docu,entation and availa%le 2!ite papers.
HP UPD @verview and Deplo0,ent solutions
HP Printer drivers in a )luster environ,ent
)reatin and deplo0in ,anaed printer lists "ro, 2FA 8.0
HP Printin in )itri: Presentation +erver environ,ents
4nstallin and Ad,inisterin t!e Active Director0 Polic0 .e,plates
UPD .ec!nical 5AGs
/anain t!e UPD +tatus Noti"ication Pro,pts
4nstallin t!e UPD in a Novell Dnviron,ent
UPD in )lient-+erver vs. Direct 4P environ,ents

/anaed Printin Ad,inistrator 2.5
A new version o" /anaed Printin Ad,inistrator #version 2.5$ is %ein released
in April( 2008 and availa%le at !ttpE--www.!,-o-,pa . .!is new version
is %ein released to include support "or new "eatures and "unctionalit0 "or t!e
UPD 4.5 drivers. Please download t!e new version o" /PA 2.5( and t!e release
notes to "ind out a%out t!e new "eatures( and installation - uprade instructions.
HP Active Director0 Ad,inistrative .e,plates
Also availa%le in April 2008 at www.!,.o.,pa is a new version o" t!e
Active Director0 Ad,inistrative .e,plates "or UPD #version &$. .!is new
version adds support "or t!e new UPD 4.5 "eatures. Please %e sure to read t!e
release notes "or i,portant in"or,ation on t!e new "eatures as well as special
uprade instructions.
.ec!nical /arketin

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