Child Care

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99 01 21

2001; Montgomery, 1992; Stoller, 1992)

care deficit(Williams, 2003)

(Esping-Andersen, 1999)

(Leitner, 2003)

(, 1997b; , 1997; , 1997)

(, 1997) (England,

(O'connor & Shaver, 1999; , 1997)

(Esping-Andersen, 1999)

Quality Early Childhood Education and Care, ECEC

(social inclusion)

(OECD, 2006)


familialistic regimes
(Kersbergen, 1995)

15~64 1.05
2000 72.19 2006 80.24

(, 2006; , 2002)(2006)6
2006 135 0~ 3 61 3~ 6

1980 84.71 % 2006 65.79 %

295 2007 6 276 2000 93 2007
6 44
2000 3,000 2007 6 4,000

1,200 2006 1,500



(Wang, 2006; , 2000)

OCutright (1965); Kerr (1964) Mishra

(1973) Wilensky & Lebeaux (1958)Williamson & Fleming (1977)
(, 1999b)(2000)

(Fraser, 1984; Piven & Cloward, 1971)

(Korpi, 1978; Shalev, 1983;


Stephens, 1979; Walter, 2006)

(Castles, 1985; T. Skocpol, 1985; T. Skocpol & Amenta,


(Collier & Messick, 1975)

, 2003; , 2000; , 2000; , 1995b; & ,
2006)(2000: 90) O




(, 2003; , 1999; , 1997a; ,

2006; , 2002; , 2005; , 2005, 2006; ,
2003; , 2004)



(Fraser, 1984)

(, 1999b: 286)

Cohen (1985)(strategy-centered)

2. Cohen (1985)(strategy-centered)

(, 1989)
(, 2002a, 2002b, 2004)

(, 2000)


(, 1998b)

(, 2000)

3. 1970 (state-centered)

(, 2001)Migdal (1988)state capacity



(1999) 1997


system(party competition)

( , 1999)

(, 2003: 88-89)


(, 2000: 120)

(, 2000:


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NSC 97-2410-H-194-098

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