Evaluating Your Organization Knowledge Focus

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Evaluating your organization knowledge focus

How does your organization rate in terms of its knowledge focus? Tick the box of any statement
which describes your organizational context.

The organization encourages the reuse and codification of knowledge.
The development of knowledge workers capabilities and competencies is regularly
supported throughout the organization.
Key outcomes and processes are documented, reported and shared with others.
The sharing of business intelligence is valued.
Mistakes are accepted as opportunity to learn and develop.
Knowledge sharing is incorporated into staffs performance review discussion.
Expectation about knowledge sharing are incorporated into staff orientation session.
New staffs are recruited on the basis of their knowledge work capabilities.
Technology support enables knowledge dissemination.
Codifible knowledge is readily transferred to a knowledge repository.
All stakeholders are involved in the development and sharing knowledge.
Staff focus on what is good for organization not what is good for themselves as individuals.
Units in the organization collaborate and share business intelligence.
People regard networking as part of their core business.
The organization value creativity innovation and lateral thinking.
Staffs are ease with accessing others in the organization for help and guidance.
Key experts in the organization are readily identified and contacted.
The social climate is trusting collaborative and robust in the face of difficulties.

Answers: Based on your tick. The status of knowledge management of your organization are
rank as
0-5 ticks: This organization has low social capital, and likely to have very individualistic and
resistant which withholds business intelligence from another section in the firm. Knowledge
equates to individual power, not collective good. It is highly likely there is high turnover.

6- 10 ticks: This organization is progressing on building social capital. There are obviously some
good indicative happening across the firm and there will be committed people who are starting to
make a difference.

11- 15 ticks: This is an organization with a heart and a focus on the future. it is working across a
number of areas to build collaborative and cohesive workforce and is clearly well in the way to
being a model enterprises. This is likely to be a type of organization where people like to work or
want to be employed.

16-18 ticks: It is unlikely that many firms are at this point. If they are they are exemplary and
clearly there has been a significant and sustained focus on knowledge management for a very
long time. This is the goal to which other organization should aspire.

(note it is a tested instrument and verified by concerned knowledge management department and
it can be used for testing the situation of organization knowledge management)

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