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stocks declined Thursday, with airline and restaurant shares knocked and the S&P 500 down for a
third day, as concern about violence in Iraq increased, along with the price of oil. More >>
The Commerce Department said retail sales rose by 0.3 percent in May, while economists had been
expecting sales to climb by about 0.6 percent. More >>
Initial jobless claims rose by 4,000 to a seasonally adjusted 317,000 in the seven days ended June 7, the
Labor Department said Thursday. Economists had expected claims to total 310,000. More >>

NATURAL GAS (4.785/MmBtu, +6.16%): Natural gas futures climbed the most, reaching a five-week high,
after a government report showed that a U.S. stockpile expansion was smaller than forecast. More >>

GOLD ($1273.30/oz t, +0.96%): Gold futures rose after unrest in Iraq threatened to erupt into outright civil
war, which bolstered the yellow metal's safe-haven appeal. More >>

OIL (WTI $106.86/bl, +2.35%; BRENT $112.57/lb, +2.93%): West Texas Intermediate and Brent crudes
surged to eight-month highs as violence escalated across northern and central Iraq. More >>

European stocks were little changed as the benchmark index pared gains after data showed U.S. retail
sales grew slower than estimated and more Americans than forecast made jobless claims. More >>
Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne promised the Bank of England new powers over mortgage
lending to prevent the strengthening housing market derailing the recovery. More >>
In a report, Eurostat, the European statistics agency said industrial production increased by a seasonally
adjusted 0.8% in April, above forecasts for a 0.4% gain. More >>
PSI-20 closed down 0.88% to 7253.86 points, with 13 stock closing on the red side. The main triggers for
this fall were stock from the financial sector, in particular the loss of more than 6% of BCP. More >>
BCP is preparing a capital increase of up to two billion euros, according to Bloomberg. JPMorgan and
Bank Deustsche are already working with the institution. Shares closed falling over 6%. More >>
The gas prices for the third quarter of this year will rise 2.4% for families. Enterprise customers will have
the same impact, with more than 10 thousand cubic meters of annual consumption. More >>
June 2014
DISCLAIMER: Daily Briefs contains a summary of financial news covered on conventional news services around the world. Daily Briefs coverage of subjects is based on the
whims of its volunteer contributors. FEP Finance Club is not responsible for any imprecision or error in the content of any news.
PSI20: -0.88% DAX30: -0.11% FTSE100: +0.06% S&P500: -0.71% NIKKEI225: +0.50%
Asian stocks fell, with the regional benchmark index dropping from a six-year high, as investors weighed
valuations after U.S. equities slid. More >>
Japanese core machinery orders fell 9.1% in April (MoM), an indication that companies are likely keeping
a close eye on the effect of a sales tax increase on the economy. More >>
Australia's unemployment held steady in May, easing concern over a fading mining-investment boom
that has been slowing the economy. More >>

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