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SAP R/3-Specilization
Identify how a company can use SAP solutions to support and optimize business process.
Describe the business processes supported.
Identify the integration points with other ERP processes.
SAP R/3-Specilization
SAP Financial Accounting (FI)
o Master data and documents for Financial Accounting
o Special G! transactions for document par"ing
o #andling of payments$ dunning % interest calculation
o &usiness processes in Asset accounting
o 'alidations and substitutions in Financial Accounting
o (he new general ledger % integration with the FI sub ledgers and the )*
o +eporting ,using the new FI drilldown reporting-
SAP Sales & Distriution (SD)
o Processes in Sales and Distribution
o )reating and processing sales orders
o )ontracts and scheduling agreements
o Deli.ery processes
o Pricing and conditions
o +ebate processing
o )ontrolling billing documents
o +e.enue account determination
SAP !u"an Resources (!R)
o )onfiguration of #uman +esources master data
o )onfiguration of time management
o +eporting in #uman +esources Management
o *rganisation Management
o *rganisation and configuration of payroll
o Matri/ organization and structure$ reporting % reporting tools
o Manager0s des"top and Manager Self
SAP Overview (SAP01)
SAP12 is a course that introduces you to the .arious SAP solutions$ applications$ components$ and
terminology. It is a must3do foundation course that pro.ides the participant with the basic SAP
"nowledge re4uired for all other SAP courses.
(he participant could be a beginner in SAP or a member of a team in.ol.ed in organizing and
planning an SAP implementation. (he participant needs to ha.e a wor"ing "nowledge of P)s$
Microsoft *ffice$ and internet browsers. 5o specific technical "nowledge is re4uired.$ a
familiarity or wor"ing e/perience with basic business processes will be helpful. As this is an course$ the details of the SAP applications and components are left to subse4uent
(he course begins with a bac"ground of SAP$ the company$ in terms of founding history$
mar"et growth$ and product portfolio. (he participant is then familiarized with basics such as
logging on to an SAP system and na.igating within it$ common terminology$ and concepts. *nce
this is complete$ the course on to introduce and familiarize the participant with the different
SAP solutions and components.
6.ery section of the course is complemented by simulations that depict to the participant scenarios
and case studies of different business situations handled in the SAP system.
Pro.ides a conceptual of SAP0s business solutions.
De.elop the baseline SAP product "nowledge necessary for an 65D 7S6+.
SAP (he )ompany
System wide concepts
#uman )apital Management
Analytics and Strategic Planning
)ustomer networ"
Best practices in SAP (TERP 10)
#MS I( wishes to introduce the (6+P 21 course in the ne/t year session to their students.
8or" together with the responsible consultants and pro9ect team members in the indi.idual
6+P areas
6/plain how the fundamental integrati.e business processes interact within mySAP 6+P in
the areas of *perations ,core logistics processes-$ Financials$ #uman )apital Management$ and
Course Content for MBA-SAP program at IIBS 2 of 3
(he basic structures: organizations$ master data$ etc.; used throughout SAP as a technology infrastructure supporting 6+P business processes. &usiness Intelligence ,&I- as a reporting and analysis tool.
learn the basic business processes used in;
Financial Accounting
Management Accounting
#uman )apital Management
In.entory Management
Material Planning
Manufacturing 6/ecution
Plant Maintenance
!ifecycle Data Management
Sales *rder Management
Program % Pro9ect Management
Strategic 6nterprise Management
(o enlist a few ad.antages for students using this course are;
'aluable insights into real world business process and operations adopted by enterprises.
7nderstanding the integration of information3 communication s"ills and business domain
Sensitizing the students to industry best practices and pro.ides a starting point for them to
diffuse$ customize$ and continuously inno.ate on these best practices.
First step toward the path of becoming a full fledged SAP consultant.
6dge peers to 9oin SAP pro9ect.
(o sum it up$ these SAP courses pro.ides graduate students the complete grasp of both 6+P s"ills
and business domain "nowledge. (hese aspects are in greater demand in industry$ as companies
today constantly see" talent to de.elop inno.ati.e solutions.
8ith these courses$ we at SIS! % SAP hope that these students will be moti.ated enough to further
their thirst for new "nowledge and s"ills in the &usiness 8orld.
Course Content for MBA-SAP program at IIBS 3 of 3

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