Candidate's Declaration: Distributed Systems Using Fuzzy Logic" Has Been Completed by Me Under The

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Candidates Declaration
I, Kamal Deep, a student of Master of Technology (2010-12) in the
Department of Computer Science & Engineering, do hereby declare that the
dissertation entitled Study and Optimization of Task Scheduling Algorithms for
Distributed Systems using Fuzzy Logic has been completed by me under the
supervision of Mr. Anish Soni, AP, CSE Dept, HCTM, Kaithal.
The matter embodied in this Dissertation has not been submitted earlier for
award of any degree to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Date: ____________ Kamal Deep


Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Haryana College of Technology & Management, Kaithal

Mr. Anish Soni
Assistant Professor


Certified that Mr. Kamal Deep, a student of Master of Technology
(Computer Science & Engineering), under Roll No. 590883 of the batch 2010-
2012, has completed the dissertation entitled Study and Optimization of Task
Scheduling Algorithms for Distributed Systems Using Fuzzy Logic under my
I wish him all success in his all endeavors.

Anish Soni
(Assistant Professor)

Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Haryana College of Technology & Management, Kaithal


This is to certified that Mr. Kamal Deep, University Roll No: 590883, a
bonafide student of Master of Technology in Computer Science & Engineering
(batch 2010 2012) has completed his dissertation entitled Study and
Optimization of Task Scheduling Algorithms for Distributed Systems using
Fuzzy Logic under the supervision of Mr. Anish Soni, AP, CSE Dept, HCTM,
We wish him all success in his all endeavors.

Er. Sunita Parashar Er. Sunil Kr. Kaushik
Dissertation Incharge Head of Department

Prof. (Dr.) P.K. Suri
Chairman, CSE & Dean (R & D)

It is with deep sense of gratitude and reverence that I express my sincere
thanks to my Guide Mr. Anish Soni, Assistant Professor CSE Department,
HCTM, Kaithal and other faculties for their guidance, encouragement, help and
useful suggestions throughout. Their untiring and painstaking effort, methodical
approach and individual help made it possible for me to complete this work in
time. I consider myself very fortunate for having been associated with these
scholars. Their affection, guidance and scientific approach served a veritable
incentive for completion of this work.
I am thankful to Dr. P.K. Suri, Chairman, Er. Sunil Kr. Kaushik, HEAD,
and Mr. Anshu Parashar, Associate Professor & former HOD, CSE Department,
HCTM, Kaithal for their constant encouragement, valuable suggestions, motivation
and moral support. I am also thankful to Management & Dr. D.P. Gupta,
Director for providing the backend support to the Department and the Institute.
Although it is not possible to name individually, I cannot forget my well
wishers especially Mr. Sagar Gulati for their persistent support and co-operation.
Finally, I would like to express my thanks to my Parents and In Laws for
their blessing and encouragement and my wife Ms. Deepa for her love and
support. Especially I want to thanks my son Vasu and Parth. Their smiles are
core of my inspiration.
At last but not least I am thankful to GOD.

Kamal Deep


A distributed system consists of a collection of autonomous computers,
connected through a network and distribution middleware, which enables
computers to coordinate their activities and to share the resources of the system, so
that users perceive the system as a single, integrated computing facility.
Distributed systems are implemented on hardware platforms that vary in size from
a few workstations interconnected by a single local area network to thousands of
computers connected via multiple wide area networks. Task Scheduling has been
an area of research for almost two decades for the scientists, academicians and
researchers. Present piece of research is a rigorous attempt by the research scholar
to optimize the performance of a distributed system in different operating
conditions viz. when no. of task(s) are much higher as compared to available
processors. The scholar has developed a mathematical and a fuzzy model to
optimize the performance of the distributed system. The problem has been
simulated on Matlab 7.0.4 Fuzzy Mamdani Inference Engine. Finally it has been
concluded that time complexity is very low with Fuzzy Logics in comparison with
the mathematical model.

Figure No. Description Page
Figure 1.1 Dependency between tasks 6
Figure 1.2 Characteristic Function of a Crisp Set 14
Figure 1.3 Characteristic Function of a Fuzzy Set 16
Figure 1.4 Example fuzzy sets 17
Figure 1.5 Example: Fuzzy AND 17
Figure 1.6 Example: Fuzzy OR 18
Figure 1.7 Example: Fuzzy NEGATION 18
Figure 1.8 Example: Linguistic Variables 19
Figure 1.9 Interference for rule IF H very low AND a low THEN Class =
class 1
Figure 1.10 Defuzzification using the center of gravity approach 21
Figure 4.1 Interface of Matlab 39
Figure 4.2 Using the Matlab Interface for simulating Fuzzy Inference
Figure 4.3 The Proposed Model using Mamdani Inference Engine for one
set of parameters
Figure 4.4 Fuzzy membership function w.r.t. Execution Time 44
Figure 4.5 Fuzzy membership function w.r.t. Deadline 45
Figure 4.6 The decision surface corresponding to Inference rules 47
Figure 4.7 Priority vs ICT vs ET vs Reliability 48
Figure 4.8 The Proposed Fuzzy Inference Engine for another set of 49

Figure 4.9 Fuzzy Set corresponding to CPU Time 50
Figure 4.10 Fuzzy Set corresponding to Laxity 51
Figure 4.11 Fuzzy Set corresponding to Deadline 52
Figure 4.12 Proposed Algorithm 53
Figure 4.13 The decision surface corresponding to Inference rules 54
Figure 5.1 Comparison with other Approaches 68
Figure 5.2 Ereliability Index Graph 70
Figure 5.3 Etime Index Graph 70
Figure 5.4 Comparison of Run Time Complexity of Present Method with
that of Kumar06s Method
Figure 5.5 The Sugeno rule operators 72
Figure 5.6 The Future model using Sugeno Inference Engine 73


Table No. Description Page No.
Table 1.1 Example for a fuzzy rule base 19
Table 4.1 Assignment Table 66
Table 4.2 Assignment Index Values Table 66

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