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1. Installation
Extract the zip file using Winzip or Winrar on windows PC using the password provided on Password
column under My Downloadale Products !n My "ccount#
Copy the directories from $pencart %iles &provided in to '!P file( to your opencart root# Copy those
directories at your opencart root respectively)
e#g *our copy path will e
upload+admin&$verwrite this folder(
upload+catalog&$verwrite this folder(
upload+image&$verwrite this folder(
!f you want to enale languages then you can download it from this site .
Download language from given url and paste it to your language directory#
,anguage directory root-.upload+catalog+language.#
/ow we have to set our 0emplate from "dmin panel
1nder "dmin Panel 234ystem234ettings23Store230emplate
4elect OPC070156 into 0emplates field#
"nd Clic5 on Save utton at top right corner#
2.Banner Settings
2.1.Main Banner
shared on
Add banner for slideshow
/ow for adding new anners go to 4ystem23Design23Banners#
&disale 6P Products) Manufacturers) 4amsung 0a y clic5ing edit utton(
Clic5 on Insert utton to add new anner#
7ive anner name )ma5e status enale and clic5 on Add Banner utton#
7ive title of your anner and clic5 on image to upload your anner#
"gain clic5 on "dd 8anner utton and upload your rest two anners#
/ow clic5 on Save utton#
1ninstall Slideshow module 7o to Extensions23Modules234lideshow23 1ninstall#
/ow) !nstall Temlatemela Slideshow module 7o to Extensions23Modules23 0emplatemela 4lideshow2
3 install&"fter install clic5 on .Edit. lin5(#
/ow to activate your anner go to Extensions23!od"les23 0emplatemela 4lideshow clic5 on "dd
Module utton#
%rom anner select your anner)
shared on
7ive Width 9 6eight #770 $ %1&' &your anner width and height()
%rom the ,ayout select (ome Pa)e)
%rom Position select Content To)
%rom status select Ena*le )
7ive short order:1#
Clic5 on Save utton#
4ame way insert another slideshow#
2.2.Sub Banner
2.2.1 Sub Banner
Add *anner one *+ one
/ow for adding new anners go to 4ystem23Design23Banners#
&disale 6P Products) Manufacturers) 4amsung 0a y clic5ing edit utton(
Clic5 on Insert utton to add new anner#
7ive anner name )ma5e status enale and clic5 on Add Banner utton#
7ive title of your anner and clic5 on image to upload your anner#
"gain clic5 on "dd 8anner utton and upload your rest two anners#
/ow clic5 on Save utton#
shared on
2.2.Left Banner
Add *anner
/ow for adding new anners go to 4ystem23Design23Banners#
&disale 6P Products) Manufacturers) 4amsung 0a y clic5ing edit utton(
Clic5 on Insert utton to add new anner#
7ive anner name )ma5e status enale and clic5 on Add Banner utton#
7ive title of your anner and clic5 on image to upload your anner#
"gain clic5 on "dd 8anner utton and upload your rest two anners#
/ow clic5 on Save utton#
shared on
/ow to activate your 4uanner go to Extensions23Modules23 Banner clic5 on Edit utton#
%rom anner select your anner)
7ive Width 9 6eight #,&7 $ --' &your anner width and height()
%rom the ,ayout select (ome Pa)e)
%rom Position select Content To)
%rom status select Ena*le )
7ive short order su;anner<:&.su;anner=:5 and su;anner>:6#
Clic5 on Save utton#
/ow to activate your ,eftanner go to Extensions23Modules23 Banner clic5 on Edit utton#
%rom anner select your anner)
7ive Width 9 6eight #,00 $ ,66' &your anner width and height()
%rom the ,ayout select Cate)or+ Pa)e)
%rom Position select Content Le/t)
%rom status select Ena*le )
7ive short order &#
Clic5 on Save utton#
3. Templatemela CMS
shared on
7o to Extensions23Modules23Temlatemela C!S23!nstall&"fter install clic5 on .Edit. lin5()
Clic5 on Add !od"le to add cms loc5 in footer#
/ow clic5 on "dd module and Edit source utton in text editor loc5 and paste this code#
3.1 Templatemela CMS Blo! 1
?div class:.static;footer.3
?div class:.static;footer;inner.3
?div class:.loc5;<.3
?div class:.aout;icon.39nsp@?+div3
?h> class:.title.3"out 4tore?+h>3
?ul class:.aout;content.3
?li3%ind a store near you Mothercare Promise Pushchair 7uarantee Delivery information Aiew *our
$rder %ind a store near you Mothercare Promise
?a;more.3Beadmore##### ?+a3
?div class:.loc5;=.3
?h> class:.title;loc5.3%ollow us-?+h>3
?li class:.faceoo5.3?a href:.C.3%aceoo5?+a3?+li3
?li class:.twitter.3?a href:.C.30witter?+a3?+li3
?li class:.rss.3?a href:.C.3B44?+a3?+li3
%rom Position select Content 0ooter)
%rom status select Ena*le)
Clic5 on Save utton#
shared on
3.2 Templatemela CMS Blo! 2
?ul class:.address.3
?li;add.3My Company?+li3
?li3D= avenue Champs?r +3 Paris %rance?+li3
%rom Position select Content 0ooter BLo12 )
%rom status select Ena*le)
Clic5 on Save utton#
shared on
3.3 Templatemela CMS Blo! 3
?div class:.cms;anner.3
?div class:.anner;<. id:.anner;CM4.3
?div class:.img.3?img alt:.. src:.http-++opencart2
demos#net+$PCEH+$PCEHE<FG+image+data+upto#png. +3?+div3
?div class:.anner;content.3
?span class:.text;<.31pto FL Bewards?+span3
?r +3
?span class:.text;=.3on your 4hopping ?+span3
?div class:.anner;=. id:.anner;CM4.3
?div class:.img.3?img alt:.. src:.http-++opencart2
demos#net+$PCEH+$PCEHE<FG+image+data+easy#png. +3?+div3
?div class:.anner;content.3
?span class:.text;<.3Easy Extended?+span3
?r +3
?span class:.text;=.3Beturns ?+span3
?div class:.anner;>. id:.anner;CM4.3
?div class:.img.3?img alt:.. src:.http-++opencart2
demos#net+$PCEH+$PCEHE<FG+image+data+delivery#png. +3?+div3
?div class:.anner;content.3
?span class:.text;<.3Delivery 4chedule?+span3
?r +3
?span class:.text;=.34pread Cheer time?+span3
shared on
?div class:.anner;D. id:.anner;CM4.3
?div class:.img.3?img alt:.. src:.http-++opencart2demos#net+$PCEH+$PCEHE<FG+image+data+same2
day#png. +3?+div3
?div class:.anner;content.3
?span class:.text;<.34ame day 4hipping?+span3
?r +3
?span class:.text;=.3%or all products ?+span3
%rom Position select Content To)
%rom status select Ena*le)
%rom 4ort $rder select ,)
%rom ,ayout select (ome)
Clic5 on Save utton.
3." Templatemela CMS Blo! "
?div class:.cms;header.3
?div class:.header;loc5<.3
?div class:.img.39nsp@?+div3
?div class:.loc5;content.3%ree 4hipping?r +3 on all products?+div3
?+div3 ?div class:.header;loc5=.3
?div class:.img.39nsp@?+div3
shared on
?div class:.loc5;content.3Money ac5?r +3 7uarantee?+div3
?div class:.header;loc5>.3
?div class:.img.39nsp@?+div3
?div class:.loc5;content.34pecial Wee5ly?r +3 offers?+div3
%rom Position select (eader Blo12)
%rom status select Ena*le)
Clic5 on Save utton#
". #eature $rodut
7o to Extensions23Modules230eat"red23Edit)&Clic5 on !nstall lin5 if Edit lin5 in not there(
Clic5 on Add !od"le utton to add %eature Product)
7ive !mage Width and 6eight #150 $ 150' )
%rom ,ayout select (ome)
%rom Position select Content To)
%rom 4tatus select Ena*le,
7ive 4hort order:%)
Clic5 on Save utton#
shared on
%. Information
7o to Extensions23Modules23In/ormation23Edit)&Clic5 on !nstall lin5 if Edit lin5 in not there(
Clic5 on Add !od"le to add !nformation#
"dd G module#
%rom ,ayout select Conta1t.In/ormation.Sitema.(ome.Cate)or+.Prod"1t one y one)
%rom Position select Col"mn Le/t)
%rom status select Ena*le)
7ive short order:1)
Clic5 on Save utton#
&. Speial
7o to Extensions23Modules23Se1ial23Edit)&Clic5 on !nstall lin5 if Edit lin5 in not there(
Clic5 on "dd Module utton to add 4pecial)
7ive !mage size #30 $ 30'.
%rom ,ayout select (ome and Prod"1t
%rom Position select Col"mn Le/t)
%rom status select Ena*le)
shared on
7ive short order:%)
Clic5 on Save utton#
'. Bestsellers
7o to Extensions23Modules23Bestsellers23Edit)&Clic5 on !nstall lin5 if Edit lin5 in not there(
Clic5 on Add !od"le utton to add estsellers)
7ive !mage size #30 $ 30')
%rom ,ayout select Prod"1t.(ome and Che12o"t
%rom Position select Col"mn Le/t)
%rom status select Ena*le)
7ive short order: 6ome 9 Chec5out: ,) Product: ,
Clic5 on Save utton#
(. Latest $rodut
Go to Extensions->Modules->Latest->Edit,(Click on Install link i Edit link in not there!
Click on Add Module "otton to add #atest $roduct,
Gi%e Ima&e si'e )1%* + 1%*,,
(rom #a)out select -ome ,
(rom $osition select Content Top,
(rom status select .nable,
Gi%e short order*',
shared on
Gi%e Ima&e si'e )(* + (*,,
(rom #a)out select $rodut , Manufaturer , Categor/
(rom $osition select Column Left,
(rom status select .nable,
Gi%e short order Cate&or)* 3, Manuacturer* 1 and $roduct* "
Click on +Sa0e, "utton.
1. Affiliate
Go to Extensions->Modules->Affiliate->Edit,(Click on Install link i Edit link in not there!
(rom #a)out select Affiliate,
(rom $osition select Column Left,
(rom status select .nable,
Gi%e short order*1,
Click on +Sa0e, "utton.
1*. Aount
Go to Extensions->Modules->Aount->Edit,(Click on Install link i Edit link in not there!
Click on Add Module "utton,
(rom #a)out select Aount, one ") one
(rom $osition select Column Left,
(rom status select .nable,
Gi%e short order*1,
Click on +Sa0e, "utton.
shared on
11. Image si2e settings
Go to -)stem->-ettin&->Edit->Images,
Chan&e cate&or) ima&e si'e to: '&( + 12" ,
Chan&e product ima&e thum" si'e to: 3** +32* ,
Chan&e product list si'e to: 1%* + 1%* ,
Chan&e .dditional $roduct ima&e si'e to:3** +32*,
Chan&e related product ima&e si'e to: 1%* + 1%* ,
Click on +Sa0e, "utton.
12. Language Settings
shared on
We have provided ,anguages with this pac5age#
0o Enale ,anguages login to your admin panel and do following settings#
7o to 4ystem23,ocalisation23,anguages)
Clic5 on Insert utton to add new ,anguage#
0or E4amle To add d"t1h Lan)"a)e -
,anguage /ame- Chinese)
Code- 1n)
,ocale- 5h.5h6h2.5h61n.5h61n78T063.1n6)*.1hinese)
!mage- 1n7n))
Directory- 1hinese)
%ilename- 1hinese)
4tatus- Ena*le)
4ort $rder- as you li5e#
Clic5 on Save utton#
4ame way you can do the settings for other ,anguages.
13. 3eed More -elp4
$nce again) than5 you so much for purchasing the theme# We are glad to help you if you have any
Muestions relating to this theme# *ou can contact us and sumit technical 4upport 0ic5et from our
support des5
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