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Global Jihad: A Global Threat to Global Peace

by Vassilios Damiras, Ph.D. (ABD)

It is evident that we live in a very dangerous and totally confusing world. A very vicious
international network al-Qaeda of radical Muslim forces is menacing the global order or Pax
America (American Peace)/Globalization by utilizing terrorism as a grand strategy.

Obviously it is very difficult for the average global citizen to grasp and comprehend what
is occurring, because of incomplete, incompetent, and most of the time erroneous global news
reporting by much of the world media and the distortion of information in our own American
democratic political system.

The glorious and very powerful United States of America and many other courageous
democratic nation-states such as, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Japan, Estonia, Latvia,
Lithuania, and Poland to name a few have joined forces to fight the Fourth World War (First
World War 1914-1918, Second World War 1939-1945, and Third World War 1945-1991/Cold

The Fourth World War is a religious war against the radical Muslims/jihadists. It is not
by any means a war against the 1.5 billion Muslims across the globe or their respective Muslim
religion. In fact, the old Muslim religion is being kidnapped and misused by these brutal and
barbarian jihadists.

This new and brutal war in reality commenced in 1979, when various Iranian students
seized and occupied the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, Iran. Unfortunately, most people, pundits, and
political commentators failed to recognize that we were at war until the terrible and visceral
attacks against the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001.

The 9/11 mega terrorist attacks against the United States profoundly altered the American
and the global political perceptions regarding international relations and the role of the American
powerful military machine in the 21st century. For the first time in the American nation history,
the vast areas of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans were not enough to safeguard the American
mainland for foreign attacks. The islamofascists brought the fight to the United States socio-
political and economic heart. The result was that 3,000 innocent people were perished included
234 non-U.S. citizens from 41 nation-states in one single day. The American view of the world,
the relationship with the United Nations, various economic policies, intelligence process, judicial
system, and grand strategy were in significantly way affected for a long term.

The dramatic realization that American soil was subject to continued unprovoked attacks
made more Americans citizens to accept a more aggressive foreign and defense policies.
President George W. Bush rightly so adopted an aggressive defense policies resulting in
liberating Afghanistan and Iraq from brutal dictatorships. His policies summarized in the

“Now and in the future, Americans will live as free people, not in fear, and never at the mercy of
any foreign plot or power.” President George W. Bush

President Bush became a Great Liberator in a global proportion. American forces like
lions defeated the various monsters of the jihadist terrorism. In this Global War on Terror the
strategic position of Greece plays a very important role, because the American forces use various
NATO military installations such as, the naval/air force/army base of Suda Bay which is located
in the Greek island of Crete.

Various Greek governments such as, the socialist administration of Prime Minister Costas
Simitis and the current conservative administration of Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis have
provide a small token military assistance to the American effort. The argument that various
Greek and Greek-Americans leader provide for the lukewarm Greek military assistance is that
the United States supported the dictators in 1967, and supported the Turkish invasion in the
island of Cyprus in 1974. However, the aforementioned Greek beliefs are erroneous,
mendacious, and misleading. For both aforesaid historical events Greek politicians carry the
burden and not the various American positions on these matters. Various Greek statesmen failed
to understand the operations of the international system thus, a variety of Greek governments lost
crucial opportunities to promote and safeguard the complex and sensitive Greek national
interests via the pernicious avenues of the global labyrinth. This failure resulted in the weakness
of Greece. However, the United States has been since 1947, the guardian of the Greek
democracy and its values, ideas, and beliefs. American assistance defeated the Greek
communists and created modern Greek armed forces. In addition, American advisers
strengthened the Greek economy and the Greek socio-political system.

Greece through out her history has battled jihadist terrorism, despotism, and
totalitarianism. The Athenian Empire, Alexander the Great, the Hellenistic Kingdoms, the
Greco-Roman power, the glorious Byzantine Empire, and the Greek War of Independence, and
the Greek independent nation-state are historical examples of tremendous courage against
jihadist aggression.

Greece needs to stop being the Trojan horse for the interest of the various jihadist
interests, the government of Costas Karamanlis needs to entirely support the American effort on
the War against Global Terrorism and Greece must return to the Judeo-Christian values and
beliefs. It is ridiculous that various Greek and Greek-American leaders want to destroy the
Christian values of Greece for the purpose of promoting pseudo religious cults. These phony
ideas promote appeasement. The trouble with accepting or tolerating evil, of course, is that while
we are close our eyes, the evil itself only strengthen across the globe.

The main evil the globe faces today is terrorism from Muslim extremists. Nonetheless,
we will never win or even triumph over the jihadist’s terrorists until we accept that groups like
al-Qaeda are not operating alone. Without the significant aid of terrorist friendly regimes like the
regime of Saddam Hussein in Iraq, the Taliban in Afghanistan, and the theocratic dictatorship of
Iran who have been the main support of Islamic terrorism. Moreover, those dictatorships have
oppressed their own people for generations. Unfortunately, most of the Democratic Party and
various European leaders did not see the threat and even more rooting for an American failure in

Iraq. We need not to forget the words of British Conservative Prime Minister, Winston

“If you will not fight when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when
victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with
all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse
case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than
to live as slaves.”

As the Great liberator President Bush has many times rightly declared, we can no longer
wait around for terrorist group to attack us or our allies. We must take the fight to them,
defeating them and destroying the totalitarian and despotic regimes that furnish their lifeblood.
Furthermore, the U.S. Secretary of State, Colin Powell on January 27, 2003:

“There comes a time when soft power or talking with evil will not work-where unfortunately,
hard power is the only thing that works…There are still leaders around who will say you do not
have the will to prevail over my evil, and I think we are facing one of those times now.”

It is evident that western world needs to win this war and in order to do that the free world needs
to totally support in this endeavor the Bush administration. Therefore, Greece needs to join that
war to save civilization from claws of the islamofascists who want to destroy western values and
beliefs and moderate Muslim ideas. If the Hellenes failed to realize the Islamic threat the
Hellenic culture will vanquish for ever from the face of the earth. In order, for the Republic of
Greece to avoid such an inglorious death, she needs to support the American cause for the fight
and defeat of jihadist terrorism and allied with democratic nation-states like Israel. This kind of
dynamic foreign policy could safe Greece from extinction from the face of the earth.

Moreover, Greece needs to serious assist the United States in this war because both
countries share similar values. Specifically, America is a superior nation not because the
American citizens are superior human beings, but because the American culture was created on
an important recognition of our God-given natural rights-the “unalienable rights” appeared in the
Declaration of Independence. From that crucial awareness emanates a basic, shared respect for
humanity, individual liberty, limited government, and the rule of law. These fundamental
American values have their origins to Ancient Hellenic values. As the glorious and democratic
Ancient Athens fought to stop the Persian military menace in a similar way the glorious
American Armed Forces fight to thwart the jihadist global threat. President Bush is a modern
Pericles fighting for the survival and the spread of democratic values across the globe. Thus,
modern Greece needs to take these fight vary serious. As it was mentioned in numerous times in
this essay is a fight for survival of the western values and beliefs.

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