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And over all these virtues put on love,

which binds them all together in perfect unity. -Col. 3:14

July 2008
Information and
inspiration for the
women of Spring
Lake Church

Summer is Here!
Womens Connection Events

Information and
inspiration for
the women of
Spring Lake Church

Our Mission
Loving God -Maturing
in His Character -
Reaching the World.
As you grow in love for
God, you mature and
reach out to the world.
As you mature, you
grow in love for God
and reach out to the
world. As you reach out
to the world, you grow
in love for God and you
mature in Christ.
A Second Cup
Summer 2014
And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. -Col. 3:14

Page 1
From the
Editors Cup
Events 3
The Link 4
Jennifer Lane
Plants, Flow-
ers, People by
Jeanne Bader
Who Goes
First by Les-
ley Swanson
Darla Turk
Moments by
Tina Hollen-
Recipe & The
Role of Rest
in Calling
Walk in Your
New Life by
Janice Ray
Recipe 17
Do you ever feel like just another face in the crowd? The
Women's Ministry Team cares about you personally and
has been prayerfully seeking the Lord on how He would
have us create opportunities for community among the
women of SLC and those not yet part of Spring
Lake. Community is often the vehicle God uses to
change us and if we are not making connections here, we
may be missing out on the very thing He wants to use.

We have been blessed to host over 100 women during
the two "Connection Nights" held in April and
June. Each night has offered an opportunity to catch
your breath, have a treat, catch up with old friends and
make new ones. Most importantly it has provided a time
to be encouraged and challenged by the Word of God.

Our next Connection Night is August 19th at 6:30
in the main lobby. Lesley Swanson will be continuing
with how the Gospel changes us, this time diving into
how God uses community. These events are designed
with you in mind. It does not matter if you have been at
Spring Lake for years or if last Sunday was your first
time here. All women, college age and up, are welcome!
There is a place at the table for you!

Page 2
From the Editors Cup
Its a processslow down and enjoy the journey

Ill begin by stating the obvious -- spring has finally sprung after a long, brutal winter. Now
its June and all around, people are working like crazy to whip their yards and gardens into
shape so they can enjoy the next few months of nice weather. Joe and I are no exception. We
have hundreds of perennials and dozens of flower beds that have been somewhat neglected
for a while. I decided sometime in mid-February that 2014 would be the year wed carve out
some time and diligently work on things outside. And although my body and soul have re-
belled against these efforts after 6 sedentary months, Im choosing to focus not on the pain,
but instead on perseverance and discipline. Avoiding the quick fix. Determination.
Grit. Fortitude. Resolve. Now to be clear, Im not a person who necessarily enjoys the
journey. In fact, I am quite the opposite. When I go on vacation, I dont like the traveling
part-- I want to be at our destination and just have fun. When we redecorate a room in our
house, I dont like planning, clearing furniture, hauling, cleaning, painting, etc., I just want
everything finished so I can sit and enjoy it. I dont read books---I dont have the patience--
instead I wait for the movie. And in my yard and garden, I want everything green, lush and
beautiful, yet I dont want to do all the hard work of digging, fertilizing, weeding, trimming,
watering, etc. I just want to walk outside and soak it all in. So, for me, the journey is defi-
nitely NOT the reward.

Which brings me to my gardening and perseverance analogy. I knew that in order to make
the changes needed after letting things in my garden go for so long, I would need a plan and I
could not do it alone. I recognized that I would need to be patient and to persevere. I also felt
that I wanted to use this opportunity to bond a bit with my husband and maybe even improve
relationships with my neighbors. So we began a few weeks ago, one hour at a timeflower
bed by flower bed. Digging, raking, trimming and watering. Fastidiously, slowly and gently
we began carefully digging and separating the plantsrecognizing that this might take some
time. We set small goals that allowed us to feel some satisfaction each time we completed an
area. It is a grueling process and it is tedious. We have sometimes felt overwhelmed as we
realize just how much work there is to do. Yet we continue on. Weve tried to encourage one
another and to help each other. And we are not done--not even close. It may take
weeks. There are setbacksbad weather, busy schedules and laziness. But that is how life is.
It all got me thinking about pacing ourselves, running the good race and keeping our eye on
the prize. In this case, I am talking about something as simple as a garden. But what a paral-
lel to our lives. I am ever-so-slowly learning such simple things. Two scriptures come to

Hebrews 12:1 (NIV) says Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of
witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles.
And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.

Also, Philippians 3:14 (ERV) tells us I keep running hard toward the finish line to get the
prize that is mine because God has called me through Christ Jesus to life up there in heaven.

Lorrie Blaylock is a member of the Womens Ministry team and serves as
editor of A Second Cup. She works in human resources, is very active in the community and
loves God, animals, her friends and her family! She and her husband Joe are long-time
members of Spring Lake.
Lorrie Blaylock
you have
me my
and my
made my
lot secure.

Page 3
Commit your
works to the
Lord and He
will establish
your plans.
Prov. 16:3

Save the Date:
Womens Fall Retreat
November 7
November 9, 2014

Landmark Resort,
Door County, WI

Speaker: Tammy Muller
The Pursuit of Peace
Transformed vs. Conformed

Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a
living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of
worship. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the
renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that
which is good and acceptable and perfect. Rom 12:1-2 (NASB).

Womens Connection Event
August 19, 2014
6:30 PM
SLC Main Lobby


SLCs Virtual Womens Bulletin Board

Spring Lake Church has a weekly virtual womens bulletin board that keeps
women connected with each. If you arent receiving it, sign up today. Below are
the guidelines:

A pre-link reminder is sent out by Monday of each week. Email Lisa LeSage at with any announcements you wish to post to the
group. From these, a bulk email will be compiled consisting of the information
from all the emails received. By Wednesday noon of each week, the information
will be sent from whatever emails were received to that point.
This email chain is for edification and sharing of personal and/or original
information, encouragement and resources within the group. It is not the place
to forward those entertaining emails you have received from others, no matter
how fabulous they are. Also include NO photos, graphics, or attachments.
Please avoid the posting of home shopping parties or school fundraisers.
Please limit announcement of garage sales and items for share, sale, or trade
to one or two post occurrences for any given announcement.
Comments or questions about good local businesses (including your own),
walking partners, parenting advice, extracurricular options for kids etc., etc. are
When you run across an announcement that you want to respond to, please
do so directly to her with the contact email or phone number provided in her
announcement. Do not reply to the group.
For items for sale or give-away, it's best to assume that unless you hear back
from the one who posted, someone else responded to them before you did.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Send your emails in the following format:

From: NAME

TEXT OF MESSAGE type it exactly as you want itthere will be no ed-
iting done.

Everything will be simply cut and pasted into one document without having to
do any additional editing.

If you no longer wish to subscribe to the LINK, please reply to this email and
write "Unsubscribe" in the subject line. Allow two weeks for processing.

My dear
brothers, take
note of this:
should be
quick to lis-
ten, slow to
speak and
slow to be-
come angry,
for mans
anger does
not bring
about the
righteous life
that God
James 1:19-20
Coffee Fact: Cappuccino is basically the blend
of steamed milk and espresso along with its
trademark foamy or frothy features. There are
cappuccino machines and recipes to create the
best blends for enthusiasts.
Page 4

My name is Jennifer Lane.

My family consists of my husband, Erik, and our
two kids; Hayden (2 years old) and Josephine (5

I have attended Spring Lake since March 2006.

I spend most (all) of my days at home with our
kids. We're blessed to be in a position where I can be
a stay-at-home mom. I'm certainly learning as we go
and soaking in the excitement/joy/chaos/temper-tantrums/fleeting baby mo-
ments/etc... each and every day.

For enjoyment I like to go for walks with the kids (now that warmer weather
has finally shown up!) and spend time with Erik when the moments present
themselves. I also indulge my DIY-creative side once a week and let my mind
veg for 30 minutes by watching Knock-It Off on LWN.

I am passionate about natural family-related things: natural child birth,
cloth diapering, being informed about the chemicals that are present in so
many household things, etc. I'm slowly weeding out commercially-prepared
items in our kitchen, cleaning cabinet, and personal care products and making
them myself instead.

In my spare time I like to sew. Erik bought me a sewing machine 2 years ago
and I finally took a class to learn how to use it prior to Josie's arrival. I'm cur-
rently working on more diapers for our little miss and bedding for Hayden's
new big-boy bed.

The last book I read was... I started reading Boys Should Be Boys by Meg
Meeker over a year ago. I think I'll have to start over when I have time to pick
up a book again!

My biggest challenge as a woman, wife, mother, etc. is not comparing
myself to other women/ wives/ mothers who seem to have it all together. I'm
learning to prioritize the things that are most important to my family and my-
self, rather than trying to fit someone else's mold.

I like my coffee with Italian Sweet Cream. I have 1 mug every morning...
sometimes I finish it while it's still hot.

My favorite scripture verse is Proverbs 3:5-8. It's a great daily reminder
for me to trust the Lord with all the big AND little things. He won't lead me

A Second Cup Profile
This is the day
the LORD has
made; let us re-
joice and be glad
in it.
Psalm 118:24
Jennifer Lane
Page 5

Plants. Flowers. People.
By Jeanne Bader

Have you ever thought about the similarities between plants/flowers and people? Dont
laugh; after all, both often begin life in nurseries! Both flowers and people are highly indi-
vidualistic. There are flowers, ferns, cycads, cacti, mosses, ivies, hedges, bushes and
grasses. Are you an ornamental? Are you showy? wild? or exotic?

Annuals vs. Perennials: Flowers can be classed as either annuals or perennials. Per-
ennials are planted once but usually last for several growing seasons. The goal is to keep
them growing indefinitely. Generally, annuals last for only one season. God designed peo-
ple for eternity so in that sense we are all perennials. We are made to last forevernot for
just a few seasons. We can compare the lasting quality of the perennial to the more
ephemeral quality of the annual, asking if we have the stick-to-itiveness to stay with some-
thing season after season or if we are more the annual type: here for a pleasant sunny
season but gone once the chill of coming winter threatens.

Zonal Sensitivities: All flowers have sensitivities. Lets consider some of the factors
that influence the growth of living things in the garden. First, theres climate. The US
Dept of Agriculture has divided North America into eleven hardiness zones. Ours is zone 4
-5 which means that some plants/flowers will survive and even thrive here while others are
too delicate or demanding to make it. How do you like your personal zone? Do you think
youd thrive if only you were planted in a different area? And while were thinking about
geography, did you know that flowers can be natives or transplants? We speak of people
in the same way.

The Dirt: Soil is an important factor in a flowers life and can be generally classed as
sandy, silt, clay, loam or combination. There are 26 major soil areas and 500 classifica-
tions in Wisconsin. Soil can be described as compacted, loose or depleted. No elaboration
here! Soil also has phthe measurement of acidity of alkalinity. The key to growth is the
right balance. Hows your balance?

Eating Right: Nutrients are essential to growth. What are you feeding yourself? A diet
of negative thoughts, a sour attitude and junk entertainment will not produce inner beauty.
Have you been mulched lately? Mulch for the garden is something like a warm blanket of
protection. Are you shivering, roots exposed, neglectedor have you been well-tended?
Have you been watered lately? We know that water is essential to life. What is essential in
your life? If you have identified something as a life-giving essential, are you making time
for it?

Composting: Last, soil benefits from composting. You know compost: kitchen garbage,
scraps, manure. The bacterial action produces the best soil for growth. So, have you been
dumped on lately? We usually object and complain when that happens, forgetting that a
wise and good gardener is working to produce growth. So are you cooperating or just wal-

Keeping Healthy: Any number of diseases can affect flowers and plants. These include
fungi, bacteria and viruses. Sounds familiar, doesnt it? We are subject to everything from
athletes foot to colds to cancer. Are you facing something annoying, difficult or even
deadly? Are you taking care of yourself? Have you consulted the plant doctor?

Guarding Against The Enemy: Flowers and plants have many natural enemies. Okay,
maybe we cant relate to deer and squirrels the way plants do, but we probably dont have
any trouble identifying things that annoy, irritate, eat at us or hurt us. Sometimes we
cant move away from unpleasant circumstances or difficult people. Do you see people as
enemies attacking you or as fellow plants and potentially beautiful flowers in a shared
For this is the
will of God,
1 Thes. 4:3a
Page 6

If we confess our
sins, he is faithful
and just and will
forgive us our
sins and purify
us from all un-
1 John 1:9
Page 7
(Plants. Flowers. People. continued)
Necessary Pruning: Pruning is a process which often involves cutting away un-
healthy or dead plant material in order to sustain health. Old, spent blooms are
picked or snipped off. With flowers, its called dead-heading and it produces a
lively, healthy plant instead of a tired, dull one. If plants arent pinched back, they
become awkward, weak and prone to disease or insect problems. Off with your
head! sounds a bit drastic but ridding ourselves of unhealthy thinking sounds
smart. Pruning is not pleasant but is necessary for growth, beauty and fruitfulness.

Warm Sunshine: Plants naturally turn toward to sun. Second grade science,
right? Its easy to make the correlation between sun (solar light and heat) to Son
(Jesus, the Son of God). Are you turning toward the light or are you living in the
darkness of sin and unhealthy life choices?

Issues of Style: What kind of garden were you made for? Courtyard, formal,
informal, shade, sun, autumn, winter, rough-cut bank, herbal, stylized, edge of the
pond, raised bed, cutting (ouch!), edge of the meadow, patio, pond, vertical, orna-
mental, dry stream, alpine, Japanese, English, disturbed area (!), wetland, prairie,
grassland, woodland, marsh or meadow? Again, God originally designed us for a
wonderful garden, and those who have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ
are assured of an ideal future location. But right now none of us is in an ideal
placenot geographically, emotionally, physically or spiritually. So how are you
doing in your present location? Should you move? Can you flourish?

Whats In a Name? The last similarity is in name. Each flower has a Latin, bo-
tanical name and can be identified by genus, species, variety or cultivar. Neat, isnt
it? We can trace the roots of a flower just like the genealogy of a person. A true
gardener can identify a plant in a very specific way. I say, the yellow flower on the
airy green plant and she says, Coreopsis, verticillata, Moonbeam. Coreopsis is
the genus and verticillata the specific epithet. Why so much trouble? The common
name of a plant or flower may be shared by numerous plants and flowers; one
plant may have more than one common name. How many people have you met
who share your first, middle or last name? But each Latin name is unique. In ad-
dition, a flower may have a variety or trade name. In the same way, you are
known to God as an individual, by name and by history. Your past is not lost or
forgotten. Keeping track of your history or blended family is not a problem for

Weve had a light and humorous comparison of flowers to people but remember
that you are of greater value than anything in a flower garden. You are known to
God by type and by design. You are highly valued as a unique individualnot as a
garden specimenby a personal God.

Read the words of Jesus from the New Testament book of Matthew: Consider the
lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solo-
mon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. But if God so clothes the
grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will
he not much more clothe you, o you of little faith? Therefore, do not be anxious,
saying, what shall we eat? or what shall we drink? or what shall we wear? For
your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first the kingdom of
God and his righteousness, and all these things will be
added to you.

Jeanne Bader manages the Spring Lake Church
Library and serves on the Womens Ministry leader-
ship team, among other things. She recently spoke at
the May 2014 womens connection event and shared
about flowers and their many parallels to our lives.

into this kind of question, Who goes
first? Trust me, I have been asking
myself this question when I slip into
this mind-set. How should the Gos-
pel ~ Jesus life, death and resurrec-
tion ~ affect this question?

We could turn to many different pas-
sages in Gods Word that speaks to
this, but my heart has been nudged
to go to Pauls letter to the Philippi-
ans. He opens the letter with a de-
scription of himself that should be
the description we use of ourselves as
Christ followers; he calls himself a

A bond-servant denoted a willing
slave who was happily and loyally
linked to his master. And who is our
Master? Christ. And what kind of
Master is He? One who had an atti-
tude that Paul says we are to have:
Do nothing from selfishness or
empty conceit, but with humility of
mind regard one another as more
important than yourselves; do not
merely look out for your own per-
sonal interests, but also for the inter-
ests of others. Have this attitude in
yourselves that was also in Christ Je-
sus . . . (Phil. 2.3-5a)

In those words that were breathed
into Paul from God Himself, are the
words selfishness and empty con-
ceit. Here selfishness speaks of the
pride that prompts people to push for
their own way. OUCH! And empty
conceit, which literally is empty
glory, which speaks of the pursuit of
personal glory, which is the root
heart issue for selfish ambition.
Again . . .OUCH!

God tells us we are to do NO-thing
out of heart that has as its goal my
way and my glory. We are to do
EVERY-thing with humility that says
everyone else is more important than
me or my way and my glory. BE-
CAUSE . . this was Christs attitude.

And if we are to be like Him . . . we
go first!

As that portion of Scripture goes on
Not long after the wedding bells
quit chiming, and Dave and I began
our married life together, this ques-
tion arose ~ So, whos gonna go
first? See the premise behind that
question is really this kind of
thought process: Im pretty sure
that I did this . . . and this . . . and
this FOR YOU . . . so now, what are
you going to do for me?

WOW! Just typing that out sounds
so selfish! Didnt seem selfish
when I was feeling it and thinking
it . . and of course, saying it. I was
pretty focused on me.

But how many of us are truly will-
ing to admit, and be transparent,
that we have thought or said those
things? Dave is not a big fan of me
asking that question. And, actually,
come to think of it, Im pretty sure
Ive asked it and he really hasnt . . .
well, not so much with his words
but he does by his actions some-

Can you relate to what Im saying
here? Whos going to be the first to
serve the other one?

This is not just true of a marriage
relationship, it can also be true of a
work relationship (boss/employee,
employee/employee) or a friend
relationship, a sibling relationship,
or a . . . you-name-it-relationship!
It can creep into any of us when we
relate on a continual basis with
another image-bearer of God.

I am going to be bold and say, that
it happens most often in a marriage
relationship because spouses are
the closest neighbor one could
possibly have. Im pretty sure
when Dave and I got married we
were each thinking, I found and
married someone whose going to
love (aka, serve) me . . .forever!

So, where does the Gospel fit
to say (my paraphrase) ~ He gave
up ALL His rights . . . although He
existed in the form of God, did not
regard equality with God a thing to
be grasped, but emptied (Christ
renounced, set aside, gave up His
privileges) Himself, taking the form
of a bond-servant (v.6-7a)

Wives, friends, daughters, sisters,
employees ~ we go first! We hum-
bly serve FIRST; give up our rights
FIRST; look out for the other per-
sons interests FIRST; we meet oth-
ers needs FIRST. And we do it
willingly, happily and loyally be-
cause that is what Jesus did for us
when He came to dwell among us
and to die for us!

There is an area of my married life
to Dave that I still struggle with. A
few months back, things got a little
intense in that area and there was
conflict between us. The Holy
Spirit reminded me, that I had
bought a book that addressed spe-
cifically this struggle of mine. So, I
picked it up and began reading . . .
and also began arguing with God
over it. Basically I kept saying,
But I dont want to do that! Its not
fair that I have to do that! . . and
on and on I went with the Lord. I
finally broke and said, Yes, Lord, I
will go FIRST!

Let me just say, especially to you
who are married, it is amazing what
being obedient to the Lord will do
for your marriage!! I know that the
same would be true in any other
relationship where you went

Swanson has
been the
local Heal-
ing Hearts
Core Group
Leader since
2003 and feels
privileged to see God do amazing
things in the lives of hurting
women. Interested women can
contact her at 920-360-2876. She
and her husband Dave have
3 children.
Who Goes First?
A Lesson in Serving
and Sacrifice
By Lesley Swanson
Lesley Swanson
Page 8

Page 9
Church Info You Can Use:

Small Groups: At SLC, the primary way we believe people
grow more into Christlikeness is in the context of small
groups. Are you a part of one? If not, visit or call the church office at 983-
9090 for more information.

Get involved: Looking to get more plugged in at SLC, the SLC Viewbook offers an overview
of Spring Lake Churchs ministries. Pick one up in the lobby and see how easily you can get

House of Prayer: Throughout Scripture, we are encouraged to pray on our own, pray for
one another, and pray without ceasing. If you, or a loved one, would like prayer, we have a
team ready to intercede on your behalf. Email with
your praise report or prayer request today.
Panera Bread: Panera Bread: Spring Lake Church is a recipient of Panera Bread's weekly leftover bak-
ery. Every Monday we will have bread, bagels, pastries, etc. whatever was baked, but not sold on Sunday.
If you or someone you know is in need and could be blessed by some Panera Bread bakery, please send an
email with the Family Name, # of people in the family, contact information and a brief description of their
need to or call (920) 983-9090 for more info.
Did you know we have a Women of Spring
Lake Church Facebook page to keep you up
to date on everything relating to the women
of SLC? Like us today!
Calling All Decorators!
Do you have an eye for decorating? Have you ever wished that you could
make an impact on kids through VBS but your schedule does not allow for
it or you do not feel gifted in children's ministry? Well, we have the per-
fect job for you! Come let your skills shine through by helping prepare the
SLC campus for VBS this summer. Children's Ministry will be hosting SHINE, a VBS dedicated to teaching
kids the beauty of giving glory to God. We are in need of someone to champion a team of decorators and
workers to help implement the vision. Decorating will take place on July 20th. Anyone interested in helping
SLC SHINE for Jesus should contact Cheryl Wolf in the church office

Page 10

My name is Rene Lubinski.

My family consists of my loving, sup-
portive spouse, Bart, of 34 years and our
three adult children: Jacob (32 y/o bio medical engineer in
Boston) and his wife, Caitlin (new mommy), Tarah (30 y/o
living in Bangkok Thailand, teaching biology at an English
speaking university while working on her MBA. Nathanael
(28 y/o, just bought a home - a fixer-upper, works and lives
in GB after having lived in Alaska, Colorado and Thailand.
Our newest addition, Forrest (first grandson, born 10/2013)
is a delight! Oh, and our affectionate dog, Zoe, a 5 y/o Cava-
lier (spaniel family).

I have attended Spring Lake for one year. Bart and I
have been an active part of the faith community since 1979
(we met at a Nicky Cruz crusade where each of us served as counselors!). We
find ourselves utterly grateful for all the evangelistic opportunities within SLC;
a church that lives out its values and reaches the GB community as a bright
light for Jesus Christ.

I spend most of my days in ministry as a Healthcare Chaplain, helping pa-
tients and their families navigate through what they often describe as turbulent
waters of diagnosis, treatment and survivorship, providing spiritual care and
resources to assist in the healing process. Under this same ministry I oversee
the Clinical Pastoral Education Program at Aurora hospital, training and men-
toring student Chaplains (ministry leaders, pastors, seminary students).

For enjoyment spending time with family and friends, gardening, biking,
cross country skiing, reading/researching information helpful to my patients
and students. I enjoy study of the Greek translation of the Word; its like min-
ing for precious gems!

I am passionate about reaching the lost with and for Jesus Christ. Dr. Jo-
seph Parker told his theology students, Preach to the suffering and you will
never lack a congregation. For some reason Im attracted to the broken
hearted, the lonely, the lost, and the despondent. Ive been that way since I was
a kid. A friend of mine once said that Christians are like manure: spread them
out and they help everything grow better, but keep them in one big pile and
they stink horribly. As much as I love the church and am mindful of taking
every opportunity to extend good to all, especially those who are of
the household of faith (Gal 6:10), I seek God to spread me out into His world!
Its pretty big out there and the harvest, pretty plentiful which leads to a related
passion - teaching and mentoring chaplain students - in this the laborers are
multiplied. I love how God creatively supplies!

In my spare time I enjoy reading or listening, while walking or driving, to
several different God-fearing, humble-minded teachers, preachers or evangel-

The last book I read was Ships of Mercy by Don Stephens. Serving aboard
a Mercy Ship (a big, white hospital ship that serves the extreme poor in Africa
and around the world) is something I dream of doing once I retire (Lord will-
ing). Should our Lord tarry, I envision this sometime in my late
70s. (continued on p.11)

Have I not
commanded you
be strong and
courageous? Do
not be terrified;
do not be dis-
couraged for
your Lord your
God will be with
you wherever
you go.
Joshua 1:9
Rene Lubinski
A Second Cup Profile
An Extended Visit

(Renee Lubinski Profile continued)
My biggest challenge as a woman, wife, mother, etc. Something I confront, as a female
minister, is that some automatically stereotype women in general as soft. With being called to
crisis and journeying with patients, their families and the medical staff, I feel Gods presence as
He assists me in meeting the needs of others in their darkest hour. I consider it an honor to
reach out with the compassion of Christ to a lost and dying world. Though its a challenge at
times with those that dont yet know me, yet judge before a word or an action comes forth, I
dont feel as though I need to prove myself. Thats too much work. Rather, Ive learned to invite
the Holy Spirit do the work. I simply walk out the call with gladness, grateful that God chooses
and uses the weak and foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise and the things
which are mighty (1 Cor 1:27).

Being called to evangelism, though God supplies surprising, unprecedented favor within the
medical facility I work at, its not without regular spiritual warfare. At times its so thick, I feel it
could be cut with a knife! Though a challenge, and rather painful at times, Ive learned, by Gods
grace to embrace it and face these challenges with deep dependence upon God. He always comes
out strong, avenging and protecting on my behalf. Reading the Word and books on spiritual war-
fare assists greatly. Too, I humbly welcome prayer.

Finally, not being able to see and hold my new grandson as often as I would love, due to my son
and his wife living/working in Boston (though Ive flown there thrice since his birth). My hearts
desire is to be part of, and speak into, my grandchildrens lives which brings about this crazy
urge to move the east coast however, I fully realize and often self-talk how thats just not realis-

I like my coffee actually I enjoy tea above coffee. Im a green tea drinker, which I enjoy with
coconut milk and stevia. Unusual perhaps but yummy nonetheless.

My favorite scripture verse For me, this is like being asked which of my two eyes is most
valuable! I feel I need and value them both. The best way I can respond is by way of what I hear
God speaking to me this week or today which is Psalm 91: 1,2: He who dwells in the secret place
of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my
refuge and my fortress; m God in Him I will trust.

Anything else youd like others to know about you? I hunt and can shoot a bow (shot a
deer, from 21 feet up in a tree stand) or hook a worm without a glitch (caught a large salmon out
on the Bay:). Though Ive not had time to hunt in several years, I do enjoy any opportunity to
spend time with my husband, Bart, who loves hunting and from whom I learned to hunt.
Finally, I love laughter and because my work can be heavy at times, I enjoy the company of
friends who know how to laugh and enjoy the life Gods given.

Page 11

My name is Darla Turk.

My family consists of my husband of 24 years,
Scott, our daughter Haley (22), and our son Logan

I have attended Spring Lake for about 6

I spend most of my days caring for my family and
keeping our household what I think is running smoothly. I have been blessed to
be a stay at home mom for the past 22 years. We did enter the empty nest chap-
ter of life this past fall so I look forward to summer when the kids will return
home for a few months.

For enjoyment I love to spend time with my family, reading, camping
(especially spending time in the pool), and traveling.

I am passionate about the residents at Freedom House. Every Monday for
the past 4 years people from SLC have provided the evening meal for the
residents. For about the past 3 years I have helped serve and cleaned-up
these meals on most Monday nights. I have had the privilege of getting to know
the families, and ministering both physically and spiritually to them. I have
been able to keep in touch with several of the moms after they have moved into
their own homes. I enjoy trying to help them see Jesuss love for them. I have
also had the opportunity to participate in the bible studies we have done 3 to 4
times a year at Freedom House. I love to see the smiles on their faces. One
great joy is getting to hold the babies!

In my spare time I love to get together with friends for coffee or dinner.

The last book I read was I love almost any Christian fiction. The last book I
read was Fifteen Minutes by Karen Kingsbury.

My biggest challenge as a woman, wife, mother, etc. is using my time
wisely and reminding myself it isnt all about me. Being part of a family is just
that, you are only one part. I try to be the best loving and supportive wife and
mother I can be.

I like my coffee: I love an extra hot vanilla latte from Starbucks. Ive never
declined an invitation to a stop at Starbucks. Most often though, I enjoy a cup
at home with flavored creamer.

My favorite scripture verse is Philippians 4:13 I can do everything
through him who gives me strength.

Anything else youd like others to know about you? I love watching
football and basketball. I played basketball in high school, but my height was
not to my advantage. Yes, I am one of those crazy people that will sit outside in
the bitter cold at a Packer game.

A Second Cup Profile
The LORD has
done great
things for us,
and we are filled
with joy.
Psalms 126:3
Darla Turk
Page 12

ple, Bay Beach offers rides for
about fifty cents a pop. We also
have a handful of water parks
that cost just a few dollars per
visit and dozens of free wading
pools where even tweens can
enjoy splashing around on a
hot day. In addition, more
than one local bowling alley
offers an amazing deal, no
strings attached: free bowling
all summer long for school-
aged kids. Of course, we have
innumerable parks loaded with
playground equipment and a
beautiful arboretum on the
grounds of UWGB. And with a
bit of sleuthing, you can cer-
tainly unearth other opportu-
Second, brainstorm ac-
tivities your child can do at
home when boredom strikes:
bead projects, cheap wooden
models, reading, sidewalk
chalk, and biking come imme-
diately to my mind, to name
just a few. Then post the list in
a handy spot and pull it out
when whining starts. Be clear
that you expect your child to
try something on the list and,
before too long, something will
pique the interest of most kids.
Theyll get going on the project
and may even branch off to
something from their own
Which brings up my third
suggestion: Dont always
come to the rescue. In our
me culture, kids might expect
us to spoon-feed them their
fun. But they need opportuni-
ties to discover for themselves
how to occupy their time in
meaningful ways a skill
theyll never develop if we pro-
gram their entire lives for
them. So do what our own par-
ents did: send them outside or
upstairs with an assignment to
simply find something to do
something that does not in-
volve electronic media of any
kind since kids already get far
Every year at this time, I see
at least one version of a per-
ennial newspaper cartoon.
Details and drawing styles
differ, but the theme is the
same. In the first frame, chil-
dren burst forth from school
doors, grinning and shout-
ing, Its summer! Now
what? In the second, a mom
hunches over, lamenting, Its
summer! Now what?
Each time I see this, I
cringe because I resent the
message it conveys that
moms should or actually do
dislike being with their chil-
dren. And taken a step fur-
ther it insinuates theres
something wrong with us if
we enjoy our kids because,
according to these cartoons,
normal women just want to
This twist on reality isnt
accurate. Sure, we get tired,
but most moms love their
children deeply. We became
moms because we were called
to do so for myriad reasons,
and we cherish family time.
That side of mothering is
rarely portrayed in pop cul-
ture, and that irks me.
On the other hand, I un-
derstand the one level of
truth illustrated in the car-
toons: We moms sometimes
do tire of the continual de-
mands placed upon us. So
summer days can sometimes
seem very long indeed. We
wonder what to do all day,
especially when our kids
complain of boredomand
all the more when we find
ourselves in seasons of life
during which we cannot af-
ford expensive diversions.
To deal with those realities,
I have three suggestions.
First, investigate cheap
local venues and schedule
one outing a week. For exam-
too much screen time in school
and out. Theyll grumble at first,
but dont give in. Stand your
ground, and then take a peek 20
minutes later; youll soon see
Legos or paper dolls pulled from
the back of the closetor spy
them studying the habits of an
ant colony or simply lying on
their backs gazing at passing
With those strategies under
your belt, I predict you wont
very often find yourself in the
company of the sad cartoon
mom. Rather, youll enjoy some
sweet quality time with your
kids this summer just as you
desire tobecause you love
them to pieces. And when
theyre off discovering their own
pleasures, youll even find bits of
time to enjoy a few of your own

Children are a gift from the
LORD; they are a reward
from him. Psalm 127:3

Tina Hollenbeck and her hus-
band Jeff have been at SLC
since 1999, and are raising and
home-educating two daughters,
Rachel and Abigail. She also
currently operates a small, in-
home daycare business,
through which she has provided
care to more than a dozen
young children since 2003. And,
prior to becoming a mom, Tina
served as a missionary to the
public schools for nine years,
teaching English to immigrant
teenagers. On any given Sun-
day at SLC, you might find Tina
on stage or in the video booth,
serving on the worship team.
Mothering Moments
By Tina Hollenbeck
Tina Hollenbeck & family
Page 13

Page 14
The Library Lady

While the library lady is on vacation, she
reminds everyone that lists for summer reading
will be available in the Library as well as the
Book Nook. Selections range from fiction, bios,
Christian life, missions and the Church. Look
for books on leadership, social justice, commu-
nity, life issues, and discipleship.

Read to relax, to learn and to flourish!


The library at Spring Lake Church is open every Sunday between services. Stop by to check out
these books or any other titles.

Cucumber, Tomato and Feta Salad

Classic cucumber salad goes Greek with Feta cheese, Kalamata olives and
organic oregano.

2 cucumbers, halved lengthwise, seeded and
sliced -inch thick
pint grape tomatoes, halved
cup crumbled Feta
cup Kalamata olives, pitted and halved
1 clove fresh minced garlic
teaspoon oregano
teaspoon sea salt
teaspoon black pepper
cup of fresh lemon juice
cup olive oil

In a small bowl, combine the garlic, oregano, sea salt, black pepper and lemon juice.
While whisking, slowly pour the olive oil in a steady stream. Cover and store in the fridge
until ready to use.

In a medium bowl, combine the sliced cucumbers, tomato halves, Feta and olives. Toss a
few times and drizzle with the dressing when ready to serve.

Page 15

The Role of Rest in Calling (A Benediction)
Way back in the 90s, I had what I contend might
still be my favorite job of all time. I, was an aero-
bics instructor. This was in the days of step aero-
bics, and choreography was king. I loved this job,
probably because it played into my dream to be on
Broadway, which, if were being literal, I am right
now. In my aerobics classes, wed do all sorts of
crazy choreography and then, before the reward of
stretching, and relaxing and ending the hard work
of the day, we all walked around with our fingers
on our pulses and we counted each beat for 15 sec-
onds because we wanted to be sure our heart rate,
which had been elevated during all of that chal-
lenging choreography that we either conquered or
tripped over or celebrated together, after all of
that, we needed our heart to return to rest.

The more quickly our hearts returned to rest, the
more efficient, the healthier, the more whole were
our hearts, and the less time it took to recover
from all that work.

Rest, for our hearts, is home. And the same is true
for our souls, as we navigate the world of calling as
women in all of the places God sets us in the
classroom, the board room, the pulpit, the carpool
lane, the 3 AM feedings, the basketball court, the
100K word novel, the dinner table, the garden, the
non-profit organization, the place God has called
us in all of these places, rest is home for the
soul. And we all know in the world, rest is not

I write on a blog, and in the world of blogging,
some people embark on a challenge for 31 days in
October, where we write, each day, on one topic,
for the entire 31 days. The challenge does many
things. It helps a writer hone her skills by writing
every day. It focuses a writer by writing on the
same topic, 31 days in a row. Some of the bloggers
have gone on to publish books, based entirely on
what they wrote during those 31 days in October.
It is a writers dream, and nightmare all at the
same time.

If were honest, bloggers will admit there is bit of
platform-building in these 31 days. Having your
words out in front of so many people for so many
days often results in more readers, more subscrib-
ers, more FB likes, more re-tweets, more pins on
Pinterest, more clout. The 31 Day Challenge, when
executed well, can be like gold for a blogger. There
is conventional wisdom in the world of blogging. It
says you should write like this, but dont write like
that, and never write about things like this, that,
or the other. You should write this many times
each week at this time of day and you should com-
ment and share and Tweet and Instagram with
wild abandon; but not too much.

It can be like a treadmill with no off switch, and
we dont even realize our heartbeat is over the top,
and it has no idea how to find the road back to

I took the 31 Day Challenge two years in a row, but
this year, I wasnt getting the go-ahead from God.
And one day, after my little group of bible study
friends walked down my driveway, I traced my
finger over the keys of my computer, in search of
the off button, and I clearly felt God telling me
my challenge this year would be 31 days off. No
blogging. Not one word. For 31 days.

For a moment, I thought I should panic. No blog-
ging for 31 days? While everyone else was building
her platform, I should just go quietly into the

31 days off in the world of blogging is practically
unheard ofwhat if no one missed me? What if I
became invisible? What if my blog died?

Arent these the questions we ask ourselves when
contemplating whether or not to give in to a sea-
son, or a week, or a day, or fifteen minutes of rest?
But this is my calling! I wanted to say

And there, as I turned my laptop off, I knew 31
Days Off was right. Risky, but right. And it was

I didnt spend my days thinking up something to
write. I lived life, and there was inspiration every-
where and, every now and then, Id wonder if any-
one would notice that I was gone, but those
thoughts came less and less. The heartbeat of my
soul was slowing down, finding its way home, and,
one day, in the evening, when I had hours of free-
dom ahead of me, I said to my husband, Taking
31 days off from blogging is one of the best things
God ever told me to do! Less that one minute
later, I noticed a message in my inbox: Hello
friend, the message began, and then, I am fasci-
nated by your 31 Days OFF, and I wonder if
youd be interested in talking to our women about

Submitted by a regular reader of
A Second Cup and excerpted from a
Nov. 19, 2013 blog post by Deidre Riggs.

Page 16

Walk in your new life
Janice Ray reflects on her recent trip to Malawi, Africa

Walk in your new life These words, spoken by Pastor Muisisi at the church service we
attended, were directed toward his congregation. His message taken from Luke 3 spoke of
bearing good fruits. This provided a time for Dave Ames to speak up front communicating our
desire to partner with believers to help them be witnesses and disciple others to new life in

Come and see what the Lord has done. One of the songs sung by the Funsani children
as they waved tree branches and walked to two newly constructed homes for widows in the
village of Funsani. These homes were funded by Spring Lake under the direction of the Aquaid
foundation. We watched two widows perform a ribbon cutting ceremony on their front porch
and raise arms and voices in praise as they walked into their new homes. What a privilege to
pray a blessing for them in Gods provision for their shelter. Also, what a great visual leading up
to Palm Sunday! Chief Funsani spoke at this time and commented that he only thought we
came for the children, but is realizing that God has sent us to help the village as a whole. We
saw him accept one of the Bibles we had obtained to donate to the local church. Please pray that
Chief Funsani would follow the Lord. His leadership greatly influences the direction of those in
the village.

These are just a few examples of answered prayers and praises from my recent trip to Malawi.
We saw Gods provision for our travel, health, and protection. We had opportunity to pray over
the staff at Funsani and the villagers who came seeking treatment. Discussions were held about
future plans to build additional classrooms at Funsani. We saw 187 children--62 had HIV test-
ing performed. Keep the children in prayer as some have left the program due to pregnancy or
marriage at an early age. Two preschool age children also tested HIV positive. Pray for them to
receive needed treatment and to come to faith in Christ. I am very grateful for the prayer cover-
ing and had a very palpable sense of your prayers this trip.

One of our devotionals centered on the kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed (Matthew 13).
One of the smallest seeds becomes one of the largest plants in a garden and provides branches
for birds to find shelter. One of the facts I learned about mustard seeds was that they tend to
grow best in the most contaminated and dirtiest places. Not only will they grow, but thrive.
Please pray that believers in
Funsani would be like seed in Gods
kingdom work in their village
through modeling Christs love for
them. What a great reminder to
trust through faith that He can
work in the darkest places!

The main thing I desired to convey
is that covering a trip or anything
in prayer prepares the way,
prepares hearts, and opens doors to
serve others and share Christ with
them. Prayer is vital to everything
done in our day to day life or by
serving on a trip like this. So
thankful for those who labor in

Page 17

Strawberry Chantilly
1 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
2 egg whites
1 cup white sugar
2 cups fresh strawberries
1 cup heavy cream
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1. Preheat oven to 300 degrees
2. Mix flour, sugar and butter until crumbly. Stir in chopped walnuts.
3. Press two-thirds of the mixture in the bottom of a 9x13-inch baking dish; the remaining
crumble will be used for the topping. Bake in preheated oven for 20 minutes. Cool crust com-
4. In large deep bowl, stir together egg whites, sugar, strawberries, and lemon juice. Whip with
electric mixer at high speed for 10 minutes. In another mixing bowl, whip whipping cream until
stiff and fold into strawberry mixture. Spread over cooled crust. Sprinkle with remaining crumb
mixture. Freeze for 6 hours or overnight before serving.
Coffee Fact: Coffee is how more than
100 million people make a living.
Any questions, comments, or
suggestions can be sent to:

Spring Lake Churchs Womens Ministry
2240 Klondike Road
Green Bay, WI, 54311

Womens Ministry Team:

Jeanne Bader
Lorrie Blaylock
Neoma Cooper
Tugger Henri
Cheri Louwagie
Becca Nicholas
Lesley Swanson
Jeanne Wolf

Newsletter Contact:

Lorrie Blaylock, Editor
A Second Cup
Submission Guidelines (revised 03/16/2013)

A Second Cup is published four times per year by Spring
Lake Churchs Womens Ministry team. Articles should be
submitted as attachments to Lorrie Blaylock at by the deadline each quar-
ter. Photos should be submitted digitally with a minimum
pixel size of 1024x768, and should be submitted by email. A
Second Cup will not publish articles that would be deemed
as advertisements or business-promotions. The newsletter
will be disseminated by email to an e-distribution list and
will posted on the church website. As a result, information
in the newsletter may appear on the Internet.

As a general rule, articles should be 400 words or less and
must be submitted as a Microsoft Word document (Georgia,
11 pt. font). Contributors must be regular attenders of
Spring Lake Church. The editor reserves the right to edit ar-
ticles prior to publication in the newsletter for any reason;
including space limitations, content, or any other rea-
son. The editor also has the right to reject anything that she
feels is not beneficial to the newsletter or does not fall within
these guidelines or the newsletters purpose. She will con-
sult with editorial and pastoral staff if questionable requests

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