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Calgary Immigrant Womens Association 2009

Healthy Living Cookbook

Calgary Immigrant Womens Association

Notare quam littera gothica quam nunc putamus parum claram anteposuerit litterarum formas
Calgary Immigrant Womens Association
Healthy Living Cookbook
Recipes in this booklet were provided by women who participated in the Healthy Living: Preventing Type II
Diabetes in Immigrant Women and their Families project. These recipes are suggested ideas for making healthy
meals. Please consult the Canada Food Guide for information on healthy eating.
CIWA would like to thank all those who participated in the making of this booklet:
The participants who provided the recipes - those whose names appear on the recipe pages and those who chose
to stay anonymous, Grace Wong RD - project dietitian, Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), Natalia Sim,
Project Coordinator, and Haneen Omar, former project coordinator for her work on the booklet.

Calgary Immigrant Women Associationn
#200, 138 - 4th Ave SE
Calgary, Alberta
T2G 4Z6
Tel (403) 263-4414
Fax (403) 264-3914

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Cookbook Terms and Definitions
Bake: to cook food in the oven at a specific temperature as listed in the recipe
Beat: to smooth by using a brisk, regular revolving motion that lifts the mixture over and over
Blend: to combine two or more ingredients by mixing thoroughly
Boil: to cook in boiling water or other liquid. Liquid "boils" when bubbles rise continuously to the top
Chop: to cut into small pieces using a knife or other sharp utensil
Cube: to cut in even pieces or cubes
Dice: see cube
Entree: a dish served as the main part of the meal. It may be served with a starter and/or dessert or alone
g: grams
Garnish: to decorate foods, usually with other foods
Grease: to rub lightly with shortening or butter. Often, you can squirt pans with non-stick spray instead
Mince: chopping something into very tiny pieces
ml: millilitres
Preheat: to heat oven to desired temperature before putting food in oven
Roast: to cook by dry heat in oven
Saut: (SAW-TAY) to quickly heat meat or vegetables in fat in an open pan
Sift: to put dry ingredients through a sifter, to lighten and/or incorporate them, or to remove large pieces
Simmer: to cook liquid just below the boiling point
Slice: to cut a complete straight line or sheet through a food (such as a slice of bread)
Starter: a dish that may be served as an appetizer, snack, side dish or light meal
Stir: to mix foods with a circular motion for the purpose of blending or obtaining uniform consistency
Tbsp.: tablespoon; 1 tbsp.=15 ml or 3 teaspoons
Healthy Living Cookbook
Calgary Immigrant Womens Association

Notare quam littera gothica quam nunc putamus parum claram anteposuerit litterarum formas
Toss: to lightly blend ingredients by lifting them and letting them fall back in the bowl
Tsp.: teaspoon; 1 tsp=5 ml

Calgary Immigrant Womens Association 2009 1

Salads & Starters
Healthy Living Cookbook
Calgary Immigrant Womens Association

Calgary Immigrant Womens Association 2009 2
Name of Recipe: Country Bread
Country:: France
Use: starter for any meal
Provided by: Myriam Piu


900 grams of white flour
100 grams of rye flour
20 g of salt
20 g of yeast
Enough water to make dough that is firm but not too dry or too sticky


Mix all ingredients very well by hand or in a bread mixer until elastic. Cover the bread
and let it rise for 45 minutes in a warm place. Divide the dough and shape into
baguettes (that is the long French bread). Let the baguettes rise again for 1 and a half
hours. Make superficial cuts on baguettes with a knife. Preheat oven to 240 degrees C
(450 F) and leave a heatproof dish of water in the oven. Bake baguettes in a nonstick
sheet for 20 minutes or until lightly coloured.

Calgary Immigrant Womens Association 2009 3
Name of Recipe: Gimbab
Country: Korea
Use: starter
Provided by: Mihyang Park


For one person
1 piece dry seafood
cup rice
1 egg, boiled
Cucumbers, sliced thin
Carrots, sliced thin
Ham or Beef
Salted bean curd (check on this one)


Place sheet of dry seafood on a bamboo roll. First add a layer of rice, then boiled egg
(mashed and spread), then cucumber, then carrots, and then cooked beef or ham. Roll
together tightly until the roll sticks. Enjoy!

Calgary Immigrant Womens Association 2009 4
Name of Recipe: Shakshooka
Country: Sudan
Use: Salad
Provided by: Siham Abdel Wahab


4 eggs
4 tomatoes, diced
3 tbsps. olive oil
tsp dill
Salt and pepper to taste
1 clove garlic, crushed

Serve with pita bread


Heat oil in a saucepan on medium heat

Add eggs and scramble lightly for 1 minute

Add tomatoes, garlic, dill and salt/pepper and stir

Simmer for 10 minutes or less, until mix is well-cooked

Serve hot or cold, with pita

Calgary Immigrant Womens Association 2009 5
Name of Recipe: Beef Soup with Vegetables
Country: Philippines
Use: Soup
Provided by: Elizabeth Dalgdig


Beef (ground or chunks)
Corn pepper
Bok Choy


Place sheet of dry seafood on a bamboo roll. First add rice, then boiled egg (mashed
and spread), then cucumber, then carrots, and then cooked beef or ham. Roll together
tightly until the roll sticks. Enjoy!

Calgary Immigrant Womens Association 2009 6
Name of Recipe: Homemade Yogurt
Country: India
Use: side dish
Provided by: Anonymous


2 liter 2% milk
3 tbsp sour cream or yogurt


Boil milk on low heat, stirring regularly

Mix together sour cream/yogurt and milk

Cover pot and leave in a warm place for 24 hours

Enjoy your yogurt!

Calgary Immigrant Womens Association 2009 7

Name of Recipe: Mimosa Salad
Country: Russia
Use: salad
Provided by: Svetlana


5 boiled eggs that have been cooled
100 g your favorite cheese
100 g butter
200 g mayonnaise
1 tin of canned salmon


Grate the cheese and mix with the egg whites

Flake the salmon with a fork

Divide the butter into small portions

Now mix all ingredients in a large bowl in this order: egg whites, cheese, half the
salmon, mayonnaise, butter, the rest of the salmon

Finally sprinkle crushed egg yolks on top

Calgary Immigrant Womens Association 2009 8
Name of Recipe: Russian Salad
Country: Russia
Use: salad
Provided by: Svetlana


Pickled cucumber
Pickled cabbage, if available
Olive oil


Boil beets, carrots and potatoes (keep skin on) until they are soft. Let them cool down.

Peel the vegetables and use equal quantities (example 1 carrot, 1 potato and 1 beet)
and cut into cubes

Chop picked cucumber and cabbage into thin pieces

Mix all the vegetables together and dress with olive oil. You can add some salt, dill
and parsley for garnish.


Calgary Immigrant Womens Association 2009 9
Name of Recipe: Green Pea Soup
Country: France
Use: lunch, dinner,
Provided by: Annie Fortin


1 kilogram of green frozen peas
2 liters (8 cups) of low salt chicken broth
5 cloves of garlic, crushed
2 bay leaves


Bring to a boil for 20 minutes, take out Bay leaves and let it cool down and then blend it
in a food processor. Serve hot.

Calgary Immigrant Womens Association 2009 10
Name of Recipe: Indian-style Chickpeas
Country: India
Use: side dish, snack or light lunch
Provided by: Tanu


2 cups chickpeas soaked in water overnight.
1 green chili chopped
1 tsp cumin seeds (grounded)
1 tsp garam masala or curry powder
tsp red chili powder
1 cup onions finely chopped
1 tsp ginger-garlic paste
1 cup chopped tomatoes


Boil chickpeas for 15 minutes. In a frying pan heat oil or ghee and add chopped green
chili, ginger-garlic paste and onion. Fry onion until golden brown then add tomatoes,
garam masala, red chili powder and cook until it leaks oil.

Add boiled chickpeas to the gravy and a small amount of water if needed. Simmer on
low heat, add salt to taste. Once cooked sprinkle cumin powder, mango powder, black
pepper (ground). Let it simmer. Serve hot with fresh coriander leaves and naan or pita

Calgary Immigrant Womens Association 2009 11
Name of Recipe: Fried Green Beans
Country: India
Use: side dish, snack or light lunch
Provided by: Tanu


Green beans chopped
2-3 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1-2 green chilies finely chopped
tsp fenugreek seeds
tsp turmeric powder
tsp red chili powder
1 tsp garam masala
cup of chopped tomatoes
Salt to taste
1 tsp ghee or oil


Heat ghee or oil in a frying pan, add fenugreek seeds and let it splutter. Then add green
chilies, garlic and fry for1 minute. Add chopped tomatoes, green beans and salt
according to taste. Let it cook for some time. Once done, add turmeric powder, red chili
powder and garam masala and cook for at least another 10 minutes. Serve hot with
rotis and lentils.

Calgary Immigrant Womens Association 2009 12

Healthy Living Cookbook
Calgary Immigrant Womens Association

Calgary Immigrant Womens Association 2009 13
Name of Recipe: Caldo de Huevo
Country: Columbia
Use: Breakfast
Provided by: Maria Contreras


3 liters of water
4 medium potatoes
1 small carrot
1 small onion
6 eggs
2 cloves of garlic
Salt and pepper
Cilantro, chopped


Boil the water

Cut the potatoes, carrots and onions into four pieces

Put the vegetables in the pot, add salt to taste and boil

Boil the eggs separately; when the eggs are boiled, cut into four pieces

When the vegetables are nearly cooked, add the eggs, lower the heat and cook for 10
minutes then move the food into a serving dish

Add cilantro, mix and serve

Calgary Immigrant Womens Association 2009 14
Name of Recipe: Indian Squash
Country: India
Use: dinner
Provided by: Iram


One large squash
Thinly sliced onion
Crushed ginger
Crushed garlic
Red chilies
Dry ground coriander
Salt and pepper, to taste
Fresh coriander


Brown onions in oil, add ginger and garlic while stirring for one minute. Add red chili,
tamarind, coriander and salt. Mix together and then add thinly sliced squash, 2 green
chili, and green coriander. Let simmer for 30 minutes and then serve.

Calgary Immigrant Womens Association 2009 15
Name of Recipe: Fish for One
Country: unknown
Use: lunch
Provided by: Parinbanu Esmail


1 serving of Tilapia fish
cup vegetables of your choice
1 small bun
2 slices onion, chopped
tomato, chopped
cup water
Salt, garlic, and ginger, to taste
Hot peppers, optional


Place fish in a baking dish with the vegetables, onions and tomatoes

Add cup water and the garlic, ginger and peppers

Bake for 25 minutes in 350 oven

Serve hot with a bun and salad

Calgary Immigrant Womens Association 2009 16
Name of Recipe: Kobe in a Pan
Country: Lebanon
Use: lunch or dinner
Provided by: Amani Bouhamia


The crust:
2 lbs. lean ground beef
grated onion
1 tbsp allspice
1 tsp salt
2 cups of bulgur

The filling:
1 tbsp oil
lb. hamburger meat
1 chopped onion
1 cup pine nuts

Parsley, for garnishing


Preheat oven to 450 F. Mix crust ingredients well, kneed with hands and make a ball of
dough. Break ball into two halves and spread one half into a greased shallow baking
pan. Heat oil in a sauce pan and cook onions until lightly cooked. Add meat and pine
nuts and cook until it starts to lose its redness but is not fully cooked. Add to the baking
pan and then add the other half of the dough on top and spread evenly to make a
smooth pie. Cover in aluminum foil and put in the oven for 20 minutes, then remove foil
and cook for another 20-25 minutes until water has evaporated but before it dries up.
Garnish with parsley.

Calgary Immigrant Womens Association 2009 17
Name of Recipe: Omelette
Country: unknown
Use: breakfast
Provided by: Farida Ahmed


3 Eggs
1 large onion, chopped
Salt and pepper
1 green chili, chopped
1 tomato, chopped
Oil for cooking


Lightly brown the onion in 1 tablespoon of oil

Add chopped green chili and cook

Add salt and diced tomatoes

Beat the eggs in a bowl then add to the frying pan

In 3 minutes, the eggs should be cooked and ready to eat

Serves about 3-4 people

Calgary Immigrant Womens Association 2009 18
Name of Recipe: Tofu Stir Fry
Country: mixed
Use: dinner
Provided by: Purvin


1 firm tofu package, cubed
Broccoli, sliced
Carrots, slivered
Mushrooms, sliced
Green onions, slivered
Red pepper, sliced
Orange pepper, diced
Garlic, thinly sliced
Soy sauce
Stir fry sauce, any kind
Any other vegetables you would like to add
Noodles, white rice or brown rice


In a wok, heat a little oil and brown the tofu

When the tofu is browned, add garlic, soy sauce, stir fry sauce and stir well

Add all the vegetables and stir well

Turn off the heat and cover so that vegetables stay crisp but warm

Serve on noodles, brown or white rice

Calgary Immigrant Womens Association 2009 19
Name of Recipe: Raab
Country: East Africa
Use: breakfast or snack
Provided by: Anonymous


packet butter
2 cups of millet flour
2 cups milk (use skim milk!)
Ground flax seed or bran (optional)
Some sweetener (sugar, honey or brown sugar)


Cook the flour in butter until it turns a very light brown

Add milk (and flax seed or bran if you are using them) and stir continuously until it

Add sweetener and serve

Calgary Immigrant Womens Association 2009 20
Name of Recipe: Rugag (cereal)
Country: Sudan
Use: breakfast
Provided by: Siham Abdul wahab


3 cups all purpose flour
1 egg
cup sugar
1 cup milk
3 cup water


Mix all ingredients very well

Add enough mix to cover the bottom of a shallow pan and cook on both sides until

Remove pastry from pan and let it cook

Cut and mash the pastry into small pieces

Now the cereal is ready to serve with milk

You may also add butter if desired

Calgary Immigrant Womens Association 2009 21
Name of Recipe: Tajine
Country: Tunisia
Use: lunch
Provided by: Molka

2 onions, diced or preferably minced in a food processor
250 grams beef chunks or chicken pieces (or whole chicken)
cup water
1 potato, peeled and diced
4 eggs
1 cup of your favorite cheese, shredded
cup of oil
Salt and pepper to taste
1 tsp turmeric


Put oil in a deep pan on high heat

Add potato and chicken or beef and cook for 2-3 minutes

Slowly add water while mixing and cook until the chicken or beef is cooked

Add salt, pepper and turmeric and mix in. Remove the pot from the stove.

In a baking dish or casserole dish, place the mixture from the pot and add eggs and
mix very well then sprinkle with cheese

Bake in 180-200 degrees C (400-450 F) for 20-30 minutes, until the meat is tender

Serve hot

Calgary Immigrant Womens Association 2009 22
Name of Recipe: Pan-fried Tofu
Country: Hong Kong
Use: lunch or dinner
Provided by: Laverne Ho


Diced firm tofu (1 block)
Soy sauce, to taste
1 tbsp cooking oil
1 tbsp sesame seeds


Lightly pan fry tofu on medium-high heat until golden brown

Add sesame and continue cooking

Add soy sauce to taste, and turn off heat

Serve hot

Calgary Immigrant Womens Association 2009 23
Name of Recipe: Sole Fillet
Country: China
Use: dinner
Provided by: Shumei Lee


1 sole fillet
Salt and pepper for seasoning
cup lemon juice
1 tablespoon of lemon butter
1-2 minced garlic cloves
1 minced shallot
1 tsp Dijon mustard
1 tsp lemon zest
Some lemon juice and salt to top off, according to your taste


Mix butter, shallots, Dijon mustard, lemon juice, salt and pepper and mix very well

Season the fillet with the mixture and wrap in plastic wrap then store in the fridge for
30 minutes or more

Preheat oven to 230C/450F

Place fillet on tin foil, and spread lemon butter on top and wrap tightly so that liquids
dont leak out

Place fillet package on a baking sheet and bake for 7-12 minutes or until desired

Calgary Immigrant Womens Association 2009 24
Name of Recipe: Tortas de Papa
Country: Mexico
Use: lunch
Provided by: Dunia Clemente


4 medium potatoes, peeled and boiled until soft and mashed
cup shredded cheese (your favorite)
2 eggs
Salt and pepper to taste


Mix ingredients together well in a bowl (you may use a potato masher to mix them well).
Make patties with two table spoons of the mix. Heat a pan on medium-high heat, and
cook patties, turning sides when starting to brown. Enjoy!

* If there are other spices that you like, you may add them (example: paprika, cumin or
curry powder).

Calgary Immigrant Womens Association 2009 25
Name of Recipe: Tuna Cake
Country: unknown
Use: lunch
Provided by: Anonymous


1 clove of garlic
1 onion, medium chopped
3 tbsp oil
1 cups of diced bread with a little milk
2 cans of tuna
cup of milk
4 tbsp parmesan cheese
6 eggs
1 tsp mustard
Salt and pepper to taste


Fry onion with garlic in hot oil until golden in color, put the bread for five minutes then
add tuna, milk, cheese and eggs. Scramble ingredients together. Season with mustard,
salt and pepper

Calgary Immigrant Womens Association 2009 26
Name of Recipe: Vegetable Cake
Country: China
Use: breakfast
Provided by: Lucy Zhou


1 cup of chopped green onions
3 eggs
1 cups of flour
1/4 cup water
pinch of salt
Chinese spices, as desired
1 sliced zucchini
Frying oil


Mix flour, green onions, eggs, water, salt and spices until you make a sticky dough
and use to coat the zucchini slices

Heat oil in a flat pan

Put pieces that are the size of 1 tablespoon of dough into the oil and cook for 5-6
minutes each, then turn and cook for another 3-4 minutes each until cooked.


Calgary Immigrant Womens Association 2009 27
Name of Recipe: Veronica's Lunch
Country: unknown
Use: lunch
Provided by: Veronica Ho


Mixed Fruit J uice
Orange J uice
Mixed Frozen Veggies
Milk and cheese (melted) OR 1 can condensed mushroom soup
Salt and pepper for seasoning
Baked potato to be served on the side


Boil the pasta as directed on the package, using oil and salt

Cook the sauce (milk and cheese) or the mushroom soup, add salt and pepper

Bake the potato if using

Cook the frozen veggies separately in water, then mix with the cooked pasta

Add the sauce to the pasta mix

Blend fruit and orange juices together and serve on the side

Calgary Immigrant Womens Association 2009 28
Name of Recipe: Fried Rice
Country: India
Use: lunch or dinner
Provided by: Pritpat Kaw Dhunna


2 cups basmati rice
1 cup green peas
1 cup carrot, cubed
2 onions, sliced thin
1 or 2 green chilies, chopped
1 tbsp oil or butter
Salt and black pepper to taste
2 cups chopped cabbage


Make the rice according to package direction

Put oil or butter in a pot on medium/high heat

Put all the vegetables in the pot and cook until soft

Add salt, black pepper and mix

Add the cooked rice and mix

Calgary Immigrant Womens Association 2009 29
Name of Recipe: Chicken Ginger
Country: Pakistan
Use: lunch or dinner
Provided by: Rizwana Ahmed


1 lb. boneless chicken (small pieces)
1 tbsp. ginger (paste)
1 tbsp. garlic (paste)
3 tbsp oil
1 large onion chopped
1/2 cup curd
1/4 cup chopped cilantro
Red chilies
For garnish: chopped green chilies, cilantro and ginger


Heat the oil in a pan. Fry chopped onion till light brown, put chicken in it. Fry it for 10
minutes. Add ginger and garlic paste; cook for 2 minutes. Add salt and chilies. Mix all
the ingredients and cook for 5 minutes. Add curd, cover pan and cook until it is tender.
Sprinkle green chilies, chopped cilantro and ginger on top. Serve with rice or naan

Calgary Immigrant Womens Association 2009 30
Name of Recipe: Fish with Vegetables
Country: Russia
Use: lunch or dinner
Provided by: Svetlana Savelyeva


Onion - 400 g
Carrot 300 g
Fish (any kind of fillet) 1 kg
Tomato Pasta 2 table spoons
Lemon juice 2 tea spoons
Salt, pepper 1 tea spoon


Peel and chop onion and carrot

Put some oil in the pan and heat it

Saut the onion until it is a nice golden color

Add carrot to onion and saut them together

Add tomato pasta, lemon juice, salt, and pepper

Put a half of this mixture at the bottom of the pan which you will use for baking

Put fillet of the fish on it

The last part of fried onion-carrot mixture on the top of fish

Bake about 30-40 minutes temperature - 220-230 C

Calgary Immigrant Womens Association 2009 31
Name of Recipe: Oven-roasted Vegetables
Country: unknown
Use: lunch or as a side with dinner
Provided by: Grace Wong


1 small butternut squash, cubed
2 red bell peppers, diced
1 sweet potato, cubed
1 zucchini
1 eggplant
2 carrots
1 red onion, quartered
1 tablespoon chopped fresh thyme
2 tablespoons chopped fresh rosemary
1/4 cup olive oil
3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
Salt and black pepper


Preheat oven to 475 degrees F (245 degrees C).

Combine the vegetables in a large bowl

In a small bowl, stir together thyme, rosemary, olive oil, vinegar, salt, and pepper.
Toss with vegetables until they are coated. Spread evenly on a large roasting pan.

Roast for 35 to 40 minutes in the preheated oven, stirring every 10 minutes, or until
vegetables are cooked through and browned

Dried herbs can be used instead of fresh herbs.
You can substitute different types of vegetables for this recipe.

Calgary Immigrant Womens Association 2009 32
Name of Recipe: Vegetable Burrito
Country: unknown
Use: lunch or dinner
Provided by: Grace Wong


8-10 tortillas
1 can refried beans
1 tsp vegetable oil
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 cup chopped onions
1/2 cup cubed carrots
1/2 cup chopped zucchini
2 green peppers, diced
2 tomatoes, chopped
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
Salt and black pepper as desired


Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
In a large skillet, heat oil over medium heat; saut garlic, onion, zucchini and carrot until
tender. Add salt and pepper to taste. Assemble burritos. Working with one tortilla at a
time, spread 3 tablespoons refried beans on each tortilla. Top with 1/2 cup vegetables;
sprinkle with cheese. Roll up tortilla and put it in a baking pan. Cover pan with foil; bake
15 minutes.

You can substitute different types of vegetables for this recipe.

Calgary Immigrant Womens Association 2009 33
Name of Recipe: Nikujaga (meat and potato)
Country: J apan
Provided by: Mai Nagao


4 potatoes
1 onion
200 g beef (thin sliced)
3 tsp green peas
3 tsp salad oil
3 tsp sugar
2 tsp J apanese sake
4 tsp soy sauce
2 cups water
2 tsp J apanese mirin (sweet sake)


Cut the beef to approximately 3-4 cm in length, cut the onion and potatoes to bite-size

Heat the onion in a pot on medium heat with salad oil until onion becomes slightly

Add beef and potatoes to the pot and stir-fry

When the beef is fully cooked, add water, then add only 2 tsp each of sugar, sake,
mirin, soy sauce. Heat in high heat with the lid on until it comes to a boil. Lower the
heat after boiled.

When the base sauce is half done, add the rest of soy sauce, sugar and close it with a
lid again

Boil until base sauce is mostly gone (stirring occasionally), then add green peas. In
high heat stir for a couple of minutes, then done

Calgary Immigrant Womens Association 2009 34

Healthy Living Cookbook
Calgary Immigrant Womens Association

Calgary Immigrant Womens Association 2009 35
Name of Recipe: Banana Walnut Cake
Country: Malaysia
Use: dessert
Provided by: Ban Chan


1 cup flour
2 tsp baking powder
tsp baking soda
tsp salt
2 eggs
cup sugar
2-3 mashed bananas
1/3 cup oil
cup milk
Chopped walnuts, as much as you like


Mix flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt together

In a separate bowl, mix eggs, sugar, bananas, oil and milk well

Sift flour mixture into the wet ingredients, and mix well

Pour batter evenly into greased loaf pan and top with walnuts

Bake in oven preheated to 360 F for 40 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the
cake will come out clean

Let the cake cool in the pan for 10 minutes

Slice and serve

Calgary Immigrant Womens Association 2009 36
Name of Recipe: Balahsham
Country: Sudan
Use: dessert
Provided by: Siham


3 eggs
1 cup milk
2/3 cups canola oil
1 tsp baking powder
3 cups flour
Pinch of salt
1 tsp cinnamon
Oil for frying
2 cups icing sugar
Syrup: 1 cup water +1 tsp lemon juice +1 tsp vanilla extract


Beat eggs, milk, canola oil, baking powder, flour, salt and cinnamon together well,
then mix by hand

Heat oil for frying

Drop batter in tablespoon-sized portions into hot oil and cook until red and puffy balls
(these are the balahsham balls)

Remove and drain on paper-towel or a rack. Sprinkle with icing sugar.

To make the syrup, boil the water and sugar, then add lemon and vanilla and remove
from heat

After the syrup cools, pour over balahsham balls

Calgary Immigrant Womens Association 2009 37
Name of Recipe: Gerdui (walnut cookies)
Country: Iran
Use: Dessert
Provided by: Zarintaj


2 tsp cinnamon
1 tbsp baking powder
1 stick of butter at room temperature
cup sugar
3 eggs
1 cup walnuts
3 apples, peeled, seeded and diced
1 tbsp vanilla extract
Flour (as needed, see below)
cup milk, warm
1 cup powdered sugar


Separate egg yolks from the whites. Mix egg yolks with cup sugar. Add butter and
continue mixing, then add the milk, vanilla and baking powder. Using your hands, add
flour and mix the dough. Keep adding flour until the dough stops sticking to your hands.
In another bowl, add the powdered sugar to the egg whites and mix at high speed until
fluffy. Roll the dough in a baking sheet and add a layer of apples topped with layer of
walnuts, then finish with the egg white mixture on top. Cover the entire mix with tin foil
and bake for one hour at 250-300 degrees until the top is light brown in color. As soon
as you take the tray out of the oven, cut the cake into squares to make into cookies,
allow to cool before serving. Enjoy!

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