Consumer Behavior Towards Mobile Advertising

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Consumer behavior towards mobile advertising

Purpose of this research paper is to observe and study behavior of consumers towards
mobile advertising to discover how consumers in Pakistan (Karachi) perceive mobile advertising.
Today people especially new generation are running towards digital advertising and
mobile advertising is also a part of digital advertising. Almost Every person have mobile in
Use of Mobile Phones are increasing frequently it gives importance to this advertising
medium. This paper will help to understand Psychology of consumers and how it will influence
and successful.

Advertising is changing everybody wants fast results Mobile advertising is the fastest way
to advertise it includes Advertising through S.M.S, M.M.S, mobile internet, graphical content,
etc . Marketers now understand the importance of mobile marketing. This study will also explain
why consumers buy product or attracts towards mobile marketing and importance.

Key Words:
Consumer behavior
Mobile advertising
Digital advertising
Mobile phones

Literature Review:
This literature review is taken from different case studies and research papers and from
different resources this literature review will tell us what literature is about this research and
what the attitudes of consumers towards mobile research are and what is mobile advertising its
benefits and importance value etc. to facilitate the understanding and make easy for readers
audience or customers are very important and now a days in busy world most people do not have
time to watch advertise but everyone has a mobile and every one read sms mms etc.
It is a method of providing information about the product, service and business. It is a kind
of marketing The purpose of advertisements are basically building a product image. With the
time passes, new types technologies and advertising media is introduced. Initially the only
advertising media were Billboards, newspapers and magazines. Next comes Radio and
Television and now the latest method of advertising which are recently introduced some years
before are Internet and mobile networks in these all methods mobile advertising is most
important and useful. However, the cost and the effectiveness of this advertising is still in
question or debatable. It is an important issue for advertising agencies to find a proper strategy
for this advertising media.
Old advertising media:
Newspapers and magazines are the primary form of advertising media. Advertisements in
newspapers and magazines are the pull-type strategy because the message is transferred without
the will of the customers or audience. It creates a high involvement level with audiences. In
contrast, Television and radio are push-type strategy of this media. In this audience or consumers
or customers views or hear what appears or voice coming from television or radio. In this
method information is transferred and controlled by the advertising agency, but involvement
level is low in comparison with newspapers and magazines. The main restriction on print media
is the size of the advertisement because there is limited space. Whereas in electronic media, the
element of time is the most restricted resource. The problem in TV advertisements is the length
of the advertisement.
New advertising media and mobile advertising:
Online advertising, it is advertising over telecommunication lines, usually through the
internet, enables a bi-directional and individual connection to audiences. It includes web
advertisement, digital media broadcasting, interactive TV and advertising through mobile
devices. Online advertising has three characteristics; ease of targeting; personalized contents; and
interactivity. One of the important characteristics of online advertising is interactive connection.
Compared to traditional TV commercials, online advertising works interactively. With individual
and interactive connections, an advertising agency can target audiences who are
more likely to be interested in the product or services that advertiser wants to present. These
things are more significant in a mobile advertising because it has highly detailed settings. In
mobile everybody has their own personal number and also mobile devices stay with the customer
almost every time. Advertisers can specify both location and time to increase the accuracy of the
targeted customer.
Opportunities and obstacles:
This type of marketing includes mobile phones and PDAs etc. The main areas for this
marketing are promotions, event marketing, branded content and customer relationship
marketing, which are based on the real-time connectivity and different ways of interaction.
The main problems that make weak growth of mobile marketing, like privacy etc. which can
make less value of mobile marketing. The simple messaging service (SMS) spam messages are
also reported. As was shown in the research about attitudes to mobile advertising, the point that
customer should have an option to choose whether or not to receive an advertisement on mobile.
To avoid spam a code of conduct is developed as a guideline, which is composed of the six
Cs of privacy; choice; control; constraint; customization; consideration; confidentiality. The
problem of Privacy occurs in the case of customer information-gathering. The idea of gathering
user-preference data could raise a serious privacy problem because the activity of a single person
can be traced easily. These problems can be solved with regulations and these regulations are
necessary. Location privacy is a serious issue as mobile networks became popular. USA does not
have federal guidelines for location privacy.
Types of mobile advertisements:
There are different types of classification for the categories of the mobile advertisements
into different groups, four ways of classification are applied in this study; communication type;
presentation type; business purpose; message type. Mobile advertising has both push- and pull-
types; one is like to email advertisements and the other is like to web advertisements. When any
customer uses a mobile device as a browser, the effect of an advertisement is just like to a web
banner and if a customer receives text or multimedia promotional messages in the mobile, it
works like an email advertisement. Messaging is more commonly used as a way of interaction in
mobile networks. Advertising messages on mobile can be divided into text message (SMS) and
multimedia messages (MMS) according to the technology used for transferring the
advertisement. SMS is the most common method of advertising. It is expected that multimedia or
animated picture advertisements will be more popular in the near future because life is getting
busy day by day. Advertising messages include different content according to the purpose of
Promotional marketing. These messages are used for the immediate positive reaction of
customers which will give in return increase of sales there are other different advertisements for
building brand image and loyalty and giving different attractive packages to the customers. By
the message type, mobile advertising is divided further into a pure advertisement and
an attached advertisement. Mobile web banners are categorized as an attached advertisement.
People respond to different advertisements in different ways, depending on their involvement. A
low-involvement because of effect as the order of cognition, experience and affect. The product
experience is the main and dominant factor and cognition means only passing awareness in
categories to which the product belongs. The importance of product trial and usage experience is
introduced into the feedback of customers.
What Factors affecting the effect of advertisements:
The effect of advertisements is dependent on many different factors and the contributions
vary according to the situation. The factors that have a good influence on the effect of
advertising can be divided into three categories; advertisement factors; environmental factors;
and Customer factors.
Advertisement factors:
There are different advertising factors like Design factors, Environmental factors,
Customer factors, etc.
Design factors:
Design factors are related to the question of how to design the advertisement
effectively. They include the size, color, sound effects, animation and length of commercial. The
sound and animation in MMS makes an advertisement attractive.
Environmental factors:
The context of the advertisement and its surroundings are considered as a primary factor.
The impact of gender also effect on advertising it is necessary to advertise product that they will
be in memories of customers they remember their products longtime. The recall rate increases as
the exposure time increases. The link between attentions to advertising
and viewing duration is closely related to customer information processing. The information
theories is that effectively processing of the content is informative and essential if
any meaningful processing is going to take place.
Customer factors:
The customers experience and attitude has very importance in any advertise so it is also
most important in mobile advertising too. Advertisements, with real experience, build an attitude
in customers. The attitude of customer is divided into attitude to brand, advertising media and the
advertisement. Customer attitudes to advertising is found negative and some customers have a
favorable attitude.
The concept of involvement is an important factor of advertising. Involvement was defined in
terms of the number of personal connections between the product and the viewer. According to
the level of involvement, the process of receiving information in advertisements is
quite different.


Research Design:
My research approach is deductive and philosophy is positivism strategy is case study and
time horizon longitudinal finally my technique and procedures of data is qualitative not

Sampling Technique:
Convenience sampling technique is used in this research I is very useful

Pilot Testing:
The cronbach J.Lewis ration is 0.7 in this research

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