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It is for you my dear sister in Islam

A dialogue between two Muslim women

[ Hijabi (H) vs non-Hijabi (NH)]

NH: Im so tired?
H: Tired of what?
NH: Of All these people judging me.
H: Who judged you?
NH: My friend, every time when I sit with her she tells me to wear hijab.
H: Well, wearing hijab will be a good thing for you
NH: Says who?
H: It is in the Quran, Isnt it?
NH: Yah, she did quote me something.
H: She may be quoting from the chapter Noor & other places in the Quran like,

Say to the believing women that: they should cast down their glances and guard their private
parts (by being chaste)


...and not display their beauty except what is apparent, and they should place
their khumur over their bosoms...
NH: Yah, but it is not a big sin anyway. Helping people & praying is more important.
H: True, but big sins start from small sins
NH: Thats a good point, but what you wear is not important. Whats most important is having a
good & healthy heart.
H: Then why do you spend an hour every morning fixing out. You spent so much money on
cosmetics, dont you mention all the time that you spent on fixing your hair & tired of dieting.
NH: But, I dont like hijab it limits my freedom.
H: But the lotions & other cosmetics will sets you free? By the way, whats your definition of
NH: Freedom is doing whatever you want to do
H: No. Freedom is doing right thing without fearing other people.
NH: Look, I see so many people who dont wear hijab & all good people, but so many who wear
hijab and are bad people.
H: So what? There are people who are nice to you that are an alcoholic does it means that we
should be alcoholics?
NH: I dont want to be a fanatic Im ok the way Im (without hijab)
H: Then you are a secular fanatic and extremist in disobeying God.
NH: You dont get it? Who will marry me if I wear hijab?
H: You mean all these people with hijab never get married?
NH: Ok, what if I get married & my husband doesnt like it & wanted me to remove it?
H: A man who does not respect a value of Islam will not be a man in Islam
NH: But who would hire me?
H: A company which respect the people for who they are.
NH: Not after 9/11
H: There are so many Muslim women working in hospitals & cooperative world with the hijab
even after 9/11.
NH: Why do you reduce religion to a piece of cloth anyway?
H: Why do you reduce womanhood to high heels & lipstick colours?
NH: You didnt answer my question
H: In fact I did, Hijab is not just a piece of cloth its obeying, its courage & faith in action. It
gives the true womanhood but not your short sleeves & tight pants
NH: Dont you know thats called fashion, are you live in cave or something? First of all hijab
was founded by man who wanted to control the women, dont you know it?
H: What about the women who fights their husbands to wear hijab & women in France who are
forced to remove their hijab by men, what you say about that? The person who asked you to
wear hijab it was also a women, right?
NH: Why? But..
H: But you think that fashions which are designed & promoted by male dominated cooperation
set you free. Men have no control on exposing women & using them as a commodity.
NH: Wait let me say
H: saying what? Do you think that men control women using Hijab?
NH: Yes, of course.
H: Specifically how?
NH: By telling women how & what to wear?
H: Does not the TV, movies & magazines tell what to wear & how to be attractive? Isnt that
control you by pressuring you to wear what they want you to wear. They are not just controlling
you, they also controlling the market.
NH: What you mean?
H: I mean the men who design the magazines are telling you to look skinny and to dress like the
women on the cover
NH: I dont get it. What is hijab had to deal with products?
H: It has everything to do with that. Dont you see that hijab is a threat to consumerism?
Womens spend billions of dollars to look skinny & with by stand on the fashion designed by
men. Islam say you to trash out that nonsense & to focus on your soul, dont worry about what
men think about your appearance, stop the flirty eyes with the hijab.
NH: Stop lecturing me. I will not wear hijab. Its out dated and totally not suited for this society.
H: Its my duty to make you aware what Islam says, I cant force you. It is you who decide on
your destiny. May ALLAH guide you!
NH: Its enough, STOP. Its none of your business.
H: InshaALLAH well see what are the excuses you going to express on the Day of Judgment,
when ALLAH questions you?
People say Islam is in your heart not in the Hijab or beard. They dont understand that when
Islam is in the heart Hijab & beard comes naturally

But I do request my beloved sisters in Islam who wears hijab too
Please understand the importance of it and be a role model to encourage others to wear hijab, but
do not discourage them by behaving in an erroneous manner. Its true that your intention plays
more on it. Try to be a true muslim in all aspects so others sees you & learn Islam, you no need
to utter a single word to make it realize.

Umar (RA) said: Invite people to Islam even without words. How? He replied: with your

May Allah bless us to understand that the commandments of Allah are for our own protection!
May Allah honor the women of the Islamic Ummah in this world and hereafter, who adhere to
Allahs commandments, and consider it is an honor to be dressed in Allahs uniform. May Allah
bless us to realize that Shaitaan is trying to dis-honor us in the name of fashion and
modernization, and Allahs commandments are meant to honor us in this world as well as in the
hereafter! May Allah guide all of us to the Straight Path of Islam! Aameen.

Whatever written of Truth and benefit is only due to Allahs Assistance and Guidance, and
whatever of error is of me. Allah Alone Knows Best.

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